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Learning Objectives (1 of 2)

• Recognize that the permeability of soil is due to the existence of

interconnected voids where water can flow, causing seepage.
• Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the flow of water through permeable soil
• Identify Darcy’s law as a simple equation used to calculate the discharge
velocity of water through saturated soils.
• Discuss the many factors of hydraulic conductivity, such as fluid viscosity,
pore-size distribution, grain-size distribution, void ratio, roughness of
mineral particles, and degree of soil saturation.

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Learning Objectives (2 of 2)

• Assess hydraulic conductivity using the constant head test and the falling-head
• Evaluate the relationships for hydraulic conductivity for granular soils.
• Evaluate the relationships for hydraulic conductivity for cohesive soils.
• Interpret the directional variation of permeability.
• Devise the equivalent hydraulic conductivity in stratified soil.
• Discuss experimental verification of equivalent hydraulic conductivity.
• Employ a permeability test in the field by pumping from wells.
• Identify the hydraulic conductivity of compacted clayey soils.

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• Soils are permeable due to interconnected voids through which water can
flow from points of high energy to low energy.
• Study of the flow of water through permeable soil is important in soil
mechanics. It is necessary for:
• Estimating the quantity of underground seepage under various hydraulic

• Investigating problems involving the pumping of water for underground


• Making stability analyses of earth dams and earth-retaining structures subject to

seepage forces

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Bernoulli’s Equation (1 of 3)

• The total head at a point in water under motion is related by Bernoulli’s

u v2
h= + +Z
 w 2g

h = total head
u = pressure
v = velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity
γw = unit weight of water

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Bernoulli’s Equation (2 of 3)
From Figure 7.1, we can deduce:
The head loss between two points is
equal to:
h = hA − hB

The hydraulic gradient is the

nondimensionalized form of the head

Figure 7.1 Pressure, elevation, and total heads for flow of

water through soil

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Bernoulli’s Equation (3 of 3)

• The three zones of the fluid flow

are the laminar flow,
transition, and turbulent flow

• Most flows through soil are

laminar, and velocity is linearly
related to the hydraulic gradient:

Figure 7.2 Nature of variation of v with hydraulic gradient, i

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Darcy’s Law (1 of 3)

• The discharge velocity, v, is the quantity of water flowing in unit time

through a unit gross cross-sectional area of soil at right angles to the flow
• Darcy’s law states that:
v = ki
k is the hydraulic conductivity, and is also called the coefficient of
• Darcy’s law is valid for a wide range of soils.
• This equation was based primarily on Darcy’s observations about the flow of
water through clean sands.
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Darcy’s Law (2 of 3)
• The actual velocity of water (the seepage velocity, vs) is greater than the
discharge velocity, v.
• The seepage velocity, vs, may be related to the discharge velocity through the
void ratio, e, or the porosity, n, by Eq (7.10):
 1+ e  v
vs = v  =
 e  n

Figure 7.3 Derivation of Eqs. (7.7) and (7.8)

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Darcy’s Law (3 of 3)

• Hansbo (1960) found a variation of

discharge velocity with hydraulic
gradient while studying four
undisturbed natural clays.
• For very low discharge velocities,
the relationship between v and i is
non-linear as can be observed in
Figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4 Variation of discharge velocity with hydraulic

gradient in clay

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Hydraulic Conductivity (1 of 3)

• The hydraulic conductivity depends on many factors, including fluid

viscosity, pore-size distribution, grain-size distribution, void ratio, and
soil saturation.

• The hydraulic conductivity may be related to the unit weight of water, γw, and
dynamic viscosity of water, η:

k= K

K is the absolute permeability of the soil

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Hydraulic Conductivity (2 of 3)

Table 7.1 Typical Values of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils

Soil type cm/s
Clean gravel 100−1.0
Coarse sand 1.0−0.01
Fine sand 0.01−0.001
Silty clay 0.001−0.00001
Clay <0.000001

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Hydraulic Conductivity (3 of 3)

• Hydraulic conductivity depends on the viscosity of water, which varies with

• The value of hydraulic conductivity at 20°C may be related to the hydraulic
conductivity at the test temperature T:

 T C 
k20C =  kT C
  20C 
• Table 7.2 in the text gives the value of ηT° C/η20° C for 15°C ≤ T ≤ 30°C.

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Laboratory Determination of Hydraulic
• Two standard laboratory tests are used to determine the
hydraulic conductivity of soil:
• The constant-head test
• The falling-head test

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Constant-head Test (1 of 2)
• Once a constant flow rate is
established, the hydraulic
conductivity is calculated based on
how much water is collected after a
set duration of time (t) by:

• Q is the volume of water collected, A
is the cross-sectional area, and L is
the length of the specimen
Figure 7.5 Constant-head permeability test

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Constant-head Test (2 of 2)
Figure 7.6 A constant-head permeability
test in progress (Courtesy of Khaled
Sobhan, Florida Atlantic University, Boca
Raton, Florida)

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Falling-head Test (1 of 2)

• Water from a standpipe flows

through the soil so that the final
head difference at time t = t2 is h2.
• The rate of flow of the water
through the specimen at any time
can be given by:

q = −a

where q is the flow rate and a is the

cross-sectional area of the pipe
Figure 7.7 Falling-head permeability test

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Falling-head Test (2 of 2)

• By rearranging and integrating the previous equation, the hydraulic gradient,

k, can be calculated by:

aL h1
k = 2.303 log10
At h2

A is the cross-sectional area of the soil specimen

L is the length of the specimen
h1 is the head difference at t = 0
h2 is the head difference at t = t2
• In most cases, laboratory tests for determination of hydraulic conductivity are
conducted with no effective overburden pressure.
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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Granular Soil (1 of 3)

• For fairly uniform sand, Hazen proposed:

 cm 
k  = cD 2
 sec 
c is a constant between 1.0 and 1.5
D10 is the effective size, in mm
• This equation is based primarily on Hazen’s (1930) observation of loose,
clean, filter sands.
• A small quantity of silts and clays, when present in a sandy soil, may change
the hydraulic conductivity substantially.

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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Granular Soil (2 of 3)

• The equation based on the Kozeny-Carman equation gives fairly good

results in estimating the hydraulic conductivity of sandy soil

1  w e3
CS S S2T 2  1 + e
where Cs = shape factor, which is a function of the shape of flow channels
Ss = specific surface area per unit volume of particles
T = tortuosity of flow channels
γw = unit weight of water
η = viscosity of permeant
e = void ratio
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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Granular Soil (3 of 3)

• On the basis of laboratory

experiments, the US Department
of Navy (1986) provided an
empirical correlation between k
and D10 for granular soils.
• This correlation is valid for
uniformity coefficients varying
between 2 and 12.

Figure 7.11 Hydraulic conductivity of granular soils

(Redrawn from US Department of Navy, 1986)

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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Cohesive Soil (1 of 3)

• Taylor (1948) proposed a linear relationship for cohesive soils as:

e0 − e
log ( k ) = log ( k0 ) −
k0 is the in situ hydraulic conductivity at a void ratio e0
k is the hydraulic conductivity at a void ratio e
Ck is the hydraulic conductivity change index and may be taken to be
about 0.5e0
• This equation is good for e0 less than about 2.5.

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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Cohesive Soil (2 of 3)

• Mesri and Olson (1971) suggested the use of a linear relationship between
log k and log e in the form

log k = A log e + B

Figure 7.14 Variation of hydraulic conductivity of sodium

clay minerals (Based on Mesri and Olson, 1971)

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Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity–Cohesive Soil (3 of 3)

• Samarasinghe (1982) conducted laboratory tests on New Liskeard clays and

proposed that, for normally consolidated clays:

 en 
k = C 
 1+ e 
where C and n are constants to be determined experimentally

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Directional Variation of Permeability

• Most soils are not isotropic with

respect to permeability.
• In Figure 7.16, there is a soil layer
through which water flows at an
angle α from the vertical.
• kV and kH correspond to the
hydraulic conductivity in the vertical Figure 7.16 Directional variation of permeability
and horizontal directions,

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Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Stratified Soil (1 of 4)

• For soils where the hydraulic conductivity varies from layer to

layer, an equivalent hydraulic conductivity may be calculated from
the hydraulic conductivities of the layers.
• This value is different for horizontal and vertical flows.

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Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Stratified Soil (2 of 4)

• For horizontal flow, the total flow is the sum of the flow through each layer.
• Applying this knowledge, we get an expression:

k H ( eq ) =
k H1 H1 + k H 2 H 2 + + kHn H n )

H is the total height of the soil cross section

Hn is the height of the ith layer of soil
Figure 7.17 Equivalent hydraulic conductivity
determination—horizontal flow in stratified soil

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Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Stratified Soil (3 of 4)

• For flow in the vertical direction, the total losses will be the sum of the
losses through each layer Accordingly:

kV ( eq ) =
H1 H 2 Hn
+ + +
kV 1 kV 2 kV n

Figure 7.18 Equivalent hydraulic conductivity determination—vertical

flow in stratified soil

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Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Stratified Soil (4 of 4)

• Varved soil is a rhythmically

layered sediment of coarse and
fine minerals.
• It is a good example of naturally
deposited layered soil.
• Figure 7.19 shows the layer
variation seen in New Liskeard,
Canada, varved soil.

Figure 7.19 Variation of moisture content and grain-size distribution in New

Liskeard varved soil. (Source: Based on Laboratory Investigation of
Permeability Ratio of New Liskeard Varved Clay,” by H. T. Chan and T. C.
Kenney, 1973, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 10(3), pp. 453–472.)

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Experimental Verification of Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity

• Sridharan and Prakash (2002)

showed that if the thickness of soil
layers (H) are not equal, then

 kV −exit 
 H 
kV ( eq ) = f  exit 
 kV −inlet 
 H 
 inlet 

  
Figure 7.21 Effect of  kV −exit  kV −inlet  on kV(eq) for a two-layered system (Based on Sridharan and Prakash, 2002)
 H exit  H inlet 

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Permeability Test in the Field by Pumping from Wells

• The average hydraulic conductivity • The expression for the rate of flow of
for a soil deposit may be determined groundwater into the well, which is
using pumping tests from wells. equal to the rate of discharge from
pumping can be written as
• Water is pumped from a test well
with a perforated casing at a
constant rate and a steady state is  r1 
established when the water level in 2.303q log10  
the test and observation wells k=  r2 
becomes constant.  ( h12 − h22 )

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Pumping from a Confined Aquifer

• For a confined aquifer, the

hydraulic conductivity can be
calculated as:

 r1 
q log10  
 cm   r2 
k =
 s  2.727 H ( h1 − h2 )

H is the thickness of the aquifer Figure 7.26 Pumping test from a well penetrating the full depth
in a confined aquifer

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Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soils (1 of 2)

• It was shown in Chapter 6 that when a clay is compacted at a lower

moisture content, it possesses a flocculent structure.
• At optimum moisture content of compaction, the clay particles have a lower
degree of flocculation.
• A further increase in moisture content at compaction provides a greater
degree of particle orientation, but the dry weight decreases.

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Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soils (2 of 2)

• Observations can be made from Figure 7.27

1. For similar compaction effort and molding
moisture content, the magnitude of k decreases
with the decrease in clod size.
2. For a given compaction effort, the hydraulic
conductivity decreases with the increase in
molding moisture content, reaching a minimum
value at about the optimum moisture content
(that is, approximately where the soil has a higher
unit weight with the clay particles having a lower
degree of flocculation). Beyond the optimum
moisture content, the hydraulic conductivity
increases slightly. Figure 7.27 Tests on a clay soil: (a) Standard and modified Proctor
compaction curves; (b) variation of k with molding moisture content
(Source: Benson, Daniel, “Influence of Clods on Hydraulic Conductivity of
Compacted Clay,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 116(8), 1990, pp.
1231–1248. With permission from ASCE.)

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Summary (1 of 2)

• Darcy’s law can be expressed as

 k i
 =  
discharge velocity hydraulic conductivity hydraulic gradient

• Seepage velocity of water through the void spaces can be given as:

discharge velocity
S =
porosity of soil

• Hydraulic conductivity is a function of viscosity (and hence temperature) of

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Summary (2 of 2)

• Constant-head and falling-head types of tests are conducted to determine the

hydraulic conductivity of soils in the laboratory.
• There are several empirical correlations for hydraulic conductivity in granular
and cohesive soil.
• For layered soil, depending on the direction of flow, an equivalent hydraulic
conductivity relation can be developed to estimate the quantity of flow.
• Hydraulic conductivity in the field can be determined by pumping from wells.

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