LuciaMatos MateoBueno Negotiation

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Mateo Bueno Colomer y Lucía Matos Pérez

Link to the interview:

• What was your goal?

I think that my goal was - Well I actually liked Larry, I liked his curriculum. I checked
him on Linkedin before, and I knew he was a very good worker, even though I hadn't
talked to him yet. So my goal was to hire him as he would be a very good addition to
our company. But at the same time, you know, try to hire him with the best
conditions for the company, as long as he does not consider them abusive. So, I will
say that, that that was pretty much the the end point of the interview. So I think that
I reached my goal.

My goal was obviously getting hired with the salary that I wanted. I don't know if I
obtained that. But anyways, my main one was getting hired. And I think that I
achieved it. So yeah.

• What was your BATNA?

My BATNA was $60,000. That would be, I think, a pretty appropriate price for me,
because if I go any, any lower, I think that it might be considered, not disrespectful,
but not a competitive salary. Then maybe you might have thought that you were
wasting your time during this interview. But yeah, it was $60,000. That was the
lowest I could go for.

My BATNA was $75,000, of course, I knew it was really hard, but well, I wanted to
maybe be able to reach it. But I was happy with 60,000 too. But yeah, it was $75,000.
• What was your reservation price?
In my case, my reservation price was $70,000. I know I had a lot of things I could say if
you were not happy with the current salary. But yeah, $70,000 was pretty much as high
as I could go up. Because anything other than 60k, I would’ve had to talk to my manager
and try to convince him about it. So imagine 70k. That would have been like, tough.

My reservation price was a $63,000 pounds. Um, but it's true that when the interview
started, I changed it to $60,000, because I saw all the benefits and I said, well, I think it's
also a fair amount. So yeah.

• What likely price do you expected to obtain?

I wasn't expecting you to, to go for the 60k. So my expected price was $65,000. That gap
in between between 60k and 70k.

I expected $70,000 because I'm a really positive person. So I thought that I could maybe
obtain that.

• What was your ambitious target?

As I said, this question is pretty much like the goal one. I think my most ambitious target
would be getting him hired and happy in accepting the 60k + the benefits we have to

Mine was a moving to London with a good company, and I consider WABTY to be a good
company, and also a good salary, which as I said, as it started in $63,000, I went down to
$60,000 ffter hearing all the benefits. So yeah, those are my underlying interests.
Involvement in the activity
Mateo: 100%
Lucía: 100%

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