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• Advanced Packaging (5) • Geoscience and Remote Sensing (15)

• Aerospace and Electronic Systems (21) • Image Processing (19)
• Antennas and Propagation (54) • Industrial Electronics (14)
• Applied Superconductivity (29) • Industry Applications (19)
• Automatic Control (44) • Information Theory (17)
• Biomedical Engineering (33) • Instrumentation and Measurement (107)
• Broadcasting (23) • Knowledge and Data Engineering (31)
• Circuits and Systems for Video • Lightwave Technology (13)
Technology (13) • Magnetics (44)
• Circuits and Systems: Analog and • Medical Imaging (12)
Digital Signal Processing (86) • Microelectromechanical Systems (3)
• Circuits and Systems: Fundamental • Microwave Theory and
Theory and Applications (38) Techniques (109)
• Communications (47) • Multimedia (9)
• Components, Packaging, and • Networking (36)
Manufacturing Technology (13) • Neural Networks (18)
• Computational Intelligence (7) • Nuclear Science (12)
• Computational Science and • Oceanic Engineering (7)
Engineering (56) • Parallel and Distributed Systems (15)
• Computers (76) • Pattern Analysis and Machine
• Computer‐Aided Design of Integrated Intelligence (32)
Circuits (9) • Photonics Technology (30)
• Consumer Electronics (13) • Plasma Science (11)
• Control Systems Technology (13) • Power Delivery (35)
• Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (20) • Power Electronics (23)
• Education (9) • Power Systems (18)
• Electromagnetic Compatibility (5) • Power and Energy (12)
• Electron Devices (79) • Professional Communications (14)
• Electronic Materials (39) • Quantum Electronics (7)
• Energy Conversion (45) • Rehabilitation Engineering (7)
• Engineering Management (42) • Reliability (16)
• Fuzzy Systems (10) • Robotics and Automation (17)
• Semiconductor Manufacturing (26)
• Sensors (15)
• Signal Processing (20)
• Software Engineering (51)
• Solid State Circuits (25)
• Speech and Audio Processing (16)
• Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (17)
• Technology and Society (6)
• Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and
Frequency Control (23)
• VLSI Systems (5)
• Vehicular Technology (11)
• Visualization and Computer
Graphics (22)

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