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An equation f(x)=0 is said to be algebraic, if f(x) is
(a)Function (b) Exponential (c ) Logarithmic (d) Purely a polynomial
1 1 1

If f(x) contains trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential etc, then f(x) is called

1 1 2 (a) Quadradic equation (b) Trigonometric equation (c ) Transcendental equation
(d) Cubic equation
The formula used for solving the equation using Regula Falsi method is
1 1 3 (a) (bf(a)-af(b))/(f(a)-f(b)) (b) (bf(b)-af(a))/(f(a)-f(b))
(c ) (af(b)-bf(a))/(f(b)-f(a)) (d) (f(b)-f(a))/(f(a)-f(b))
Every equation of the odd degree has
1 1 4 (a) atleast two real root (b) atleast one real root (c ) No real root (d) Polynomial

If f(x) is continuous in the interval[a,b] and f(a), f(b) have different signs, then the
1 1 5 equation has how many roots between a and b
(a) atleast one root (b) atleast two roots (c ) No root (d) roots
The Newton Raphson method is also called as
1 1 6 (a) Chord method (b) Diameter method (c ) Tangent method (d) Secant method

If f(x) =0 has a root between a & b then f(a) & f(b) are of signs.
1 1 7
(a) Same (b) Positive (c ) Opposite (d) Negative
Which one of convergence is sensitive to starting value is
1 1 8 (a) Newton-Raphson method (b) False position (c ) Gauss seidel method (d) Power
Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally
1 1 9
(a) Linear (b) Quadratic (c ) Non-linear (d) Cubic
The Iterative formula for Newton Raphson method is given by
1 1 10 (a) xn+2=xn-(f(xn)/f'(xn)) (b) xn-1=xn+1-(f(xn)/f''(xn))
(c ) xn+1=xn-(f(xn)/f'(xn)) (d) xn-1=xn+1-(f(xn)/f'(xn))
In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then
1 1 11
(a) f’(x)=0 (b) f’’(x)=0 (c ) f(x)=0 (d) f’(x)=c
The Newton Raphson method fails if
1 1 12
(a) f’’(x0)=0 (b) f’(x0)=0 (c ) f(x)=0 (d) f’’’(x0)=0
The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed value?
(a) False Position (b) Gauss Seidal method (c ) Newton Raphson method (d) Euler
1 1 13

How many types of methods are there to solve simultaneous algebraic equations?
1 1 14
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c ) 5 (d) 2
Numerical techniques more commonly involve
1 1 15 (a) Direct method (b) Iterative method (c ) Elimination method (d) Reduction method

Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the following methods

1 1 16 (a) Iteration method (b) Newton Raphson method (c ) Jacobi's method (d) Regula Falsi
The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or
1 1 17 symmetric________ definite matrices.
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c ) Zero (d) Equal
The Jacobi’s method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no
1 1 18 zeroes along
(a) Last column (b) Leading diagonal (c ) Last row (d) Non-leading diagonal
In solving simultaneous equations by Gauss Jordan method, the coefficient matrix is
1 1 19 reduced to ______ matrix.
(a) Identity (b) Diagonal (c ) Upper triangular (d) Lower triangular
In Gaussian elimination method, original equations are transformed by using
1 1 20 (a) Column operations (b) Mathematical operations (c ) Row operations (d) Subset
Newton- Gregory Forward interpolation formula can be used
2 1 21 (a) only for equally spaced intervals (b) only for unequally spaced (c ) for both equally
and unequally spaced intervals (d) for unequally intervals
2 1 22 Which of the following is the forward difference operator (a)V̅ (b) ψ (c ) δ (d) Δ
2 1 23 Which of the following is the backward difference operator (a)V̅ (b) ψ (c ) δ (d) Δ

If the value of x lies near the starting of the table we can apply
2 1 24 (a) Newton's divided formula (b) Lagrange formular (c ) Inverse Lagrange formula (d)
Newton's forward formula
If the intervals are unequal then we use
2 1 25 (a) Newton's divided formula (b) Lagrange's interpolation formula (c ) Newton's divided
and Lagrange's interpolation (d) Stirling's formula
The nth divided difference of a polynomial of the nth degre are
2 1 26
(a) variable (b) constant (c ) root (d) square root
If the value of x lies near the end of the table we can apply
2 1 27 (a) Newton's forward formula (b) Newton's Backward formula (c ) Bessel's formula (d)
Lagrange formula
The divided difference operator is
2 1 28
(a) random (b) linear (c ) zero (d) not defined
The process of finding the value of a function inside the given range is called
2 1 29
(a) Interpolation (b) Linear (c ) Extrapolation (d) Roots
Find n for the following data if f(1.8)
x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 1 30
f(x) 0.3989 0.3521 0.2420 0.1295 0.0540
(a) 3.4 (b) 3.6 (c ) 3.9 (d) 2.6
The second order divided difference formula is
(a) f(xn-3,xn-1,xn)={f(xn-1,xn)-f(xn-2,xn-1)}/{xn-xn-2}
2 1 31 (b) f(xn-3,xn-1,xn)={f(xn-1,xn)-f(xn-3,xn-1)}/{xn-xn-2}
(c ) f(xn-2,xn-1,xn)={f(xn-1,xn)-f(xn-2,xn-1)}/{xn-xn-2}
(d) f(xn-3,xn-1,xn)={f(xn-1,xn)-f(xn-3,xn-1)}/{xn-xn-3}
Find x if x0 = 0.6, n = 2.6 and h = 0.2.
2 1 32
(a) 1.12 (b)2.12 (c ) 3.12 (d) 2.42
When Bessel’s formula is to be used?
(a) if interpolation is required near the middle values of the table (b) if interpolation is
2 1 33
required near the start values of the table (c ) if interpolation is required near the end
values of the table (d) extrapolation
The third divided difference with arguments 4,8,18,20,of the function f(x)=x3-2x
2 1 34
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1
If f(3) = 5 and f(5) = 3, what is the form of f(x) by Lagrange’s Formula?
2 1 35
(a) f(x)=0 (b) f(x)=x (c) f(x)=8-x (d) f(x)=8
The second order divided differences of f(x) with arguments 2,4,9,10 where f(x)=x3-2x
2 1 36 (a) 15 and 23 (b) 13 and 25 (c) 22 and 12 (d) 20 and 10

The value of n if x0 = 0.75825, x = 0.759 and h = 0.00005 is

2 1 37
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.5 (c) 25(d) 15
The value of f(2) for the data f(0) = 1, f(1) = 3 and f(3) = 55 using divided difference
2 1 38 formula is
(a) 18 (b) 21 (c) 19(d) 16
Find n for the following data if f(0.2) asked
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 39
f(x) 176 185 194 203 212 220 229
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c ) 0.1 (d) 0.5
If y(1)= -26, y (2)=12, y(4)=256 and y(6)=844,then the third order divided difference is
2 1 40 _______
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c ) 2 (d) 1
The error in the trapezoidal rule is of the order
3 1 41
(a) h (b) h2 (c ) h3 (d) h4
The error in the Simpson’s rule is of the order
3 1 42
(a) h (b) h2 (c ) h3 (d) h4
In Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule of integration is exact for all polynomials of degree
3 1 43 notexceeding
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c ) 2 (d) 1

In Simpson’s 3/8 th rule which is applicable only when

3 1 44
(a) n is multiple of 3 (b) n is multiple of 6 (c ) n is multiple of 8 (d) n is multiple of 24

In Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule the number of intervals must be

3 1 45
(a) multiple of 3 (b) multiple of 6 (c ) Odd (d) Even
The highest order of Polynomial integrand for which Simpson's 1/3 rule of integration is
3 1 46 exact is
(a) First (b) Second (c ) third (d) fourth
The process of calculating the derivative of a function at some particular value of the
indpendent variable by means of a set of given values of that function is
3 1 47
(a) Numerical value (b) Numerical differentiation (c ) Numerical integration (d)
The process of evaluating a definite integral from a set of tabulated values of the
integrand f(x) is
3 1 48
(a) Numerical value (b) Numerical differentiation (c ) Numerical integration (d)
Numerical integration using trapezoidal rule gives the best result for a single
3 1 49 variable,which is
(a) parabolic (b) logarithmic (c ) hyperbolic (d) linear

Trapesoidal and Simpson's rules can be used to evaluate

3 1 50
(a) Double integrals (b) Differentiation (c ) Multiple Integrals (d) Divided difference

From the following which one gives the more accurate value
3 1 51
(a) Modified Euler's method (b) Euler method (c ) predictor (d) corrector

Numerical differentiation can be used only when the difference of some order are
3 1 52
(a) odd (b) even (c ) constant (d) quadrant

Which formula is used for central interpolation

3 1 53
(a) Newton's formula (b) lagrange's Formula (c ) Bessel's Formula (d) None of these

Write down Euler Algorithm to find y1, given dy/dx=f(x,y); y(x0)=y0,x1-x0=h

3 1 54 (a) yn+1=yn+2hf(xn,yn) (b) yn+1=yn+hf(xn,yn)
(c) yn+1=yn+(h/2)f(xn,yn) (d) yn+1=yn-hf(xn,yn)
Using Taylor's series method, find y(0.1), from y'=x+y,y(0)=1
3 1 55
(a) 0.11033 (b) 1.11033 (c) 2.11033 (d) 3.11033
Using Euler's method find y(0.2) from dy/dx=x+y,y(0)=1 with h=0.2
3 1 56
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c) 1.2 (d) 1.4
In general quadrature formula, by substituting n=3, we obtain
3 1 57 (a) Trapezoidal rule (b) Simpson's 1/3 rule (c) Simpson's 3/8 rule (d) Romberg
In general quadrature formula, by substituting n= 2, we obtain
3 1 58 (a) Trapezoidal rule (b) Simpson's 1/3 rule (c) Simpson's 3/8 rule (d) Romberg
The value of y0'' in dy/dx=1+xy given y(0)=2
3 1 59
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
In general quadrature formula, by substituting n= 1, we obtain
3 1 60 (a) Trapezoidal rule (b) Simpson's 1/3 rule (c) Simpson's 3/8 rule (d) Romberg
If a is divisible by b, which of the following are true?
(a) b divides into a evenly
(b) In the division algorithm, when we divide a by b, the remainder is 0.
4 1 61
(c) a = bq, for some integer q.
(d) All of these statements are true

Let gcd(a, b) = d. If c divides a and c divides b, then

4 1 62 (a) c ≤ d (b)c ≥ d
(c) c = 1 (d) cannot determine c with the given information

The value of 155 mod 9 is

4 1 63
(a) 0 (b) 1 ( c) 2 (d)3
If a and b are relatively prime then
4 1 64
(a) a|b (b)b|a (c)gcd(a, b) = 1 (d)lcm(a, b) = 1

If a and b are non zero integers with a|b, then gcd(a, b) equals
4 1 65
(a)|a| (b) b (c)ab (d)a
The product of any three consecutive integers is divisible by
4 1 66
(a) 36 (b)9 (c)6 (d)8
The quotient and remainder when -1 is divided by 3 is
4 1 67
(a) -1 and 1 (b)-1 and 2 (c) 1 and 2 (d)-1 and -2

Difference of two distinct prime numbers is ?

4 1 68
(a) Odd and prime (b) Even and Composite (c)even (d)None of the mentioned

The number ‘1’ is

4 1 69 (a) Prime number (b)Composite number (c)Neither Prime nor Composite (d)Prime
or composite
The sum of the digits of a number N is 23. The remainder when N is divided by 11 is 7.
4 1 70 What is the remainder when N is divided by 33?
(a) 7 (b)29 (c)16 (d)13

4 1 71
What is the remainder when (13100+17100) is divided by 25?
(a) 0 (b)2 (c)4 (d)11
A prime number p greater than 100 leaves a remainder q on division by 28. How many
values can q take?
4 1 72
(a)8 (b)12 (c)9 (d)15

How many positive integers are there from 0 to 1000 that leave a remainder of 3 on
division by 7 and a remainder of 2 on division by 4?
4 1 73
(a)32 (b)36 ( c)24 (d)19

Euclid's algorithm is used for finding

4 1 74 (a) GCD of two numbers (b) GCD of more than three numbers
(c) LCM of two numbers (d) LCM of more than two numbers

If 4 is the GCD of 16 and 12, What is the GCD of 12 and 4?

4 1 75
(a) 12 (b)6 (c)4 (d)2

If a, b are integers such that a > b then lcm(a, b) lies in

4 1 76 (a) a > lcm(a, b) > b (b) a > b > lcm(a, b) (c) lcm(a, b) ≥ a > b (d)0

(1001111)2 =
4 1 77
(a) 79 (b) 89 ( c)69 (d)99

What is the one’s complement of the number 1010110

4 1 78 (a) 1111111 (b)101001 ( c) 1100110 ( d)
4 1 79
For n ≥ 1, there are at least - - - primes less than 22
(a)n ( b)n-1 ( c)n+1 (d)n(n+1)

Using recursion, [24, 28, 36, 40] =

4 1 80
(a) 2530 (b)2520 ( c)2630 (d)2750

Wilson’s theorem says that p is prime if and only if (p − 1)! Is

5 1 81 (a) −1 (mod p) ( b) 1 (mod p) ( c)1 (d)-1

Fermat’s theorem says that if p is prime and ∤ , then ap-1

5 1 82
(a)−1 (mod p) ( b)1 (mod p) ( c)1 (d) 0

Let m be a positive integer. Then an integer a is congruent to an integer b modulo m if

5 1 83
(a) m|(a + b) ( b)(a − b) ( c)m|(a − b) ( d) m

a ≡ b (mod m) if and only if

5 1 84 (a) a = b +km for some integer k (b) a = b
(c)a = b -km for some integer k ( d) a = b +m

5 1 85
The remainder when (n2 + n+ 41)2 is divided by 12
(a)2 (b)4 ( c)1 ( d)5

Let a ≡ b (mod m)and c ≡ d (mod m), then a+c =

5 1 86
(a)b-d (mod m) (b)b+d (mod m) (c)1 (d)b+d

Let a ≡ b (mod m)and c ≡ d (mod m), then ac =

5 1 87 (a)bd (mod m) (b) b-d (mod m) ( c)b+d (mod m) ( d) b/d
(mod m)

The remainder when 1! + 2!+· · ·+100! is divided by 15

5 1 88
(a)6 (mod 15 (b)3 (mod 13) (c ) 3(mod 15) ( d)3

If a ≡ b (mod m) and c ≡ d (mod m), then

5 1 89 (a)a −c ≡ b+d (mod m) (b)a −c ≡ b/d (mod m) (c)a −c ≡ bd (mod m) (
d)a −c ≡ b −d (mod m)

The linear congruence ax ≡ b (mod m) has a unique solution if and only if

5 1 90
(a)(a,m) = 2 ( b)(a,m) = 1 ( c)(a,m) = 3 ( d)(a,m) = -1

A positive integer p is a prime if and only if

5 1 91
(a)ϕ(p) = p−1 (b)ϕ(p) = p+1 (c)ϕ(p) = p (d)ϕ(p) = -1

A positive integer a is self-invertible modulo p if and only if

5 1 92 (a)a≡1 (b)a≡-1 (mod p) ( c)a≡±1 (mod p) ( d)a≡1
(mod p)
Let p = 11. Then (p − 1)!
5 1 93 (a) −1 (mod 11) (b) 1(mod 11 ) ( c) -1

The remainder when 241947 is divided by 17

5 1 94 (a)12 (b)10 ( c)1 ( d)14

Let p be a prime and 'a' any positive integer. Then ap

5 1 95 a) a (mod p) b)a c)0
d)1 ∤
Let p be a prime and a any integer such that then ap-2 is
5 1 96 (a) an inverse of a modulo p (b) modulo p (c ) inverse of a (d) 1

The linear congruence ax ≡ b (mod n) has a solution if and only if

5 1 97
(a)b = 1 (b) d|b, where d = gcd(a, n) (c)b=0 ( d)d=0

For n > 2, φ(n) is

5 1 98 (a)Prime number (b) Even number ( c)Odd number (d)
Composite number
If n > 1, is prime. Then φ(n) is
5 1 99 (a) n-1 (b)n (c)n+1 (

The linear congruence 19x ≡ 6(mod30) has

5 1 100 (a) Infinitelymany solutions modulo 30 ( b) Unique solution modulo 30
(c) Exactly 6 solution modulo 30 ( d) Exactly 5 solution modulo 30

Solve the equation xtanx= -1 by RegulaFalsi method starting with a=2.5 and b=3 correct
1 2 1
to 3 decimal places.
1 2 2 Find the root of xex=3 by Regula-Falsi method correct to 3 decimal places.
1 2 3 Evaluate √12 to four decimal places by Newton - Raphson method.
Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Elimination method
1 2 4
x+y+z=9, 2x-3y+4z=13 , 3x+4y+5z=40
Solve the following system of equations by using Gauss Elimination method: 10x-
1 2 5
2y+3z=23, 2x+10y-5z=-33, 3x-4y+10z=41
Solve the given system of equations using Gauss Jordan method
1 2 6
x+3y+3z=16, x+4y+3z=18, x+3y+4z=19
Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Jacobi method
1 2 7
10x-2y+z=12, x+9y-z=10, 2x-y+11z=20
Solve by Gauss-Seidel method: 2x+y=5, x-2y=0
1 2 8

1 2 9 Find the inverse of the coefficient matrix by Gauss Jordan method: 5x-2y=10, 3x+4y=12.
Using Power method, find a dominant Eigen value of the given matrix
1 2 10
Given log10 654=2.8156, log10 658=2.8182, log10 659=2.8189 and log10661=2.8202, Find
2 2 11 the value of log10 656 using Newton’s Divided Difference Formula.

Using Newton’s Divided Difference Formula, find u(3), given u(1)= -26, u(2)=12,
2 2 12
u(4)=256 and u(6)=844.
Apply Lagrange’s formula to find f(5) given that f(1)=2,f(2)=4,f(3)=8 and f(7)=128.
2 2 13

Apply Lagrange’s formula inversely to obtain the root of the equation f(x)=0 given that
2 2 14
f(0)=-4, f(1)=1, f(3)=29 and f(4)=52.
Using Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula, Find the value of sin 47° given that
2 2 15
sin45°=0.7071, sin50°=0.7660, sin55°=0.8192 and sin60°=0.8660
Given the data
x 0 1 2 3 4
2 2 16
y 2 3 12 35 78
Find the cubic polynomial of x using Newton’s Backward Interpolation formula.
Use Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula, find y at x=5.
2 2 17 x 4 6 8 10
y 1 3 8 10
Determine y(42),from the following table
2 2 18 x 20 25 30 35 40 45
f(x) 354 332 291 260 231 204
Use Lagrange’s formula, find the second order degree polynomial through the points (0,
2 2 19
2), (2, 1), (1, 0).
Use Lagrange’s formula, find f (27) from the following table of values
2 2 20 x 14 17 31 35
y 68.7 64.0 44.0 39.1
Find the first two derivatives of y at x=54 from the following data:
3 2 21 x 50 51 52 53 54
y 3.6840 3.7084 3.7325 3.7563 3.7798
Find first and second derivatives of the function y at the point x = 1.2 using the
following data.
3 2 22
x 1 2 3 4 5
y 0 1 5 6 8

Using (i)Trapezoidal rule (ii)Simpson’s one third rule ,evaluate from the
following data.
3 2 23

3 2 24 Evaluate by Simpson's one-third rule with 10 intervals.

1 2
Evaluate ∫0 dx/(1+x ), using Trapezoidal rule with h=0.2. Hence determine the value of
3 2 25
Using Simpson’s rule, evaluate ∫12∫121/(x+y) dxdy by dividing into two equal sub
3 2 26
3 2 27 Using Euler’s method solve y'= x+y+xy , y(0)=1, compute y at x=0.1 by taking h=0.05.

3 2 28 Solve y'=y2+x, y(0)=1 using Taylors series method for y(0.1) and y(0.2).
Evaluate ∫12∫121/(x2+y2) dxdy by by trapezoidal rule, numerically with along x direction
3 2 29
and k=0.25 along y-direction.
Evaluate ∫02∫02f(x,y) dxdy, by trapezoidal rule for the following data:

3 2 30

Use inclusion-exclusion principle, find the number of positive integers ≤3000 and
4 2 31
divisible by 3, 5 or 7.
Show that the number of leap years l after 1600 and not exceeding a given year is given
4 2 32  y  y   y 
l      388
 4  100   400 
Apply Egyptian method of multiplication to compute 23x45 and find the quotient and
4 2 33
the remainder when 256 is divided by 23 by Egyptian method of division.
Apply Base-b representation theorem, express 3014 in base eight and 3ABC 16 in base
4 2 34
Use divisibility theory,
(i)If a|b and b|c and (a,b)=1 , and then prove that ab|c
4 2 35
(ii)if a and b are relatively primes and a|bc then prove that a|c

Use recursion method to find

4 2 36 (i)gcd(12,18,28) ,(ii) gcd(12,36,60,108) and (ii) gcd (15,28,50).

4 2 37 Use Euclidean algorithm, find gcd (2076,1776)

Apply Euclidean algorithm, express gcd (4076,1024) as a linear combination of 4076
4 2 38
and 1024
Use the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, find the number of trailing zeros in 234!
4 2 39

Use Canonical decompositions ,find their gcd for the folowing.

4 2 40 a) 168 and 180
b) 294 and 450
5 2 41 Use division algorithm, find the remainder when 1653 is divided by 7.
5 2 42 Use division algorithm, find the remainder when 3247 is divided by 17.
Use Chinese remainder theorem,
5 2 43
solve x ≡ 1(mod3), x ≡ 2(mod5), x ≡ 3(mod7),
Solve the linear system x ≡ 1(mod3), x ≡ 3(mod4), x ≡ 4(mod7), x ≡ 7(mod11) by
5 2 44
Chinese remainder theorem
5 2 45 Use Wilson’s theorem, find the remainder of 53! When divided by 61.
5 2 46 Apply Fermat's Little theorem ,Show that 2341 ≡ 2(mod341)
5 2 47 Use Fermat's little theorem ,find the remainder when 24 is divided by 17.
5 2 48 Apply Euler's theorem ,find the remainder when 245 is divided by 18.
5 2 49 Use Euler's theorem, find the remainder when 199 is divided by 28.
a) Define Tau function and Evaluate τ(18) and τ(23).
5 2 50
b) Define Sigma Function and Evaluate σ(12) and σ(28).
Find a real root of x3-9x+1=0 that lies between 2 and 3 by the Method of False position,
1 3 1
correct to 3 decimal places.
Solve the given system of equations using Gauss Elimination method
1 3 2 x1+x2+x3+x4=2, x1+x2+3x3-2x4=-6, 2x1+3x2-x3+2x4=7,
Solve the given system by Gauss –Jacobi method.
1 3 3
8x-3y+2z=20, 4x+11y-z=33, 6x+3y+12z=35
Using Gauss Jordan method, find the inverse of the matrix
1 3 4

Solve the following system of equations by Gauss Seidel method

1 3 5
8x+y+z=8, 2x+4y+z=4, x+3y+5z=5
Find the real root of xlog10 x=1.2 correct to 4 decimal places using by Newton -
1 3 6
Raphson method.
Using Newton’s divided difference formula, Find the value of f (8) & f (5) from the
following table:
2 3 7 x 4 5 7 10 11 13
y 48 100 294 900 1210 2028

Use Newton’s divided difference formula find f(1), f(5) and f(9)
2 3 8 x 0 2 3 4 7 8
y=f(x) 4 26 58 112 466 668

From the following table values of x and f(x), determine (i) f(0.23) and (ii) f(0.29)
2 3 9 x 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30
f(x) 1.6596 1.6698 1.6804 1.6912 1.7024 1.7139
Using Newton's forward interpolation formula find the cubic polynomial which takes
places the following values:
x 0 1 2 3
2 3 10
f(x) 1 2 1 10
Evaluate f(4) using Backward formula. Is it the same as obtained from the cubic
polynomial found above.
Use Stirling’s formula to obtain the value of f(12) & f(14) , given
x 5 10 15 20
2 3 11
f(x) 54.14 60.54 67.72 75.88
Use Bessel’s formula to obtain the value of y(5) & y(7) for the following
2 3 12 x 0 4 8 12
f(x) 143 158 177 199
Find the first and second derivatives of the function tabulated below at the point x=1.5.
X 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
3 3 13
Y 3.375 7.0 13.625 24.0 38.875 59.0

Find∫06 dx/(1+x2 ) by using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rule by dividing
3 3 14
interval into 6 equal parts.
Evaluate ∫45.2loge xdx by using
(i) Trapezoidal rule
(ii) Simpson’s 1/3 rule and
3 3 15
(iii) Simpson’s 3/8 rule, given that
x 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2
loge x 1.386 1.435 1.482 1.526 1.569 1.609 1.649

3 3 16 Using Modified Euler method, Find y(0.1), y(0.2) and y(0.3) given dy/dx=x2+y2, y(0)=1.

Using Taylor’s method Solve dy/dx=1+xy given y(0)=2. Find (i) y(0.1), (ii) y(0.2) and
3 3 17
(iii) y(0.3).
Find the first, second and third derivatives of y at x=51 from the table below
3 3 18 x 50 60 70 80 90
f(x) 19.96 36.65 58.81 77.21 94.61
Analyze the following pattern and add two more rows, conjecture a formula for the nth
row and prove it
4 3 19
Analyze the following pattern and add two more rows, conjecture a formula for the nth
row and prove it
4 3 20

4 3 21 Analyze the problem, find the number of primes ≤ 100 and find the primes such that the
digits in their decimal values alternate between 0s and 1s, beginning with and ending in 1.
Illustrate the prime factorization, find the gcd and lcm of
4 3 22 (i) (231,1575) (ii) (337500,21600)
Verify also that gcd(m,n).lcm(m,n)=mn
Illustrate the Euclidean algorithm, find the integers m and n such that
4 3 23
(i) 512 m +320 n =64 and (ii) 28844 m +15712 n =4
Illustrate the Euclidean algorithm to find
(i) gcd (1819,3587)
4 3 24
(ii) gcd(12345,54321) . In case express the gcd as a linear combination of the given
Analyze the Fermat’s Little theorem is true even for a composite integer. Use Fermat’s
5 3 25
Little theorem, prove that 413,332 Ξ 16(mod 13,331)

5 3 26
Analyze whether 1919 can be expressed as the sum of the cube of an integer and the
fourth power of another integer or not.

5 3 27 Illustrate Fermat's little theorem to compute the values of 3302(mod 5), 3302(mod 7) and
3302(mod 11). Hence find 3302(mod 385), using Chinese Remainder theorem.
Analyze the problem and find last nonzero digit (from the left) in the decimal value of
5 3 28
Illustrate Fermat's Little theorem, verify that each is a carmichael number
5 3 29
(i) 561=3.11.17 (ii) 2465=5.17.29 (iii) 2821=7.13.31
Use Euler's theorem ,find the ones digit in the decimal value of each
5 3 30
(i) 176666 (ii) 237777

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