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Chapter 4 : Tenses

A sentence is a group of words giving a complete

thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a
verb (although one may be implied).

Formal definition:
A sentence is a set of words that is complete in
itself, typically containing a subject and predicate,
conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or
command, and consisting of a main clause and
sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
1. Simple Present Tense
Although present mean now (sekarang) but matter of
in don't be interpreted that the action done at the
moment. This tenses is used to express something
that have the character of remain to, real truth or
habit. Because often concerning occurrence of past
time, now and will come. This Tense at least having
selected time description. English sentences
generally must have subject (S) and Predicate (P).
Because that, all tenses formulatived like that.
Formulas of Present Tense:
Positive : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
Negative : S + do (es) not + V1
Interrogative : Do (es) + S + V1 ?

If in the sentence have not another verb, so we

use verb to be.
Affirmative (+) : S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-) : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?) : Be (am, is, are) + S
Example :
Positive : You drink milk.
Negative : You do not drink milk.
Interrogative : Do you drink milk?
Passive Voice : Milk is drunk by you

Positive : Yuni replies the message.

Negative : Yuni does not reply the message
Interrogative : Does Yuni reply the message?
Passive Voice : The message is replied by Yuni
2. Present Continuous Tense

This Tense is used to express something really

action is doing in this time. sentences in this
tense a more regular used than present tense.
Formulas of Present Continuous Tense:
Positive : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing
(present participle)
Negative : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V
Interrogative : Be (am, is, are) + S + V ing ?
Positive : Rector is inaugurating the dean
Negative : Rector is not inaugurating the dean
Interrogative : Is Rector inaugurating the dean ?
Passive Voice : The dean is being inaugurated by

Positive : I am funding the farewell party

Negative : I am not funding the farewell party
Interrogative : Am I funding the farewell party ?
Passive Voice : The farewell party is being funded
by me

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