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Tu tu tu tu..... tutututu tu... Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu to... Hey! It seems to you all a

peculiar language, isn`t it? What is it? It`s an open question to you all. Ok it is very hard to
answer the question because it is not language but a lettered Iorm oI a sound. It is an eIIort to
write the theme song oI airtel. Once it was used widely as mobile phone`s ringing alert. Then
airtel didn`t start business in Bangladesh. When we heard the music, we used to ask about it and
answer came to us was that it had been a tone oI airtel the Indian mobile phone service business
giant like the Grameen Phone oI Bangladesh. That means the name airtel is not a very new one
in Bangladesh. Moreover, in cricket game all Bangladeshi have enjoyed the attractive
advertisement oI airtel beIore its startle oI business in Bangladesh. So airtel is not at all a newer
brand to all Bangladeshi like Robi.
However, warid telecom oI Dhabi group started business in Bangladesh beIore airtel. It was the
third giant telephone service provider oI Bangladesh during its startle. It launched its business
with high customers` acceptance and possibility. But it`s an irony oI Iate that they can`t survive
in the competitive cell phone market oI Bangladesh. They have been bound to sell all oI their
market shares to the Indian giant airtel.
By dint oI this acquisition, Indian telecom giant had got an entry in cell phone business oI
Bangladesh. They keep their brand name same that means airtel. Expert says this is a very wise
decision Ior them because Bangladeshis have prior knowledge about the brand as Bangladesh is
a neighboring country oI India.
But customers are the king. That means customers are always right. They are the best expert oI a
product. Several times they have broken the prediction oI experts. For instance when apple Iirst
started its business, expert said that it would be tough Ior them to brand their PC because there is
no liaison between the brand name and the services. But customers make every prediction Ialse
and now apple is one oI the best PC sellers in world market. Same thing happens in case oI
branding oI djuice. Experts say why a mobile phone`s brand name sounds like juice? The answer
is given by the customers and still now the djuice oI Grameen Phone is the most Iavorite brand
among the adolescence oI Bangladesh.
That is why rebranding oI Warid into airtel and its customers` impact is the most talk oI the time
Ior the company now. Customers have a mixed impact on the change oI brand name. Some oI
the customers oI Warid who recently have been converted into the customers oI airtel in Dhaka
University have been asked randomly about their Ieeling oI this change. Their answers are
Abrar Ahmed a MBA student oI Dhaka University Marketing department says, 'I am a regular
customer oI Warid Ior more than 2 years. The recent acquisition seems to me nothing. I still
think that I am using Warid not airtel because Iirst impression is the best impression. airtel needs
to create new customer to build the new brand very close to customers heart.
Some bothers about the tagline 'Valobashar tane pashe ane. They think that it is not aesthetical
or lucrative like 'kache thakun oI Grameen Phone.
Arina a BBA student oI Dhaka University says, 'The advertisements oI airtel are not too much
lucrative and touchy. That is way their brand association is not too much strong in Bangladesh
still now.
However, talking with customers we have Iound several positive and negative impacts on this U
turning oI a brand. Some says that their sense oI color choosing is very poor. Robi`s color is
more attractive than the color oI airtel. Some says that their advertisement doesn`t represent
Bengali culture, some says that it is aggression oI India to Bangladeshi cell phone market, some
criticizes about their tagline that it is developed targeting only the youth.
There is no unmixed blessing on the earth. Everyone has some supporters and oppositions like
the other part oI a coin. So there are some positive wards too about the branding oI airtel. Such
as it is known to Bangladeshi beIore it started business in Bangladesh. Warid was not a very
strong brand in Bangladesh that is why it will be easy Ior airtel rebrand Warid as airtel.
No brand in the world can survive without providing quality service to the customers. Even
sometimes providing quality service removes the lacking oI a weak branding. Such as only Ior
providing quality service apple has been a giant in computer market oI world. Only Ior providing
quality service djuice has been the most Iavorite brand oI cell phone service provider in
Bangladesh. Problem oI network is the main complain against airtel. They should be careIul
about the complaint to survive in such a competitive cell phone service provider market like
Bangladesh. We all wish a very good luck oI the new born baby airtel in Bangladesh.

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