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Sentence Hangman
Age/Level: Any Time: 20 minutes Players: 2 or more teams Preparation: None

Aim: To guess a sentence by inserting letters into blank spaces

This hangman game uses a complete sentence rather than an individual word. It is a useful
game for introducing topics, vocabulary or grammar points at the beginning of a lesson.


Divide the students into two or more teams.

Draw a line for each letter in the sentence. Separate the words with a slash.

Example: The capital of England is London.


Explain to the teams that they can guess either individual letters or complete words.

If a team correctly guesses an individual letter, they receive a point for each occurrence of
the letter in the complete sentence.

Example: A team guesses the letter N.

___/_______/__/_n___n_/__/__n__n = 4 points

If a team correctly guesses a one word, they will win the total number of letters in the word.
This includes any previously entered individual letters.

Example: A team guesses the word England.

___/_______/__/England/__/__n__n = 7 points

When a team correctly guesses a letter or word, they get an extra turn, and then it’s the next
teams go.

Play a few rounds. The team with the highest number of points by the end of the game is the
winner. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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