Tetndai Ashineki Shonhiwahcis HAssignment 1

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Assignment 1

Question 1
a) Explain the following usability goals

i. Effectiveness

An effective system accomplishes its intended purpose. It enables users to achieve their goals efficiently
and accurately. Example Question: “Can users use the system to perform the tasks they need to do?”
Effectiveness ensures that the system aligns with user needs and objectives.

ii. Efficiency

Efficiency refers to the time required to use the interface and the likelihood of making errors. An
efficient system minimizes user effort. Example Question: “Can experienced users be productive using
the system?” Example: Amazon’s one-click shopping feature optimizes efficiency by reducing steps for
repeat purchases.

iii. Utility

Utility relates to the correct functionality and breadth of features. A system should provide all necessary
functionality. Example Question: “Does the system offer all the features users need?” Example: Word
processors include features for composing, formatting, and editing text documents.

iv. Safety

Safety ensures that the system doesn’t harm users physically, emotionally, or financially. It should
prevent errors and protect user data. Example Question: “Is the system safe to use?” For Example: A
banking app must safeguard sensitive financial information.

v. Learnability

Learnability focuses on how quickly users can learn to use the system. Ideally, interfaces should be
intuitive and require minimal training. Example Question: “Can users understand the system without
reading a manual?” Learnability varies based on the system’s complexity.

vi. Memorability

Memorability refers to users’ ability to remember how to use the system after an initial learning phase.
Example Question: “Can users easily recall how to perform tasks?” Systems should be memorable to
reduce relearning efforts.

[6 marks]

b) Assess the GZU website with regards to each usability goal justifying your answer in each case.

[12 marks]

With regards to each usability goal , below is justification after assessment of the GZU website

It is all about how well users can complete their tasks using the website. To determine effectiveness, we
need to consider whether users can achieve their goals efficiently. As I asses the GZU website designed
to help users find relevant information quickly? For instance, can prospective students easily locate
admission requirements, course details, and contact information, as academic programs, teaching
facilities, student affairs, research opportunities and campus facilities.

The Great Zimbabwe University website provides clear navigation, well-organized content, and intuitive
pathways, it enhances effectiveness. Also Great Zimbabwe University website provides this information
in an organized and easy-to-find manner, it is considered to be effective.


Efficiency relates to the time it takes users to complete tasks. The GZU website responsive, with
minimal loading times? Can users perform actions (e.g., apply for admission, check exam results)
without unnecessary delays?

Great Zimbabwe University is a slow or cumbersome website frustrates users and reduces efficiency
especially when checking results or booking accommodation the web will overloaded with more traffic.
Therefore the SGZU website it is not efficiency.


Learnability focuses on how quickly users can grasp the website’s structure and features. Is the GZU
website intuitive? Can users navigate without extensive guidance?

Great Zimbabwe University web is a well-organized layout, consistent design elements, and clear labels
enhance learnability. Users do not struggle to understand the site’s structure because it does not
hinders learnability. GZU web is good university website it is intuitive, even for first-time users because
it easy to learn.


This is about how well users can remember how to use the website after they’ve learned it.

As I asses, memorability considers whether users can recall how to use the website after initial
exposure. Is the GZU website memorable? Do users remember where to find specific information?

Therefore with a consistent layout, logical grouping of content, and memorable icons on the Great
Zimbabwe University web, it contribute to better memorability. Frequent users recall easily how to
perform tasks.

This refers to how pleasant the website is to use. A good university website should be visually appealing
and free from annoying features like pop-up ads.

To come up with justification I asses using the following, does the GZU website cover all necessary
aspects? Does it provide essential services such as course registration, academic calendars, and student

Therefore, the Great Zimbabwe University website is visually appealing and operates smoothly, it can
lead to higher user satisfaction because that meets user needs (students, faculty, staff, and visitors)
enhances utility.


Safety involves protecting users from harm. As I asses there are some questions as following Is the GZU
website secure? Does it handle personal data (e.g., student records, payment details) appropriately? Are
there clear privacy policies?

Therefore, i found out the GZU web is secure it builds trust through clear privacy policy and also privacy
personal data policy because nobody access personal data in student portal.

c) Draw a radar chart after the assessment of the GZU website. [2 marks]

Question 2
Schneider man (1998) devised 8 golden rules for interface design. Identify 5 of these rules, and explain
each of the identified rules

Ben Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design as outlined in his book “design the user
interface (1998), provide valuable guidance for creating user- friendly and effective interfaces. These
rules are designed to create user-friendly interfaces that are easy to learn and use. They are widely
recognized and used in the design of interactive systems. These rules are as follows:


This rule emphasizes the need to utilize familiar icons, colours, menu hierarchy, call-to-actions, and user
flows when designing similar situations and sequence of actions. Consistency helps users become
familiar with the digital landscape of your product so they can achieve their goals more easily.


As users become more experienced, they demand quicker methods of completing tasks. Shortcuts, like
keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting, allow users to navigate and operate the user interface more
quickly and effortlessly.

Informative Feedback:

For every user action, there should be appropriate, human-readable feedback within a reasonable
amount of time1. This rule ensures that users always know where they are and what is going on1.

Error Handling:
This rule emphasizes the need to prevent errors and offer simple error handling2. Good design should
prevent a problem from occurring in the first place.

Permit Reversal of Actions:

This rule allows users to reverse their actions without penalty. This feature reduces anxiety, as users
know they can correct mistakes.

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