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Name: Grade Level:


To the responder:
Please consider each item carefully. Your answer to the question will help the researcher
study more efficiently. Rest assume that your answer would be kept highly confidential.
Thank you very much and God bless!

Mary Rose Montejo
Crystal Santor
Gycel Balaito
Armida Panaob
Khent Rivera
Kimson Paraiso
Carl Delvo
Klent Malagamba
Informed Consent Researchers: Research study: Effect of Stress to The Academic Performance of SHS Student of AMCFI.

Types of Study: Stress Impact to Academic Purpose of this Research Study: You are being asked to participate in a
research study that seek problem-based approach to the how students who are stress and affecting their academic
performance because of their situation, ethic financially household problems or struggles and promoting social
participation and transformation. Subsequently, the study aims to determine the effectiveness of the problem-based
approach in producing the result and discussion of every answer you will answer to these surveys.

Specially, this study aims to answer the following questions (1) What are the perception of senior high school students
pertaining to the effect of stress to the academic performance. (2) Pros and Cons of stress to Academic Performance (3)
How does stress give impact to Academic Performance.

2. Procedures

You will be asked to answer some question and you will also be interviewed (via close discussion 1 on 1) to obtain
information regarding to your answer/response to the question being. Specially, this study aims to answer the following
question (1) what are the perception of SHS students pertaining to the effects of stress to the academic performance. (2)
Pros and Cons of stress to Academic performance (3) how does stress gives impact to academic performance.2.

You will be asked to answer some questions and you will also be interviewed (Via a close discussion 1 on 1) to obtain
information regarding to your answer/response to the question being asked. Specially you will be asked to do the

· You will be asked some questions

· You will be interviewed by the researchers for thirty minutes about your response to the questions in a close space.

The expected duration of your participation is from May 2022 to June 2022.

3. Possible Risk of Discomfort

They would no be possible risk to you in any form, as this research will only involve an interview and implementation of
the effects of stress to your academic performance, however mat consume a portion of your time.

4. Possible Benefits

· The finding of this research will benefit everyone to be aware of a student struggle.

· This study will also be useful to the faculty to know how to approach a student is undergoing stress.

5. Financial Consideration

No addition cost. your part is required in your involvement in this study.

6. Confidentiality

Your identity in this study will be treated without most confidentiality. The results of the study or any other related data
may be published for study purposes, but your name will not be mentioned as well as any identifiable reference to you.

7. Termination of Research of Study

You are free to choose whether or not to participate in this study. There will penalty if you choose not to participate, no
amount shall be given or change to you.

8. Available sources of Information

Any further questions you have about this study will be answered by the researcher's
Name: Mary Rose P. Montejo

Phone Number:0967-953-1751

Name: Crystal Shane Santor

Phone Number: 0367-721-0490

9. Authorization

I have read and understood this condition form and I volunteer to participate in this research study, I understood that I
will receive a copy of this form, I volunteer to participate but I understand that may consent does not take any legal
rights in the case of negligence or other legal fault of anyone involve in this study. I further understand that nothing in
this consent form is intense to replace any applicable laws.

___________________________ _________________________

Student Signature over Research Signature over

printed name printed name

Directions: Kindly fill up the following and put a check mark (✓) on the following information which implies to
1. Most of your stress are related to;
o Family problem
o Friends
o School work

2. What is the reason behind your stress?

o Financial problem
o Family problem
o Slow internet connection
o Struggles

3. What do you do when you feel stressed?

o Eating
o Sleeping
o Crying
o Watching (movies, series or documentary)

4. Who is the person you will meet when you feel stress?
o Friends
o Parent
o Brother/Sister

5. How do you identify that you are stress?

o Feel tired
o Confused
o Can't sleep well
o Moody

6. What thus frustrates you?

o Household chores
o Family problem
o Financial

7. Do you tend to have negative emotion?

o Yes
o No
o Sometimes

8. Are they situation that you fin stressful?

o Yes
o No

9. Do you work/study for long hours under stressful conditions?

o Yes
o No
o Sometimes
10. What are some examples of thing that are stressful to you?

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