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Different types of nouns

1. Abstract noun : name an idea, event, quality, or

concept (e.g. : love, freedom, courage, pleasure,
satisfaction, triumph)
2. Concrete noun : name something recognizable through
the sense (e.g.: house, building, office, vehicle, weapon)
3. Animate noun : refer to a person, animal, or other
creature (man, chicken, tiger)
4. Inanimate noun : refer to a material object (stone,
wood, table, iron, steel)
5. A collective noun : describe a group of things or people
as a unit (family, flock, audience, community)
6. Common noun : the name of group or similar things
(table, window, car, bicycle)
7. Proper noun : refer to the name of single person place,
or things (Jhonson, Indonesia, Bangkok, Bali)
8. Compound noun : refer to two or more nouns combined
to form a single noun (sister in law, stepmother,
schoolboy, fruit juice)
9. Countable noun : have a singular and plural form
(friends, chairs, houses, boys)
10. Uncountable noun : can only be used in singular form
(milk, bread, water, wind, coffee)
Pronouns are words that substitute a noun or another

Types of Pronouns

a. Subject pronouns (I, you, she, he it, we, they)

e.g. - We are keen on having a book
- He encourages me to study abroad
b. Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
e.g. - The teacher advices me to join the meeting
- I gave him an airfare
c. Reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, herself, himself,
itself, ourselves, themselves)
e.g. - I myself do my task
- My daughter goes to the school by herself
d. Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours,
theirs, its, them)
e.g. - This device is mine
- The car is hers
e. Reciprocal pronouns (each other, one another)
e.g. - They are looking at each other in the mirror
- We write a letter to one another every week
f. Demonstrative pronouns (that, this, those, these)
e.g. - This pen is expensive
- Those books are mine
g. Relative pronouns (who, which, that, whose)
e.g. - The man who is looking for you is Andi
- The car which is being parked at the yard belong
to me
A verb tell what action someone or something is doing or
expresses a state of being. A verb in syntax is a part of
speech which conveys.

1. Action (bring, read, walk, run, learn)

2. State of being (exist, stand)
Verbs are influenced, modified in form, when conjugated.
Present form

Go Goes
Study Studies
Take Takes
Have Has
Do Does
Be is, am, are
Past form

Go went
Study Studied
Take took
Have Had
Do Did
Be was, ware
Participle form

Go went
Study Studied
Take took
Have Had
Do Did
Be was, ware

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