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Art of Short-Form Content Research Project

This guide provides everything you need to conduct in-depth research on the ever-evolving

world of short-form content. Whether you're fascinated by the captivating power of short-

form videos or curious about the impact of influencers, this project empowers you to delve

into a specific area that piques your interest.

You'll find a comprehensive list of research topics related to short-form content. These

topics are categorized to help you explore various aspects:

 Previously Assigned Topics: These were chosen by your classmates.

 New Topics with Focus on Specific Platforms: Explore the unique features and

differences of various platforms.

 New Topics with Impact and Analysis Focus: Investigate the broader social and

psychological effects of short-form content.

 New Topics with Creative Exploration Focus: Uncover the artistic potential and

future possibilities of short-form content.

Paper Formatting & Template:

This section outlines the essential structure and formatting guidelines for your research

paper. It serves as a roadmap to ensure a well-organized and professional presentation of

your findings.


1. Select your research topic: Carefully review the provided list and choose a topic

that resonates with you. Consider your interests and potential research questions

you'd like to explore.

2. Refine your research question: Within your chosen topic, develop a specific and

focused research question that guides your investigation.

3. Conduct your research: Dive into scholarly articles, industry reports, and credible

online sources to gather information. Remember to properly cite your sources.

4. Structure your paper: Use the provided paper formatting & template as a

framework for organizing your research paper.

5. Write and revise: Draft your paper, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and proper

grammar. Revise and edit your work meticulously.

Research Topics

 The Impact of Short-Form Video Content on Attention Span and Information

Retention: A Neuroimaging Study (Rahaf)

 Microblogging and Brand Engagement: Strategies for Effective Short-Form

Content Marketing (Open)

 The Art of Brevity: Storytelling Techniques for Short-Form Video Content


 Short-Form Content and Social Influence: Examining the Role of Influencers in

Shaping Consumer Behavior (Muath)

 Bite-Sized Learning: The Effectiveness of Short-Form Educational Content in

Online Environments (Open)

 The Rise of Short-Form Content: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for

Content Creators (Mira)

 Short-Form Content and Attention Economics: A Study of User Engagement

Patterns on Social Media (Open)

 Creative Constraints: Exploring the Artistic Potential of Short-Form Content

Platforms (Mohye)

 Difficulties and Future: (Mariana)

 Relation between (SFC) Attention Span and Customer Sentiments: Regarding

loyalty to the brand (Sarah)

New Topics with Focus on Specific Platforms:

 The Evolution of Short-Form Content: A Comparative Analysis of Different

Platforms (e.g., TikTok vs. Instagram Reels) (Open)

 The Algorithmic Influence: How Short-Form Content Platforms Shape User

Engagement and Consumption (Open)

 Beyond Likes and Shares: Exploring the Meaningful Metrics for Success in Short-

Form Content (Open)

New Topics with Impact and Analysis Focus:

 The Power of Micro-Influencers: How Short-Form Content Democratizes Brand

Advocacy (Open)

 Short-Form Content and Misinformation: Examining the Spread of Fake News and

Strategies for Verification (Open)

 The Emotional Resonance of Short-Form Content: Exploring User Responses and

the Power of Storytelling (Open)

 The Accessibility Revolution: How Short-Form Content Platforms are Changing

Storytelling for Diverse Audiences (Open)

New Topics with Creative Exploration Focus:

 From Long-Form to Short-Form: Adapting Traditional Storytelling Techniques for

the Bite-Sized Era (Open)

 The Rise of User-Generated Content: How Short-Form Platforms are Empowering

Creative Expression (Open)

 The Future of Short-Form Content: Exploring Emerging Technologies and

Storytelling Innovations (Open)

 The Power of Sound and Music: Examining the Role of Audio in Short-Form

Content Engagement (Open)

Paper Formatting & Template

General Formatting:

 Use 12-point font (e.g., Times New Roman) with double line spacing.

 One-inch margins on all sides.

 Page numbers on the top right corner (starting from the second page).

Required Sections (Titles):

1. Title Page:

o Title of Your Research Paper (Clear and concise, reflecting your research


o Your Name(s)

o Course Name & Instructor

o Due Date

2. Abstract (150-200 words):

o Briefly summarize your research topic, research question(s), methodology,

key findings, and conclusion.

3. Introduction:

o Introduce the concept of short-form content and its growing importance.

o Clearly state your research question or thesis statement (what you aim to

o Briefly mention the background and significance of your chosen topic.

4. Literature Review:

o Discuss relevant existing research on short-form content related to your


o Analyze different perspectives and findings from credible sources.

o Integrate citations to support your claims.

5. Methodology (if applicable):

o Explain the methods you used to conduct your research (e.g., surveys, case

studies, content analysis).

o Describe the data collection process and your sample population (if


6. Findings:

o Present your research results in a clear and organized manner.

o Use visuals like tables, graphs, or screenshots (if appropriate) to support

your findings.

o Interpret your results and explain their connection to your research question.

7. Discussion:

o Analyze your findings and discuss their implications within the context of

short-form content.
o Connect your findings to existing research and identify any potential

limitations of your study.

8. Conclusion:

o Briefly summarize your research question/thesis statement and key


o Offer your concluding thoughts and the significance of your research on the

art of short-form content.

9. References:

o List all sources you cited in your paper using a consistent style guide (e.g.,


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