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Fundamental English
Grade 1-3)
้ นฐาน
รวมข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน ป.1-3
รวมข้ อ สอบภาษาอั ง กฤษพื ป.1-3

Class No.
Vocabulary Work: Pick the word that is
closest in meaning to the
Synonyms of Nouns underlined word.

1. Put the bag of rubbish into the bin. 5. The car broke down on the
a. toys
a. bicycle
b. paper
b. truck
c. garbage
c. automobile
d. garage
d. automatic
2. The pupil was a very hard worker.
6. The flowers had a beautiful smell.
a. teacher
a. look
b. man
b. scent
c. student
c. petal
d. doctor
d. colour
3. I received a gift for my birthday.
7. The family went on vacation.
a. box
a. holiday
b. dog
b. trip
c. doll
c. holy
d. present
d. television
4. The baby cried all night.
8. The coach congratulated the team.
a. infant
a. bus
b. child
b. trainer
c. inferior
c. father
d. chalk
d. manager

หน้้า 2 จาก 5 คลิกvisit
Vocabulary Work: Pick the word that is
closest in meaning to the
Synonyms of Verbs underlined word.

1. The woman lived in spain. 5. I have a toy car.

a. arrived a. need
b. travelled b. want
c. resided c. leave

d. worked d. own
2. Do I have to finish my homework? 6. The man had to hurry, as he was
late for work.
a. do
a. walk
b. complete
b. rush
c. write
c. stroll
d. read
d. swim
3. As the play was about to start, the
7. I don't like to brag about my prize.
curtains were drawn back.
a. talk
a. end
b. cry
b. commence
c. boast
c. stop
d. wish
d. change
8. The body wants to go on holiday.
4. The little girl wanted to gather
some shells on the beach. a. likes
a. wash b. desires
b. collect c. needs
c. break
d. hates
d. paint

หน้้า 3 จาก 5 คลิกvisit
An Amazing Fact a Day

All About Giraffes

Amazing Fact
In the wild, giraffes eat lots of leaves and plants and spend
most of their day eating!

Find the missing words to fill the gaps in these sentences.

most up grow necks Africa

feet leaves bus long tallest

Giraffes are the living animal in the world.

They can up to about 5 metres tall. That
is about as tall as a doubledecker !

Giraffes live in . Their long

help them to eat the __________
in the tallest part of the trees. They like the leaves on the
acacia trees of all.

Giraffes can run very fast but not for very . They can sleep
standing but often sleep sitting down with their tucked
under them.

You could also try to find out:

• which other animals live in Africa;
• what you eat in one day
(make a food diary for one day).

หน้้า 4 จาก 5 คลิกvisit
Base Verbs
Fill in the gaps using the right verb from the box.

eat build smile play cry

read listen talk watch sleep

1. We with our toys and games.

2. I when I am sad.

3. At school, we to the teacher.

4. At night, I in bed.

5. You can on the phone.

6. I can lots of books.

7. You can a tower with bricks.

8. I when I am happy.

9. We films on the TV.

10. I my lunch at school.

หน้้า 5 จาก 5 คลิ ก

Present Simple Tense
Fill in the blank with the correct verb in the bracket.

1 I a book every day. (read / reads)

2 We always up early in the morning. (get / gets)

3 They English very well. (speak / speaks)

4 She tennis on Saturdays. (play / plays)

5 Jim to be a teacher. (want / wants)

6 My mother and I often my grandmother. (visit / visits)

7 My sister milk every day. (drink/ drinks)

8 You usually a bike. (ride / rides)

9 He to the library twice a week. (go / goes)

10 Paul sometimes to school. (walk / walks)

1หน้้า 1 จาก 2 คลิก

Present Simple Tense
Fill in the blank with the correct verb in the bracket.

1 She dinner with her grandparents every Monday. (has / have)

2 Gemma going to school. (enjoy / enjoys)

3 Her dogs at the postman when he comes. (bark / barks)

4 She has to so her friend doesn’t wake up. (tiptoe / tiptoes)

5 My mother at the same stall every time. (shop / shops)

6 Patricia and her friends to play at the park. (love / loves)

7 Nasreen money packets during Hari Raya. (receive / receives)

8 Ms Syaza the children every morning. (greet / greets)

9 Kim at his school's swimming pool. (swim / swims)

10 They usually to music while cleaning. (listen / listens)

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Name: Date:
total marks
Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1

1. Circle the words that should have a capital letter.

1 mark

erin and jack were friends.

2. Add either ? or ! to this sentence.

1 mark

What are you playing

3. Write the plural of doll.

1 mark

one doll three _______

4. Write the plural of box.

1 mark

one box two _______

5. Tick the sentence that is correct.

1 mark

Tick one.
I like to dig in the sand.

I like to digs in the sand

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หน้้า 1 จาก 2 คลิก

Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 - new 2

6. Tick the sentence that is correct.

1 mark
Tick one.

Joel and I went swimming on Tuesday.

joel and i went swimming on tuesday.

Joel and I goed swimming on Tuesday.

7. Add the suffix ‘ing’ to these words.

1 mark


8. Add ‘er’ or ‘est’ to these sentences.

1 mark
Dad’s car is fast.

Freddie’s car is fast___ than Dad’s.

AJ’s car is fast___ of all.

9. Which one of these words means poorly?

unwell 1 mark



10. Use numbers 1 to 4 to put these sentences in order to make a short story. The first one has been
done for you.
Finally, her teacher arrived! What a surprise! 1 mark

First, she put balloons up all over the classroom.

Sam got to school very early to surprise her teacher. 1

Then, she wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on the board. total for

this page

หน้้า 2 จาก 2 คลิก

Name: Date:
total marks
Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

1. Write a word to complete this sentence.

1 mark

I like strawberries _______ bananas.

2. Add the correct punctuation to this sentence (? or !).

1 mark

What a mess it is

3. Write the missing day.

1 mark

Wednesday Thursday __________

4. Write the plural of shed.

1 mark

one shed three _______

5. Write the plural of church.

1 mark

one church two _______

6. Add the suffix ‘ed’ to these words.

2 marks


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1 2

7. Tick the sentence that is correct.

1 mark
Tick one.

I was happy with my gift.

I were happy with my gift.

8. Add ‘er’ or ‘est’ to these sentences.

2 marks
My sister is small. Hayley’s sister is small___. Adele’s sister is small___.

9. Which one of these is the opposite of kind.

1 mark



10. Add the suffix ‘ing’ to these words.

fly _______ 1 mark

cross _______

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Name: Date:

Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 3

total marks

1. Write a word to join these two sentences.

1 mark

One frosty morning I put on my coat went to the park.

2. Tick the correct sentence.

1 mark
What are you playing?

What are you playing.

3. Circle the words that should have a capital letter.

1 mark
fred dog sunday table

4. Write the plural of chair.

1 mark
one chair two

5. Add the suffix ‘ed’ to these words.

2 marks


6. Add the suffix ‘ing’ to these words.

2 marks


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Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 3 2

7. Match the words to their opposites. The first one has been done for you.
3 marks

true unkind

happy untie

kind unhappy

tie untrue

8. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1 mark
I Mum to clean the car.

helped helping

9. Add ‘er’ or ‘est’ to these sentences.

2 marks
My sister is tall.

My brother is short than my sister.

I am the short of all of us.

10. Tick the correct sentence.

1 mark
dylan and i played on the swings.

Dylan and I played on the swings?

Dylan and I played on the swings.

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Name: Date:
total marks
Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5

1. Underline the words in this sentence that should have captial letters.
1 mark

leighton fell over so i helped him back up.

2. What is the singular of bikes?

1 mark

one ___________

3. What is the plural of kiss?

1 mark

two ___________

4. Tick the correct plural word.

classs 1 mark


5. Use a full stop (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!) to punctuate tese sentences.
3 marks

That was exciting

What was that

I’ve just seen a new film

6. Write this sentence using capital letters and punctuation.

1 mark

my sister and i played on the trampoline in the garden

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this page

หน้้า 1 จาก 2 คลิก

Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 2

7. Use the prefix ‘un’ to make these words mean the opposite. The first one has been done for you.
2 marks

kind unkind

happy __________

tie __________

8. Put these sentences in order to make a short story. The first one has been done for you.
1 mark

They had fun playing on the slide.

Noel got off the bus. 1

He walked down the street to the park.

At the park he met his friend Graeme.

9. Write a word to complete this sentence.

1 mark

I love cats _______________ dogs.

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หน้้า 2 จาก 2 คลิก

Name: Date:

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1

total marks

1. Turn these words into nouns by adding -ness or -er. Write the new word, in full, on the line.
Remember that some letters might need to be changed or added on to create the correct spelling! 1 mark

teach bright
swim happy

2. Which type of word is beautiful in the sentence below?

1 mark

The beautiful princess danced at the party.

a verb

an adjective

a noun

an adverb

3. Tick the best word

correct to complete
word thethe
to complete sentence below.
sentence below.
1 mark

You can have a rabbit ____ you look after it.

Tick one.





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หน้้า 1 จาก 3 คลิก

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 2

best word
4. Tick the correct to complete
word thethe
to complete sentence below.
sentence below.
1 mark
I really don’t like washing my face ________ I have to do it.

Tick one.




5. Write the missing punctuation mark to complete the sentence below.

1 mark
What time is the party starting today

6. The verbs in boxes are in the present tense.

2 marks
Write these verbs in the past tense.
One has been done for you.

My family visited the farm.


I my lunch bag to school.


Lucy television.


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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 3

7. Add commas to the sentence below.

1 mark
On the farm I saw a sheep cow pig and some chickens.

8. Tick the sentence that is a statement. Tick one box.

1 mark

Jessica was running.

Where are your shoes?

Check you have cleared your desk.

I don’t believe it!

9. Tick the correct sentence. Tick one box.

1 mark

Mark’s car was very clean.

Marks’ car was very clean.

Marks car was very clean.

10. Underline the verbs in the sentence below.

1 mark

As I walked to the park, I saw my friend riding her bike.

**END OF TEST** total for

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Name: Date:
total marks
Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

1. Which type of word is underlined in the sentences below?

1 mark
She laughed loudly at the man telling jokes.

He whispered quietly during the story.

Jessica held the baby gently.





2. Put in the apostrophe to show possession.

1 mark

A m i n a s new bike was very fast.

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หน้้า 1 จาก 4 คลิก

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 2

3. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark
I hope ________ there will be face painting at the party.

Tick one.





4. What type of word is underlined in the sentence below?

1 mark

The cake was tasteless.

Tick one box.

a verb

an adjective

a noun

an adverb

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 3

5. Tick the sentence that is a statement.

1 mark

Elephants have long trunks.

How tall is a giraffe?

That monkey has stolen my lunch!

Check you have closed the door to the lion’s enclosure.

6. Underline the expanded noun phrase in the sentence below.

1 mark

Faiza’s red and gold dress swirled as she danced.

7. Tick to show whether each sentence is in the past tense or the present tense.
1 mark

Sentence Past Tense Present Tense

Sam rode his bike.

Nazeem was dancing.

Sally is eating.

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 4

8. Add commas to the sentence below.

1 mark
Susie Shabana Tom Amjid and Molly went swimming.

9. Write the words it is as one word, using an apostrophe.

1 mark

Don’t forget ___________ my birthday tomorrow.

10. Why do the underlined words start with a capital letter?

1 mark

Queen Isobel and King Benjamin enjoyed watching the horse racing at Ascot on
Thursday afternoon.

**END OF TEST** total for

this page

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Name: Date:
total marks
Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5

1. Write the words did not as one word, using an apostrophe.

1 mark
I ___________ steal your crayons.

2. Tick the sentence that is correct.

1 mark

Tick one.

Joel ran to his friend and hugged him.

Joel ran to his friend and hugs him.

Joel runs to his friend and hug him.

Joel run to his friend and hugged him.

3. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark

Shall we go to the cinema ____ the park today?

Tick one.




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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 2

4. Tick the sentence that is a question.

1 mark
Tick one.

I like going on the slide.

Can we go on the swings next please?

Push me when I’m on the swing.

Oh brilliant I love climbing frames!

5. Turn these words into adjectives by adding -less or -ful. Write the new word, in full, on the line.
1 mark
Remember that some letters might need to be changed or added on to create the correct spelling!


6. Underline all of the verbs in the sentence below.

1 mark

I am walking down the street and listening to my favourite song.

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 3

7. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark
It was snowy _________ they arrived.





8. Put an apostrophe in the correct place to show possession.

1 mark

The teacher was very pleased with R e h a n s homework.

9. Look at the words below. Which can be joined to the word chair to make a compound word.
1 mark

There is more than one.





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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 4

10. Why do the underlined words start with a capital letter?

1 mark
Mr Brown and Mr Jones enjoyed playing football at Wembley Stadium.

**END OF TEST** total for

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หน้้า 4 จาก 4 คลิ ก

Name: Date:
total marks
Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6

1. Tick the sentence that is a command.

1 mark
Tick one.

What times does the pool open?

Bring your swimming trunks to the pool.

I love swimming!

I am learning how to swim.

2. Tick to show whether each sentence is in the past tense or the present tense.
1 mark

Sentence Past Tense Present Tense

Jade laughed loudly.

I am drinking fruit juice.

Someone is ringing the doorbell.

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หน้้า 1 จาก 4 คลิก

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 2

3. The verbs in boxes are in the present tense.

2 marks
Write these verbs in the past tense.
One has been done for you.

When my brother visited the cinema.


I outside


I really fast


4. Tick the correct sentence. Tick one box.

1 mark

Zofias doll had long, black hair and a spotty, red dress.

Zofia’s doll had long, black hair and a spotty, red dress.

Zofias’ doll had long, black hair and a spotty, red dress.

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หน้้า 2 จาก 4 คลิก

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 3

5. Which type of word is underlined in the sentences below?

1 mark
The slug slithered slowly to the shed.

A red ladybird sat quietly on a large green leaf.

The black spider crawled quickly across the floor.





6. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark

For dinner I had fish _____ chips.

Tick one.




7. Add commas to the sentence below.

1 mark

I saw monkeys lions elephants and panthers at the zoo.

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Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 4

8. Punctuate the sentence correctly below with a full-stop and exclamation mark.
1 mark
“Oh no ” shouted Alfie as he smashed the glass

9. Look at the words below. Which can be joined to the word sun to make a compound word.
1 mark

There is more than one.





10. Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below.

1 mark

I like flowers _______________ they are pretty.

Tick one.




**END OF TEST** total for

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Name: Date:
total marks
Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 1

1. Add ‘a’ or ‘an’ to the sentence below.

1 mark

As treat, we sometimes take picnic to amazing park nearby.

2. Match the words and rewrite them in the textbox

1 mark

tele angle

semi vision

tri circle

3. Highlight all the direct speech in the sentence below.

1 mark

“Buster!” shouted Dad. “Come here, boy!”

4. Read this sentence. Highlight the adverbs.

1 mark

Slowly and silently, the snake slithered through the grass.

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หน้้า 1 จาก 3 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 2

5. Look at the words in the table. Do they start with a consonant or a vowel?
Tick one option. 1 mark

Word Starts with a consonant Starts with a vowel


6. Look at the newspaper article below. Highlight the sub-headings.

1 mark

It’s a Heatwave!
Summer is Finally Here
As Britain swelters in the warmth
of an unexpected heatwave, weather
forecasters have confirmed that
the hot weather is here to stay.
According to Sunni Shine, chief
weather reporter for the Weather
Channel, temperatures look set
to stay high until the end of Wettest May on Record
the month. The warm weather is
particularly welcome after what
“Today is the hottest day of the
has been dubbed ‘Miserable
year,” said Sunni from her studio,
May’, the wettest May since
“and we can expect more good
records began.
weather – get out your BBQ!”

total for
this page

หน้้า 2 จาก 3 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 3

7. Change the verb in the sentence below to use the present perfect form
1 mark
of the verb.

He in Birmingham since he was very small.

to live

8. Highlight the preposition in this sentence.

1 mark

I found my kitten hiding under the kitchen table.

9. In which sentence is the direct speech correctly punctuated? Tick one.

1 mark

“Who did that? demanded the teacher crossly.”

“Who did that?” demanded the teacher crossly.

Who did that? demanded the teacher crossly.

10. What is the root word for this family of words?

1 mark

adventure event invent prevent

**END OF TEST** total for

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หน้้า 3 จาก 3 คลิก

Name: Date:

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 2

total marks

1. Highlight the words in the passage below that belong to the same word family as
the verb ‘care’. 1 mark

Zookeepers care for the animals they look after. They carefully plan what

the animal will eat, making sure that visitors do not carelessly throw the

wrong sort of food into their enclosures.

2. Rewrite the words using the correct prefix each time.

1 mark

mis biotic

auto mobile

anti take

3. Highlight the inverted commas in the passage below.

1 mark

“We need to turn left here, Dad,” said Layla. “Otherwise we will end up

going the wrong way again!”

“Are you sure, Layla?” asked Dad. “I’m pretty sure we need to turn right!”

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 2

4. Look at the words in the table. Do they use ‘a’ or ‘an’ ? Tick one option.
1 mark

Word ‘a’ ‘an’






5. Read the passage below. Put a tick in the box to show where the author should have
started a new paragraph. 1 mark

Lots of children and families have pets, and dogs are very popular. In this

article, we will discuss how you can best care for your pet dog and help it to

live a happy life. Firstly, a dog takes quite a lot of looking after. As well as

feeding it, a dog needs exercise, training and companionship.

6. Read the sentence below. Highlight the verb which uses the present perfect form.
1 mark

We have owned our cat for six years and we love her very much.

7. Count the consonants in the sentence below and put your answer in the box.
1 mark

School finishes at 3.30pm.

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Name: Date:
total marks
Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 3

1. Highlight the words in the passage below that belong to the same word family
as the verb ‘solve’. 1 mark

The detective was determined to solve this crime. There must be a solution to this
complicated case. Waiting for his sugar to dissolve in his coffee, he thought about
how his last case had been left unsolved and he certainly did not want that to
happen again.

2. Highlight the verb and the auxiliary (helper) verb used in the present perfect
1 mark
sentence below.

My mum has been to America many times.

3. Write the word in the box which contains only consonant letters.
1 mark

response rhyme rhythm

4. Highlight the direct speech in the sentence below.

1 mark

“Charlie’s project is the best in the whole class!” announced Mr Butler.

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หน้้า 1 จาก 4 คลิก

Name: Date:
total marks
Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 3

1. Highlight the words in the passage below that belong to the same word family
as the verb ‘solve’. 1 mark

The detective was determined to solve this crime. There must be a solution to this
complicated case. Waiting for his sugar to dissolve in his coffee, he thought about
how his last case had been left unsolved and he certainly did not want that to
happen again.

2. Highlight the verb and the auxiliary (helper) verb used in the present perfect
1 mark
sentence below.

My mum has been to America many times.

3. Write the word in the box which contains only consonant letters.
1 mark

response rhyme rhythm

4. Highlight the direct speech in the sentence below.

1 mark

“Charlie’s project is the best in the whole class!” announced Mr Butler.

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 2

5. Look at the words in the table. Tick to show if the word is a preposition or
a conjunction. 1 mark

Word Preposition Conjunction





6. Which of these phrases use ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly. Highlight the correct use of
1 mark
‘a’ or ‘an’.

an hamster an orange a unicorn a egg

7. Look at the heading of the article below. Write a new heading in the box.
1 mark

Summer is finally here

As South Africa swelters in the warmth of an unexpected heatwave, weather

forecasters have confirmed that the hot weather is here to stay. According to
Sunni Shine, chief weather reporter for the Weather Channel, temperatures
look set to stay high until the end of the month.

“Today is the hottest day of the year,” said Sunni from her studio, “and we
can expect more good weather – get out your braai!”

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หน้้า 3 จาก 4 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 3

8. Count the vowels in the sentence below and put your answer in the box.
1 mark

Let’s look at a book together.

9. The sentences below are missing a word. Choose an adverb from the box which
fits both sentences. Write it in the box below.
1 mark

then next soon

To plant a seed, make a hole in the earth and fill it with water.

Cook the cake for thirty minutes and take it out of the oven to cool.

10. Tick the box with the correct definition.

1 mark

A distinct section of a text which helps

the writer to separate ideas.
A block graph showing how many
words are in a text.

**END OF TEST** total for

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Name: Date:
total marks
Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4

1. Rewrite the word using the correct prefix.

1 mark

super auto hero

super auto graph

super auto power

2. The sentence below contains some errors. Highlight the words which
are incorrect.
1 mark

The rain poured down, so Dad took a umbrella from his bag and held it over my
head. An drop of rain rolled down the umbrella and dripped on my foot. ‘What an
miserable day.’ sighed Dad.

3. Rewrite the sentence below so that it uses the present tense.

1 mark

You saw that movie lots of times.

4. Highlight the direct speech in this sentence.

1 mark

“Ahmed,” said James, “can I borrow your ruler, please?”

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หน้้า 1 จาก 3 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 2

5. Put a tick next to all the verbs.

1 mark

place reaction

cover replaced

act discovered

6. Read the sentence below. Write the preposition that tells you where.
1 mark

The Butcher’s shop is between the Café and the Bakery.

7. Look at the heading of the article below. Write a new heading for
the paragraph.
1 mark

Champions at last

After a wait of thirty years, Soweto Soccer Club can finally call themselves
‘Team of the Year’. A thrillingly close final match last Saturday ended in a
3-2 victory for our local team.

“It’s amazing,” said Ant Trainer, coach for the club. “We have all worked
really hard for this and I’m so proud of my team.”

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this page

หน้้า 2 จาก 3 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 3

8. Read the sentence below. Write the conjunction in the box.

1 mark

Adam is good at rugby although he doesn’t play very often.

9. Rewite this sentence so that the verb is correct.

1 mark

She eat all of the chocolate cake.

10. A writer wants to separate the ideas in his book into distinct sections.
Which layout should he use? Tick one.
1 mark




bullet points

**END OF TEST** total for

this page

หน้้า 3 จาก 3 คลิก

Name: Date:

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 5

total marks

1. Read the sentences below. Highlight the correct determiner in each sentence.
1 mark

Shall we watch a / an film tonight?

How does a / an octopus breathe?

We parked in a / an underground car-park.

2. Rewrite the sentence in the box with the inverted commas in the correct places.
1 mark

Please could you get your shoes on, Michael? asked Mum.

3. Match the word and the correct prefeix and rewrite it in the boxes. 1 mark

inter appoint

super action

dis hero

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this page

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ofา 31 จาก 3 คลิก
Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 2

4. Complete the sentence below by using the present form of the verb in the box.
1 mark

I am so happy! I all my exams!

to pass

5. Read the sentence below. Highlight the subordinate clause.

1 mark

While we were at the wedding, my dad’s car got clamped.

6. Sam is writing a story about a space adventure. What will Sam need to use in his writing
to help him organise his story? Highlight one. 1 mark

adverbs paragraphs

colons capital letters

7. Read the sentence below. Tick next to the one correct answer.
1 mark

Suresh always takes time to warm up before a race he doesn’t

want to get injured.

so when because

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 3

8. Choose the most appropriate sub-heading for the paragraph.

1 mark
1 mark

How to play netball Types of netball passes

How to score in netball Types of ball games

There are three main types of pass that you can use in a game of netball.
These are a shoulder pass, a chest pass and a bounce pass. As you improve,
you will learn which pass is the best to use in different situations, depending
on where you are in relation to the player you want to pass to.

9. Which pair of words makes a different noun when used with the prefix ‘pre’? 1 mark

Tick one pair.

circle / colon

school / view

marine / way

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this page

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Name: Date:

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 6

total marks

1. Read the headings below. Match the headings (letters) and the correct sub-headings
(numbers). Write just the letter and the number in the boxes. 1 mark

a It’s Over! Peace Declared in Europe 1 The sinking of the Titanic

b Tragedy on the High Seas 2 Severe flooding in the UK

c How Much More Can We Take? 3 The end of World War 2

2. Highlight the words in the sentence below which indicate direct speech.
1 mark

“Come in and sit down quietly,” said the head teacher. “I would like you to
tell me exactly what happened this morning.”

3. Complete the passage below using the correct article, ‘a’ or ‘an’.
1 mark

Rachel has just bought new house with old apple tree in the

The house used to be vicarage and has interesting history.

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 2

4. Is this sentence written in indirect or direct speech?

1 mark

Stop! called the Policeman. Stop, thief!

5. Which word class do the words in the table belong to? Tick one box for each word.
1 mark

Word Noun Verb





6. Read the sentence below. Highlight the preposition.

1 mark

Have you looked under the chest of drawers? Your toy might be there.

7. Who is speaking in the past tense? Put a tick.

1 mark

I wear
I wore this
this costume
costume for

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 3

8. Look at the letters below. Write them in the correct box according to whether they are a
vowel letter or a consonant letter. 1 mark
1 mark

Vowel Letter Consonant Letter

b g

h i

o m

r u

e a

9. Highlight the adjectives in the sentence below.

1 mark

You should check for any sleeping animals before you light a bonfire.

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this page
this page

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Vocabulary Work:
Synonyms of Nouns- Answers
1. Put the bag of rubbish into the bin. 5. The car broke down on the
a. toys
a. bicycle
b. paper
b. truck
c. garbage
c. automobile
d. garage
d. automatic
2. The pupil was a very hard worker.
6. The flowers had a beautiful smell.
a. teacher
a. look
b. man
b. scent
c. student
c. petal
d. doctor
d. colour
3. I received a gift for my birthday.
7. The family went on vacation.
a. box
a. holiday
b. dog
b. trip
c. doll
c. holy
d. present
d. television
4. The baby cried all night.
8. The coach congratulated the team.
a. infant
a. bus
b. child
b. trainer
c. inferior
c. father
d. chalk
d. manager

Vocabulary Work:
Synonyms of Verbs- Answers
1. The woman lived in spain. 5. I have a toy car.
a. arrived a. need
b. travelled b. want
c. resided c. leave

d. worked d. own
2. Do I have to finish my homework? 6. The man had to hurry, as he was
late for work.
a. do
a. walk
b. complete
b. rush
c. write
c. stroll
d. read
d. swim
3. As the play was about to start, the
7. I don't like to brag about my prize.
curtains were drawn back.
a. talk
a. end
b. cry
b. commence
c. boast
c. stop
d. wish
d. change
8. The body wants to go on holiday.
4. The little girl wanted to gather
some shells on the beach. a. likes
a. wash b. desires
b. collect c. needs
c. break
d. hates
d. paint
An Amazing Fact a Day

All About Giraffes Answers

Giraffes are the tallest animal in the world. They can grow up to about 5
metres tall. That is as tall as a double-decker bus.

Giraffes live in Africa. Their long necks help them to eat the leaves in the
tallest part of the trees. They like the leaves on the acacia trees most of all.

Giraffes can run fast but not for very long. They can sleep standing up but
often sleep sitting down with their feet tucked under them.

Base Verbs Answers
1. We play with our toys and games.

2. I cry when I am sad.

3. At school, we listen to the teacher.

4. At night, I sleep in bed.

5. You can talk on the phone.

6. I can read lots of books.

7. You can build a tower with bricks.

8. I smile when I am happy.

9. We watch films on the T.V.

10. I eat my lunch at school.

คลิ ก
Fill in the blank with the correct verb in the bracket.

1 I read a book every day. (read / reads)

2 We always get up early in the morning. (get / gets)

3 They speak English very well. (speak / speaks)

4 She plays tennis on Saturdays. (play / plays)

5 Jim wants to be a teacher. (want / wants)

6 My mother and I often visit my grandmother. (visit / visits)

7 My sister drinks milk every day. (drink/ drinks)

8 You usually ride a bike. (ride / rides)

9 He goes to the library twice a week. (go / goes)

10 Paul sometimes walks to school. (walk / walks)

1หน้้า 1 จาก 2 คลิก

Fill in the blank with the correct verb in the bracket.

1 She has dinner with her grandparents every Monday. (has / have)

2 Gemma enjoys going to school. (enjoy / enjoys)

3 Her dogs bark at the postman when he comes. (bark / barks)

4 She has to tiptoe so her friend doesn’t wake up. (tiptoe / tiptoes)

5 My mother shops at the same stall every time. (shop / shops)

6 Patricia and her friends love to play at the park. (love / loves)

7 Nasreen receives money packets during Hari Raya. (receive / receives)

8 Ms Syaza greets the children every morning. (greet / greets)

9 Kim swims at his school's swimming pool. (swim / swims)

10 They usually listen to music while cleaning. (listen / listens)

2หน้้า 2 จาก 2 คลิก

Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 - new Answers

1 erin and jack were friends 1 mark 6 Joel and I went swimming on Tuesday. 1 marks

joel and i went swimming on tuesday.

Joel and I goed swimming on Tuesday.

2 What are you playing? 1 mark 7 playing 1 mark


3 three dolls 1 mark 8 Dad’s car is fast. 1 mark

Freddie’s car is faster than Dad’s.

AJ’s car is fastest of all.

4 two boxes 1 mark 9 1 mark

unwell X



5 1 mark 10 1 mark
I like to dig in the sand. X Finally, her teacher arrived! What a surprise! 4

I like to digs in the sand. First, she put balloons up all over the classroom. 2

Sam got to school very early to surprise her teacher. 1

Then, she wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on the board.


1 Answers

1 I like strawberries and bananas 1 mark 6 walked 2 marks


2 What a mess it is! 1 mark 7 I was happy with my gift. X 1 mark

I were happy with my gift.

3 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 mark 8 My sister is small. 2 marks

Hayley’s sister is smaller

Adele’s sister is smallest

4 one shed three sheds 1 mark 9 1 mark

unkind X



5 one church two churches 1 mark 10 1 mark



Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 3 Answers

1 One frosty morning I put on my coat 1 mark 6 walking 2 marks

and went to the park.

2 1 mark 7 3 marks
What are you playing? x true unkind
happy untie
What are you playing.
kind unhappy
tie untrue

3 1 mark 8 I helped Mum clean the car. 1 mark

fred dog sunday table

4 one chair two chairs 1 mark 9 My sister is tall. 2 marks

My brother is shorter than my sister.

I am the shortest of us all.

5 looked 2 marks 10 1 mark

listened dylan and i played on the swings.

Dylan and I played on the swings?

Dylan and I played on the swings. x

Year 1 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 Answers

1 Leighton fell over so I helped him back up. 1 mark 6 My sister and I played on the trampoline in our 1 marks

2 one bike 1 mark 7 kind unkind 2 marks

happy unhappy

tie untie

3 two kisses 1 mark 8 1 mark

They had fun playing on the slide. 4

Noel got off the bus.

He walked down the street to the park. 2

At the park he met his friend Graeme. 3

4 1 mark 9 1 mark
I love cats and dogs.

classes X

5 That was so exciting! 3 marks

What was that?

The new film I’ve just seen.

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 Answers

1 teach teacher 1 mark 6 I took my lunch bag to school. 2 marks

swim swimmer Lucy watched the television.

bright brightness

happy happiness

2 a verb 1 mark 7 On the farm I saw a sheep, cow, pig and 1 mark
some chickens.
an adjective X

a noun

an adverb

3 1 mark 8 1 mark
when Jessica was running. X

if X Where are your shoes?

that Check you have cleared your desk.

because I don’t believe it!

4 or 1 mark 9 Mark’s car was very clean. X

1 mark

and Marks’ car was very clean.

but X Marks car was very clean.

5 What time is the party starting today ? 1 mark 10 As I walked to the park, I saw my friend riding 1 mark
her bike.

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 Answers

1 verbs 1 mark 6 Faiza’s red and gold dress swirled as 1 mark

she danced.


adverbs X

2 A m i n a ’ s new bike was very fast. 1 mark 7

Present 1 mark
Sentence Past Tense
Sam rode his
Nazeem was
Sally is

when 1 mark 8 Susie, Shabana, Tom, Amjid and Molly went 1 mark

that X


4 a verb 1 mark 9 Don’t forget it’s my birthday tomorrow. 1 mark

an adjective X

a noun

an adverb

5 Elephants have long trunks. X

1 mark 10 Award 1 mark for responses that explain that 1 mark
the words start with a capital letter because
they are names.
How tall is a Giraffe?
Also award 1 mark for responses that refer to
That monkey has stolen my lunch! the words being proper nouns, e.g. they are
proper nouns
Check you have closed the door to the
Lions enclosure.

Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 Answers

1 I didn’t steal your crayons. 1 mark 6 I was walking down the street and listening 1 mark
to my favourite song.

2 Joel ran to his friend and hugged him. X

1 mark 7 when X
1 mark

Joel ran to his friend and hugs him. if

Joel runs to his friend and hug him. that

Joel run to his friend and hugged him. because

or X
1 mark 8 The teacher was very pleased with Rehan‘s 1 mark


4 I like going on the slide. 1 mark 9 push X

1 mark

Can we go on the swings next please? X arm X

Push me when I’m on the swing. wheel X

Oh brilliant I love climbing frames! dining

5 beauty beautiful 1 mark 10 Award 1 mark for responses that explain that 1 mark
the words start with a capital letter because
wonder wonderful they are names.
home homeless Also award 1 mark for responses that refer to
the words being proper nouns, e.g. they are
proper nouns

คลิ ก
Year 2 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 Answers

1 What times does the pool open? 1 mark 6 1 mark


Bring your swimming trunks to the pool. X and X

I love swimming! but

I am learning how to swim.

Past Present 1 mark 7 I saw monkeys, lions, elephants and panthers 1 mark
Sentence at the zoo.
Tense Tense
Jade laughed
I am drinking fruit
Someone is ringing
the doorbell.

3 2 marks 8 “Oh no! ” shouted Alfie as he 1 mark

I played outside.
smashed the glass.
I ran really fast.

4 Zofias doll had long, black hair and a 1 mark 9 1 mark

light X
spotty, red dress.
Zofia’s doll had long, black hair and a X shine X
spotty, red dress.
Zofias’ doll had long, black hair and a set X
spotty, red dress.

5 verbs 1 mark 10 so 1 mark

adjectives that

nouns because X

adverbs X

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 1 Answers

1 As a treat, we sometimes 1 mark 6 1 mark

It’s a Heatwave!
take a picnic to an amazing Summer is Finally Here

park nearby.
As Britain swelters in the warmth of
an unexpected heatwave, weather
forecasters have confirmed that the
hot weather is here to stay. According
to Sunni Shine, chief weather reporter
for the Weather Channel, temperatures
look set to stay high until the end of Wettest May on Record
the month.
The warm weather is particularly
“Today is the hottest day of the year,” welcome after what has been dubbed
said Sunni from her studio, “and we ‘Miserable May’, the wettest May since
can expect more good weather – get records began.
out your BBQ!”

2 television 1 mark 7 He has lived in Birmingham 1 mark

since he was very small.


3 “Buster!” shouted Dad. 1 mark 8 I found my kitten hiding 1 mark

“Come here, boy!” under the kitchen table.

4 Slowly and silently, the snake 1 mark 9 “Who did that? demanded 1 mark
slithered unnoticed through the teacher crossly.”
the grass.
“Who did that?” demanded x
the teacher crossly.

Who did that? demanded

the teacher crossly.

5 Starts with Starts 1 mark 10 vent 1 mark

a consonant with a vowel

apple x

project x

elephant x

umbrella x

rollercoaster x

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 2 Answers

1 Zookeepers care for the animals they 1 mark 5 Lots of children and families have pets, 1 mark

look after. They carefully plan what and dogs are very popular. In this

the animal will eat, making sure that article, we will discuss how you can

visitors do not carelessly throw the best care for your pet dog and help it

wrong sort of food into their enclosures. to live a happy life. Firstly, a dog takes
quite a lot of looking after. As well as
feeding it, a dog needs exercise, training
and companionship.
2 1 mark
mis biotic
6 We have owned our cat for six years 1 mark
auto mobile and we love her very much.

anti take

7 School finishes at 3.30pm. 12 1 mark

3 “We need to turn left here, Dad,” said 1 mark

Layla. “Otherwise we will end up going
the wrong way again!”

“Are you sure, Layla?” asked Dad. “I’m

8 I am not going to school today because 1 mark
pretty sure we need to turn right!” I am poorly.

We went to Derbyshire to visit my

aunt before we headed to Yorkshire
4 Word ‘a’ ‘an’ 1 mark for a few days.
alligator x
I invited her to play at my house but
factory x
her mum wouldn’t let her come.
unicorn x
school x
emergency x

9 Keeping your hamster clean 1 mark

Fruit and vegetables

Feeding your hamster x

Choosing a hamster

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Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 Answers

1 It’s Over! Peace Declared in Europe The sinking of the Titanic

1 mark 6 Have you looked under the chest of 1 mark
drawers? Your toy might be there.
Tragedy on the High Seas Severe flooding in the UK

How Much More Can We Take? The end of World War 2

2 “Come in and sit down quietly,” 1 mark 7 1 mark

said the Head Teacher. “I would I wear I have
worn this
this costume
like you to tell me exactly what every
costume every

happened this morning.”

3 a new house 1 mark 8 1 mark

Rachel has just bought Vowel Letter Consonant Letter

i b
with an old apple tree in the garden.
o g
u h

The house used to be a vicarage and e m

a r
has an interesting history.

4 1 mark 9 You should check for any sleeping 1 mark

“Stop!” called the Policeman.
animals before you light a bonfire.
“Stop, thief!”

5 1 mark
Word Noun Verb

semicircle x
submerge x
television x
bicycle x

Page 1 of 1 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 - Answers Answers

1 The detective was determined 1 mark 6 an orange 1 mark

to solve this crime. There
a unicorn
must be a solution to this
complicated case. Waiting for
his sugar to dissolve in his
coffee, he thought about how
his last case had been left
unsolved and he certainly did
not want that to happen again.

2 My mum has been to America 1 mark 7 Accept any answer, written 1 mark
many times. in the style of a heading,
which reflects the content of
the article.

3 1 mark 8 Let’s look at a 1 mark

book together. 10

4 “Charlie’s project was the 1 mark 9 To plant a seed, make a hole 1 mark
best in the whole class,” said in the earth and then fill it
Mr Butler. with water.

Cook the cake for thirty

minutes then take it out of the
oven to cool.

5 1 mark 10 1 mark
Word Preposition Conjunction A distinct section of a
but x text which helps the
if x writer to separate ideas.
between x
because x
near x

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 4 Answers

1 superhero 1 mark 6 between 1 mark


2 The rain poured down, so Dad 1 mark 7 Accept any answer, written 1 mark
took a umbrella from his bag in the style of a heading,
and held it over my head. An which reflects the content of
drop of rain rolled down the the article.
umbrella and dripped on my
foot. “What an miserable day.”
sighed Dad.

3 1 mark 8 although 1 mark

You have seen that movie
lots of times.

4 “Ahmed,” said James, “can I 1 mark 9 She has eaten all of the 1 mark
borrow your ruler, please?” chocolate cake.

5 place reaction 1 mark 10 sentences 1 mark

cover replaced paragraphs X

act discovered
bullet points

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 5 Answers

1 1 mark 6 1 mark
Shall we watch a / an film tonight? adverbs paragraphs

How does a / an octopus breathe?

colons capital letters
We parked in a / an underground

2 “Please could you get your shoes on, 1 mark 7 1 mark

so when because
Michael?” asked Mum.

3 1 mark 8 How to play netball 1 mark

inter appoint
How to score in netball
super action
Types of netball passes x
dis hero
Types of ball games

4 I am so happy! I have passed all 1 mark 9 circle / colon 1 mark

my exams!
school / view x

marine / way

5 While we were at the wedding, my 1 mark

dad’s car got clamped.

Page 1 of 1 คลิก

Grade 3 Grammar and Punctuation Test 6 Answers

1 It’s Over! Peace Declared in Europe The sinking of the Titanic

1 mark 6 Have you looked under the chest of 1 mark
drawers? Your toy might be there.
Tragedy on the High Seas Severe flooding in the UK

How Much More Can We Take? The end of World War 2

2 “Come in and sit down quietly,” 1 mark 7 1 mark

said the Head Teacher. “I would I wear I have
worn this
this costume
like you to tell me exactly what every
costume every

happened this morning.”

3 a new house 1 mark 8 1 mark

Rachel has just bought Vowel Letter Consonant Letter

i b
with an old apple tree in the garden.
o g
u h

The house used to be a vicarage and e m

a r
has an interesting history.

4 1 mark 9 You should check for any sleeping 1 mark

“Stop!” called the Policeman.
animals before you light a bonfire.
“Stop, thief!”

5 1 mark
Word Noun Verb

semicircle x
submerge x
television x
bicycle x

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