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M.A.(Semester-IV) Examination, 2020-21

A.I.H.C. & Archaeology
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 70

Instructions :

1. The Question paper contains 08 questions out of which you are required to
answer any 04 questions. The question paper is of 70 marks with each question
carrying 17.5 marks.
iz'ui= esa vkB iz'u iw¡Ns x;s gSa ftuesa ls 4 iz'uksa dk mRrj nsuk gSA iz'ui= 70 vadksa dk
gS] ftlesa izR;sd iz'u 17.5 vadksa dk gSA
2. The total duration of the examination will be 4.30 hours (Four hours and
thirty minutes), which includes the time for downloading the question paper
from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the hand-written
answer sheets on the portal.
ijh{kk dk dqy le; 4.30 ?kaVs dk gS ftlesa iz'ui= dks iksVZy ls MkmuyksM djds iqu% iz'uksa
dk gLrfyf[kr mÙkj iksVZy ij viyksM djuk gSA
3. For the students with benchmark disability as per Persons with Disability
Act, the total duration of examination shall be 6 hours (six hours) to complete
the examination process, which includes the time for downloading the question
paper from the Portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the
hand-written answer sheets on the portal.
fnC;kax Nk=ksa ds fy;s ijh{kk dk le; 6 ?kaVs fu/kkZfjr gSa ftlesa iz'ui= dks iksVZy ls
MkmuyksM djuk ,oa gLrfyf[kr mÙkj dks iksVZy ij viyksM djuk gSA
4. Answer should be hand-written on a plain white A4 size paper using black or
blue pen. Each question can be answered in upto 350 words on 3 (Three)
plain A4 size paper (only one side is to be used).
iz'uksa dk gLrfyf[kr mRrj lkns lQsn A4 lkbt ds iUus ij dkys vFkok uhys dye ls
fy[kk gksuk pkfg;sA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 350 'kCnksa rd rhu lkns i`”B A4 lkbt esa gksuk
pkfg;sA iz'uksa ds mÙkj ds fy, dsoy ,d rjQ ds i`”B dk gh mi;ksx fd;k tkuk
5. Answer to each question should start from a fresh page. All pages are required
to be numbered. You should write your Course Name, Semester, Examination
Roll Number, Paper Code, Paper title, Date and Time of Examination on the
first sheet used for answers.

izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj u;s i`"B ls 'kq: djuk gSA lHkh i`"Bksa dks i`"Bkafdr djuk gSA Nk= dks
izFke i`"B ij iz'ui= dk fo"k;] lsesLVj] ijh{kk vuqØekad] iz'ui= dksM] iz'ui= dk
'kh"kZd] fnukad ,oa le; fy[kuk gSA
Questions :

Q.1. Critically examine the references related to Tirthakara Risabhantha and

Vtaraan Munis in determining the antiquity of Jainism.
tSu /keZ dh izkphurk ds fu/kkZj.k esa rhFkZadj _"kHkukFk ,oa okrj'kuk eqfu;ksa ls lEcfU/kr
lanHkksZa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Q.2. What light does Bhagavatstra throw on the relations between Makkhali
Gosla and Mahvra ? Discuss.
Hkxorhlw= ls eD[kfy xkslky ,oa egkohj ds lEcU/kksa ij D;k izdk'k IkM+rk gS \ foospuk
Q.3. Elucidate the contribution of Prvantha in the history of Jainism.
tSu /keZ ds bfrgkl esa ik'oZukFk ds ;ksxnku dh foospuk dhft,A
Q.4. Discuss the origin and history of vetmbra Sect. On what points does its
differ from Digambana Sect ?
'osrkEcj lEiznk; ds mn~Hko ,oa izkjfEHkd bfrgkl dh foospuk dhft,A fdu fcUnqvksa ij
;g fnXkEcj lEiznk; ls fHkUu gS \
Q.5. Write an analytical essay on the order of Nuns (Bhikshu Sagha) in
tSu /keZ esa ^fHk{ la?k* ij ,d fo'ys"k.kkRed fucU/k fyf[k,A
Q.6. Evaluate the role of Rshtraktas in the speed of Jainism in Deccan.
ndu esa tSu /keZ ds izlkj esa jk"VªdwVksa dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Q.7. Discuss the concept of 'Bondage' and 'Liberation’ in Jaina-religion.
tSu /keZ esa ^cU/ku* ,oa ^eks{k* dh vo/kkj.kk dh foospuk dhft,A
Q.8. Throw light on the significance of Stpa and its worship in Jainism in the
light of archaeological remains of Kakli mound.
dadkyh Vhys ds iqjko'ks"kksa ds izdk'k esa tSu /keZ esa Lrwi ,oa mudh iwtk ds egRo dk ij
izdk'k Mkfy,A


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