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Soalan interview

1) What is the function of the Commissiomer of Building in Klang

- What is the scope of work of each department at the Commissioner of

- How many strata buildings that register under Commissioner of Building

2) The challanges faced by Commissioner of Building in Klang

- What is the challenge faced by the Commissioner of Building in ensuring Property

Managers to follow the policy set by the Commissioner of Building?(statistic)
- Do you think law and regulations are the most difficult challenges that are faced by the
Commissioner of Building Klang?
- What type of complaints does the Commissioner of Building always receive?

3) The COB initiatives to overcome the challanges in enforcing Strata Regulations

- What does the Commissioner of Building do to overcome the challenges in enforcing

strata regulations?
- Will property management that does not follow the rules or policies set by the
Commissioner of Building be subject to action?

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