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Dice of Fortune
Age/Level: Any Time: 20 Minutes Players: 3 teams Preparation: A large dice

Aim: To guess a word or sentence by inserting letters into blank spaces

You can use this enjoyable ESL hangman game to revise vocabulary or sentence structure.


Begin the game by splitting the students into three teams.

Draw the six sides of a dice on the board and assign the following value to each number.

1 = 10 points

2 = 20 points

3 = 30 points

4 = Bankrupt

5 = Roll again

6 = 100 points

Then, draw a hangman style clue on the board. It can be a word, phrase or complete

The first team chooses a letter and then rolls the dice. If you can, use an oversized dice, the
bigger the better.

If the letter appears in the clue, the team scores the assigned value for every occurrence of
the letter.

If the letter doesn't appear in the clue, play passes to the next team.

When a clue is complete, the points scored by each team are safe and can't be rubbed out if

The game is then repeated until a time limit is reached or all the clues are guessed.

The team with the highest score is the winner. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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