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Meeting 4- generation gap - assignment


1.What makes you different from your
mother/father? ( physical, characters, hobbies)
e.g. I am different from my mother/father not
only in physical appearance but also in
characters. I am tall but my father is short. I
have dark brown skin but my father has light
brown skin. About the characters, I am
easygoing and outgoing, but my father is …..
and ….
2.What are differences between younger
generation and older generations?
- Hobbies: music, eating, etc
- Fashion: hair style
- Jobs: stay longer or move from job to job?
- Personalities: creative, old fashioned,
conservative, disciplined, strict,
economical/consumptive, etc
Model: The younger generation is very
different from the older generation. Regarding the
hobbies, younger generation like pop and
underground music, but old generation like
classical and blues.
3.Compare the situation in your hometown the
year of 2112 and now.
-- universities
- cost of living
- fashion
- mall /hotel/resto
- Model :
Ten years ago, people liked to travel by public
transport such as taxi, and bus, but now most
people like to travel by motorcycles and
online transport.
4.What are the typical characteristics of milennial
generation ( born in 2000 and up)
1.Lifestyle : eating habit, fashion,
3.Working : being an employee / self
4.Working: online or offline
5.Study: online or offline
Model, I would like to identify the typical
characteristics of millennial generations. The
first is their lifestyle. Milennials like to
………………………………………… The second is their
shopping habit. Unlike old generation, they
like to shop online. For example,

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