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Sem/Branch: VIII/ EXTC Course: Machine Learning for Signal Processing– Laboratory Course code - DJ19ECEL8016

Experiment No.: 5

Name:RAJ MEHTA Sap-Id:60002200083 Date: 22/02/2024


To train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model on the Fashion MNIST datasetand
evaluate its performance in classifying images of clothing items into their respective categories.
By implementing a CNN for image classification, we aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of
this type of network in image recognition tasks and to explore the impact of different network
architectures and hyper parameters on the performance of the network.

Tools Required: PYTHON

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely used for image classification tasks. The
architecture of a CNN is designed to take advantage of the two-dimensional structure of an
image, using filters or kernels to extract features from the image at different spatial scales. The
key components of a CNN include convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected
In the convolutional layers, the filters or kernels are applied to the input image, producing a
feature map that highlights different aspects of the image. The pooling layers are used to down
sample the feature maps, reducing their size and preserving the most important features.The
fully connected layers are used to classify the image based on the features extracted by the
convolutional and pooling layers.
The training process for a CNN involves minimizing a loss function that measures the
difference between the predicted class labels and the actual class labels. The weights and biases
of the network are adjusted using an optimization algorithm, such as stochastic gradient descent
or Adam, to minimize the loss function. The hyper parameters of the network, such as learning
rate, batch size, and number of epochs, can be tuned to improve the performance of the network.
In a classification experiment using a CNN, the network is trained on a dataset of labeled
images, such as the CIFAR-10 or ImageNet dataset. The network architecture can be
customized by adjusting the number of convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully
connected layers, as well as the number of filters or kernels in each layer. The performance of
the network can be evaluated using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
The success of a classification experiment using a CNN depends on several factors, including
the size and complexity of the dataset, the architecture and hyper parameters of the network,
and the availability of computational resources. The implementation of a CNN for image
classification can lead to improved accuracy and performance in a wide range of applications,
such as object recognition, face detection, and medical imaging.
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In summary, the classification experiment using a CNN is a powerful tool for image recognition
tasks, and its implementation can lead to improved accuracy and performance in a variety of
applications. The success of the experiment depends on careful tuning of the network
architecture and hyper parameters, as well as the selection of an appropriate dataset and
evaluation metrics.

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In conclusion, the experiment using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify
images of clothing items in the Fashion MNIST dataset has demonstrated the
effectiveness of CNNs in image classification tasks. The model achieved high
accuracy in classifying clothing items into their respective categories, indicating its
potential for practical applications in the fashion industry.
The success of the experiment is attributed to the unique features of CNNs, such as their
ability to extract relevant features from images and their ability to handle spatial
relationships between pixels. Additionally, the use of appropriate optimization
techniques, such as stochastic gradient descent and learning rate scheduling, played a
crucial role in improving the performance of the model.
Overall, the experiment has shown that CNNs can be a powerful tool for image
classification tasks in various fields, including fashion. Further research can be done
to improve the performance of the model, such as exploring different network
architectures and optimization techniques, and applying transfer learning to adapt the
model to different dataset.

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