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Video-Life in the middle ages the doctor (watch the video and answer the questions)

1. Type down some of the crazy ideas that Middle age doctors had to treat illness!!

Got a bad bruise? Bandage it with bacon fat and flour. Got a noise bleed? Push a mixture of onion
and mustard seed up your noise. Got some internal bleeding? Put a dried toad in a bag and hang it
around your neck.

2. How is the human body like a machine/system with working parts?

The human body is like a machine with different parts/system (eg organs, blood, muscles) working
together. If one of these systems breaks (becomes ill) the whole body can be affected.

3. Why were barbers used to ‘work’ on patients?

Because the doctors

4. What was penance?

Putting yourself on a hard work or even suffering so that god will forgive you for your sins.
Sometimes sick people would do some penance in the hope that god would make them better. One
example of penance is a pilgrimage (that is a long journey to a holy place a place of god.) If you were
sick hopefully a family member would take the pilgrimage for you and pray for you along the way.
The idea was that god would listen to these prayers in the holy place and make you better.

5. How did the living conditions help disease to spread?

Houses were packed with people and houses were close together. So diseases were easy to spread.
Sewage (toilet waste) was just thrown out of the window. Because surrounding of middle ages were
bad diseases were very normal to them.

6. Why did the black death kill so many?

Lack of knowledge about disease in general and there was no medication or cures. No understanding
of how the disease was spreading.

7. About what percentage of Europeans were killed by the black death?

About 33% of all Europeans were killed by the black death. In some countries it was as high as 60%.

8. How did the black death spread?

Houses in middle ages were packed and were close together; they produced many garbage. Because
there was many garbage in the street so there were lots of rats. Because there were many rats there
was also many fleas that caused by the rats. Bacteria that caused by fleas affected people and black
death started spread. In middle ages people was always crowded so it was not hard to spread.

9. How do you think moving away from religious beliefs and the pursuit of Science during the
Renaissance helped the advancement of medicine?

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