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Key to tests

Test 1: Present tenses

1. 1. Don’t eat 7. does / live
2. Give 8. phones
3. Let’s go 9. meet
4. Don’t swim 10. wants
5. Let’s dance
6. Enjoy 3. 1. ’s cooking
7. shut 2. ’re playing
8. Don’t walk 3. doesn’t speak
9. Let’s drive 4. Do / understand
10. Don’t forget 5. are watching
6. don’t finish
2. 1. works 7. goes
2. does / earn 8. ’s sending
3. goes 9. flies
4. does / study 10. ’s playing
5. Does / like
6. go

Test 2: Past Simple and Past Continuous

1. 1. bought 6. was sitting

2. did / do 7. was buying
3. swam 8. was drinking
4. didn’t finish / was 9. was running
5. flew 10. was dancing
6. didn’t sell
7. Did / see 3. 1. was waiting / met
8. tried 2. was cooking / rang
9. Did / take 3. began / were sitting
10. caught 4. was driving / had
5. were watching / stole
2. 1. was having 6. was writing / came
2. was eating 7. broke / was sleeping
3. was travelling 8. broke / was writing
4. was swimming 9. saw / was quarrelling
5. was looking 10. were watching / cooked
Test 3: Past Simple and Present Perfect

1. 1. ’ve lived
2. Have / seen
3. hasn’t eaten
4. Has / taken
5. haven’t bought
6. have / studied
7. Has / left
8. has / cheated
9. hasn’t given
10. Have heard

2. 1. ’ve lived / since

2. ’s played / for
3. ’s bought / since
4. hasn’t won / since
5. haven’t seen / since
6. haven’t worn / for
7. haven’t travelled / for
8. ’ve been / for
9. ’s won / since
10. ’ve taken / since

3. 1. did / do
2. have / done
3. lived
4. ’ve lived
5. Have / ridden
6. did / ride
7. ’s written
8. wrote
9. haven’t repaired
10. Did / repair

Test 4: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

1. 1. have / been playing

2. ’s been studying
3. ’ve been sitting
4. has / been living
5. ’ve been writing
6. ’s been dancing
7. Has / been working
8. have / been doing
9. ’ve been reading
10. ’s been driving

2. 1a. have / been watching

1b. have / watched
2a. ’s been washing
2b. has / washed
3a. has / won
3b. ’s been making
4a. Have / been playing
4b. have / played
5a. have / collected
5b. have / been collecting

3. 1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B

Test 5: Past Perfect and used to

1. 1. had met / introduced

2. had lived / moved
3. passed / had studied
4. didn’t have / had stolen
5. were / had missed
6. had won / celebrated
7. felt / had taken
8. hit / had kissed
9. had passed / gave
10. cooked / had finished

2. 1. sleeps
2. used to wear
3. used to travel
4. doesn’t wear
5. used to drink
6. washes
7. walks
8. used to know
9. used to go
10. used to be

3. 1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A

Test 6: The future

1. 1. ’ll
2. ’m going to
3. ’ll
4. ’m going to
5. ’m going to
6. ’ll
7. ’ll
8. ’m going to
9. ’m going to
10. ’ll

2. 1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D

3. 1. was going to
2. Are / going to
3. was going to
4. were going to
5. was going to
6. ’m going to
7. ’s going to
8. were going to
9. ’m going to
10. was going to

Test 7: When, before, after, as soon as, until

1. 1. go / ’ll visit
2. ’ll phone / arrives
3. won’t pay / receive (have received)
4. finish (have finished) / ’ll go
5. leaves / ’ll say
6. ’ve passed (pass) / ’ll look
7. won’t agree / send (have sent)
8. ’s / will explode
9. meet / ’ll ask
10. will be / shines

2. 1a. have decorated

1b. decorate
2a. sees
2b. has seen
3a. studies
3b. has studied
4a. have written
4b. write
5a. have cooked
5b. cook

3. 1. When I’ve found (I find) the money, I’ll buy a new car.
2. I’ll send a fax to you as soon as I get (I’ve got) the information.
3. She won’t sell her house until she sees (she’s seen) a lawyer.
4. He’ll take a photograph as soon as they come (they’ve come) out of the church.
5. She won’t marry him until she meets (she’s met) his family.
6. When we arrive at the airport our friends will meet us.
7. Harry will rob another bank as soon as he gets out of prison.
8. She won’t open her presents until it’s her birthday.
9. She’ll wear her new dress when she goes to the dance.
10. The lake will freeze as soon as the temperature drops.
Test 8: Can, could, be able to, may, might

1. 1. could swim
2. can’t go
3. can’t (can) speak
4. could play
5. could cook
6. can’t see
7. couldn’t control
8. can’t read
9. can’t walk
10. couldn’t play

2. 1. was able to
2. will be able to
3. will be able to
4. wasn’t able to
5. wasn’t able to
6. isn’t able to
7. will be able to
8. Were / able to
9. Will / be able to
10. Are / able to

3. 1. He may come to the party.

2. She might help you.
3. It might rain tomorrow.
4. They may be in the supermarket.
5. They might get married.
6. He might come to the disco.
7. My team may win the championship.
8. The sun may shine tomorrow.
9. I may visit you next summer.
10. He might be drunk.

Test 9: Must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to

1. 1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. D

2. 1. Do you have to study?

2. He doesn’t have to go to school.
3. Does she have to help her parents?
4. Do we have to wait?
5. Will they have to take the exam?
6. Did you have to pay for the tickets?
7. Did they have to go to London?
8. They didn’t have to help their mother.
9. Do the twins have to stay at home?
10. Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?

3. 1. mustn’t walk
2. mustn’t smoke
3. don’t have to
4. must see
5. don’t have to
6. don’t have to
7. mustn’t touch
8. doesn’t have to go
9. must wash
10. must drink

Test 10: Deduction

1. 1. can’t be
2. may be
3. must be
4. must have
5. can’t be
6. may study
7. must be
8. can’t be
9. must speak
10. may be

2. 1. must have stolen

2. must have won
3. must have murdered
4. must have rained
5. must have lost
6. must have quarrelled
7. must have eaten
8. must have escaped
9. must have lost
10. must have been

3. 1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. B

Test 11: Should, ought to, had better, need, needn’t

1. 1. should
2. ought
3. ought
4. should
5. should
6. should
7. oughtn’t
8. should
9. shouldn’t
10. oughtn’t

2. 1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. B
3. 1. I needn’t have made sixty sandwiches. / I didn’t need to make sixty sandwiches.
2. He needn’t have studied. / He didn’t need to study.
3. We didn’t need to pay.
4. I needn’t have taken any cream. / I didn’t need to take any cream.
5. I didn’t need to go to hospital.
6. I didn’t need to rent a room in a hotel.
7. I needn’t have bought the medicine. / I didn’t need to buy the medicine.
8. She needn’t have learnt to drive. / She didn’t need to learn to drive.
9. He needn’t have worn a suit. / He didn’t need to wear a suit.
10. She needn’t have reserved a room. / She didn’t need to reserve a room.

Test 12: Articles and demonstratives

1. 1. an
2. a
3. -
4. a
5. an
6. an
7. a
8. a
9. an
10. an

2. 1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. D

3. 1. these
2. those
3. this
4. those
5. This
6. Those
7. That
8. These
9. these
10. that

Test 13: Plural nouns, countables and uncountables

1. 1. knives
2. women
3. babies
4. countries
5. leaves
6. churches
7. chiefs
8. families
9. holidays
10. cities
11. kisses
12. tomatoes
13. children
14. men
15. boxes
16. matches
17. teeth
18. mice
19. sheep
20. feet

2. 1. some
2. some
3. a
4. some
5. some
6. a
7. some
8. some
9. some
10. a

3. 1. A, C
2. A, B
3. B, D
4. B, D
5. C, D
6. B, D
7. A, B
8. B, C
9. A, C
10. B, D
Test 14: Pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns, possessive -’s

1. 1. It
2. us
3. theirs
4. mine
5. them
6. hers
7. yours
8. It
9. they
10. ours

2. 1. the girls’ hostel

2. the teacher’s car
3. Tom’s sister’s house
4. my friends’ books
5. the tigers’ cage
6. my parents’ car
7. my girlfriend’s father
8. John and Jane’s bicycle
9. Pete’s uncle’s birthday
10. Shakespeare’s plays

3. 1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C

Test 15: Some, any, no

1. 1. any
2. no
3. any
4. no
5. some
6. any
7. some
8. some
9. any
10. some

2. 1. no one
2. anywhere
3. nothing
4. somewhere
5. Anyone
6. something
7. someone
8. anyone
9. anyone
10. something

3. 1. There wasn’t anyone in the room.

2. He wasn’t going anywhere.
3. There were no hamburgers left.
4. I ate nothing.
5. They’ve given me no information.
6. She didn’t meet anyone.
7. He gave me nothing.
8. Ben has no friends.
9. There isn’t any water in the desert.
10. He’s got nothing to do.

Test 16: A lot of, much, many, a few, a little, few, little

1. 1. A, C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. B, C

2. 1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. B

3. 1. E
2. G
3. F
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. I
8. H
9. J
10. A

Test 17: Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

1. 1. themselves
2. yourselves
3. myself
4. herself
5. herself
6. yourselves
7. yourself
8. himself
9. themselves
10. himself

2. 1. each other
2. myself
3. each other
4. himself
5. each other / themselves
6. himself
7. themselves
8. each other
9. each other
10. ourselves
3. 1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. A

Test 18: Each, every, all, both, most, some, none, both, either, neither

1. 1. are teachers
2. Each student has
3. Most people
4. everyone (everybody)
5. Most of the students
6. All countries / All the countries
7. All students were
8. all (of) the money
9. Every week
10. Most Dutch people speak

2. 1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. B

3. 1a. Neither of the films is

1b. Both of the films are
2a. either of the restaurants
2b. Neither of the restaurants
3a. Both of the art teachers
3b. Neither of the art teachers
4a. Both of my sisters
4b. Neither of my sisters
5a. either of
5b. neither of

Test 19: Relative pronouns

1. 1. who
2. which
3. which
4. where
5. whose
6. which
7. whose
8. which
9. whose
10. where

2. 1. They’ve eaten all the food (which) I cooked.

2. They’ve been rude to the man who delivered the papers.
3. They’ve laughed at the friends who visited me.
4. They’ve drunk all the bottles of wine (which) I bought for my birthday.
5. They’ve broken the clock (which) my grandfather gave me.
6. They’ve sold the box where I kept my jewels.
7. They’ve stolen the money (which) I left on the table.
8. They’ve burnt the letter (which) my boyfriend wrote.
9. They’ve invented a virus which destroyed all my computer files.
10. They’ve spent all the money (which) they stole from my wallet.

3. 1. The dancers, who come from Thailand, are very popular.

2. The new President, whose wife is a ballet dancer, gave a speech.
3. My friend, who is a world champion snowboarder, visited me.
4. The team, who (whose members) all come from Liverpool, won first prize.
5. The new machine, which cost half a million pounds, arrived at the factory.
6. The calendar, which has 52 pictures of Britain, cost five pounds.
7. The manager, whose grandfather started the company, raised everyone’s salary.
8. The first man on the moon, whose name was Neil Armstrong, was American.
9. Leeds Castle, where Henry VIII lived, is in Kent.
10. Chicago, which has a large Chinese community, is on the Great Lakes.
Test 20: Verbs with direct and indirect objects

1. 1. The Prince sent a telegram to me.

2. Did you give the manager the money?
3. The waiter bought her a coffee.
4. They offered me a new job.
5. She faxed a love-letter to her boyfriend.
6. He showed the photos to them.
7. He brought the information to her.
8. Her colleagues bought a gold clock for her.
9. Did you send a postcard to him?
10. He cooked his girlfriend dinner.

2. 1. The spy sold it to the enemy.

2. He sold it to his neighbour.
3. She baked it for her husband.
4. He lent it to me.
5. The teacher gave it to the students.
6. They offered it to her.
7. His friend passed it to the thief.
8. She showed them to her friend.
9. I bought it for my daughter.
10. They offered them to us.

3. 1. Did he give her

2. Did they offer her
3. Did she buy him a
4. Did she buy him
5. Will you send her
6. Did you show them
7. Did he cook her
8. Is he teaching her
9. Did she lend him
10. Has he given her some

Test 21: Question words

1. 1. What did Bell invent?

2. How many palaces does Myra Marvellossa have?
3. When did they build Big Ben?
4. Where does vodka come from?
5. Why did the Roman Empire collapse?
6. How did the police catch the murderer?
7. When did Shakespeare write Hamlet?
8. How many TV channels does Britain have?
9. When did Chaucer die?
10. Where did the first civilization appear?

2. 1. How is he?
2. What was / like
3. What did she look like?
4. How was she?
5. Who is he like?
6. How are
7. What does / look like
8. What is she like?
9. What was / like
10. What does / look like

3. 1. Who invented the telephone?

2. Who was the first man on the moon?
3. Who discovered gravity?
4. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
5. Where does Superman come from?
6. Who comes from the planet Krypton?
7. Which is the longest river in the world?
8. Who assassinated President Kennedy?
9. Who did Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate?
10. Who brought the Christian religion to Ireland?

Test 22: Short answers, question tags, so and neither

1. 1. I did
2. I’m not
3. he won’t
4. I haven’t
5. there were
6. there isn’t
7. she doesn’t
8. so
9. not
10. to

2. 1. can’t you
2. was he
3. didn’t she
4. won’t they
5. doesn’t he
6. isn’t it
7. didn’t he
8. aren’t there
9. aren’t you
10. will there

3. 1. So does my sister.
2. Neither am I.
3. I do too.
4. So was Tina.
5. So do Canadians.
6. Neither have I.
7. We did too.
8. Nor have I.
9. Neither do we.
10. The Japanese do too.

Test 23: Joining words and linking sentences

1. 1. although
2. while
3. before
4. after
5. so that
6. because
7. while
8. although
9. so that
10. because

2. 1. A, B
2. A, B
3. B
4. A, B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A, B
Test 24: Adjectives and adverbs

1. ADJECTIVES 1. fast
2. powerful
3. rich
4. handsome
5. large
6. yellow
7. small
8. sleepy
9. modern
10. stupid
11. friendly
12. French
13. Italian
14. wonderful
ADVERBS 1. slowly
2. carefully
3. fast
4. hard
5. easily
6. quickly
7. well

2. 1. unhappy
2. inexpensive
3. impatient
4. dissimilar
5. illegal
6. abnormal
7. hopeless
8. luckless
9. useless
10. imperfect

3. 1. luckily
2. truly
3. well
4. probably
5. immediately
6. dramatically
7. finally
8. wonderfully
9. completely
10. coolly
Test 25: Adverbs of frequency

1. 1. Bob often takes part in sport.

2. Tim never watches TV.
3. Sarah hardly ever takes part in sport.
4. Ali sometimes does the housework.
5. Tina normally takes part in sport.
6. Tim often does the housework.
7. Sarah generally watches TV.
8. Ali occasionally watches TV.
9. Bob seldom does the housework.
10. Tina sometimes watches TV.

2. 1. Nick and Jill sometimes go to the cinema. / Sometimes Nick and Jill go to the
2. Brian has never been to the USA.
3. How often do you go to the disco?
4. Sarah always enjoys watching TV.
5. Maria always reads the newspaper.
6. Bill has never been absent from school.
7. She occasionally telephones her children. / Occasionally she telephones her children.
8. How many times do you visit your grandparents?
9. Slim Skinty hardly ever has a bath.
10. The sun always shines in Florida.

3. 1. He always complains about the teachers.

2. We often go swimming with our friends.
3. The English are generally polite.
4. I have occasionally been to the clubs in London.
5. My parents have never travelled in the rest of Europe.
6. She hardly ever makes mistakes.
7. I seldom have time to finish my work.
8. We usually have meat and vegetables for Sunday lunch.
9. The trains are often late.
10. My friends and I usually enjoy going back to our old school.

Test 26: Comparative and superlative, as... as...

1. more beautiful than the most beautiful
2. luckier than the luckiest
3. better than the best
4. worse than the worst
5. more important than the most important
6. hotter than the hottest
7. more fashionable than the most fashionable
8. bigger than the biggest
9. healthier than the healthiest
10 wider than the widest

2. 1. the richest
2. longer than
3. the worst
4. more powerful than
5. the wettest
6. more comfortable than
7. safer than
8. better than
9. more carefully than
10. the most expensive

3. 1. isn’t as intelligent as Tom.

2. isn’t as fast as mine.
3. isn’t as delicious as hers.
4. are as expensive as Swiss watches.
5. isn’t as popular as The Sun.
6. is as healthy as John.
7. is as intelligent as Anna.
8. is as luxurious as the Dorchester.
9. aren’t as high as the Himalayas.
10. is as handsome as Stewart.

Test 27: Too and enough, such and so

1. 1. The rooms are too small.

2. The rooms aren’t clean enough.
3. The timetable is too complicated.
4. The books are too old-fashioned.
5. The building is too dark.
6. The computer laboratory isn’t modern enough.
7. The lessons aren’t useful enough.
8. The food is too fatty.
9. The dining room isn’t big enough.
10. The social programme isn’t exciting enough.

2. 1. The lessons aren’t cheap enough.

2. He's not intelligent enough.
3. This jacket is too small.
4. The swimming pool isn’t deep enough.
5. The bed is too uncomfortable.
6. The food isn’t healthy enough.
7. The rooms are too dirty.
8. The weather is too cold.
9. The exam isn’t difficult enough.
10. The music isn’t modern enough.

3. 1. are so good that everyone wants to buy them.

2. such changeable weather that I never know what to wear.
3. such hot curry that I can’t eat it.
4. was so wonderful.
5. so fast that no one can keep up with him.
6. so beautiful that all the men want to marry her.
7. so well that all the students love him.
8. are so bad that no one watches them.
9. such bad fog that they cancelled all the flights.
10. such a bad teacher that the students refused to go to his class.

Test 28: Prepositions of time and place

1. 1. at
2. at
3. on
4. in
5. in
6. at
7. on
8. at
9. on
10. in

2. 1. at 2. on 3. on
4. at 5. on 6. in
7. in 8. in 9. in
10. on

3. 1. during
2. while
3. While
4. during
5. during
6. while
7. while
8. during
9. during
10. while

Test 29: Prepositions of movement and other uses

1. 1. from / to
2. through
3. under
4. into
5. down
6. over / into
7. out of
8. along
9. across
10. towards

2. 1. on / about
2. at
3. by
4. by
5. in
6. like
7. on
8. With
9. for
10. up to

3. 1. out of
2. of
3. on
4. by
5. of
6. in
7. by
8. on
9. on
10. in
Test 30: Verbs + prepositions, adjectives + prepositions

1. 1. of learning
2. by cheating
3. of flying
4. for drinking
5. without waking
6. for telling
7. with sleeping
8. without buying
9. by breaking
10. without stopping

2. 1. at
2. about
3. to
4. in
5. at
6. of
7. to
8. of
9. at
10. of
11. of
12. of
13. for
14. with
15. from
16. with
17. on
18. of
19. about
20. to

Test 31: Be/get used to doing

1. 1. Tony is used to living alone.

2. I’m not used to wearing contact lenses.
3. Nick is used to travelling by train.
4. I’m not used to appearing on television.
5. Charlie is used to being in prison.
6. Alan is used to using a computer.
7. Tim is used to wearing glasses.
8. Kevin is used to talking to the media.
9. She isn’t used to wearing high heels.
10. Larry’s used to singing in public.

2. 1. Have you got used to living in a big city.

2. Are you used to travelling by underground?
3. Have you got used to living in a small flat?
4. I’ve been used to living in a small village.
5. Have you got used to the pollution?
6. I am getting used to the noise.
7. Have you got used to driving in heavy traffic?
8. I’m not used to going to nightclubs.
9. I’ve been used to buying fresh vegetables.
10. I haven’t got used to the London accent.

3. 1. got used to wearing

2. got used to eating noodles.
3. get used to talking
4. got used to writing
5. get used to living
6. gets used to seeing
7. get used to living
8. get used to living
9. get used to having
10. get used to giving

Test 32: Let, make, get

1. 1. They made him tell them the secret.

2. He doesn’t let his sons go out in the evening.
3. She made her boyfriend promise to marry her.
4. They let the dogs run in the forest.
5. The horror film made us have bad dreams.
6. The policeman let the prisoner smoke.
7. The bad weather might make him have an accident.
8. His parents made Jim stay at home.
9. The manager made his staff work harder.
10. The manager let his staff go home early.

2. 1. She got him to help us.

2. Can you get her to come to the party?
3. Please get them to lend me the money.
4. I made them explain the secret code.
5. How did you get him to lend you his car?
6. He made her get angry.
7. I got them to sell me their car.
8. She made the thief return the money.
9. Can you get her to show us her poems?
10. The doctor made her stop smoking.

3. 1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B

Test 33: Action and state verbs, verbs of perception

1. 1. don’t understand
2. believes
3. belongs
4. do / prefer
5. ’s listening
6. are / thinking
7. owns
8. ’re having
9. does / come
10. has (got)

2. 1. tastes
2. sounds
3. feel
4. smells
5. taste
6. smell
7. looks
8. hear
9. is smelling
10. feel

3. 1. smell
2. ’s smelling
3. own
4. don’t cost
5. forget
6. ’m forgetting
7. wants
8. Are / having
9. knows
10. don’t fit

Test 34: Make, do/lend, borrow/speak, talk etc.

1. 1. make
2. do
3. do
4. make
5. make
6. do
7. do
8. make
9. make
10. do

2. 1. lent
2. took
3. borrow
4. lend
5. borrow
6. take
7. taking
8. lend
9. borrow
10. pay

3. 1. speak
2. beat
3. forgotten
4. left
5. remind
6. talk
7. stole
8. looked at
9. protected
10. find
Test 35: Verb + -ing or to

1. 1. swimming
2. to play
3. smoking
4. riding
5. to catch
6. to solve
7. helping
8. to find
9. to post
10. talking

2. 1. I forgot to e-mail her.

2. I arranged to see Myra.
3. I’ll always remember appearing on TV.
4. I stopped writing letters at 10 o’clock.
5. He tried using a fibreglass racket.
6. He tried advertising in a magazine.
7. They stopped to look at the view.
8. I’ll try eating salads.
9. I’ll never forget meeting Michael Jackson.
10. He didn’t mind helping her.

3. 1. S
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. S
7. S
8. S
9. D
10. S

Test 36: Passive

1. 1. All the money from the bank was stolen yesterday.

2. A President is elected every four years.
3. English is spoken in most countries in Europe.
4. The car has not been washed since last month.
5. A new hospital is going to be built next year.
6. The dancers were told not to perform in the street.
7. The rooms should be cleaned every day.
8. Your heart will be tested tomorrow.
9. The last tree in the forest has been cut down today.
10. Excellent red wine is produced in France.

2. 1. Joe was taught Spanish at school.

2. They weren’t offered any help.
3. They were given food and accommodation by everybody in Mexico.
4. We have been sent some flowers.
5. The policeman was given their passports.
6. The manager was sent our exam results.
7. I was given a gold clock.
8. I was offered a different job.
9. The tax man was shown his financial records.

3. 1. The reporters were shown their new invention.

Their new invention was shown to the reporters.
2. Were you sent the new information?
Was the new information sent to you?
3. Her boss was given the report.
The report was given to her boss.
4. Have the police been shown the evidence?
Has the evidence been shown to the police?
5. She was paid a lot of money.
A lot of money was paid to her.

Test 37: Have/get something done

1. 1. I had my teeth checked.

2. Kate hasn’t had her film developed yet.
3. Louise is having a new jacket made for her.
4. Bill has his lawns cut.
5. Don has had his novel translated.
6. Donna has her fingernails painted.
7. Bill is going to have his shoulder tattooed.
8. Tom has the papers delivered to him.
9. Sid has had his car repaired.
10. Terry has his washing done.

2. 1. Sam ought to get his teeth checked.

2. George got his trousers shortened.
3. Tina gets her hair dyed every month.
4. Maria has got her house painted.
5. Ben must get his eyes tested.
6. Julia is going to get her photo taken.
7. Bob ought to get his letter typed.
8. Fred should get his piano repaired.
9. Donna should get her dog trained.
10. Martin is getting his novel published.

3. 1. did you have your carpet cleaned

2. have you had your hair dyed
3. did you get the roof repaired
4. have your house re-decorated
5. are you going to have your hair cut
6. Is Barry going to have his beard shaved off
7. you get the clock repaired
8. Has everyone had their hearts checked
9. get your passport changed
10. can I get this money changed
Test 38: Indirect speech

1. 1. Marilyn had broken into a cottage and had stolen some food.
2. Cinderella had been trying to marry the Prince.
3. Robin Hood was hiding in the forest because he had broken the law.
4. Jack had sold his family’s cow.
5. nobody had seen Dick since he had gone to London.
6. Peter was always daydreaming and never did any work.
7. her neighbour’s rich daughter had married a rich, ugly, old man.
8. Romeo had killed a man and had had to leave the city.
9. Hamlet was behaving very strangely and the King said that he was mad.
10. everybody was always telling her those stories.

2. 1. Susan told Dan to stop smoking.

2. Alan promised Tina he’d write every day.
3. Mike forbade Phil to go to the casino.
4. Bill reminded Pete to e-mail his parents.
5. Ali advised Sarah not to drink too much alcohol.
6. Tom warned Maggie not to cross the road without looking.
7. Colin persuaded Julie to pack her suitcase.
8. Stella apologised to Petra for breaking (having broken) her glasses.
9. Gina suggested going to the art gallery to Mike.
10. Pete complained to Anne that there was a mistake in that letter.

3. 1. what the time was

2. if he had been to India
3. where she was from
4. how old I was
5. why he was unhappy
6. if I had posted the letter
7. if he was coming to the party
8. if she wanted to go out with him
9. if she could speak Russian
10. if they had time to go to the shops
Test 39: Zero, first and second conditional

1. 1. go to London, I’ll see my friend.

2. goes to New York, he’ll fly with American Airways.
3. If the number of cars grow, the levels of pollution ( (will) increase.
4. If the sun shines tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic.
5. If a lot of people buy his book, he’ll become famous.
6. If his book is a success, they’ll make it into a film.
7. If the water pollution gets worse, the fish (will) die.
8. If she wins the tennis match, she’ll win a silver cup.
9. If I learn Spanish, I’ll get a job in Spain.
10. If the art galleries are free, more people go to look at the paintings.

2. 1. were / ’d change
2. came /
3. landed / would...react
4. won / ’d give
5. erupted / would be destroyed
6. had / ’d travel
7. were / ’d enjoy
8. learnt / ’d make
9. rose / would disappear
10. invented / would live

3. 1. passes / ’ll go
2. got / ’d study
3. meets / ’ll get
4. married / ’d have
5. became / ’d change
6. gets / will improve
7. lived / ’d study
8. live / ’ll collect
9. becomes / will learn
10. had / would be
Test 40: Third conditional and wish

1. 1. hadn’t come / wouldn’t have met

2. wouldn’t have recovered / hadn’t given
3. hadn’t practised / wouldn’t have won
4. hadn’t quarrelled / wouldn’t have lost
5. hadn’t supported / would have lost
6. wouldn’t have married / hadn’t lost
7. hadn’t invaded / would have been
8. hadn’t been invented / wouldn’t have changed
9. had cheated / could have passed
10. wouldn’t have been killed / hadn’t happened

2. 1. If they both hadn’t liked art, they wouldn’t have started talking.
2. If Chloe’s train hadn’t been cancelled, she wouldn’t have stayed in London.
3. If Ben hadn’t shown her his studio, she wouldn’t have seen his paintings.
4. If Ben hadn’t had a girlfriend, he would have asked Chloe to go out with him.
5. If Chloe’s father hadn’t been an art dealer, she wouldn’t have known a lot about art.
6. If Chloe hadn’t liked Ben’s paintings, she wouldn’t have decided to help him.
7. If her father had not loved Chloe, he wouldn’t have agreed to help Ben.
8. If her father hadn’t organised an exhibition, Ben wouldn’t have sold a lot of
9. If Ben hadn’t got a lot of money, he wouldn’t have been able to marry his girlfriend.
10. If Chloe hadn’t fallen in love with Ben she wouldn’t have had a broken heart.

3. 1. Bella wishes she hadn’t gone on holiday in Spain.

2. Maria wishes she hadn’t bought a second-hand TV.
3. Ben wishes he hadn’t lost his passport.
4. Petra wishes she hadn’t quarrelled with her parents.
5. Tina wishes she hadn’t gone to the mountains.
6. Stella wishes Harvey would telephone her.
7. Jack wishes he hadn’t decided to be a footballer.
8. Pete wishes he could drive a Mercedes.
9. Sam wishes he had gone to university.
10. Slim Skinty wishes he had saved some money.

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