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1. Compare and contrast the views of those in favor and those against RA 1425.

the contrast of the 1950s, would similar arguments have force today?
Those against RA 1425 questioned the purpose of reading and learning about the life and
works of Rizal claiming that there is no real reason to read it and that doing so will only
add the burden and hassle on the youth. They also argued that learning about the life and
works of Rizal would be harmful for their faith and claimed that his books are not of
patriotism, given it only had 25 pages focusing on said topic, but rather of anti-Catholic
statements. They continued and insisted to be against RA 1425 by emphasizing that these
works are of the past and by the past, and therefore lacking to be used for the present and
future social conditions of the Philippines. Those in favor defended that Rizal’s works
should not be treated as a doctrine but rather as literacy works. They defended that the
people preventing the youth from reading about his life and works are worse than the
friars. They stood their belief and fought to keep Rizal’s life and works alive and agreed to
have it studied and reflected upon by future generations. They believed that “My loyalty to
religion ends where my loyalty to my country begins.”
I think there would still be similar arguments today especially on the part where students
may think that studying Rizal’s life and works could just be an additional burden for our
studies. But given the major change in the way it is taught; I can say that there are lesser
students who think that way because there are already lots of ways of making the
discussion entertaining rather than boring.
2. Reflect on your secondary education. Did your school comply with RA 1425?
During my secondary education, our subject Filipino focused mainly on the 2 books of
Rizal, El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere. During that time, we were made to read and
apply those works in the form of a play. Based on that, I can say that our school during
the secondary education complied with RA 1425, in a way that it made us read Rizal’s
works as part of our curriculum, although it did not provide us sufficient copies for our use
because it did not have a library to stack sufficient copies for students.
3. How effective is the Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among the students?
Because of Rizal Law, Filipino youth pursuing education had and has a way to learn about
Rizal and his patriotic ideals for the country that helped us gain our freedom from Spain. I
can say it is very effective in allowing the youth to see the hardships that the past went
through under the colonizer and apply it to help us in the present and future social
conditions. At the same time, it made us appreciate and learn about the life of Rizal and
the reasons behind his patriotic ideals.
4. Describe the background and context of the 1950s that led to the passage of RA 1425.
During the 1950s, there were more people on the higher rank of the government that were
in favor of the passing of RA 1425. The opponents reasoning was also of selfish causes
and therefore not enough in the prevention of its passing. The main author believed that
“the people who would eliminate the books of Rizal from the schools… would blot out from
our minds the memories of the national hero…” After more explanation and consideration
for the church, the bill was passed.
5. How important is the Rizal Law to the Filipino youth today?
Rizal Law is important to enlighten the Filipino youth and ignite their spark for patriotism
by reading and reflecting upon Rizal’s life and works. It is important to allow the youth to
appreciate and gain inspiration from Rizal’s ideals and teachings and use these, along
with needed modifications to suit the present conditions, to think about ways to promote
the betterment of today’s societal conditions. It will also encourage and allow us to fight
for not only our country, but most especially our fellow Filipinos.

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