Final Exam - 2110422005 - Hafizul Maulana Mufti

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Let me introduce my name is Hafizul Maulana Mufti, I come from Pesisir Selatan, I am a student at
Andalas University. My major is pure Biology, I graduated through the SBMPTN pathway. There are
some facts about me, among others:
- My hobby is traveling. like traveling to places I've never been on a motorbike.
- I'm not diligent, but if I'm in a good mood, all the piled up work can be done quickly
- I don't have a grudge but I also don't forgive easily.
- I was the only one who was able to graduate at Andalas University from my school representative,
and it became an honor for me and the school.
A. Like fingerprints, each human tongue has its own unique print.
The tongue functions not only as a sense of taste and a tool for speech. Because, it turns out that the
tongue also has a biometric system like fingerprints on our fingers. This biometric system in our
tongue can be used as a forensic identification tool. Because every human tongue has a different
motive. Both in terms of shape, color to the pattern on the surface of the tongue. The pattern of this
tongue has its own advantage, namely its characteristics never change because it is protected in the
mouth. While the existing biometric system on the finger can be eroded.
B. Female lions do 90 percent of the hunting.
Did you know that 90% of the female lions do the hunting?
Lions are animals that live directly. So, the lion will share the task. Some hunt, take care of lion cubs,
and become leaders among other lions. Those who take care of lion cubs are usually the lioness who
is the mother. Uniquely, female lions in a group not only take care of lion cubs but also hunt prey that
will be eaten by the group.Surely the question arises why not male lions do the hunting?. The lioness
has a light body weight. So it runs faster and faster. The running speed of the lioness when hunting
reaches 80 kilometers per hour. Then, the female lions work together to sneak in the bushes and trap
their prey. The male lion is heavier and moves slower than the female lion. The task of the male lion
is as a leader who protects his territory so that no other animal enters and attacks the young lion.

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