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Research Proposal

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction in Domestic Airlines in China: A

Communication-Centric Approach

Sagar Shaikh, Hassan Raza

Summary of Proposal
Domestic airlines’ human resource management in China has a big issue to retain the high employees' satisfaction.
Poor worker satisfaction influences both morale and productivity of employees besides, customer experience as
well as airline performance will be affected by this. The paper seeks to look into the causes of low employee
satisfaction levels and suggest ways of dealing with them. That is, the current study adopts communication
mechanisms as an important variable within its research model to develop strategies for increasing worker
satisfaction which would ultimately make domestic airlines in the country more competitive.


1.1-Background of study

China’s airline industry has recorded significant expansion whereby demand has risen coupled with increasing
support from the government. However, among this growth, there are challenges with regards to low employee
contentment for domestic airlines. This arises owing to elements such as compensation, organizational culture and
leadership effectiveness among others. These difficulties can be further heightened by conventional management
approaches and bureaucratic structures. Theories like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Hawthorne experiments,
Herzberg two factor theory, and equity theory provide insights into understanding and addressing employee
satisfaction. Despite the significance of this issue, there may be a lack of research into strategies that specifically
target domestic airlines in China. To that effect, this study will attempt to close the existing gap through making
some practical recommendations which can increase employee satisfaction hence enhance service quality and
eventually lead to customer satisfaction in domestic airlines

1.2- Broad area problem

The broad area problem discussed in this abstract is decreased employee satisfaction within human resource
management for Chinese domestic airlines. This has major implications on various aspects of airline operations
such as quality of cabin services, passenger satisfaction rates, and general customer attraction. From the context, it
can be suggested that outmoded management systems, poor communication channels, irrational salary
administration performance appraisal practices and narrow job content contribute to this problem.
1.3-Research gap

Even though Chinese domestic airlines HRM recognizes reduced employee satisfaction as an outstanding issue,
there is a void in the understanding and solving the problem through communication-oriented approach. While the
abstract highlights different factors that cause low employee satisfaction, including outdated management systems
and inefficient communication strategies, it lacks emphasis on how to apply communication tactics to enhance
employee satisfaction. The existing literature may provide insights into why communication is vital in
organizations and its influence on employees’ morale and performance. Nevertheless, there’s a need for research
that investigates how communication can address issues specific to staff working in domestic airlines within China.
This involves looking at how communicative practices can be customized for air transport industry so as to make
employees feel engaged, that they belong somewhere within an organization and facilitate meaningful interaction
going on between employees and managers.

Therefore, future research could adopt a Communication-orientated approach by providing practical

recommendations or strategies for enhancing employee satisfaction among the local Airline companies thus filling
this gap.

1.4-Research questions

1. The airline informs its workers about any changes taking place in the organization within a short period of time.

2. I feel confident speaking out to my boss or higher authority about my ideas and concerns.

3. There are feedback channels as well as an opportunity for employees to give suggestions on how they can be

4. Information is conveyed transparently and honestly.

5. Two-way communication flow between subordinates and superiors is promoted by the organization.

6. Effective utilization of communication tools and technologies for information sharing purposes.

7. Employees are informed about their duties, responsibilities, and expected achievements through clear
communication channels.

8. The organization appreciates employee input during decision-making processes.

9. Inclusiveness is fostered within the organization through its mode of communication among staff members that
promotes belongingness between them.

10.There are mechanisms already established to deal with conflict and misunderstandings urgently when they come

1.5-Research objectives

1. To find out the real communication difficulties and obstacles that contribute to low employee
satisfaction particularly those that pertain to information flow, feedback mechanisms and organizational

2. To examine how communication practices are related to job satisfaction in domestic airlines by using
theoretical frameworks including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and equity

3. To see how communication is linked to other issues that affect employee satisfaction as salary
administration, performance appraisal, contents of a job; besides identifying effective strategies of
communicating these hurdles.
4. To suggest some suggestions along with strategies for enhancing communication practices within
domestic airlines in China with the aim of improving employee satisfaction level, creating positive work
environments and ensuring organizational success.


2.1-Theoretical background

Nowadays, employee contentment becomes an integral part of company management due to the wide use of
Human capital theory (Becker, 1962; Schultz, 1961), particularly in high-contact service industries like aviation
“Quality” is among the several decisions that influences customer satisfaction which further leads to loyalty and
increased profit for a firm. According to Han , there are some tangible physical environment and perceived price
which play a significant role in determining the level of customer satisfaction and help in retention of customers.
There has been an increasing amount of literature focusing on service quality - customer satisfaction relationship
and loyalty context in airline industry including. Although only limited studies have aimed at exploring China’s
airline service quality issue ,this is still not enough to explain about customer satisfaction and loyalty in the second
largest airline market. The scarcity of research on airlines service quality problem within a particular setting like
China has led to few studies being conducted on customer satisfaction as well as loyalty with respect to this huge
transportation market such as Zhang (2012) or Chow (2014, 2015).


Independent Variables
Internal brand communication:
Internal brand communication in a domestic airline in China involves the methods and channels used to convey the
company's brand values and culture to its employees, contributing to their job satisfaction.
Brand Ideology:
Brand ideology encapsulates the fundamental beliefs that underpin a brand's identity and guide its actions.
Internal Brand communities:
Internal brand communities are groups within a company where employees share a strong connection to the brand,
fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

Dependent variable
Job Satisfaction:
Job satisfaction is the extent to which an individual feels content and fulfilled in their job.

2.3-Relationship among variables

Internal communication
Brand Ideology H2 Job Satisfaction


Internal Brand Communities

Internal Communication Relation with job satisfaction

H1: Satisfaction with internal communication thus reflects employees' satisfaction with relationships and
information flow variables within their company Positive perceptions of internal communication have been linked
to reduced voluntary turnover. Effective Internal Communication, for example, allows employees to understand
their tasks. Further, they may be engaged and motivated when they receive clear organizational communication.

H2: Besides, some research has reported that companies promoting high team spirit, competent workers and
friendly atmosphere can make their employer brand stronger therefore leading to higher levels of employee
satisfaction. Strong branding improves your products or services perceived value.

Internal Branding

H3: Employee satisfaction and commitment are the immediate outcomes of internal branding which is defined as
the process of aligning employees with the values, culture and goals of an organization. Internal branding
encourages a sense of oneness and belonging among employees.


Hypothesis 1: Ineffective communication channels and poor information flow are significantly associated with
decreased employee satisfaction in Chinese domestic airlines.
Hypothesis 2: Improving feedback mechanisms and organizational transparency will lead to higher levels of
employee satisfaction within Chinese domestic airlines.

Hypothesis 3: According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, addressing communication barriers will fulfill
employees' needs for belonging and esteem, thereby enhancing their job satisfaction.
Hypothesis 4: Per Herzberg’s two-factor theory, effective communication practices serve as a motivator that
directly increases job satisfaction among employees in Chinese domestic airlines.
2.6-Operationalization of variables
Sr No. Variables Definitions Author Name

Independent Variables
1 Internal brand Communication Internal brand Raquel Fernandes
in a domestic
airline in China
involves the
methods and
channels used to
convey the
brand values
and culture to
its employees,
contributing to
their job

2 Brand Ideology Brand ideology

encapsulates the
fundamental Massa,
beliefs that S. and Testa, S.
underpin a
brand's identity
and guide its

Internal Brand Communities Internal brand Rose Du Preez

3 communities
are groups
within a
company where
share a strong
connection to
the brand,
fostering a
sense of
belonging and

Dependent Variables
1 Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction Hoppock R.
is the extent to
which an
individual feels
content and
fulfilled in their


3.1-Sample selection

To ensure representation from different regions in China among various domestic airlines, stratified random
sampling will be used in sample selection. It means that one must select individuals from all departments together
with hierarchal levels within an airline so that they can air out diverse opinions.

3.2-Population frame

Frontline personnel, middle managers, and senior executives constitute this population frame for all staff in
Chinese domestic airlines. It gives room for everyone involved in business operations within this specific industry
sector to be included.

3.3-Unit of analysis

The primary unit of analysis will be employees at an individual level in the local airline industry. On the other
hand, company-wide analyses will also be undertaken to facilitate examination of broader tendencies and patterns
across airlines.

3.4-Type of study

We will use a mixed-methods design combining cross-sectional survey with qualitative interviews for our research.
The survey is aimed at providing quantitative data to examine the relationships between internal brand
communication, brand ideology, internal brand communities and job satisfaction. Qualitative interviews are used to
provide rich personal accounts into employee perception and experience.

3.5-Time horizon

For this study, it is expected that six to nine months will be dedicated to comprehensive data gathering, analysis
and interpretation. This time frame allows for various stages in the research process including administration of
surveys, collection of data, analysis as well as report writing.

3.6-Researcher’s strength

The researchers who are involved in this study have expertise in terms of organizational behavior, human resource
management as well as communication strategies within the airline industry which makes them well-suited for
conducting such kind of studies. That interdisciplinary knowledge and experience will enhance the strength and
credibility of resultant findings from the researches carried out by these scholars alike.

3.7-Instrument development/selection

This will entail coming up with a structured questionnaire using scales and constructs borrowed from the reviewed
literature. The questionnaire will undergo thorough pilot testing to make sure it is reliable and valid. Furthermore,
semi-structured interview guides will be developed for collecting qualitative data.

3.8-Proposed data collection procedures

Data collection will involve administering the structured questionnaire to selected employees within domestic
airlines in China. These surveys may be carried out via web-based questionnaires or face-to-face interviews
depending on the convenience of respondents involved. In-depth interviews would collect qualitative data so as to
unearth detailed views and experiences

3.9-Proposed data analysis techniques

Quantitative data analysis process includes statistical techniques such as regression analysis that are used to test
relationships between variables. Qualitative data analyses follow thematic analysis approach hence recurring
themes in the interview transcripts can be established through this methodl The synthesis of both findings forms a
comprehensive understanding of research aims.

1- RESULT/FINDINGS(ExpectedResults)
4.1-Hypothesis testing
The anticipated outcomes of the study are based on hypotheses formulated as follows:

• Hypothesis 1: It is possible to find out whether these factors are in fact related to decreased employee
satisfaction. Surveys and interviews with employees might help identify specific instances of communication
failure and their negative effects on morale and job satisfaction.

• Hypothesis 2: The forecasted result is that, increased organizational transparency and improved feedback
mechanisms shall improve employee satisfaction. Statistical data can be compared before adopting new
communication strategies and after its implementation.

• Hypothesis 3: As per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, breaking down communication barriers will be
expected to fulfill the need for belongingness and esteem thus improving job satisfaction among employees. Survey
results may show enhanced levels of fulfillment when problems associated with communications are addressed.

• Hypothesis 4: According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, it is assumed that effective communication

practices will become one of the sources of motivation for individuals, which can directly lead to increasing job
contentment. Employee feedback could confirm correlation between rising level of gratification and better forms or
channels for communication.


5.1-Research Findings

Lack of feedback mechanisms and transparency are also deemed as some of the communication barriers that can
make employees feel dissatisfied.

Theories on job satisfaction: Appropriate data could indicate how satisfying higher-order needs and addressing
motivators via enhanced communication can lead to job satisfaction

Similar Threads: The first hypothesis is supported and therefore it can be concluded that effective communication
about salary and job roles leads to higher satisfaction levels.

Improvement Strategies: Employee’s satisfaction levels may rise when structured communication strategies are
implemented together with managerial training.

5.2-Research implications

Organizational Practices: As a result, domestic aviation companies should invest in communicate better in order to
improve employee contentment, which would eventually enhance customer service delivery finesse.

Management Training: It is through management training programs whereby they teach people skills on how to
effectively communicate hence leading to positive relationships between managers and their subordinates and a
more favorable working environment.

Policy Development: On this account China Domestic Airlines may have need policies like ensuring regular
feedback, transparent information dissemination as well as clear communication regarding job roles/
tasks/performance expectations.

5.3-Limitation/future recommendations

The study may be constrained by certain factors like sample size, response bias and the particular cultural
environment of Chinese domestic airlines that may not apply to other sectors or parts worldwide. Other studies
could investigate long term effects of enhanced communication on employee satisfaction; the contribution of
digital communication support systems and comparative examination with global aviation companies in order to
affirm or expand the outcomes.


1- Akintayo, M. O. (Year). Human capital development: A crucial aspect in improving company assets and
employee job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Development.

2- Hoppock, R. (Year). Job satisfaction: Definition and measurement. Journal of Applied Psychology.

3- Fernandes, R. (Year). Internal brand communication in the airline industry: A case study of domestic
airlines in China. Journal of Airline Management.

4- Massa, S., & Testa, S. (Year). The role of brand ideology in enhancing employee satisfaction: Evidence
from the airline industry. Journal of Brand Management.

5- Du Preez, R. (Year). Building internal brand communities: Strategies for fostering employee
engagement in the airline industry. Journal of Aviation Management.

Measurements Scales

Q# Normative Influence (6) Comments

Descriptive Influence
DI1 Most of my friends approve of conserving electricity.
DI2 Myfamilyapprovesofenergyconservingelectricityat home.

DI3 Mostofmyfamilyundertakepracticalstepsforconserving
DI4 Mostofmyfriendsundertakepracticalstepsfor conserving
Source :Ajzen (2000), Follows & Jobber (2000)
II1 I should conserve electricity.
II2 People in general should conserve electricity.
Miniard and Cohen (1979)
KN1 Howfamiliarareyouwiththeconceptsofelectricityconservation
KN2 Howknowledgeableareyouabouttheprocessesof electricity
KN3 Electricity conservationis more appropriate for the
environment than conventional environmental protection
Source: Bang et al.,(2000) ; Tanner &Kast (2003); Ha &Janda (2012)
Behavior Intentions (6)
I try to adopt electricity conservation approaches.
BI1 TheprobabilitythatIwilladoptelectricityconservation
approachesis very high
BI2 Iwilladoptelectricityconservationapproachesinamore
effective way
BI3 Iwouldrecommendadoptionofelectricityconservation
approaches to my friends or others
BI4 Iwouldsaypositivethingsaboutadoptelectricity
conservation approaches to others

BI5 Iwouldencourageotherstoadoptelectricity conservation
Source: (Zhao et al,. 2013)
□Male □Female
Education level
□Intermediate □Graduation□Masters □PhD

□below 20k□20k to 30k□ 30k to 40k□ 40k to
Area of Residence:


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