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S n l cey 1919: cAsSate


Af What usthexigniancc of the May uth wovemcnt ?whyhasit been

ronsidered as astarting toivi 04 theContemporary erain china?
o he May thmovement tnauguattd a newaqe in the chincse society "omme
The May th wovenent of 1914 was an eftort to reqentrate Chinesesocíety
to meci the aoth cen imþuialisn oisuss.

Asi Shanqdovg Resduticn

Towardthe Cclaf the fitst Word Nars w.Qnu Chiveic werehobctulthat
a revoads for Chiuas conibtius of wrettoat and tu accordance
withthe US PAesideut Wil son's idealistic principlo, the foiAAer0y GereQn
|COVCeSs 0ons seized byJapau tn ShawqiwMg mould be seturvedto (hiva
|Atthe YerSailes (ovnfereute of 1919, honever itturmed dut thatBitish
Fance and ttalyhad already seactlyagreeáto SupportJapan in
RctaMAiMgo thse coneions , withthe apeoalofthe feKiMg Walord
oveLVnCnt. 1his atoUSa qreat angey auaug natiaalist chiucse .
Rcndtys Jpauis huwniliating Twty Gnz devMands o41915 calledtor
apasese tCntsol of Shavtuug aMavchuria.s Tner wonqolia and
ithe Southcasi4 chiva., auatheYauGtzt valley -he wot sinisterofall,
equitd euplou icnt of Japauese dvisas inchivese poiticalsfinan
ials miltay and oliti cal adinistrations aswellas thc purchase

CndarthekRCSUGOFJatanese titiwQtv, YUan acepted the

Jandenese onthol over its Aecious, while put a RescI Valionon ewploy
vevt cjJabavese acvisrs- HoCVeroMay 253 vithoutthe
CoMSevt of the leqislatuet ohe concudeathetreatwith Japan:
nptotest sthe chiMeSe students in Jaan Acstored howearnd

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