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GMO Crops, A Product of Technology:

Engineering with Benefits that Yields an Environmental Influence


According to the National Human Genome Research Institute (2024), a genome that has
been tampered or altered by the use of genetic engineering, in order to add or remove a
characteristic from any organism is considered a: “Genetically Modified Organism” or “GMO”
for short. Indeed, GMOs were created in order to aid humanitarian needs. One of which is the
benefits it brought towards farming. It has been studied thoroughly in order to boost the
nutritional value and the resilience of crops towards pests and any external factors (Barrel, 2024).
This means that there will be less things to worry about in growing and nourishing the future
food supply of the population.

A number of pros were landed upon in this section of the paper. In hindsight, this
composition aims to describe the problems and issues that come along with such technology and
advancement. It poses risks not only to the environment but also on the health of the consumers.
Normally, pros of GMOs are placed forward, it is now the time to dive deep on its cons.

The Effect in Agriculture and Health

Multiple risks come along with the transfer of a gene towards an organism that does not
organically have this. It may cause resistance or tolerance towards pests or diseases which the
crops are being defended or protected from in the first place. Biodiversity will slowly be lost due
to the number of alterations and cross breeding of diversified living organisms. It will highly
impact the gene flow (Haile et al., 2020). There are cases wherein the transfer of genes to another
organism is unintentional or accidental. This poses danger in the environment because it can
affect the ecosystems and may even be poisonous (Islam et al., 2020).
In the year 1994, the first ever GMO crop was produced by the means of genetic
engineering. This went through a number of tests, then soon enough it became approved of its
safety (Food and Drug administration, 2023). It is clear that it is still quite a new technology and
realm. It is still not clear on what will be the long term effect of this towards the health of
people. In a study by Gilles-Eric Seralini (2020), by the use of rats as subjects, it was discovered
that there were residues of toxic particles that can potentially harm the endocrine system of the
consumer of GMO. Yet, the results are still under speculation. At the end of the day multiple
research and studies must be done in order to affirm this. A longer time period must be taken into
consideration as well. But, this does not fully cancel out the potential harm the GMOs may bring.

Utilizing Technology in Mitigating the Risks Brought Upon Genetic Modification

According to a written article by David Austin and Molly K. Macauley (2001),

technology aids in addressing the issues of the environment by providing machinery and
appliances that can eventually resolve the underlying issue. It utilizes energy and other resources
in order to efficiently and swiftly offset the arising problems that the environment is facing.
Technological tools will be made available for mitigation and in understanding the root cause of
such obstacles. With this in mind, in terms of GMOs, one way the technology was able to aid is
by the means of the possibility of molecular techniques. Some examples are cleistogamy, genetic
restriction technologies, and other mitigation techniques in order to monitor and lessen the
inaccuracy of genetic engineering (Haile et al., 2020). This will of course minimize the problem
that it can cause.

Similarly, multiple methods have been made to counteract the issues of crossbreeding.
Prevention towards the spread of organisms that are not supposed to be genetically modified has
arised (Landry, 2015). Additionally, technology has helped in recording and making research a
lot easier. This in turn opens a wave for better solutions towards issues in the near future.
Food Production and its Association with the Growing Population

As the population grows, more and more demands have to be met. This means that an
uncontrolled and undisciplined population constitutes trouble towards the living conditions in the
ecosystem. Technology has taken the role of reducing the problem that the population has
created. Sustainability is being looked for. It is clear that it is impossible to grow organic crops,
considering the weather and climate, it might end up not fully maturing. This is where
technology comes in. Crops that are modified have saved numerous lives. It has aided in the
statistics of world hunger and it has been proven to have an increased nutritional source (Global
Status of Commercialized Biotech, 2018).

In the life of Filipinos, farming has been the peak source of income for some. And by the
means of the technology brought upon GMOs, it has aided in creating income and in assisting
the way of life of others (Isaac, 2019). Even though GMOs may cause environmental issues, it is
still clear its main purpose is to help. Technology will find its way to decrease and cut down the
negative ecological footprint of humans by designing precautionary and alleviation measures.

Renewable energy, rewiring into a smart city, increase in environmental seminars and
developments, etc. are some more ways that can minimize the impact of a population that
continues to expand each day (Microsoft, 2017). All of these are tied together in creating a place
that can have both the positive and negative effects in one plate. This just goes to show that
technology has come a long way.


In the most comprehensive sense, genetically modified food is not inherently harmful. It
is approved and regulated to the public for a reason. Genetic engineering of crops is simply here
to supply and keep up with the daily humanitarian necessities. And, as the growing population
demands more of their needs, technology will be the greatest weapon in lessening the impact that
this may cause in the environment. Indeed, in this time period it is still not safe to say that GMOs
do not bring any risks to human health and the well-being of the environment. It is a risk that
scientists and the academia are willing to bet on in order to provide answers to the problems in
which GMO is the solution to. The benefits outweigh the risks as they say. Technology brought a
problem to the environment, and technology will also resolve the said issue. Luckily, the
advancements today are geared towards extensive work that can surely help in addressing the
conflict in hand. It will continue to provide and determine ways that can repoint the arrow from a
point of struggle to a point of resolution and success.


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