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Dear Home Country, we all know what you’ve been through since the beginning.

I am
astonished and appalled by the experiences and historical moments that occurred throughout time.
There have been tremendous changes in the economy, industry, society, and with the citizen. These
various changes ensued with both positive and negative outcomes that are recognized and seen
currently in the situation of our nation. In the present time, what is the national situation of our
country? What are the prevalent issues we are facing? What are the fundamental solutions for these
issues? What are my insights and realizations on this?

The country is currently in an ongoing transition from the two-year hiatus of the whole
economic and industrial construct because of the worldwide epidemic caused by COVID-19. Those two
entire years have affected the whole nation and population in an unforeseeable manner. Now that
we’re transitioning back to the old normal, it will be a slow and gradual process that will have its
hardships and problems to encounter. The adjustments we have to make in society have been a struggle
in all sectors of the country. As a college student, I have experienced this in the conflicting face-to-face
and online schedules we have to attend in our respective universities. These adjustments and transitions
are also a circumstance felt in the highest form of government, with the newly seated president of the
Philippines, President Bong Bong Marcos.

Currently, the country is facing various issues that substantially affect the population,
businesses, supply of produce, and more. The two most prevalent issues are the soaring inflation rate
and the dire human rights situation. The inflation risks are “broadly balanced” with price pressures
expected to come from higher global non-oil prices, pending petitions for further fare hikes, the impact
of weather disturbances, as well as a sharp increase in sugar prices (Piatos TC.). Continued
implementation of government measures would be critical in alleviating the impact of persistent supply-
side pressures on food and other commodity prices. The issue of the human rights situation in our
country dates back to the extra-judicial killings started by then-President Rodrigo Duterte in 2016. Since
Marcos took office on June 30, two more journalists were killed, with this, there has been no letup in
“drug war” killings or other human rights violations. The only solution that I can see to this issue is
immediate action on the issue. It is vaguely possible to happen as the government’s justice and
accountability remain as elusive as ever.

We are still in a middle of a national crisis which we are all experiencing on different levels, even
with the uncertain decisions and priorities of the current administration. I’m anticipating that we will live
through this as a whole and proud nation into a bright and colorful future.

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