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Objective type of question

CRP321 –Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops (1+1)

Course teacher: Dr. G. Karuppusamy (Crop Physiology)

Growth –phase of growth –factors affecting growth

1. The concept of leaf inclination was given by ………………. wit b.lang c.leopold d.went
2. The movement of compounds from an area where they were once deposited to an areawhere they can
be reutilized is referred to as …………….
a.remobilization b.mobilization c.utilization
3. Theory of optimum and limiting factors was given by
a. went et al b.mitscherilich c.f.f.blackman d.warburg
4. The interval of time between the appearance of the tip successive leaves is termedas…………….

a.phyllochron b.plastochron c.both d.none

5. Removal of inflorescence in tabacco is known as ………….
a.plugging b.topping c.nipping d.none
6. Growth at cellular level is principally a consequence in the amount of ………..
a.protoplasm b.cellwall c.apoplast d.apoplasm
7. The rate of growth is highest in
a.lag phase b.Log phase c.steady phase d.stationary phase
8. Plant growth is regulated by ……………
a.climatic factor b.growthhormone c.genetic factor d.all

9. Growth is measured by ………..

A.osmometer b.auxanometer c.photometer d.clinostat
10. Growth continuously takes place in …………..
a.cambium b.meristem d.leaves
11. A standard growth curve of plants is …………
a.bell shaped b.sigmodial c.pyramidal d.straight
12. Plant growth can be measured with help of
a.porometer b.arc c.potometer d.spectrometer
13. Example of monocarpic plant
a.wheat b.barley c.rice d.all
14. Example of polycarpic plant c.grape d.all
15. The term totipotency was given by ……….
a.moore b.haberlandt c.watson d.kohn
16. The term LAI was coined by ………
A.naylor b.mann c.waston d.none
17. Leaf area index at which the canopy first reaches maximum CGR is known as………..
a.cirtical LAI b.optimal LAI c.both d.none
18. LAI at which there is maximum CGR is known as ………..
a.cirtical LAI b.optimal LAI c.both d.none
19. Biomass duration is analogous to ………….
20. The term harvest index was given by
a.Arnon b.Donald c.lang d.leopold
Physiological aspects of growth parameters in crop productivity
1. Wheat is a limited crop
a.Sink b.source c.both d.none
2. Pluses are generally poor yielder because of………….
a.source limitation b.sink lmitation c.transportation d.all the above
3. The harvest index of wheat is about %
a.25-30 b.30-35 c.35-40 d.40-45
4. Plant growth is regulated by
a.climatic factor b.growthhormone c.geneticfactor d.all

5. Growth is ………………….
a. revisable b.irireversible c.both d. none
6. Development is ………….
a.anabolic b.catabolic c.both d. none
7. Example of monocarpic plants ………..
a.carrot b.rice c.wheat d.all
8. Example of polycarpic palnts
a. apple c.grapes d.all
9. Log phase otherwise called as…………..
Stationary phase Lag phase c.log phase d.none
10. Reapid growth increase which phase
Stationary phase Lag phase c.log phase d.none
11. What are the internal factors affect growth
a.photosynthetic rate b.respiration c.transpiration d.all
12. What are the external factors affect growth
a.light b.temperature c.water d.all
13. What are the measurements of growth method b.horizontalmethod c.auxanometers d.all

14. What are the biological factors affect the plant growth
a.insects b.pests c.disease d.all
15. What are the soil factors affect the plant growth
a.texture b.structure matter d.all
16. Measurements of growth can be done by old method using
a.horizontal microscope b.arc auxanometer c.pffer’s auxanometer d.all of above

17. Example of Primary meristem

a.Apical shoot b.apical shoot c.both d.none
18. Example of lateral meristem
a.increase cambium b. increase cork c.both d.none
growth growth

19. Example of intercalary meristem

a. bamboo b.brinjal c.bhendi
20. Growth phases in cell level
a.Cell Formation b.Cell Elongation c.Cell Maturation d.All
Growth analysis –role of physiological growth parameters in cropproductivity

1. Lag phase otherwise callled

a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescence phase d.all
2. Log phase otherwise called
a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescence phase d.all

3. Steady phase otherwise called

a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescencephase d.all

4. Optimum temperature range from …..

a. c.22 to 30° C c.28 to 33° C c.18 to 20° C d.all
5. Low temperature contains plant react ……
a.Chilling b.Freezing injury c. both d.none
6. High temperature contains plant react ……
a. enzyme denature b.membraneaffected c.photosynthetic d.all
7. High light intensity produce
a.dwarf plant b.high photosyhtetic c. ROS production d.all

8. Low light intensity plant

a. etilation b.chlorophyll c.NRase enzyme d.all
synthesis affected effected
9. What are the hormone Growth promoting hormone
a.Auxin b.gibberellin c.cytokinin d.all
10. What are the hormone Growth inhibiting hormone
a.ABA b.ethylene c.both d.none
11. List out growth parameter
a. plant height leaf rea c.leaf area d.all
12. What are the light absorbed in plants b.violet d.all
13. What the light reduced to the growth
a.UV B.Infra red c. both d. none
14. Which stage growth almost stopped
a. lag phase b.log phase c.Steady phase d.all
15. Cell maturation which stage attained
a. lag phase b.log phase c.Steady phase d.all
16. Lag phase
a.cell division b.cell elongation c.both d.none
17. Example of annuals
a. rice b.wheat gram d.all
18. Example of perennials c.coconut d.all
19. Example of binneals
a. groudnut b.carrot c.radish d.all
20. Embryogenesis otherwise …..
a.Single cell to multi b. Seedling c. Flower initiationto d.all
cell emergence to flower fruit development
Hormones and plant growth regulators physiological roles and agriculturaluses –biosynthetic
pathway and role of auxins and gibberelins
1. Seed coat dormancy is caused by accumulation of
a. Auxin b.GA c.phenols d.caumarins

2. Aleurone layer surrounds the starchy endosperm in,

a. cereal grains b.endospermic c. seeds of d.none of the asbove
dicot seeds gymnosperms

3. Gibberellins are derivate from ……………….

a. monoterpenes b.sesquiterpenes c.diterpenes d.triterpenes
4. which of the following is not a physiological effect of auxin in higher plants
a. apical dominance b.cell elongation c.root initiation d.none of the above
5. The element which is essential for synthesis of IAA is
a.N b.B d.Zn
6. The fungus Gibberella fujikuroi causes backbane disease in
a.rice seedlings b.maize seedlings c.wheat seedlings d.None

7. gibberellin transport in plant is predominantly ……………..

a.polar b.lateral c.non-polar d.none of the above
8. Auxin is synthesized mainly in …………
a. roots b. meristmatic c.shoots d.none of the above
9. Seed dormancy breaking hormone
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin
10. Parthnocarpy inducing hormones in grapes
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin
11. Increase the male flower in pinapple which hormone used ……………
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin

12. Richest source of gibberellins in higher plants

a.root b.stem c.leaf d.immature seeds
13. The primary physiological effect of auxin in plants
14. a. elongation ofinternodes b. cell division c. elongation ofcells in d. none

15. Tisstue culture auxin and cytokine ratio for root development ……………
a.High auxin &low b.low auxin & c equal level of d. all
cytokinin High cytokinin auxin &cytokinin

16. In moncot seedling the highest concentration of auxin is found in the ………
a.coleoptile tip b.seed c.root d.stem
17. Transport of auxin in plant is predominantly …………..
a.polar b.nonpolar c.lateral d.none
18. GA promotes male flowers
a.curcurbits b.pinapple
19. GA antagonistically with
a.ABA B.IAA c.Zeatin d.None
20. Bolting of cabbage is induced by application of………..
a.GA B.IAA c.Zeatin d.None
Plant growth regulators physiological roles and agricultural uses –biosynthetic pathway and
role of cytokinin,ethylene andABA

1. The site for cytokinin synthesis is

a.young leaves b.Root tip c.older leaves d.shoot apex

2. For hulling of Walnut most useful growth hormone is

a. IAA d.Kinetin d.Kinetin
3. All cytokinins are derivatives of ……………..
a. Adenin b.Guanines c.GA3 d.Uracil
4. Example anti senescence hormone
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin

5. Most important biological effect of kinetin in plants is to induce

a.cell enlargement b.cell division c.elongation of d.None
6. Which of the following has not been isolated from lants
a. cytokinin b.Auxin c.Kinetin d.Gibberellin
7. ………….. nucleic acid derivative hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
8. ………… natural gas hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
9. Stomatal closure hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
10 Male flower increases in pin apple due to application of which hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
11. A naturally growth inhibitor
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
12. Ripening of banana is accompanied with sudden rise in the concentration of ………..
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
13. ………. Is also known as stress hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
14. Ethylene formation is induced by high concentration of
a.auxin b.Kinetin c.ABA d. GA
15. The precursor of ABA is
a.kaurene b.tytophan c.malvanic acid d.clucobrassin
16. 2.Deteriorative process the naturally terminate functional life of the plant are called

a. aging b.senescence c.abscission d.none

17. 9. ethylene acceptors are locted on ………………

a. plasma membrane b.tonoplast c.endoplasmic d.all of these
18. which of the following is involved as cofactor in binding of ethylene to its receptor
a. Nickel b.Cobalt c.copper d.Zinc

19. A well known absorbant of ethylene is………………………

a. potassium b.formalin c.potassium hydroxide d.all of these


20. ABA occurvs in plants predominantly in ……………………..

a. Roots b.stems c. Matuure green d.Flowers
Senescence and abscission –physiological and biochemical changes
1. Senescence is …………..
a. aging b.detrotive c.intiative d. both a&b
2. Types of senescence
a.Overall c.prograssive d.all
3. Types of senescence was discovered
a. A.C. Leopold b.went c.lynsko d.stephen hales
4. Overall senescenc example
a. annuals b.perennial c.bienneals d.all
5. Senescenc hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
Abscission hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
6. Example of deciduous senescence c.citrus d.guava
7. Example of progressive senescence
a.agave c.citrus d.guava
8. Senescence increase the hormone level
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.kinetin d.phthalids
9. Senescence reduces the hormone level
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
10. Example of perennial crops
a.coconut b.pluses c.cereals d.all of these
11 Example of hydrolytic enzymes
a.lipase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
12. what are the enzyme increse the enescence time
a.lipase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
13. what are enzyme decreased senescence time
a.amylase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
14. Senescence causes
a. depletion of nutrient b.Increase c. increase chlorophyll d. all of these
15. Delaying senescence hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.kinetin d.phthalids
16. Delaying senescence nutriens
a.N b.K c.S d.Mg
17. Chlorophyll content present the nutrient
a.N b.K c.S d.Mg
18. Absicission level increase the nutrient
a.IBA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
19. what are the nutrient deplted to the nutrient
a.N and Ca b.K C.Mn d. none
20. What are enzymes increase the absiccsion of leaves
a. protase b.lipase c.hydrolase d.all

Physiology of fruit ripening climacteric and non climacteric fruits –factors affecting ripening
and manipulations
1. senescence condition which type of hormone reduced in plants
a.Cytokinin b GA3 c.auxins d. all
2. . Besides ethylene which of the following phytohormones has generally promontory role infruit
a,Cytokinin b. ABA c.auxins d. GA3
3. A minimum threshold level of endogenous ethylene is necessary for,
a. climatric fruits b.non-climatricfruits c.all type of fruits d. none of the above

4. .Which of the following enzymes are involved in softening of fruit during ripening
a. Cellulases b.pectinases c.both a &b d.peptidases

5. Which of the following is not involved in fruit ripening…………………

a. Degreening b. regreening c. colour changes d. increase the hydrolytic

6. A potent inhibitor of ethylene action is ………………..

a. silver ions b.cobalt ions c.mangenese ions d none of these
7. Most frequently occurring organic acids in fruit cells are
a. malic acid b.citric acid c.both a &b d.tartaric acid
8. Fruit ripening processes are known to be delayed by ……………….
a. low level of atm.O2 and b. low atmospheric c. absence of sufficient d. All of above
high levels of CO2 pressure light

9. Which of the following is not symptom of fruit ripeneing …………..

a. Texture b.colour c.Taste and flavor d.none of the above
10. Benzoic acid a fruit preservative checks
a.Bacterial growth b .Mouldsactivity c. fungal growth d.ethylene production

11. which of the following is responsible for falling off the ripened fruits from the plants
a. Cytokinin b. ABA c.auxins d. GA3
12. The ethylene action is effectively inhibited by …………………
a.silver ion b.O2 ion c. both a &b d.cytokinin
13. Climateric rise a function of……………………….

a.Cytokinin b. ethylene c.auxins d. GA3

14. Which is non-climacteric fruit in nature …………………..
a.Mango b.banana c.papaya d.lime
15. Senscence conditions which type of enzyme is increased …………………..
a. Cellulase b. Protease c. Pectinase d.All
16. Example of hydrolytic enzyme ………………….
a. Protease b. Lipase c. Cellulase d.All
17. senescence condition which type of hormone reduced in plants
a.Cytokinin b .GA3. c.auxins d. ABA
18. What are changes induce ripening
A.increase acid content b.softness c. odour d.all
19. What are the factors affecting ripening…….
a. temperature b.relative c. light d.all
20. Ripening hormone
a.Cytokinin b .GA3. c.auxins d. ethylene
Novel growth regulators viz., brassinosteriods and salicylic acid –new generationPGRs- growth
retradants and inhibitors –commerical uses of PGRs
1. Brassinosteriods are recently discovered new group of ………………….
a. plant hormone b. vitamins c.germination inhibitors d.none of the above

2. Brassinosteriods are biosynthesized in plants from …………………

a. Sitosterol b.Cholesterol c.Campesterol d.none of the above

3. Brassinosteriods were first isolated from bee collected pollen grains of………….
a. B. compestris b.B.napus c.B.oleracea d.All
3. The peptide trigger for the self-incompatibility response that prevents self-pollination
a) Salicylic acid b) Jasmonates c) Brassinosteroids d) Plant peptidehormones

4. ERF1is a………………….
a) Translation terminating b) Positive c) Translation d) Enzyme inhibition
factor regulator promoting factor

5. Weed killer also known as

a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
6. Equal berry size recommended horomone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. GA
7. Fruit thinning recommended hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. NAA
8. Rotting hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. IBA
9. In banana natural parthenocarpy occurs due to more concentrastion of ……….
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. auxin
10. Triple response in pea caused due to
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
11. …………is used to increase the number and size of the grape in the bunch
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
12. Which of the following inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis
a.AOA b.AVG c.CO2 d.All of the above
13. Biotic stress rectifying hormone ……………….
a.SA b.Cytokinin c.NAA d.Jamonic acid
14. Ethylene action inhibitors ……………………
a.1-MCP B.NAA c.Kinetin d.2,4-D
15. Example wounding hormone …………….
a.SA b.Cytokinin c.NAA d.Jamonic acid
16. polyamines are deactivated by ………………..
a. polyamines oxidase b.polyamine c. polyamine hydrase d.polamine lipase

17. polyamines contain two or more amino groups and are……………

a. polyvalent cations b.polyvalentanions c.zwitter ions d.all of above

18. Which of the following compound is common precursor in biosynthesis of some polyamines
and ethylene

a. Arginine B.S- c.Methionine d.Lysine

19. Which of the following is not example of polyamines………………..
a. Putrescine b.spermidine c.spermine d.ornithine

20. Which of the following physiological effect is not exhibited by polyamines in


a. control flowering b. regulation of c. delaying senescence d.none of the above

embryogenesis in detached leaves

Seed germination –physiological and biochemical changes –seed dormancyand breaking

1. In certain plants seeds do not germinate immediately after harvest even under favourableconditions
for seed germination due to
a.dormancy of seeds b. vernalization c.photoperiodism d.all
2. Which of the following causes dormancy of seeds

a. seed coats imperable b.mechanically c.immaturity ofembryo d.all

to water resistant seed coats
3. Which one of the following is not germination inhibitor
a.auxin b.abscisic acid c.coumarin d.ferulic acid
4. Seeds are positively photoblastic in
a.lettuce b.shepherd purse c.tomato d.all
5. Dormancy of seeds can be broken by ………..
a.scarification b.stratification c.hydraulic pressure d.all
6. Which of the following is not a germination stimulating compound
a.KNO3 b.Thiourea c.Parasorbic acid d.ethylene
7. The seeds which just wait for suitable environmental conditions to germinate are said to be
a.dormant b.quiscent c.thirsty d.none
8. Dormancy of buds in potato tubers can be prolonged during storage by
a.NAA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
9. Seeds with life span varying 15 years to 100years or more one called as
a.macrobiotic b.microbiotic c.mesobiotic d.none
10. The dye used for testing the viability of seeds is
a.2,6 dichlorophenol b.2,3,5 triphenyl c.safranine d.all of above
11. Recalcitrant seeds are also termed as………..
a.desiccation sensitive b.desiccationtolerant c.freezing sensitive d.freezing tolerantseeds
seeds seeds seed

12. Which of the follow plants are known to produce orthodox seeds
a.guava b.avocado c.jack d.litchi
13. Which of the follow plants are known to produce recalcitrant seeds
a. avocado b.jack c.litchi d. all
14. Example of intermediate seeds
a.citrus c.both d. none
15. Types of longevity……….
a.microblastic b.mesobiotic c.macrobiotic d. all
16. Phytin contains which enzyme
a.phytase c.RUBISCO C.NRase d.none
17. Dormancy breaking hormone
a.GA b.IAA c.kinetin d.ethylene
18. Dormancy inducing hormone
a.ABA b.IAA c.kinetin d.ethylene
19. What are the method of artifical methods of breaking dormancy
a.scarification b.pressure c.low twmp d. all
20. Chilling treatment requirement crops b.peach c.rose d. all
Growth –phase of growth –factors affecting growth
1. The concept of leaf inclination was given by ………………. wit b.lang c.leopold d.went
2. The movement of compounds from an area where they were once deposited to an areawhere they can
be reutilized is referred to as …………….
a.remobilization b.mobilization c.utilization
3. Theory of optimum and limiting factors was given by
a. went et al b.mitscherilich c.f.f.blackman d.warburg
4. The interval of time between the appearance of the tip successive leaves is termedas…………….

a.phyllochron b.plastochron c.both d.none

5. Removal of inflorescence in tabacco is known as ………….
a.plugging b.topping c.nipping d.none
6. Growth at cellular level is principally a consequence in the amount of ………..
a.protoplasm b.cellwall c.apoplast d.apoplasm
7. The rate of growth is highest in
a.lag phase b.Log phase c.steady phase d.stationary phase
8. Plant growth is regulated by ……………
a.climatic factor b.growthhormone c.genetic factor d.all

9. Growth is measured by ………..

A.osmometer b.auxanometer c.photometer d.clinostat
10. Growth continuously takes place in …………..
a.cambium b.meristem d.leaves
11. A standard growth curve of plants is …………
a.bell shaped b.sigmodial c.pyramidal d.straight
12. Plant growth can be measured with help of
a.porometer b.arc c.potometer d.spectrometer
13. Example of monocarpic plant
a.wheat b.barley c.rice d.all
14. Example of polycarpic plant c.grape d.all
15. The term totipotency was given by ……….
a.moore b.haberlandt c.watson d.kohn
16. The term LAI was coined by ………
A.naylor b.mann c.waston d.none
17. Leaf area index at which the canopy first reaches maximum CGR is known as………..
a.cirtical LAI b.optimal LAI c.both d.none
18. LAI at which there is maximum CGR is known as ………..
a.cirtical LAI b.optimal LAI c.both d.none
19. Biomass duration is analogous to ………….
20. The term harvest index was given by
a.Arnon b.Donald c.lang d.leopold
Physiological aspects of growth parameters in crop productivity
1. Wheat is a limited crop
a.Sink b.source c.both d.none
2. Pluses are generally poor yielder because of………….
a.source limitation b.sink lmitation c.transportation d.all the above
3. The harvest index of wheat is about %
a.25-30 b.30-35 c.35-40 d.40-45
4. Plant growth is regulated by
a.climatic factor b.growthhormone c.geneticfactor d.all

5. Growth is ………………….
a. revisable b.irireversible c.both d. none
6. Development is ………….
a.anabolic b.catabolic c.both d. none
7. Example of monocarpic plants ………..
a.carrot b.rice c.wheat d.all
8. Example of polycarpic palnts
a. apple c.grapes d.all
9. Log phase otherwise called as…………..
Stationary phase Lag phase c.log phase d.none
10. Reapid growth increase which phase
Stationary phase Lag phase c.log phase d.none
11. What are the internal factors affect growth
a.photosynthetic rate b.respiration c.transpiration d.all
12. What are the external factors affect growth
a.light b.temperature c.water d.all
13. What are the measurements of growth method b.horizontalmethod c.auxanometers d.all

14. What are the biological factors affect the plant growth
a.insects b.pests c.disease d.all
15. What are the soil factors affect the plant growth
a.texture b.structure matter d.all
16. Measurements of growth can be done by old method using
a.horizontal microscope b.arc auxanometer c.pffer’s auxanometer d.all of above

17. Example of Primary meristem

a.Apical shoot b.apical shoot c.both d.none
18. Example of lateral meristem
a.increase cambium b. increase cork c.both d.none
growth growth

19. Example of intercalary meristem

a. bamboo b.brinjal c.bhendi
20. Growth phases in cell level
a.Cell Formation b.Cell Elongation c.Cell Maturation d.All
Growth analysis –role of physiological growth parameters in cropproductivity

1. Lag phase otherwise callled

a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescence phase d.all
2. Log phase otherwise called
a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescence phase d.all

3. Steady phase otherwise called

a.intial stage of growth b.expontial stage c.Senescencephase d.all

4. Optimum temperature range from …..

a. c.22 to 30° C c.28 to 33° C c.18 to 20° C d.all
5. Low temperature contains plant react ……
a.Chilling b.Freezing injury c. both d.none
6. High temperature contains plant react ……
a. enzyme denature b.membraneaffected c.photosynthetic d.all
7. High light intensity produce
a.dwarf plant b.high photosyhtetic c. ROS production d.all

8. Low light intensity plant

a. etilation b.chlorophyll c.NRase enzyme d.all
synthesis affected effected
9. What are the hormone Growth promoting hormone
a.Auxin b.gibberellin c.cytokinin d.all
10. What are the hormone Growth inhibiting hormone
a.ABA b.ethylene c.both d.none
11. List out growth parameter
a. plant height leaf rea c.leaf area d.all
12. What are the light absorbed in plants b.violet d.all
13. What the light reduced to the growth
a.UV B.Infra red c. both d. none
14. Which stage growth almost stopped
a. lag phase b.log phase c.Steady phase d.all
15. Cell maturation which stage attained
a. lag phase b.log phase c.Steady phase d.all
16. Lag phase
a.cell division b.cell elongation c.both d.none
17. Example of annuals
a. rice b.wheat gram d.all
18. Example of perennials c.coconut d.all
19. Example of binneals
a. groudnut b.carrot c.radish d.all
20. Embryogenesis otherwise …..
a.Single cell to multi b. Seedling c. Flower initiationto d.all
cell emergence to flower fruit development
Hormones and plant growth regulators physiological roles and agriculturaluses –biosynthetic
pathway and role of auxins and gibberelins
1. Seed coat dormancy is caused by accumulation of
a. Auxin b.GA c.phenols d.caumarins

2. Aleurone layer surrounds the starchy endosperm in,

a. cereal grains b.endospermic c. seeds of d.none of the asbove
dicot seeds gymnosperms

3. Gibberellins are derivate from ……………….

a. monoterpenes b.sesquiterpenes c.diterpenes d.triterpenes
4. which of the following is not a physiological effect of auxin in higher plants
a. apical dominance b.cell elongation c.root initiation d.none of the above
5. The element which is essential for synthesis of IAA is
a.N b.B d.Zn
6. The fungus Gibberella fujikuroi causes backbane disease in
a.rice seedlings b.maize seedlings c.wheat seedlings d.None

7. gibberellin transport in plant is predominantly ……………..

a.polar b.lateral c.non-polar d.none of the above
8. Auxin is synthesized mainly in …………
a. roots b. meristmatic c.shoots d.none of the above
9. Seed dormancy breaking hormone
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin
10. Parthnocarpy inducing hormones in grapes
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin
11. Increase the male flower in pinapple which hormone used ……………
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin

12. Richest source of gibberellins in higher plants

a.root b.stem c.leaf d.immature seeds

13. The primary physiological effect of auxin in plants

14. a. elongation ofinternodes b. cell division c. elongation ofcells in d. none

15. Tisstue culture auxin and cytokine ratio for root development ……………
a.High auxin &low b.low auxin & c equal level of d. all
cytokinin High cytokinin auxin &cytokinin

16. In moncot seedling the highest concentration of auxin is found in the ………
a.coleoptile tip b.seed c.root d.stem
17. Transport of auxin in plant is predominantly …………..
a.polar b.nonpolar c.lateral d.none
18. GA promotes male flowers
a.curcurbits b.pinapple
19. GA antagonistically with
a.ABA B.IAA c.Zeatin d.None
20. Bolting of cabbage is induced by application of………..
a.GA B.IAA c.Zeatin d.None
Plant growth regulators physiological roles and agricultural uses –biosynthetic pathway and
role of cytokinin,ethylene andABA

1. The site for cytokinin synthesis is

a.young leaves b.Root tip c.older leaves d.shoot apex

2. For hulling of Walnut most useful growth hormone is

a. IAA d.Kinetin d.Kinetin
3. All cytokinins are derivatives of ……………..
a. Adenin b.Guanines c.GA3 d.Uracil
4. Example anti senescence hormone
a. IAA b.NAA c.GA3 d.Kinetin

5. Most important biological effect of kinetin in plants is to induce

a.cell enlargement b.cell division c.elongation of d.None
6. Which of the following has not been isolated from lants
a. cytokinin b.Auxin c.Kinetin d.Gibberellin
7. ………….. nucleic acid derivative hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
8. ………… natural gas hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
9. Stomatal closure hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
10 Male flower increases in pin apple due to application of which hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
11. A naturally growth inhibitor
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
12. Ripening of banana is accompanied with sudden rise in the concentration of ………..
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
13. ………. Is also known as stress hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
14. Ethylene formation is induced by high concentration of
a.auxin b.Kinetin c.ABA d. GA
15. The precursor of ABA is
a.kaurene b.tytophan c.malvanic acid d.clucobrassin
16. 2.Deteriorative process the naturally terminate functional life of the plant are called

a. aging b.senescence c.abscission d.none

17. 9. ethylene acceptors are locted on ………………

a. plasma membrane b.tonoplast c.endoplasmic d.all of these
18. which of the following is involved as cofactor in binding of ethylene to its receptor
a. Nickel b.Cobalt c.copper d.Zinc

19. A well known absorbant of ethylene is………………………

a. potassium b.formalin c.potassium hydroxide d.all of these


20. ABA occurvs in plants predominantly in ……………………..

a. Roots b.stems c. Matuure green d.Flowers
Senescence and abscission –physiological and biochemical changes
1. Senescence is …………..
a. aging b.detrotive c.intiative d. both a&b
2. Types of senescence
a.Overall c.prograssive d.all
3. Types of senescence was discovered
a. A.C. Leopold b.went c.lynsko d.stephen hales
4. Overall senescenc example
a. annuals b.perennial c.bienneals d.all
5. Senescenc hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
Abscission hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
6. Example of deciduous senescence c.citrus d.guava
7. Example of progressive senescence
a.agave c.citrus d.guava
8. Senescence increase the hormone level
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.kinetin d.phthalids
9. Senescence reduces the hormone level
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
10. Example of perennial crops
a.coconut b.pluses c.cereals d.all of these
11 Example of hydrolytic enzymes
a.lipase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
12. what are the enzyme increse the enescence time
a.lipase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
13. what are enzyme decreased senescence time
a.amylase b.NRASE c.RUBISCO d.all of these
14. Senescence causes
a. depletion of nutrient b.Increase c. increase chlorophyll d. all of these
15. Delaying senescence hormone
a.ABA b.gibberellin c.kinetin d.phthalids
16. Delaying senescence nutriens
a.N b.K c.S d.Mg
17. Chlorophyll content present the nutrient
a.N b.K c.S d.Mg
18. Absicission level increase the nutrient
a.IBA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
19. what are the nutrient deplted to the nutrient
a.N and Ca b.K C.Mn d. none
20. What are enzymes increase the absiccsion of leaves
a. protase b.lipase c.hydrolase d.all

Physiology of fruit ripening climacteric and non climacteric fruits –factors affecting ripening
and manipulations
1. senescence condition which type of hormone reduced in plants
a.Cytokinin b GA3 c.auxins d. all
2. . Besides ethylene which of the following phytohormones has generally promontory role infruit
a,Cytokinin b. ABA c.auxins d. GA3
3. A minimum threshold level of endogenous ethylene is necessary for,
a. climatric fruits b.non-climatricfruits c.all type of fruits d. none of the above
4. .Which of the following enzymes are involved in softening of fruit during ripening
a. Cellulases b.pectinases c.both a &b d.peptidases

5. Which of the following is not involved in fruit ripening…………………

a. Degreening b. regreening c. colour changes d. increase the hydrolytic

6. A potent inhibitor of ethylene action is ………………..

a. silver ions b.cobalt ions c.mangenese ions d none of these
7. Most frequently occurring organic acids in fruit cells are
a. malic acid b.citric acid c.both a &b d.tartaric acid
8. Fruit ripening processes are known to be delayed by ……………….
a. low level of atm.O2 and b. low atmospheric c. absence of sufficient d. All of above
high levels of CO2 pressure light

9. Which of the following is not symptom of fruit ripeneing …………..

a. Texture b.colour c.Taste and flavor d.none of the above
10. Benzoic acid a fruit preservative checks
a.Bacterial growth b .Mouldsactivity c. fungal growth d.ethylene production

11. which of the following is responsible for falling off the ripened fruits from the plants
a. Cytokinin b. ABA c.auxins d. GA3
12. The ethylene action is effectively inhibited by …………………
a.silver ion b.O2 ion c. both a &b d.cytokinin
13. Climateric rise a function of……………………….

a.Cytokinin b. ethylene c.auxins d. GA3

14. Which is non-climacteric fruit in nature …………………..
a.Mango b.banana c.papaya d.lime
15. Senscence conditions which type of enzyme is increased …………………..
a. Cellulase b. Protease c. Pectinase d.All
16. Example of hydrolytic enzyme ………………….
a. Protease b. Lipase c. Cellulase d.All
17. senescence condition which type of hormone reduced in plants
a.Cytokinin b .GA3. c.auxins d. ABA
18. What are changes induce ripening
A.increase acid content b.softness c. odour d.all
19. What are the factors affecting ripening…….
a. temperature b.relative c. light d.all
20. Ripening hormone
a.Cytokinin b .GA3. c.auxins d. ethylene
Novel growth regulators viz., brassinosteriods and salicylic acid –new generationPGRs- growth
retradants and inhibitors –commerical uses of PGRs
1. Brassinosteriods are recently discovered new group of ………………….
a. plant hormone b. vitamins c.germination inhibitors d.none of the above

2. Brassinosteriods are biosynthesized in plants from …………………

a. Sitosterol b.Cholesterol c.Campesterol d.none of the above

3. Brassinosteriods were first isolated from bee collected pollen grains of………….
a. B. compestris b.B.napus c.B.oleracea d.All
3. The peptide trigger for the self-incompatibility response that prevents self-pollination
a) Salicylic acid b) Jasmonates c) Brassinosteroids d) Plant peptidehormones

4. ERF1is a………………….
a) Translation terminating b) Positive c) Translation d) Enzyme inhibition
factor regulator promoting factor

5. Weed killer also known as

a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. 24-D
6. Equal berry size recommended horomone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. GA
7. Fruit thinning recommended hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. NAA
8. Rotting hormone
a.IAA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. IBA
9. In banana natural parthenocarpy occurs due to more concentrastion of ……….
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. auxin
10. Triple response in pea caused due to
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
11. …………is used to increase the number and size of the grape in the bunch
a.GA b.Kinetin c.ABA d. ethylene
12. Which of the following inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis
a.AOA b.AVG c.CO2 d.All of the above
13. Biotic stress rectifying hormone ……………….
a.SA b.Cytokinin c.NAA d.Jamonic acid
14. Ethylene action inhibitors ……………………
a.1-MCP B.NAA c.Kinetin d.2,4-D
15. Example wounding hormone …………….
a.SA b.Cytokinin c.NAA d.Jamonic acid
16. polyamines are deactivated by ………………..
a. polyamines oxidase b.polyamine c. polyamine hydrase d.polamine lipase

17. polyamines contain two or more amino groups and are……………

a. polyvalent cations b.polyvalentanions c.zwitter ions d.all of above

18. Which of the following compound is common precursor in biosynthesis of some polyamines
and ethylene

a. Arginine B.S- c.Methionine d.Lysine

19. Which of the following is not example of polyamines………………..
a. Putrescine b.spermidine c.spermine d.ornithine

20. Which of the following physiological effect is not exhibited by polyamines in


a. control flowering b. regulation of c. delaying senescence d.none of the above

embryogenesis in detached leaves

Seed germination –physiological and biochemical changes –seed dormancyand breaking

1. In certain plants seeds do not germinate immediately after harvest even under favourableconditions
for seed germination due to
a.dormancy of seeds b. vernalization c.photoperiodism d.all
2. Which of the following causes dormancy of seeds

a. seed coats imperable b.mechanically c.immaturity ofembryo d.all

to water resistant seed coats

3. Which one of the following is not germination inhibitor

a.auxin b.abscisic acid c.coumarin d.ferulic acid
4. Seeds are positively photoblastic in
a.lettuce b.shepherd purse c.tomato d.all
5. Dormancy of seeds can be broken by ………..
a.scarification b.stratification c.hydraulic pressure d.all
6. Which of the following is not a germination stimulating compound
a.KNO3 b.Thiourea c.Parasorbic acid d.ethylene
7. The seeds which just wait for suitable environmental conditions to germinate are said to be
a.dormant b.quiscent c.thirsty d.none
8. Dormancy of buds in potato tubers can be prolonged during storage by
a.NAA b.gibberellin c.ethylene d.phthalids
9. Seeds with life span varying 15 years to 100years or more one called as
a.macrobiotic b.microbiotic c.mesobiotic d.none
10. The dye used for testing the viability of seeds is
a.2,6 dichlorophenol b.2,3,5 triphenyl c.safranine d.all of above
11. Recalcitrant seeds are also termed as………..
a.desiccation sensitive b.desiccationtolerant c.freezing sensitive d.freezing tolerantseeds
seeds seeds seed

12. Which of the follow plants are known to produce orthodox seeds
a.guava b.avocado c.jack d.litchi
13. Which of the follow plants are known to produce recalcitrant seeds
a. avocado b.jack c.litchi d. all
14. Example of intermediate seeds
a.citrus c.both d. none
15. Types of longevity……….
a.microblastic b.mesobiotic c.macrobiotic d. all
16. Phytin contains which enzyme
a.phytase c.RUBISCO C.NRase d.none
17. Dormancy breaking hormone
a.GA b.IAA c.kinetin d.ethylene
18. Dormancy inducing hormone
a.ABA b.IAA c.kinetin d.ethylene
19. What are the method of artifical methods of breaking dormancy
a.scarification b.pressure c.low twmp d. all

20. Chilling treatment requirement crops b.peach c.rose d. all

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