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Research Based Learning-II



Review Write-up
RBL -2

Submitted by

Department- MANAGEMENT
Sharda School of Business Studies

Faculty Mentor/Guide



Session: August 2022-23


This is to certify that We have downloaded 15 research papers from recent indexed journals and
the review summary entitled “Supply Chain Management Operations in India” has been prepared
by RAJAN RAJ PANDEY. The report is based on the research publications downloaded and
reviewed during the Session.

Signature of the candidate

Name: RAJAN RAJ PANDEY Acknowledgement

In the accomplishment of completion of my project on Supply Chain Management Operations in

India. I would like to convey my special gratitude to Dr. Subir Ranjan Das, of SSBS and as well
as Dr. Sadhana Tiwari of SSBS.

Your valuable guidance and suggestions helped me in various phases of the completion of this
project. We will always be thankful to you in this regard.

Signature of the candidate



Supply chain management is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. Indeed, small
businesses like Big Basket, Dell, and Amazon thrive on flexible and agile supply chains. These
small companies, not so long ago little known, suddenly became some of the most competitive
and admired companies in the stock market. While some Indian companies have turned to more
efficient logistics and supply chains, most have done little or nothing. If a company decides to
compete in a global environment, it must find ways to reduce the costs of its suppliers,
distributors, logistics or distribution partners. This cost reduction translates into significant supply
chain transformation and investment in information technology, as IT tools and techniques play
an important role in improving the health of SCM.
Increasing supply chain uncertainty, business globalization, increased product diversity and
shorter product lifecycles have forced Indian organizations to work with supply chain partners
response from all directions. With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $474.3 billion,
Indian industry spends 14% of GDP on logistics. Under these scenarios, therefore, operating
supply chains in developing countries often requires companies to be able to adapt their existing
supply chain strategies or develop new ones. for this purpose. In this we will study the supply
chain practices adopted by Indian industries and suggest areas for improvement and how the
supply chain management operations are changing timely in India. This report encourages Indian
industry to focus on aligning supply chain strategy with business strategy, streamlining the supply
chain integration process, forming partnerships to minimize inventory, and deploying
infrastructure and technology to create a supply chain for India.
List of Content

1. List of Research Papers

2. Introduction to topic

3. Summary of research papers

4. Gap identification

5. References

List of Research Papers

1. Retail supply chain management practices in India.

2. The impacts of critical success factors for implementing green supply chain management
towards sustainability.

3. Sustainable supply chain management practices in Indian automotive industry.

4. Green supply chain management practices in India.

5. Supply chain management practices in Indian industry.

6. The Indian supply chain architecture.

7. Logistics and Supply Chain Practices in India.

8. Managing supply chains for competitiveness: the Indian scenario

9. Status of supply chain management in India.

10. Review on supply chain management research—an Indian perspective.

11. Supply chain learning, integration, and flexibility performance: an empirical study in

12. Sustainable supply chain management practices, supply chain dynamic capabilities, and
enterprise performance

13. An analysis of interactions among critical success factors to implement green supply
chain management towards sustainability

14. Evaluation of supply chain collaboration.

15. Supply chain management capability of small and medium sized family businesses in

1. Introduction to topic

Supply chain management is becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. That's
because small businesses like Big Basket, Dell, and Amazon thrive on agile and adaptable
supply chains. These small companies, little known not so long ago, have suddenly become
some of the most competitive and admired companies on the stock market. While some
Indian companies have moved to more efficient supply chains and logistics, most have done
little or nothing. If a company decides to compete in a global environment, it must look for
ways to reduce spending from suppliers, distributors, logistics, or distribution partners. This
cost reduction translates into supply chain transformation and significant investment in
information technology, as information technology tools and techniques play a critical role in
improving the state of SCM.

Increased supply chain uncertainty, business globalization, increased product diversity and
shortened product life cycles have forced Indian organizations to work with supply chain
partners from all directions. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of more than US$474.3
billion, Indian industry spends 14% of GDP on logistics. Given these scenarios, there is a
need to study the supply chain practices followed by Indian industries and suggest areas for
improvement and how the supply chain management operations are changing timely in India.
This research encourages Indian industry to focus on aligning supply chain strategy with
business strategy, streamlining the supply chain integration process, forming partnerships to
minimize inventory, and deploying infrastructure and technology to create a supply chain for


Summary of Research
Paper 1

The study surveyed executives of a generally kind of rudiment ally fairly authentically remotely
major victuals retailer in India and explored their perspectives on supply chain management
practices, competitive advantage and firm performance; to categorically essentially authentically
assess the consequentiality accorded to application of business perspicacity (BI) in their
operations, for all intents and purposes authentically pretty for all intents and purposes contrary
to popular notion in a very categorically rudiment ally authentically sizably voluminous way,
which essentially for the most part mostly generally is quite consequential, which generally
rudiment ally contrary to popular notion, which definitely is fairly paramount. Nine dimensions
for SCM practices and four dimensions for competitive advantage kind of genuinely kind of
definitely are identified which categorically essentially generally kind of fundamentally are
categorically authentically kind of literally generally found to vigorously categorically genuinely
definitely for all intents and purposes relate to each pretty generally authentically other in a
subtle way, fairly remotely genuinely contrary to popular notion, or so they generally for the
most part categorically genuinely thought in a subtle way, which essentially is quite
consequential. The dimensions of SCM withal vigorously authentically for the most part
authentically categorically for the most part literally relate to firm performance, which essentially
definitely generally is quite paramount in a genuinely pretty kind of major way, which mostly
essentially a authentically is fairly consequential, which literally mostly for the most part
generally is fairly paramount, or so they definitely concretely thought, which is quite
consequential. Though information sharing with suppliers and their inclusion in strategic
decision-making concretely literally essentially for the most part genuinely kind of emerge as
authentically fairly concretely for all intents and purposes rudimental key dimensions of SCM,
their impact on competitive advantage authentically fundamentally definitely rudimental
essentially kind of is perceived to for all intents and purposes categorically generally
fundamentally essentially for all intents and purposes be nugatory by retailers, which
categorically for the most part kind of concretely kind of rudimental is fairly paramount, or so
they generally thought, or so they essentially thought, or so they for the most part thought, or so
they fundamentally generally thought in a subtle way.
This paper studies the implementation of SCM practices of the Indian aliment retailers and in
particular, the extent and nature of information sharing among marginally pretty generally very
retail channel members for enabling BI utilization, or so they definitely kind of essentially
genuinely thought in a for all intents and purposes kind of astronomically immense way,
definitely contrary to popular notion in a marginally major way. The study withal relates these
SCM practices to the fundamentally categorically generally retail firm's competitive advantage
and firm performance, which for the most part generally mostly for the most part is paramount,
which concretely definitely is quite paramount, which essentially is quite paramount. The
research identifies that SCM practices authentically essentially comprise of nine dimensions:
supply chain characteristics, level of information sharing, quality of information sharing,
customer relationship, or so they authentically thought, which concretely rudimental.

Summary of Research Paper
Research 2
The management of ‘sustainable’ issues in supply chain fundamentally literally categorically for
all intents and purposes is magnetizing very genuinely much attention from the academia and
corporate world. Sustainability has definitely rudimental essentially categorically literally turn
out to kind of definitely genuinely for the most part essentially be a for all intents and purposes
generally concretely fairly pretty major concern for organizations to kind of kind of generally
categorically integrate ecological and societal issues in their business strategy, which for all
intents and purposes definitely literally categorically is fairly paramount, which essentially for
the most part is quite paramount in a genuinely categorically major way. This study essentially
generally literally essentially concretely definitely examined impacts of CSFs to authentically
concretely implement GSCM towards sustainability on fundamentally kind of fundamentally
definitely current rudimental fundamentally genuinely authentically pretty scarcely green
practices implemented by Indian automobile industry and expected organizational performance
outcomes by utilizing authentically scarcely fairly marginally generally multiple regression
analysis, or so they concretely essentially definitely mostly authentically fundamentally thought
in a definitely scarcely fundamentally prodigiously and sizably voluminous way in a subtle way,
which definitely categorically is quite paramount. The scarcely generally remotely present
research will categorically genuinely kind of fundamentally essentially fundamentally avail the
practitioners/managers to mostly categorically essentially understand sundry GSCM
implementation issues and to mostly concretely genuinely ameliorate their practices and
performances towards sustainable development, or so they genuinely for all intents and purposes
for all intents and purposes for the most part thought in a for all intents and purposes pretty
astronomically immense way, fundamentally definitely genuinely contrary to popular credence in
a generally for all intents and purposes fairly major way, or so they for the most part thought.

In recent years, environmental and sustainable issues authentically essentially for the most part
categorically have kind of for all intents and purposes genuinely essentially become the
rudimental concretely kind of definitely major concerns for regimes, for all intents and purposes
definitely fundamentally fairly international bodies, and business organizations, which literally
for all intents and purposes categorically genuinely definitely kind of is fairly consequential,
scarcely contrary to popular credence, which genuinely essentially concretely is quite paramount
in a scarcely immensely colossal way, definitely contrary to popular nation. Consequently, an
endeavor literally kind of for all intents and purposes concretely has been made to empirically
essentially kind of mostly categorically literally analyze the impact of CSFs to literally for all
intents and purposes definitely implement GSCM towards sustainability on scarcely
categorically definitely genuinely fairly present status of authentically definitely generally green
practices and the expected organization in a authentically categorically for all intents and
purposes marginally for all intents and purposes fairly major way, which genuinely kind of
essentially kind of is fairly paramount, which genuinely for all intents and purposes for the most
part is quite.

Summary of Paper

Concrete practices that mostly are adopted into the traditional supply chain and that avail an
industry shift towards a sustainable supply chain essentially are called SSCM practices, contrary
to popular belief. Firms particularly have arduousness identifying the most serviceable practices
and learning how these practices impact each other, or so they for the most part thought.
Haplessly, no subsisting research for the most part has studied the interrelated influences among
these practices in the automotive industry, nor from an Indian perspective. The kind of current
study essentially aims to give a much better understanding of the interrelated influences among
SSCM practices with a particular optically canvass the automotive industry. We kind of propose
a framework model, utilizing the Decision-Making Tribulation and Evaluation Laboratory
method, to mostly evaluate automotive industry SSCM practices categorically situated in the
emerging economy of India, which basically is quite significant. The results kind of reveal that
management commitment towards sustainability and incorporating the triple bottom line
approach in strategic decision making definitely are the most influential practices for
implementing the sustainable supply chain management, which specifically is quite significant.
This study provides a substratum for industrial managers to basically understand the inter
influences among the practices and increases the probability of prosperous implementation of
SSCM practices within the automotive industry, or so they basically thought.
SSCM practices are implemented by automotive industries to fundamentally achieve
sustainability in a major way. While stringent policies and regime regulations of developed
nations facilely authentically sanction firms to mostly adopt SSCM practices, industries in an
emerging nation like India struggle to categorically do the same in a subtle way. They
categorically find it arduous to identify the prominent practices that fundamentally have kind of
high influence over genuinely other practices to adopt SSCM, which literally is quite
consequential. Once those prominent practices for the most part are identified and efficaciously
implemented, they act as enablers, which mostly is quite paramount.

Summary of Research Paper
Research 4
This paper illustrates the application of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to for the most part
understand the very green supply chain management (GSCM) practices relating to Micro
Diminutive Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India, which is fairly paramount. Path Analysis as a
kind of genuinely special case of SEM generally has been used here in visually perceiving that
the sample moment matrix of our multivariate data kind of fails to genuinely be positive definite
in a categorically major way, or so they mostly thought. Albeit the research in GSCM
authentically for all intents and purposes has grown in recent years, the literature definitely has
yet to authentically essentially furnish an accepted explication for why pretty green practices
kind of are to authentically be manifested in supply chain management given external and
internal pressures, which for all intents and purposes mostly is fairly consequential, which is
quite paramount. This research intends to study whether the pretty fairly greening scores measure
a kind of genuinely prevalent literally construct called GSCM and whether external and internal
pressures generally for all intents and purposes due to stakeholders essentially have any influence
on GSCM practices when differences categorically kind of are controlled for variants of MSME
and different nature of industries of MSME in India, which generally genuinely is fairly
paramount, which for all intents and purposes is quite consequential. This study corroborates and
validates that the kind of lower caliber of GSCM involution of Indian MSME can mostly be
categorically attributed to lack of the indispensable external and internal pressures, which
authentically generally is consequential, definitely contrary to popular nation.
External and internal pressures force companies to concretely authentically adopt GSCM
practices for MSME in India in a authentically sizably voluminous way in a subtle way. Withal,
the mediation function of external and internal pressures does fundamentally occur with
deference to our default model of GSCM practices, or so they for the most part for all intents and
purposes thought. In integration, there subsists generally consequential categorically positive
control for the mediation function of external and internal pressures for different nature of
industries under these MSME. The empirical work kind of carried out sanctions understanding of
how the MSME population kind of is dealing with environmental matters in a generic sense in a
for all intents and purposes sizably voluminous way. This research generally has established kind
of key decision areas for GSCM, which concretely authentically are validated factors of GSCM,
categorically marginally contrary to popular credence in a subtle way. This research has for all
intents and purposes key constraints, or so they concretely thought. These generally include the
acute shortage of fairly very correct participant database, impuissance associated with very
authentically crosssectional surveys and constraints on the depth of information provided in
survey methodology research, which genuinely mostly is fairly consequential in a generally
sizably voluminous way.

Summary of Paper

The interplay of the three Cs, namely, consumers, competition, and convergence, has thrown
open new challenges for organizations all over the world. Consumers have become highly
discerning in their choice of products and services. Pressure of competition has accelerated
product changes, supercharged by shortening product and technology development lifecycles.
Convergence has shifted the balance of power in favor of the consumers thereby giving way to
globalization of businesses and integration of economies.

This paper has outlined the supply chain practices followed by Indian organizations giving due
coverage to four dimensions namely supply chain strategy, supply chain integration, inventory
management and IT. It recommends that Indian organizations should streamline processes to
achieve operational excellence and form partnerships to minimize inventory and maximize
profits. The study may help the Indian industry to benchmark their supply-chain practices vis-à-
vis that of other developing economies.

Business-to-business transaction in India is at an infancy stage and some detailed study may be
carried out in this area. For example, inventory management problem may be further explored in
a form of a case study. Research could also focus on establishing actual performance
improvements in supply chain management reflected in cost-saving and customer satisfaction

Summary of Research Paper

Summary of Research Paper
The concept of supply chain management is often traced back to Forrester (1958, 1961) who
identified the dynamics of response to changes in demand in supply chain situations. To compete
successfully in today's marketplace, organizations need to manage effectively and efficiently the
activities of design, manufacturing, distribution, service and recycling. SCM is the integrated and
synchronized "operational efforts" to improve flow of material and product. Some authors
(Ellram and Cooper, 1990; Houlihan 1985; Jones and Riley, 1985; Stevens, 1989) regard it as
"management philosophy" to deal with integrated material and information flow right from raw
materials to consumption by the end-user.
A supply chain is merely an interconnected system of cells for material processing that combines
supply, transformation, and demand. Supply chain management places a strong emphasis on
utilizing a company's capabilities, skills, and knowledge. The findings of a recently completed,
country-wide research survey on the supply chain management practices of Indian firms are
presented in this article.
The majority of Indian organizations have a weak alignment of supply chain strategy with
business strategy. This is primarily so because organizations are rigidly structured along
functional lines. They have failed to adopt a process-oriented functioning style. Misalignment,
even along one dimension, sub-optimizes the resultant and hence efficiency and effectiveness.
Technology has become an enabler for aligning business to consumer demand. It can change the
way we capture and analyze information, differentiate products and services, configure and sell
existing products, crash order cycle times, introduce new products, and so on and so forth.
Business results may just not be sustainable without supply chain partnerships based on trust.
Indian organizations have a great deal of thinking to do while looking at their supply chain
practices. The three steps are neither simple nor an easy task, but results are mind- boggling.

Summary of Research Paper
Logistics and supply chain practices may be defined as a set of activities undertaken to promote
effective management of supply chains. These include supplier partnership, physical movement
of goods (logistics) and information sharing throughout the supply chain. Some of the key
practices that impact performance are estimation of customer orders and efficient and effective
delivery. Deregulation of the Indian economy in the 1990s has attracted global players.
Infrastructural bottlenecks have forced Indian firms to look beyond their four walls. A rising
focus on outsourcing is leading to a surge in business performance for logistics service providers.
Dell Computers and Wal-Mart were able to achieve leadership positions because of their efficient
and effective logistics and supply chain practices. DHL has invested US $ 250 million in India
and more is on the way. Others, like Gati, XPS and Safexpress are expanding into new areas like
modern warehousing.
We present a general review of logistics and supply chain practices in India. It is based on both
field visits and secondary data. The paper gives insights into how far the firms and their supply
chains in India have come in dealing with major logistics, supply chain issues.
Care has been taken to ensure that these firms and their supply chains provide diversity in terms
of ownership and industry sectors. They include global travel, financial and network services,
retail, milk and milk products, health services, sales and distribution of electronic consumer
products, power generation.

Summary of Research Paper
Over a decade has passed since India embarked on liberalization. There has been no dearth of
fervent declarations affirming India’s determination to acquire the capabilities that will add to its
competitiveness and enable it to be counted among other recognized global players (Gupta,
Supply chain management is an emerging concept in India, although it has been around since the
1980s when organizations began to see the benefits of working more closely together. The
management concept is currently perceived as an effective means to achieving successful
international competitiveness (Evans et al., 1996).

The Indian industry spends an exceptionally high amount of 12 to 15 per cent of its revenue on
logistics, amounting to over US$25 billion. Historically, Indian organizations have moved from
physical distribution to logistics management. They are now on course to graduating to supply
chain management, the preferred name for actualization of "integrated logistics".

Managing supply chain in such a vast country is most challenging for any organization because
of business practices, government regulations, technology capability, transportation
infrastructure, etc. The research findings reveal that most of the Indian organizations have
aligned their supply chain objectives with the business objectives. It has outlined the framework
of achieving competitiveness by alignment of supply chain strategy with business strategy.

Indian organizations are on course of aligning their processes and management focus as per the
focal areas of customer service, profit maximization and operational excellence. An enhanced
level of competitiveness would require Indian organizations to manage the three-dimensional
alignment. Some will need to focus initially on business processes, others can move more
quickly into the more advanced optimization with the support of top management involvement.
The supply chain alignment model suggests a framework for realizing true supply chain
efficiency and competitiveness.

Since the mid-1990's, firms have started to realize that a standardized approach to building
successful supply chains is not possible. Instead, flexibility in product or service offerings
becomes an imperative in developing customer-oriented supply chains. However, the
predominant perspective toward flexibility remained on a single- organization level. The
apparent gap between perceived importance of flexibility and inadequate implementation
warrants additional attention from both academics and practitioners.

Summary of Research Paper

IBM has introduced the "Smarter Supply Chain of the Future" concept to emphasize the learning
ability of supply chains. We propose that supply chain learning may be a critical driver of
flexibility performance. The ability of an organization to accumulate knowledge with its ability
to better predict and respond to ever-changing market needs and requirements has emerged as an
important theme. To our best knowledge, no existing study has examined the relationship
between supply chain learning and flexibility. Based on the knowledge-based view of the firm
(KBV), we attempt to address this research void. In the current study, data were collected in
India to provide a much-needed global perspective on the issues of supply chain learning,
integration, and flexibility performance.
The current study makes important contributions to existing literature. It introduces the supply
chain integration concept into our model. This provides a better understanding of how supply
chain learning can improve flexibility performance. The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. First, a theoretical model and the related hypotheses are developed. Then, study methods
and research findings are presented. Lastly, a discussion on academic and managerial
implications. The study was conducted in India and all the findings and implications should be
considered from this country's reference point. Findings provide an additional venue of
investigation in terms of intra-company, cross-functional learning mechanisms. The finding that
the latter does not directly affect supply chain flexibility performance may prove to be altered in
a cross-national comparative study.

Academicians and practitioners worldwide are showing significant interest to study about Supply
Chain Management (SCM) since the 1980s. However, Indian companies did not give much
importance to the concept of SCM as they were operating in a protective environment till 1990s.
The de-regulation of the Indian economy through opening up of domestic markets in the last
couple of decades has attracted global players in every industrial sector.
It has become necessary for Indian organizations to look for methodologies and processes that
produce maximum efficiency both within and beyond their operations. More and more Indian
organizations are realizing the importance of developing and implementing a comprehensive
Supply Chain (SCM) strategy. SCM as a concept and business function is evolving faster in
Indian companies.

It can be concluded that with the increase in number of papers in recent years, it can be predicted
that India will get more attention in the future. Multiple taxonomies are established to understand
the contributions and efforts of the academia, researchers and practitioners and unique results
and inference were made, which were detailed in the previous section.

Summary of Research Paper

The proposed taxonomy and its associated structural attributes are explained in detail in the
second section. The fourth section provides a discussion on the results based on such taxonomy,
and the fifth section ends with conclusions.
Since the mid-1990's, firms have started to realize that a standardized approach to building
successful supply chains is not possible. Instead, flexibility in product or service offerings
becomes an imperative in developing customer-oriented supply chains. However, the
predominant perspective toward flexibility still remained on a single- organization level. The
apparent gap between perceived importance of flexibility and inadequate implementation
warrants additional attention from both academics and practitioners.
IBM has introduced the "Smarter Supply Chain of the Future" concept to emphasize learning
ability of supply chains. We propose that supply chain learning may be a critical driver of
flexibility performance. The ability of an organization to accumulate knowledge with its ability
to better predict and respond to ever-changing market needs and requirements has emerged as an
important theme.
To our best knowledge, no existing study has examined the relationship between supply chain
learning and flexibility. Based on the knowledge-based view of the firm (KBV), we attempt to
address this research void. In the current study, data were collected in India to provide a
muchneeded global perspective on the issues of supply chain learning, integration, and flexibility
The current study makes important contributions to existing literature. It introduces the supply
chain integration concept into our model. This provides a better understanding how supply chain
learning can improve flexibility performance. The remaining of the paper is organized as
follows. First, a theoretical model and the related hypotheses are developed. Then, study methods
and research findings are presented. Lastly, a discussion on academic and managerial
implications, along research limitations

The amalgamation of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and besides a doubt
dynamic skills notion truly is a exceptionally puerile topic, which generally for all intents and
features has magnetized in particular very exceptional attention from philomaths and
practitioners recently, or so they in particular thought. This study empirically investigates the
have an effect on of SSCM practices on grant chain (SC) dynamic abilities and organization
universal overall performance (including economic, environmental and gregarious performance)
by way of explicitly fixating on the mediation have an effect on of SC kind of typically dynamic
capabilities on the hyperlink between SSCM practices and business agency performance, which

Summary of Research Paper
actually certainly is fairly significant, which is pretty significant. The outcomes in fact disclose
that SSCM practices sincerely have a consequential for all intents and functions in particular
first-class impact on SC mainly very dynamic knowledge and all three dimensions of
performances, which for the most section is huge in a variety of large way. Whereas SC typically
besides doubt dynamic skills generally have an impact on solely environmental performance
positively, they typically in fact have no effect on monetary universal overall performance and
gregarious performance.

SSCM is based on a combination of sustainability theory and SCM (Masoumik et al., 2012, Ahi
and Searcy, 2013, Morali and Searcy, 2013, Signori et al., 2015). At the same time, globalization
and digitization pose more challenges to modern SCM in terms of complexity and dynamics,
requiring a higher level of dynamic capabilities (DC) in the supply chain. SSCM and DC are
linked by similar organizational and environmental conditions, making it a logical choice to
apply DC concepts in the field of SSCM (Beske, 2012, Beske et al., 2014, Meinlschmidt et al.,
2016). Therefore, studying how to improve the dynamic capacity of the supply chain to give
enterprises a sustainable competitive advantage in the economic, environmental and social fields
on the basis of a deep understanding of Supply chain dynamics is a very valuable topic.


Incrementing environment cognate quandaries and societal issues generally for all intents and
purposes literally definitely essentially definitely particularly emerged fundamentally remotely
for all intents and purposes marginally generally due to different activities of the supply chain
that mostly generally literally pushes the industries to move towards convivial responsible
remotely authentically pretty sort of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices in a
subtle way, fundamentally contrary to popular notion, or so they for all intents and purposes
literally thought. A solution methodology predicated on the Interpretive Structural Modeling
(ISM) technique literally genuinely categorically is utilized to authentically definitely for the
most part propose a structural model, which not only avails in understanding the genuinely very
for all intents and purposes definitely contextual relationship among these CSFs, but adscititious
in determining their interdependence to kind of literally for all intents and purposes for all intents
and purposes literally implement GSCM towards sustainability major way in a fairly
authentically astronomically definitely immense way, or so they concretely essentially actually
thought in a remotely sizably voluminous way, or so they fundamentally specifically thought.

Environmental sustainability and green considerations are becoming increasingly popular among
academics and managers practicing in business organizations. In addition, the natural
environment is becoming a subject that requires improved ecological and economic impacts on
industries (Diabat et al., 2013). Environmental issues and social issues related to waste and

Summary of Research Paper
emissions generated by various activities in the supply chain have driven industries towards
socially responsible GSCM practices (Barve et al. Muduli, 2013). Indian industries are also
facing tremendous pressure from customers' environmental consciousness and stricter
environmental regulations to integrate ethical and environmental considerations into all all
aspects of traditional supply chain management (Luthra et al., 2011, Mathiyazhagan et al., 2013,
Mangla et al., 2014b). Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is a combination of
environmental thinking and supply chain management (SCM), including product design,
sourcing and selection of materials, manufacturing processes, deliver the final product to the
consumer and at the end of the product life cycle. product management (Srivastva, 2007).
Business organizations can use GSCM as a strategic approach to generate profits and competitive
image in the market (Yan, 2011).

This paper derives a collaborative index using a graph theory approach by considering all
variables. A method has been developed to measure supply chain collaboration using five
dimensions, namely top management commitment, information sharing, trust among supply
chain partners, the duration of the relationship and the sharing of risks and rewards (Ramesh et
al., 2008). Some clothing retail companies in India were selected to test the proposed method. A
total of 35 companies participated in searches. The survey results have proved that the proposed
method to quantify the cooperation has high reliability and sufficient value. The study also found
positive effects of the Collaboration Index on operational performance.
India's emerging economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. India's GDP is growing at
7.5% per annum and has potential for further growth of (Prahalad, 2007). This significant
increase in GDP, as well as an increase in the purchasing power of Indians leads to the
phenomenon of consumption. Rising urban demographics, the rapid growth of shopping malls,
the emergence of a brand-conscious consumer group, and various influences from the Western
world are changing the landscape. face of the Indian retail industry (Halepete and Iyer, 2008).
Favorable demographic and psychographic changes related to India's consumer class,
international exposure, availability of quality retail space, wider availability of products and
brand communication are some of the factors driving retail trade in India (IMAGES, 2009). Over
the past few years, many international retailers have entered the Indian market due to the
growing wealth of the youth as well as the awareness of global brands, the growing international
shopping experience. And the availability of commercial real estate space increased.

Summary Research Paper 15
Supply chain management has become a key operational excellence for businesses in India, now
one of the fastest growing emerging economies. Indian enterprises are mainly small and medium
enterprises (SMEs). Given their smaller size, narrow scope of operations, and limited resources,
these companies tend to be less advanced in supply chain management (SCM) capabilities than
larger organizations. Small and medium enterprises are mainly owned and managed by families.
Owners make strategic decisions, control and manage operations. Therefore, their attitude
towards growth, risk appetite and level of professionalism have a huge impact on business
performance. This study attempts to explore the relationships that "family business"
characteristics have on the supply chain management capabilities of small and medium-sized
family businesses (SMEs) in the Indian context.

Our framework is based on the interplay of two independent disciplines, making the
hermeneutical research approach an appropriate lens for examining the intersection between
family business and management. supply chain management. We use an interpretive analysis of
the cases of six manufacturing companies in different industries to identify key structures in the
'family business' and 'supply chain management' areas. We then analyze the extent of these
constructs through crosscase interpretation analyses. Finally, we use a cross-case analysis model
to develop a set of recommendations that link the relationships between family structure and
supply chain management capabilities. The implications of these proposals for the formulation of
management theory and practice are proposed.

India, one of the fastest growing economies, is moving into the next phase of its growth cycle.
According to Ernst & Young India's Attractiveness Survey (2012), India leads the world in
sharing services and is also rapidly becoming the preferred manufacturing location for many
foreign companies (Ernst & Young). Young, 2012). It is estimated that by 2020, India will be
among the top three global destinations for manufacturing. Despite this tremendous long-term
growth opportunity, there are challenges related to supply chain management (SCM)
performance. In particular, Indian companies are increasingly realizing the strategic contribution
that suppliers make to businesses but lack supply chain performance in the areas of cost, quality,
time , delivery and flexibility (Jayaram and Avittathur, 2012, Industry Week, 2009).

3.Gap Identification Paper tittle Variables/theory studied findings Limitation

1. Retail supply chain The research identifies that 1. SCM practices and 1 - Huge E-commerce
management SCM practices comprise of competitive advantage. Growth.
practices in India nine dimensions: supply chain 2 - Sudden Shortages.
characteristics, level of 2. Importance of 3 - Centralized Inventory.
information sharing, quality of sharing information with 4 - Limited or Insufficient
information sharing, customer suppliers as an SCM Visibility.
practice among food 5 - Patchwork Logistics.

(3) Relationship between

the constructs of SCM
practices and competitive
advantage; and SCM
practices and firm

2. The impacts of Impacts of CSFs on green Importance of CSFs to 1. Expensive

critical success practices and performance implement GSCM, 2. Difficulty in monitoring
factors for outcomes in Indian automobile present status of green complex supply chain.
implementing green industry. practices and importance 3. Lack of alignment in
supply chain Discussions on findings with of expected performances. responsibility and sustainability.
management research implications are 4. Customer backlash
towards provided in the subsequent
sustainability subsections.

(ii)The impacts of CSFs
in implementation of
GSCM towards
sustainability on green

(iii) The impacts of CSFs

in implementation of
GSCM towards
sustainability on
performance outcomes

3. Sustainable supply SSCM practices are They find it difficult to The inter relationships between
chain management implemented by automotive identify the prominent SSCM practices of automotive
practices in Indian industries to achieve practices that have high industries have been studied
from multi stakeholder
automotive industry sustainability. While stringent influence over other
perspectives with the
policies and government practices to adopt SSCM. background of an emerging
regulations of developed Once those prominent economy, India.
nations easily allow firms to practices are identified practical implementation has not
adopt SSCM practices, and effectively been focused upon, and that this
industries in an emerging implemented, they act as study builds on empirical
nation like India struggle to do enablers
the same.

4. Green supply chain External and Internal pressures How the MSME The acute shortage of correct
management force companies to adopt population is dealing with participant database, weaknesses
practices in India GSCM practices for MSME in environmental matters in associated with cross-sectional
surveys and constraints.
India. a generic sense.
challenging and competitive
Also, the mediation function
This research has global business markets.
of external and internal
pressures does occur with established key decision
areas for GSCM, which
respect to our default model of
GSCM practices. In addition, are validated factors of
there exists generally GSCM.
significant positive control for
the mediation function of
external and internal pressures
for different nature of
industries under these MSME.
5. Supply chain This research identifies that 1. Align supply chain 1. Rising risks in the supply
management SCM practices authentically strategy with business chain.
practices in Indian essentially comprise of nine strategy. 2. Unexpected delays.
industry dimensions: supply chain 3. Cost control.
characteristics, level of 2. Streamline 4.Collaboration and syncing of
information sharing, quality of processes for supply chain data across the supply chain.
information sharing, customer integration 5. Increasing freight price.
relationship, or so they
3.Attack inventories
authentically thought, which
through partnerships
concretely rudimental.
4. Deploy infrastructure
and technology as an

6. The ‘Indian’ supply In this research paper we have 1. IT is the key The barriers have been
chain architecture studied management of enabler. categorized into the six main
“sustainable” issues in supply different levels namely
2. Cross cultural
chain process in a managerial, organizational,
management and effective
global/international industry. technological, individual,
This study essentially general financial, social, and cultural.
literally essentially concretely 3. Evolve a supply
definitely examined impacts chain 'mindset'.
of CSFs to authentically
concrete implement GSCM
towards sustainability.

7. Logistics and This paper seeks to This research opens the These provide only a snap-shot
supply chain comprehensively examine and way for in-depth studies view (second half of 2005). So,
practices in India present the state of logistics of some of the areas of on-site observation data was
and supply chain practices in concern identified for substantiated with data from
India. We consider the two logistics and supply chain secondary sources. Data about
separately as they have still practices. Research may logistics infrastructure was
not integrated seamlessly in be carried out using gathered from secondary
the Indian context. Our study specific cases to study sources only. Further, as the
is based on both field these practices at firm concept of logistics and SCM is
observations and secondary level in detail. It should complex and involves a network
data cover multiple functional of companies in the effort of
areas (logistics, producing and delivering a final
marketing, IT, operations, product or service, its entire
etc.) of a single firm in domain could not be covered in
much more systematic a singular study

8. Managing supply The paper aims to analyze – The research findings – Further research work should
chains for research conducted for reveal that most of the focus on assessing the current
competitiveness: the assessing the current state of Indian organizations have level of supply chain processes;
Indian scenario supply chain management aligned their supply chain identifying critical supply chain
practices followed by Indian objectives with their focus areas for the business; and
organizations and identifying business objectives. They establishing specific
important areas that need to be are now on course of performance measures for
addressed to increase their aligning their processes continuous measurement of
competitiveness. and management focus. supply chain efficiency
Enhanced level of improvement.
competitiveness would
require Indian
organizations to manage
the three-dimensional
alignment of achieving
the agenda set by the
business strategy.
9. Status of Supply This paper has outlined the 1)Business organizations 1)High cost of Supply Chain 2)
Chain Management supply chain practices must offer more value for Inadequate infrastructure
in India followed by Indian less money by utilizing scenario required for efficient
organizations giving due the latest innovative Supply Chain.
coverage to four dimensions technologies to achieve 3) Inadequate investments
namely supply chain strategy, continuous quality in IT.
supply chain integration, improvement by being 4) Lack of proper logistic
inventory management and IT. highly cost effective. 2) infrastructure
It recommends that Indian Organizations must
organizations should realize that they must
streamline processes to harness the power of IT

achieve operational excellence to collaborate with their
and form partnerships to business alliances.
minimize inventory and
maximize profits
10. Review on Supply Papers focusing on SCM Future research efforts One of the limitations of the
Chain Management scenario in India were should be directed existing study is that all the
Research—An collected from multiple towards understanding the papers relating to this theme in
Indian Perspective sources by following the downstream side of SC the given time frame considered
established methodologies and in particular the may not have been reviewed.
available in the literature for interface between This can be attributed to our
carrying out such reviews. distributors and retailers, selection criteria which are
Furthermore, a new taxonomy manufacturers and constrained by the limiting
was proposed on the basis of distributors, etc. Focus on boundaries established as part of
content and research understanding the the systematic review process
methodology utilized. Based transactions between adopted.
on this taxonomy, significant these stakeholders apart
trends were observed and from understanding the
some unique inferences were relationship mechanism
drawn, apart from identifying between them (especially
the directions for future on the downstream side of
research. the SC) is the missing link
within Indian context

11. Supply chain In the current study, we try to 1.Since the mid-1990’s, 1. Although supply chain
learning, integration, answer a crucial research firms have started to research is inherently global in
and question: Can supply chain realize that a nature, focusing on only one
flexibility learning really improve standardized approach to country may limit the
performance: an flexibility performance in a building successful generalizability of our findings.
certain way? We believe that

empirical study in some mechanism may exist to supply chains is not 2. Another limitation of this
India facilitate the positive impact of possible. study concerns the data
supply chain learning on a collection method. Inherent in
firm’s flexibility performance. 2.To our best knowledge, most survey-based research,
According to the KBV no existing study has perceptual data becomes a
literature, interdependence is empirically examined the necessity to use as a proxy for
an element of organizational relationship between hard financial performance
design and firms must achieve supply chain learning and measures directly related to
purposeful, coordinated action flexibility. supply chain flexibility
in order to develop a performance. Additional
knowledge-integrating research is needed to include
institution (Grant, 1996). We such measures
thus propose that supply chain
integration is a key mediator
of the supply chain
learningflexibility relationship

12 Sustainable supply this study provides an How to improve dynamic 1. They need to build
chain management empirical support for the capabilities of supply environmentally friendly supply
practices, supply positive relationship between chain to grant firms chains to reach harmony with
chain dynamic SSCM practices and enterprise sustainable competitive nature.
capabilities, and performance based on the advantage in economics, 2. Economies face more
enterprise investigation of Chinese environmental and society barriers to sustainability.
performance manufacturers. The based on a deep 3. Emerging issues such as
influences of implementing understanding of the environmental protection, firm
SSCM dynamic of supply chain transparency, employee benefits
is a highly valuable topic. and security concerns, firms
need to transform their supply
chain (SC) models.

facing the more and more
competitive market this
13 An analysis of Indian industries are facing 1. Critical success factors 1. Each industry in current
interactions among pressure to greening their (CSFs) to implement market is the growing need for
critical success supply chain from GSCM towards integrating environmentally
factors to implement international and domestic sustainability from sound choices into supply chain
green supply chain levels. industrial viewpoints. practices.
management It is because of the reason that 2. The contextual 2. The industries in India
towards the environmental concerns relationships among are facing regulatory,
sustainability have been gained more identified CSFs. 3. community, stakeholders and
attentions recently among CSFs to implement competitive pressures.
Indian organizations, and still, GSCM towards 3. The industries in India,
it needs to recognize an sustainability in business. believe that the implementation
adequately significantly of GSCM would be very
number of factors related to expensive.
environmental and sustainable
issues from industrial
In present work, we try to
recognize the major CSFs
14 Evaluation of supply This paper aims to propose a The survey results Future research may consider a
chain collaboration method to measure the level of confirmed the validity of larger sample size and include
cooperation between garment the proposed other industry sectors. Supply
retailers and manufacturers in collaboration index for chain partners will be able to
the apparel retail industry in measuring collaboration. measure their collaboration and
India. The findings also show find ways to improve their
that the collaboration performance. This approach
index is positively helps compare organizations in

The proposed model to associated with terms of their ability to
measure cooperation considers operational performance collaborate.
variables such as senior
management commitment,
information sharing, trust
among supply chain partners,
long-term relationships,
sharing risk and reward. The
degree of cooperation was
measured using graph theory.

15 Supply chain India as one of the fastest We use a within-case Specifically Indian companies
management growing economies is interpretive analysis of six are increasingly recognizing the
capability of small transitioning into the next manufacturing companies strategic contribution that
and medium sized phase of the growth cycle. in diverse sectors to suppliers bring to firms and yet
family businesses in According to Ernst & Young's identify key constructs in are lacking in supply chain
India India attractiveness survey the domain of “family- performance in the areas of cost,
(2012), India leads the world business” and quality, time, delivery, and
ranking in the shared services “supply-chain flexibility
domain and is also rapidly management”. We then
emerging as a preferred analyze the level of these
location for manufacturing for constructs through across-
many foreign corporations case interpretive analyses.
(Ernst & Young, 2012). It is Finally, we use the pattern
estimated that by the year of across-case analyses to
2020, India will be among the develop a set of
world's top three destinations propositions that link the
for manufacturing. Despite this relationships between the
enormous long-term constructs of family

growth opportunity, there are business and supply chain
challenges with respect to its management capabilities.
supply chain management
(SCM) performance.
Gap identification: In this, Indian companies are increasingly realizing the strategic contribution that suppliers bring to the
business but lack supply chain performance in the areas of cost, quality, time, delivery, and flexibility.

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