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Statement/issue: Online learning : good or bad?

1. Analyze and identify : + good/advantages/pros:
1. We don’t have to dress formally. For example….
2. We can save time for the trip
3. We can save money for the transportation
4. We can have side job and help parents

-bad/ disadvantages/probllems/cons
1. It is expensive- need money for internet/laptop
2. It is not effective - internet connection – bad
3. There is No direct interaction with friends
4. Time to meet the teacher/lecturers -- limited
2. Give illustrations for each arguments. For example, -----

PRACTICE---- Write your arguments as requested.

1. Alcoholic drinks at the tourist destinations: should be allowed
Pros : write 3 arguments
cOns : write 3 arguments
2. Life time penalty for the corruptors : agree /disagree
Agree: 2 arguments
Disagree: 2 arguments
3. Electric cars/bikes should be free from tax.

Agree: 2 arguments
Not agree: 2 arguments
4. Illegal immigrants are good for the economy of a country
Agree : 2 arguments and not agree -2 argument


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