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Student Nurse: OMAIRA S.

ESMAIL Level/Section: IV-C Date:

Patient (Initials only): J.P Age: 13 Gender: MALE Ward/Room/Bed: 4 Allergy to: NONE

Generic Name: Citicoline Brand Name: Fornerv Dosage, Route & Timing: 500mg IV q12hrs


Pharmacologic Class: Nootropics Citicoline is an endogenous nucleoside that plays a role in the biosynthesis of lecithin. It boosts Onset: 1 to 2 hours
Therapeutic Class: Neuroprotective Agents phosphatidylcholine (the key phospholipid in neuronal membranes) synthesis and acetylcholine Peak: 4 to 6 hours
Pregnancy Category: Category output. It is also believed that it enhances brain blood flow and oxygen intake. Duration: 24 to 36 hours


INDICATION: Take citicoline as
CVA in acute and recovery phase. Symptoms and signs of cerebral directed by your doctor
This is essential to ensure that the patient receives the appropriate amount of
insufficiency i.e.,dizziness, headache, poor concentration, memory loss,
Administering the medication medication in the correct manner. Different medications have specific dosages and for memory and brain
disorientation. Recent cranial trauma and their sequence.
according to the prescribed dosage routes of administration (such as oral, intravenous, or topical), and adhering to these health. .
and route. guidelines helps to maximize the medication's effectiveness while minimizing the risk
of adverse effects or complications.

CONTRAINDICATIONS / PRECAUTIONS All medications have the potential to cause adverse reactions or side effects, ranging
>Contraindicated in patients with hypertonia of the parasympathetic from mild to severe. By closely monitoring the patient for any signs or symptoms of Report any unusual
nervous system. Monitoring the patient for any such reactions, healthcare providers can promptly identify and address them to symptoms to your
>Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the medication. adverse reactions or side effects. ensure the patient's safety and well-being. This also involves educating the patient
healthcare provider.
about potential side effects and encouraging them to report any unusual symptoms.
DRUG INTERACTIONS (Drug-Drug / Drug-Food / Drug-Diagnostics / Drug- Citicoline is a compound that may be used to support cognitive function and
Herb) Assessing the patient's cognitive neurological health. Therefore, assessing aspects such as cognitive function,
Citicoline may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners like Keep it out of reach of
function and neurological status to memory, attention, and neurological status can help healthcare providers determine
warfarin, antiplatelet drugs, and drugs that affect blood pressure or heart function.
evaluate the medication's whether the medication is having the desired therapeutic effects. Regular evaluation children and store it
allows for adjustments to the treatment plan if needed and ensures optimal outcomes properly.
Additionally, it may interact with other supplements or herbs that affect brain
function. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting citicoline, effectiveness.
especially if taking other medications or supplements. for the patient.
SIDE EFFECTS / ADVERSE REACTIONS / ADVERSE EFFECTS (By Accurate documentation is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive record of the
System) patient's treatment and progress. This includes recording details such as the date and
Cardiac disorders: Bradycardia, tachycardia. time of medication administration, the dosage given, the route of administration, any Educating the patient about
Gastrointestinal disorders: Diarrhea, epigastric discomfort, stomachpain. Documenting the administration observed adverse reactions or side effects, and the patient's response to treatment.
the medication's purpose,
General disorders and adminsite conditions: Fatigue. and the patient's response to Proper documentation facilitates communication among healthcare providers, dosage regimen, and
Nervous system disorders: Dizziness, headache. citicoline accurately. promotes continuity of care, and serves as a legal record of the care provided.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Rashes.
potential effects.
Vascular disorders: Hypotension.

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