Adobe Scan 01 Mar 2022

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Multiple Choice Questions

correct alternative in the following statements

1. Put a tick mark (V) against the
(a) Function of WBCs is to
(ii) help in clotting of
(i) transport oxygen
of food.
(iii) provide immunity iv) (io) provide storage

Blood Capillary is a:
(i) Broad tube

(ii) Artery with thick wal

Wlth large lumen
ii Vein

tube made up of
N a r r o w V

endothelium only.
is bsent in:
N u c l e u s
c N u c

i) RBCs
(ii) WBCs
blood cells
All (iv) Liver cells.
only artery
which carries deoxygenated blood is
The n
i) Hepatic artery (ii) Pulmonary artery
(ii) Aorta (io) Renal artery.
o) SphygmomanOmeter measures

(i) Pulse rate (ii) Heart beat

(ii) Blood pressure (iv) Brain activity
vein carries
) Pulmonary
(i) Oxygenated blood (ii) Deoxygenated blood
(ii) Glucose-rich blood (io) CO, laden blood

The blood tastes saltish due to the presence of dissolved:

(i) Sodium chloride i)Po
Potassium chloride

(ii) Ammonium nitrate (io) Sodium nitrate


6TaCirulatoxu ytem
h o r t Ansuoen Quationgs

Pladelds rand in shape and thay help

in tha clothna oblood and direct entr o
diseade, Who0asA
OBCA e colouzless and have a ova) nucieus and
hs Function is to pxotect_uA romdaeaae_cauaing
agLm ie pxouide immunitu to tha badu

fulmonA axteues_Ca doaxugonatea hloodhsu

l00d whad
Pulmonaly VeAn6 caaa Oxuanat ad blood.

Then anu tuOD upes of Verna (ala Supenior

vena Caya btings deoxugonated blood rom thu
uppea pazts o he body) nd intaior_vena Cala
Lbrings doxuachated blood Prom tho lotwen padts

Apr taleawes_ the le ventsicle caaaing

OXuaated_ blood te alk panta _i ho bodu
Hhaough braches.


RBS a1circular_dist ohapd and lack n

nucleu unchion t to cany oxyaen, kihenoad -
BCSdno colouloss and lack i hacmoalobin._
and haye ONal nudleu). Ihe malr functi0o
to kill the gonMilo proVideuR immuny
2. Arto Veio
an4 blood auway rom 4Cauublood tohe
tho heat. heamx.
2Haue thick elastic nd_ 22Have hin andlesS
Ke muSLulaa walls. muculan walls._
3 Conl oxuagnated blood 3. Cany duoxuagnaded blood
Cexceptpulmonaau axtay). Cexcept pulmonany vein

34Laidpant of tu blood:
Plaamai uelloish incolou. Ahout g0' water

aund rest 10%_an0 nutriento._

Uunal pont o dhe blood

Corpiucle: has thne upes 4 Red blood ceUA
2.whute blood cella_
3. Plotelets

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