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PGSci Assessment 3

Section 1 - Academic style

Rewrite these sentences to make them more academic in style.

1. In the beginning they got flakes consisting of many layers of graphene. But
as they repeated the process many times, the flakes got thinner.
2. He reckons he has identified a key component of how humans develop
mathematical talent.
3. This study aims to figure what caused the structural damage.
4. A lot of research has been done on the subject of runway friction.
5. Most thermometers are closed glass tubes containing liquids like alcohol or
6. Then, the solution was heated to about 70 °C.
7. You can see the results of the analysis in Table 2.
8. Not much is known about the proteins linked with RNA.
9. Eating disorders cause individuals to feel tired and depressed.
10. There are three different types of volcano – active volcanoes (erupt
frequently, dormant volcanoes (temporarily inactive but not fully extinct), and
extinct volcanoes (unlikely to erupt again).
(20 marks)

Section 2 - Results
Match the sentence descriptions with their numbers.

1 Data obtained in previous studies 1,2 using a fixed on-site monitor indicated that
travel by car resulted in lower CO exposure than travel on foot. 2 According to Figo
et al. (1999), the median exposure of car passengers was 11% lower than those
walking.2 3 In our study, modelled emission rates were obtained using the Traffic
Emission Model (TEM), a CO-exposure modelling framework developed by Ka.3 4
Modelled results were compared with actual roadside CO concentrations measured
hourly at a fixed monitor. 5 Figure 1 shows the results obtained using TEM. 6 As can
be seen, during morning peak-time journeys the CO concentrations for car
passengers were significantly lower than for pedestrians, which is consistent with
results obtained in previous studies.1,2
7 However, the modelled data were not consistent with these results for afternoon
journeys.8 Although the mean CO concentrations modelled by TEM for afternoon
journeys on foot were in line with those of Figo et al. a striking difference was noted
when each of the three peak hours was considered singly (fig 2).
9 It can be observed that during the first hour (H1) of the peak period, journeys on
foot resulted in a considerably lower level of CO exposure. 10 Although levels for
journeys on foot generally exceeded those modelled for car journeys during H2,
during the last hour (H3) the levels for journeys on foot were again frequently far
lower than for car journeys.
11 A quantitative analysis to determine modelling uncertainties was applied, based
on the maximum deviation of the measured and calculated levels within the
considered period. 12 Using this approach, the uncertainty of the model prediction
for this study slightly exceeds the 50% acceptability limit defined by Jian.7 13
Nevertheless, these results suggest that data obtained using TEM to simulate CO
exposures may provide more sensitive information for assessing the impact of traffic
management strategies that use traditional on-site measurement.

A) Refers back to his/her own methodology and adds more information to it. (2
B) Refers to specific results and compares them to those obtained in another
study, using language that comments on the results.
C) Makes a reference to the implications and applications of the work done.
D) Refers to findings and conclusions obtained by other researchers. (2
E) Selects specific results to describe in more detail, using language that
comments on the results. (2 sentences)
F) Invites the reader to look at a graph or table.
G) Offers a general statement about the results to start a new paragraph.
H) Refers to the method used to analyse the results.
I) Mentions a problem in the results and uses quantity language to minimise its
J) Refers to specific results and compares them with those obtained in another
study, using subjective, evaluative language.

(13 marks)
Complete the sentences by rewriting the verbs in the brackets in the passive
voice and the tense described.

In this paper, a structure is suggested for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid
(DNA). (suggest, present simple)
Plant seeds ________________________ by wind and animals. (disperse,
present simple)
Research _____________________________ to discredit this theory. (carry
out, present perfect simple)
This relationship __________________________ by Smith et al. (investigate,
present perfect simple).
The sodium hydroxide _______________________ in water. (dissolve, past
The procedure __________________________ until there was certainty
regarding the results. (repeat, past simple)
The problems encountered by the patients ________________________ by
the bacteria. (caused, past simple)
The solution _____________________ to 90 °C for approximately 30 minutes
and then allowed to cool. (heat, past simple).

(7 marks)
There are six examples of hedging language in this text. Find five examples and list
them. (5 marks)

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