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Group standard TL 52660

Issue 2019-09
Class. No.: 55154

Descriptors: cd-enhancing underbody panel, engine encapsulation, motor encapsulation, stone guard,
thermoplastics, underbody application

Underbody Applications
Engine/Motor Encapsulation, Stone Guard, cd-Enhancing Underbody Panel
in Thermoplastic Design

4 Types: A, B, C, D

Previous issues
TL 52660: 2005-10, 2008-01, 2009-01, 2012-09, 2013-07, 2013-11, 2014-05, 2014-06

The following changes have been made to TL 52660: 2014-06:
a) Technical responsibility updated
b) Title changed
c) Types added
d) Section 1 "Scope" and Section 2 "Designation" adapted
e) Section 3.1 "Basic requirements": Documentation on material sample inspection as per
VW 52000 and granular material for thermoplastic components as per VW 50026 added
f) Section 3.2.1 "Note on the addition of regrind/recycled material (production waste)",
Section 3.4 "Material release list", Section 4.1 "Materials and filler contents", and
Section 4.11 "Specimen sampling" added
g) Section 6 "Materials requirements for the finished part" with requirements tables (Table 1 and
Table 2) added
h) Sections on "types," "thermal stability," "thermal behavior," and "testing instructions" removed
i) Appendices "Example for a material data sheet," "Test plan (example) – only for suppliers,"
and material data sheets removed
j) Other editorial changes

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Designation ................................................................................................................ 2
3 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Basic requirements .................................................................................................... 3
Always use the latest version of this standard.
This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign. Page 1 of 22
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent
of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2019-10
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3.2 Use of materials – general notes/explanations .......................................................... 3

3.2.1 Note on the addition of regrind/recycled material (production waste) ........................ 4
3.3 Marking as per German Association of the Automotive Industry standard
VDA 260 ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Material release list .................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Manufacture ............................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Appearance ................................................................................................................ 5
3.7 Conditioning ............................................................................................................... 5
3.8 Evaluation of the measurement results ...................................................................... 5
3.9 Types as per materials table ...................................................................................... 5
4 Materials requirements and testing notes .................................................................. 5
4.1 Materials and filler contents ....................................................................................... 5
4.2 Low-temperature behavior with ball drop test ............................................................ 5
4.3 Resistance to chemicals ............................................................................................ 6
4.4 Flammability ............................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Aging resistance ......................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Resistance to hot wax ................................................................................................ 8
4.7 Density ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Flexural strength with modulus of elasticity ................................................................ 8
4.9 Impact strength .......................................................................................................... 9
4.10 Notched impact strength .......................................................................................... 10
4.11 Specimen sampling .................................................................................................. 13
5 Functionally relevant minimum requirements ........................................................... 13
6 Materials requirements for the finished part ............................................................. 13
6.1 Material requirements TL 52660-A, TL 52660-B, and TL 52660-C .......................... 14
6.2 Additional requirements for components in visible areas – TL 52660-D .................. 20
7 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 20
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................. 22
A.1 Standard test report ................................................................................................. 22
A.2 Material release list .................................................................................................. 22

1 Scope
This Technical Supply Specification (TL) defines the component requirements for underbody appli-
cations (engine encapsulations, motor encapsulations, stone guards, cd-enhancing underbody
panels, etc.) made of thermoplastics (e.g., PP-GMT, long-glass-fiber-reinforced PP, PA6-GF30).
The limit and tolerance requirements are listed in the materials table (table 1).

2 Designation
Designation examples for the drawing text:
PP with 40% long glass fibers and PP with multiaxial woven fabric insert (GM50) as per
TL 52660-A
PP, elastomer-modified 30% mineral-filled as per TL 52660-B
PA6 with 20% glass fibers as per TL 52660-C
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3 Requirements

3.1 Basic requirements

Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155
Granular material for thermoplastic components as per VW 50026.
Resistance to open-air weathering as per VW 50185.
Documentation for material sample inspection as per VW 52000.
Material conformity as per VW 91101.
The number of parts required for the material analysis must be agreed upon with the part owner in
the Volkswagen Materials Engineering department, and depend on the scope of the contract and
the geometry of the part.

3.2 Use of materials – general notes/explanations

The technological properties of the materials used for the components must ensure the function
and safety of the vehicle over the entire service life. Fillers such as glass fibers, talc, and mineral
fillers, as well as modifying agents used for heat and UV stabilization purposes, are permissible.
In the case of components made of composite materials (metal/plastic, adhesive bonds, hard/soft
combination), compatibility of the materials must be ensured. If necessary, the materials must be
matched to each other by means of pretreatments (e.g., bonding agents).
If the material for the finished part is changed during development or during ongoing production,
this change must be presented and examined in all cases.
Material qualities that have not yet been entered in table 1 must have been tested by Development
with positive results and the corresponding material properties must have been determined in the
Materials Engineering department. The new materials can then be incorporated into table 1.
Table 1 refers to the basic material composition and not to the trade names of the individual prod-
ucts. The requirements in the target specifications are decisive. They alone are used as the basis
for the material release of the materials (in agreement with Testing).
The requirements of the respective material can be seen in section 6 of this TL.
The standard test report as per VW 52000 must be used (see section A.1). A different format must
not be used.
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3.2.1 Note on the addition of regrind/recycled material (production waste)

As per VW 50026.
When using recycled material, it must be ensured that both the material composition and the mate-
rial properties are in accordance with the release status. This must be ensured for every supplied
material batch. The drawing specifications must always be adhered to.
The addition of production waste up to 10% is permissible, but the same trade quality must be
used. The addition of different material qualities is prohibited, even if the material compositions are
identical. This is to rule out, for example, the chance of different stabilizer packages from different
raw material manufacturers interacting with each other. In addition, only production waste that has
been processed using the same process may be used.

3.3 Marking as per German Association of the Automotive Industry standard VDA 260
DIN EN ISO 1043-1, DIN EN ISO 1043-2, and DIN EN ISO 11469 apply as the basis for marking.
Marking of the components must comply with these standards.
Table 1 lists some marking examples. These may vary depending on the material composition.

3.4 Material release list

There is a material release list for this Technical Supply Specification; see section A.2.
The materials specified in the list correspond to the types of this TL specified there. The UV resist-
ance is also specified. Deviating requirements specified in the drawings must also be implemented.
Processing the materials affects the mechanical characteristic values. It must be ensured that the
processing does not negatively affect the properties.
If materials from the release list are used, the only material tests that need to be performed are
those in table 1 that have been marked with an "x" in the column "Scope of testing for materials in
the release list."
Material qualities that are not yet listed in the material release list may be used under the following
1. Release by the Development Testing department
2. Fulfillment of the appropriate type of this TL and, if necessary, cross-checked by Volkswagen
Materials Engineering (for details, see the material release list).
The materials are recorded in the material release list only after positive results are obtained in the
evaluation from 1. and 2.

3.5 Manufacture
Injection molding process, thermal extrusion process
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3.6 Appearance
The surface and interior of the components must be free of flaws and processing faults such as
flow lines, cracks, and the like. Small voids are permissible only if they do not negatively affect the
component's function. This must be ensured in the scope of testing.
Voids must be prevented especially in attachment areas, because they produce a direct risk of
fracture (e.g., in the area of threaded connections and/or clips). Computed tomography (CT), for
example, can be used to inspect the microstructure.
The definition of voids (as per VW 50093) comes into effect only if abnormalities appear in the test-
ing (crack formations, fractures) and void clusters are verified by subsequent cross sections or CT
examinations. For the critical areas, limits on porosity are then defined in the component drawing.
Sink marks at the base of ribs and stiffenings are permissible only if they do not adversely affect
the part's function or appearance.

3.7 Conditioning
Prior to testing, the components and the specimens taken from the components must be condi-
tioned in the standard atmosphere as per VW 50554 – 23/50-2 for at least 1 h. It must be ensured,
however, that newly produced parts (after removal from the tool) are conditioned as per
VW 50554 – 23/50-2 for at least 1 week.

3.8 Evaluation of the measurement results

The required numerical values apply to each individual measurement. Average values that achieve
the minimum requirements of the TL will not be accepted if not every individual value meets the
minimum requirements.

3.9 Types as per materials table

The mechanical materials data defined in table 1 applies only for the material compositions listed
there (as per the corresponding type).

4 Materials requirements and testing notes

The materials requirements must be taken from table 1. Requirements that go beyond this table
must additionally be described in the drawing. The tests required for this must then be performed in

4.1 Materials and filler contents

Identification can be performed using the attenuated total reflection variant of the Fourier-transform
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) procedure.
The filler content can be determined by means of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) as per Test
Specification PV 3927 or ashing (as per DIN EN ISO 3451-1 or as per DIN EN ISO 1172). For
glass fiber-filled materials, especially long glass fibers, it is recommended to perform ashing, be-
cause the dispersion in TGA results is often too large.

4.2 Low-temperature behavior with ball drop test

Ball drop test as per PV 3989.
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Test 1 (e.g., underbody cladding):

Conditioning period: 24 h to 72 h at -30 °C
Specimen dimen- 70 mm × 70 mm flat finished part sections
Specimen support: Base plate made of ≥ 10-mm-thick steel plate with recess (V1)
Ball mass: (880 ±5) g
Ball drop height: (650 ±10) mm
Ball impact point: Side facing track
See PV 3989.
If only a chest freezer is available, the same procedure can be followed. Because cold air is heavi-
er than warm air, the temperature level is maintained for some time before it mixes with the warm
air. Nevertheless, the tests should not take longer than 3 minutes.
No fracture, no cracking.
Test 2 (e.g., cd-enhancing underbody panel):
Test conditions varying from test 1:
Ball mass: (500 ±5) g
Ball drop height: (400 ±10) mm

4.3 Resistance to chemicals

Tests of the resistance to chemicals are only performed when necessary. The media to be tested
must be indicated in the respective drawings.

Finished part sections of sizes 80 mm × 20 mm must be submerged halfway in the respective me-
dium (e.g., oil, grease) at (23 ±2) °C for 30 min (at least one specimen per medium). This treatment
must be followed by 24 h conditioning in air at (23 ±2) °C (after removing the specimen from the
agent, only let the excess agent drip off). Afterwards, rub the specimens clean with a cloth soaked
with water. Then evaluate the specimens.
There must not be any changes such as signs of separation, swelling, discoloration, and/or crack-

4.4 Flammability
Test 1 (e.g., front-end underbody cladding, shield):
– Tests as per PV 3357 with horizontal test arrangement and a short-term flame exposure for
15 seconds
Test 2 (e.g., cd-enhancing underbody panels, stone guard, underbody cladding):
– Testing as per TL 1010
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4.5 Aging resistance

The duration of conditioning is based on the actual temperatures that will occur on the finished
part. Thus, different requirements could be made on the component depending on the engine/mo-
tor version. For this reason, the aging behavior is defined depending on the application tempera-
ture (table 1, consec. no. 2.6). The temperatures arising at the component must be made available
in advance. The temperature must also be entered in the respective drawing.
Test device: Forced-air oven
Test temperature: As per table 1, consec. no. 2.6; the test chamber
(forced-air oven) must be set up such that the tempera-
ture in the direct vicinity of the specimens corresponds
to the respective average temperature (PP: 150 °C); if
necessary, check with a calibrated digital thermometer,
placing the sensor near the specimen. It must be en-
sured that the specimens do not come into contact with
the walls of the forced-air oven (risk of overheating).
Specimen: Finished part or finished part section
Place a finished part or finished part section in the forced-air oven (recirculation mode without fresh
air supply) at the appropriate temperature (see table 1, consec. no. 2.6). As soon as cracks begin
to form in the heat under a small mechanical load, cool down the part to room temperature (as per
VW 50554 - 2) and then load mechanically once again (bend or compress slightly). If cracks con-
tinue to form, the limit point is reached.
The limit point has also been reached if the finished part becomes visibly embrittled inside the
oven. For a typical decomposition behavior of PP, see figure 1 and figure 2.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Make sure that no other specimens made of other materials are in the forced-air oven, because
evaporation could lead to interactions with the specimens. The forced-air oven must also not be
excessively loaded with specimens and/or finished part sections because this could lead to local
hot spots at which the 150 °C could be significantly exceeded.
Certain materials also require careful specimen preparation. Local overheating, e.g., due to blunt
saws/milling cutters and/or incorrectly selected speeds for milling, must be avoided because this
could lead to decomposition of the long-term stabilizer and thus to premature failure of the speci-
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4.6 Resistance to hot wax

Applies only to "hot country" and "super-hot country" markets.
This concerns only components with elastomer-modified materials (e.g., through the addition of
EPDM) since only the elastomer part needs to be considered as a critical component. When the
component comes into contact with the liquid wax, the elastomer will swell. This can cause severe
deformation and make the component's stiffness decrease dramatically.
A finished part (or finished part section) is coated with hot wax and then aged in a forced-air oven
at 90 °C for 200 h. Then the visual evaluation (for deformations) is performed. After the evaluation,
specimens are prepared for the test for flexural strength by taking them from the coated area.
These specimens are then tested as per DIN EN ISO 178 in comparison to an loaded part. Stiff-
ness may reduce by no more than 10% of the initial value.

4.7 Density
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 1183-1
Immersion method
3 specimens each must be tested, taken from different points in the finished part.

4.8 Flexural strength with modulus of elasticity

Test 1 (for materials that absorb no or very small quantities of water; water absorp-
tion < 0,2%; e.g., PP)
The flexural strength is determined at maximum force as per DIN EN ISO 178
Specimen dimensions: (80 ±2) mm × (10 ±1) mm × product thickness (mm)
Test speed: 14 mm/min
Modulus of elasticity test speed: 2 mm/min
Distance between supports: (16 ±1) mm × product thickness (mm)
Support radius: (2,0 ±0,2) mm for a specimen thickness ≤ 3 mm
(5,0 ±0,2) mm for a specimen thickness > 3 mm
Test temperature: 23 °C
The specimens must be placed on the supports of the test device in such a way that the specimen
surface corresponding to the front or exterior of the finished part is subjected to compression
The specimens must be absolutely planar; no radius is permitted. The specimens must also be at
right angles to the probe (test tool) on the support.
For an OK example of specimen placement, see figure 3.
For not OK (NOK) examples of specimen placement, see figure 4, figure 5, and figure 6.
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Figure 3 – OK: Specimen placement

Figure 4 – NOK: Specimen Figure 5 – NOK: Specimen Figure 6 – NOK: Test tool
curved upwards at an angle on the support presses onto the wrong
side of the specimen

Five specimens must be tested.

Test 2 (for materials that absorb larger quantities of water; water absorption ≥ 0,2%; e.g.,
Deviating from test 1, the specimens must be conditioned as follows first:
The specimens must be placed in water at room temperature (VW 50554 – 2) for 96 h. They must
be tested as described for test 1 immediately after drying.

4.9 Impact strength

Test 1 (for materials that absorb no or very small quantities of water; water absorp-
tion < 0,2%; e.g., PP)
Test as per DIN EN ISO 179-1/specimen type 1, flatwise, not notched (1fU); pendulum impact test-
er: 7,5 J as per DIN 51222.
Specimen dimensions: (80 ±2) mm × (10 ±1) mm × product thickness (mm)
Distance between supports: (62 +0,5) mm
Type: Broadside impact
The specimens must be placed on the supports of the test device in such a way that the specimen
surface corresponding to the front or exterior of the finished part faces the hammer edge.
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The impact energy consumed must range between 25% and 75% (display on the measuring de-
vice). If the values go above or below these values, the next smaller or next larger hammer must
be used.
The "no fracture" (N) requirement is met when the specimens are still in one piece after the impact
strength test and there are no cracks in the specimen material.
A "partial fracture" (P) exists when the specimens are still in one piece after the impact strength
test but cracks enter the material. The measured value which is output has no significance here as
the result can be corrupted due to the specimen potentially being "dragged".
There is a "hinge fracture" present if the specimens are still in one piece after the impact strength
test, but the cracks entering the material are so large that the two halves of the specimen are only
connected via a hinge-like thin film. In this case, the required "partial fracture" criterion is not fulfil-
led. The values may be corrupted in this case as well, because the impact energy consumed is not
used 100 percent in the fracture formation and "dragging" of the specimen cannot be excluded
here either.
Five specimens must be tested.
Test 2 (for materials that absorb larger quantities of water; water absorption ≥ 0,2%; e.g.,
The specimens must be dried in a vacuum drying oven at 100 °C for 96 h before the test. If this
type of cabinet is not available, a normal forced-air oven can also be used. The conditioning time
must then be extended to 120 h.
After the specimens are cooled to room temperature (VW 50554 – 2), the tests must be performed
as described for test 1.

4.10 Notched impact strength

Test 1 (for materials that absorb no or very small quantities of water; water absorp-
tion < 0,2%; e.g., PP)
Applies only to mineral-filled, talc-filled, short-glass-fiber-filled, and unfilled materials:
Testing as per DIN EN ISO 179-1/specimen type 1, edgewise, notched with 0.25 mm radius (1eA);
pendulum impact tester: 4 J as per DIN 51222.
Specimen dimensions: (80 ±2) mm × (10 ±1) mm × product thickness (mm)
Distance between supports: (62 +0,5) mm
Notch root radius: (0,25 ±0,05) mm
Type: Narrow side impact
The specimen must be placed on the supports so that the notch faces away from the hammer and
is centered relative to the edge, see figure 7.
For NOK examples on how to place the specimen, see figure 8 and figure 9.
Examples with a dumb-bell specimen of 80 mm × 10 mm with V-notch. Small dumb-bell specimens
with U-notch must be processed accordingly.
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Figure 7 – OK: Hammer edge is centered relative to notch on opposite side

Figure 8 – NOK: Hammer edge is offset relative to notch on opposite side

Figure 9 – NOK: Hammer edge is directly on the notch; specimen incorrectly mounted

The impact energy consumed must range between 25% and 75% (display on the measuring de-
vice). If the values go above or below these values, the next smaller or next larger hammer must
be used.
The "no fracture" (N) requirement is met if the specimens are still in one piece after the impact
strength test and there are no cracks going into the material from the notch root.
A "partial fracture" (P) exists if the specimens are still in one piece after the impact strength test but
there are cracks going into the material from the notch root (see figure 10). The measured value
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which is output has no significance here as the result can be corrupted due to the specimen being

Figure 10 – Partial fracture (P)

A "hinge fracture" (H) exists if the specimens are still in one piece after the impact strength test, but
the cracks entering the material from the notch root are so large that the two halves of the speci-
men are only connected via a hinge-like thin film (see figure 11). In this case, the required "partial
fracture" criterion is not fulfilled. The values may be corrupted in this case as well, because the im-
pact energy consumed is not used 100 percent in the fracture formation and "dragging" of the
specimen cannot be excluded here either.

Figure 11 – Hinge fracture (H)

Five specimens must be tested.

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Test 2 (for materials that absorb larger quantities of water; water absorption ≥ 0,2%; e.g.,
The specimens must be dried in a vacuum drying oven at 100 °C for 96 h before the test. If this
type of cabinet is not available, a normal forced-air oven can also be used. The conditioning time
must then be extended to 120 h.
After the specimens are cooled to room temperature (VW 50554 – 2), the tests must be performed
as described for test 1.

4.11 Specimen sampling

When taking specimens, it must be ensured that they are not taken from the area of the ribs, the
marking area, or in radii. Conical specimens must also be avoided as they can lead to false results.
In parts that contain additional glass-fiber lining mats, the specimens must be taken from areas
with and without lining. Any details must be noted in the respective drawing.
See figure 12.

Figure 12 – Example showing the area from which specimens must be sampled

5 Functionally relevant minimum requirements

The minimum requirements can be found in table 1.
These requirements are defined in agreement with Development. In individual cases, the compo-
nent design, wall thickness, and geometry (radii) might cause problems with the result that the
tests cannot be performed. Therefore, the effects of geometry are not considered in the materials

6 Materials requirements for the finished part

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6.1 Material requirements TL 52660-A, TL 52660-B, and TL 52660-C

See table 1.
Table 1
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
1 Material quality
1.1 Component examples Shields, underbody cladding,
front-end underbody cladding,
cd-enhancing underbody panel in PP, cd-enhancing underbody panel in poly-
cd-enhancing underbody panel
unfilled and mineral-filled amide
in PP, glass-fiber-filled and long-
1.2 Material basis PP (additives for improving PP, impact-strength-modified, miner-
see section 4.1 toughness are permitted), glass- al-reinforced (0% to 40%), pigmen-
fiber-reinforced (20% to 50% ted, stabilized against heat aging The
PA6 or PA6.6, impact-strength-modi-
glass-fiber/glass-mat-reinforced use of recycled material (post-con-
fied, glass-fiber-reinforced (20% to -
and/or with multiaxial woven fab- sumer goods, industrial goods) is
30%), pigmented, stabilized against
ric insert), pigmented, stabilized permissible provided that the proper-
heat aging
against heat aging ty values stipulated in the data sheet
of the raw material manufacturer re-
main constant.
1.3 Manufacture Injection molding, thermal extrusion
1.4 Marking example > PP+PE+EPDM-MD33 (REC) <a)
> PP-GF20 <
as per VDA 260 > PP+PE < > PA6-GF20 <
> PP-GF40, PP-GM50 <
> PP+E/P-TD10 <
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
2 Requirements for the materials properties
2.1 Material Fourier-transform infra- PP+PE+EPDM
red spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis PP PP+PE × -
see section 4.1 PP/PE
2.2 Filler content thermogravimetric
analysis (TGA)
as per PV 3927 (only for fillers
containing mineral compounds)
determination of ashing as per
% As per drawing (± 5) As per data sheet of raw material manufacturer (± 3) × -
DIN EN ISO 3451-1, method A
determination of the textile glass
and mineral compound content
as per DIN EN ISO 1172
and section 4.1
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
2.3 Ball drop test For underbody cladding, front-
as per PV 3989 and section 4.2 end underbody cladding:
test 1;
no fracture, no cracking (visual
evaluation) Test 2;
For shields, cd-enhancing un- no fracture and no cracking
derbody panel:
test 2;
no fracture, no cracking (visual
2.4 Resistance to chemicals,
No changes - × -
see section 4.3
2.5 Flammability as per PV 3357 Test 1:
(test 1) and self-extinguishing within 5 s, di-
TL 1010 (test 2) and section 4.4 mm ameter of damaged area ≤ 150
Test 2:
(not required in vehicles without × -
≤ 60
combustion engine)
Test 2:
≤ 60
2.6 Aging resistance,
see section 4.5
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
2.6.1 Real constant temperature load
in vehicle h Requirement for aging test: 300 h at 150 °C
≤ 90 °C
2.6.2 Real constant temperature load
in vehicle h Requirement for aging test: 500 h at 150 °C
> 90 °C and ≤ 100 °C
× -
2.6.3 Real constant temperature load
in vehicle h Requirement for aging test: 700 h at 150 °C
> 100 °C and ≤ 110 °C
2.6.4 Real constant temperature load
in vehicle h Requirement for aging test: 1 000 h at 150 °C
> 110 °C and ≤ 120 °C
2.7 Hot wax resistance
see section 4.6 Visual: no change
With subsequent flexural - Decrease in flexural strength com- - - × -
strength pared to delivered material: ≤ 10%
see section 4.8
2.8 Density as per
DIN EN ISO 1183-1 g/cm3 As per drawing (± 0,05) As per drawing (± 0,03) × -
and section 4.7
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
2.9 Flexural strength with modulus of
Test 1 Test 2 -
as per DIN EN ISO 178
and section 4.8
2.9.1 Flexural strength, longitudinally Areas with multiaxial woven fab-
and transverse ric insert:
Average value ≥ 130;
smallest individual value ≥ 90
MPa ≥ 14 ≥ 35 ×
Areas without multiaxial woven
fabric insert:
Average value ≥ 50;
smallest individual value ≥ 40
2.9.2 Modulus of elasticity, longitudinal Areas with multiaxial woven fab-
and transverse ric insert:
Average value ≥ 3 900; ≥ 600
smallest individual value ≥ 3 200 (up to max. + 250 above the respec-
MPa ≥ 900 ×
Areas without multiaxial woven tive data sheet value of the raw ma-
fabric insert: terial manufacturer)b)
Average value ≥ 2 000;
smallest individual value ≥ 1 800
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement Scope of test-
ing for materi-
als from the
release list
TL 52660
TL 52660-A TL 52660-B TL 52660-C -A -B -C
2.10 Impact strength
as per DIN EN ISO 179-1/1fU Test 1 Test 2
and section 4.9
Longitudinal and transverse Areas with multiaxial woven fab-
ric insert: no fracture or incom-
plete fracture
kJ/m2 Areas without multiaxial woven No fracture ≥ 20 ×
fabric insert:
Average value ≥ 30;
smallest individual value ≥ 25
2.11 Notched impact strength
as per DIN EN ISO 179-1/1eA kJ/m2 - ≥ 5,5 - - × -
and section 4.10
a) The additive (REC) must always be included in the material code if a recycled material is being used (as per DIN EN ISO 11469, section "Formed parts of the same composition").
b) A property window has been defined for recycled materials. This property window must be used to ensure that the mechanical properties are maintained even if there are fluctuations in the material.
For this reason, an upper limit is defined for the flexural strength and modulus of elasticity as per the respective material data sheet from the raw material manufacturer.
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TL 52660: 2019-09

6.2 Additional requirements for components in visible areas – TL 52660-D

The requirements of TL 52660-B (table 1) with the additional requirements specified in table 2 ap-

Table 2 – Additional requirements for components in visible areas – TL 52660-D

No Property Requirement Scope of testing
. for materials from
the release list
TL 52660-D
1 Thermal behavior No changes; slight color changes can be accepted on the
240 h at 90 °C (applies only to basis of the position of the component,
parts not dyed black) provided that the other components are of a different col-
2 Weather resistance
as per PV 3929 (dry/hot) Visual evaluation; no changes -
1-year cycle
3 Weather resistance
as per PV 3930 (humid/warm) Visual evaluation; no changes -
1-year cycle

7 Applicable documents
The following documents cited are necessary to the application of this document:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger-
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi-
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

PV 3357 Sound Insulation Materials; Behavior on Flame Exposure with a Burner;

Surface and Edge Flame Exposure Test
PV 3927 Thermogravimetric Analysis for Plastics and Elastomers; Determination:
Plasticizers, Carbon Black
PV 3929 Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Dry, Hot Climate (Exterior)
PV 3930 Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Humid, Hot Climate (Exterior)
PV 3989 Plastics for Components in the Exterior Area; Ball Drop Test
TL 1010 Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements;
updated translation: 2018-06
VW 01155 Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes
VW 50026 Granular Material for Thermoplastic Components; Classification and
Areas of Use
VW 50093 Porosity of Castings; Requirements; updated translation: 01-2013
VW 50185 Vehicle Parts; Resistance to Open-Air Weathering
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TL 52660: 2019-09

VW 50554 Standard Atmospheres and Room Temperatures; Requirements on

Standard Atmospheres
VW 52000 Material Sample Inspection; Requirements and Documentation
VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Products; Material Conformity
DIN 51222 Materials testing machines - Impact test - Particular requirements on
pendulum impact testing machines with a capacity of nominal energy <=
50 J and verification
DIN EN ISO 1043-1 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 1: Basic polymers and
their special characteristics
DIN EN ISO 1043-2 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing
DIN EN ISO 11469 Plastics - Generic identification and marking of plastics products
DIN EN ISO 1172 Textile-glass-reinforced plastics - Prepregs, moulding compounds and
laminates - Determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content;
calcination methods
DIN EN ISO 1183-1 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics -
Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration meth-
DIN EN ISO 178 Plastics - Determination of flexural properties
DIN EN ISO 179-1 Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non-instru-
mented impact test
DIN EN ISO 3451-1 Plastics - Determination of ash - Part 1: General methods
VDA 260 Components of motor vehicles; marking of material
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TL 52660: 2019-09

Appendix A (informative)

A.1 Standard test report

The standard test report is stored on the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) – Volks-
wagen Group Supply (
Start > Information > Divisions > Quality Assurance > Materials Engineering > Standard Test Re-

A.2 Material release list

The material release list is stored on the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) – Volks-
wagen Group Supply (
Start > Information > Divisions > Quality Assurance > Materials Engineering > Material Release

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