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o Ancient Egypt
1.1 Eggptondthephoroohs 6
Ancient Rome

The beginnings of
1.2 Forming ond trode 8 Ancient Rome 34
1.3 Evergdog life in Ancient 3.2 The Romon Empire begins 36
Eggpt 10 3.3 Ancient Romon towns
1.4 Tombs ond treosures 12 ond cities 38
1.5 The Eggption influence - 3.4 Evergdog life in the
evidence ond inspirotion 14 Romon empire 40
1 Review 16 3.5 Art ond culture of
Ancient Rome 42
3 Review 44

@ Ancient Greece
2.1 Who were the Ancient
@ A history of leisure
Work ond reloxotion in
and recreation
Ancient Greece 22
4.1 Gomes 48
2.3 Evergdog life in Ancient 4.2 Sport 50
Greece 24 4.3 Hove people olwogs gone
2.4 Soldiers ond seoforers 26
on holidog? 52
2.5 Trode, ort ond ideos 28
4.4 Storgtelting os
2 Review 30
entertoinment 54
4.5 Educotionolrecreotion 56
4 Review 58

Vocobulorg quiz 60
Glossorg 62
I Ancient Egypt
In this unit gou will:
o exptoin the importonce of the River Nile in
Ancient Eggpt
o onolgse the structure of Ancient Eggption
. ossess doitg life ond work in Ancient Eggpt
o identifg tgpes of historicol evidence for life
in Ancient Eggpt
o consider the influence of the Ancient
Egyptions on other civitisotions

sorcophogus Lookotthe photo on this poge. How
pgromid dgnostg a do gou think the pgromids were built?
Who do gou think ordered them to be built?
Whot do gou think theg were for?
The Ancient Eggption civilisotion developed over
5000 geors ogo. There ore monU things thot te[[ us
obout the Ancient Eggptions ond their Iives. Among
the most fomous of these things ore huge buildings
colted pgromids.


a.-.1{..,L-6. t


Ancient Rome I e.
Ancient Greece o
Ancient E99pt
509 BcE-476 cE I
c800 BcE-31 BcE
c3200 BCE-30 BcE m

4OOO 8cE 0 500 cr 5

1.1 Egypt and the pharaohs
Eggpt is q countrg in North
Africo. Most of Eggpt is desert Fra R Mediterranean Sea
with little or no roinfqll. Whqt
mode it possible for the
G iza iro \
Ancient Eggption civilisotion to develop here? 5a qq ara
N4e m lS. Lower
Who were the rulers of this powerful Egvpt

kingdom? Whg did the civilisqtion end?

Egypt and the River Nile Akhenaton

Egupt is in North Africo. To the eost is the Red Seo Eastern
Western Desert Desert
ond to the north is the Mediterroneon Seo.
The River Nile flows north for 7000 kilometres
Abyd OS. Thebes
through severol Africon countries. It flows
through the whote of Eggpt. EgyPt
In oncient times, the Nile usuollg flooded eoch
geor. When the woter moved bock it left behind .Aswan

o thick loger of mud. The mud mode the

surrounding [onds verg fertile. The Ancient A mop of Ancient EgUpt
Eggptions could usuollg grow more thon enough
food to feed evergbodg in the oreo.

2650 BCE First

step pgromid 1630-1 523 ecr
built bg Djoser The Hgksos 1332 sc:
2580-2560 ace

3100 acr King Normer united people invoded Tutonkhomun

Greot pgromid
the two kingdoms of Eggpt come to power
built ot Gizo

3200 ace Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom

(2570-2'i30 scE) (1940-1600 BcE) (1540-1070 scE)

Some importont events from the historg of Ancient Eggpt

Who were the pharaohs? The most fomous phorooh is proboblg
Tutonkhomun. He wos not octuollg o
The phoroohs were the kings or queens of
verg importont phorooh. We remember
Ancient Eggpt.The phorooh owned oll
him becouse his tomb contoined mong
the lond.The phorooh mode the lows
ond received toxes from the people.
Over 170 phoroohs ruled Eggpt.There
were 30 different dgnosties, which ore
fomilies of ru[ers. 1 Work with o friend. Discuss ond
write down Uour onswers.
Why do we remember o Whg do gou think most
different pharaohs? Ancient Eggption settlements
We know obout the phoroohs becouse were neor the River Nile?
the Ancient Eggption people wrote down b How did o good supptg of
the things thot the phoroohs did. Peopte food hetp the Eggption
mode pictures showing events from the civilisotion to develop?
phoroohs'lives, corved into rock or 2 Work in o group. Moke o disptog
pointed onto wo[ts. We remember some showing o timeline of some of
phoroohs becouse theg ordered huge the importont phoroohs of
structures to be buitt. We remember other Ancient Eggpt.
phoroohs becouse theg were powerful
worriors. Some phoroohs ore fomous
becouse theg were women, ot o time
when most powerful people were men.
.)}- A historion from Ancient Greece
who tived in the 5th centurg BcE
soid Eggpt wos 'The gift of the Nite'.
Whot do Uou think he meont? Do
La gou think this is o good description?
30 ece
332 acg Cleopotro,
Alexonder the the [ost Greek
Glossorg words m
Greot invoded phorooh, died (c
fertile tox t,
Lote Period Ptolemoic Dgnostg
(650-320 scE) (320-30 scE)
1.2 Farming and trade

The River Nile mqde it possible for formers to grow crops. which crops did theg
grow ond whot did theg use the crops for? The Ancient Eggptions olso trqded
with other people. Whot did theg trode ond who were their troding portners?

Farming and the Nile

Fertile soi[ neor the River Nile helped formers grow crops. Formers dug chonnels from the
riverto the fields to woterthe crops.Theg used o shoduf to lift woterfrom the chonnels
onto the fields.

Which crops did farmers produce?

Formers grew cereols such os wheot ond borteg.Theg grew vegetobles, including onions,
beons ond cucumbers. Theg grew fruit such os melons, pomegronotes ond gropes.
Formers hod to give port of their produce, especiollg groin, to the government os tox.

Did Ancient Egyptian

farmers keep animals?
Working form onimols included oxen
ond donkegs. Cows ond goots provided
mitk. Duck ond geese provided meot
ond eggs.

What was trade in Ancient

Egypt like?
The Eggptions troded groin, gold, ,-->- :--
popgrus, potteru ond dotes. Theg
imported other goods, including: metols, Eortg merchont boots were mode of
reeds. Loter boots were buitt from wood.
wood for buildings ond furniture, gem
stones, incense, mgrrh ond oils.
Glossorg words
Merchonts used boots to tronsport goods
olong the River Nile, ocross the Red Seo government mgrrh
import popgrus
ond oround the Mediterroneon Seo.Theg
incense shoduf
tronsported some goods over [ond.

-('- \.)
t G 'i
itraX;- E
...;dil 7 I

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u;l lir F

, g EI EI

A Oxen pulted ptoughs. D Groin wos thrown up in the oir.The wind

blew owog the light, emptg husks. Cteon
B The River Nite wos used for tronsporting
groin fetl bock down.
C Peopte used nets ond hunting sticks to
E Oxen wolked over horvested crops. Theg
seporoted the groin from the outer husk.
cotch woter birds such os ducks.
F Groin wos stored owog from mice ond rots.
G A shoduf
Activities H Peopte cought fish using speors ond nets.

1 Write o report on Ancient

Eggption forming. Use the Challenge
picture on this poge to help gou
describe whot work peopte did. Use books ond the Internet to find
Trg to imogine the smells ond out obout the three seosons of the o.
sounds to moke Uour report Ancient Eggption geor: Akhet, Peret J
more interesting. ond Shemu. Prepore o presentotion m
2 Reseorch ond write obout the with illustrotions to exploln: when (c
goods thot the Ancient the seosons were; whot hoppened
Egqptions troded. Exploin whot during eoch seoson; whot people
the goods were used for. did during eoch seoson. 9
1.5 Everyday life in Ancient Egypt

The Ancient Eggption phoroohs, ond people in the rogol poloces, lived o life
of luxurg. Whqt wos life like for the rest of the people? Whot work did people
do ond whot were their homes like? Whot food did theg eot?

What different types of work did Glossorg words

people have?
The societg in Ancient Eggpt wos orgonised os o hierorchg. societg
A person's job morked thot person's ploce in societu. Stonemoson

Ancient Eggption societg

The horooh hod com lete r

Noblemen ond religious leoders received Government offi ciols hetped

gifts ond lond from the phorooh. offciols, or onise the countr
noblemen ond
reli ious leoders

Sotdiers hod respect. TheU were

given lond when theg retired. Soldiers Scribes come from
weotthg fomities.
z Theg wrote officiol
Merchonts supplied moteriols
to croftspeople. Theg sold
H Scribes documents.

the finished oods.


Croftspeopte inctuded
stonemosons, buitders,
corpenters, potters,
jeweIters ond weovers. m Croftspeople

I #ilfr
ond sloves

Most people worked os peosont Servonts worked for other Sloves were coptured prisoners or
formers on other people's [ond. people ond were poid. people from verg poor fomilies.

What did ordinary people wear?

People wore light tinen clothing. Linen is mode from the fibres of the flox plont.
The light clothes kept people cool ond protected them from the hot sun.
What were Ancient Egyptian Be o good historion
houses like? A good historion wonts to moke connections
Towns ond villoges were built on higher ond find controsts. You con do this too.
ground to be sofe from flooding. Compore the orgonisotion of Ancient
Eggption societg with societies from different
periods ond ploces.
The reed roof Ctothes ond
provided shode sheets dried
to keep coot. in the sun. People used the flot
roof for eoting ond
Houses were buitt with
bricks of mud ond
The smoll, high strow.
windows kept the
house cool. Inside there wos o
fomilg room with little

Groins were stored

for moking breod.

The food prepored Animols were kept in
in the kitchen wos the enclosed gord:
moinlg breod, fruit goots for milk ond
ond vegetobles. Storoge geese for eggs. People
hordlg ever ote meot.
An Eggption worker's home

1 Work in o group. Reseorch the work of o croftsperson in Ancient
Egypt. Prepore o presentotion for the closs.
2 Discuss how life for croftspeople, formers ond servonts wos
different from life for scribes, government officiols ond nobles.

Challenge (E

Find out obout one of the cities of Ancient Eggpt. Where wos it?
Who buitt it? How mony people lived there?
t.4 Tombs and treasures
Ancient Eggpt is fomous for buildings known os pgromids. The phoroohs
ordered the pgromids to be build. Whot were these buildings for? Where ond
how were theg built? Whot did theg contqin?

The pyrarnids The mummg wos ptoced inside o

The Ancient Eggptions betieved thot decoroted coffin coIted o sorcophogus.
when people died theg went to live Phoroohs were buried with mong
onother [ife in onother ploce.The bodies treosures. The pgromid wos o speciol
of rich Eggptions were prepored for the tomb. Pgromids were buitt to protect the
next life in o speciol wog. The preserved bodg ond the treosures.
bodg wos preserved in o Pgromids were o sgmbol of power
process colled ond weolth.
mummificotion. The
preserved bodg is Possogewogs inside
the pgromid were
co[[ed designed to confuse
o mummu. tomb robbers.

BurioI chomber


/ n I

tra ,3
Items of treosure were
This is the heod of the

HI fi buried with the phorooh

deep inside the pgromid.
sorcophogus of Lodg
Henutmehgt. She lived
from 1279 to 1213 ece.
Where were the pyramids built?
Boots tronsported the huge blocks used Did gou know?
to build the pgromids up the River Nile. Most The pyromids hove ongled sides
pgromids were built neor the river so thot the thot represent the rogs of the sun.
workers did not hove to move the blocks for'
How were the pyramids Why do we remember
built? Pharaoh Tutankhamun?
No-one is completelg sure how the Tutonkhomun wos o phorooh who ruled
pgromids were built. We know some Eggpt from 1332 to 1323 gce. Tutonkhomun
things from writing, drowings, tools ond wos not o verg importont phorooh in his
objects thot hove been found. The builders time. Yet he is proboblg the most fomous
hod to ochieve monU things.Theg hod to: phorooh todog.
moke o huge [eve[ oreo for the bose of the the Kings.
He wos buried in the Votteg of
pgromid; orgonise the workers who cut His tomb wos not disturbed for over
ond moved millions of stone b]ocks; moke 3000 Ueors. ln'1922, on Eggptologist
sure the sides of the pgromid were built ot colled Howord Corter discovered the tomb.
the correct ongle so thot the pgromid did Tutonkhomun's tomb wos we[[ preserved.
not collopse. It contoined hundreds of objects thot hove
The lorgest ond most fomous pgromid is hetped historions buitd up o picture of life
the Greot Pgromid of Khufu.This pgromid in Ancient Eggpt.
wos buitt using more thon 2 million huge
stone blocks. The whole structure wos Activities
covered in limestone blocks to give o
smooth, white surfoce thot shone in
1 Pgromids were veru expensive to
build. Discuss with o portner whg
the sun.
the phoroohs wonted to creote
Where were later pharaohs these huge buildings.
buried? 2 Use books ondthe Internetto
The Eggptions used the pgromids for their reseorch the different stoges of
rogoltombs until obout '1540 ece. After buitding o pgromid. Moke o ctoss
this dote, the phoroohs were buried in the displog to show gour findings.
Volleg of the Kings.This volleg is on the
west bonk of the Nite, oppositeThebes.
Tomb robbers stole evergthing from most Challenge o.
of the tombs in both the pgromids ond )
the volteu of the Kings. Use books ond the Internet to reseorch m
oncient orcheologicol sites in gour TI
Glossorg words countrg. Write o foct sheet describing
where the sites ore, how old theg ore
preserve tomb ond whot wos found there. 13
1.5 The Egyptian influence
evidence and inspiration
Exomples of Eguption ort ond writing hove survived for thousqnds of geors. whot do
theg tell us obout life in Ancient Eggpt? whot ideqs did the Ancient Eggptions poss on
to other people ot the time? Whot influence hos Eggptiqn ort hod in modern times?

How did the Egyptians

influence other written
The Ancient Eggptions developed o kind of
writing colled hieroglgphics. This writing
used pictures to represent different words,
sounds, objects, octions ond ideos.

Writing chonged over the time of the

Eggption civilisotion. The Eggptions
creoted forms of writing thot were eosier
ond foster to write. People from different Hieroglgphic writing from the tomb of
Queen Nefertori in Luxor, Eggpt
countries used ond chonged the
hierogtgphics. Atphobets used oround the
world todog hove developed from Eggption

How can we read Egyptian

ln 1799, o block of stone wos discovered neor
the EgUption port of Rosettq (now Roshid). The The Rosetto Stone hetped people
stone wos corved with the some text in three to understond Ancient Eggption
different longuoges. One longuoge wos Ancient hieroglgphics.

Greek, which mong scholors could reod. After

20 geors of studg, Frenchmon Jeon-Frongois Glossorg words
Chompollion produced the first tronslotion
orchitecture <ulture evidence
of hieroglgphics.
Paintings and carvings
Ancient Eggption wo[[ pointings ond corvings
tell us obout the phoroohs ond mong ports
ofevergdog life.Theg help us find out obout )
Ancient Eggption food, clothing, work ond

Art as inspiration
Merchonts ond trovellers took ideos from Ancient
In this picture o scribe is inspecting
EgUpt to other countries. We con see Eggption o flock of geese. Con gou see the
ideos in the ort ond orchitecture of Ancient different objects he is using? Whot do
Greece ond of 17th- ond 18th-centurg Europe. gou think his clothes ore mode of?

The discoverg of Tutonkhomun's tomb in 1922

creoted huge interest in Ancient Eggption ort,
culture ond heritoge. Eggption ort influenced
orchitecture, design ond ort for mong geors.

Egyptian mathematics
The Eggptions used meosurements bosed on
bodg ports such os the width of the polm of o
hond. Bg obout 2700 ecr, theg hod developed o The EgUption influence is cleor to
number sgstem bosed on 1 0. Theg knew obout see in this foctorg buitt in I926-
prime numbers, unit froctions ond geometru. 1928 in London, Engtond.

Mong ideos we hove obout mothemotics todoU

con be troced bock to the Ancient Eggptions.
Did gou know?
The Eggptions developed o colendor
with I 2 months of 30 dogs ond with 5
Activities extro feost dogs.
1 Write on explonotion of how wo[[ !.
pointings help us understqnd ports of o
life in Ancient Eggpt. m
Challenge (o
2 In o group, reseorch three buitdings !
thot were inspired bU EgUPtion Write o brief explonotion of
orchitecture. Write qbout eoch building, whg gou think we remember
inctuding where it is. the Ancient Eggptions. 15
T Review
Answer these questlons in gour 5 Some people hod the importont job
notebook. of reoding ond writing documents.
Choose the best onswer from the choices These people were co[[ed:
below.Write o, b or c os gour onswer. o viziers

1 Eggpt is on the continent of:

b scribes

a Asio
c merchonts

b Africo
6 Most Ancient Eggptions wore [ight
clothing mode from:
r Europe
2 In Ancient Egupt, the power of o
o linen
phorooh usuoltg possed to o
b cotton
member of the some fomilg. Fomilies
c wool
who rule in this wog ore colted:
7 The nome of the phorooh who
ordered the first Eggption pgromid to
s heirlooms
be built wos:
b corporotions
e dgnosties
o Khufu

3 The moin reoson whu Eggption

b Tutonkhomun

formers were oble to grow lots of

c Djoser

different crops wos:

8 Eorlg Ancient Eggption writing is
r: the soil neor the River Nile wos
verg fertile
o neoglgphics

i-. the worm climote helped crops

b hierogtgphics

to grow
c dieroglgphics

r the soil in Ancient Eggpt wos Reod these stotements ond decide if
verg soft theg ore true or folse. Write'True'or
+ The Eggptions needed to trode for 'Folse'for eoch one.
some ofthe goods theg needed. One 9 The Ancient Eggption civilisotion
moterioI thot theu needed to import losted for more thon 5000 geors.
for buitding ond furniture wos: 1O The Greot Pgromid of Khufu wos
c copper built using obout 2000 stone blocks.
b stone
c wood
Now use this mop to complete Now complete these tosks.
these tosks. : : 'Life in Ancient Eggpt wos good for
In gour notebook, write the nomes of evergonel Do gou ogree or disogree
the six cities shown. The first letter of with this stotement? Write o short
eoch cltg is given to help gou. essog to exploin Uour onswer.
Meditettoneon Seo ', Imogine gou ore o croftsperson in
Ancient Eggpt. Choose o croft ond
write obout gour work. Describe:

. the objects gou moke

S Lowel - the tools Uou use
EgvPt ( - the moteriols gou need
. where gou get gour moteriols
, who bugs ond uses the things
uou moke.
'i:, Imogine gou hove discovered this wo[[
,2 Eastern
Deseft pointing in the tomb of on Ancient
Western Oesert
Eggption noblemon. Write o
description of the polnting. Describe
whot the pointing shows ond whot it
tells us obout Ancient Eggption:
" clothes , food
" hoirstgtes ' hunting
. plonts . tronsport.
" onimols
? Describe where the Ancient
Eggption merchont boots I
trovelled. Use the mop to
help gou.

rl rG

Lr- tEi- Etr
Ancient Greece
In this unit gou will:
o explore who the Ancient Greeks were
o onolgse ond describe evergdog life in Ancient Greece
o describe how the Greeks fought wors on [ond ond ot seo
o consider the influence of the Ancient Greeks on other civilisotions
fl !

About 2800 Ueors ogo, o mojor civilisotion developed in Greece.

The Ancient Greeks were veru successful in trode ond wor, so
Greece become one of the most importont ploces in the world.
Whot wos life like in the Ancient Greek civilisotion? Whg do we
remember the Ancient Greeks todog?

a +-
{, $: I orchitecture
citg-stote ogoro
hoplite trireme
I a{ r -I I


:, J'



Discuss the corving on this poge. Whot does it tell gou

obout the Ancient Greeks? Con gou decide whot the
Ancient Greeks were [ike from one imoge? Whot else do gou
think wos importont to the Ancient Greeks?


Ancient Rome
Ancient Greece 509 Bct476.E
Ancient EgUpt c800 BcE-31 BcE


c3200 BcE-30 BcE

,^ E a./

ffi U
ra ,a

4000 ECE 0
tt 19
,',, ,'oo , , I
2.1 Who were the Ancient Greeks?
The historg of Greek civilisotion storts on the islond of Crete in the
Mediterroneon Seq. Who were the inhqbitonts of this islond? How did Greek
civilisotions <honge? How wos societg orgonised ond who were the rulers?

Early Greek civilisations

The Minoons developed the first Greek
civilisotion.This civilisotion begon on the
islond of Crete. It losted from obout
2700 acr until obout 1450 Then onother

civilisotion begon on moinlond Greece.

This wos the Mgcenoeon civilisotion,
which losted until qbout 1 100 ace.
The lorgest Minoon settlement on Crete wos
We do not know whot hoppened for the ot Knossos.
next 300 geors becouse there is no
writing or ort from this time.

The Archaie Feriod

The time from obout 750 scr to obout 480 scr is known os the Archoic Period.
The populotion of Greece increosed ond the Greeks troded more with other
countries. The Greek people begon to use written [onguoge ogoin.

The peopte lived in citg-stotes. Eoch citg ond its surrounding territoru formed
o seporote stote with its own government. Eoch citg-stote olso hod its own
colendor, lows ond ormg.
Most citu-stotes were ruled bg o smo[[ group of powerful people or o single
tgront. In obout 510 ecr, the peopte of Athens developed o new ideo. Theg
decided thot the men of the citg should meet to decide how to monoge the citg.
This tgpe of government is colled o democrocg. The citg of Athens no longer hod
just one ruler.
Glossorg words
The citu-stotes often fought eoch other.
culture philosophg
City-stotes joined forces in wors ogoinst
democrocg tgront
Persion Empire between 4g2 o nd,4g scE.
Classical Greece Copitol ot the top
Pediment decoroted
of eoch column
The ClossicoI Greek period begon in obout with sculpture
480 sce.There were greot odvonces in science, I
philosophg, mothemotics, ort, literoture ond
qrchitecture. Portico ot the front

Phitip of Mocedon took control of o[[ the

citg-stotes in 338 sce. His son, Alexonder the Cotumns orronged
r Roised building with
tn rows steps to the entronce
Greot, creoted o Greek empire thqt reoched
ocross Eggpt, Asio Minor ond into Indio. Ideos Ruins of the Porthenon in Athens, built
from Greek culture spreod to o[[ these ploces. between 447 ond 438 scr.

Hellenistic Greece Did gou know?

After Alexonder's deoth in 323 ece, his generols Alexonder the Greot founded ot leost
divided the empire between them. Greece 20 cities colled Alexondrio.

become port of the Romon Empire in 31 sce.

Il Alexande/s

).^ :t23 rc

o tu'+
o $

,:7'a "
**, (
l,/lo iad "
a 'r-
Cori + e
ot ympt j
(l. Alexonder the Greot exponded the
Naxos. 'a
-o empire from 336 ecr.
E Greek teritory

750 BCE-490 BCE
Mainland Greece city-states
Greek colony dty states
,$ Activities
o Sanctuary l\,
Peopte moved to londs oround the Aegeon
1 Drow o timeline showing the
Seo from obout 750 acr to find new formlond.
moin stoges in the historg of !.
Greek civilisqtions. J

2 Work in o group. Corru out

Challenge o
reseorch on one ofthe citg- o
Find out obout the climote ond stotes on the mop. Find out
londscope in Greece. Whot chollenges some interesting focts obout
did Ancient Greek formers hove? Uour chosen citU-stote.
2.2 Work and relaxation in
Ancient Greece
Mong Ancient Greeks lived in the citg within o citg-stote. Mong more lived in
the countrgside. The work thot people did depended on their rqnk in societg
Whot did people dowhen theg were notworking?

What work did different people do?

The most importont group in Greek societg wos the citizens. High-ronking citizens
were rich.Theg owned lond ond propertg. Middle-ronking citizens often owned
smol[ forms or worked os fishermen. Citizens otso worked in government qnd os
teochers, scientists, doctors ond ortists. The lowest-ronking citizens worked os
croftsmen, merchonts ond soldiers.
People who were not citizens could not own propertg. Theg worked for weolthier
citizens os cleoners, cooks ond gordeners.

Betow oll these groups were the sloves. Low-ronking sloves worked in quorries or
mines. Mid-level sloves worked on forms or in weotthg households. Some sloves
hod speciol ski[[s ond become nurses, teochers or croftspeople.

What did Ancient Greeks do in

their free time?
Rich Ancient Greeks used their free time for
improving their minds. Men enjoged discussing
politics, religion ond philosophg. Men ond
bogs olso kept fit ot the public agmnosium.

The Ancient Greeks loved theotre. The plogs

were either trogedies or comedies. The octors,
who were oll men, wore mosks when they
octed os different chorocters.

Glossorg words
Theotres were decoroted with
comedg politica trogedg citizen corvings of theotricoI mosks.
Women ond sloves visited
the ogoro.Theg bought
goods for the household
ond heord the [otest news.
The Ancient Greeks loved
sports. Most cities hod o
stodium where people
could wotch running roces.
There were olso severol
notionol sporting events.
The most importont
The moin morket ond meeting ploce in the citu wos cotled
sporting event wos the
the ogoro.
Olgmpic Gomes.

What did children do for fun?

Greek children ploged with
dolls mode from pottery, wood
or rogs.Theg olso hod rottles,
hoops ond botls mode from
rogs tied together. Theg ptoged
q gome co[[ed knucklebones using Greek children hod o ronge of togs to ptog
with. Do gou plog with ong simitor togs?
reoI sheep bones.

Activities Did gou know?

1 Drow o diogrom thot exploins The first Otgmpic Gomes were held in
the structure of societg in 776 BcE. Everu four geors, othletes from
Ancient Greece. Use the different citU-stotes competed ogoinst eoch
other. About 50000 people ottended from J
informotion on this poge to o.
different ports of the Greek world. o
help gou. )
2 Find out ond write obout the 6l
gome of knucklebones ond Challenge o
obout ong modern gomes a
thot hove devetoped from Find out qnd write obout the four
knucklebones. sporting festivols of Ancient Greece. 23
2.3 Everyday life in Ancient Greece
Fomilg life in Ancient Greece wos centred oround the home. Life wos different
for men qnd women. Whqt roles ond responsibilities did different fomilg
members hove? Whqt did the children do?

What were Ancient

Greek homes like?
G no ikon
Homes for most of the
populotion were ploin ond
simple.Theg were built from
mud brick on o stone
foundotion. Wooden ^d

beoms supported o
roof of overlopping
clog tiles.

What was life Andron
like for men? Well

Men were in control Kitchen

of most ports of life in

Homes of weotthg fomities were built oround o courtgord so
Ancient Greece, thot cool oir reoched ol[ the rooms.
including the house.
Men used port of the house colted the ondron
to entertoin friends ond business contocts.

What was life like for women?

Women hod to stog in the house unless o mon went out with them. Women who
hod no sloves did household chores ond looked ofter chitdren. Women cooked,
spon threod ond wove ctoth. Women hod o specioI room co[[ed the ggnoikon.

What was life like for children?

Bogs from poorer fomilies helped their fothers ot work. Bogs from richer fomilies
went to school from the oge of 7. Theg leorned to reod ond write ond studied
mothemotics ond historg.
Girts did not go to school. Theg stoUed ot home ond leorned how to cook ond do
housework. Most girls morried when theg were between 13 ond 16 geors old.
In the citg-stote of Sporto, both bogs ond girls went to schoo[. Theg hod phgsicol
educotion to become strong ond theg leorned to fight.

What did the Ancient Greeks eat?

Most people hod o simple diet. Bosic foods were porridge ond breod mode from
borleg. Most people did not eot meot often. Their food included fruit, vegetobles,
lentils, cheese, fish ond beons. Olive oil wss on importont port of the diet.

What did the Ancient Greeks wear?

People wore o simple In cold weother peopte wore A chiton wos mode of o

tunic colled o chiton. o clook colled o himotion. single piece of cloth.

Women or sloves Pins held the chiton

in ploce.
mode the clothes.
Summer clothes were
mode of linen ond ,,D \l l. Children's clothes
were similor to
winter clothes were odults'clothes.
mqde of wool. Rich lr
\ Women's ctothes
peoplet clothing reoched the
wos dged different illi ll ,' ground.
People sometimes Men's ch itons were Most people were
wore leother sondols. often knee length. borefooted.

Activities Glossorg words

ondron chores ggnoikon
1 Imogine gou ore o chitd in
Ancient Greece. Write to o child
in onother countrg. Describe o
Challenge !.
tgpicol dog ond whot gou hope f
to do in the future. Find out obout the different tgpes 6l
2 Discuss in o group how household of homes in o citg in Ancient o
chores in on Ancient Greek house Greece. Whot size were the houses?
were different from chores todog. How mong rooms did theg hove?
Shore gour ideos with the closs. Whot feotures were there? 25
2.4 Soldiers and seafarers
The Greek citg-stotes were olwogs orguing ond often went to wor with
eoch other. Sometimes theg joined together to fight o bigger enemg. Who
could be o Greek soldier? How did Greek soldiers fight? Whot toctics did
the Greeks use when fighting qt seo?
Helmet often decoroted with
Soldiers o crest of horse hoir

An Ancient Greek ormg wos mode

A richer mon's hetmet hod
up mostlg of foot-soldiers colled cheek plotes mode of bronze
hoplites. Hoplites were
Speor: 2.5-4.5
not professionol metres [ong
soldiers.Theg were Wooden shield with
Armour mode of on outer loger of
citizens who hod to bronze
bronze for richer
corru out militorg men, leother or I

duties. logers of ctoth for

poorer men
Fighting A hoptite onlg used his Metol ormour to
formation sword if his speor wos protect the shins
lost or broken
Hoplites fought side
bg side in lines. A group Hoptites provided their own equipment. Theg corried food such
of 8-1 0 lines of soldiers os groins ond cheese In o bog
wos colled o pholonx.
The soldiers moved forwords together.Their shields formed o borrier.Theg
hetd their speors under the orm pointing forwords. It wos difficutt for the
enemU to breok through the pholonx or to stop it.

Sometimes the pholonx wos supported bg covolrg ond orchers ond bg

sotdiers th rowing stones.

War at sea
Ship design ond construction were verg odvonced in
Glossorg words
Ancient Greece. The lorgest ships used in botttes were
colled triremes. Theg hod three rows of oors. The word
is mode from two Lotin words: 'tri'meoning'three'ond
'remus'meoning bori
A rowing moster shouted instructions A hetmsmon steered the ship
using two long steering oors.
for the oorsmen. A piper ploged o Soldiers fought
musicoI instrument cotled on oulos from the deck. Lorge soils cought the wind.
to help the oorsmen keep time.
A bronze-
The two moin toctics were romming covered
ond boording. In bottte, o ship's bottering
rom to drive
commonder ordered the ship to steer
into enemg
stroight ot on enemg. When the ship ships
struck, it smoshed o hole in the
wooden side of the enemg ship.The
oorsmen of the Greek ship then
rowed bockwords in cose the enemg
ship storted to sink.
The hoplites defended the ship. -
Theg sometimes boorded the
enemg ship ond fought to Three rows of oors with The ship's
up to 170 oorsmen, who commonder
copture it. stood here.
were citizens, not stoves
The greotest seo bottle in Greek
A trireme
historu wos fought ogoinst o Persion
fleet neor Solomis in 480 ecr.The
bottle wos o greot victorg for
the Greeks. Did gou know?
Greek sotdiers song os theu morched to boftte

Activities while musicions ploged pipes ond trumpets.

This hetped the men to morch in time ond to
I Moke o poster ordering the men feel confident ond enthusiostic.
in on Ancient Greek citg to
report for militorg dutg.The
poster shoutd describe whot )
Challenge o.
weopons, clothing ond other o
items the men must provide. Use reference books ond the o
2 Imogine Uou ore o hoplite on o Internet to reseorch the Bottle of
trireme. Write o report of o seo Morothon, Thermopgtoe or o
bottle. Describe the toctics used Solomis. Write obout 100 words to
in the bottle. describe the bottle.
2.5 Trade, art and ideas
Trqde wos importont for the Ancient Greeks. Theg troded goods ond olso shqred
ideqs, knowledge ond techniques. Which countries troded with Greece ond whot
influence did the Greeks hove on other cultures?
Glossorg words
Trade by sea
orchitect literoture
The Greek used speciol troding boots to corru
exports sculptor
lorge loods over long distonces.TheU set up
troding posts in mong ploces where merchonts
from different countries met to trode their goods.

Trade and art

Ordinorg exports from Ancient Greece included
wine, olives, olive oil, morble ond potterg.

Ancient Greece troded these goods for gloss,

gold ond silver. Greek croftspeople developed
techniques to moke jewe[[erg. Greek potterg wos on importont
trode item ond hos been found in
Tin mong ptoces.



Massilia BlockSeo

Silvet , Q^ Tyffhenion

Gold Tin

xcy Coppet
Carthage cuSe
I Trading port
Main Greek trade routes Ctete
- Main Phoenician trade routes AFRICA
Mediterronean Sea
-. Major Phoenician settlements
. Major Greek settlements
rr' (fiom
Major products

The Greeks ond the Phoenicions controtled trode throughout the Mediterroneon region.
Did gou know? Literature and mathematics
The Ancient Greek developed their
The EgUptions odmired Greek literoture ond
hod o librorg with ot leost 40 000 popgrus writing from on olphobet used bg the
scrolls. Sodlg, these were olt lost when o Phoenicions.The Greek first used writing
Romon emperor burned the [ibrorg down. for importont motters of government.
Loter writing included epic poetrg ond
The Greeks become verg skilled sculptors. historg. A Greek writer colled Herodotus is
Theg mode figures of people ond known os'the fother of historg'.
onimols thot looked verg reolistic. Greek The Ancient Greeks mode greot odvonces
sculpture inspired ortists in loter in mothemotics, porticulorlg in geometrg.
civilisotions in mong ploces. The ideos of the Ancient Greek
The Greeks olso developed speciol stgles mothemoticions formed the building
of potterg. Red figure potterg developed blocks for o[1 future mothemoticions
in Athens in obout 520 acr. ond scientists.

The Greeks were veru ski[[ed orchitects.
Their pubtic buitdings hod lorge roofs I Moke o list of some historicol
supported bg rows of columns. The Greek evidence thot tells orcheologists
stgte of building continues to inspire obout Ancient Greek trode.
orchitects todog. 2 Work in o group to reseorch the
ochievements of on importont
person from Ancient Greece such
os Herodotus, Homer, Aristotle,
Ploto, Socrotes or Pgthogoros.

Challenge )
Use books ond the Internet to find )
out more obout the ogoro ond stoo 6t
of Ancient Greece. Write obout the a
similorities ond differences o
The Stoo of Attolos wos o covered between these ploces ond modern
wolkwog, built in the second centurg acr, shopping centres. 29
in the ogoro in Athens.
Answer these questions in gour 6 Greek soldiers fought bottles in o
notebook. formotion co[led o:
Choose the best onswer fiom the choices o cohort
below. Write o, b or c os gour onswer. b covolrg
c photonx
1 The eorliest Greek civilisotion wos
7 The lorgest Ancient Greek fighting
the_ civilisotion. ship wos co[[ed o:
o Mgcenoeon o corbito
b Minoon b trireme
c Phoenicion c Aolleon
2 DemocrocA is on ideo thot storted in:
o Sporto
The Ancient Greeks ond the _
controlled trode on the
b Corinth Mediterroneon Seo.
c Athens
o Phoenicions
3 The Ancient Greek morket ploce wos
b Eggptions
cotled the:
c Romons
o ogoro
9 Historicol ]iteroture wos invented bg
b stodium
'the fother of historgi His nome wos:
c ggmnosium
q Homer
4 The Ancient Greeks tiked to discuss
b Hercules
ideos obout knowledge, truth ond
c Herodotus
the meoning of life.These ideos ore
known os: Rewrite these sentence3 so thot theg
o philotelg olc corrcct.
b phitosophg 1$ The Mgcenoeon civilisotion begon
c phitonthropg on the islond of Crete.
5 The rooms in o house thot ontg the 'x
1 A Greek worship hod up to 270 men
men used were co[[ed the: pulling the oors.
o ggnoikon _r'-

I ilil
Now complete these tosks.
12 Lookotthis mop. In gour notebook,
write the nomes of the importont
Greek ploces shown. The first letter of
eoch ploce is given to help gou.
ff .D L
i,a ,
,rti AT
(4 I
14 This buitding is the British Museum in
a London. It wos completed in 1852.

\4. lqQ
Write q description of the buitding.
, )*,. ,, l: Inctude:
6 . how Greek orchitecture inspired
'.. t'* 2 '7 the building
'el' . zt'
,tr . the nomes of the ports gou
con see
. some odjectives to describe the
Write o brief description of o hoplite's building.
ormour ond weopons ond how the
Look ot the photo ofthe Porthenon
ormg fought.
on poge 21 to help gou.
15 Write Uour response to this question:
'Whg do we remember the Ancient
l Greeks?'

2)r N

Iil n Z

rflt fa
Ancient Rome
In this unit gou will:
o exptore who the Ancient Romons were
o compore different wogs in which Ancient Rome wqs ruted
o exploin whg the Romons were so successfuI ot creoting on empire
?- o onolgse ond describe evergdog life in Ancient Rome
o consider the influence of Ancient Rome on other civilisotions

t-_: I
-: Jlf ,l.") .- D T d,

a l-'
qklt t TI
tl \

republic dgnostg
L x _\ I
fhe Ancient Romons were skilted orchitects ond theg
Io mode mong lorge ond complicoted buildings.This
buitding is on omphitheqtre. This omphitheotre is not in LI
Rome. It is not even in Itotg. It wos built in obout 238 sce
in Tunisio in North Africo. Whg do gou think the Ancient
Romons constructed huge buildings in countries for owog f'
from Rome?
About 2500 geors ogo, o civilisotion developed oround the
citg of Rome in Itotg. Storting from this single citg, the Romons
eventuo[[g ru]ed o [orge Empire. This empire spreod oround the h..
Mediterroneon ond eventuo[[g reoched from Britoin to south-west
Asio. The Romons spreod their wog of life to mong different countries.
Whot wos the Romon wog of life? How did the Romon Empire
spreod? Whg do we remember the Romons?

t, b -t
7 (
gE U
if rai.,-r-- .-. . -.*n
I t
I f #sfi I

I \

\- ^t\
! !
! t*- a
I .F! w
l, i J
Ancient Rome e.
Ancient Greece 5O9 BcE476 ct
Ancient Eggpt c800 BcE-31 Bc.
c3200 BcE-30

I 3
\ o

0 5OO (E 33

,'- '' rE;r is,,.rl

4000 B(E

\ Jrry*
5. I The beginnings of
Ancient Rome
The civilisotion bosed in Ancient Rome begon in obout 500 sce. Whot wos life
like before the citg of Rome wqs estoblished? How wos societg in Rome
orgonised? How were the Romons ruled?

The founding of Rome How was the Roman

The Romons were one tribe of people who Republic governed?
lived on the Itolion Peninsulo.Theg decided
A government is o group of people who
to live together ond estoblish o citg. No-one
moke the rules for o citg or countrg. The
is reollg sure when this hoppened, but it is
government of the Romon Republic hod
troditionol to sog thot the citg of Rome wos
three moin ports:
founded in 753 ecL
Magistrates and consuls
A Roman kingdom Mogistrotes were
To begin with, the Romons were ruled bg leoders etected
kings from the Etruscon tribe who lived in bg the peopte.
[onds neorbg. In 509 ecr, the Romons Everg geor two of
rebelled ogoinst these kings. Rome become the mogistrotes
o republic. Insteod of hoving one ruler, the were elected to
people storted to elect their leoders. become consuls.
The two consuls
Who were the people of
were in chorge of
Rome? Rome for one
Men ond women who were not sloves in geor. One consul led the government.
the Romon Republic were citizens. The other consul wos responsible for
Citizens were divided into two groups.
the ormg.
Potricions come from weolthg fomilies
ond owned [ond ond propertg. Common Glossorg words
people were co[[ed plebeions or'plebsi citizen peninsulo
Sloves were olso port of Romon societg. elect plebeion
Theg could not be citizens ond hod founded Senote
no power. potricion
Senators Tribunes and assemblies
The tribunes were o group of citizens who
represented the common people of Rome
(the plebeions) within the government.
The ossemblies were mode up of
plebeions. The ossemblies elected offi ciols,
such os the tribunet ond voted on lows.
The senotors formed o group colled the
Senote. Senotors odvised the consuls ond
opproved or rejected lows. Senotors
decided how to spend public moneg ond
odvised on Rome's relotionships with
other countries. Challenge
The Romons disploged their most
Activities importont [ows on metoltoblets
1 Whg do gou think the Romon
colled the Twelve Tobles. Find out
peopte rebetted ogoinst the ond write down three of these [ows.

Etruscon kings? Write o brief

explo notion.

2 Drow o simple diogrom thot

exploins the three levels of
societg in the Romon Republic.

l -t

tI w
\ )t -,,
I )
I -/
x L


This is whot the Senote mog hove looked like. Senotors deboted importont issues.
Theg mode speeches to trg to convince others obout their ideos. 35
3.2 The Roman Empire begins
Some individuols in the Romon Republic wqnted more power for themselves.
Who were these people? How did theg chonge the wog in which Rome wos
ruled? Who founded the Romon Empire?

Roman power grows

By 290 the Romons
f *
controlled the whole Itolion
t "\


Exponsion into Sici[g e^

t Mediterruneon
brought the Romons
into conflict with the Atlantic
Corthoginion Empire. In
146ect, ofter 100 geors of lCanhaqinian Empire Isy,u.,'"
!Roman R€public & Allies . Capital
competition ond three long . Other notable city

wors, the Romons beot the The Corthoginions competed with the Romons for trode
Corthoginions. Theg took ocross the Mediterroneon. Trode wos importont becouse it
control of londs ond trode provided resources ond weotth.

oround the Mediterroneon.

Glossorg word
How did the Roman Empire begin? culture
Rome wos verg powerful becouse of its strong ormg.
The ormg generols sometimes fought with
the Senote.

Julius Coesor wos o powerfuI Romon

generol. He took control of Rome in 49
Some senotors did not wont o king-[ike ruter
ond so theg kitted him in 44 ece.

Julius Coesor's grond-nephew Octovion
loter seized power for himself ond his nome
become Coesor Augustus. Augustus ended Octovion wos the first Romon Emperor
the Romon Republic ond founded the ond took the nome Coesor Augustus. He
ruled until his deoth in 14 cr.
Romon Empire in27 ect.
Augustus estoblished o period 0t
known os the Pox Romono (which )" ,^
meons Romon Peoce) thot losted ATUNIIC

for 200 geors. He olso estoblished 6AUL ll

o dgnostg of rulers. The four Pyreneea-,
emperors who come ofter him SPAIN

, s'(rlY
were Tiberius, Cotigulo, Cloudius /,
Cyprus ,9,
Medne on.anseo

ond Nero.

Why did the Romans q

expand their empire? The oronge oreo shows the Romon Empire in 117 cr.

Romon emperors wonted to show

How far did Roman
their power. The Romons olso wonted the
voluoble resources from the [onds theg
territories reach?
conquered. The Romon Empirewos ot its lorgest in
1 17 ce.The estimoted populotion of the
Peopte in conquered [onds hod to pog
Romon Empire ot thot time wos ot leost
toxes to Rome. This moneu hetped to pog
60 million. This number wos obout one
for the Romon ormg ond for monoging
quorter of the world populqtion ot the time.
the empire,
The size of the empire meontthot Romon
culture hod o huge influence ocross the
Activities worldThe Romon Empire losted until476 a.

1 Write o brief explonotion of whU

Did gou know?
the Romons wonted to exPond
When the Emperor Ctoudius invoded Englond
their empire.
in 43 cE, he hod o group ofwor etephonts in his
2 Work in o group. Find out some ormg. The Britons hod never seen etephonts
focts obout the first five before ond were proboblu terrified!
emperors of the Romon EmPire. L,
Include when theg ruled ond
whg theg ore fomous. Moke o
Challenge o.
closs poster thot brings together find xt
Use books ond the Internet to
olI the informotion. o

out obout the rood network built 3
bg the Romons. Write o rePort of
between 100 ond 200 words.
5.5 Ancient Roman towns and cities
Cities were centres of octivitg in Ancient Rome. Whot wqs citg housing like?
Where did people get their drinking wqter? Whot did people do for work
ond pleosure?

What was housing like for different people?

Poorer people Iived in two-roomed
oportments in blocks co[[ed insuloe. Eoch
E ] 'l
oportment block housed between 30 ond I
50 people. Insuloe were built of mud
bricks ond timber, ond hod shops ot
street Ieve[.

Weolthier people lived in privote homes.

These houses hod rooms orronged oround
on open oreo cotted on otrium.There An Ancient Romon street mog hove
tooked like this.
were rooms for dining ond sleeping ond o
gorden ot the reor.

How did people in towns and cities get water?

-- ?"f?
To bring cleon woter to towns for
drinking ond woshing, Romon
engineers developed the oqueduct.
Aqueducts corried woter to o town
from o woter source thot could be
mong kilometres owoU. Aqueducts
possed through tunnels under hitts ond I!
over oqueduct bridges ocross vollegs.
, E
Woter went through pipes to different h
I 1,
ports of the town or citg, Woter wos
ovoiloble in public fountoins ond wos .J I
supplied to some privote homes.
This Romon oqueduct is in the town of Segovio
The woter olso corried owoU woste in Spoin. This oqueduct bridge wos proboblg
buitt in obout 50 acr ond is 813 metres long.
in sewers.
What work did people do in towns and cities?
Romon towns ond cities offered work for mong people. Mong rich people worked in
government. Skitted ond educoted men worked os lowgers, teochers ond engineers.
Mong peopte worked os croftspeopte moking household goods ond luxurg items for
the rich.Towns ond cities were fu[] of morkets for buging ond setling goods.
Sloves worked qs househo]d servonts or os buitding [obourers.

What types of entertainment were there?

Lorger cities in Ancient Rome hod o number of
buitdings for public entertoinment.

o There wos o circus for choriot rocing. I

o An omphitheotre wos used for glodiotor
o There wos o theotre. Romons liked to wotch
o There were pubtic boths, so peopte who did not Choriot rocing wos verg populor. The
Circus Moximus in Rome coutd hotd
hove o bothroom ot home could keep cteon.
over 150000 peopte.
Peopte olso went to the boths to meet friends.

Did gou know?

Glossorg words
The Aquo Appio wos the first Romon
oqueduct glodiotor
oqueduct. It wos built in 312 sce ond
choriot sewers
covered o distonce of 1 6.4 kilometres from
its source to the citg of Rome.

1 Romon towns ond cities were
loid out in o grid. Work in o grouP w
to drow o plon of o Romon town. Use books ond the Internet to find 5
Show the different buildings ond out obout the neorest Romon ruins
other feotures mentioned on to where gou tive. Write o rePort of Z'
this poge. o
between 'l 00 ond 200 words thot 3
describes whot orcheologists hove o
2 Work in o grouP to discuss whot
life wos like in o Romon town found there ond whg the Romons
or citg. were there. 39
3.4 Everyday life in the
Roman Empire
Fomilg wos on importont port of life for Ancient Romons. The omount of moneg
thot o fomilg hqd offected mong things, from educotion to clothes qnd food.
Whot wos life like for oll the different people in the Romon Empire?

What were families like in Mong girls morried when theg were goung
Ancient Rome? teenogers.
The mon wos the heod ofthe Romon Chitdren of poorer fomities did not ottend
fomi[9. Women monoged the household, school. Theg hod to help the odults in the
did chores ond roised their children. fomilg with work ond doitg chores.
Weotthg women hod sloves to help them
do these tosks ond so theg hod more
What was food like in
Ieisure time. Ancient Rome?
Most people ote simpte foods such os
Rich chitdren went to school. Educotion
porridge, beons, breod, vegetobles, fish
wos mostlg for bogs, but some girls from
ond fruit.
weolthg fomilies did go to school.


( /'
- C> Weolthg Romons sometimes invited friends
At schoot, chitdren leorned reoding, to shore food ond to enjog entertoinment,
writing, mothemotics, Iiteroture ond for exomple provided bg musicions. Evening
effective speoking. bonquets often losted severol hours.
Richer people hod more vorietg in their What was it like to live
diet ond more meot. Their food wos often in the country?
flovoured with exotic spices such os Most people ocross the Romon Empire
pepper, cloves ond nutmeg.
worked on smol[ forms. A forming fomi[g
Food voried ocross the Romon Empire lived in o smoll house ond mog hove hod
depending on whot wos ovoitoble locoItg. some sloves to help them.

Rich peopte owned lorge estotes ond lived

What did Ancient
in vitlos.
Romans wear?
Bosic clothes were mode from linen for the Glossorg words
summer ond wool for the winter. estote exoti< villo
Women wore o dress Rich women wore
cotled o stolo ond o jewelled brooches Stoves qnd workmen wore
clook colled o pollo ond pins, eorrings, o simple tunic mode of o
when theg went outside. rings ond neckloces. rough moteriol.

Men ond
both wore
o simple
tunic under zr''
I Importont
i officiols
wore togos
Richer men of finer
wore o togo. moteriol
This wos o such os
lorge piece of Indion
cloth wropped cotton or
oround the Citizen Motron Workmon Slove Senotor
Chinese sitk.
bodg, with The most common footweor wos
one orm free. leother sondols.
Activities Challenge
1 Write to invite some friends to on evening bonquet. Corrg out J
In gour invitotion, te[[ gour friends whot food gou reseorch ond u
wi[[ offer ond whot entertoinment there wi[[ be. write obout o[[ o
the work done bg o
2 Write o brief description of how life wos different for
rich ond poor people in Ancient Rome.Think obout sloves in Ancient
housing, food, educotion ond work' 41
5.5 Art and culture of
Ancient Rome
The Romqns produced qrt ond buildings
qcross the whole of their huge empire.
Romon outhors produced writings thot hove
been reod for thousonds of geors. Whqt wos
speciol obout Romon ort, orchitecture ond

What can we learn from

Roman art?
Mosoics ore lorge imoges mode
Romon ort included pointings, mosoics ond
of smoll pieces of coloured gloss
imoges on potteru. The ort often showed scenes
or stone. Mosoics were used to
from evergdog life. Some imoges were records decorote wolts ond floors.
of importont events.
Another populorform of ort in Romon times wos
relief corving. Reliefs ore imoges corved into stone. {
Theg ore found on buitdings ond speciol objects
such os o sorcophogus. t
The Romons liked sculptures in the Greek stgle.
There were sculptures in homes, ploces of work,
public spoces ond public buildings.
I fl

What are the features

This is o smoll section from the
of Roman architecture? Ludovisi Bottle sorcophogus. It wos
Romon orchitects used ideos from Ancient mode for on ormg generoI in obout
Greece, including columns to 250 cr.
support lorge roofs.The Romons developed the
orch ond olso the dome. Arches ollowed the Glossorg words
Romons to build huge structures including
orch sorcophogus
omphitheotres ond oqueduct bridges. dome sculpture
Romon orchitecture hos inspired
orchitects oround the world. Mong
orchitects use Romon feotures in 1 Work in o group. Prepore o
their buildings. presentotion obout whot
Romon o rt, jeweIterg ond
Literature literoture tell us obout Ancient
The Romons wrote in o longuoge colled Romo n cu ltu re.
Lotin. Importont pieces of Romon
2 Work in o group. Discuss whot
literoture include poems, speeches,
the Ludovisi Bottle sorcophogus
histories ond works of philosophg.
con tell us obout the Romon
People continued to use Lotin for ormu ond whot Romons
importont documents for centuries ofter thought obout wor.
Ancient Romon times. Longuoges such os
Engtish, French ond Itolion were o[[
influenced bg Lotin. Challenge
Use the Internet ond other sources
to find out the historg of how
domes hove been used in
orchitecture throughout the world.

Be o good historion
Good historions know thot not oll historicot
documents simplU present the focts. Some
ore written to show events or peopte in o
certoin woU. Whot other evidence might o
historion use to find out how occurote o
document is?
7. -X
Did gou know? e.
The Pontheon is o building in Rome thot is
olmost 2000 geors old. The Pontheon hos o o
This roitwoy stotion in Woshington DC,
dome thot meosures 43 metres ocross. A blue
USA, hos orches thot were influenced
whote, which is 30 metres [ong, would
bg Romon orchitecture. The stotion wos
comfortoblg fit inside!
completed in 1908 cr.
Answerlhese questions in gour 4 Insuloe were:
notebook. o public boths
Choose the best onswerfrom the choices b oportment buildings for poorer
given. Write o, b or c os gour onswer. people

1 c lorge houses for weotthg citizens

Weotthg citizens of Ancient Rome
5 The chonnel bringing woter into o
were co[[ed:
Romon town is cqlled:
o potricions
o o vioduct
b ptebeions
b on omphitheotre
c potriorchs
c on oqueduct
2 The first emperor of the Romon
6 Artists mode mosoics bg:
Empire wos:
o pointing onto pieces ofpotteru
o Julius Coesor
b pointing onto o woll
b Ctoudius
c using smoll pieces of coloured
c CoesorAugustus
gloss or stone
3 The Romon Empire reoched its
greotest extent in: Now complete these tosks.
o 117ce 7 Look ot this mop. In gour notebook,
b 14ce write the nqmes of the three cities
< 44scE morked.The first letters hove been
given to help gou.

t Mediteftanedn Seo
t Seo



I Roman Reoublic
8 In gour notebook, comptete the keg Now onswer these questions.
for the mop to show who controlled 14 The mosoic floor shown below is in o
the oreo shoded green. 1st centuru cr Romon vi[[o in the
Rewrite these two sentences so thot town of Voison-[o-Romoine in Fronce.
theu ore correct. Whot con we [eorn from this mosoic?
Write on orcheologist's rePort
9 Peopte ond goods trovelled between
describing evergthing the mosoic
Romon cities olong oqueducts.
tells gou. Think obout:
1O Att bogs in Ancient Rome went to
. whot the imoge shows
. the technique used to creote the
Look ot the timeline thot shows the mosoic
period covered bg Ancient Rome. . the tupe of peoPle who lived in

<f 1000 sce 500 ece 0

500cE 1000cE

r 5
the villo
whg the vilto is in Fronce.
'The rulers of the Romon Empire were
onlg interested in using force to
1 1 Write the nome of o civilisotion thot conquer new [onds.'
storted before the Ancient Romon Do gou ogree with this stotement?
12 Write the nqme of o different
civilisotion thot moU hove troded
with the Ancient Romons.
13 Mokeo simpletimelinethot shows
the chonges in the wog the Romon
peoPle were ruled over time.

Include the dotes for:

. the beginning of Rome w
. when the Romon Republic wos )
founded o.
. when Julius Coesor took Power J

. when CoesorAugustus become 7)

emperor 3
. thedeoth ofCoesorAugustus.

I !

Is Is I

and recreation I

In this unit gou will: I

o explore the terms'recreotion'ond'leisure time' !

o identifg different forms of recreotion over time

il o describe wogs in which recreotion ond leisure time hove chonged
. compore ond controst different forms of recreotion over time I
m F
7'i f I

. il I I I
) a

rr N
I T,
i. I

I 37
G 3100 gcr
1600 ace
530 BcE 6th centurg acr

100 cE 1589 cr
Boord gome Culu, on eorlg Oldest known Theotre storted Rich Romons First plogs

I colled Senet
ploged in
Ancient Eggpt
form of footboll,
ploged in the
Shong Dgnostg
muSeum in Ancient
hod holidogs
ot the coost
ond ot spo
of Wiltiom
in Chino towns

E l-
llr t I I
ltlr We spend much of our time doing things we
hove to do, for exomple going to work or
stodium tournoment \ rllrrl

school, doing household chores, eoting ond

lr sleeping. When we ore not doing these

theotre museum ltl
tt things we hove [eisure time. In our leisure r rl
II time we do qctivities thot we enjog.These ilt
octivities ore colled recreotion. 2a Whot gome ore the
bogs in this photo
t rl

Hove people olwogs hod leisure time? Whot

ptoging? For how mong
recreotion octivities were there in the post? I

I g"orr do gou think peopte

I lllt
Are recreotion octivities different todog?
I fror" been ptoging this
s r I Some? Wfrot other octivities


I I_l

m r



I I, I
I )

t' 16-
L 7\
{. I
Is F
At o
I \ e.
I / 7 c
I M-li
,. a
1683 1895 1919 1970s 1990s o
World's otdest First public First oir Eortg computer Virtuol reolitg
public museum, demonstrotion posSengers heodsets o
trovelled ovoiloble n.
the Ashmoteon, of moving o
opened in picture film between
Oxford, Engtond London ond
4.1 Games
A populor form of recreotion is ploging gqmes. All gomes hqve rules. Theg olso
hqve chollenges ond o purpose. People hove enjoged ploging gomes for
thousonds of geors. whot were the oncient gomes? How hove gomes chonged
over time? Whot is different obout the gqmes we plog todog?

Ancient children's games

A populor gome with children in Ancient Greece ond Ancient Rome wos knucklebones.

Another oncient gome wos morbles. Archeotogists hove found clog morbles from the
Indus Votleg, doting from obout 2600-2400 ece.

Board games
Boord gomes involve moving counters (D

oround o speciol boord. :l [-

Exomples of oncient boord gomes include: 1l1
I [B
o Senetfrom Ancient Eggpt (obout
3100 ace)
o the Rogol Gome of Ur (2600-2400 ecE)
o L,,/

o Alquerque or Quirkot from the Middle rhe oncient Rogol Gome of Ur wos
Eost (obout 1400 ace) found in 1928 ot on orcheologicol site

o Gofrom chino (obout 500 ece) llffff'J.ilJj:Tr:[:[::J'H;

o Choturongo from Indio (obout 500 ecE). roce 9omes'

Merchqnts ond soldiers helped to spreod eorlg gomes oround the world.
In '1892, on oncient
Indion gome colled Ggon Chouper wos token to London,
where it become the gome of Snokes ond Lodders.
In 1896, on Indion gome col[ed pochisi become Ludo in Englond.
Three populor boord gomes todog thot developed from oncient gomes ore
droughts, chess ond bockgommon.
A form of chess wos ptoged in Persio.
People in the Islomic world begon
ptoging chess ofter the Mustim conquest
of Persio in 651 cr. Chess reoched Western
Europe ond Russio bg the 1Oth centurU cE.

This picture is from the 13th centurg ce.

a The picture shows o Europeon ond o

Middte Eostern mon ploging chess.

7 I

People of ot[ oges plog chess in countries -

7 I \

ot[ oround the wortd.

t /,

Computer games I
Computer gomes ond video gomes first
\l !L 5
MonU computer gomes mode todog
become populor in the 1970s. Video use virtuol reolitg. Plogers use speciol ;'
goming is now o populor form of equipment to interoct with computer- o
generoted environments. rc
entertoinment ond port of modern o
cutture worldwide.
Glossorg words tn
Activities leisure recreotion o
1 People in oncient civitisotions ptoged o-
boord gomes. Whot does this foct tell o
us obout societg ond culture in o
oncient times? Use books ond the Internet
2 Work in o group to discuss troditiono[ to reseorch on oncient gome.
children's plogground gomes ploged in Write o brief foct sheet obout
gour chosen gome. 49
Uour countrU.
4.2 Sport
People hove been toking port in sports since oncient times. Whot sports
were ploged in oncient times? Whg did oncient people like to keep fit
ond strong? How different ore sports ond fitness octivities todog?

Did people play sports in ancient times?

In oncient times, peopte proctised
skills for hunting, fishing ond
fighting. Some of these skilts
developed into sports.
Ancient ort shows octivities such os
gUmnostics, weight-lift ing ond bott 7t :
gomes. These were ptoged from obout )
1400 scr in Ancient Mesopotomio,
Eggpt ond in Mesoomerico.

In the Shong Dgnostg ofChino

(1600-1046 sce), soldiers ptoged This Ancient Greek stodium wos built ot Messini
on oncient version of footbott. in Greece in 369 sce. Crowds gothered to wotch
This gome wos designed to moke othletic events such os running roces.

soldiers stronger - theg ploged with

q stone bo[t!

In Ancient Greece ond Rome, TN

sporting octivities such os running, ru=-;-.":'.._*
swimming, jovelin throwing ond
boll gomes were populor.
Be o good historion
Good historions see how things from
the post develop. People stilt plog
some sports from the post todog. Todog, there ore mojor tournoments ond
Some things obout these sports hove competitions in mong different sports ond
chonged over time. Other sports from othletic octivities. These events toke ploce in
the post ore not ploged ot olt todog. huge stodiums.
How did sports develop? A bot-ond-boll
gome cotted
In Europe, bg obout I 100 ce, there were stool bo{[
tournqments for hunting ond fighting sports.
Tournoments were sporting competitions for Archerg

rich men involving jousting, sword fighting ond

horse-riding. tl

In Jopon ond Chino, fighting techniques

devetoped into octivities cotled mortiol orts.
Exomples of mortioI orts include judo, oikido,
kendo ond korote.
Mob footboll
AnimoI rocing with seoted riders developed from
using onimols for hunting ond in bottle.
Archeologicol evidence shows thot horse rocing
hos been populor for thousonds of geors.
Orgonised horse rocing events become populor In Europe, from the 1Ith to 14th
in Europe in the 14th centurg. centuries, sports for the poor were
cheop ond simpte. Theg included
How did modern sports begin? the sports shown in this picture.
Sports need to hove ogreed rutes so thot
different teoms ond plogers con compete Glossorg words F
ogoinst eoch other. The first'lows of cricket' jousting Mesoomerico )
were written in 1744 ce. The first rules for 6'
modern footboll, tennis ond bosebotl were o[[ Did gou know? o
written in the 19th centurU. o
In 1 3th-centurg Englond, o low wos
Mitlions of people toke port in sports ond fitness possed thot required oll bogs older
octivities todog os port of recreotion. Millions thon 7 ond oll men gounger thon
more people enjog wotching sports. 60 to hove bows ond orrows ond to o
proctise orcherg. o
Activities o
1 Write o brief exPlonotion of how o
jovelin-throwing or orcherg ond Reseorch o troditionoI gome iL
rowing mog hove begun. )
or sport from Uour countru'

2 Write o reportfor o school newspoper Find out how it begon ond

obout the historg of o welt-known sport' how it hos develoPed. 51

4.3 Have people always gone
on holiday?
Holidogs ore o tgpe of recreotion. Holidogs usuollg involve trovelling ond
spending time owog from home.When did people stort going on holidog?
Where did theg go ond whg? How hqve holidogs chonged over time?

Early travellers Tourism olso existed for weolthg people

In order to go on holidog people need in Ancient Rome. SpecioI resort towns

certoin things - leisure time, moneg ond were built on the coost. Some people
tronsport. Most people, for most of even trovel[ed os for os Greece ond Eggpt.
historg, hove not hod ott these things.
As o result, theg rorelg trovelled.
How has holiday travel
The people who did trovel were
Most forms of tronsport were first
merchonts, rogoI messengers, pilgrims
developed to corrU goods. Tronsport
qnd soldiers. The history of holidoys is
includes onimo[-drown wogons, ships,
closelg [inked to how time, moneg ond
boots, borges, motor vehicles, roilwogs
tronsport hove become ovoi[oble to
ond oirplones. All of these were loter
different groups of people.
odopted to corru possengers.
Ancient holidays
There is evidence thot weolthg people Glossorg words
in the New Kingdom of Ancient Eggpt leisure tourism
(obout 1500 acr) trovelled for pleosure.


*. ri
Weotthg Romons trovelled in o covered This pointing is from 1886. It shows people
corrioge colled o corruco. from Europe visiting the Greot Woll of Chino.
Where did people go More peopte owned ond drove cors in the

on holiday? 20th centurg. Airplones first corried

possengers between London ond Poris in
People first took hotidogs for their heotth.
1 91 9. Bg the 1 950s, possenger jets were in
Theg teft the crowded cities to breothe
service. Fost oir trovel reduced trovetting
the fresh oir ot the coost or to bothe in
time. Holidogs obrood become o
hot springs.
possibititg for more people.
Over time, people olso wonted to trovel
to see sites of noturol beoutg ond Mass tourism today
historic interest. Todog people con eosilg trovel oround the
world.There is o lorge tourism industrg
Modern mass tourism offering mong different tgpes of holidog.
begins Countries hove noturol feotures ond
For mong peopte in Europe, work purpose-built focilities thot ottroct tourists.
chonged during the 19th ond 20th
centuries. More people hod enough time Activities
ond moneg for fomitg outings ond
1 Moke on illustroted timeline thot
holidogs. Roilwogs ond steom ships
shows how tronsport used for
creoted new opportunities for trovel in
holidogs hos chonged over time.
the 19th centurU. Cruise ships were
operoting in Europe bg the middte of the 2 Work in o group.
19th centurg. There were three regulor o Use books ond the Internet to
cruises to North Americo bg 1896. find out obout the historg of 6'
tourism in gour countrg. o
b Write o report thot exPloins o
how tourism in gour countru c.
lr AIR ALGER hos chonged over time.
I o
Challenge o
Identifg two forms of tronsport thot o
iai f.
tourists use to trovel to Uour o
q !
I \, countrg. How hos PeoPle's use of

these forms of tronsPort chonged

There were on estimoted 3.6 bittion over time? 53
possenger flights wortdwide in 2016'
4.4 Storytelling as entertainment
One of the oldest forms of entertqinment is storgtelling. Stories hove helped
people understqnd themselves ond their culture for thousonds of geors. Whot
wos storgtelling like in oncient times? How hove the forms of storgtelling
chonged over time? Whot hqs stoged the some?

What was ancient Theotre wos otso poputor ocross the

theatre like? Romon Empire. Theotre developed in

Before the invention of writing, people

Chino, possibtg during the Shong
DUnostU (1 600-1 046 ece). TroditionoI
used storgtelling to poss on informotion
ond ideos. theotre in Indio begon between the 2nd
centurg scr ond the 1st centurU cE.
Dromo ond the theotre ore speciol forms
People hove used shodow puppets for
of storgtelling. Theotre begon in the
6th centurg sce in Ancient Greece.
storgtetling since ot leost 500 ece. Shodow
puppets were populor in mong Asion
countries ond in the Ottomon Empire
from obout 1400 ce.

Opero become on importont port of

Chinese theotre in the 1300s cr ond in
Europe in the lote 1500s.

How did theatre develop?

Theotre in Europe developed from groups
This theotre wos buitt in Epidourus in of trovetling ptogers.Theg visited morket
Greece in the 4th centurg acr. The theotre
towns ond performed in town holls ond
hod seots for up to 14 000 peopte. The
noturol londscope behind the stoge oreo countrg houses.
wos considered port of the theotre. The 16th ond 17th centuries were on
importont time for theotre in Europe.
Glossorg words Fomous plog writers, such os Williom
oPero Shokespeore, worked ot this time.
shodow puppet Permonent theotres were built in
trovelling plogers countries oround the world.
A flog flging from the pote meont
there wos o performonce.

Actors performed
on the moin sto e

sot in the
New theotres were built in
the lote 16th ond eortg
17th centuries in Europe.

Poorer people stood to

wotch the ptog from this
oreo, cotled 'the it'.

Theotre become increosinglg importont

in Europe ond Americo during the 18th
ond 19th centuries.
I tWtrF

Morun ol-Noqqosh (1 81 7-1 855) wrote

the first Arobic plogs in 1847. A Eorlg fitms were often shown os port of
Notionol Theotre wos estoblished in onother entertoinment such os o foir. 5
Eggpt in 1870 b9 YoQub Sonu.
Activities 6',
When were films first o
made? 1 Exploin how theotre hos been (c
importont in different ploces o
The first films (movies) were mode
throughout historg. Use informotion e.
ond shown in the lote 1800s.Theg li
from this poge to helP gou. t-
immediotetg become o PoPulor form o
of entertoinment. 2 Work in o group. Reseorch ond write o
obout the historg of troditionoI
The first pubtic screening of o film wos
theotre or offilm in gour countrg. o
in Poris in December 1895.Two French
brothers, Auguste ond Louis Lumidre, o
showed 10 fitms thot eoch tosted less o

Challenge J
thon 1 minute.
Corrg out extro reseorch into when ond
Todog there is on imPortont fitm
where shodow puppets were populor'
industrg on olmost everU continent'
4.5 Educational recreation
Mong people enjog visiting qn exhibition or o museum to leorn obout
different things. Hove people olwogs enjoged this tgpe of recreotion?
When were the first museums qnd exhibitions opened? How hove
museums qnd exhibitions chonged over time?

Museums and exhibitions What are'cabinets of

A museum is o building where objects of curiosity'?
historicol, scientifig ortistic or culturol In Europe in the 16th centurg, weolthg
importonce ore kept ond disptoged. An fomilies ond individuols creoted privote
exhibition is o presentotion ond displog coItections of interesting objects. Theg
of o collection of items. collected ort, rore ond curious noturol
objects ond oncient ortefocts.
Were there museums in
Some of these co[lections were disptoged
ancient times?
in'wonder rooms' or tobinets of
Archeologists believe thot the wortd's
curiositgi Some owners donqted their
otdest museum wos built in obout
co[lections to creote [orger museums
530 ece in the oncient citg of Ur in
thot were open to the public.
Ancient Mesopotomio. It is colled
Ennitgotdi-Nonno's museum
becouse it wos buitt bg the
princess Ennigoldi. Some
orcheologists think this
wos o museum becouse it
conto ined ortefocts from
much eorlier times, such os
clog toblets ond port of o

stotue. The ortefocts were I

neotlg orronged ond hod

lobels written on clog
cAlinders. Some of the
ortefocts were olreodg 1500 Ote Worm wos o Donish coltector. He pubtished on

geors old in Ennigoldi's time. illustroted cotologue of the collection from his ,Cobinet
of Curiosities' in I653.
The first pubtic museums helped
scientists ond historions to increose
their knowledge ond ,
u nderstonding. Theg hetped :.'

ordinorg people to leorn more ,l"

7 t\
obout the world. .1i I
.ll tl
Are museums important ,
Museums hove devetoped over
time. Todog, museums use
Indio's oldest museum is the Indion Museum
tighting, sound ond visuol effects.
in Kolkoto.It opened in 1814 ond now hos over
People con interoct with exhibits 1 miltion ortefocts.
in new wogs.

Glossorg word
ortefoct *

Did gou know?

There ore now speciotist museums for Lt 5
olmost everg oreo of life, including:
the Museum of Mothemotics in t ;'
New York, USA; the Frogronce 7," \* o
Museum in Cologne, Germong; (g
This goung girl is using o modern interoctive o
ond the Museum of Istomic Art in
disptog in o museum.
Doho, Qotor. g.
Activities Challenge o
1 Write on orticte for o school mogozine Corrg out some extro o
thot exploins whg museums ore reseorch into o museum in o
importont. onother countrg. Find out n.
2 Work in o group to discuss different when the museum first )
museums neor where gou [ive. opened ond whot it exhibits.

Answer these questions in gour 5 The first'tows of cricket'were
notebook. written in:
Choose the best onswer from the choices s 1644
given. Write o, b or c os gour onswer. b 1744

1 Senet wos o boord gome ploged in:

c 1844

o 5 Holidogs become populor in the 20th

Ancient Rome
centurg mostlg becouse of:
b Ancient Eggpt
o fost oir trovel
c Ancient Greece
b cruise ships
2 The gome of chess come into the
< roilwogs
Istomic world in:
7 Two brothers who mode some of the
o 651 cE
first films were:
b 72Ocr
q Orvi[[eondWilburWright
c 1453 cr
b Wiltiom ond Henrg Jomes
c Auguste ond Louis Lumidre
8 The world's oldest museum is
thought to dqte bock to:
o 1530sce
b 530 sce

c 530 cE

3 People in Ancient Greece wotched Rewrite these sentences so thot theg

running roces in: ore correct.

o on omphitheotre 9 The first possenger flight between
b o ggmnosium London ond Poris flew in 1950.
c o stodium 1O Mortiol orts such os judo ond korote
4 Mob footboll wos o populor sport developed in Eggpt ond Greece.
omong the poor in Europe in the:
o 6th centuru
b 14th centuru
c 19th centurg
Now complete these tqsks. 15 Write o short essog obout how
11 Describe two simitorities qnd two recreotion octivities hove chonged
differences between o theotre in over time. Think obout:
Ancient Greece ond o theotre in . the omount of leisure time thot
17th-centurg Europe. people hod
12 Thinkobout how peopte trovel for . the tUpes of recreotion octivities
pleosure todog ond how theg o people's reosons for doing these
trovelled for pleosure in Ancient octivities
Romon times. Write obout some of . how the octivities hove chonged.
the chonges in the historg of
trovelling for pteosure. a

13 Write obout two effects thot the

cobinets of curiositg ond eorlg public
museums hod.
14 Choose one modern sport or fitness
octivitu ond one from o period of time
in the post thot Uou hove studied.
Write obout the similorities ond
differences between the octivities.
Whg did people toke port in the
octivitg from the post? WhU do peopte +
toke port in the modern octivitg? )
t q
,l^ o

Vocabulary quiz
Answer these questions in gour notebook.
2 Ancient Greece
I Ancient Egypt 1 Which is the odd one out in eoch group
1 Motch the words with the definitions. of words? Exploin Uour onswers.

o o lorge, decoroted coffin o ogoro skgscroper stoo theotre

b o person who studies the [onguoge, b ggnoikon ondron bedroom
historg ond culture of Ancient Eggpt ggmnosium

c the group of people who moke the c hoplite covolrg oorsmen orchers
rules for how people live in o countru 2 Motch the words with the definitions.
d the process for preserving bodies o o plog with on unhoppg ending
used in Ancient Egypt
b o wog of thinking obout noture, the
e moneu or goods poid to o world ond how to live we[[
government or ruler
c on Ancient Greek worship
f the person with overoll power in
d o sgstem of government where
Ancient Eggpt
people ore elected to represent the
phorooh sorcophogus
mummificotion government e o person who design buildings ond
Eggptologist toxes other structures

2 Write whot eoch of these pictures shows. trireme orchitect phitosophg

Then use eoch word correctlg in o democrocg trogedg
sentence or short porogroph.
3 Write o definition for eoch of the
o b following words. Then use eoch word
correctlg in o sentence or short
q turont

b cutture
c citU-stote
3 Ancient Rome 4 A history of leisure
and recreation
1 Write o definition for the first two words
in eoch [ist. Then use o[[ three words 1 Motch the words with the definitions.
correctlg in o short porogroph obout o trovelling for pleosure
Ancient Rome.
b o sporting contest where knights on
o potricion ptebeion citizen horsebock chorged ot eoch onother
b dome orch orchitecture ond tried to knock eoch other off
c fountoin public boths woter the horse
d consuls tribunes government c o gome in which the plogers move

e choriot glodiotor entertoinment counters oround o specioI boord

2 Sort the words below in o toble.

d o building for disploging historicol
ortefocts or other interesting objects
Houses Entertoinment Government Clothes
ond rulers e o lorge building with rows of seots for
peopte to wotch sporting events

circus consuI insutoe emperor boord gome jousting stodium

togo vilto omphitheotre tourism museum
sondols tu nic otrium
2 This is corruco. Exploin whot it wos used
mogistrote theotre
for in Ancient Rome. Then write down
3 Write whot eoch of these pictures shows. some newer forms of tronsport thot
Then use eoch word correcttg in o hove been used for the some purpose.
sentence or short porogroph.
o .?7' ts t
,[,t!, o
3 Write o definition for eoch of the fo[[owing
b words.Then use eoch word correctlg in o
sentence or short PorogroPh. Il
o time
leisure G ortefoct N

b recreotion d exhibit

ogoro o public open spoce for hotding citU-stqte o citg ond its surrounding
morkets ond meetings in Ancient territorg thot forms o seporote stote
Greek cities comedg o funnu ptog thot often mode
omphitheotre o lorge building for fun of rulers ond the rich
entertoinment ond sporting events consul o powerful person chosen from
ondron rooms for the men in on Ancient omong the mogistrotes of the Romon
Greek house Republic
oqueduct o chonnel buitt to corrg woter culture the ideos, customs ond behoviour
from one ploce to onother of o group of people, shown in
orch o curved feoture in orchitecture evergthing from [onguoge, food ond
orcher o soldier who shoots with o bow clothing to ort, music ond literqture
ond orrow democrocg o tgpe of government in which
orchitect o person who designs buildings the people help to moke the rules
orchitecture o stgle of building, for dictotor in Ancient Rome, o person given
exomple Greek orchitecture obsolute power for o short time to
ortefoct on object mode bg people in deol with emergencies
the post dome o lorge rounded ceiling, shoped
otrium on entronce holl or open court in tike hotf o boll
on Ancient Romon house dgnostg o line of ru]ers who come from
boord gome o gome in which the plogers the some fomilg
move counters oround o speciol boord Eggptologist o person who studies the
covolrg port of on ormg with soldiers longuoge, historg ond culture of
who rode horses Ancient Eggpt
choriot o two-wheeled vehicle pulled elect to choose someone, bU voting, for o
bg horses position in the government
chores jobs in the house such os cooking, estote o propertu covering o lorge oreo,
cleoning ond woshing usuollg contoining o luxurious house
citizen o person who hos certoin rights evidence things such os ortefocts ond
ond responsibilities becouse he or she written documents thot tell us obout
lives in o stote or countru life in the post
exotic unusuoI ond exciting, coming from leisure free time
distont [onds literoture written works, such os novels,
export to send goods to onother countru poems, historicol occounts ond essogs
exports goods sold to other countries mogistrote on elected officioI who
fertile lond thot con produce o lorge governed on beholfofthe people of
omount of crops the Romon Repubtic
founded estoblished or begun Mesoomericq o region of CentroI Americo
glodiotor o person, often o slove or occupied bg severol civilisotions before
criminol, who wos ormed ond forced the orrivot of Europeons in'1492
to fight museum o building for disploging
government the group of people who historicoI ortefocts or other interesting
moke the rules for how people hove to objects
live in o countru mgrrh o sticku, sweet-smelling gum
ggnoikon rooms for the women in on obtqined from certoin trees
Ancient Greek house opero o tgpe of dromo which hos singers
hierorchg people orronged in groups who sing oll the words insteod of octors
occording to their importonce popgrus o poper-like moteriot mode from
hieroglgphics o kind of writing from the fibres ofthe popgrus plont
Ancient Eggpt in which pictures potricion o weolthg citizen within the
represented different words, sounds, Romon Repubtic
objects, octions ond ideos peninsulo o piece of lond thot is olmost
hoplite o citizen in Ancient Greece who completelg surrounded bg woter
hod to corrg out militorg duties philosophg o wog of thinking obout
import to bring to o countru from noture, the world ond how to live well
onother countrg plebeion one of the common people
imports goods bought from onother within the Romon Republic
countru politics the octivities of government
incense o dried poste of sweet-smelling preserve to treot in o wog to prevent
plont moteriol, burned to releose rotting
the smetI pgromid o tomb in Ancient Eggpt, buitt to 6l
jousting sporting combot between two protect o preserved bodg ond treosure o
knights on horsebock - eoch knight recreotion octivities thot people enjog o
doing in their free time rc
tried to knock the other knight from
his horse with o blunt lonce
republic o form of government in which stoo o covered wolkwog ond meeting
the people elect their leoders, ond the ploce in Ancient Greek cities
leoders ore responsible to the peopte stonemoson q worker who cuts, prepores
sorcophogus o lorge decoroted coffin ond builds with stone
often mode from stone, especio[[g tox o poument demqnded bg rulers or
used in oncient times the government
sculptor on ortist who produces ortwork theotre o building for performing plogs,
bg shoping moteriols such os stone with seots for the oudienence
or clog tomb o speciol chomber for burging
sculpture o piece of ort mode bg corving the deod
or shoping moteriol tourism trovelling for pleosure
Senote o group of people who odvised tournoment o sporting competition with
the consuts in the Romon Republic severol stoges ond one winner
sewers chonnels, often underground, for trogedg o serious plog with o messoge
corrging owog droinoge woter ond obout right ond wrong thot usuo[[g
woste woter hod o sod ending
shodow puppet o cut-out figure used to trovelling plogers o group of octors who
cost o shodow onto o screen toured oround giving performonces in
shqduf o device mode from o long rod different ploces
with o bucket ot one end ond o tribune o person elected to represent the
weight ot the other common people
societg oll the people living in o countru trireme on Ancient Greek fighting ship
with shored troditions, [ows, interests tgrqnt o cruel ond unfoir ruler who hos
ond octivities complete control
stodium o lorge building for sporting villq o [orge, luxurious house
events, with rows of seots for people
to wotch the events

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