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Published 1999

The ISO 11783

The 11783 Standard
Standard and
and Its
Its Use
Use in
in Precision
Precision Agriculture
C. Strauss
C. E.
C. E. Cugnasca
A. M.
A. Saraiva
M. Saraiva
S. M. Paz
S.M. Paz
Department of
Department ofComputer
Computer Engineering
Engineering Agricultural
Agricultural Automation
Automation Laboratory
Universidade de
Universidade de Siio
sao Paulo
Paulo Escola
Escola Politecnica
Siio Paulo, Siio
sao Paulo, sao Paulo,
Paulo, Brazil

Nowadays precision
Nowadays precision agriculture
agriculture requires
requires newnew equipment
equipment and and systems
systems thatthat are
mounted in agricultural tractors and implements. These
mounted in agricultural tractors and implements. These systems usually have systems usually have
distributed architecture
distributed architecture and and are
are composed
composed of of several
several devices
devices likelike sensors,
actuators, control elements and supervision and control
actuators, control elements and supervision and control units, all of them units, all of them
intercommunicating in real time. This application requires robustness,
intercommunicating in real time. This application requires robustness, flexibility flexibility
and expansion
and expansion possibility,
possibility, involving
involving devices
devices of of different
different manufactures.
manufactures. In In that
sense, several
sense, several standards
standards are are being
being proposed
proposed inin order
order to to help
help toto achieve
achieve these
these goals.
The ISO 11783
11783 standard
standard specifies
specifies aa serial
serial data
data network
network for for communication
communication and and
control in
control in tractors
tractors andand implements,
implements, standardizing
standardizing the the method
method and and format
format of of the
data interchange
data interchange between
between control
control elements,
elements, actuators,
actuators, computers,
computers, sensors
sensors andand
other intelligent
other intelligent devices
devices connected
connected in in aa system.
system. ItIt is is based
based on on thethe CAN
specification (Controller
specification (Controller Area Area Network),
Network), usedused nowadays
nowadays in in other
other applications.
This paper
This paper discusses
discusses the the main
main characteristics
characteristics of of the
the ISO
ISO 11783
11783 standard,
standard, and and
presents its adoption in a planter monitor with a GPS receiver,
presents its adoption in a planter monitor with a GPS receiver, used in precision used in precision
agriculture in
agriculture in order
order to to generate
generate aa planting
planting map.
map. This This monitor
monitor has has distributed
architecture, and is composed of a main module in the tractor
architecture, and is composed of a main module in the tractor and a sensor module and a sensor module
in the planter. This implementation allows for the use of new
in the planter. This implementation allows for the use of new intelligent sensors intelligent sensors
and modules, and is compared with other usual
and modules, and is compared with other usual implementations.implementations.


The motivation
The motivation for for this
this paper
paper isis the
the project
project developed
developed by by the
the Agricultural
Automation Laboratory
Automation Laboratory (LAA)(LAA) team,
team, sponsored
sponsored by by FINEP
FINEP -- Financiadora
Financiadora de de
Estudos ee Projetos
Estudos Projetos (a(a Brazilian
Brazilian federal
federal funding
funding agency).
agency). A A Planter
Planter Monitor
Monitor was was
designed (Saraiva
designed (Saraiva etet al.,
al., 1993),
1993), performing
performing the the following
following functions:
•• ItIt shows
shows its its operator
operator some some useful
useful information,
information, such such as as seed
seed rate,
rate, seed
population, tractor
population, tractor speed,
speed, and
and planted
planted field
field area.
•• ItIt warns
warns its
its operator
operator about
about fault
fault operational
operational conditions,
conditions, such
such asas seed
seed rate
rate out
out of
range, planter
range, planter out
out of
of operational
operational position,
position, and and lack
lack of
of communication
communication between
its modules.
its modules.
•• ItIt stores
stores operational
operational statistical
statistical data,
data, and
and sends
sends them
them toto aa Personal
Personal Computer
(PC), for
(PC), for further
further analysis.
Copyright © 1999
Copyright© 1999 ASA-CSSA-SSSA,
ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 677 677 South
South Segoe
Segoe Road.
Road, Madison,
Madison, WIWI 53 53711,
71 L
Proceedings of
USA. Proceedings
USA. o[the Fourth International
the Fourth International Conference
Conference on on Precision
Precision Agriculture.

! ;
I i
I seriallink
serial link

· serial link


Seed flow sensors

Fig. 1. Architecture of the planter monitor.


The system, as shown in Fig. 1, includes sensors of seed flow, speed, and
planter position. These sensors are read by the Remote Module, installed on the
planter, which sends these data, through a serial link, to the Central Module,
installed in the tractor cabin. The Central Module communicates with the operator
through the keyboard, the display and the alann. It also can be linked to an
external PC, through a serial interface. The connection of a GPS receiver is being
developed, so that the Central Module can also collect positional information
(Saraiva et al., 1997).

Protocol in Use

The LAA team created a proprietary protocol that allows for the
communication between the Central and the Remote Modules. Furthermore, it is a
simple protocol, easy to be implemented, because microcontrollers were being
used, with limited processing capacity. Therefore, the RS-232 was chosen,
because it allows for independent and simultaneous communication (full-duplex)
between two nodes.
After that implementation, a more general protocol was decided on,
allowing for several Remote Modules connected to the same Central Module,
using an RS-485 bus.
ISO ll783 STANDARD 1255

1 Central Unit
i (PC)

Unit N
L_ _ _ _ -

Fig. 2. Physical layer of the RS-485 protocol.

Physical Layer - RS-485 Bus (Fig. 2)

The channel consists of a twisted pair cable, with two buses, TX and RX.
Through the TX bus, the Central Module can send data, which are received by all
Remote Modules. Through the RX bus, the Remote Modules can send data to the
Central Module.

Link Layer - Message Format

The messages have the following fields (ASCII characters):

• address, that identifies the Remote Module
• message type
• data, according to the message type
• cyclic redundancy code (CRC)
• end of message

Application Layer - Types of message

The message types are:

• initialization requisition and response
• configuration
• sensor status
• planter status
• seed counters data


As it was presented, this is an LAA's proprietary protocol. Therefore, it is

not compatible with different manufacturers' equipment.
In the case of the RS-232 protocol, the expandability is limited, for each
new module requires a dedicated I/0 port. What is more, each pair of modules
requires a separate cable, leading to the problem of having too many cables.

The RS-485 protocol avoids these problems, using a single bus. However, it
only allows for a master-slave communication. The Central Module must be
constantly polling the Remote Modules, causing a bandwidth waste. The only way
the Remote Modules can exchange information is through the Central Module.
For that reason, we looked for a more appropriate protocol for the Precision
Agriculture application.



The CAN protocol (Controller Area Network) was developed by the

automotive industry, to support the communication of on-board equipment, in
trucks and buses. Its good performance caused its adoption as a standard by SAE
(Society of Automotive Engineers), and, later, by the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization).


• Created specifically for being used in vehicles

• Robustness: the network can operate in a degraded way, even if the cable is
broken or in short-circuit
• Simplified cabling: a single cable connects the devices
• Existence of components and cards that implement the protocol
• Existence of international standards
However, the norms only specify how the information is transmitted, with
no reference to the data format and type. This allowed for the creation of several
protocols based on CAN. Among them, the ISO 11783 standard can be pointed


The CAN Transceivers are integrated circuits that read and write bits to and
from the CAN bus wires. An example is Philips's PCA82C250- CAN Controller
The CAN Controllers are devices that format the messages to be transmitted
and participate in the decision process of which unit will transmit the next
message. Some CAN controllers have an interface to microprocessors, while
others are embedded in popular microcontrollers (which simplifies the project). In
both cases, the CPU specifies the messages to be transmitted and is notified of the
arrival of incoming messages.
Examples of CAN controllers:
• 82527 - Serial Communications Controller (CAN Protocol), from Intel;
• SJAlOOO- Stand Alone CAN Controller, from Philips.
Examples of embedded controllers:
• 87C592 - 8-bit microcontroller with on-chip CAN, from Philips
• 80C 196CA - Advanced 16-bit CHMOS microcontroller, from Intel
ISO 11783 STANDARD 1257

• SAB C505C - 8-bit CMOS microcontroller with CAN, from Siemens

• COP888EB - 8-bit microcontroller with CAN interface, AID and UART, from
The slave VO devices implement remote VO ports controlled by the CAN
bus. For example, instead of having dozens of digital and analog signals
transported in separated wires, only a CAN cable and various slave VO devices
are used. A component of this type is Philips's P82CI50.


The ISO II783 standard specifies a serial network for communication and
control of agricultural vehicles (tractors) and its implements (ISO, I994a). Part of
the physical layer and of the link layer are based on the CAN protocol.

The Physical Layer (ISO, 1994b)

The physical layer (Fig. 3) consists of a twisted pair cable, with four wires,
supporting the rate of 250 kbits s· 1. Between two signals, CAN_H and CAN_L,
there is a voltage difference that is interpreted as a 0 (dominant) or I (recessive),
in case it is +IV or -IV respectively. The two other signals are CAN_BAT and
CAN_GND, connected to power supply and to ground, respectively. A maximum
of 30 electronic devices can be connected to the bus.
At each end of the cable, there is a termination to polarize CAN_ H and
CAN_L, so that, with no signal, CAN_H = 4V and CAN_L = 5V. If any device
issues the dominant state, and another issues the recessive state, the result is the
dominant state.
In order to arbitrate conflicts of bus access, after issuing a bit, each device
monitors the line, verifYing the resulting state. If it is dominant, and the device
had issued the recessive bit, it stops sending, losing the bus control, because
another device issued the dominant bit.
,----------~ ---~

Electronic Control Electronic Control i

I Unit Unit

,----- ~I
+Bat Twi sted pair cable

9 j(
with 4wires

Terminating Terminating
Bias Network CAN GND Bias Network


Fig. 3. Physical layer of the ISO 11783 protocol


According to the specification, the network is resistant to several kinds of

failure, capable of operating even in case of short-circuits between CAN_H and
CAN_GND, between CAN_H and CAN_BAT, between CAN_L and CAN_GND,
and between CAN_L and CAN_BAT. It also resists to failure in one of the
terminators, to interruptions of CAN_H or CAN_L, and to other occurrences. The
communication is not possible when there is a short-circuit between CAN_H and
CAN_L, or when a terminator is not powered.

Link Layer (ISO, 1997)

Each message to be transmitted by the upper layers is mounted in one or

more PDUs (Protocol Data Unit), with their formats based on CAN standard.
Each PDU has a Start of Frame (SOF) bit, priority, origin address, message
type, destination address (or broadcast address), number of data bytes (from 0 to
8), data, CRC, and End of Frame (EOF), besides other control bits.
The message type can be: command (the destination has to perform some
action); requisition (the destination has to answer it); broadcast (no determined
destination); response; confirmation (ACK or NACK); or a special function
(network management, connections management, etc.). Associated to each type of
message, there is a number (Program Group Number - PGN), defined by the
standard. It is possible to submit a form for registering new PGNs to ISO.

Network Layer (ISO, 1994c)

An ISO 11783 network (Fig. 4) can have several segments, connected by

bridges. The tractor segment links devices such as the engine, the transmission,
the brakes and the lights. One or more segments in the implement link the
implement devices one to each other, and to the tractor segment. A virtual
terminal, connected to the implement segment, performs the interface with the
operator. The bridges select the messages, and conduct them from one segment to
the other, allow for different transmission rates in both segments, and isolate and
protect both segments.

Transport Layer (ISO, 1997)

In the ISO 11783 standard, the transport layer is responsible for packing and
reassembling messages longer than 8 bytes, since this is the greatest number of
bytes a frame can transport each time.
Packing is done by breaking the message in 7-byte packets, which are
transmitted with a sequence byte. These packets are transmitted after a virtual
connection is opened, through a message handshake. At any moment, the
destination can ask for a transmission pause or the link termination.

Network Management Layer (ISO, 1994d)

Each electronic node has a unique 8-bit address, which identifies it as the
origin or destination of network messages. This address is independent from the
device function, and can even be different each time the device is turned on. On
ISO 11783 STANDARD 1259

the other hand, the device name is a 32-bit number, defined by ISO for each
functionality (e.g., front break actuator, electric system, and planter monitor). The
network management layer is responsible for the association between the name
and the network address.
When a device is connected to the network, it can send a message to all
nodes, demanding their addresses, and then it assumes any address not being used
yet. The device can also have a preferential address, and announce it to the
network. If any node answers that this address is in use, another address can be
chosen. The device is also likely to only accept its preferential address. In this
case, if a conflict happens, that device has to stop transmitting, until its address is
externally changed, and has to announce that condition to the network.

Bridge I Control j 1

Router ~

Implement segment



I Implement

Fig. 4. Architecture of a ISO 11783 network


Implement Tractor Garage and


CAN bus

counter un~

; Operator interface Maintenance and

management computer

Fig. 5. Architecture of the planter monitor using ISO 11783.

Application Layer

For each message type, the application layer defines the information to be
transmitted, its format, parameter range, repetition rate, priority, and others.
Examples of messages are: position and speed information, traction applied by the
implement, seed flow rate, etc.


Once the ISO 11783 standard has been chosen, the next step will be
studying this standard, and also CAN, on which it is based. After that, a prototype
of a CAN network will probably be built, using CAN kits available in the market.
If necessary, we can develop a CAN interface. At this point, it will be possible to
apply that network to the Planter Monitor, implementing the extra ISO 11783
protocol layers by software.
Figure 5 shows a proposed architecture of the planter monitor using the ISO
11783 protocol.


The LAA protocol is simpler to implement and is suitable to the

microcontrollers capacity and to the system demands, as it is now.
The ISO protocol provides good extensibility, favors a modular approach
and allows for interoperability between devices of several manufacturers. Non-
expensive circuits and cards that implement part of the protocol are available in
the market, also minimizing its greater complexity. The reduced cabling allows
for easier installation and maintenance, besides lower cost. Furthermore, the
ISO 11783 STANDARD 1261

standard provides ready solutions, such as message format and contents, avoiding
the task of developing them.
Another aspect is easier maintenance. Instead of having to go near each
equipment to make tests, it is now possible to plug a test computer in a CAN port
of the tractor and to get the equipment status remotely.
The ISO 11783 and CAN standards also provide better reliability (which is
important in vehicles), resisting vibration, open and shorted wires and faulty


ISO. 1997. Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control
and communications data network. Part 3. Data Link Layer. ISO 11783.

ISO. 1994a. Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and
communications data network. Part 1. General Standard. ISO 11783.

ISO. 1994b. Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and
communications data network. Part 2. Physical layer. ISO 11783.

ISO. 1994c. Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and
communications data network. Part 4. Network Layer. ISO 11783.

ISO. 1994d. Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and
communications data network. Part 5. Network Management Layer. ISO

Saraiva, A.M., C.E. Cugnasca, A.M.A. Massola, 1993. Planter monitoring: A

management approach. 1993. ASAE International Winter Meeting, Paper
n.93-1.552, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Saraiva A.M., S.M. Paz, C.E. Cugnasca, 1997. Improving a planter monitor with a
GPS receiver. p. 321-327. In Proc. 1st European Conf. on Precision
Agriculture. Vol. I. Warwick ..

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