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Theme: 1.

Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain

1 Title : Global supply chains after COVID-19: the end of the road for neoliberal globalization?
2 Objectives : Through its impact on both demand and supply, the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has
profoundly disrupted supply chains throughout the world. The purpose of this paper is to explore the underlying drivers of
the supply chain vulnerability exposed by COVID-19 and considers potential future directions for global supply.

3 Methods : This paper adopts a case study approach, reviewing the automotive manufacturing sector in Australia to illustrate how
neoliberal globalization policy settings have shifted large tracts of manufacturing from the global north to the global south.

4 Theory/ : None
5 Results : The authors demonstrate the way that neoliberal globalization policies, facilitated by certain accounting rhetoric’s and
technologies, have consolidated manufacturing in China and Southeast Asia in ways that embed vulnerabilities in; global
supply chains. The authors present three scenarios for post-COVID-19 supply chains and the accounting techniques likely
to garner stronger attention as a result of the pandemic.
6 Implications : A number of practical supply chain accounting and planning technologies are suggested to facilitate more robust supply
7 Robustness : None

8 Limitations : The paper illustrates how certain accounting rhetoric’s and technologies facilitate neoliberal globalization, embedding
supply chain vulnerability that has been exposed by COVID-19. It also suggests how supply chain accounting may
develop more robust supply chains in a post-COVID-19 world and sets out an agenda for future research in this area.
9 Research Type : None

10 Data : Case Study

11 Journal Name : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

12 Reference :
Theme: . Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
Theme: 2. Institutional
Title Technologies
: Enhancing and Supply
supply Chain
chain competences through supply chain digital embeddedness: an institutional view
1 Title : Digital capabilities to
: This study aims to test how three manage agri-food supplypressure
chain uncertainties and build supply chain resilience during
Objectives types of institutional (normative, coercive, and mimetic) influence supply chain
compounding geopolitical disruptions.
digital embeddedness (SCDE) and how SCDE benefits supply chain (SC) competences.
2 Objectives : The agricultural supply chain is susceptible to disruptive geopolitical events. Therefore, agri-food firms must devise
robust resilience strategies to hasten recovery and mitigate global food security effects. Hence, the central aim of this
Methods paper isdevelop
: The authors to investigate
and testhow supply chains
hypotheses throughcould leverage
structural digitalmodeling
equation technologies to design
(SEM) based resilience strategies
on data from to manage
201 European
theory isfrom the to
applied external environment
determine disrupted
the reasons that leadbySCs
a geopolitical event. The
to embed digitally. context
SCDE of the study
is assessed is the
three African agri-food
dimensions: supply infrastructure
technology, chain during the andRussian
The dataofwere
analyzed using SEM-partial least squares (PLS-
3 Methods : The
SEM) authorswith
modeling employ
Smartstrategic contingency and dynamic capabilities theory arguments to explore the scenario and
PLS software.
Theory/ : Noneconditions under which African agri-food firms could leverage digital technologies to formulate contingency strategies
Hypothesis and devise mitigation countermeasures. Then, the authors used a multi-case-study analysis of 14 African firms of
Results differentshow
: The findings sizesaand tiers within
positive three of
relationship main agri-food
normative sectors
and (i.e.pressures
coercive livestocktofarming,
SCDE butfood-crop and fisheries-aquaculture)
no relationship between
to explore, interpret and present data and their findings.
mimetic pressures and SCDE. Additionally, results confirm a positive relationship between SCDE and SC competences
4 Theory/Hypothesisthat : contribute
None to SC competitive advantage obtaining.
5 Results : This study is the first that sought to understand the contextual conditions (supply chain characteristics and firm
characteristics) under which companies in the African agri-food supply chain could leverage digital technologies to
Implications : The results
manage underscore theThe
uncertainty. importance of analyzing
study advances the environment
contingency and dynamicwhen undertaking
capability digital
theories by projects.
providingKey issues
a new wayinclude
SC culture and infrastructure in these projects and the advisability of anticipating potential influence of
interacting in one specific context. In practice, this study assists managers in developing suitable strategies to manage digitalization
projects on SC competences
uncertainty that support
during geopolitical the chain’s competitive advantage.
6 Implications : None
: None
7 Robustness : None
Limitations : This study contributes to institutional theory by providing empirical evidence of the individual effect of the three types of
8 Limitations : The authors express their sincere gratitude to the dedicated editorial team, handling associate editor, and the diligent
institutional pressure, with noteworthy lack of influence from mimetic pressures. The paper also contributes a
reviewers for their invaluable contributions throughout the entire process—from the initial submission to the acceptance
conceptualization of SCDE composed of three dimensions: digital technologies, digital infrastructure and digital culture.
of the paper. The constructive comments provided proved instrumental in refining the clarity and readability of our
Finally, the study advances the literature on SC competences.
study, enhancing its overall quality. Additionally, the third author extends a special note of appreciation to the British
Research Type : None
Council for the prestigious recognition and support granted through the “Education Partnership for Promoting High
Value Manufacturing Supply Chain Systems (EPPHVMSCS)” project.
9 Research Type : Case
Data Study
: None
10 Data : Case Study
Journal Name : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
11 Journal Name : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Reference :
12 Reference :

Theme 4. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain

1 Title : Opportunities and limitations of public block chain-based supply chain traceability
2 Objectives : Block chain technology is provoking significant disruptions, thereby affecting supply chain management. This study
endeavored to advance research regarding block chain-based supply chain traceability by identifying the
opportunities and limitations that accompany the adoption of public block chains. Therefore, the purpose of the
study is to contribute to contemporary supply chain research by an assessment of block chain technology and its
linkages to traceability.
3 Methods : This paper is conceptual. The authors summarized the relevant literature on the concepts of supply chain traceability,
conceptualized key elements exclusive to the public block chain and highlighted opportunities and limitations in
implementing traceability using block chains.
4 Theory/Hypothesis : None

5 Results : Incompatibilities were identified between general traceability and the public block chain. However, when embracing
the block chain’s privacy model, the block chains can support information exchange in supply chains where
vulnerability towards third parties, the confidentiality of information, or the privacy of participants are concerns.
Furthermore, the public block chain can support areas of supply chains where institutional interest is lacking.
6 Implications : Focus on the privacy model, the paper identifies the potential application and future research approaches to exploit
the elementary strength of the block chain.
7 Robustness : None

8 Limitations : In this study, we did not distinguish between the different types of supply chains, product types, or stakeholders.
Traceability privacy requirements, for example, the confidentiality needs of sub-suppliers, or the number of
intermediaries involved, might differ. Furthermore, we did not dissect the technological fabric of the block chain and
engage with these single technological components.
9 Research Type : None

10 Data : Case Study

11 Journal Name : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
12 Reference :
Theme: 5. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
Title : Exploring the impact of institutional forces on the social sustainability of logistics service providers: insights from a
high terrorism-affected region.
Objectives : Achieving social sustainability has become a critical challenge in global supply chain networks, particularly during
complex crises such as terrorism. The purpose of this study is to explore how institutional forces influence the social
sustainability approaches of logistics service providers (LSPs) in high terrorism-affected regions (HTAR). This then leads
to investigating how the key factors interact with Institutional Theory.
Methods : An exploratory multiple-case study research method was used to investigate six cases of different-sized logistics LSPs,
each in an HTAR. The data was collected using semi structured interviews and triangulated using on-site observations and
document analysis. Thematic analysis was used in iterative cycles for cross-case comparisons and pattern matching.
Theory/ : None
Results : The findings interact with Institutional Theory and the three final-order themes. First, management processes are driven by
coopetition and innovation. Second, organizational resources, structure and culture lead to an ineffective organizational
design. Finally, a lack of institutionalization creates institutional uncertainty. These factors are rooted in many other first-
order factors such as information sharing, communication, relationship management, capacity development, new process
developments, workforce characteristics, technology, micro level culture and control aspects.
Implications : This study answers the call for social sustainability research and enriches the literature on social sustainability,
Institutional Theory and LSPs in HTARs by providing illustrations showing that institutional forces act as driving forces
for social sustainability initiatives by shaping the current management processes. Conversely, the same forces impede
social sustainability initiatives by shaping the current organizational designs and increasing institutional uncertainty.
Robustness : None

Limitations : This study contributes to institutional theory by providing empirical evidence of the individual effect of the three types of
institutional pressure, with noteworthy lack of influence from mimetic pressures. The paper also contributes a
conceptualization of SCDE composed of three dimensions: digital technologies, digital infrastructure and digital culture.
Finally, the study advances the literature on SC competences.
Research Type : None

Data : Case Study

Journal Name : Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Reference :
Theme: 6. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Influence of Supply Chain Structure on Technology Portfolio: Insights from the Australian Mass Grocery Retail
2 Objectives : Understand how the degree of vertical integration affects technology portfolios in organizations.

3 Methods : Conducted three case studies in the Australian mass grocery retail sector. - Included key players from manufacturers,
suppliers, transport/logistics service providers, wholesalers/distributors, and mass grocery retail organizations in each case
study. - Interviews and data analysis informed the findings.
4 Theory/ : The choice of supply chain technologies is influenced by the extent of vertical integration.
5 Results : Technologies varied in level, type, complexity, and sophistication among organizations and their trading partners. -
Disintegrated supply chains had a broader technology portfolio, while integrated ones had a narrower one.

6 Implications : Provides a framework for organizations to assess technology portfolio alignment with supply chain structures. - Suggests
tailoring technologies to suit different supply chain types, using vertical integration level as a segmentation criterion for
standard-setting bodies.
7 Robustness : Interviews with key personnel and comprehensive data analysis ensured reliability of findings.

8 Limitations : Limited to three organizations in the Australian mass grocery retail sector, caution required in generalizing findings.

9 Research Type : Case study research.

10 Data : Data collected from interviews and relevant information from key players in the Australian mass grocery retail sector.
11 Journal Name : (unspecified)
12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 7. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Exploring the Impact of Industry 4.0 Technologies on Relational Performance in Transitive Service Triads: The
Role of Supply Chain Emergence
2 Objectives : Investigate the relationship between Industry 4.0 technologies, supply chain emergence, and relational performance in
transitive service triads. <br> 2. Examine the mediating role of supply chain emergence between Industry 4.0 technologies
and relational performance.

3 Methods : Grounded in complex adaptive system theory, empirical model development, survey-based research, data analysis using
partial least squares structural equation modeling.

4 Theory/ : Industry 4.0 technologies positively impact supply chain emergence. <br> - Supply chain emergence positively affects
Hypothesis relational performance. <br> - Supply chain emergence mediates the relationship between Industry 4.0 technologies and
relational performance.
5 Results : Industry 4.0 technologies positively influence supply chain emergence. <br> - Supply chain emergence positively
influences relational performance. <br> - Supply chain emergence fully mediates the relationship between Industry 4.0
technologies and relational performance.

6 Implications : The study contributes to supply chain management theory and highlights managerial implications for leveraging Industry
4.0 technologies to improve supply chain dynamics and relational outcomes in transitive service triads.
7 Robustness : Employed partial least squares structural equation modeling, sensitivity analysis, and robustness checks to ensure the
Techniques reliability and validity of the results.

8 Limitations : Further investigation needed into the specific effects of individual Industry 4.0 technologies on supply chain emergence;
exploration of variation in relational performance across different triads; additional research on relational performance at
the triadic level.
9 Research Type : Empirical study utilizing survey-based data collection and statistical analysis

10 Data : Survey data collected from 350 transitive service triads, analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling.
11 Journal Name : Intended for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal specializing in supply chain management or operations
12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 8. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Transparency Compliance: A Case Study in the Mining
2 Objectives : o demonstrate how blockchain technology can address information uncertainty and equivocality in assuring regulatory
compliance in an interorganizational network (ION) in the context of mandatory supply chain transparency (SCT)
regulations, drawing on information processing theory (IPT).

3 Methods : Application of information processing theory (IPT) in a single case study of an ION in the mining industry implementing
blockchain for compliance with mandatory SCT regulations; Utilization of a rich proprietary dataset including interviews
and substantial secondary material from actors along the supply chain
4 Theory/ : Information processing theory (IPT) applied to demonstrate how blockchain technology can mitigate information
Hypothesis uncertainty and equivocality in compliance with supply chain transparency (SCT) regulations
5 Results : Blockchain technology promotes equality between actors, enables compliance, and enhances efficiency in an ION,
reducing information uncertainty and equivocality arising from conflict minerals regulation; it fosters engagement and
data sharing while protecting commercial sensitive information; lack of central authority prevents larger partners from
exerting control; system provides mineral provenance and regulation-compliant record; system is cost-efficient relative to
transaction volumes and values, but challenges exist in collecting richer human rights data for assurance and compliance
with due diligence regulations
6 Implications : Provide insights into blockchain architecture, costs, and limitations for supply chain transparency compliance.
Demonstrate blockchain's ability to address uncertainty and equivocality in IONs.
7 Robustness : Insights into the architecture, costs, and limitations of using blockchain for supply chain transparency compliance;
Techniques demonstrates how blockchain-based systems can address information processing challenges in an ION setting, particularly
uncertainty and equivocality
8 Limitations : - Single case study within the mining industry may limit generalizability. - Challenges include collecting richer human
rights data and complying with due diligence regulations.
9 Research Type : Case study research.

10 Data : Rich proprietary dataset comprising interviews and secondary material from actors along the supply chain in the mining
Type/Database industry.
11 Journal Name : Not provided.
12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 9. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : The Impact of Web Technology Training and Web-Enabled Transaction Use on Business Performance: A Study of
Supply Chain Integration in the USA

2 Objectives : To examine the direct and indirect effects of web technology training (WTT) and web-enabled transaction use (WTU) on
business performance (BPE) through internal supply chain integration (ISCI) and supplier supply chain integration (SSCI)

3 Methods : Survey data collected from 175 respondents in the USA; Structural equation modeling with AMOS 24.0 used to test
measurement model validity, reliability, and structural relationships in the conceptual model

4 Theory/ : Grounded on resource-based and dynamic capability views and contingency theories; hypothesizes that WTT impacts
Hypothesis WTU, which in turn affects BPE directly and indirectly through SSCI; ISCI directly influences SSCI
5 Results : WTT significantly impacts WTU, which has a direct relationship with BPE; WTU indirectly affects BPE through SSCI;
ISCI has a direct effect on SSCI

6 Implications : Managers should focus on developing ongoing capabilities in WTT to enhance WTU, ISCI, and SSCI, leading to
improvements in BPE. The findings support the importance of WTT in improving BPE through effective supply chain
7 Robustness : Validity and reliability testing of measurement model; structural equation modeling for testing hypothesized structural
Techniques relationships

8 Limitations : The study is limited to a sample from the USA and may not be generalizable to other contexts; findings may be influenced
by respondent biases or other unmeasured variables

9 Research Type : Empirical

10 Data : Survey data collected from respondents in the USA

11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 10. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Factors Influencing RFID Technology Adoption and Its Impact on Supply Chain Performance: A Study of
Logistics Companies in China.
2 Objectives : To study the factors influencing the adoption of RFID technology and its relationship with supply chain performance for
logistics companies in China

3 Methods : Analysis of determinants of RFID technology adoption from technological, organizational, and environmental
perspectives; collection of data via questionnaires distributed to logistics service providers in China; analysis of 574
logistics companies
4 Theory/ : The willingness of logistics companies to adopt RFID technology is influenced by factors such as the explicitness and
Hypothesis accumulation of technology, organizational encouragement for innovation, quality of human resources, and governmental
support. Additionally, there is a positive association between RFID adoption and supply chain performance for logistics
service providers.
5 Results : Factors significantly influencing RFID technology adoption include explicitness and accumulation of technology,
organizational encouragement for innovation, quality of human resources, and governmental support. There is a positive
association between RFID adoption and supply chain performance for logistics service providers.

6 Implications : Recommendations for governmental officials, logistics companies, and RFID technology providers to advance the
application of RFID in supply chains, thus enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in China's logistics industry, which is
crucial for the country's economic growth.
7 Robustness : Not specified

8 Limitations : Single-country and single-industry study may limit generalizability.

9 Research Type : Empirical

10 Data : Questionnaire data collected from logistics service providers in China

11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 11. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Influence of E-Procurement and Supply Chain Technology Internalization on Supply Chain Performance: A Study
in the Construction Industry
2 Objectives : To examine how e-procurement (EP) and supply chain technology internalization (SCTI) influence supply chain
performance (SCP) through supply chain integration (SCI)

3 Methods : Analysis of 214 survey responses from project managers in the field of supply chain management; Structural equation
modeling used for data analysis

4 Theory/ : Not provided

5 Results : EP and SCTI positively influence SCI and SCP; the effects of EP and SCTI on SCP are mediated by SCI, particularly in
the context of the construction industry

6 Implications : Supply chain managers should prioritize the effective utilization of supply chain technologies, emphasizing the importance
of SCTI. Additionally, proper implementation of EP systems is crucial for enhancing supply chain performance.
7 Robustness : Structural equation modeling for data analysis

8 Limitations : Future studies could consider using quantitative measures of SCP such as budget overrun, supply chain efficiency, and
project success. Further research could explore moderating interactions of the proposed model.

9 Research Type : Empirical

10 Data : Survey responses from project managers in the field of supply chain management
11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 12. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Drivers and Barriers to Implementing Supply Chain 4.0: A Study in the Food and Beverage Industry
2 Objectives : To explore the perceived drivers and barriers influencing the implementation of supply chain 4.0 in the food and beverage

3 Methods : Qualitative exploratory research with 20 semi-structured interviews involving senior managers from the Australian food
and beverage supply chain; Analysis of interview data using VOSViewer software version 1.6.14

4 Theory/ : Not provided

5 Results : Key drivers include reduction in supply-demand misalignment, fast-changing consumer needs, threat of legal penalties,
and cost optimization. Critical barriers comprise lack of collaboration, organizational inertia, and lack of awareness.

6 Implications : Understanding drivers and barriers can assist practitioners in making informed decisions regarding the implementation of
supply chain 4.0, potentially leading to enhanced performance in the food and beverage industry.

7 Robustness : Qualitative data analysis using VOS Viewer software


8 Limitations : The study proposes seven propositions and a theoretical framework that require empirical validation.

9 Research Type : Exploratory qualitative research

10 Data : Semi-structured interview data from senior managers in the Australian food and beverage supply chain
11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 13. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Future Research Avenues in Mobile Supply Chain Management in the Era of Industry 4.0
2 Objectives : To identify avenues for future research in mobile supply chain management (mSCM) in the advent of Industry 4.0

3 Methods : Systematic literature review to identify, classify, and analyze current knowledge, trends, and propose recommendations for
future research

4 Theory/ : Not provided


5 Results : Other research fields, such as operations, production, industrial engineering, and computer science, have made significant
progress in researching Industry 4.0. Several avenues for investigation under an information systems lens are suggested.
6 Implications : Despite careful selection in the systematic literature review, limitations include the language (English), selected keywords,
and databases chosen.
7 Robustness : Given the prominence of Industry 4.0, it's crucial to identify relevant research avenues to address the evolving concerns in
Techniques mobile supply chain management.

8 Limitations : The paper highlights a gap between existing literature on mSCM and emerging challenges posed by Industry 4.0,
proposing research opportunities to bridge these gaps.

9 Research Type : Systematic literature review

10 Data : Literature data from English language sources using selected keywords and databases
11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 14. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Critical Factors for the Diffusion of Web Technologies in Supply Chain Management Functions: An Empirical
2 Objectives : To empirically investigate critical factors influencing the diffusion of web technologies in supply chain management
(SCM) functions, based on the technology-organizational-environment model, and to identify the benefits resulting from

3 Methods : Data collection via internet survey from 251 respondents, including middle to top-level managers from firms utilizing web
technologies for supply chain activities; Structural equation modeling employed for five factors: relative advantage,
competitive pressure, complexity, trialability, and top management support

4 Theory/ : Based on the technology-organizational-environment model, factors such as relative advantage, competitive pressure,
Hypothesis complexity, trialability, and top management support are hypothesized to affect the diffusion of web technologies in SCM
5 Results : All factors except trialability are significant predictors of web technologies' diffusion in supply chain functions; diffusing
web technologies can enhance organizations' supply chain activities, leading to benefits such as operational efficiency

6 Implications : Survey conducted in a Malaysian context with a limited set of variables, limiting generalizability of findings

7 Robustness : Provides greater understanding of managers' perceptions regarding web technology diffusion in organizational SCM
Techniques functions and the benefits realized from diffusion, such as operational efficiency

8 Limitations : Results may be helpful for those interested in adopting web technologies in their supply chain activities, guiding their
efforts towards successful implementation and realizing benefits

9 Research Type : Empirical

10 Data : Internet survey data from respondents in firms utilizing web technologies for supply chain activities
11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)
Theme: 15. Institutional Technologies and Supply Chain
1 Title : Antecedents and Consequences of Supply Chain Information Integration: A Resource-Based View Perspective
2 Objectives : To investigate the antecedents of supply chain information integration (SCII) and their consequences on company
performance from the perspective of the resource-based view (RBV)

3 Methods : Empirical survey data collected from 202 Australian manufacturers; Examination of the effects of strategic supply chain
relationship (SCR) and supply chain technology (SCT) internalization on external and internal information integration (II),
and the effects of external and internal II on operational (operational efficiency and service quality) and financial
performance; Structural equation modeling and maximum-likelihood estimation methods used to test proposed
4 Theory/ : Grounded in the resource-based view (RBV), hypothesizes that strategic SCR and SCT internalization positively influence
Hypothesis external and internal II, which in turn impact operational (operational efficiency and service quality) and financial
5 Results : Results indicate that both strategic SCR and SCT internalization positively relate to external and internal II; strategic SCR
has a stronger positive relationship with external II compared to internal II, while SCT internalization has a stronger
positive relationship with internal II compared to external II.; internal II positively relates to service quality, while external
II positively relates to operational efficiency; both operational efficiency and service quality positively relate to financial
6 Implications : Study conducted with a sample of Australian manufacturers, limiting generalizability of findings; reliance on survey data
may introduce response biases
7 Robustness : Provides significant managerial implications for manufacturers to leverage their supply chain resources and capabilities by
Techniques establishing a resources-capabilities-performance framework for the antecedents and consequences of SCII, guiding
efforts to improve operational and financial performance
8 Limitations : Contributes to SCII literature and offers insights into leveraging supply chain resources and capabilities from an RBV
perspective, emphasizing the importance of SCII in enhancing operational and financial performance

9 Research Type : Empirical

10 Data : Survey data from Australian manufacturers

11 Journal Name : Not provided.

12 Reference : (The reference citation will depend on the specific journal where the paper is published)

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