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Gate Pass Management System


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Table of Contents

Content Page no
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
The problem domain 5
The Problem 5
Motivation 6
Aims and objective 7
Diagrams 9
System Requirements 11
Scope of the Project 12
Advantages of system 13
Modules 14
Database 15
Bibliography 16
Project Guide Bio data and ID Proof 17-18


Digital is way better than the paperwork”, the main concept of the system is
to enhance the security process while reducing the involvement of human
resources. Enhancing security at the gate level is essential in every
organisation. Poor security at gate level to track existing materials and its
movement, transit of employees during the working hours and visitors
entering the premises could affect the reputation of the whole organisation.
The Gate Pass is an important document for this purpose. It will be great to
implement an automated process for Gate Pass Management that aims to
replace the manual process. The manual system results in a lot of inefficiency
and unaccountability due to cumbersome and inaccurate record keeping with
inconsistent maintenance of security about the movements.


Gate Pass Management System is a software application. It manages the

entry and exit of the vehicles of employees and visitors. Gate Pass
Management System is an efficient system to keep track of each vehicle
entry and exit.
Gate Pass Management System (GPMS) Allows you to manage all Incoming
and Outgoing items from your office or company. Gate Pass Management
System is available for use and it is easy to use and manage. This system is
defined as a gate pass security system and its main aim is to secure company
from outside visitors, contractors and the departments, company vehicle
security, material, visitor scrap information, contractor.
Gate Pass Management System helps the organisation as well as a visitor to
manage the Gate Passes. Frequently Visitors have data entry in the top level
to make it easy for them to easily enter and exit.
Visitor Management system provides a way to effectively control, record &
track your organisation’s visitor traffic. It helps to prevent the entry of any
unauthorised or unwanted person in the premises. The flexible architecture of
Visitor Tracker System allows various people in the organisation to directly
access the data they need. Integrated with various hardware’s like web-cam,
fingerprint scanner, bar-code scanner & printers. Email/SMS/popup alerts for
visitor notification. Available in client-server & Enterprise versions.

The Problem Domain

In all organisations, irrespective of their capacity, a large number of

movements take place every day at the gate level. It may be employees
moving in or out, visitors entering the premises, movement of materials etc.
All these movements occur at the organisation’s premises, factories and
companies need to be monitored and controlled. This is where the concept of
a gate pass comes into play. Gate pass can be used to authorise the
movements of humans, materials and machines to or from the premises of the
organisation. It will help to monitor and track all the movements happening
in an organisation.

The problem

Enhancing security at the gate level is essential in every organization, as the

poor security of material existing and its movement, transit of employee
during the working hours and visitors entering the premises could ruin the
reputation of the whole organization. Keeping records of above processes
should be standardized. The Gate Pass is an important document for this

Reviewed online software which are relevant to gate pass management. But
no integrated software which covers material, employee and visitors
available online. All the software covers these areas individually. But the
customer requirement is a one solution which address all 3 areas, as the
personnel available at the security desk is not well experienced on computer
based systems. When compared to other available systems, new system
specifically addresses the process flow of customer and align with their
manual process. So, it’ll be easy for the employees to get use to the system.
The significant difference between the implementing system and other
available systems is, once log into the system personnel available at security
desk can manage all the procedures related to Gate Pass Management. This is
very useful for them as they are busy with all general security processes


The security of the business depends on lot of factors and if it is less

attentive, then might risk the security of the entire organization. To make
sure that everything is under control, must implement right measures and this
drives the organization towards a solution that takes care of the security at
the gate. Gate Pass Management System enables the right security, where
could keep a vigilant eye on the material movement, transit of employee
during working hours and the visitors who are gain the access to the
premises. Can gain numerous advantages when gate pass system is
implemented in an organization. The first and foremost being the restriction
of unauthorized movement in organizations’ premises, and apart from this,
the gate pass allows the organization to get a record of the time of movement
and to track the person responsible for the movement. In the case of
materials, gate pass prevents the unauthorized transactions. The system
improves the accuracy of data and eases the process of fetching data out of
the system. The system cares the overall security of the organization while
improving the discipline inside the organization. It also enhances the
company image by incorporating with systems that are technologically
sound. This gives a positive view for people who visit the organization. Once
they experienced the methods that have been used by the company will
increase their positive attitudes towards the organization. “Digital is way
better than the paper work”, the main concept of the system is to enhance
security process while reducing the involvement of human resources.

Aims and Objectives

Aim is to implement an integrated and user friendly system which tracks all
transactions of material, employee and visitors, which occurs through the
gate. Objectives which will increase the effectiveness of Gate Pass
Management System is as follows: The main objective is to implement an
automated system that will be used to manage Gate Pass for material,
employees and visitors more accurately, with the aim of minimizing human
intervention by replacing the current manual process. To improve the
efficiency and accountability of security process by using an automated
system. To improve the data management by making the link with respective
departments and security desk. To establish a system which will align with
other automated systems to increase the traceability and compliance of
records, to the requirements of the organization.

The main limitation of the previous system of Gate Pass Management

● The existing system only provides text-based interface, which is not as
user-friendly as Graphical user Interface.
● Since the system is implemented in Manual, the response is very slow.
● The transactions are executed in off-line mode, hence on-line data
capture and modification
● Off-line reports cannot be generated due to batch mode execution.
Hence, there is a need for reformation of the system with more advantages
and flexibility. The Gate Pass Management System eliminates most of the
limitations of the existing software. It has the following objectives:
● Enhancement: The main objective of Gate Pass Management System is
to enhance and upgrade the existing system by increasing its efficiency
and effectiveness. The software improves the working methods by

replacing the existing manual system with the computer-based system.
● Automation: The Gate Pass Management System automates each and
every activity of the manual system and increases its throughput. Thus
the response time of the system is very less and it works very fast.
● Accuracy: The Gate Pass Management System provides the uses a
quick response with very accurate information regarding the users etc.
Any details or system in an accurate manner, as and when required.
● User-Friendly: The software Gate Pass Management System has a very
user-friendly interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work on it.
The software provides accuracy along with a pleasant interface. Make
the present manual system more interactive, speedy and user friendly.
● Availability: The transaction reports of the system can be retried as and
when required. Thus, there is no delay in the availability of any
information, whatever needed, can be captured very quickly and easily.
● Maintance Cost: Reduce the cost of maintenance.


Tools / Platform, Hardware

Operating system: windows >8 64 bits

code editor: visual studio code
version control: git
browser: chrome
api tester: postman
database: mongodb

Software technologies used:

React js
Express Messages, Session, Connect Flash & Validation
MongoDB & Mongoose


● CPU with a speed of 1.3Ghz is a good choice for normal usage.

● The system should have up to 2 GB ram minimum requirement for
the application.

This is an online gate pass management system. With this, management of
visitors and activities at the gate of an organization or institution is absolutely
easy. The system has a wide array of interesting features like:
● You can register gate guards as the admin who will be managing
different gates.
● Management of visitors, individual visitors and group visitors.
● You can keep track of the entry and exit times of all visitors including
● You can register staff members also into the system.
● Capture vehicle details.
● Capture luggage details.

Advantages of Gate Pass Management System

There are many advantages of the Gate Pass Management System. This
online system helps the service-providing company to manage their Gate
Pass remotely. Guards are finding everything about Gate Pass with few
clicks. The new system is a totally computerized system.

User Satisfaction Level:

This online system gives each and every service to visitors Gate Pass just by
giving some information.

Time efficiency:

A new system provides features like time efficiency to show Gate Pass,
Guards details etc.

Various type of Service:

This system provides view Gate Pass, Person details, vehicle details just after
a few clicks.

Easy Inquiry:

An inquiry is easily done by the user in the system. The inquiry is basically
an automated and computerised task which really makes the inquiry process
faster than previous. About Gate Pass-related query.

The user module allows users to register, log in, and log out. Users benefit
from being able to sign on because this associates content they create with
their account and allows various permissions to be set for their roles.

In this module admin will fill in some details of the person for creating a
unique gate pass. This will create a unique QR code that will be used at
Organization’s gate for verifying appointments.

A Scanner module will be used to verify the Gate pass. A person at
orgranization’s gate, usually a security guard will have access to the
application and he will use use scanner module and scan the QR code and If
system verifies it, he will let the person In and record will be saved in the
database. To use this module user have to give his camera access to the
application then he can use it.


This module will show everyday activity at the gate using different types of
charts. Using this module, users can monitor day to day activity at the gate.




Father’s Name:
Mobile: +
Email id:
Gender: Male
Date of Birth:
Marital Status: Unmarried
Religion: Hindu
Nationality: Indian
Languages Known: Hindi, English
Qualification: (cse) Graphic Era Hill University.
Experience: +2 years
Current Location: Gurugram


Attatch ID
Document- aadhar


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