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Writing and Graphic Design: Anne Gregersen
Editing: E.R.F. Jordan
Cover Illustrator: Warmtail
Interior Illustrator: Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenlo, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. is work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by
Anne Gregersen and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

BLOODIED & BRUISED Overlords .............................................................................................. 10
Rak Tulkhesh ..........................................................................................10
e Bloodied Condition ....................................................................... 4
Sul Khatesh .............................................................................................10
Bloodied Abilities ....................................................................................5
Quori ..................................................................................................... 10
Death roes .......................................................................................... 5
Hashalaq Quori ......................................................................................10
Kalaraq Quori.........................................................................................11
NEW CREATURE ENTRIES Tsucora Quori ........................................................................................11
Belashyrra ............................................................................................... 6 Radiant Idol ..........................................................................................11
Dyrrn....................................................................................................... 6 Zakya Rakshasa ................................................................................... 11
Dinosaurs................................................................................................ 7 Undying ................................................................................................ 12
Clawfoot ....................................................................................................7 Undying Councilor ................................................................................12
Fastieth ...................................................................................................... 7 Undying Soldier .....................................................................................12
Dolgaunt ................................................................................................. 7 Valenar Animals .................................................................................. 12
Dolgrim .................................................................................................. 7 Valenar Hawk .........................................................................................12
Dusk Hag ................................................................................................ 7 Valenar Hound .......................................................................................12
Homunculi ............................................................................................. 8 Valenar Steed ..........................................................................................12
Expeditious Messenger ........................................................................... 8 Warforged Colossus ............................................................................ 13
Iron Defender ...........................................................................................8 Warforged Titan................................................................................... 13
Inspired ................................................................................................... 8
Karrnathi Undead Soldier .................................................................... 8
Lady Illmarrow ...................................................................................... 8
Bone Knight ......................................................................................... 14
Living Spells ........................................................................................... 9 Changeling ........................................................................................... 14
Living Burning Hands ............................................................................. 9
Kalashtar ............................................................................................... 14
Living Lightning Bolt ..............................................................................9
Magewright .......................................................................................... 14
Living Cloudkill ....................................................................................... 9
Shier .................................................................................................... 14
e Lord of Blades................................................................................. 9
Tarkanan Assassin ............................................................................... 14
Mordakhesh ........................................................................................... 9
Warforged Soldier ............................................................................... 14

he bugbear chief nurses a gushing condition. is number is static and doesn’t take
wound in her side before issuing an into account things like additional hit points or
order of retreat to her allies. A bright similar effects.
light forms around the angel’s dying Some creatures gain new abilities when they
body, blinding everyone near it as it passes on from become bloodied, making them ght harder or
the world of the living. With blood streaming down more desperately than before. Some abilities can
its torso, an enraged hill giant slams its sts into the only be triggered once during an encounter, while
ground and causes the earth around it to quake. others persist for as long as the creature is bloodied.
Bloodied & Bruised provides special combat • While Bloodied… Traits that have this or
actions to the creatures in Eberron: Rising from the similar text in the opening, persist for as long
Last War offering new tactics for them to employ as the creature is bloodied.
in battle. Some of these abilities only have a light • When First Bloodied… Traits that have this
impact on how the creature acts, while other text in the opening are only triggered when
“bloodied features” completely change how the the creature is rst bloodied in an encounter.
monster behaves in battle. Bloodied & Bruised is If the creature is healed out of its bloodied
designed to make the latter half of battle more state and then made bloodied again later
teeth-clenching than the rounds that came before it. during the same encounter, this ability doesn’t
trigger again.
Player characters can become bloodied as well.
e “bloodied” condition, originally from 4e, is is information can be useful for the party’s
used to signify how a creature is faring in a combat opponents, as they can see who among the party
scenario. A creature becomes bloodied when it is closest to falling unconscious and target them
reaches half of its hit point maximum (rounded accordingly. Some creatures, like lycanthropes, even
down), which acts as a way of communicating get abilities that make them extra deadly against
the state of an opponent in a ght. Telling the bloodied characters.
players the creature they are ghting is bloodied What is an Encounter? An “encounter” is any
shows them how far along in the ght they are and physical con ict that the party has against enemies,
whether they should be planning a retreat or going monsters, or the environment. Its beginning is
in for the kill. signi ed by rolling initiative, and it ends when all
For consistency’s sake, all creatures listed in this characters are out of initiative. Trigger abilities, as
document are given the “bloodied” condition, even presented in this document, can only be used once
where that word may not be the most suitable to per encounter.
use. In some cases, such as with constructs and Bloodied Critters. If a creature has 10 hit points
oozes, the terms “bruised” or “battered” better or less, this document provides it with no bloodied
describe how a creature is faring in a ght. is abilities. A creature with so few hit points would
document also notes the hit point amount a rarely be in a ght for more than a round or two,
speci c creature must have to receive the bloodied

and bloodied abilities are excessive for its stat block.
However, if you wish to add a bloodied ability to
such a creature, we suggest adding the Cornered Death roes is a new effect added by this book,
bloodied ability, or the Worn Out frailty, as de ned meant to make the defeat of an enemy stand out as
by this document. See the clawfoot entry for details it makes a nal show of de ance when slain. It’s a
on these abilities. unique effect triggered when certain creatures reach
0 hit points and die. Some creatures already have
BLOODIED ABILITIES a Death roes trait written into their stat block.
A creature’s abilities depend on the resources the is document adds new Death roes to several
creature has on hand. If a creature is animal-like in other creatures that the DM can use to make an
nature, it lashes out in desperation or grows tired encounter more destructive or unique.
as the ght goes on, while humanoid opponents Depending on the nature of the creature’s death,
might look for ways to leave combat as they see the the Death roes might not
ght turning against them. For this reason, some activate. For instance, if
bloodied features recur throughout the document, the creature dies from fall
as they are associated with a speci c type of damage, is obliterated such
creature. as with the disintegrate
e amount of bloodied abilities also depends on spell, or suffers instant
the creature’s CR. ere is no reason for a creature death, it’s up to the DM
with only a few hit points to have a ton of new whether the Death roes
possible actions it can do if it’s gonna be defeated occur or not.
in a couple of rounds anyway. Lower CR creatures
don’t have as many or as complex bloodied abilities
as a result.
Bloodied abilities can look as follows:
Ability Recharge. A trait or action is immediately
recharged without the creature having to roll for it.
New Ability. e creature gains a new trait or
action while in its bloodied state.
Strength or Frailty. e creature is made stronger
or weaker in its bloodied state. is can include
changes to its AC, speed, or damage resistances.
Trigger Ability. When the creature becomes
bloodied, a unique ability is triggered. e ability
only triggers if the creature is able to act it out,
meaning that incapacitated creatures can’t use
trigger abilities in most cases. Likewise, if the
trigger ability requires a reaction to ful ll, the
creature can’t use the ability if it has already used
its reaction that round.

When bloodied at 152 HP, Belashyrra has the When bloodied at 162 HP, Dyrrn has the
following features. following features.
Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst
bloodied, Belashyrra regains all expended uses of its bloodied, Dyrrn regains all expended uses of its
legendary actions. legendary actions.
New Ability: Deadly Gaze. While bloodied, Trigger Ability: Teleporting Strike. When rst
Balashyrra’s eye rays become more potent. If bloodied, Dyrrn can use its Teleport ability as a
a creature fails its saving throw against one of reaction. Aer using Teleport in this way, it can
Belashyrra’s eye rays, the creature has disadvantage immediately make an attack with its tentacle whip.
on death saving throws for the next 24 hours. Death roes: It’s in My Head. When Dyrrn dies,
Trigger Ability: Eye Ray. When rst bloodied, the nal visage of its form burns into the minds of
Belashyrra can shoot one random magical eye ray any onlookers. Creatures within 120 feet of Dyrrn
as a reaction. when it dies and saw it perish must succeed on
Death roes: Not the Eyes! When Belashyrra a DC 23 Intelligence saving throw or be haunted
dies, a swarm of semi-sentient eyes writhes out of by the visage of Dyrrn for the next 7 days. For the
its form and ies towards living creatures within duration, the creature has 1 level of exhaustion
60 feet of where Belashyrra died. Creatures in the that cannot be reduced, and it has disadvantage on
area must succeed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving saving throws against having its mind read or its
throw or be swarmed by dozens of eyes. A swarmed location discovered, such as the detect thoughts and
creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage and is scrying spells. It also gains a random aw from the
overcome with intense paranoia, which lasts for 3 Madness of Dyrrn table (found in Eberron: Rising
days. During this time, the creature cannot sleep from the Last War), which vanishes at the end
or gain the bene ts of a full rest, as it is convinced of the duration.
someone or something is watching it sleep. In
addition, the creature automatically succeeds on
checks and saving throws against having its mind
invaded, such as from the detect thoughts spell.

CLAWFOOT When bloodied at 41 HP, the dusk hag has the
When bloodied at 9 HP, the clawfoot has the following features.
following features. New Ability: Tempting Invitation. As a bonus
Frailty: Worn Out. While bloodied, the clawfoot’ action while bloodied, the hag can target one
speed is lowered by 10 feet (to a minimum of 5 feet). creature it can see within 30 feet and invite it to
join the hag’s side. e creature must succeed on a
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by
the clawfoot can make a melee attack against a
the hag for 1 minute. While charmed, the creature
creature within range as a reaction.
will not aid any creature attempting to harm the
FASTIETH hag. e hag can only have one creature charmed in
e fastieth has no bloodied features. this way at a time. e charmed creature can repeat
its saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
DOLGAUNT ending the effect on a success. Once a creature has
succeeded on its saving throw, it is immune to the
When bloodied at 16 HP, the dolgaunt has the hag’s Tempting Invitation for 24 hours.
following features. New Ability: Armor of Dreams. While bloodied
New Ability: Disengage. While bloodied, and within 30 feet of at least one sleeping creature,
the dolgaunt can take the Disengage action as the hag’s AC increases by 2 and it regains 7 (2d6) hit
a bonus action. points at the start of each of its turns.
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied, Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
the dolgaunt can make a melee attack against a the hag can use its reaction to cast a spell that
creature within range as a reaction. normally requires an action to cast.

When bloodied at 6 HP, the dolgrim has the
following feature.
New Ability: Argumentative/Attentive. While
bloodied, there’s a 50% chance at the beginning
of each round for the golgrim to either become
Argumentative or Attentive. If it becomes
Argumentative, it can’t take reactions that
round as the mouths start bickering with each
other. If it becomes Attentive, it can take two
reactions that round.

EXPEDITIOUS MESSENGER When bloodied at 99 HP, Lady Illmarrow has the
e expeditious messenger has no bloodied following features.
features. Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst
bloodied, Belashyrra regains all expended uses of its
IRON DEFENDER legendary actions.
When bloodied at 15 HP, the iron defender has the
Ability Recharge: Poison Breath. When
following features.
rst bloodied, Lady Illmarrow’s Poison Breath
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied, ability is recharged.
the iron defender can make a melee attack against a New Ability: Turn Resistance. While bloodied,
creature within range as a reaction. Lady Illmarrow has advantage on saving throws
Death roes: Arcane Boom. A small arcane against any effect that turns undead.
explosion happens as the iron defender falls to Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
the ground. Each creature in a 10-foot radius the Inspired can use its reaction to cast a spell that
of the iron defender when it expires takes 7 normally requires an action to cast. is reaction is
(3d4) force damage. limited to spells of 5th level or lower.
Death roes: Death Transference. When
INSPIRED Lady Illmarrow’s body dies, a surge of necrotic
When bloodied at 20 HP, the Inspired has the energy pulls in the unfortunate creatures near
following features. her demise. Each creature within 30 feet of Lady
Illmarrow when her body dies must make a DC
Strength: In Love and War. While bloodied,
20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
the Inspired has advantage on attack rolls against
a creature is knocked prone and takes 17 (5d6)
creatures it has charmed.
necrotic damage. In addition, for the next 7 days,
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied, if the creature drops below 0 hit points, it already
the Inspired can use its reaction to cast a spell that has one failed death save. On a successful save, the
normally requires an action to cast. creature is knocked prone and takes half as much
damage, but its death saves aren’t affected.
When bloodied at 26 HP, the Karrnathi undead
soldier has the following features.
New Ability: Sluggish/Bolting. While bloodied,
there’s a 75% chance the Karrnathi undead soldier
becomes Sluggish and a 25% chance the Karrnathi
undead soldier becomes Bolting. If it becomes
Sluggish, the Karrnathi undead soldier’s movement
speed is lowered by 10 feet (to a minimum of 5
feet). If it becomes Bolting, the Karrnathi undead
soldier can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Trigger Ability: Tactical Retreat. When rst
bloodied, the Karrnathi undead soldier can use its
reaction to move up to its speed without provoking
opportunity attacks. It then makes one attack
with its longbow.

LIVING BURNING HANDS When bloodied at 97 HP, the Lord of Blades has the
When bloodied at 7 HP, the living burning hands following features.
has the following features. Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst
Ability Recharge: Spell Mimicry. When bloodied, the Lord of Blades regains all expended
rst bloodied, the living spell’s Spell Mimicry uses of his legendary actions.
ability is recharged. Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
Death roes: Arcane Boom. A small arcane the Lord of Blades can use his reaction to cast a
explosion happens as the living spell dissipates. spell that normally requires an action to cast.
Each creature in a 10-foot radius of the living spell Death roes: Expulsion of Knives. When the
when it expires takes 7 (3d4) force damage. Lord of Blades dies, the many blades that make up
his body erupt out of him. Each creature within
LIVING LIGHTNING BOLT 30 feet of the Lord of Blades when he dies must
When bloodied at 28 HP, the living lightning bolt succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take
has the following features. 27 (5d10) piercing damage and have its movement
Ability Recharge: Spell Mimicry. When speed reduced by 10 feet (to a minimum of 15 feet)
rst bloodied, the living spell’s Spell Mimicry until it nishes a long rest.
ability is recharged.
Death roes: Arcane Boom. A small arcane
explosion happens as the living spell dissipates. When bloodied at 85 HP, Mordakhesh has the
Each creature in a 10-foot radius of the living spell following features.
when it expires takes 15 (6d4) force damage. Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst
LIVING CLOUDKILL bloodied, Mordakhesh regains all expended uses of
When bloodied at 36 HP, the living cloudkill has his legendary actions.
the following features. New Ability: Grace of the Cat. While bloodied,
Mordakhesh cannot be knocked prone.
Ability Recharge: Spell Mimicry. When
New Ability: Sensing Goodness. As a bonus
rst bloodied, the living spell’s Spell Mimicry
action while bloodied, Mordakhesh can make a
ability is recharged.
Wisdom (Insight) check against another creature’s
Death roes: Arcane Boom. A small arcane passive Deception score. On a success, Mordakhesh
explosion happens as the living spell dissipates. knows if the creature’s alignment is Good.
Each creature in a 10-foot radius of the living spell
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
when it expires takes 22 (9d4) force damage.
Mordakhesh can use his reaction to cast a spell that
normally requires an action to cast.
Death roes: Destructive Exit. When
Mordakhesh dies, he swears vengeance on the
creature that slayed him as a nal act of de ance.
Mordakhesh targets the creature that killed him
with two Chromatic Orbs. If the creature that killed
Mordakhesh is not within range of his Chromatic
Orb, Mordakhesh targets another creature instead.

When bloodied at 237 HP, the Sul Khatesh has the
RAK TULKHESH following features.
When bloodied at 239 HP, Rak Tulkhesh has the
following features. Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst
bloodied, Sul Kalthesh regains all expended uses of
Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When rst her legendary actions.
bloodied, Rak Tulkhesh regains all expended uses of New Ability: Quick Change. While bloodied,
his legendary actions. Sul Khatesh can use her Change Shape ability as
New Ability: Quick Change. While bloodied, a bonus action.
Rak Tulkhesh can use his Change Shape ability as Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
a bonus action. Sul Khatesh can use her reaction to cast a spell that
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied, normally requires an action to cast. is is limited
Rak Tulkhesh can use his reaction to cast a spell to a spell Sul Khatesh can cast at will.
that normally requires an action to cast. Death roes: Arcane Explosion. When Sul
Death roes: Scatter of Weapons. When Rak Khatesh dies, arcane energy booms out of her
Tulkhesh dies, the weapons whirling around him body. Each creature within 60 feet of Sul Khatesh
burst away from him, aiming for living creatures. when she dies must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving
Each creature within 60 feet of Rak Tulkhesh when throw, taking 71 (11d12) force damage on a failed
he dies must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving save or half as much damage on a successful one.
throw or take 14 (4d6) force damage. A creature Any magic items worn or carried by a creature
that fails its save by 5 or more is also impaled damaged by this arcane explosion lose their magical
by one of the weapons, taking an additional 7 properties for 7 days.
(2d6) piercing damage. An impaled creature has
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and QUORI
saving throws until the weapon is removed from its
body. An impaling weapon can be removed with HASHALAQ QUORI
a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check as When bloodied at 49 HP, the hashalaq quori has
an action. Each attempt at removing the weapon, the following features.
successful or not, deals an additional 7 (2d6) Ability Recharge: Possession. When rst
piercing damage to the impaled creature. bloodied, the quori’s Possession ability is recharged.
Frailty: Dream Reliant. While bloodied, the
quori has disadvantage on saving throws against
creatures that have not had a long rest within the
past 24 hours.
New Ability: Possession Savant. While bloodied,
the quori knows the exact location of any creature
it has successfully possessed within the past 30
days, and it cannot have disadvantage on attack
rolls against them.
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
the quori can use its reaction to cast a spell that
normally requires an action to cast.

When bloodied at 80 HP, the kalaraq quori has the
following features. When bloodied at 71 HP, the radiant idol has the
following features.
Ability Recharge: Possession. When rst
bloodied, the quori’s Possession ability is recharged. New Ability: Divine Wrath. If the radiant idol is
concentrating on a spell while bloodied, its weapon
Frailty: Dream Reliant. While bloodied, the attacks deal an additional 3 (1d6) radiant damage.
quori has disadvantage on saving throws against
creatures that have not had a long rest within the Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
past 24 hours. the radiant idol can use its reaction to cast a spell
that normally requires an action to cast.
New Ability: Possession Savant. While bloodied,
the quori knows the exact location of any creature Death roes: Font of Celestial Light. Bright
it has successfully possessed within the past 30 light burns in a silhouette of the slain radiant idol.
days, and it cannot have disadvantage on attack Creatures within 10 feet of the radiant idol when
rolls against them. it dies and can see it must succeed on a DC 17
Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
Ability Recharge: Swarm of Eyes. When beginning of their next turn.
rst bloodied, the quori’s Swarm of Eyes
ability is recharged. ZAKYA RAKSHASA
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
When bloodied at 29 HP, the zakya rakshasa has
the quori can use its reaction to cast a spell that
the following features.
normally requires an action to cast.
New Ability: Grace of the Cat. While bloodied,
TSUCORA QUORI the rakshasa cannot be knocked prone.
When bloodied at 34 HP, the tsucora quori has the
New Ability: Sensing Goodness. As a bonus
following features.
action while bloodied, the rakshasa can make a
Ability Recharge: Possession. When rst Wisdom (Insight) check against another creature’s
bloodied, the quori’s Possession ability is recharged. passive Deception score. On a success, the rakshasa
Frailty: Dream Reliant. While bloodied, the knows if the creature’s alignment is Good.
quori has disadvantage on saving throws against Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
creatures that have not had a long rest within the the rakshasa can make a melee attack against a
past 24 hours. creature within range as a reaction.
New Ability: Possession Savant. While bloodied,
the quori knows the exact location of any creature
it has successfully possessed within the past 30
days, and it cannot have disadvantage on attack
rolls against them.
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
the quori can use its reaction to cast a spell that
normally requires an action to cast.

When bloodied at 52 HP, the undying councilor When bloodied at 5 HP, the Valenar hawk has the
has the following features. following features.
Ability Recharge: Healing Touch. When rst Ability Recharge: Ancestral Trait. When rst
bloodied, the undying councilor regains one bloodied, the Valenar hawk’s ancestral trait
expended use of Healing Touch. recharges (if it has such a trait).
Ability Recharge: Legendary Actions. When New Ability: Bonded Tactics. While bloodied,
rst bloodied, the undying councilor regains all the Valenar hawk has advantage on an attack roll
expended uses of its legendary actions. against a target if the creature it is bonded with is
New Ability: Radiant Champion. While within 5 feet of the target and the bonded creature
bloodied, if the undying councilor takes or deals isn’t incapacitated.
radiant damage, its AC is increased by 2 until the
beginning of its next turn.
When bloodied at 9 HP, the Valenar hound has the
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied, following features.
the undying councilor can use its reaction to cast a
spell that normally requires an action to cast. Ability Recharge: Ancestral Trait. When rst
bloodied, the Valenar hound’s ancestral trait
UNDYING SOLDIER recharges (if it has such a trait).
When bloodied at 13 HP, the undying soldier has New Ability: Bonded Tactics. While bloodied,
the following features. the Valenar hound has advantage on an attack roll
New Ability: Radiant Champion. While against a target if the creature it is bonded with is
bloodied, if the undying soldier takes or deals within 5 feet of the target and the bonded creature
radiant damage, its AC is increased by 2 until the isn’t incapacitated.
beginning of its next turn.
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied, When bloodied at 11 HP, the Valenar steed has the
the undying soldier can make a melee attack against following features.
a creature within range as a reaction.
Ability Recharge: Ancestral Trait. When
rst bloodied, the Valenar steed’s ancestral trait
recharges (if it has such a trait).
New Ability: Bonded Tactics. While bloodied,
the Valenar steed has advantage on an attack roll
against a target if the creature it is bonded with is
within 5 feet of the target and the bonded creature
isn’t incapacitated.

When bloodied at 205 HP, the warforged colossus When bloodied at 62 HP, the warforged titan has
has the following features. the following features.
Ability Recharge: Incinerating Beam. When rst Ability Recharge: Sweeping Axe. When rst
bloodied, the warforged colossus’s Incinerating bloodied, the warforged titan’s Sweeping Axe
Beam ability is recharged. ability is recharged.
New Ability: Steady Aim. While bloodied, the Frailty: Valuable Cargo. While bloodied and
warforged colossus has advantage on ranged attack carrying at least one allied creature on either of its
rolls if it doesn’t move on its turn. platforms, the warforged titan’s speed is reduced by
Death roes: Ground-Shattering Demise. e 15 feet (to a minimum of 20 feet).
warforged colossus falls in a random direction, New Ability: Hammer Time. While bloodied,
provided it isn’t prone. Roll a d8 to determine which when the warforged titan uses its Sweeping Axe
direction the warforged colossus falls when it dies. ability, it can make one attack with its Hammer st
e area where it lands becomes difficult terrain, as a bonus action.
and the warforged colossus takes up a 60-foot New Ability: Platform Defenses. While bloodied,
square of space. creatures standing on the warforged titan’s chassis
Each creature standing in the area must make a platforms are better protected. Creatures on its
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the platforms gain a +2 bonus to AC as long as they
dead warforged colossus lands on the creature. e remain on the platform.
creature takes 70 (20d6) bludgeoning damage, is
knocked prone, and is trapped under the warforged
colossus’s body. While trapped, the creature is
blinded and restrained, it has total cover against
attacks and other effects from outside the warforged
colossus’s body, and it takes 17 (5d6) bludgeoning
damage at the start of each of its turns. e creature
can use an action on its turn to make a DC 30
Strength (Athletics) check, moving itself 10 feet
along the ground on a success.
If a creature succeeds on its saving throw, it takes
no damage, isn’t knocked prone, and is pushed
5 feet out of the warforged colossus ‘s space into
an unoccupied space of the creature’s choice. A
creature that cannot move, chooses not to move,
or is 10 feet or more within the 100-foot square of
space the warforged colossus takes up suffers the
consequences of a failed saving throw.

When bloodied at 42 HP, the bone knight has the e magewright has no bloodied features.
following features.
New Ability: Undead Sentinel. While SHIFTER
bloodied, the bone knight is immune to features When bloodied at 9 HP, the shier has the
that turn undead. following feature.
Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied, Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
the bone knight can use its reaction to cast a spell the shier can make a melee attack against a
that normally costs an action to cast. creature within range as a reaction.
Death roes: Vow of the Knight. e bone
knight issues a nal order to all undead within 60 TARKANAN ASSASSIN
feet of it when it dies. Undead creatures within
When bloodied at 22 HP, the Tarkanan assassin has
range that can hear the bone knight all train their
the following features.
focus on the creature that just killed the bone
knight, focusing all their future attacks on the New Ability: Cast Attack. While bloodied, if the
creature until it is dead. Tarkanan assassin uses an action to cast a spell, it
can make a melee attack as a bonus action.
CHANGELING Trigger Ability: Spellcasting. When rst bloodied,
When bloodied at 11 HP, the changeling has the the Tarkanan assassin can use its reaction to cast a
following features. spell that normally costs an action to cast.
New Ability: Quick Change. While bloodied, the
changeling can use its Change Appearance trait as
a bonus action. When bloodied at 15 HP, the warforged soldier has
the following features.
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
the changeling can make a melee attack against a New Ability: Battle Presence. While
creature within range as a reaction. bloodied, the warforged soldier can take two
reactions each round.
KALASHTAR Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
When bloodied at 8 HP, the kalashtar has the the warforged soldier can make a melee attack
following feature. against a creature within range as a reaction.
Trigger Ability: Cornered. When rst bloodied,
the kalashtar can make a melee attack against a
creature within range as a reaction.


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