C Guest Col Seaoc Jan 09

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Seismic Force-Resisting Systems

Part 1: Seismic Design Factors

Guest Column
dedicated to the dissemination of information from other organizations
SEAOC Seismology Committee

This is a two-part series of articles discussing the SEAOC Seismology

Committee’s comments and recommendations on the current design
considerations of Seismic Force-Resisting Systems. Part 1 discusses ®
Design Factors used for each system and Height Limitations. Part 2,

to be published in a future issue of STRUCTURE ® magazine,
discusses System Attributes and recommendations to simplify Design

Parameters for structural systems.

The structural systems most commonly columns, fire-rated

used to resist earthquakes are listed in partitions, and
ASCE 7-05 Table 12.2-1. While the utility cores can also
ht affect the rela- types. Parameters for specific systems

ASCE 7 table refers to them as “Seismic tive efficiencyy r
of systems. were assigned considering the charac-
Force-Resisting Systems” (SFRSs), it is Copcost. The project budget
• Construction teristic performance expected of each
important to note that these are distinct might dictate systems of certain main type, and parameters for newer

elements within a possible combination materials, or cost-effective fabrication systems have generally been added by
of systems to form the overall lateral and erection procedures. judgmental comparison with older,

force-resisting system of a building, which • Design budget. Some systems can be more established systems.
would include diaphragms, foundations, analyzed and designed effectively
and other load path components. The with simple hand calculations, while

i n
Response Modification

text of ASCE 7-05, however, is not careful others require more expensive and
about maintaining these distinctions, so time-consuming procedures.

R is the parameter that most succinct-

the more common term “Seismic Force- Acceptable earthquake performance
Resisting System,” or SFRS, is used is a function of more than the select- ly represents the potential capacity of a

here. That is, the SFRS is the “basic” ed structural system. Configuration of system for ductile response and energy

system contemplated by ASCE 7-05. the SFRS within the building is fun- dissipation. For the systems permitted

While SFRS is difficult to define, it is damental to good design, concerning in the highest seismic areas (represented
commonly understood to mean the set such issues as structural irregularities, by seismic design categories D, E, and

of vertically oriented structural elements torsion, redundancy, and the combina- F), the R values in ASCE 7-05 are es-
above the foundation that are expected tion of systems. sentially identical to those assigned
to act together to resist inter-story drifts by judgment in the late 1970s (ATC
and to resist design earthquake forces Design Parameters 1978). However, while the R values
between levels of the structure. have remained the same, design and
The three design parameters tabulated detailing provisions have changed to re-
by ASCE 7-05 in Table 12.2-1 are: flect research and seismic performance.
System Selection 1) A response modification coefficient, R Special moment-resisting steel frames,
The selection of an SFRS for a specific 2) An overstrength factor, Ωo for example, were assigned the highest
building is clearly a design decision of 3) A deflection amplification factor, Cd. R value, 8, in 1978. They still have an
fundamental importance, yet there is In addition, limitations on allowable R value of 8 in ASCE 7- 05, though
no system that is best for all buildings. applications of systems to different Seis- design requirements have changed sub-
Factors to consider when selecting a mic Design Categories and for height of stantially based on an updated record
seismic force-resisting system include: structure are listed. of performance and testing.
•P  erformance. All of the code- The theoretical basis of these three pa- R values for dozens of systems added
prescriptive systems are expected rameters, and the relationships between since 1978 have been based in part on
to meet the performance objective them, were discussed in the September test data but primarily on judgment
of the code. For enhanced 2008 issue of Structure® Magazine. This of expected performance compared to
performance objectives, however, article discusses only the relative values established systems. For example, ATC
some systems might be better than assigned to the various seismic force- 3-06 assigned an R of 3.5 to reinforced
others. For example, some systems resisting systems. Parameters assigned masonry shear walls in a bearing wall
are better able to meet tight drift to a given system might be subject to system. Since then, details with more
limits or assure speedy repair. code limits based on how the system is ductile behavior have been developed.
• Architectural and nonstructural configured or combined with other sys- ASCE 7- 05 retains the 3.5 value but
coordination. A moment-resisting tems within a building. classifies the traditional detailing as an
frame system can accommodate In general, design parameters are intended “intermediate” system and limits its use.
open spaces and unrestricted bays to provide equivalent confidence that each In seismic design categories D through
between columns. Braced frame and listed SFRS will meet the implied perfor- F, special reinforced masonry shear walls
shear wall systems generally offer mance objectives of the code. The current are permitted instead, with an assigned
less flexibility in space planning and parameters began as broad distinctions R-value of 5.
fenestration. The spacing of gravity among four basic structural system

STRUCTURE magazine 27 January 2009

However, for the seven other similarly
permitted systems in ASCE 7-05 with R of
8, the ratio of Cd/R ranges from 0.50 to 0.81.
(If systems with R as low as 5 are included,
the ratio ranges from 0.5 to 1.0.) There are
also some clear inconsistencies. For example,
dual systems with special concentrically
braced frames are to be designed for®81%
of the elastic drift, but dual systems with

eccentrically braced frames need design for
only 50%. It is not clear why the Cd/R ratios

for these two systems should be so different,
and on opposite sides of the 70% value for
special moment frames.

h t Height Limits

Cop The height limits imposed by ASCE 7-05
Prior to ATC 3-06 (ATC 1978), the SEAOC R = 8/1.4K, where the 1.4 factor accounts Table 12.2-1, particularly in high seismic areas,

Blue Book and the Uniform Building Code had for the shift from allowable stress design to are intended as checks on the judgmentally
identified four basic structure types (These strength design. With this conversion, the duc- assigned design parameters. That is, since
will be described in Part 2 of this series). tile moment frames, which had been assigned the design parameters were based largely on

Each was assigned a value of the coefficient a K factor of 0.67, would have qualified for R judgment and supported by limited post-

K based originally on the judgment of of about 8.5. Bearing wall systems, called “box earthquake observations, in lieu of exhaustive

the SEAOC Seismology Committee. The systems” in earlier UBC editions, had been analysis or testing, it was important to the

relative K values, which remained unchanged assigned a K of 1.33, which converted to an code developers to restrict certain systems to
through the 1985 UBC, were intended to R factor of about 4.3. Thus, some of the dif- the range of application with which they were

T a
give all types of structural systems an equal ferences between 1997 UBC and ASCE 7-05 familiar. For example, ATC 3-06 notes that
probability of acceptable performance under (for example, 8.5 vs. 8 for special steel moment “the lack of reliable data on the behavior of

a design earthquake. frames, and 4.5 vs. 5 for special concrete shear high-rise buildings whose structural systems

Still, the Committee acknowledged that K walls in bearing wall systems) do not repre- involve shear walls or braced frames makes
was largely a “judgment factor” and recognized sent technical disagreements so much as it convenient at present to establish some

that the record of earthquake performance different genealogies of code development. In limits.” The current 65-foot limits on light-
for each system type would certainly grow, both cases, the code values continue to reflect framed and timber systems also reflect the
necessitating modifications. The first major the judgment of previous generations. limits of practical experience.
modifications came with ATC 3-06. While The basic limit for non-moment-resisting
the new R values were based on the existing frame systems in ASCE 7-05 is 160 feet, a value
Deflection Amplification Factor
K coefficients of the Blue Book, ATC-3-06 established by the first Blue Book to supple-
expanded the system table from four basic The Cd values in ASCE 7-05 also trace ment an earlier Los Angeles code requirement
types to 21 material-specific systems, making back to ATC 3-06. Low Cd values indicate for buildings taller than 13 stories. A height
distinctions among them to reflect expected relatively brittle systems. limit of 13 stories, approximately 150 or 160
differences in “toughness” and “damping.” The 1997 UBC is similar in its drift pro- feet, was imposed by Los Angeles zoning regu-
ATC-3-06 clearly notes that its R values were visions to ASCE 7-05, but it does not give lations since approximately the early-1900s.
“based on the best judgment and data available system-specific Cd values. Instead, the UBC A variance was granted for the 1928 Los
… and need to be reviewed periodically.” amplifies deflections by the value 0.7R. The Angeles City Hall, at 454 feet, the tallest build-
R values of the 1997 UBC, which differs 0.7R amplifier effectively requires design ing in California until 1964. Several buildings
somewhat from ASCE 7-05, were converted for 70% of the drift of the theoretically in downtown Los Angeles were constructed to
from earlier K values with the intent of leaving elastic structure. The corresponding value the 13-story zoning cap in the first half of the
design base shear levels unchanged. Roughly, in ASCE 7-05 would be represented by the twentieth century and called “limit-height”
ratio Cd/R. To the extent that this ratio differs buildings. In 1943, “the City of Los Angeles
from 0.7, the two codes will lead to dif- introduced an innovative seismic code that
ferent calculated drifts and could result in related the seismic coefficient to the flexibility of
different designs. the building – the first such code in the United
ADVERTISEMENT - For Advertiser Information,

The issue is most relevant for structures likely States and among the first anywhere.” (Berg
to be governed by drift rather than strength;
visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org

1983, p. 26) This “dynamic” equivalent static

that is, tall flexible structures with high R values, lateral force formula was written in such a way
such as special moment-resisting frames. ASCE that the calculation only worked for a building
7-05 Table 12.2-1 includes three moment up to 13 stories in height – because none taller
frame systems permitted for use in buildings was allowed in that jurisdiction. When the
taller than 65 feet in seismic design categories zoning-based height limit of Los Angeles was
D through F. For each of these, Cd/R = 5.5/8 abolished in the 1950s, California structural
= 0.69, so the design requirement is consistent engineers faced a dilemma in the development
with the UBC’s 0.7 value. of seismic requirements for taller high-rises.

STRUCTURE magazine 28 January 2009

Some engineers favored requiring moment- 240 feet. This discrepancy may be the result 2) The braced frames, moment frames,
frame structures in buildings less than 160-feet of an oversight during the development of or shear walls in any one plane shall
tall; but others felt older buildings of a given ASCE 7- 05. Without a technical basis for resist no more than 60 percent of the
height not conforming to the revised seismic specifically limiting the height of the STMF, total design seismic forces story shear
regulations could be automatically considered the Seismology Committee supports the in each direction, neglecting accidental
deficient and obsolete. height limit as posed in the 1997 UBC. torsional effects.
Thus, the 160-foot limit has its origins in this In ASCE 7-05 Table 12.2.1, the height lim- 3) The design seismic shear in any braced
Los Angeles city planning experience rather its for some dual systems with intermediate frame, moment frame, or shear® wall in
than an explicit seismic design rationale. The moment frames are less than for a building any one plane resulting from torsional

first Blue Book commentary noted clearly having the same bearing wall or building effects shall not exceed 20% of the total
“the limitations of 13 stories and 160 feet have frame system without the intermediate mo- design seismic shear in that element.▪

been established arbitrarily and are subject to ment frame. This is inconsistent. The dual
further study.” When ATC 3-06 revisited the system maximum height should be equal to
The Structural Engineers Association of
system table, it retained the 160-foot limit or greater than the limit tabulated for the case
California (SEAOC) is a professional as-

for high seismic areas, as well as the note where the bearing wall or building frame sys-
sociation of four member organizations
that its limiting values were “arbitrary, and tem is used alone.
t representing the structural engineering
igh of SRFS in ASCE 7-05

considerable disagreement exists … regarding For Height rLimits
[their] adequacy.” (ATC 1978). SectionCo p y, the Seismology Commit-
community in California.
The SEAOC Blue Book, the new edition
The provision introduced into the UBC tee recommends the following clarifications

of SEAOC’s signature publication, provides
after Los Angeles eliminated its height limit (proposed additions underlined and deletions
articles collected by the SEAOC Seismology
required any building taller than 160 feet with strikethrough):
Committee. New articles are added on an
to have a “ductile” moment-resisting frame, Increased Building Height Limit

ongoing basis, including the articles in this
ostensibly because shear wall and braced frame for Steel Braced Frames, Special Steel Truss
series. For specifics on the Blue Book, or

systems were perceived to lack “multiple lines Moment Frames, and Special Reinforced

for additional information on Seismology

of defense” While that limit has largely been Concrete Walls. The height limits in Table
Position Statements and other Seismology

retained for high-seismic areas, codes now 12.2-1 are permitted to be increased from 160
related articles, visit www.SEAOC.org.
permit other specific systems for heights up feet (50 meters) to 240 feet (75 meters) for

T a
Neither SEAOC, nor its members orga-
to 240 feet. As noted above, this is also an structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories
nizations, committees, authors, editors, or
arbitrary value, but it does recognize other D or E and from 100 feet (30 meters) to 160

individuals who have contributed to this
systems that, if not equivalent to special feet (5 meters) for structures assigned to Seismic
publication make any warranty, express

moment-resisting frames, are at least expected Design Category F that have steel eccentrically
or implied, or assume any legal liability
to provide ductility and reliability sufficient braced frames, special steel concentrically braced
or responsibility for the use, application

for acceptable performance. frames, special steel truss moment frames, or
of, and/or reference to opinions, findings,
Footnote d of ASCE 7-05 Table 12.2-1 special reinforced concrete cast-in-place shear
conclusions, or recommendations included
refers to section, which permits walls and that meet both of the following
in the SEAOC Blue Book.
systems with “steel braced frames” and requirements in each story:
“special reinforced concrete cast-in-place 1) The structure shall not have an extreme
shear walls” up to 240 feet in seismic design torsional irregularity as defined in Table
categories D and E if they are configured 12.2-1 12.3-1 (horizontal structural
for favorable resistance to torsion. The text irregularity Type 1b).
of the provision is inconsistently worded,
however, and therefore potentially unclear.
Specific clarifications to section
and to Table 12.2-1 footnotes d and e are
recommended below. It is the position of
the Seismology Committee that the in-
creased height limits in ASCE 7-05 Section ATC (Applied Technology Council) (1978). Tentative Provisions for the Development of should apply only to: Seismic Provisions of Buildings. ATC, Redwood City, CA.
• Cast-in-place (but not precast) ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) (2006). ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads
special reinforced concrete shear walls for Buildings and Other Structures, Including Supplement No. 1. American Society of Civil
in bearing wall systems, building Engineers, Reston, VA.
frame systems, or dual systems with
ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials) (1997). 1997 Uniform Building
intermediate moment frames.
Code. ICBO, Whittier, CA.
• Steel eccentrically braced frames with
either type of connection at columns Berg, Glen (1983). Seismic Design Codes and Procedures. Earthquake Engineering Research
away from links. Institute, Oakland, CA.
• Special (not ordinary) steel
concentrically braced frames in building
frame systems, but not in dual systems
with intermediate moment frames.
ASCE 7- 05 does not explicitly allow special
steel truss moment frames (STMF) up to 240
feet, while the 1997 UBC allow STMF up to

STRUCTURE magazine 29 January 2009

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