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Sentence Race
Age/Level: Any Time: 20 minutes Players: 2 teams

Preparation: Two identical sets of word cards

Aim: To write a sentence containing a particular word

This fun ESL writing game is ideal for large classes. It's useful for teaching or revising
vocabulary and sentence structure.

Before you start the game, prepare two sets of word cards. One word should be written on
each piece of paper and both sets should be identical.


Separate the students into two teams.

Hand out one set of word cards to each team. Make sure each student has one word.

When you call out a word, the two students with that card must run to the board and write a
sentence using the word.

The winner is the first student to write a clear and grammatically correct sentence.

That student wins a point for their team.

The team with the most points at the end is the winner. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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