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Title (Preliminary): eHealth Calculator

Advisor: Larry Henesey and Linda Ramstedt

Author(s): Usman Faruki, Muhammad Asim, Farrukh Sahar



Table of Contests

Executive Summery ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 1.0 - eHealth: The Transformation....................................................................................................... 4
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction to eHealth Calculator ............................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Mission Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Who Can Benefit ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 eHealth Calculator..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 eHealth Calculator online appointment ..................................................................................................... 6
2. Study of the Existing System ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Findings of the Study ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 User Needs ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2.1 - eHealth - changing the paradigm ................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Health Care Delivery Problems................................................................................................................. 6
3.0 Organization Model .................................................................................................................................. 7
Worksheet OM-1............................................................................................................................................. 7
Worksheet OM-2............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3.2.1 - eHealth – structure.................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3.2.2 - eHealth – business process ..................................................................................................... 11
Worksheet OM-3........................................................................................................................................... 12
Worksheet OM-4........................................................................................................................................... 13
Worksheet OM-5........................................................................................................................................... 14
4.0 Worksheet TM-1 (a)................................................................................................................................ 16
Worksheet TM-1 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Worksheet TM-2 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 18
Worksheet TM-2 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Worksheet TM-3 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 20
Worksheet TM-3 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Worksheet TM-4 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 22
Worksheet TM-4 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Worksheet TM-5 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 24
Worksheet TM-5 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Worksheet TM-6 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 26
Worksheet TM-6 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Worksheet TM-7 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 28
Worksheet TM-7 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Worksheet TM-8 (a)...................................................................................................................................... 30
Worksheet TM-8 (b) ..................................................................................................................................... 31

5.0 Worksheet AM-1..................................................................................................................................... 33
Worksheet AM-2........................................................................................................................................... 34
6.0 Knowledge Model ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Domain Knowledge ................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 6.1 - eHealth – Domain Knowledge .................................................................................................. 36
6.2 Inference Knowledge .............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 6.2 - eHealth - Inference structures for health calculation ................................................................. 36
6.3 Task Knowledge ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 6.3 eHealth – task structure................................................................................................................ 37
7.0 Communication Model............................................................................................................................ 38
7.0 eHealth - Communication Model ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 7.0 eHealth - Communication Model................................................................................................. 38
8.0 Design Model .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 6.2 – eHealth - system architecture .................................................................................................... 42
9.0 CommonKADS Life Cycle - 0 ................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 9.0 – eHealth - CommonKADS life cycle - 0 .................................................................................... 43
9.1 CommonKADS Life Cycle - 1 ................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 9.1 – eHealth - CommonKADS life cycle - 1 .................................................................................... 44

Executive Summary
eHealth is a relatively recent term for health care practice which is supported by electronic
processes and communication. It is an emerging field in the intersection of medical
informatics, public health and business referring to health services and information.

eHealth is defined as: "Electronic information and interactions connecting people and
communities to health services." Ministry of Health NZ, EHealth Working Group.

Our eHealth Calculator is one of the services in eHealth ICT (information and communication
Technology) based system that is a quick and easy way to assess health information for

eHealth Calculator takes some inputs from the user in the form of questions and on that basis
calculates the health status of the user.

The important aspect is that elderly citizens receive assistance and medical attention in their
own homes and it also helps citizen’s living in remote rural areas etc. citizen’s need easy
access and health-related information to interact with the health care services in multiple
ways. Even in future, citizens will seek individual, personalized solutions to their problems,
take initiatives and make their own choices.

We have used the CommonKADS Methodology. It is a leading methodology to support

structured knowledge engineering.

This report contains an introduction of the eHealth Calculator and the deficiencies in the
health system, a little about CommonKADS methodology, worksheets and UML diagrams
will be used for designing the system.

The web portal will facilitate health care in understanding health problems of the patients and
it will bring more knowledge for health care professionals.

Figure 1.0 - eHealth: The Transformation

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to eHealth Calculator

eHealth Calculator is quick and easy way to access patients’ health status. Our eHealth
Calculator is one of the services in eHealth ICT (information and communication
Technology) based system related to web portal.
It saves time in arranging appointment with health professionals to diagnose health
status and saves travelling cost.
People will receive information and guidance on an individual basis.
Patients will have opportunity to become more actively involved in their care and
treatment as well as take more decisions of their own.
Providing better value for money.
Integrating processes in push to reduce errors.

1.2 Mission Statement

“Our eHealth Calculator is one of the services in eHealth that is a quick and easy way to
assess health information for citizens and also provide prevention as well as early detection.
Predominantly in the case of elderly citizens who are going to receive assistance and medical
attention in their own homes and it also helps citizen’s living in remote rural areas.”

1.3 Who Can Benefit

All national, multinational organizations and health care related NGOs, who provide health
care facilities to their employees, can benefit from the eHealth services.

eHealth Calculator Beneficiaries

The important aspect is that elderly citizens receive assistance and medical attention in
their own homes.
Nurse practitioners and pharmacists as a part of decision support systems become
more active members of the care team.
The Time spent documenting a medical history is dramatically reduced as all relevant
facts are available through the electronic health record.
More time is spent preventing problems rather than dealing with them after they occur,
making practice less stressful and more satisfying.
Information systems are more predictable and less risky due to large systems
platforms that are shared with other hospitals.
It also helps citizen’s living in remote rural areas etc.

1.4 eHealth Calculator

Diabetes Type II Risk Calculator: This calculator estimates whether a person may
be at risk for diabetes or not.
Body Fat Estimator: This calculator calculates the estimated body fat a healthy
person should possess.
Heart Disease Risk: This calculator can access the likelihood that user will
experience coronary heart disease in the next 10 years. The user must know his/her
LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) values to for this calculator.
Depression: The depression tool can help one determine if he/she should consult a
healthcare professional regarding his/her feelings. This tool shall serve only as a
guideline and not replace any psychiatric evaluation.

1.5 eHealth Calculator online appointment
eHealth Calculator offers user an online appointment system through which user can online
book his/her appointment with a doctor.

eHealth Calculator offers an online appointment service with a doctor.

2. Study of the Existing System

2.1 Findings of the Study

First we checked the existing health care system so that we could know about its flaws and
shortcomings. This was essential part because only then we could propose a better system that
is free of the flaws and shortcomings.

2.2 User Needs “The focus is on patient-centered activity-related system”

In eHealth ICT based systems; the citizens need trouble-free, easy and reliable access to
health care services, checking the progress of their own illnesses, information and guidance
on an individual basis, opportunity to become more actively involved in their care and
treatment as well as take more decisions of their own.

Management systems Focus is on

poorly connected to patient-centered
operational activity activity-related

Figure 2.1 - eHealth - changing the paradigm

2.3 Health Care Delivery Problems

Patients and Public

Citizens often encounter service shortages, long wait times and are concerned about
the quality and safety of the treatment they receive.
Citizens want to access health care services whenever they need.
Citizens need a patient centric model of health care services.
Citizens need easy, timely access to information.
Citizens need access to range of health care services available such as online
appointment booking.
Health care providers have not integrated computer-based tools into their practices
which enhance clinical decision making and operational efficiencies.

3.0 Organization Model

Worksheet OM-1
Identifying knowledge-oriented problems and opportunities in the organization

Organization Model Problems and Opportunities Worksheet OM-1

Problems and Citizens often encounter service shortages, long wait times
opportunities and are concerned about the quality and safety of the
treatment they receive.
Citizens want to access health care services whenever they
Citizens need a patient centric model of health care
Citizens need easy, timely access to information.
Citizens need access to range of health care services
available such as online appointment booking.
Health care providers have not integrated computer-based
tools into their practices which enhance clinical decision
making and operational efficiencies.
Public need reassurance as to how their information will be
stored and shared.
Public ignorant as to how information is used
o 25% have no idea how used
o Less than 10% aware of secondary uses of patient
Public not aware who has access to their records.

Organizational context Our eHealth Calculator is one of the services in eHealth that is
a quick and easy way to assess health information for citizens
and also provide prevention as well as early detection.
Predominantly in the case of elderly citizens who are going to
receive assistance and medical attention in their own homes
and it also helps citizen’s living in remote rural areas.

External Factors
Government rules and regulations
Public opinion
Health professionals

Solutions eHealth calculator will take some inputs from the user in
the form of questions and on that basis calculates the health
status of the user.
eHealth calculator will also provide the opportunity to book
the appointment with the doctors in available slots.
eHealth calculator will diagnose health status of patient,
save time and travelling cost. People will receive
information and guidance on an individual’s basis. Patients
will have the opportunity to become more actively involved
in their care and treatment and take more decisions of their

Worksheet OM-2
Description of organizational aspects that have an impact on and/or are affected by chosen
knowledge solutions.

Organization Model Variant Aspects Worksheet OM-2

Structure Figure 3.2.1
Process Figure 3.2.2
People Patient / User
Laboratory Staff
Administrative Staff of Web Application (eHealth
Other Staff Required
Resources 1. Doctor’s detail
2. Computers and communication equipments
3. Database system of web application
4. Relationship of hospital’s information systems with
web application information system.
5. Database
6. Copyright of web application (eHealth Calculator)
Knowledge Patient’s Information
Health Information
Hospital Information
Doctor’s Information
Government Laws
Culture and Power At organization every staff member is very cooperative
and friendly.
Patient has the right to become more actively involved
in their care and treatment and take more decisions of
their own.
Administrator of eHealth Calculator has power to
control the services of this system and update the
patient’s information.
Doctor has power to accept or reject the appointment
with the patient.

Managing Director

Software Services

Manager Manager Administrator of Web Manager

Finance Technical Operations Portal Training

Software. App Software. App Software. App Software. App

Developer Developer Developer Developer

Figure 3.2.1 - eHealth – structure

Select eHealth

Ask for health

info. from

Calculates the
patient’s health

Display the Display the

patient’s health Doctor’s Detail

Select Doctor to

Choose type of

Register New Login


Ask for: Ask for User id

Personal Info. & password

Create New If success If not success

User message


Figure 3.2.2 - eHealth – business process

Worksheet OM-3
Description of the process in terms of the tasks it is composed of, and their main

Organization Model Process Breakdown Worksheet OM-3

No Task Performed Where? Knowledg Knowledg Significance
(identifie (Task by (location) e asset e
r) name) (agent) Intensive
1 Information Patient At home Patient’s Yes 5
collection information
2 Patient’s System At web Patient’s Yes 4
health status portal health
3 Allocating Patient At home Doctors Yes 4
slot/Book schedule

Worksheet OM-4
Description of the Knowledge component of the organization model and its major

Organization Model Knowledge Assets Worksheet OM-4

Knowledg Possessed Used in Right Right Right Right
e Asset by Agent Task Form? Place? Time? Quality?
(see OM- (see OM- (see OM-3) Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no Yes/no
3) 3)

Patient´s Patient Information Yes Yes Yes Yes

Information collection
Patient’s System Patient’s Yes Yes Yes Yes
health health status
Doctors Patient Allocating Yes Yes Yes Yes
schedule slot/Book

Worksheet OM-5
Checklist for the feasibility decision

Organization Checklist for Feasibility Decision Document: Worksheet OM-5

Business eHealth Calculator will present health care services to the
Feasibility patients/people and this project will earn many benefits for the
organization in multiple ways. It will earn money from
advertisements and banners on the web portal. This project will
require smaller number of application developers to update the
eHealth Calculator.

Before appointment booking with doctor, patient can check his/her

health status through the eHealth Calculator. After checking the
health status, patient can book appointment with the doctor in
advance and the patient will come to hospital at the specified time.
Before the doctor checks up the patient, his medical history will be
presented to the doctor. So a doctor will take less time with the
patient and as a result one doctor can examine many patients.

To launch this project (eHealth Calculator), expected cost will be

50,000 sek.

Patient can visit the hospital to check his/her health status and can
also book the appointment with the doctor. On the other hand
online services of eHealth Calculator will save patient’s traveling
cost and extra time.

It is a possible risk, people or patients will take time to get familiar

with the system.
Technical The organization will purchase latest computer systems and will
Feasibility setup a network to communicate, develop and update the web
portal. Organization will also purchase communication equipments,
hard wares and soft wares.

eHealth Calculator will also share data with the hospital.

The interface of eHealth Calculator will be designed very simple,

interactive and user friendly.

For communication purposes, patient should have access to the

Project Feasibility For implementation of the system (eHealth Calculator),
organization will need technical employees, application developers,
or etc.

To use eHealth Calculator services, it is necessary for the patients

and users to know about the internet and eHealth Calculator

Keeping in view the current situation, eHealth Calculator would
help to understand the individual health status of the patient and
will bring more business to the Organization.

Some risks are that, if the patient gets registered and granted time
of appointment with the doctor but he/she does not come in time.
More some patients would be unable to convey their problems in
the correct manner.
Proposed Actions Appoint the manager finance, technical operation, portal
application developers and application developers.

4.0 Worksheet TM-1 (a)
Refined description of the tasks within the target process

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-1 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Diabetes Risk Calculator
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of health calculation. The
task is carried out from the patient’s home.
Goal and The goal of this task is to assess whether the
Value patient is at risk of diabetes or not. The
patient will select diabetes risk calculator
and will be presented a questionnaire. The
patient will answer the questions and on the
basis of those answers the calculator will
assess whether the patient is at risk of
diabetes or not.
Dependency 1. Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 2. Follow-up Tasks 1. Choose a doctor
2. Fix appointment with the doctor
Objects Input Objects Patient’s answers to the
Handled Output Objects questionnaire.
Internal Objects Summary of patient’s health status
and proposed doctors.
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time, whenever
Control the user wants to assess his/her diabetes.
Preconditions: none
Constraints & Conditions
Post-conditions: The patient shall be
provided a summary of his/her health status
and a list of proposed doctors.

i) The patient must not skip any question.
ii) The patient must know his/her age,
height and weight.
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient/Doctors
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures In order to get accurate results the patient
Performance must not skip any question and should
provide correct information.

Worksheet TM-1 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-1 (b)

Name Diabetes Risk calculator
Possessed by Patient
Used in Diabetes Risk Calculator
Domain Health Calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
incomplete X
uncertain, may be X Patient’s input
quickly changing X
hard to verify X
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality X
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-2 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process.

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-2 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Body Fat Estimator
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of health calculation. The
task is carried out from the patient’s home.
Goal and The goal of this task is to estimate how
Value much fat the patient possesses. The patient
will select body fat estimator and will be
presented a questionnaire. The patient will
answer the questions and on the basis of
those answers the body fat estimator will
estimate how much fat the patient
Dependency 3. Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 4. Follow-up Tasks 1. Choose a doctor
2. Fix appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects Patient’s answers to the

handled Output Objects questionnaire.
Internal Objects Patient’s body fat and proposed
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time the user
Control wants to assess his/her body fat.
Preconditions: none
Constraints & Conditions
Post-conditions: Patient’s body fat value
and a list of proposed doctors.

i) The patient must not skip any question.
ii) The patient must know his/her height,
neck size and waist.
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient/Doctor
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures In order to get accurate results the patient
Performance must not skip any question and should
provide correct information.

Worksheet TM-2 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-2 (b)

Name Body fat estimator
Possessed by Patient
Used in Body fat estimator
Domain Health calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative X
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
incomplete X
uncertain, may be X Patient’s input
quickly changing X
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality X
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-3 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-3 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Heart Disease Risk Calculator
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of health calculation. The
task is carried out from the patient’s home.
Goal and The goal of this task is to assess whether the
Value patient is at risk of heart disease or not. The
patient will select heart disease risk
calculator and will be presented a
questionnaire. The patient will answer the
questions and on the basis of
those answers the calculator will assess
whether the patient is at risk of heart disease
or not.
Dependency 5. Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 6. Follow-up Tasks 1. Choose a doctor
2. Fix appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects Patient’s answers to the

handled Output Objects questionnaire.
Internal Objects Summary of patient’s health status
and proposed doctors.
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time the user
Control wants to assess his/her heart disease risk.
Preconditions: none
Constraints & Conditions
Post-conditions: The user shall be provided
a summary of his/her health status and a list
of proposed doctors.

i) The patient must not skip any question.
ii) The patient must know his/her age, LDL
(bad cholesterol) and HDL (good
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient/Doctor
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures In order to get accurate results the patient
Performance must not skip any question and should
provide correct information.

Worksheet TM-3 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-4 (b)

Name Heart Disease Risk Calculator
Possessed by Patient
Used in Heart Disease Risk Calculator
Domain Health Calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
incomplete X
uncertain, may be X Patient’s input
quickly changing X
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality X
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-4 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-4 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Depression calculator
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of health calculation. The
task is carried out from the patient’s home.
Goal and The goal of this task is to help the patient
Value determine if a health care professional
should be seen regarding his/her feelings.
The patient will select depression calculator
and will be presented a questionnaire. The
patient will answer the questions and on the
basis of those answers the calculator will
assess whether the patient should see a
health care professional or not.
Dependency 7. Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 8. Follow-up Tasks 1. Choose a doctor(s)
2. Fix appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects Patient’s answers to the

handled Output Objects questionnaire.
Internal Objects Summary of patient’s health status
and proposed doctors.
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time the user
Control wants to assess his/her depression state.
Preconditions: none
Constraints & Conditions
Post-conditions: The user shall be provided
a summary of his/her health status and a list
of proposed doctors.

i) The patient must not skip any question.

Agents OM-2: People, System Patient/Doctor

OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures In order to get accurate results the patient
Performance must not skip any question and should
provide correct information.

Worksheet TM-4 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-4 (b)

Name Depression calculator
Possessed by Patient
Used in Depression calculator
Domain Health calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
incomplete X
uncertain, may be X Patient’s input
quickly changing X
hard to verify X
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality X
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-5 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process.

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-5 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Choose a doctor
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of eHealth calculator. The
task is carried out from the patient’s home.
Goal and The goal of this task is to choose a doctor.
Value The patient will select a doctor from the list
of proposed doctor(s). The patient can view
the details of the doctor by clicking on the
link of the doctor.
Dependency 9. Preceding Tasks Health Calculator
and Flow 10.Follow-up Tasks Book appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects

handled Output Objects
Internal Objects
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time when the
Control patient wants to choose a doctor.
Constraints & Conditions i) The patient must have completed one of
the health calculator’s tasks.

Post-conditions: The patient can fix an

appointment with the doctor.
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures

Worksheet TM-5 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-5 (b)

Name Choose a doctor
Possessed by Patient
Used in Choose a doctor
Domain eHealth calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
action-based X
uncertain, may be
quickly changing
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-6 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process.

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-6 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 User Login
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of user authentication.
The task is carried out from the patient’s
home. If user is not logged in, he/she will
carry out this task.
Goal and The goal of this task is to authenticate the
Value user. The patient will provide a user id,
password and click the submit button.
Dependency 11.Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 12.Follow-up Tasks 1. Register user (in case not registered)
2. Fix appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects User id and password.

handled Output Objects Authentication message.
Internal Objects
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time whenever
Control the user wants to fix an appointment or use
Control the system.

Constraints & Conditions Constraints:

i) The patient must provide use id and
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures

Worksheet TM-6 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-6 (b)

Name User Login
Possessed by Patient
Used in User authentication
Domain eHealth calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
action-based X
incomplete X
uncertain, may be
quickly changing
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-7 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process.

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-7 (a)

Task cf. OM-3 Register user
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is a part of registering a new user.
The task is carried out from the patient’s
Goal and The goal of this task is to register a new
Value user.
Dependency 13.Preceding Tasks None
and Flow 14.Follow-up Tasks 1. User Login
2. Book appointment with the doctor

Objects Input Objects User’s personal information

handled Output Objects User id
Internal Objects Password
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed once whenever user
Control wants to get registered.
Constraints & Conditions i) The patient must provide personal
information, userid and password.
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures

Worksheet TM-7 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-7 (b)

Name Register user
Possessed by Patient
Used in Register user
Domain eHealth calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
action-based X
incomplete X
uncertain, may be
quickly changing
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality
Limitations in form

Worksheet TM-8 (a):
Refined description of the tasks within the target process.

Task Model Task Analysis Worksheet TM-8 (b)

Task cf. OM-3 Fix appointment with the doctor
Organization cf. OM-2 This task is carried out by the patient.
This task is a part of eHealth calculator.
Goal and The goal of this task is to fix appointment
Value with the doctor. The patient will pick a
available date-time slot.
Dependency 15.Preceding Tasks Choose a doctor
and Flow 16.Follow-up Tasks
Objects Input Objects Date-time slot
handled Output Objects
Internal Objects
Time and Frequency, Duration The task is performed each time whenever
Control the patient wants to fix an appointment.
Constraints & Conditions i) The patient must be logged into the
ii) The patient must have chosen one of the
proposed doctors’.
Agents OM-2: People, System Patient
OM-3: Performed-by
Knowledge cf. OM-4 Patient’s skill to use the system.
Resources Detailing of OM-2 The patient must have access to the internet.
Quality and Measures

Worksheet TM-8 (b)
Specification of the knowledge employed for a task, and possible bottlenecks and areas for

Task Model Knowledge Item Worksheet TM-8 (b)

Name Fix appointment with the doctor
Possessed by Patient
Used in Fix appointment with the doctor
Domain EHealth calculator
Nature of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
formal, rigorous
empirical, quantitative
heuristic, rules of
highly specialized, don
uncertain, may be
quickly changing
hard to verify
tacit, hard o transfer
Form of the knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Electronic X
Action skill
Availability of knowledge Bottleneck/to be improved
Limitations in time
Limitations in space
Limitations in access X
Limitations in quality
Limitations in form

5.0 Worksheet AM-1
Agent specification according to the CommonKADS agent model.

Agent Model Agent Worksheet AM-1

Name Patient
Organization The patient has a central role in the system
as the main beneficiary. The patient has the
facility to access his/her health status,
choose a doctor and fix an appointment
with the doctor.
Involved in (cf. TM-1)}
(cf. TM-2)}
(cf. TM-3)}
(cf. TM-4)}
(cf. TM-5)}
(cf. TM-6)}
(cf. TM-7)}
(cf. TM-8)}
Communicates with System
Laboratory Assistant
Knowledge Computer and internet literacy
Knowledge about physical statistics
Other competencies He should be able to understand diagnosed
health status.

He should be able to reach on the specified

appointment time.

He must be able to express his problem in

front of the doctor.
Responsibilities and Constraints The patient should answer the
questionnaire correctly in order to be
assessed rightly by the system.

The patient should be punctual for the


Worksheet AM-2
Agent specification according to the CommonKADS agent model.

Agent Model Agent Worksheet AM-1

Name Doctor
Organization The doctor also has a significant role in
treating the patient after being diagnosed
by the system.
Involved in Diagnose disease
Writing prescription
Communicates with Patient
Laboratory Assistant
Knowledge Information collection
Disease diagnoses
Expert knowledge of his/her field
Other competencies Doctor must have good social and
interpersonal skills in order to effectively
comprehend the problem of the patient.
Responsibilities and Constraints The doctor must be humble and kind
towards the patient.

The doctor must treat the patient with full


Be available in case of any emergency.

6.0 Knowledge Model
Knowledge model specifies knowledge and reasoning requirements of perspective system.
Knowledge model helps out to structure input for system design and implementation.
Knowledge model is just a logical model, it has no physical implementation. It has structure
similar to traditional models in software engineering.

Knowledge model can be divided into three categories:

1. Domain Knowledge: Specifies domain specific knowledge and information.
2. Inference Knowledge: Works as starting source for reasoning machine.
3. Task Knowledge: Defines some goals and steps to achieve them.

6.1 Domain Knowledge

Three main objects of the system are:

NIC: int
Name: string
Phone: string
Email: string
Problem: string
Previous_Apps: bool
Problem: string

Disease_ID: int
Name: string
Question: string
Answer: string
Result: string

Doctor_ID: int
Name: string
Specialty: string
Acronym: string
Phone: string
Email: string
Available_time: int
Available_Days: string

Diagnosed for
Patient Disease



Figure 6.1 - eHealth – Domain Knowledge

6.2 Inference Knowledge


eHealth Calculator
Select Compare

Disease Knowledege
Disease Know.

. Health Status
. Doctor Proposed
. Schedule Appointment

Figure 6.2 - eHealth - Inference structures for health calculation

6.3 Task Knowledge

User Login

Perform Health

Comparison made
on the basis of the

Doctors Proposed Select doctor Fix Appointment with


Figure 6.3 - eHealth – task structure

7.0 Communication Model

Following is the communication model for this application.

Agent A Dialog Agent B

Patient Logs into the System

Web Portal

System Authenticates User

Patient Submits System

questionnaire of a
disease to

System Assess health Patient

status of

Selects from
Patient proposed doctors System
and submits it to

Patient Schedules an System

appointment and
submits it to

Figure 7.0 - eHealth – communication model

The patient submits the login form and the system authenticates the user. A patient selects a
health calculator and submits questionnaire to the system. System assesses health status of the
patient and proposes doctors. The patient selects a doctor and picks up a date-time slot with
the doctor and submits it to the system.

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name Logging into the system

Information Object User id and Password
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Constraints User id and password must be supplied
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-1 given below

Worksheet CM-1: User Login

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 1
Agents Involved Sender (Patient)
Receiver (System)
Information Items Items involve user login information. User id and
Message Authenticate User
Control over messages

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name User Authentication

Information Object
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-2 given below

Worksheet CM-2: User Authentication

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 2
Agents Involved Sender (System)
Receiver (Patient)
Information Items
Message User Authenticated/User Authentication failed
Control over messages

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name Health Calculation

Information Object Questionnaire
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Constraints All questions must be answered
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-3 given below

Worksheet CM-3: Health Calculation

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 3
Agents Involved Sender (Patient)
Receiver (System)
Information Items Questionnaire form
Message Processing information
Control over messages

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name Health Status

Information Object
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-4 given below

Worksheet CM-4: Health Calculation

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 4
Agents Involved Sender (System)
Receiver (Patient)
Information Items
Message Health Status
Control over messages

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name Doctor selection

Information Object Doctor information
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-5 given below

Worksheet CM-5: Doctor Selection

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 5
Agents Involved Sender (Patient)
Receiver (System)
Information Items
Control over messages

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-1

Transaction Name Scheduling an appointment

Information Object
Agents Involved Patient, System
Communication Plan Case communication plan
Information Exchange Details given in worksheet CM-6 given below

Worksheet CM-6: Scheduling appointment

Communication Model Transaction Description Worksheet CM-2
Transaction Transaction 6
Agents Involved Sender (Patient)
Receiver (System)
Information Items
Message Appointment has been scheduled successfully.
Control over messages

8.0 Design Model

Controller Views
Applying Inputs User Login
Health Calculator questionnaires
Selecting doctor
Fixing an appointment

Application Model

User Login function

user authentication

e-Health calculator functions

diabetes risk calculator
body fat estimator
heart disease risk calculator
depression calculator
proposed doctors
fix an appointment

Figure 6.2 – eHealth - system architecture

9.0 CommonKADS Life Cycle - 0

Monitor Review

1. Provide a system that

1.Monitoring of tasks set would assist patients.
during all previous 2.Reliable and secure data
activities. Base system, developers
who have expertise, easily
available tools and

1. Detailed planning for web 1.Identification of risks

Portal knowledge system Present to web portal
Modelling. Knowledge system and
2. Gantt chart Solution to those risks.
3. Work break down

Plan Risk

Figure 9.0 – eHealth - CommonKADS life cycle - 0

In first activity of CommonKADS life cycle we have sketched a plan for Web Portal System
project. We decided to make the Organizational model, task model and agent model.

CommonKADS methodology provides good understanding of risks and discusses solutions to
these risks. CommonKADS configurable life cycle provides a full activity to deal with these

For eHealth Calculator System we have identified a risk in first cycle which is if some
patients are reluctant in adopting this system then this should properly be tackled. We may
problem in which number of users accessing our portal exceeds to intended limit which may
affect speed of accessing our portal.

We have defined work breakdown in the form of Gantt chart for the entire project.

At this stage of configurable life cycle we monitored all activities and tasks which are defined
in review, risk and plan activities.

9.1 Common KADS Life Cycle - 1

Monitor Review

1. New requirements
2. Provide a system that
1.Monitoring of tasks set would assist patients.
during all previous 3.Reliable and secure data
activities. Base system, developers
who have expertise, easily
available tools and

1. Identification of risks
1. Gantt chart present in the system
2. Work break down (same as in cycle 0)
structure 2 .Solutions to these risks.

Plan Risk

Figure 9.0 – eHealth - CommonKADS life cycle - 1

In second cycle of CommonKADS configurable life cycle, we have inputs from monitor
activity of cycle 0. In this cycle our main focus will be on adjusting new requirements and
implementing decisions taken in last activity and fulfill all the requirements which we need in
order to implement the system.

At this stage of configurable life cycle we have identified two more risks.

1. Developers who are inexperienced or lack in required skills may cause this project to fail
when implemented.
2. Time limitations may cause this project to be delayed. Therefore, they should work under
extreme programming environment.

Our plan is the same as we discuss in pervious life cycle.

We have monitored all previous activities in this phase.


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