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1. The specific gravity of respired lung is:

a. 0.94
2. TRUE regarding case control studies?
a. Ideal for the study of rare or relatively unknown disease
3. The drugs that increase heart rates are known as positive
a. Chvonotropic
4. Lorceserin may help to reduces weight by agnonistic action on receptors?
a. 5HT 2c
5. Drug partial agonist at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors is used in smoking cassation programs?
a. Vareniciline
6. Rum amok is frequently associated with the long term heavy use of
a. Cannabis
7. pairs is a mismatch between a G protein and its effection signafling pathway?
a. G2 1 adenylyf cylase
8. Ante mortem drowning is indicated by ?
a. Frothy fluid in mouth and nostrils
9. Whiplash injury is commonly associated with
a. Occupant of a vehicle in road traffic accident
10. TRUE regarding Ebola virus diseases?
a. Case fatality rate may reach around 70%
11. The most commonly reported disease in the post disaster period of
a. Gastroenteritis
12. The structures that gives rise to the excretory position of the kidneys?
a. Metaneplvic blastoma
13. The cause of urachus fistula is
a. Patent allantosis
14. The artery that passes through foramen spinsum is a branch of ?
a. Maxillary
15. The muscle which produces vertical wrinkling of the skin of the forehead as in following is
a. Comugator supercilli
16. is the mainstay of laboratory diagnosis of typhoid in the first week of fever?
a. Blood culture
17. The polymerase chain reaction for diphtheria toxin gene
a. Can be positive when culture is negative
18. viruses produces cytopathic effect resembling bunches of grapes?
a. Adenovirus
19. Motor division of trigmental nerve leaves the skull through
a. Foremen ovale
20. agents is a competitive antagonist at the neuromuscular junction nicotinic cholinoreceptors?
a. Atracurium
21. Injury to leads to footdrop?
a. Common peroneal nerve
22. The mucosa of the trigone of urinary bladder is derived from:
a. Mosonephric ducts
23. cells of the thyroid gland migrate into pharyngeal pouches?
a. Fourth
24. The is the muscle that abducts the vocal canal
a. Posterior cricoarytenoid
25. TRUE about riboflaxin?
a. Excessive dose rarely incapacitates the individual
26. The denominator used to calculate death rate in a region is the
a. Mid – year population
27. TRUE regarding phase 1 clinical trials?
a. They are usually carried out in healthy volunteers
28. actions is mediated by acetylcholine?
a. Contraction of the destructor muscle
29. The infections transmitted to man from vertebrate animals are known as
a. Anthropozoonoses
30. After head injury, blood from the torm branches of the middle meningeal artery collects between?
a. Dura mater and bone

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31. The MOST reliable study to establish an association of risk factor and the disease under investigation is:
a. Cohort
32. muscles separates the orbital and palpebral parts of lacrimal gland?
a. Levator palpaberae superioris
33. The limiting amino acid in cereals?
a. Lysine
34. Falciform ligament is the derivative of structures?
a. Ventral mesogastrijm
35. Parts of the brain is responsible for relative paralysis during REM sleep?
a. Locus ceruleus
36. Acute monoarthritis of 1st metatarsophadangeal joint is a classical presentation of ?
a. Gout
37. Insulin secreation is decreased by:
a. Norepinephrine acting on α2 adrenergic receptors
38. MELD score for predicting prognosis of a patient with chronic liver disease includes parameters ?
a. Serum creatinine
39. Cystic fibrosis results from mutation in CFTR gene located on chromosomes?
a. Chromosomes 7
40. Primary peristalsis in esophagus is due to
a. Pharyngeal phase of swallowing
41. Aids iron absorption?
a. Vitamin C
42. The MOST common pulmonary manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis?
a. Pleuritis
43. The antitubercular drug which causes orange discoloration of the urine is
a. Refampicin
44. The definitive host in the lifecycle of Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid disease)?
a. Dogs
45. Angioliponmas of kidney are associated with
a. Tuberous sclerosis
46. The most common for duodenal ulcer is
a. First part of duodenum
47. Seen in hypocalcemia?
a. Cardiac failure
48. The composition of sodium in low osmolality oral rehydration solution (ORS) is
a. 75 mmol/L
49. astrocytomas is MOST common in children?
a. Pillocytic
50. Characteristic in anorexia nervosa differentiates it from bulemia nervous?
a. Amenorrhea
51. Resistance of rifampicin in mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated with mutation in the
a. rpoB gene
52. If a person says that his neighbours have fitted a machine in his brain. it is an example of:
a. Bizare delusions
53. ECG changes is characteristic of hypokalemia?
a. Flattened T wave
54. Wide and fixed splitting of second heart around is seen
a. Atrial septal defect
55. In middle mediastinum
a. Bronchogenic cyst
56. A live attenuated vaccine?
a. Measles
57. The antidiabetic drug that raises the plasma insulin level
a. Sulphonylurea group
58. A management of respiratory acidosis?
a. Assisted ventilation
59. Split glomerular basement membrane on electron microscopy is associated with

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a. Alport syndrome
60. The MOST common congenital heart valve defect
a. Bicuspid aortic valve
61. The MOST common congenital heart valve defect
a. Bicuspid aortic valve
62. Medullary cystic kidney disease type-II is caused by mutation in
a. Umod gene
63. The diagnosis test for Mainer disease
a. Electrococchleography
64. In a 15 year old patient the TSH level is extremely low, the serum T3 and T4 level are elevated. is the likely
a. Graves’ disease
65. Acute necrotizing otitis media is caused by organism s
a. Hemolytic streptococci
66. Bitemporal hemianopia is caused by a lesion localized at the
a. Optic chiasma
67. Rhinophyma is a condition of nose involving
a. Tip of nose
68. The opening connecting epithympanum to mastoid antrum is called
a. Aditus
69. Paracusis Willsii is seen in patients with
a. Oosclerosis
70. Milkulicz cells are diagnostic of
a. Rhinoscleroma
71. A child presents with hearing loss, white forelock, and beterochromia iridis. is the likely diangois
a. Waardenbug syndrome
72. Tests is diagnosis of CSF rhinorrhea
a. Beta 2 transerrin
73. The dose of vitamin K given to a term neotnate
a. 1 mg
74. Implantation occurs at
a. Blastocyst stage
75. Immunoglobulins is produced by the fetus itself
a. IgM
76. Nabothian cyst is a type of
a. Retention cyst
77. Pavor nocturnus is a term for disorders of sleep
a. Nightmares
78. The plague bacilli in rate fleas is an example of biological transmission types
a. Propagative
79. Depot contraceptive DMPA is to be given every
a. 3 months
80. The disaster search and rescue team is formed during
a. Preparedness phage
81. Time, he becomes confused with visual disturbances and difficulty in walking. is the MOST likely diagnosis
a. Wernickle encyphalopathy
82. The minimal level of total fat consumed should be
a. 20% of energy
83. Burtonian illness are associated with chronic poisoning by substances
a. Lead
84. The sensitivity of a screening test is the ability to correctly identify
a. True positive
85. Giving penicillin prophytaxis to a person with rheumatic fever is
a. Secondary prevention
86. The procedure by which study participants are allocated to various study groups
a. Randomization
87. A pro inflammatory cytokine
a. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha

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88. Falling on the buttock from height will result in

a. Ring fracture
89. Maquals reagent is used I testing to identify
a. Opium
90. Primarily a cardiac poison
a. Nicotiana tabacum
91. The initiation of BMI as a measure of obesity
a. Does not differentiate weight associated with muscle and fat
92. Estimation of in vaginal fluid is helpful to establish sexual intercourse in case of rape
a. Acid phosphatase
93. Vitamins is available only from animal sources
a. Vitamin B12
94. The period of time for quarantine of persons for control of any infection disease
a. Maximum inclubation period
95. enzymes is synthesized in proenzyme from
a. Caspase
96. According to Factories Act 1948, maximum permissible working hours per week are
a. 48
97. In reproductive and child health programme, districts are divided on the basis of
a. Crude birth rate and female literacy rate
98. The MOST common site for endometriosis
a. Ovary
99. is the recommended daily intake of vitamin A during pregnancy
a. 800 mcg
100. The mucoid encapsulated yeasts in cryptococcal meningitis can be visualized in CSF by
a. India ink
101. Lines of Zahn occur in
a. Thrombus
102. Acts as a catalyst in the reactions of free oxygen metabolites
a. Ferric ion
103. Is the germline mutation that predisposes to adrenal cortical carcinoma
a. p53
104. Glucose content of CSF is nearly always normal in type of meningitis
a. Viral
105. Classes I NHC molecules are recognized by cells of the immune system
a. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte
106. is the biological indicator that is used in ethylene oxide sterilizer
a. Bacillus atrophaeus
107. Ethiodium bromide staining is used for detection of
a. Pyruvate to acetyl CoA
108. is the MOST common malignant transformation seen in dermoid cyst of ovary
a. Squamous cells carcinoma
109. chronic infections of hepatitis B is defined as the presence of
a. HBsAg for more than 6 months
110. Extranuclear DNA is present in
a. Mitochondria
111. All aminotransferases require coenzymes
a. PLP
112. is the correct order of repair when performing relmplnatation of an amputated finger
a. Bone, extenosr tendon, flexor tendon, artery, nerve, and vein
113. The two side chain modifications present in the peptide TRH are
a. Cyclization and armidation
114. Is a sophisticated measure of malaria incidence in a community
a. Annual parasite index
115. Ranula is mucocele of
a. Sublingual
116. The framingam heart study is an example of epidemiologic studies
a. Cohort

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117. Testicular tumor shows Schiller-Duval body on microscopy

a. Yolk sac tumor
118. Aacts as a catalyst in the reactions of free oxygen metabolites
a. Ferric ion
119. What is the diagnosis based in the given cranial CT images

a. Subdural hemortiage
121. Milgnant salivary gland tumors invades perineural spaces
a. It responds to transtuzumab
122. Indetifies the anatomical structure marked by the arrow on the given radiograph

a. Lesser trochanter femour

123. What is the diagnosis based on the given chest radiograph in a patient with acute breadthlessness

a. Pneumothorax
124. Visible spectrum of light is from
a. 401-700nm
125. What is the diagnosis based on the given chest radiograph in a patient with acute breadthlessness

a. Pneumothorax
126. 701-900nm is the MOST common cause of vitreous hemorrhage in adults
a. Diabetes mellitus
127. Identifies the anatomical structure marked by the arrow on the given image

a. Left atrium
128. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is a condition caused by the deficiency of components of the lear film
a. Aqueous
129. The method that is used for preservation of donor cornea up to 5 days
a. KM Medium storage
130. Radial keratology corrects myopia by
a. Flatterning the cornea
131. Snow balt (snow banking) vitreous opacities occur in
a. Pars plantia
132. The MOST important risk factor for diabetic retinopathy
a. Long stading diabetes
133. Differential diagnosis of leucoccoris includes all of the following EXCEPT

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a. Cyticercosis
134. Keratometer is used for the measurement of
a. Curvature of cornea
135. The strongest risk factor for urinary
a. Cigarrrate smoking
136. A noninvasive test for detection of helicobacter pylori?
a. Urea breath test
137. A patient with holosystolic murmur which increased on deep inspiration is suggestive of
a. Carvallos sign
138. NOT a feature of Beck triad
a. Kussmual sign
139. Cerebellopontine angle tumor MOST commonly involve nerves
140. Collapsing glomerulopathy is associated with
a. HIV
141. Sideroblastic anemia may respond to supplementations of
a. Pyridoxine
142. Budd-Chiari syndrome is caused due to
a. Hepatic vein thrombosis
143. MOST common site for hematogenosu spread of gastric malignancy
a. Liver
144. Tests should be used to monitor the success of treatment for a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis
a. Sputum microscopy
145. The daily sodium and potassium requirements are
a. 3 mEq of sodium and 2 mEq of potassium per kg body weight
146. A 55 year old man is diagnosed with adenocarcinoma right lung, lower lobe, imaging is suggestive of 2 different
lesions approximately 2.5 x2.5 cm and 4x4 cm in size in the lipilateral same lobs, is the T stage
a. T3
147. Child –Pugh criteria does not include
a. Leukocyte count
148. MEN-2a syndrome includes tumors of
a. Medullary carcinoma thyroid, pheochromocytoma, and primary hyperparathyroidism
149. For saphenous vein cut down , the site of incision in relation to medial mallecolus is
a. 1 cm anterior and superior
150. is a proteasome inhibitors
a. Bertezombi
151. is MOST widely used tracer for PET-CT
a. F15 flurodeoxglycose
152. is the diagnostic investigation of choice in a suspected case of renal cells carcinoma
a. Contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen
153. Rest pain is classified as Fontaine stage
a. III
154. In a patient with suspected head injury, if the best motor response is abnormal flexion, then the score assigned
to M is
a. 3
155. Insulinoma of the pancrease causes triads
a. Saint
156. 60-year old woman presents with a history of sudden onset acute backache followed by syncope, her pulse is
160/min, BP is 80/60. Abdominal examination reveals a tender pulsatile mass in the epigastrium. is the
presumptive diagnosis
a. Ruptured aortic aneurysm
157. Net renal excretion of drugs is represented by
a. (Glomerular filtration + tubular secretion)- tubular reabsorption
158. Nitrous oxide is
a. Good analgesic
159. The lowest risk of catheter related infection is seen in
a. Subclavian vein
160. The lowest risk of catheter related infection is seen in

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a. Subclavian vein
161. The shortest local antimuscarinic drug mean for mydriasis and cydoplegia is
a. Tropicamide
162. Treprostinil is an analog of the prostaglandin subtype
a. PGI2
163. Gene Xper detects resistance of mycobacterium tubercutosis against
a. Rifampicin
164. The appearance of green color in a contiusion is due to the presence of substanes
a. Hematoidin
165. Widal test is a type of
a. Agglutination reaction
166. Glassware can be sterilized by
a. Hot air oven
167. is an additional pathway of complment activation that has recently emerged
a. Mannan-binding lectin pathway
168. is a live attenuated viral vaccine
a. Rotavirus vaccine
169. Gene transfer in bacteria by transformation has characterized
a. It can be carried out using free DNA from the donor
170. Lack of fundal fusion is seen in
a. Bicornuate uterus
171. Insulin receptor is present on
a. The cell membrane
172. Wilson disease is associated with
a. Increased liver copper
173. Selenium is a cofactor in coenzymes?
a. Glutathione peroxidase
174. Stokes radius is the basis of separation of protein in
a. Size exclusion chromatography
175. Viral hepatitis is a zoonotic disease?
a. HEV
176. The feature of type I endometrial carcinoma (endometrioid carcinoma)?
a. PTEN and K-RAS mutation
177. The MOST common for subarachnoid hemorrhage?
a. Saccular aneurysm
178. Australia antigen is associated with ?
a. Hepatitis B virus
179. The key microscopic feature of ependymoma?
a. Perivascular pseudorosettes
180. Bilaterally enlarged kidneys are seen in :
a. Polycystic kidney disease
181. A negative phase reactant?
a. Albumin
182. Tay sacha disease is due to the deficiency of
a. Beta hexosaminidase
183. Sanger technique is a method of
a. DNA sequencing
184. Gleason system of grading is used in types of malignancy?
a. Prostate carcinoma
185. A deep cerebellar nucleus?
a. Fastigial
186. Degrades fibrin?
a. Plasmin
187. Dryness of eye is seen with large doses of ?
a. Atropine
188. Cytopines are lacreted in sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)by
a. Neutrophils
189. Ttissues is mascular?

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a. Cartilage
190. True for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?
a. Loss of lock-process on electron microscopy
191. Nerves is a content of pterygopatatine fossa?
a. Maxillary
192. In children under the age of 2 years, nerves is prone to injury while dealing with postauricular abscess?
a. Facial
193. Pretectal nucleus is involved in ?
a. Light reflex
194. Tissues stores energy and provides insulation?
a. Adipose
195. Derivative of second pharyngeal arch?
a. Stylohyoid ligament
196. A 33-year-old man, who is nondiabetic and nonhypertensive, first reports weakness in the right arm and within
6months it spreads to the entire right side. Neurological examination reveals a flaccid paralysis, atrophy,
fasciculation, hypotonia, and absent reflexes in the right arm and the right leg. Higher functions are normal. The
MOST likely cause is
a. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
197. Parenchyma of the liver is formed by structures?
a. Endodermal cells of hepatic bud
198. Afferents of the golgi tendon organ are
a. Type I B
199. The enteric nervous system is mainly made up of fibers?
a. Postganglionic sympathetic and preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
200. TRUE regarding control of skin coloration?
a. Albinos have a congenital inability to synthesize melanin
201. Chorda typani enters the middle ear
a. Posteriorly
202. Schirmer test is the topodiagnostic test for which of the nerves?
a. Facial nerve
203. The 5d reductase isoenzyme is NOT present in marnmals?
a. Cat
204. The concentration of epinephrine used in test-dose for epidural anesthesia is
a. 1:200000
205. A 15-year-old boy presents in emergency with a history of trauma with tennis ball to the right eye. He complains
of diplopia, pain, and redness. His diplopia could be due to all of the following EXCEPT
a. Dislocation of lens in vitreous
206. Mechanical entrapment of inferior rectus or inferior oblique muscleGlaukomflecken in acute angle closure
glaucoma presents as
a. Anterior subcapsular lens opacity
207. TRUE regarding Monteggia fracture?
a. Fracture of ulna with superior radio ulnar joint dislocatin
208. The MOST common TYPE of lesion in Pott spine?
a. Paradiscal
209. Tinnitus, vertigo, and ear ache due to abnormality of the temporomandibular joint is seen in ?
a. Costen syndrome
210. The hardest bone in the human body?
a. Osseous labyrinth
211. The reason for increased carbon dicodde tension in Bohr effect?
a. Increase in P50
212. May be dangerous in failed intubatin?
a. Relucuant intutiatin attempt
213. Hyaluronic acid is present in
a. Vitreous humor
214. Run amok” is frequently associated with the long-term heavy use of

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a. Cannabis
215. Germ tube test is used for identification of ?
a. Candida athicans
216. Centrally-acting α2 agonists is used as a sedative in intensive care unit?
a. Dexmedetomidine
217. Detergent action of bile acid is due to the
a. Amphipathic nature of bile acids
218. An inhibitor of enzyme decreases the apparent V-max of the eruyme, but has no effect on the K value it would be
classified as
a. Noncompetitive inhibition
219. The hardest bone in the human body?
a. Osseous labyrinth
220. In osteoporosis, the biochemical changes in the blood are usually
a. Normal calcium, normal phosphate, and normal alkaline phosphatase
221. Traumatic optic neuropathy is associated with ?
a. Relative afferent papillary defect
222. The commonest type of placentation in monozygotic twins is
Monochorionic diamniotic
223. Antihypertensive drugs is contraindicated in pregnancy:
ACE inhibitors
224. The following drugs are used in the management of Post Partum Hemorrhage, EXCEPT:
225. The shortest anteroposterior diameter between the promontory of sacrum & the symphisis pubis is designated
as the:
Obstetric conjugate
226. Bishop cervical score does not include:
Fetal presentation
227. An 18 year old girl with primary amennorhea with normal breast the likely diagnosis may be:
Mullerian agenesis
228. Commonest cause of first trimester miscarriage is:
Chromosomal abnormality in the conceptus
229. Breast milk contains all vitamins except:
Vitamin K
230. Under the MTP Act, pregnancy can be terminated up to which week of gestation:
20 Weeks
231. Which is the typical clinical feature of vaginmal discharge due to bacterial vaginosis:
Fishy odour when mixed with 10% KOH
232. In a case of post menopausal bleeding, which is not a very useful investigation:
High vaginal swab for culture
233. In a case of post menopausal bleeding, which is not a very useful investigation:
High vaginal swab for culture
234. For coagulation studies, the anticoagulant of choice is:
a. Trisodium citrate
235. For coagulation studies, the anticoagulant of choice is:
a. Trisodium citrate
236. Secondary amyloidosis of liver, amyloid material is present:
a. In space of Disse
237. Lymphoma associated with H. Pylori infection is:
238. MALT Lymphoma
239. In a lymph node showing non necrotizing and non – caseating granuloma – the following is suspected:
a. Cat scratch disease
240. Number of girl born to a woman experiencing current fertility pattern is denoted by:
a. Gross reproduction rate
241. Assessment of prevalence of infection for tuberculosis in community setting is done by:
a. Tuberculin test
242. Hepatic encephalopathy is the result of :
a. Excess of nitrogenous substances in blood
243. All of the following are done immediately for class III dog bite EXCEPT:
a. Stitch wound under antibiotic cover
244. B.M.L of pre – obese person is:
a. 25 -29.9

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245. The best measure for evaluating standards of therapy is:

a. Survival rate
246. The main objective of setting up sentinel surveillance is to:
a. Identify the missing and hidden cases in the community
247. Major source of erythropoirtin in which one of the following:
a. Juxtaglomerular cells of kidney
248. Insulin increases transport of glucose into:
a. Adipose cells
249. Sperm capacitation occurs due to:
a. Decreased cholesterol content of acrosomal membrane
250. Trendelenberg sign is positive in paralysis of :
a. Gluteus medius
251. Emulsification of lipids in the small intestine requires:
a. Bile salts
252. 125 I is more consistently used than 131 I in diagnosis because 125 I:
a. All of the above
253. Under ESI Act, sickness benefit is payable for a maximum of
a. 91 days
254. The serological marker of acute hepatitis B infection is
a. HBsAg + HBeAg
255. During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, adrenaline can be given via one of the following route if intravenous line is
not available
a. Endotracheal tube
256. After prostatectomy, sexual disturbance is most likely to happen
a. Retrograde ejaculation
257. Virchow’s lymph node is the name given to
a. Left supra clavicular lymph node
258. The most sensitive test to detect early diabetic nephromy is
a. Serum protein/ creatinine ratio
259. The negative waves in Jugular venous
a. c and v
260. Gait abnormalities in Parkinsonism not include
a. Wide bases gait
261. The most frequent organic cause of erectile dysfunction is
a. Psychogenic
262. Paradoxical aciduria occurs in
a. Burns
263. Seldinger’s needle and technique is used to perform
a. Contrast angiography
264. Not a feature of pain during defecation
a. Fistula in Ano
265. N – acctylcysteine reduces the severity of hepatic necrosis in toxicity due to which one of the following
a. Acetaminophen
266. Horner’s syndrome is a feature of
a. Pancoast tumor
267. Fasciculations are most commonly seen in a patient having
a. Motor neuron disease
268. Serum complement levels are reduced in
a. Active systemic lupus erythematosis
269. Type 2 respiratory failure not occurs in
a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
270. A 10 yrs old bpy starts bleeding from the mouth 6 hrs after a tooth extraction was performed. He is likely to have
a. Anti phospholipids antibody
271. Secondary hemorrhage occurs
a. 3 days to 7 days
272. All statements are true regarding medullary carcinoma of thyroid except
a. It is TSH dependent
273. Not a criteria are used for diagnosing ARDS
a. PaO2/FiO2 ratio of less than 200 mmHg
274. Facial twitching seen on tapping of preauricular area is
a. Chvostck’s sign
275. Acne is chronic inflammatory disease of

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a. Pilo sebaccous unit

276. Otospongiosis is a primary disease of
a. Ossicles
277. Disease that is included in the list of major causes of blindness in the world but is rare in India is
a. Onchocerciasis
278. Blow out fracture of the orbit usually involves
a. The lateral wall and floor of the orbit
279. In corticollis there is contracture of the following muscle
a. Sternomastoid
280. Chronic renal failure is characterized by
a. Metabolic acidosis
281. Drug is the most useful in treating an episode of antipsychotic induced acute dystonia
a. Promethazine
282. Moro’s reflex disappears at
a. 3 months
283. The disulfiram alcohol reaction occurs due to be inhibition of which enzyme
a. Aldehyde dehydrogenase
284. Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord is associated with deficiency of
a. Vitamin B12
285. A non ionizing radiation
a. Gamma rays
286. A 40 yrs old man presents with a 20 yrs history of alcohol intake with a 10 yrs history of a dependence pattern.
He presents with a 2 day history of altered behaviour, restelessness, tremors, sleep disturbance, irritability and
difficulty in walking. On examination he has gaze palsy and is disoriented. What is the most likely diagnosis
a. Wenicke’s encephalopathy
287. Commonest cause of small bowel intussusception in adults is
a. Neoplastic lesions
288. Xerophthalmia refers to dry eye caused by
a. Steven Johnson syndrome
289. At what age does birth length double
a. Three yrs
290. Ulnar nerve paralysis causes
a. Claw finger deformity
291. A four month old child presents with epiphora and regurgitation. The most probable diagnosis is
a. Congenital dacroyocystitis
292. Ulnar nerve paralysis causes
a. Claw finger deformity
293. mania is characterized by
a. Overproductivity and sychomotor overactivity
294. Not in SAFE strategy for prevention of trachoma includes
a. Epilation
295. Hereditary angioedema is due to
a. Deficiency of C1 esterase inhibitor
296. Gradenigo’s syndrome is a triad comprising of the following except
a. Otalgia
297. The most common etiology of striodor in an infant is
a. Laryngomalacia
298. The primary event in pathogenesis of hemolytic uremic syndrome
a. Endothelial cell injury
299. Not seen in Infant with Down’s syndrome have
a. VSD
300. Carhart’s notch in audiogram is seen in
a. Otosclerosis
301. Which one of the following has a tooth in the cyst
a. Dentigerous cyst
302. Which is not a usual feature of dengue infection
a. Hepatosplenomegaly
303. Intra ocular lens power is calculated with
a. SRK formula
304. All of the following are well known ototoxic drugs except
a. Loop diuretics
305. The most common quadrant in retina to have breaks is
a. Superotemporal

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306. Contract used in barium enema study is

a. Barium sulphate
307. Signet ring appearance on chest CT is seen in
a. Bronchogenic carcinoma
308. Oral corticosteroids are used to treat which one of the following
a. Panophthalmitis
309. Von Recklinghausen’s disease arises from gene mutation on which chromosome
a. 17
310. LeFort classification is used for
a. Fracture maxilla
311. The vitamin involved in the synthetis of the coagulation factor from prothrombin is
a. Vitamin K
312. Anemias are seen in deficiencies of all the following vitamins EXCEPT
a. Pyridoxine
313. Positive trendelenburg test is noticed when
a. inferior gluteal nerve is injured
314. food poisoning has the highest case fatality rate
a. Botulism
315. Glucose content of CSF remains unaltered in
a. Cryptococcal meningitis
316. Pouch of Douglas is a peritoneal pouch between
a. Rectum and vagina
317. The clavi-pectoral fascia is pierced by
a. Lateral pectoral nerve
318. The ion that is cp-transported during the active transport of glucose in the small intestine is
a. K+
319. An example of an amphibolic pathway is
a. Citric acid cycle
320. statement is TRUE regarding neuroglia
a. Are conducting neural tissue
321. The lower border of the lungs lies in the mid axillary line at
a. 8th Rib
322. Downward displacement of enlarged spleen is prevented by
a. Phrenicocolic ligament
323. Food poisoning strains of clostridium perfringens belongs to
a. Type B
324. Gabapentin has which mechanism of action for its antiepileptic effect?
a. Inhibits monoamine oxidase
325. Streptococcal Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor
a. Pyrogenic exotoxin
326. Inhalational anesthetics is most likely to cause fluoride ion nephrotoxicity
a. Enflurane
327. drugs is used to control tachycardia and palitations in persons with acute symptoms of hyperthyroidism ?
a. Propranolol
328. The most important reason for surgical repair of a double uterus such as bicornuate uterus is
a. Habitual abortion
329. Primary organisms in acute PID are
a. Chlamydia trachomatis
330. violin string like adhesions of perithepatis present in salpingitis are caused by
a. Gonococci
331. Unruptured ectopic pregnancy is best diagnosed by
a. Transvaginal ultrasonography
332. is NOT a causative factor for placenta praevia ?
a. Multiparity
333. Normal position of uterus is
a. Anterverted and anteflexed
334. Airway resistance
a. Is increased in asthma
335. Caudate nucleus damage leads to which movement disorder
a. Chorea
336. The surfactant is produced by which type of alveolar epithetial cells ?
a. Type II cell
337. Receptor for inverse stretch reflex is

DIAMS HELPLINE NOS: 9818014379,8745003261,9319576037; E. Mail:

a. Golgi tendon organs

338. The best time to repair complete perineal tear following delivery is
a. Within 24 hours
339. Economic Benefits of a program is evaluated by
a. Cost effective analysis
340. is a premallagnant condition in the breast
a. Atypical ductal hyperplasia
341. Not a features of Apoptosis
a. Cells shrinkage
342. TRUE for Amyloidosis of the kidney EXCEPT
a. Most cases are of primary Amyloidosis
343. Targeted intervention for reducing HIV transmission include all EXCEPT ONE of the following
a. Provision of ART
344. BOAA (Beta Oxalyl Amino Alanine) is a toxin involved in the causation of which disease
a. Neurolathyrism
345. The narrowest diameter of true pelvis is
a. Obstertric conjugate
346. Glucose reabsorption occurs in the
a. Loop of hanle
347. Sweating as a result of exertion is mediated through
a. Sympathetic cholinergic
348. Vitreous humor is required to be preserved during autopsy in poisoning of
a. Arsenic
349. Base NOT present in DNA is
a. Uracil
350. Condon is a sequence of three nucleotides present in
a. mRNA
351. Drug dependence is a term which
a. Includes drug addiction but excludes drug habituation
352. Drug administration avoids first pass hepatic metabolism and is used with drug preparation that slowly releases
drugs for periods as long as seven days ?
a. Transdermal
353. is a feature of adult onset diabetes
a. Peripheral resistance to insulin
354. Tumor marker for colon CA and pancreatic CA
a. CA 19-9
355. Cruschmann’s spirals are found is
a. Bronchial asthma
356. Bilateral contracted kidney are seen in
a. Amyloidosis
357. Vitamin beneficial in osteoporosis in combination with vitamin D is
a. Vitamin K
358. The commonest malignant lesion in the vertebral body is
a. Secondary deposits
359. Ectopia lentis is associated with all the following EXCETP
a. Aniridia
360. Most common form of urinary incontinence in older adults is
a. Mixed incontinence
361. Mallory bodies are seen in
a. Post hepatitc cirrhosis of liver
362. Koplik spots are pathognomic of
a. Measles
363. Epley’s maneauver is useful in management of
364. Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with
a. Gluten sensitive enteropathy
365. immunosuppressives require monitoring of renal function on regular basis
a. Cyclosporine A
366. Mode of inheritance of haemophilia is
a. X- linked Recessive
367. sub-acute scletosing panencephalitis is a known complication following infection by
a. Measles virus
368. is NOT a feature of “Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome” of childhood

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a. Low C3 levels
369. The following hormone is responsible for milk secretion
a. Prolactin
370. 44 year female, disappeared from her residence without information others. Before this incident she had no
illness but had some unpleasant events in her personal life. What will be her diagnosis?
a. Dissociative Fugue
371. A 30 year female presents with rapidly progressive renal failure, nasal discharge, ulceration of nasal septum,
maxillary sinusitis and pulmonary infiltrates.
Wegeners Granulomatosis
372. As a screening Test for type 2 diabetes Mellitus. Which is the best screening test
Fasting glucose levels
373. extraocular muscles performs intortion of the globe in primary position
superior oblique
374. Initial emergency surgical management of significant bulbar urethral injury is
a. Suprapubic cystostomy
375. Blood stained sputum may be the only symptom in
a. Adenoma bronchus
376. Fournier’s gangrene of toes with
a. Synergistic gangrene of scrotum
377. Beatuex index is used for
a. Aedes aegypti
378. Nevirapine belongs to the following group
a. NNRTI (Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors)
379. Carcinoma of breast arises from
a. Terminal duct lobular unit
380. Smooth muscle relaxation is most commonly associated with which one of the following adrenoceptors:
a. Alpha -1 receptors
381. Peyer’s patches are present in
a. Ileum
382. House – maid’s knee is due to enlargement of
a. Sub—cutaneuos pre-patellar bursa
383. Reverse CAMP Test is positive for
a. Clostridium perfringens
384. Aspirin increase the bleeding time by
a. Irreversible inactivation of cyclo-oxygenase
385. Micro –organisms uses antigenic variation as a major means of evading host responses?
a. Borrelia recurrentis
386. In dengue Hemorrhagic syndrome, the tourniquet test is considered positive if number of petechiae per square
inch is more than
a. 20
387. arteries is a content of anatomical snuff box
a. Radial artery
388. Fetal adrenal cortex secretes hormones in large amount
a. Cortisol
389. Reverse cold chain is used by
a. Carrying stool samples of polio patients from primary health center to Lab
390. Counter current system includes all of the following except
a. Medullary interstitium
391. Prostaglandins of seminal fluid are secreted by
a. Seminal vesicles
392. The components of lochia rubra include all of the following except
a. Leucoytes
393. Pregnancy test done by radioimmunoassay detects the presence of hCG as early as
a. 8-9 days after ovulation
394. is not a criterion for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis
a. Plenty of lactobacilli
395. Most specific test for diagnosis of primary syphilis is
a. FTA-ABS test
396. The location of Glomus cells in human body?
a. Carotid body
397. The opsonins that coat bacteria is
a. IgG
398. Most common “Direct “ cause of maternal mortality in India is

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a. Hemorrhage
399. Clamping the umbilical cord after cessation of cord pulsation results in influx of
a. 200-250 ml of blood
400. When does the hCG level in normal pregnancy reach its peak?
a. 60-70 days of pregnancy
401. Oral combined contraceptive pills are contraindicated in all of the following conditions except
a. Polycystic ovaries
402. The enzymes which are useful clinically in the diagnosis of myocardical infarction are
a. Creative kinase, aspartate transaminase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase
403. In Hrtnup’s disease, the urine of the patient contains increased amount of
a. Trytophan
404. What is the primary molecular basis of renal rickets?
a. Decreased capacity to synthesise 1, 25 dihydroxy Vitamin D3 in the kidney
405. The glucose transporter present in skeletal muscle is
a. GLUT 4
406. Hyperinfection is caused by
a. Strongyloides stercolaris
407. As example of Heterophile agglutination test is
a. Mantoux test
408. The indicator agent to determine faecal pollution of dinking water is
a. E. coli
409. The earliest immunoglobulin to be synthesiaed by the fetus is
a. IgM
410. Not seen in nephrotic Syndrome
a. Hematuria
411. A diabetic patients developed cellulitis due to staphylococcus aureus, which was found to be methicillin resistant
on antibiotic sensitivity testing. Antibiotics not used is
a. Imipenem
412. Not a feature of dengue hemorrhage fever?
a. Coagulopathy
413. Drugs would be appropriate to prevent mountain sickness to a group of young students who are planning an
expedition of mountain climbing trip in the Himalayas?
a. A carbonic anhydrase Inhibitor
414. Graves ophthalmopathy is associated with
a. Convergence insufficiency
415. Wickham’s striae are
a. Seen on the surface of lichen planus papules
416. Figure of “8” appearance of heart on plain skiagram os diagnosis of
a. Total pulmonary anomalous venous drainage
417. A leading theory for the neurochemical basis of Alzheimer’s dementia is
a. A cholinergic deficiency hypothesis
418. Commonest cause of lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding in India is
a. Typhoid enteritis
419. Peau d’orange in a patient with carcinoma breast occurs because of
a. Obstruction of dermal lymphatics
420. High SAAG (serum ascitesalbumin gradient) is seen in ascites due to
a. Portal hypertension
421. Lucid interval is a feature of
a. Extradural hemorrhage
422. A 25 yrs man with bleeding gums fever hepatosplenomegaly and total WBC count of 100,000/ is likely to
a. Leukernia
423. In burn patients, the best fluid for resuscitations in fist 24 hours is
a. Ringer’s disease
424. Cardiac output is low in patients with
a. Aortic stenosis
425. Cherry red spot is seen in
a. Central retinal artery occlusion
426. Acute anterior uveitis in youg males is often associated with
a. Ankylosing spondylitis
427. Not seen in primary Sjogren’s syndrome
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
428. Commonest site for tuberculosis of the skeletal system is

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a. Spine
429. WHO garding of xerophthalamia, X2 indicates
a. Corneal xerosis
430. Earliest sign of diabetic retinopathy is
a. Microaneurysms
431. Xenograft refers to
a. Grafts form one species to another
432. A 24-year old male is brought to the emergency department after taking cyanide in a suicide attempts. He is
unconscious on presentation. What drug should be used as an antidote?
a. Sodium nitrite with sodium thiosulfate
433. Independent clinical predictors of neuromuscular respiratory weakness in Guillian Barre syndrome are all
a. Complete ophthalmplegia
434. The most characteristic manifestation of Henochscholein purpura (HSP) is
a. A typical rash
435. is associated with Parkinson’s disease
a. Difficulty initiating movements
436. Parameter is used to assess the renal perfusion adequacy during shock?
a. Hourly urine output
437. D-Xylose test may be abnormal in
a. Chronic pancreatitis
438. Tumor is most commonly associated with Tumor lysis syndrome?
a. Burkitt’s lymphoma
439. Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with
a. Celiac disease
440. Commonest cause of acute nephritis in children is
a. Immunologic
441. Fresh frozen plasma is used to correct
a. Coagulation factor deficiency
442. Kussmaul’s sign is absent in
a. Cardiac tamponade
443. Massive blood transfusion in a previously healthy adult male can result in bleeding, because of
a. Dilutional thrombocytopenia
444. Branham’s Bradycardia sign is positive in which one of the following:
a. Large A – V Fistula
445. Thrombophlebitis is an associated feature in which one of the following:
a. Buergers disease
446. The commonest variety of basal cell carcinoma is which one of the following:
a. Nodular
447. A 50 year old lady presents with a scaly lesion of the areola of the left breast that ulcerates and bleeds
periodically. The likely diagnosis is:
a. Pagets disease
448. A 50 year old lady presents with a scaly lesion of the areola of the left breast that ulcerates and bleeds
periodically. The likely diagnosis is:
a. Pagets disease
449. Tinel’s sign suggests:
a. Nerve regeneration
450. Le Fort classification refers to:
a. Fractures of the maxilla
451. Hill Sach’s lesion is seen in which one of the following:
a. Recurrent dislocation of shoulder
452. Spigelian hernia refers to:
a. Hernia at the arcuate line
453. The minimum period required for post-exposure chemoprophylaxis for HIV is
a. 6 weeks
454. Dressler’s syndrome in due to which one of the following
a. autoimmune reaction
455. Tetany is caused by all of the following Except
a. Malasorptoin
456. IgG antimitochondial antibody is detected in which one of the following conditions
a. Primary biliary cirrhosis
457. Warfarin anticoagulants inhibits following coagulation factors
a. II, VII, IX, X

DIAMS HELPLINE NOS: 9818014379,8745003261,9319576037; E. Mail:

458. The phenomeonon of fixed splitting of the second heart sound is of diagnostic value in
a. Atrial septal defect
459. Infection with Pseudomonas organisms is frequently associated with
a. Pyoderma gangrenosum
460. True about the beta lactam antibiotics
a. Are all based on the 6-amin-penicillanic acid structure
461. Investigation of choice in traumatic paraplegia is which on of the following
a. CT scan
462. Investigation of choice to demonstrate vesico-ureteric reflux is which one of the following
a. MCU
463. The filament of X-ray tube is made up of which one of the following element
a. Tungsten
464. Isomorphic phenomenon is seen in all of the following EXCEPT
a. Lichen sclerosus
465. Hirshprung’s diseases most commonly involves which one of the following
a. Incision and Drainage
466. The tumor marker useful in the postoperative follow up of patients with colonic carcinoma is
a. CEA
467. In salivary glands calculi are most commonly seen in which one of the following
a. Parotid
468. in cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis, the commonest source if infection is
a. Hematogenous spread
469. Feature of malignant change in a pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid includes all EXCEPT
a. Cystic degeneration
470. The commonest cause of death in neonate with TOF if left untreated is
a. Bronchopneumonia
471. In a patient with carcinoma stomach, Sister Joseph’s nodule refers to metastasis at
a. The umbilicus
472. The treatment of choice for a rectal growth 15 cms from the anal verge is
a. Anterior resection
473. which one of the following can NOT be classified as a solitary nodule
a. Physiological goiter
474. spigelian hernia refers to
a. Hernia at the arcuate line
475. Rheumatoid arthritis the characteristic joint involvement is______________ which one of the following
a. Knee
476. Not a feature of Exudative pleural effusion is
a. Tuberculosis
477. haemolytic anaemias are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
a. Hypercellular marrow
478. A young man after consuming food in a party complaint of vomiting and diarrhea within 1 to 5 hours. The
diagnosis is food poising due to
a. Staphylococcus aureus
479. Which one of the following is true about pan coast tumor
a. Cause radicular pain in upper limb
480. The bacteria most commonly associated with toxic shock syndrome is
a. Staphylococcus aureus
481. features differentiates invasive carcinoma from carcinoma in situ
a. Basement membrane invasion
482. LH: FSH ratio is raised in
a. Polycystic ovarian disease
483. The dendric configuration of corneal ulceration is characteristic of
a. Herpes
484. All are features of NK cells except
a. Responsible for type IV hypersensitivity reaction
485. Major histocompatibility complex plays a role in
a. Pathogenesis of auto immune disease
486. The contracetive protective against PID and STDs is which one of the following
a. Condoms
487. The commonest presentation of the fetus for vaginal delivery is
a. LOA
488. the gold standard for diagnosing pelvic inflammatory disease is which one of the following
a. Laproscopy

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489. Q fever is caused by which one of the following

a. Coxiella burnetti
490. venkataraman- Ramakrishnan mediun is a transport medium employed for the isolation of
a. Vibro cholerae
491. The other name for reverse transcriptase is
a. DNA dependent RNA polymerase
492. The regulatory enzyme for cholesterol biosynthesis is
a. HMG CoA reductase
493. Zink deficiency can cause which one of the following
a. Infertility
494. Arch of aorta is hooked by
a. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
495. Stratified squamous epithelium is not seen in
a. Gall bladder
496. Blood Agar” is an example of
a. Enriched media
497. Pugilistic attitude of body seen in case of burn is due to
a. Coagulating of proteins
498. Therapeutic drug monitoring is done for all of the following EXCPET
a. Metformin
499. The toxicity of MgSO4 used in eclampsia is monitored by all of the following EXCEPT
a. Heart rate
500. The magnitude of action potential will decrease if
a. Sodium and calcium concentration in ECF is high
501. Tearing of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is called
a. Laceration
502. The major contribution to human seminal fluid is form
a. Bulbo-urethral glands
503. One of the following structure is derived from all three germ layers
a. Auditory cavity
504. The rate limiting enzyme in fatty acid biosynthesis is
a. Acetly CoA carboxylase
505. Which nerve is likely to be injured while ligating superior thyroid artery
a. External laryngeal
506. NOT a function of vasoactive intestinal peptide?
a. Constricts peripheral blood vessels
507. Iron binding protein is
a. Ferritin
508. is implicated as a causative agent for angiosarcoma of liver
a. Vinyl chloride monomers
509. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in conditions
a. Crigler- Najjar syndrome
510. Genetic factor(s) which favor thrombosis is/are
a. Deficiency of proteins C and S
511. Which is NOT a function of Anganwadi worker
a. Immunizing children
512. “Respirable dust” have a smaller than
a. 5 microns
513. After implantation, area of the deciduas, that is destined to form the placenta is the
a. Deciduas basalis
514. CD 15 is used for diagnosis of
a. Hodgkin’s lymphoma – mixed cellularity tyoe
515. An enzyme catalyzing the conversion of an aldose to ketose is
a. Mutase
516. All women with uncomplicated breech presentation at 37 weeks should be offered

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a. External cephalic version

517. HMG –CoA reductase is inhibited by
a. Cholestyramine
518. Genomics is defined as
a. Study of all genes in the genome and their interactions
519. drugs is an antipseudomonal penicillin
a. Piperacillin
520. The structural polysaccharide chitin is a polymer of
a. N. Aectyl glucosamine
521. Shick test is an example of
a. Complement fixation
522. The source for human chorionic gonadotroin (hCG) in pregnancy is
a. Syncytiotrophoblast
523. Arch of aorta begins and levels at ______ vertebral level
a. T4
524. Telmesartan lowers blood pressure by
a. Blocking AT1 receptors
525. Does Not act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis
a. Amikacin
526. Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by all of the following except
a. Heinz bodies
527. In tuberculosis, pott’s disease involves
a. Vertebrae
528. Oxygenation of hemoglobin lowers its affinity for carbon dioxide. This is known as the
a. Haldane effect
529. The most important in events leading to irreversible cell injury?
a. Cell membrane damage
530. Autosplenectomy is a feature if
a. Sickle cell anemia
531. Numerous antibodies are found in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). is virtually diagnostic of
a. Antibody to double stranded DNA

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