308333463 اسئلة برومتك يوم 15 3 2010

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‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫الحمد لله اختبرنا البرومتك يوم ‪2010-3-15‬‬

‫وبحمد لله نجحنا‬

‫هاذي الئسئلة اللي جتني في الختبار وقدرت أذكرها‬

‫والشباب اللي معاي مختلفة ائسئلتهم مش متشبهين‬


‫والسموحة على الخطاء المليئية اللي بالخضر اجاباتي‬

‫ولأعلم صحيحة او خاطئة ولكن الهم نجحت وعديت‬


‫وبالتوفيق للجميع واشكر كل من ئساهم بدعمنا من‬

‫أئسئلة ونماذج وبال خص ال خ الساامر وضامي‬
‫احساس وعبدالله الوهيبي‬

‫أخوكم ‪ /‬أحمد‬
1-If The Child Was+ And The Mother- The
Antibiotic :-
Anti-D Immune
Anti-E Immune
Anti-e Immune
Anti-C Immune
Anti-c Immune

2-lukuocte count become < 4000 in:-



c- non above

3-lipid and clot factor remove is :-


b-plasma proten


d-non above

4-fals in (oggt) ‫ اختبار السكر بس ناسي اختصاره‬becose:-




5- the ag in abo system :-



6- bacteria can growth with other bacteria called :-


b- ………….

7- gas ganuria casued by :-

a-clasterdume ….



8- ab apper un serum :-

a- ige b-igg c-igm

9-in blood group use:-

a-know cell with unkown serum

b- unkown cell with kown serum

c-know cell with unkown cell

d- …………………

10- hb use :-

a- utilize therphy anemia ‫انا اخترت هاذي‬

11- reticular cyte stain with super vital to show :-

a- Rna .orgnal ( network) ‫انا اخترت هاذي‬

12- hb range:-

a-13.5 -- 17.5
13- reject donor becose :-

a- age between 17-60

b- wigth above 50

c-hb in male above 13.5

d- donor pregnant

14- Edta have :-

‫ اكيد ال اجابة‬purple

15- in chemistry lab use :-

‫ اكيد‬green tube

16-the anemia in mother and fetus called :-

a- immuno

b-ecotic anemia


17- the ab not fl ixble :-

a- Igg b- Igd c-…….

18- give doble zone in blood agar :-

a- ………...


19- rsponsple in cellular immune :-

a- T- cell b- B-cell

20- indvual shuld wear :-

a- gloves b- coat c- all above

21- bacteia trans from animal :-

Toxo plasm

22- pathogen shule do :-

a- infect-tans-reproduse

b- reproduce- infect-tans

c- non above

23- in hormone use :-

a-elisa b- immuno emmtion c- electrophoresis

24- best way to determine electrolyte:-

a- phoresis b- …………… c- ……………

25- to detect ab use :-

a- Indirect anti b- direct c-……….

26- westrgen method use in :-

a- Esr b- ……… c- …………..

27- b12& folic acid defecincy due to :-

a- megaloblastic b-………… c-……………

28- gout disease coused by :-

a- uric acid b- urea c- glcouse

29- hot air oven

a- 121 C* for 15 min

b – 180 C* for 30 min c- 160 C* for 30 min

30- high Na caused :-

a- hyponatemia b- hypernatomia c-hyperkalemia

31- detection of hepatitis- C by :-

a- anti-b b- anti-a c- anti-c

32- we done following exam for donor expit :-

a- hiv b- htlv c- hepatitis- C d- hepatitis- B d-

hepatitis- A

33- phlphedia chromosome found in:-

a- AML b- ALC c- CML ‫>>> انا اخترت ال اجابة هاذي‬

34- rice watery stool can coused by :-

a- salmonella
B- vibrreo cholera
C - shigella
D- E.coli

35- in stool conce. Method should not used with:-

36- to diff erent staph group use :-

a- couglse b- actalse c-………..

37- bacteria produse oxdise positive :-

a- nessieria

b- pesudmonse

c- strepto

d- nessieria& pesudmonse

38- the conemenation of leses of microscope

caused :-

a-………. B-……… c-……….

39- yellow brown egg see in :-

a- ascarse b-………… c-…………

40- syphlsis coused by:-

a-T,pallidum b-T,……… c- T,………

41- the transimte of lishmenia by :-

a- sand fl y b- tse tse fl y c- female anophlia

42- chinse litter see in :-

a- C.diftteria b-………. C-……..

43- in AML we see:-

a- blast cell more 20%

c- ……………..

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