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1.Read this conversation and complete with the following linkers.

(not all of them are in

the conversation)
As a result -- so – therefore -- seeing as – as -- yet – in order to – since -- so as not to
–nevertheless – due to – even though – though – although – in spite of – despite – in

Katie: I heard you got a promotion at work, congratulations!

Dany: Thanks! It's been a long time coming. ____________ I'm really excited about the
new opportunities.
Katie: That's fantastic news. _______ you've been working so hard lately, it's well-
Dany: Yeah, it's been busy few months, but it's all paid off. ______ when are we
Katie: How about dinner tonight? ________ it's such a special occasion.
Dany: Sounds great! I'll make reservations. ________the restaurant is busy; I'll book a
table in advance.
Katie: Perfect! _________ I hope you won't be too tired from all the work you've been
doing lately.
Dany: I'll manage. _________ relax and enjoy the evening, I'll take a short nap after work,
_________ be exhausted.
Katie: Good plan. _________ I'm sure you'll be full of energy once we start celebrating.
Dany: Absolutely. ________ the long hours, I'm really looking forward to tonight.
Katie: ____________ the challenges, you've handled everything notably well.
Dany: Thank you. _____________ it's been a team effort, and I couldn't have done it
without the support of my colleagues.
2. Read de following text and complete with the linkers.
In other words – On the whole – regarding – by the way – after all (x2) – as a matter of
fact – in conclusion --

Music, a universal language that speaks to the soul, encompasses a vast array of emotions
and experiences. ___________ its influence, music has the power to evoke memories, stir
emotions, and transport listeners to different worlds. _____________ it serves as a
conduit for human expression, transcending barriers of language and culture.

_____________ music can be seen as a reflection of human expression, encompassing a

vast spectrum of feelings and narratives. Regarding its impact, music has the power to
uplift, console, and inspire. In other words, it serves as a mirror to the human condition,
echoing our joys, sorrows, and everything in between.
__________ music is more than just organized sound; it is an art form that reflects the
intricacies of human experience. In fact, composers and performers alike pour their hearts
into their creations, crafting melodies that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

_____________ the impact of music extends beyond mere enjoyment; it has been shown
to have therapeutic effects, aiding in relaxation, stress reduction, and even pain
management. Whether it's the soothing strains of a classical symphony or the energetic
beats of a pop song, music has the power to heal and uplift.

____________ music is not just a collection of notes and rhythms; it is a storyteller,

weaving tales that resonate with our souls. In fact, each composition is a journey, taking
us through peaks of excitement and valleys of introspection. ____________ the
interpretation of music is deeply personal, shaped by our own experiences and emotions.
___________ let us embrace the beauty and power of music in all its forms. For in the
melodies and harmonies that fill our lives, we find solace, inspiration, and a connection to
something greater than ourselves, music transcends boundaries, connecting us across
cultures and generations. Through its melodies and harmonies, it whispers truths, stirs
memories, and ignites passions. So, let us listen, for in the language of music, we find
echoes of our shared humanity.

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