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In the contemporary world, it is noticeable that the number of children playing video games

is high. This essay analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
On the one hand, there are several advantages of spending time on playing video games.
First of all, the children can develop their skill of using computer when they play games. For
example, they can practice using keyboard skillfully without looking at the keyboard.
Moreover, the children can relax after a hard working day if they play video games. As the
result, this will lead to the improvement of their mental health. Furthermore, playing video
games help children make friend on game platform. Therefore, they can improve their social
skill while playing games.
On the other hand, there are numerous disadvanatges appeared when the children spend a
lot of their time on playing video games. To begin with, the blue light from the screen has a
negatively impact on the children’s eyes, which can lead to myope. In addition, playing video
games can distract the children from studying because they want to play games everytime,
so they can not focus on doing homework. In consequence, the performance of the children
at school will be bad. Furthermore, playing video games can harm their mental health
because of the violence of the games. For example, there are numerous violent scenes in
many different video games, so the children being not aged enough will be negatively
effected if they play those games for a long period.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that there are several of advantages and disadvantages of
playing video games by the children.

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