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Ultimate Edition

Ultimate Edition

Wired Neon Cities is a rules-lite Armour: light. Special: Can take a

cyberpunk RPG set in a futuristic surgical action per level each span.
1980s. Players take on the role of Each action heals 2 wounds.
Jacks, augmented freelancers in an
endless metropolis called Glow City. Face: You always get your way
Whether it’s blaze smuggling, corpo eventually. Wounds: 6. Max Armour:
assassination or gangland mid. Special: Reroll any Person test
espionage, Jacks get cash to carry a number of times per span equal to
out everyone’s dirtywork (except for half level. Keep highest result.
cops). All you need is a few buddies,
some paper and pencils and a Drones
bunch of six-sided dice (d6).
Chromers can make or recharge
drones a number of times per span
Create a Jack equal to half level. Each drone
Assign attributes: Split 5, 4, 4, 3 requires 1 shift to create.
between Brawn (strength, melee),
Nimble (agility, ranged), Mind (tech, Spyfly: A tiny drone that acts as
knowledge), Person (charisma, your eye in the sky. You can see
interactions). Lower is better. through its camera up to a mile
Choose a class: Note your wounds, away. Recharge after 1 span.
armour and special. Specials Rattler: A medium drone with a
always round up. mounted machine gun. Attacks after
you in combat. Recharge after 1
Cyberblade: Slicin’ ‘n’ dicin’ on the shift.
mean streets. Wounds: 8. Max Cruiser: A large drone that acts as a
Armour: hard. Special: make an bike. Recharge after 1 span.
extra melee attack equal to half
level once per shift. Starting gear
Every Jack starts with a light
Deckjockey: No Glow Net weapon, light armour and 5
system is safe. Wounds: 6. Max resources to spend on gear and
Armour: light. Special: Gain a +1 to a augmentations. Everyone has a
number of hacking rolls per span deck in which to access the
equal to half level. Glownet, all of which have had their
serial codes spoofed to hide their
Bulletmonkey: Pew pew pew. true identity.
Wounds: 7. Max Armour mid.
Special: make an extra ranged Drive
attack equal to half leve once per Drive answers the question: why the
shifl. hell do you do it? What gives you the
motivation to keep going? It could
Chromer: Gimme a wrench, be to get even against a gang boss,
grease and some wires. Wounds: 6. show the world you’re not just an
Max Armour mid. Special: Can build unimportant fleshbag, or even just
drones. to own a house. Whenever you act
with your Drive in a way that puts
surgeon: Bodies are like tech but you in danger, gain 1 Progress Point
with more blood, Wounds: 6. Max (no more than 1 per adventure).
Making tests Hacking
When doing something where Hacking the Glownet can uncover
failure could be interesting, roll a d6 hidden files, plant viruses into
on a relevant attribute. If the result systems and take control of tech.
is equal or over the attribute it The complexity of a system is based
succeeds. on its security and firmware. Each
Difficult tests: Roll twice and take has a number: the firmware being
the lowest result. the number of successes required
Simple tests: Roll twice and take and the security being the
the highest result. maximum number of tests that can
be taken. Test mind to hack. If you
Time gain the required number of
successes the Glownet is hacked. If
Time is abstracted into moments, you don’t, the network will deploy
shifts and spans. A moment is measures.
around 10 seconds. A shift is around
10 minutes and a span is around 8 • Old terminal: security 6,
hours. firmware 3. Measures: Alarm.
• Corpo network: security 3,
firmware 2. Measures: Hacker
Combat loses 1 resource.
Time: Each turn is a moment. A • Military system: security 4,
combat lasts 1 shift. firmware 3. Measures: Rattlers
Initiative: Jacks go first in order of hone in on hacker position.
weapon - light to heavy, with ranged
taking priority.
Weapons and armour
Actions: Take 2 unique actions (i.e.
move, attack, open a door). Light weapons: 1 damage, 1 resource
Attacking: The attacker tests brawn Mid weapons: 2 damage, 2 resource.
(melee) or nimble (ranged). If Hev weapons: 3 damage, 4 resource
succeeds, does damage equal to the Light armour: 1 armour protection, 1
weapon’s damage value, first to resource
armour protection and then to Mid armour: 2 armour protection, 3
wounds. Ranged attacks in short resource.
are difficult. Hard armour: 3 armour protection, 6
Zones and Movement
The battlefield is split into zones Gear
based around its features. Moving to Fake ID: 2 resource
an adjacent (close) zone requires a Surgical Kit: +1 wounds when
movement action. Moving to a zone healing. 3 uses. 2 resource.
beyond that (far) requires a run, Food pills: 1 per day. Heals 1 wound.
which is 2 move actions. The zone 1 resource.
you’re in is considered short. Helmet: +1 armour protection. 3
Injury and death ICE: Grant an auto success in a hack
When damage reduces wounds to 0, once per span. 7 resource.
you are unconscious. Any further Hidden pocket jacket: 2 resource
damage forces a d6 roll. On a 1-3 Modif-eye: Bypasses retinal
you die. On a 4-5 you remain at 0. scanners. Unusable after 3 uses. 6
Enemies die once they reach 0 resource.
wounds. Jacks heal 1 wound per
shift and all per span. All armour
replenishes after a shift. Words: Scott Malthouse
Cover: Beeple
Interior art: Dean Spencer
Jacks can have a number of
augmentations equal to 2+ level.
You may have multiple
augmentations in the same body
area, but never duplicates.

Air tank: You can breathe

underwater for 3 shifts. 2
Arm blades: Counts as a retractable
mid melee weapon. 4 resources.

Dean Spencer
Climbing arms: You can scale
vertical surfaces. 3 resources
Derma shield: Increase your
maximum wounds by 1. 7 resources.
Disguise: You can alter your face to
any other face you have seen in the
last span. Lasts for a span. 6 max wounds. 8 resources.
resources. Stealth skin: One per span turn
Eagle eye: Make a ranged attack invisible for a shift. 8 resources.
with a +1 bonus once per shift. 5 Syringe finger: Once per shift you
resources. may heal a target 2 wounds. 6
Eye projector: Your eye can project a resources.
moving image from your memory System flush: Once per span
onto a surface for 1 minute. 2 remove a disease from yourself. 5
resources. resources.
Flamer: You shoot fire from your Telescopic vision: You can see
hands. Make a +1 ranged attack clearly up to 1 mile away. 3
within close. If it hits, the opponent resources.
takes 2 damage and is stunned for a Translator: You can understand any
round. Once per shift. 8 resources. language. 3 resources.
Gyroscope: You can move from Voice modulator: Mimic any voice. 4
prone to standing without spending resources.
an action. 4 resources. Wired legs: A run action requires
Hard skin: When not wearing just 1 action. 7 resources.
armour you have 3 armour
protection. 8 resources. Conditions
Hidden pocket: You have a small Diseased: All attributes increase by
skin pocket that can carry a small 1.
item (i.e. a knife). 4 resources.
Frightened: You cannot be in the
Night vision: You can see clearly in same zone as the source of
pitch darkness. 4 resources. frightened.
Manual override: Once per span Invisible: Attacks against you and
remove paralysis from yourself. 6 tests to see you are difficult.
resources. Paralysed: You cannot take actions.
Poison claws: Make a melee attack. Pinned: You cannot move.
If it hits, the opponent takes 1
damage as is poisoned for 3 rounds Poisoned: Take specified poison
8 resources.. damage each turn.
Reboot: Once per span after Prone: Attacks against you are +1.
reaching 0 wounds, return to half Standing requires a move.
Stunned: All tests are difficult.
Earning resources enemies
Resources are abstracted money, Enemies roll against the number in
information and benefits offered by brackets for everything.
those bidding on Jacks’ work. A
short job is generally 1-2 resources, Android (5): A humanoid robot. Dam:
a medium job is 3-4 resources and 1, AP 2, Wounds: 2. Special: Gain +2
a complex job is 5-6. to hacking tests once per span.
Biker Monk (4): Pray and slay. Dam
progression 2, AP 1. Wounds: 4. Special: Once per
Jacks receive Progress Points (PP) shift after dealing damage knock
on their jobs. A short job is worth 1 the target prone.
PP, medium 2PP and complex 3PP. Cyberninja (3): Street vigilante. Dam
After gaining 5PP a Jack levels up, 2. AP 1, Wounds 8. Special: May
increasing max wounds by 2. The move after a successful attack.
max level they can reach is 5. Dog droid (4): Robot pooch. Dam 1,
AP2, Wounds 4. Special: If an
Downtime opponent moves out of its zone the
Between jobs, Jacks can take part dog droid may follow.
in a downtime activity, working out Electro Kiddie (4): Thug with
at around a week. shocking powers. Dam 1, AP 2,
Wounds 5. Special: Attack with
Chop shop: You may have an shock weapon. If hit, target is
augmentation removed and pinned for a round.
replaced with one of equal or lower Ganger (4): Gangland mook. Dam 2,
resource value. AP1 , Wounds 6. Special: While
Corpo spy: Spy on a certain sharing a zone with another ganger
corporation to gain secrets. Gain 1 gain +1 to attacks.
extra resource the next time you Goon (5): Expendable. Dam 1, AP1,
take on a job against that Wounds 3. Special: If within short of
corporation. their boss +1 dam.
Earn side income: Choose a way to Gigarachnid (3): Huge robot spider.
receive income and make a relevant Dam 3, AP3, Wounds 15. Special:
test. If successful gain 1 resource. Anyone who moves out of short
Grow herbs: Gain 3 herbs, each of from the gigarachnid is attacked by
which may either remove poison, spider missiles.
remove disease or heal 1 wound. Hulk Sentry (4): Armoured guard.
Infiltrate gang: Test person or mind. Dam 3, AP3, Wounds 7. Special: If
If successful, you gain 1 resource Hulk Sentry hits, target must test
and pertinent information about a brawn or become stunned for a
gang. If failed, members of the gang round.
come after you. Juicer (5): Drugged up psycho. Dam
Lay low: You go into hiding until 3, AP1, Wounds 4. Special. Once per
gang or corpo heat is off you. shift Juicer regains all wounds.
Make contacts: Forge a relationship Police (4): Fascist. Dam 2, AP2,
with a key contact. Person tests Wounds 6. Special: Spend an action
with the contact are simple. to make a prone target in close
Play gig: You use your talents to pinned.
play in front of a crowd. Person Ravager (3): Augmented assassin.
tests with those at the gig are Dam 3, AP1, Wounds 12. Special: If
simple. opponent has 1 wound remaining
they take 1 extra damage.
Ultimate Edition

Glow city
Welcome to Glow City
An ocean of concrete and chrome
awaits those coming to the
expansive Glow City. The neon-
drenched streets are home to

Dean Spencer
gangers, chop surgeons, juicers and
a whole hive of gutterscum, while
the soaring skyscraper that
puncture the clouds are home to the
one percent - boardroom jockeys.
Most scrape a living in any
way they can, mostly illicitly
considering how little a wage the
corpos pay. Some decide to A game of boardrooms
freelance themselves out to the This is a city ruled by the
highest bidder - solving problems megacorps, where the CEO has
people wish would go away. These more power than the president of
Jacks are generally seen as any country. Some of the key corps
opporunists though some believe are as follows:
like of a Jack is a romantic one Pink Cat: Despite its cutesy veneer,
filled with high adventure. Truth us, this entertainment conglomerate is
most Jacks last a week before run by Cabel Waltz, a master
they’re found on a slab somewhere assassin augmented to become
covered in their own guts. liquid metal. While their million
Everyone, with very few employees churn out hypnotic zazz
exceptions, is hooked into the videos, the board of directors plots
Glownet - a vast digital neural cold-blooded murder.
network that plays host to shopping, Zing! There’s literally nowhere you
entertainment and pretty much can go without seeing the Zing!
everything anyone could want. Like Logo. Famed for its sugar-packed
the streets, the Glownet is riddled Zing! Cola, this corp hides a dark
with dark alleys where deckjockeys secret as to where its ingredients
ply their trade, breaking into come from. Let’s say that those who
servers and stealing valuable are fired from the company are
information to sell on. On the flip never seen again.
side, corpos track everything a
Glownet user does via the serial Pineapple: The first and last word in
code in their decks. Any deckjockey tech, Fronted by Balgu Oniroshi, an
worth their salt spoofs the code in immortal tech wunderkind,
order to carry out their illicit Pineapple are the architects of
dealings without alerting the corp Glownet along with their own brutal
police. brand of cyber warfare.
Locations in glow city motivation other than
Sushi Quarter: This is the place for acquiring more drugs.
less-than-fine dining - grimy street The Reapers: An extremely
food sizzling in hot pans line the organised gang of assassins who
streets as people sit slurping synth take payments from corps to
noodles and cramming down fish eliminate their opponents.
pills. Chrome Domes: A gang of heavily-
Neon Quarter: The bright lights of augmented humans who wish one
the Neon Quarter attract a nightlife day to become fully android. Their
that never seems to end. Clubs, leader, Vincent Eleven, forces
bars and adult establishments are members to drink oil as part of
the name of the game here - there’s initiation.
never a dull moment when you mix Net Jackals: A gang of deckjockeys
drink, drugs and weapons. using their tech skills to steal,
Corp Quarter: Exactly how it sounds. blackmail and commit fraud. Net
Gleaming towers - the Jackals have their own security
headquarters of the most important force of hacked corpo androids
companies in the city. Heavy guarding their base from intruders.
security patrol the area - any The Purists: This gang has sworn off
low-lives dealt with swiftly and any augmentations, believing the
brutally. corruption of the flesh to be a sin.
Block Quarter: This is where the To them, all augmented beings are
majority of people live - all enemies that deserve to be
crammed into huge block towers. annihilated.
Most are disgusting and squalid, Necrologists: A gang who are
with apartments being mainly one- obsessed with technological
room affairs. Typical rent is 100 bits immortality, striving to find a way to
per month. keep them alive forever. Rumours
The Hive: While the Block Quarter is are that Balgu Oniroshi has the
bad, it doesn’t reach the level of secret to eternal life through
poverty that the Hive manages. This augmentation.
is the home of many of the gangs in
the city. They say that if you live in
the Hive and don’t belong to a
gang, then you’re a corpse.

The Livewires: A gang identified by
their bright yellow jackets and
colourful mohawks, the Livewires
are the biggest gang in the Hive.
Most members are fit out
with night vision, making them the
rulers of the dark.
The Iron Maidens: This all-female
biker gang is the bane of the Block
Dean Spencer

Quarter. They carry chains to whip

and choke their enemies.
Sick Boyz: A gang of psycho juicers
who love nothing more than
chugging adrenaline and shooting
up stores. They have very little
Ultimate Edition

Vegas rise
A starter adventure

Introduction Vegas Rise

A day ago the Pink Cat systems A run-down apartment building
detected an intrusion but before greets the Jacks as they arrive in
they could respond they discovered Vegas Rise. Steam from the sewers
their upcoming multi-billion dollar spews into clouds, casting a haze
zazz movie, The Wandering Giraffe, over the rain-strewn streets. The
had been copied. The intruder, a apartment has a key code lock.
deckjockey from the Net Jackals, is Knocking doesn’t elicit any
threatening to leak the film into the response. They keypad can be
Glownet unless they wire them a hooked to a deck and hacked.
billion dollars in the next 24 hours. Hacking the battered keypad:
firmware 2, security 5 Measures:
To save from total embarrassment, decrease security by 1. It might be
the Head of Joy at Pink Cat has apparent to the players that it’s not
enlisted the help of a group of exactly the most secure pad for a
Jacks, offering a reward for supposed hacking mastermind.
“negotiating” with the intruder and Alternatively, the door can be
preventing the leak. bashed in with a brawn test or the
code can be gained from a friendly
Starting the job neighbour with a person test.
The Jacks are met by Ms Emerald, a The apartment is cramped,
tall woman in a long green trench- with wired and monitors hanging off
coat. She’s a Jack Broker, an of seemingly every surface. A
intermediary between corps and powerd-down ex-Zing! Android
Jacks (corps could never be seen hangs on a wall hook. One
doing direct dealings with those computer stands out, with a green
scumbuckets). She explains her and black monitor on showing an
predicament and that her employer upload screen at 89%. This isn’t an
would pay well to have the matter upload of the movie, but a dummy
resolved. In this case 1 resource per upload. Preventing it is just a case
player. She offers the following of clicking ‘cancel’. Once done (or
information: not done), the android powers on,
• The intruder was tracked to an guns emerging from both its arms.
address in the Neon Quarter, on The apartment is just one zone, with
Vegas Rise. the landing outside a second zone.
• They were smart and clearly an The android begins firing at the
experienced hacker. players as a man’s voice buzzes
• Should they fail, there’s a over its speaker: “Welcome to my
chance her employer will put a humble abode. I’m afraid I’m not in
hit out on them. So be careful! right now, but I’m more than happy
to take a message.”
There are several ways for the with several more hi-tech monitors,
Jacks to find out where the wires and tubes hanging from the
intruder’s true location is. ceiling, all branded with the Net
Ransacking the room turns up a slip Jackals wired jackal head logo.
of paper reading “safe house - Whenever Amar sees that the Jacks
Margo Street chop shop”. The are coming he begins the upload,
computer can also be hacked: which can be seen on the large
firmware 3, security 5 (measures: screen at the back. Amar himself is
alert the intruder of the hack) and a a bald man with a ginger beard and
file discovered with messages knock off designer shades.. After
between an anonymous person Pink Cat sent assassins after his
mentioning to come to the safe best friend Cyla he’s tried to hit
house in Margo Street chop shop. them hard - this was but a taster of
what he’s capable of. If he’s
Margo Street Chop shop threatened, he claps his hands and
The chop shop can be found, like two hulk sentries step out of the
most others, down the back of a darkness, attacking the Jacks. The
grimy alley. Two hired security (as circular basement is split by half
gangers) guard the door. Let the into two zones. Amar is treated as a
players decide how they want to get ganger with a an armblade.
in - slipping them a bribe, The upload is on 50% when
intimidating them or flat out taking they enter and increases by 10%
them out. A security camera is after every round. This can’t be
recording the alley, monitored by stopped with a cancel, but needs to
the intruder, Amar Brekhov, holed be hacked on the Stolen corpo rig:
up in the basement with his ganger firmware 3, security 5. Measures:
brethren. If he sees the Jacks lock out user.
attacking his security, he’ll begin the The Jacks can try talk Amar
upload. around with a difficult person test,
Inside is a dingy room with but he will only agree to stop the
several flat tables covered in dried upload if they become double
blood. Augment parts are scattered agents for him against Pink Cat. If
all over and a chubby grey-haired Amar is killed the Jacks may find
woman with black goggles busily themselves being the target of the
hacks up a “patient”, popping in a Net Jackals in the future.
glowing eyeball. A door on the other
side of the room leads to the
basement. If the Jacks show they’re
hostile she slams on the door three
times and four gangers run into the
room, each with guns and knives.
The room is a single zone, with the
alleyway being another. The butcher
doesn’t stick around, fleeing into the
A surgical kit can be found
on one of the benches.
Dean Spencer

Chop shop basement

The sizeable basement is kitted out

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