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Rane LLL B.Tech. / M.Tech (Integrated) DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2023 First and Second Semester 21BES101T~ ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING sie (For the candidates admitted from the academic year 202] - 2022 & 2022 - 2023) (Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 40 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed _ __ 0Ver to hall invigilator at the end of 40° minute. (i) Part—B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 PART - A (20 x 1 = 20Marks) ee ee Answer ALL Questions 1. A 100 W lamp is connected across 220 V DC supply. Determine the value ' 7 1} of current drawn by the lamp? (A) 2.5A (B) 104 (©) 0.454 (@) 5A 2. To neglect the voltage source in Thevenin’s theorem, the terminal across 1 1 1 1 the sources are (A) Replaced byload resistance (B)_ Replaced by capacitance (C) Short circuited (D) Open circuited 3. Ina circuit with pure inductance, the current the voltageby90°. } 1 7 1 (A) Leads (B) Lags (©) Inphase (D) Greater than and equal 4, The nodal method of circuit analysis is based on Jon ed (A) Thevenin’s theorem (B): Norton’s theorem (C) Kirchoff voltage law (D) Kirchoff current law 5. The knee voltage of silicon diode is : ron 2 (A) 02V ®) 07V (©), 08V () 10V 6. Which among the following is a current controlled device? wun 2d (A) BIT (B) MOSFET (©) JFET () Diode 7. The algebraic function of XOR gate is_ igre go (A) '+2'y @) Cae (C) -wtx'y @) wt" 8. FPGA stands for ee eA (A) Flexible Programmable Gate (B) Flexible Programmable Gate Array Acceleration (© Field Programmable Gate (D) Field Programmable Gate Array ‘Accelerator 30MF12-21EESIOIT Page Lof4 9. . Which of the following, : eee ‘The transformer core is made up of Iaminations a Be ssc (A). Eddy current losses (B) tron ois 1085 {O) Siray losses (D) Hysteresis 10 : heise ceheralor 16 0 ‘The function of a commutator in DC generator 18 10 oy (A) Convert DC 10 DC (8) Convert be to AC (C) Convert AC to AC (D) Conver” or y, B are = winding R, ¥> In a three phase induction motor, the three phase connected in (A) Series = (B) Parallel (©). Series and parallel (D) Star . Stepper motor isa____ device. (A) Mechanical (B) Analog (C)_ Incremental (D) Storage . Moving coil instruments are used to measure : ia only (A) DC quantity only (B) AC quantity on! (C) Both AC and DC quantity (D) Either AC or DC _ The below symbol represents device. \ a (A) LED (B) LCD (C) Photodiode (D) Laser diode Which of the following represents active transducer? (A) Strain gauge (B) LVDT (C) Thermistor (D) Thermocouple . What is the principle employed in operation of LVDT? (A) Mutual inductance (B) Self inductance (C) Permeance (D) Reluctance . What is the frequency of AC supply followed in India? (A) 50 Hz. (B) 60 Hz (C) 40 Hz (D) 75 Hz is a non-renewable energy resource? (B) Wind power : (D) Tidal power tetoe s ao coven protection to provide Against verloading ‘ % Be eal (B) Voltage fluctuation (D) Danger of electric shock (A). Solar power (C) Thermal power yr 9, Electric vehicl 20 ommon EX! (A) Battery, (©) Motor jes and hybrid vehicles ha: sha or s ve the following component: (B)_ Electronic control unit (D)_Intemat combustion engine PART —B (5 x 8 = 40 Marks) Answer ALL Questions snus mc 70 7 sh analysi : gue Applying mesh analysis, find the current in the various resistors in the "7 | Be Sronit shown below: 62Q 30 AM AM TRC (OR) , An inductive coil takes 10A and dissipates 1000W when connected toa * + ee cupply of 250V, 25Hz. Calculate the impedance, resistance, reactance and the power factor. 22.a. Sketch the circuit diagram and output characteristics of JFET and explain * ! its operation. (OR) b. With neat circuit diagram, discuss the operation of linear voltage regulator. S !? 73.a. Describe the construction and working principle of BLDC motor with neat © 1% diagram. (OR) ». Briefly explain the factors to be considered for the selection of drives for $1 * cranes, 2%4.a. With neat sketch, comment on the construction and working principle of an instrament which is used to measure only de quantities. (OR) : 1 ». Write short notes on: SORE: (1) Thermistor 2) Thermocouple 25.8. Des i uy 4 Deseribe the simple layout of electrical power system with neat sketch, One (OR) ‘ so b. Wit i With neat diagram, explain the working of a fuel cell PART — C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks) een Answer ANY ONE Question i isla ay a 26. Applying superposition theorem for the circuit shown below, determine the voltage drop across the 20 resistor. 100 20. AW AW + 200 20v = 27. Simplify the following Boolean expressions using k-map and implement "7 7 ? the simplified expressions using logic gates. ¥(4,B,C,D)=¥,,,(0,1,2,4, 5, 7,8, 9, 10, 12, 13) ¥(A4,B,C,D) =z, (3,6,11,14,15) ween

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