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Initial Preparation
Comments YIN

Establish if the vessel is approved to use ECDIS

1.1 for navigation. Y
Familiarize w ith Company Navigational
1.2 Procedures concerning the use of the equipment and
ensure that these are lollowed.

Are there any passwords needed for the

management of the system and, if so, obtain the No PAss words N
1.3 details from the Master.

ldentily the primary ECDIS equipment and the

facilities for back-up. If the back-up is a second o t h dthe ECbIS
ECDIS of a different type to that of the primary
oNre S a e tyPe
1.4 installation. then Sections 2 to 6 of this
Familiarization checklist must be repeated for bothh e-Globe G2

Understand ship proccdures in event that the

1.5 ECDIS and its back-up fail.

Determine where the user manuals for ECDIS and

1.6 its back- up are located an electronie version of
these may be available on each unit.

Determine where Base and Update CDs are stored

1.7 on the ship (if appropriate).

Determine the procedures to obtain additional chart

permits (if appropriate).

Determine ülnd undersland the position-liN Sy stems

that feed the l:CDIS. Dctemine the method of
switching between sources, sueh as primary and
secondary position-lix system.
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feed into the ECDIS.

Determine what other systems
Radar picture
such radar (acquired targets,
overlay). AIS, waten logs. ccho sounders,
referenee lramework, eg.
For each. establish the
stabilised (relative).
ground, water- or ship-

Determine where to lind maintenanee records

service reports, non-
related to the ECDIS and
1.11 validation reports
conformity reports & inspection,


supply modes and their

Determine the power
1.12 as UPS.duration.
specifications such

2 Basic Operation
Comments | Y/N

2.1 ECDIS and off.

Determine how to switch the

Establish the function(s), position and general

controls and switehes,
operation of the physical
and he access and
including eursor control,
selection of menu items.

the main menu and

Understand how to access

select menu options.

Determine the methods for setting day/night

and colour
2.4 viewing modes, brightness, contrast
correction (il available).

Determine how to put equipment in roule-

6 Inonitoring nmode und route-planning mode

Determine the methods for serolling and

zooming clauts, including detenmining the
2.7 curent scale of displayed chauts and setting the

display to a puticular scale


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Determine how to seleet the Display Base and

Standard Display Y
Determine how to display other information
2.9 from ENCs. including the display of All Other

Determine how to check that information

2.10 concerning own ship, such as dimensions are

Determine how to select the safety contour and

safety depth.

Determine how to select two- or four-colour

contour mode.

Determine how to select deep and shallow area

display options.

Determine how to set all other parameters

2.14 concerning the safety domain.

Establish how alarms and other alerts are given

2.15 by the ECDIS and understand the procedure
needed to acknowledge them.
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Comments YN

Determine how to access the chart directory and to

identify whether charts are ENCs. RNCs or unofficial

3.2 Determine how to select a ehart for display on the screen

Determine how to load new chart licence keys

(f appropriate)

3.4 Determine how to load base data (ifappropriate)

3.5 Determine how to check the update status of

loaded charts

3.6 Determine how to update charts using the normal

eumulative update procedures (ifappropriate)

If applicable, determine how to apply non-cumulative or

electronically-transmitted updates
3.8 Determine how to apply manual updates (ifappropriate)

4 Navigation Tools and Functions

Comments Y/N

Determine how to display the legend of general

information eg units for depths &heights, datums ete.

Determine how to select information aboul an object

Pick report)

Determine how Zone of Conlidence (CATZOC)

information can be displayed

Determine how to access the Presentation I ibrary

. Detemine what Marine Infornation Overlays (MIOs) are

available and how t access

them. (Radar and AlS covered
I) Section 6 below )

Detemine the single operator action needed to remove

MIO Irom thhe display

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Comments Y/N

47 Determine the single operator action needed to set the

Standard Display setting

4.8 Detemine how to view, add. edit and delete

Mariners' Notes

4.9 Detemine how to acces all navigational clements and

parameters, such as past tuack, vectors. position lines, ctc.

4.10 Establish the facilities provided for the measurement of

range and bearing (eg. EBLs and VRMs) and determine
their use

4.11 Determine the method(s) used for inserting Parallel

Index lines

4.12 Determine what other navigational tools are available and

how to access them

4.13 Determine how to change to using the ECDIS

back-up system
4.14 Determine the procedure for identifying and reacting to
sensor/GNSS failure.

4.15 Determine how to switeh Chart Text (text for charted

objects) on and off.

5 Route Planning af appropriate to watch-kceping responsibilities)

Comments YN

5.1 Determine how to load existing routes and enable

for editing

5.2 Determine how to initiate a new route plan

5.3 Determine how to initiate and plan alternate routes

Determine how to save route plan

5.5 Determine how to add. delete and adjust graphically the
position of waypoints
56 Determine how add. edit and delete eritical

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Detemine how to
display time vary
for the ing objects relevant
timing of the planned voyage
Establish all the
features available for
such as use
of straighi and curved planning routes
positions. turn radii. and segments. wheel over
inserting piloage aids
Determine the ship's
procedures for display ing MSI. T&P
and other relevant
notes into the
voyage plan
5.10 Determine how to use the facilities for checking the
planned route
5.11 Determine how load the
alternatives into the
planned route and
back-up system
12Ifav ailable. determine how to use RCDS mode where
ENCs are not av
ailable and as
appropriate. ON RD No RCDS
6 Route Monitoring

Comments YN
6.1 Determine how to load a
pre-planned route
6. Determine how to select the
and how primary or an alternate route
distinguish between them on the display
6.3 Determine the
single operator action that selects the
charted display of own ship's position
6.4 Determine the available
how to switch between
display orientation modes and
them (eg. North Up, Head
Course Up) Up.

6.5 Determine the av ailable

to select them and
display motion modes and how
change the parameters. such as thee
position of own ship on the display when
Is selected
Relative Motion y
6.6 IT Radar or AlS
targcts be displayed on the
determine what target vector modes are
available and
how to switch beween and
differentiate them
6.7 Determine how to creale time labels along the ship's track
6.8 Establish familiarity with the Route Monitoring display.
including the display of
position, heading. course. speed
and time

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6.9 Determine how to set the length of own ship's vector and
intermediate time marks

I 6.10 Determine how 10 displa) Radar aml AIS �11Os. if available

Ci I I Determine ho\\ 10 use the ECDIS as the inpul to a track-

keeping autopilot. This will al o need reference to the
autopilot handbook

6.12 Determine how to input LOP to form the rclcrcnce for an
estimated position

6.13 Determine how to configure the ECDIS to use this

reference (6.12) for subsequent EPs ;
6.1-1 Determine how to switch to DR mode and to identify
when the ECDIS is in DR mode y
6.15 Determine how 10 use the revie,, facilities of the voyage
recorder (if appropriatl! and not essential knowledge
I prior to sailing)


. 1aster is responsible for ensuring that watch-keepers should be adequately able to demonstrate
knowledge of all identified issues to comply with the Familiarization requirements of the ISM

Some tasks have been marked ··jf appropriate·· as they might 1101 pertain to "navigation at operational level"
but ra1her ··navigation at management h.:vel'" as de tined by STC\V '.WI 0.

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