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Yeah, I took the geography class when I was in grade 10 and there are some units in the

textbook about outer space and stars. I’v learnt something about the Galaxy, the
beginning of universe and the solar system.

2. Do you like science fiction movies? Why?

Yeah, I love science fiction movies cause they’ve never disappointed me. It creates
the fantasy world, making people escape from the boring in life. On top of that,
the special effects in the movies give people lots of visual impacts.

3. Do you want to know more about outer space?

Obviously I do because I’m curious about everything of outer space. There are so many
mysteries like, whether alien beings exist in the universe, so l’d like to go into outer
space if I have a chance

4. Do you want to go into outer space in the future?

Yeah, I’m definitely looking forward to that. Actually, I dreamed of being
an astronaut when I was a kid. Although it’s just a dream, thinking of travelling in the
outer space is super cool. Maybe it can be one day when I have enough money.

1. Do you often go to the library?

Yes, quite often actually. I love to go there to read and the library is a great
place to find new books. It has a great selection of magazines and newspapers
that I can browse through. Another perk of the library I could think of is
the quiet atmosphere to study or work on projects.
2. Did you go to the library when you were a kid?
Of course, I remember it fondly. I would go with my mom and we would pick out books
together. I loved the feeling of being surrounded by so many books and the smell of the
library. I would spend hours there, reading and exploring. It was a great way to spend my
free time and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do it.

Do Vietnamese students often go to the library?

Not quite. Libraries are supposed to be a great resource for students
to access books, journals, and other materials to help them with their studies,
yet many universities and schools have not invested sufficient amounts to this.
If available, many libraries offer study spaces and computer access, which can
be very helpful for many students.

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