Operation Barbarossa

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c;n••u '

.}. ~39
( • P6713
c- 0651
MS I C- 065 1

P9n *

ED&tleh Cop;y

0 :p e r a t 1 o n ·•B a r b a r o • e a"

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Joreign Jl111t&r7 Stud1ee Bruch PROPEill'I....Qf_US /~?J~~

llell:lu.th GllJ!;Ui~R
Mlnle\eri~rat a.D.
leeper of th• War »l•lF

DIIID 811111



!n.aalatotl A. JW.I.
&d1 tor 1 Lt Col I.R. f.&JtNOI
le•lewer t L\ Col ll.l. f.&:JlNOII

•_; .3 ARMY W t\R COl.L.EGC
GH\1-la(E 6AhRACKS. PA,
HI COJICAL. lll fl SlCi
'!llle ......
l,, " ,.ri ., .......u ... lillt\t.,
la tile Oeraaa A,..d. ronet lllpn• Co-.a'
lta4quartert 4urlac vor14 var 11. !bl vrlt••• Bt11•
-.th OIJIIIftl, ""' oharca4 vUb wrUlq the war DlU?
at that bead'fUrtlrl froa A"C'lt\·1939 tl A'Prll aa.
lOU. le bat \•••• !Ill worlr • •••••. ~- at .,.......
eoatereao••• oopl•• ef tlaal 4raftt tor eatr,r ta ~~
Var Dl•I'J"• OO'Pl•• et Hln.m• I dlreotb••• onere aa4
4ocna..a\t Ill ,.., a\1.1 te t&YI froa 4ettnoU• at
Cl'eat pW IOaal rllk,
Vit!l tla1 al4 If thttl IOU.I'OII aad. tM tn.lat4
lda4 aD4 ..., , of a profettloaa1 hlt\,rlaa, be hat
pretiD\14 a YlYld. plo~re of HlfLAR 1 1 .. \bo4 ot oo..
~~4 AI We11 AI hll ...otlOA \0 l'e.,.rtel aa4 .UOOIII
aa4 th1 Yal'lout othtr f'aotore vhlob iatlll1DOI4 4e-
oldoae Sa both tbt allUarr AACl \hi polUleal .,a.n••
la a44ltloa ' ' • .-.. rat 4eeorlp\loa of prooed.urtt
la th• eupr•• hta4flwaner.t it laolwlet 4t\allt of ...
,.al1a\loa aa4 \he oo~tl\loa of HITLER'S lemedtate
t\alt. Brief' 4P'Aphlo 4etoripUoaa an &leo laolu414
ot \l\1 outitandlac obnlao\trlt\lo• of l\1 ohltf ....
'Mrt who ••n•4 Hli'Li:l la hlt upaol ' ' •• SUp rue c...
aaad.er of \b1 , ..,, Jon•• u4 CoDMDd.tr la Chlet of
,.,. l..a7.
fhe ooaplt\14 work h elate le ell Y14e4 lnto a ....
'Mr ot Mauttorlpte. ror ..., retereao• •h•aanueol'tpte
lulYe Hn U.e\e4 •Nao1o&loa.L17 tol" laolutloa la •a..
Jaat.tu oo,t••·
M8 f 0..0&5 l

OI:'W, WO.aLD l6'AR I I

liAJl :PlA.n'Y W,;.H~A.C'liT Ofit;HATIOJU

S'l'A11 t AU«-NOT 40

IJH~T S Or WAlt DlAJlt OJ' TUI D&-

:r•H:r& HB.ANCH OF Tili ll.iJl&-
... 'c-o~.



OJ' Tlll IA'l' lON.At.. Dldr ihSi.
.lUtABCK 8 Au& 40 • ~LS Ju 41
WAR DlART W.&-lt:RMACH'! O?Jil~'l'lClll MS f C..066 lc
Sl' A/1, :Oeo • t·IAI" 1941

WAN DIARY liO~rms 13 Auc 43 • Ml f c-O&B a

1? JrillJ 1.943

POLAW 1939 (1) a.e 1 c-oo& o

WltS'rlllRll JJ~D NIH!f~JaiN dl!IDE'~ ICI f C-065 4
1940 (U)

OperAtloa VitlX (IV) au f c-0615 h

ITALY, M'WThR 1940-41 (f) MS I C-065 s

AFuiCA 1941 (VI) MS f C-Q65 t
.ll'-J.. Y..Al~ 3 19 41 ( V~t I) Ms f c-v&& c
14 9 I C-066 l

MS ·~ C·OM

kl I C.OII l

AU \hOI"

llelwth o1u:u~n
K1n1i\er1Alra' 1m OK~
»oma 30 April 1asa
l.e1pdJ, Saxon¥.

Hel.utb OR~l~An Jglned the ·~ 1n Deo..~er

1913• en\er1Dg \be 1Z4ad ;,ru.11ian Infantry R•"'lllo'
aa ilia otflc:er o&nd.ldl\t.e, and 1n .Jul¥ 1914 waa
JI"'iloted t!lecon4 Ueu.\eurtt vlth co11111lulon 4at.e4
23 June 1912, In world ~·r I he ••rwe4 at th•
Yllriou.a fmn'' tro• the outbr..,ak of v.ir to •un•
1917, v1 tb tvo brief break• to r•ooYer tro• vounda,
l.D. J'll.D• 1917 he vAs 4tttnched to ee"• •• ll111bq
a\t~che on ths ataft ot the O•~an .~bfteey ln ~ei'D,
Sw1\xerlnn4, from vh1Ch he VR8 tr~neferre4 to the
Hi•torical Divioion of Arm~ General Staff, Derl1n.
in Jnnuni"J 1919, rema1n1n~ there until dltchAr~d
from the Armt 1n 1-:a.rch 1920. "ri th rlldlk ot CAp\aln,
.Lou thttn 11 month lAter GR.~Ii'!KR ""• npoolnted
erohlvlot in the ~illtnr,r Hi1tor,r S.otlou of the
lthtorlcAl lirn.nch of the Relchlll J.rehivett At Pot•·
dam, Ho rem~lned tn thlt torY1ce until 1935, and
lt wne during t.hh period th,.t he continued hh
atu.dle" in nr~.tiow econ-omy P.nd hhtol')' r:t.\ the
Derlln Un1vera1t1 fro~ 19~1-24. A1wo ~rlne thl•
period he dld a gront denl o! writing on the Ge~
ot:f'1ob.l hhtoq of world ~inr l uti wn1 promoted
jrchi.,rf!.t •

On 1 April 1935 0Ril.ll~.U1 ""' re-called tor

eordco 1n the \i&hrmacht., pro!Aotod Ee~1•Nngera\
(equl.,Rlent to mnJor in rnnk) nnd attached to
the re-orgrmh:ed Hhtor1cP.l Dhhion ot the "Relche
Arch1Yele a branch ot the Mllltnr1 ll1ttor,r Betearch
Inetltute of the Armt. On 10 Au~•' 1939, he vae
'rP..neterred to the ZiAtl oru-1 De fen•• .lirMch, which
lftter ~• re-do~ir~ted

• Admlnhtrlltho otflcb.l ttttsched to 1'iehm&ch\

co~T~d, equ1Tolent ln rttnk to a colonel.
Wth:rnJHcht Optr"Uon• statt (.i!ob1'IJJAch\ttueh~
run«mttlb), 1D H1\ler'• bead~arttrl, at
KttJ;per of the \fftr 'Dlaq, Pro11oted Oberre•
£1•rQngtra\ on l ~&I 1936 and Mlnle\arlAl-
re\ on l October 1940, OR•lN~R vae remoYe4
fro• hit ~oat on 22 April 1943 bec~ute ot
b.le lcnovn anU•nftl.t.ioDJil1aoo1al1d ..nti.men.tt.
lollovtn, thlt he VMI de•ached to the
Office ot the Oerman Gtntral Attaoh•d io
ltall8D ~rmtd Yoreew Headquar\ert ln ~ome
tor a 'brief tptU, 16 June • 31 Ju)¥ 1943,
iro~ that da\e to the end of ~e War,
O;·t:.il H~ v1u no' e>~tployed, 'be1n« cont1dcarec1
poUt1oN.lt UDrelh.ble. He vao captured b7
US foro•• at Ob.,rhof' • 'ihurlntila ora 4 April
ln. addition to hit C8retr 1D the otyll
eenloe Md th• W•hme.cn t, OR-'ll'Wl lt a
vtll·knova -r1ter on •111\ar,y eubJucte 1a
\he h1ator1onl Ytin, hla publ1ftbed vorkt
1nclud1nc, V.ii.1.4J1.ANS OJ' ~ORL» WAR 1, a col•
leotlon ot eueyta bt eoldlere of' the.\ Wara
f.ni 1916 CAMPAl~~ Ia Ru~~IA, vrl\t•n tor
'h• Sttedieh Oene:r9l Staffa :ru; 1916 l~iASlOI
Olr liil.Oll,m J.~t 1'1U ilnSl' iUJOll .l)Aj;I'l.SSJ TlUil
fl.JlNCH t·~OlJILlz.Al'lC.LI IN 1914& tHi ANilUC.U
WAR 01 SSC:ltSS.tCN a GUERILLA W.ARJA.o"U; II 18'10.71
and :ntl&NC!l kO:Bll.lZATio·l PLANS. 1.885-1914,
tome of ~1oh vere vrltten tpeolf1call7 at
lnatru.otion meDualt tor uee ln trainlac.
MS .f c-Ou5 1


Oa the afternooa ot 39 Jul.7 1940, Genoral ot .Artllleey JODL, tb.•

Chief ot Armed Force• Operatlone Offioe,• appeared at the ~eoial tralD

of the Department for NatloDal Defenae which v~• bein& held at Dad

R•ichenhall during RITL::.:R' • et*-1 at the :Bergh.o:f. Under the ••al ot

atrictee\ aooreey. he 1ntormed Colonel WARLH~owr, the D•partment Chief •

n • vell e.• the chief• of the opera Uone d.1 Y1 dona ot the Arrq. Nev,

arad Air :Force, L1euhnont Colonel wn LOSZ:SERG'11 Lieutenant Commander

JUNGE, end MaJor von l7'ALlC£USl'.iiiil, that the :Fuebrer had decided to con•

quer the SoTiet Un1oa ~ force of arms.

Thb nove L\roueed e.."ttNme natoniehment and consternation amon& the

aboTe mentioned officers. lnd.eed, had not HIIJ.'L.&R, while adcl.rece1ng hla
ceneral.s at tho :Berghot on 22 August 1939 end in hie Relchatng speech of

l September, declAred e~hat1callJ that the nonasgress1on pact signed b.r

Germtul7 and the u.s. s.:a. on 23 August aigQU'ied a complete reTeree.l ot
Oermnn foreign poUq end for all 'UliMa precluded tho pou1b1llt7 ot

hoMtll1t1o~ betweel tho two nationat FUrthermore, had not RITLZR con-
cluded tb.io pl:il.ct pr1nc1pell7 to insure 'hat Germctl1' would nt'J\ again

become 1nvol ved 1n a two-front war 11.11 1 t dld dur1Jlg World WA.r 1t lll

addition, the SOviet Union thus far had fulfilled the terms of the

treaty 1n every- respect, end tho Germa.n-Rueeiu. cre~it agreement of

• L~ter changtsd to ~rmed Forces OpersUono stn£!.

19 A'1r.:Uet 1939 ..nd \he h1tr.hl7 importan' oommorollltl \reaty ot 11 Februnrt

1940 ho<l ronlll. t8d. ln re~r~uo.ble bGnef1 h for Qern~Un1. Moreover, ime-

dl~tely eftor the !811 of rrence, HITLER ~d teeued the ttre1 ln•truotlODt

for a partial demobilir.Ation o! tho AtmJe pnrttcularly ~ith regard to the

l.iitchorge of thu oldttr ng" clu.IH>OIJI r.nd ClWJ"f'ec1al.ly hchn1oie.ns, An(i had

or,iflred thnt thlilre be a t~h1ft of awpha1Jh on tJ,J'noarulilnh in favor oJ.' the

l!'ir f<Jrce nnd tho noY)'. :Xhosa indruoUona 1nd1cahd that he no lonr,er

~nt 1c.:1J:.1&.ted aq lll.rg6l-sc~le 6round opttrat1ono 'IJu.t "''u concetutlld only wltb

\il?.r ~4z1inet l::nf$lv.nd.. Alec, on lu July lt~~•o be had aotu ...lly ox~derod ln

hill 11 }'uohnr D1 r:u: t1 ve ~·· 16 11 tha.t. prepl.ll"At1o.tu ba .tua.de for lrw.ding opera•

t1 C!IH" ib .Cnir,b.nd. v.hc.n 1n api te of tl1h, H.l't.l....ii.R tiU.dclenl-7 armouncod }d•

io.hntion to a.Hack Soviet :F.u.uia, tho reasons vh1ch 1nduoad him to toke

thh ahp co11ld onl;y be surm1ud..

In this conn~ction, it 1s ql.loet1onnble whether HlTLim ev$r aetunll1

intended to t.~dh~J:re to thGt G~rMn•Hu.odl\.11 trl!'at1 anll whGthar (as he had

s.r:u.JerhO. in hh Reich9h.g sp&ikch of l Se-pti:unb0r 1939) he reall;y re(;nrded

it o.I!J r~. dechh'tt )'lOliUC!\l turnin.; point. It w~u: pllsP:1bls th~'lt h~ 1lt4d

concludfH-1 thtl' tnat,y ~imply to diminnh thll! dnng~&r in thit roar. 1n -pre-

Tllu·ntion for thi! tt:r.pect()c:\ clr.u;h wHh the wcihl'ti -pOWfllrl!l, nnd. hnd boen

co.nvincod !ro1n tho :CJ.rst the.t ~Al.ll4, too, would nb1da b¥ th-a pRe\ only

u lon~~ a.ta it ennod hh pu.rpoae. It vill probably b., difficult. to ever

f'Ul>V11r thh cueo:;t ion \IHh ubsolah certt\inty. The !not thnt HITLE.R hnd

alwoy!) em:,hu.YJir.ad. our 1deolog1cu.l conflict vlth Cou;::.~unirr::l DX.I.c.'. had pro-

cldt!'3d bh !orci1::n "!?Olicy e.1ms in hit! 'book ''Me in Kampf, 11 ond hh

H S {t- C-OCE:i 1

un•ertl'pu.lmu,neu in connootion ttlth the •1m1ng and fulfllUng of treAUee,

w•r~ de!1nlte 1n~1o~tionn th~t he did not look u~on the GermRD-Ru$elan

nonn~.,o;,· w-~~'"1on pi'.O- &e a perlll«lnen\ arraJ)P,ement 'bu\ e.e " etopgl\p meaeur•

eerl'1nr;; tf) poetpone the 1116t\11nr, of aooountn vith the U.R.S.R.

An Addit1onnl re~oon for the attnck on ~on1~ might have boen the

frt_ot thl•t the ~tu181.nn• wt~re constMtly ndvnnoing turth.er vcett.·ard, and

end#l.n(;ei'inr, our own 1111lltt~1'7 oport~.tion"• In 1939, ltthen the treP.ty wae

dt,IACd nt •~of'ICO'W, the Soviet f;ovemr:tcni ht~d declR.red umphr.t1cflllly thAt

it hnd no intention~ of occupying. bol~hev1v.1n~. or annex1nr. th~ ntn\e1

lOCilhtt "\otithin their e-phore of in.tlu.enor,. Ye' ln P."()ite or thn.t, the

.Boltic ~tntee of t1thunn1n, Latvia, nnd :tsthon:\8. -- \orhex-e the U.S.S.R.

h~ld ll1El.1ntn1ncd m111tnry atron(q)Ointe dnce the late tall of 1939 -- were

occupied CO!!rflletely 1n Jun~ 1940, 1mned1etely bohhevh:ed. nnd incor-

porated 1nto the u.s.s.n. ttevfi!rnl w~elu b.ter afl federal rcnubUce. In

11.t'hU t1on 1 the tT. s. ~.F.. h~ued r..n ul tlmntura to r.umnn1e on 26 June. :ro-

queP-t:f.ng the return of :BeeMrnbin an well ntJ the north(l:rn i>'u·t of J~uko­

vina ,:hich hl".d nevor bolon~ed to ~u"" 11\. Tvo (lAS'' ln tar tho f.ovieta

mn.rched into thof'la terr1tor1ee, ond the:r were 1nco1'1':'or.,.ted into the

!:lov1ot Union n~ :"'eder~l ne,ubl1M o{ MoldnTi#t And the Ukro1no. Thitol

illVVc had brour~)lt the ~viet Union ~ll'lrminrol7 elo"e to the ~u.l'l'.an1,.n oU

fielde in \-th1.ch Gerwany wr..t'l v1t~tlly intcrented. The lhlo~1"n ndvMc~ led

to Ruwn1a' e vn1Yar of the eu~rent:r 'f'led.(;ed by ~:ngl.P.nd P.nd. Fro.nce on

13 April 1940 Plld to hot eloecr oonnectl on with the A::":h -po,.,.ere, ,.,hUe

Hil~Lb;:f< promhed his 1\U.l support to the R\].lll.qJ'\ien Ool'erntnent end 1nftti'W:I\e4
t.i•t~ r·orn1i::D ltlhlUr;tmce e1nd Counter Il.lt.ull.icencll'! Office. heMlt1d by Admiral

Ct ',; 1 r:, to truce £ol6'lllf.ure .. for the protection ot Oerr.'l,,n oU SXLtereste in

l·:llmon 111.

Ho·w~'Y(>r, no tnnttur hoY much tho f'und~Ain~ntal confi1oti w1 th Cornrou.ohm

r...xv~ thn 'iut.:l'S.o..n r.rlvr•nCfJ to tho v~et mi~.rht have -ple.yed "· pl'lrt tn HH·~J;.'R' •

<1eciu1on to attEtC;'= tho Sovht Union, l do not )JeUevt' that thuy were the

d•:>tcrm1n1nG fet.ctort. AboYo nll, they do not &deqUI.ltel;y explntn wlJ¥ Hl'l'L:J:;R

ra:;-.de thh decidon nt n Umo wht!n pre-p~r~Uone for an 1nvna1on of· F.:.O~lo.nd

ru•d Junt l>tten tlh.rtec.l.. For there Of.ll'l 'be little doubt tM.t JHT!.,:;R cUd not

rr:cl:{)l'l e.t tha.t time v1 th ony :Ot\rUo11'B-Uon 'by Ru.er-1a. 1n the vnr at';91nst

o~r~~nr. On t~o contrnr.y, he believed-- nB evidenced b;y repe&ted state-

ments to t.hh e1'!ect - th,,t tor a reuonl\'blf't length ot time he could.

def1n2.tdy d~Jpend on " trlenctly ntt1tude on the pn:tt ot SI'Al..Uf. He vat

r'lr.o of the O:J1n1on th~t the SoT!Let Union w~l' too weak from e. 'l'l1lhury

'!)Cint of vie"' end too mu.ch hl'.nd.1cn!)pt'd. l)y tho f.ltl'lto or lte ho1Ho politics

to Oil 't:lll1J'l~ to rl tk n. mtiJOr ~trmod conn 1ot. Concequontll, 1n thle

connection, ho '-"A.r. un".er no pruc:ure to C\Ct he."tily nLd could oven -porat-

f.IO:O$ the f1nnl ·~ottlomcnt of acoQUnh w1tb nuuiA until he h~d <.Ill llb•

solutely f'reo h111.nd. Surely there \11\at bJI\YC bttean Mother 1rrmortf.tnt rearson

which r;:~v~ l"1ee t~ hh nlnn to ~th.ek: 1luu1t~. in the ncl!r fu.tu.re. 1 bolhve

V•l can hnrt\ly f£0 wron~ 1n f'.tll!'lum1ng thnt the rcaeon ce.n bttt found. in the


1-'rom the very bei;1rm1nr. o! the ,.,n.r, HIT!,!t.J.1 hi~td looked unoo EDg"land

no his chief enen;y. However, he lacked. the m1l1 tn.ey ~Strength to conquer
hS il· C-065 1 .. 5-

hot·. Sb.,·· u. evE~:1wd to ·uc out of the qu~:~t~~tion to cou,~ to :>n und~r~~ttJndtnc

\fit.h Lu<;;land.. at l~t-.~.at under the conditione which :HU'L.f~H (\.ovh'Atl, 1t bo-

cawc hh princ1pol Him to break ~nglnnd' e w1ll to redot b.)' force ot ar.:~a.

whun the Br1t1ah GoYurnment, contrary to expecta~ion~~ remained flrm in

it• dec181on to continue the war even Qfter its figllting forces had been

driven !rom the Continan' and after France had fallen, HITL&R ordered

1nten.e1fied a1 r ~nd navel Wflrt8.re a,tainst Enc-:clao.d and prepa.re.Uona for

landing oper~tion•. However, he undo~btedly took the lottor step with

oome reluctance, becauso in vie11 of Qerulo.n¥' e hopeless 1n:ter1orit¥ at sea

t!ind the lack of nnvol trn~urport•• be probabl;r did not reall)' feel eq_u.al
to this di:t'ficul t tas.k. Jie pro b&.bly feared a uetbe.ck: which l'l®.ld. certo.1nl7

undermine his prest16e considerably an~ might have ver,y aerioua pol1tlcal

consequences. lie even ftecm~d to have been rather skeptical !rom the outset

of the proopech for rruooet\G of the intenrdfied naval snd ni.r v&•rfa.re. tn

l)lny event, he we.., np-pP.rently not nearly ~:u optimistic about it e.a GORRtNG.

'I'kth uncertainty induced him to look etrntegic etopga:p$ t~hich might ennble

him to reach his b(1al w1 th lees rhk. This then might have lad to the

plan to cOUf1U&r ·i?tu;n1EI ouiekly -- for he hnd rt1ckoned with .,tust B brief

cnr::n;lign from the 1 ery beeinning -- 1u order to do~r1 ve :.::nr;lanri of the

l:u;t trump c--rd. shn m1~ht etill po::~s~sn on the continent rmd t.hus :roree

hor to cor::~ ~o terms. !\!'; I a::.itl bcrt"ore, all thia in only cct1.)octi\lre. but

lJt.'lny ntate:nonh mad.o 1'5U.bMquont).y by 'HITI.i~!{, nt1 w~ll f:lS JOD.L, def1n1 tel)"

1ndicHte th!".t thc!"o th~orior:: come quite clone to tho trU'th.


offered. Pny rco.f!:Cn"l for the nm1 -rlPn durin:,: hin conferc·nou ui th the of-

Hc..;;rs o! tho ;;ntionnl ::ofonoo :;Jepr."rtmcnt.. :it~ r ••niJunee<l thHt the :iollov-

K£In:r. who 11ro'hnbl;r '(lOintllid out th~t tho :\ue~1fm winter vould gron.tly

~uiremcnt:; ,,~1ch 1t 'W(>uld not be r>Oodble to carry into ef!aet 1n a fev

l<~ ord.or to fv.lf1l thostl -prare11uid ton the Nn.tionnl. tefenn!! Depnrt-

m'.':ln\ wnB !lr.s1,sno'1 tho tr.llk of cot::?1lin·:-: 1"\ \:ahrr.t.'<c)lt Righ Corr.r.mnd d1reot1Te

fo :r Q.ll the brr>.nchcn of tht~ •,; ohrmP.cht • which Va.l!l t.o b~ de sir;n:;. tad "Aufbau

inr-u.vd l.l'I)OC:i f1o ;~id.ing pr1nci:ple~ durin{; the c.on!oronc<a on ~9 Jul~. On

lt:h•J li\tahr.:.::r hnt~ ~b~nr.~.oncd the iden. of Mtn.'blich1n.r. 11.11

1ndepcnd.f!nt Folhh rump .~vernmont and haD dttc1dod to ln-
co"t"pon:tG tbc ocC'.l."?icd en,tern terr1tor1e~ into Grcn.t;lr

• The Chief of the Nt>.tfonnl D'lf~ac :Dep:r.~rtment VLUI -;>romotad to

Genart\lmi\Jor on l AUf;U~t 1940.
G'.Jl'r."-'·nY. 01dn,:; to thia f'c.ot, 1 ~ nlso hoc beco~o~a nccocr:r,ey
fur th!J ;;chr:·;:cht to congolidat$ nnd develop tho neuly won
e;:~r.:t•;;rn terri torica, in ull respects. Hesid~n, during tho
\1:\r, the over incl·ev.sini>; lnannco of t>tir nttn.ckn in the ~Ie::~t
roquiroa thnt tho plutectod eaatern territories be utiliz~d
for ~ilitnry purpose~ in ~re~ter ~Gasura.

Xhe directive further et.ipulo.tod th:.t theae c.ctions be {~ovornod by

the !ollO>tin~~ procepto:

A~l.Y reoro.nizo.tion or trFdnln~ of' forces for which a

no0d vUl t>.risu in the future t~hould be preferably
e:ffectHd in the onstr}rn te:;.·ritorios, end for this purp09El
tho n(3ceer;~u.'y f'o.cilitios for trf:o.ining mrmcuvero nhould
be ~f'~ up ir.:;·i:.Hiintcly. Ii noces.~..-~r.v, ~ ..;;h:rm:~cht f.lU:')nlies
of t'.ll ld.:nd.~: r.;.hould. be trnnr:ferred to tho Cl!~ot !ro:n the
~vootin"n or1.m.s ~~hich .r.ro axr>ooed to n.ir ottnc/.:s. :'ho
·.;'J:'lrz:;rwh t rcr1ui rer.:.cn t a cova:r ing the i:rmrovc:nent of the
rn.H~;,-,y t'lnd ror..<l netuor~ n ro to be trPns<!lit ~cd to the
co:r.petc-nt .r:cich r:cenciee at the o.<:~rlier;:t pOl':dblc n:or.~cnt;
tho n1r~nnl com"unicr:.tion rystem is to be ir:.9roved;
inl;;trllt~tio:nu of the p_:r:n:'lm~nt in0u~try vhich servo the
i.::n'.Gci.:l.<'\tf-J t.·oop l·e11uirementn f:'rc to b0 net up in £'.lffi-
ciont nurntitic,~; furtherr:1ore the nfl.-;Jping ~y:'ltcm fo-r the
e:~.::.t 3houl1i bE~ ior:I<J<lintely t'.d.rmted to the: noii:!d:::: of the
'i'orcG:~. Cn tho othf~i· hnnd, the :::Janr-ur6n conccrninr~ the
d•<J•tel~;~ment. of fortific[•t~.on~ !.r1 the conntry, \Jhich ho:;a
ber:.n ~~chedulcd on. the bt'sts of r·:·\rU.er rwr,ulationr., ,,re
to be defcrrot~ for the T!r<,;:;.o.:lt.

Tho dir:;;etiVI~ e.rhteri thnt thece instrvc~lnn~ ~;ould bo cent shultn-

neoucl:r to the top level P.oich. <1:~cnciea conc~Jrned l'.ud the Governor C:enornl

of tha occu11cd .:-'olir:h torri to!'icn.

li!RtlontJl ;)efonoJ l!E;pnrtJ.~rmt on 7 .:-~.ug:ust, colh1d o.ttcnt1on to the fr.ct

th:.c.t. eccol.·cl:.:::.:~ to ropo:.t\': on h.:m:\, the.: ci.vilinn Pr:;c.ncic;. v:uro still un-

1n _fo~·.·",-''d ...... ~!.•

• "- a'.·'''1t ·- c)_ .~.,~;nu.cnr:
,, " i ncol-:,orn t i OL o f ·.,'h_e r:,o~'/orner.cn t G>on::n·r>
' ·' 1 into
1118 I C..068 l

dlrecthe would now ~ppdu the top leYel Relob agenolee and the OoYernor

General or the poltttc~l decltlon mnde br the Fuehrer from vhlch thete
a~nclea vould dJ"P.W tar-reachlq lnferenc••· In order to AYold thh, U
••• propo"ed that the J'uehrer dlrctcUn 'be madl publlo 'by the Chief ot tht
Retch Chttncellery or the Belch Nlnillter of the lD\erlor, aottnc ae oentnl
agenQJ tor all queetlont attectlnc the lftltern terrltortee.
AI HITLER, e.ontral"7 'o etatement •de ln 'he iaboduoUon to the
Wehrmacht Ht~ Commftnd 4lrectlye eolelr to conceal actual motl~••• at that
t.111e vat by no meBnl clear AI to what be lhoul4 do 'With the Polhh l"UIIp

terrltor,r, he speclfiod, aa a re~lt of the aboTe .antloned obJection,

•hat the aerial wart~r• in the vee\ ahould be the onl7 reaeon offered tor
the meaaurot acbeduled tor the enet. In \b1e amendod form the dlreoUn

was elgnod on 9 A.ugutt by the Ch1at of lfehrme.ch\ Rlgb Comend and dhtrl-
bu\ed to the Wehrll8cht branohet, \be top level Relch agenclee, and the

OoYtrnor Oenernl.

In all probe.bllity, 'he Commander tn Chief of Statf ot the ArFIII •'

that time h~td alrcaq been informed ot Hl'l'LiR 1 1 new plan end were· there-

fore familiar wltb the real purpoee of the Vehrmacht Hl&b Command direc-

'lYeC but ex~ctl7 when thla orlent•tloa took place le not certain. On
3 Sep\~ber 1940, ~an oanerAlleutnant PAULUS aetumed hl1 dutle8 aa

Atdttr..nt Chief ot Staff tor C1')eraUons, Oeneral f.W..Di.i:R h.Nlded hlm an

ot)er~tt1ont nhn covering the cr.mpniP,n "'Olin•t Soviet Ruuln, vhich ""'
tUll incom,lete "'nd on which Oenern.l mn.J or ~URCKS hP.d. been working thua
MS I C·065 l

far, and lntt~cttd hia to flnl~ \hlt ~laa after lnYtt\1~\lng all a\taCk
poo~1b11t•t•• and prootedlnc on the ••~mptloa that 130 • 140 dlYltlone
would bt ••~llablt for thlt purpo1e. Ja thlt con~octlon, he vat to take
into aooount froa the flrt\ tht utlllsR\loa of Rumania at an area for \ht
••rateglo concentretloa of the Oeraaa tou\btra wlnt. BITLER had att the
followlnc a\ra\tclo obJeotlYttl (1) to annlhllate the Rutalan force•
tta\toned la vtt\era ~ut•la and to .ate ~rt 'ha\ noaa of tht element•
would ttoape ta flt coadltloa to the reara (a) to capture Lenlngr~d,

~oecov, the Ukr•lat, aad \ht aortherA par\ of the Cauoatue vlth 1te oll
wtlltl (3) to reach a itnt froa which the l!u.ulu Alr force would no
lon,er bt ablt to tfftot1Ttl7 attaCk Otrmanra ~~ final obJeatlYe vat to

be the AatrakhRB-Vol~Archengel llne. •

Independent of the contlderatlont and lnTeetlr,atlone ot the Oenerol
Staff ot the ArmT, the Nat~nal Detente Depnrtmtnt alto had to compile an
operaUone '!)leon for \ht ce.~~~pa1p aca1a1\ .Ruttla. 'l'ht Department vat CiYea

Ut ~•dgnmtn\ el tber durin& the eoDtereoat on 29 .Jul.7 or eoon thereathr ••

b7 GGneral JODL, who obY1ouel7 tried to arrlYt at a batll on which to
deYelop hlt own ldeAt oonoernin& the planned operatlon•• ao at to be ade-
quatel7 prepAred tor the ooniUltatlon with Oeneralfeldaarechall Ton
:SRAOClUTSCJI• whloh vat expected to take place ln the near tu\ure. 1n

connection with the result• ot the Arm7 11~ Command inYtati~t1one.

• AceordlDg to tntl&ODJ' aiYe.o b7 OeneralteldMrschall PAULUS du.rln&

the flrtt trial ot VRr crlmlnRlt held at Nuernberg ln feb1'U8ry 1946.
•• The exeat date can no longer be a~certu1ned.

The Conal!lldtr la Chief of the Ur force al•o aaema to bftYe been 1n-

for.wu'l bt HITLL-11 of hh nov plM eArlt lD the aeme, tor U h re~taonlll.blt

\o •~~~ tha\ the oper•tiona staff ot the Air Force alreadf knew or th1t

proJtJct \'hen, on 8 AUf!:Uat, they roqu.el'fted. the OlfH (Armr High Comrtr~nd) to

fl.lruhh the neectl'liU"f dato. in connection with tho developmen' ot the ground
or~anhaUora. or the J.lr l'orce tn tho aut. OQ the other hand, the Com-

mauder in Chief or tho liA'f1 wn• apperen\h· not. aoUtled b7 KITJ.~;n until

\be end ot Sept~~bor, vhi.:h, however, d.oea not preclude the poad'bility

~nA~ he had been pr~YiOUtl7 lnforued of the nev tcheao b7 aomft o\hor meRna.

li'or the preunt, the tvo plon• ot operatlont aa.d the OKW (',fehmncht
lU&h CoMMd) tbeaUYt vere held la abt7AD.Ct. On il A.ugu.tt, Hh'1l1~R merelr
••nt vord vb. Oenel"ftl t10m.. to the Cota~unlder ln. ChS.et ot the Arflt1 t.hllt
1~ le ur«entl7 neoet~Ar,r to tortlt,r iamtdlatel1 the Dal\lo Seneon~t

vUh bi\Uerlee, • and that, •tor ·pollUosl natone, lt 11 detlrf'ble ths\

nn armored unl\ be d.etnchtd vlthou' del_, to Eaet Pruttla.• ~~ re~ton

for the lt-thr IIU!"turt watt und.oubtedl7 the f•ct \hat the So·rid Union,

tnrough l\1 recent occupation. ot all of L1thuanla, had forced aheed right
up to the ltl\thrn bordert CJt F.-et Pruula. The Olt1t (Arnl7 lfl()\ Commtand)
atelgnad. the ltt P~nter DlYltion ~lch •rrlyod. in gaet Prut~la "' \he
beginniDg of Septem~er.

At th1t t1me, hovwver, other ~roJeot• were ttlll toremoct 1n impor-

tAnce - •bovo all Operetton Sli"~LOlliWE at v•ll at the plM tor an aUAOk on

Gibr.. lt.ttr end the contemplnhd. commitment of Qe:man armored forcot in

!.ibyn iu ftllrrport of tha UnUnn coraj)P.1gn t'l.gn1natr Ji:&rpt... .M tho beginning
of ,"u.;ust. lan..n:R \J('Gfm to wrr;v Jlbout the fnct thnt, o:f' lata, ralt\tions

bf.tt<:to~om the rovict Union P..nll l<"inlnnd hnd booomo strained. The BuMiM~

Chi'IJ"I;ed th~t the Flnnbh QOVO.fllJ;'IClflt \'IHJ ~B'k:tng thint;e difficttl t for the
co'n'nmtct1c ~tlnoe1n.Uon tot' the J\dvnncamont of .l.'MM t.nd Friendship ~!lth

th". '3ov1ot Union" 'Wh1el\ h,.d 'bac·11 founded. in 1"1.nlP.nd Bt the uloeo of tha
nueno-F1nnhh wnr. Accordin,z to B rcrport ot thtt Yui;Ofll&T e.mbntMd.o:r to
~·ofteow publhhed in Berlin. nutttien Fore1(91 ComM1lUM' MOLOTOV hnd cnllod

the Fl~l~h am~~~~ndor to account tor thle,. Yurtherrnore, n ~hole soriet

o! reporh tubmitted bf attnobet '-\nd Bgents lru\ioll'.ted unn.n1mouely thnt the

f1fte~n Jlutnbn divldonA 1h.t1oned at the T11'11li"h border ware bl!ling re1n-

torcerl b:r IU"mored elemen\R ~J,n, th~tt in 11.11 UkeUhood these forcePJ woUld

'be alerted. beg1nn1n~ 18 Au~·.ld. \1e .reeognhtd tut the hue reA!I'On behind
these JCOT&II \he soviet Union' n d.edgnn n&nine·t the :FS.nnhh nickel ore

re~ion ot Petttt.mo J U wu of the utmo11t lmporttmce for oe:rm•n1 1t cond11ct

of the wo.:r thn.t thh terrUoey ro1M11l in ll'lnlnnd.' o poueulon. tn ttddi-

t1on, RITL~~. who ~~ then might have contempl~ted v1nn1ng oYer Jinlnnd
for pnrtlat~ot1on in the campaign BgBlnt\ Soviet Rumtin, wn~ concerned
thn.\ the litter m1•:ht btY,.de northern Worwq. :OU:rlng \he coD.:f'ercmcB, which

ha8 been ~entioned ~rtYiOU$17 and ~1cb vne held on 13 Augu~t in the Berlin

Ch~ne~l1e17 • bet.,1een RITLN!, Adm1rnl HAEnrn, nnd the Chh:t ot ~r-tt ot

the Nnv.r, RITL~ therefore infttruoted Admir"l RAA,ER to.tortl!~ the ~ren

of northern Horwq mon 1ntenul7 .-nd •boTe fl.ll to f!ecure tho f'Jordf!l there,

• See ChApter III, p~ ? (Oenaan originAl).

r:.:rHeu.l~trlT At cro~t•ro,..dn. to such A degree that 1lu111i.,n llttR.Ckt would

h.-u no ch"nc~t of w.ccen r-nd tlmt e. rountl~tlon be lnid for 1t subltHluent

occunAt1on ot l'ehr"~.r:tO. 'i'he eot~~~~ltment of a MTM eoll!lllr-nd.er in chief t.n

thia nren wnt nho to 'be t~>Jt~tn into oont~1derl'tt1on. Tho ne:J~t\ dn.f HU!•.''~R

fit nf!Uftnmd h:C.!'e~>dng t),~ j)l"OtootlOn Of northern rlonm)" bf r:te{lntl Of r.lt~.

troop" "l t.h the COI!'!Jil,..nder in Chlet of Noniflf• O~nnrP~l TOn .,.fl!,t:.:J:nomn'.

wl':o httd bf!l€Jn ttlt.."~ll':tH'lftrl fCir thl~ uurpottt. nn thh ocoaaion thn lr·,tt;m• 'Oro-

ooM'1 thn.t the .,·ntlre r.ov..ntn.1n Mrru1 be trt~Mferr~d to the ~inrvl.k-Klrl<:ent;

,.rM, 'Wh tch llt4!'J' R..t'!L ~~R P.:nproved. Rot. ehtlll!tl\rflc:hnll GOJiiHI~;n ,., ~ dele~ ted

th• tt'lt~~lc of t~l'\klntt prepArAUonft tor tht conetruotion or nn air b"l!le in

northern Nai'\11~ •

.(:,nn though the tenw1on bttt.'OI!Il the t'loTle\ Union .,.lld i'lnltmd ttoon

rel~xod bnd the re~orte ooncerninr. l~rge-•e~le retnforcemen\ or nue~1An

troops at th8 flnnlth border did no\ aeem to be bft~ed on feat, the order&

IUfi.l,Ji bAd hrued ntnertheleu remnlned in affect. So fnr the on11 elemen\•
of the ronunhin COf1)t in nort.h,rn tiorwnr hl!\d been the 3d. •·1ountnln .Ohldon.

llltrin~ the D.f!Xt YeelU the 2d l-iou.nt"'1D n1Y1 r.i011 VAS .tal 10 trMIIft"rrtJd to

no:rth~rrt :rronmr fro• the Area of Trnndhelm, to whloh region the 196th In-

f~ntry U1T1s1on "R! moved from 01110, ln a1d1\1on. the element~ of ~n e~

Dr1r,nd8 ~1ch ~• •tnt1enftd ln o~lo •ere al'o eo~~ltted far u~ north, •'
Klrkenefl, 1n tho lmmfl<ltt\\e. Tlcinlt7 ot tbe Pet~tPMO re(l'ion. 'the r>rol,hmfl

or tnlrtplyinr, All theu troo-pt vt .. hnd route throur:;lt lior""T• ~1hlch in tto1te
of the 1•upldly pro&re~:~air~ <lonutracUo.u ot tho l~nrvlk-Kirko.n•H.I row.l, • on•

o.nd ~rn.ntecl the ri&ht to u.oe tha roa·l load1n, tron .K.etn1 ovt-r nort.h~rn

Finlnnu to l~lrkenos, Tho)' ~lso cnva pormhdon 1n mid-Sup tr.·rt~ller for a

Gcrc1n.n ontltdrorRf't tirt.illorr 'bntbUon 1n un1torm to nmrch throut;h on Ua

'flft'Y to Ki;,;-kenoe, 'but rQquutod that t.hll l'tuu1ana be ln!ortned f.\bout thu

which Vfl!J d.~flcl on ;~;s !'l:ptorubor by the norwan nnd. tha F1nn1nh Govornmento.

ohteen d1v1o1ons, tota.J.intJ; 140 • 150,000 mEJn, but wna rathor weak in artU-

not able to n:oat the rtqu1romontG or rnodoru vnrfure. In conformity with

Hl:L'l.iloR'e ordnr, the pont of on 11 A<lmlrnl ot thQI Pobr Conat l'iegion 11 wna
eroded 9.t the bo~;1nn1c.-: of !aphr.bcr e.nd Adm1rnl ~Oim: llppo1nteti to till

thlel pod tion.

!<13nnwhlle, lb th~t souther..st, oerioue pollticnl cotn;:~l1cntiona h.sd ttrhen

wtch ~trect~" GP.rmAn intereoh 1n tAr ftl'tt"ter me~PUH thun the r.nuing

"' 'i'hh roPd, \rhich ext.enctcd 810 kl.lotteter~, \/h., coJI'lpletcd .nt the
beginning of Novombor.
~!S I C-066 1 -14-

tenftion between the SoTie\ Union 8nd Finland. Ovlng \o the lnoorporstlon
ot n$aearabia and northern !UkoT1na into the soviet Union, th• terri~orial

problem• 1n the Balkenl!l one• etgaln loomed large. Hunpry and laulg~~trla hod

requeehd. the f(llDir.m:J.an GoYenuuen\ to return thdr terr1tor1•• ot Tran&7l-

Tanin and eoutbern Dobro~ea, which the7 had ceded according 'o at1pul~t1onl!l

in the peace treatlet ·elgned after world War l. While the Rumanian-Bul-
gnrian negotiation•• initiated on 19 A~1\ •' Cralova, had progreeted
favorably trom the e\art, the RumanlnA-Hungarlan dlecu•elona, which hnd
begun on 16 Auguat at Tumu-severln, lhortlJ ltd to terloue "re.umenh and
were broken ott wUbou\ reeul t on 23 Au~ut. The two goTerruaenh there-
upon turned to the Axle ~owere, requeatln~ them to aot ae arb1tratorB 1n
thlt controver17. ln vlev ot the critical tenelon between Hun~ry ~nd

Rumania wh1oh had a1rea~ led to border lnetuente •nd threatened to re.ult

in the outbreak ot hoot111tlee, the need tor German-ItBllan intervention

became all the more urgen'· BI'l'L.li;R, 'bearlnc ln mind the Rui!IMinn oil thip-

ment• on whl·cb Oermuy• 1 oonduot ot war denended to a l8rge degree. AI voll

ae hh ot.he,r l.'lll\na, wae vltal17 interested 1n the pre~trvat1on ot l.'f180e in
the :Bill.ke.n,e. Moreover, ai the !erghot, vhore HITLER ho.d been etn.ying dnce
17 Auguet and Wbtre on ~1 August he had bean Joined • by the Chlete ot the
Wehrmacht Hl~ Colll.ID8nd and the Wehrmacht Operat1on1 Ste.tt ,u •torUlnc

reporte were received on ,25 and 26 Auguet .concernlntt ltueslan troop

• The Field ~ohelon of tlle NAUonnl Defenu DO'l)P.rtmcnt wr.- !'I detnohod on
a~ August and arrived the next mornin« in ita special train nt tho
Snlzburg anin etat1on, where it remained.
n The wehriM.cht Operattone Office had been changed to \.iehr£tncht Onerr&Uont
Sta1't on 6 AU,O,UDt 19•10 • -
conc,mtrf\tlon~ f'!.t the P.ruth River nnd in northern :Dukovirm. It wnn !11Un-

11~cted tlw.t tho ren.t1on behind. theua moves 1·mo the '?lr!n of tho ~oviat Union

to sui:!is the ~umnnlrln oU field region in ense or nn fl.rmmd oonfliot 'between

P\Ulf.;.t~l'l nnd nulll!\fl1o. \1h1ch HI'l'LER Wll~ dehrm1neu to 'Prevont Rt 1\ll t~oat6.

Consequently HITL~R. in conjunction with Itnly, invited tho two covorn-

~onta to ~ conforenca to be held at ViennA on 29 Au~~e\, Qnd at th~ same

t1 rna took prevcnt.1Ye will tary mea.ouree. On 26 AU(~Iut he ordered tho Com-

Jw·nti(lr in Chiaf of the ft.rrny to immedlately aulttn n'bout ten divisions to

l'oln.nd in order to reinforce tho elamantn ntatloned there. but '«ithout

~eriously 1ntt-rfer1n~ with the regule.r flow o! economic trnnl:':porh. In

vddition, bo ordered thot two nrrnorod d1v1e1ona. nfter their equipment had

btwn vut in r,ool\ ropdr in the Zone of lntor1or, be transferred to the

e:r.trelilo ·oou.thellatern 1.l~rt of Oouvernemen1i o6n~rel. '.t'he commitment ot these

d1vh1ons vo.r. to bo offected in !!UCh e mnnner n.e to mnlce sure tha.t, should

the need ari~e, 1t vould be pooF.ible to tBke prom~t action to protect tho

Hurn~nit•n oU fhld ret~1on. At the Hungar1o.n-Rumnn1n.n border, aocord1nr, to

lt1h1•1t rfJ~ortrt, no lent! thP:"n 23 out of the. regular 34 Hungr.r1on Iirtr.udoa

\\'£1'6 !lnid to bo lr.l'!lM" 1 ~rherees Of the 3f> Humnnbn diTlelone only 6 - 10

11.r0rc ~td1oncd nt the Hunr:;P..r1nn border and, on the other hnnd, 22 - 24 wero
on the l:u f! !~ if'n 'border. l{~w incident 1!1 at the Hungn.r1an..nul'll?..n1r~n borO.cr

indu.cerl EI'''C:ll t'·to dPyr:~ hter, on the rnorninr, of 29 Auguet. to ord.or tho

'.n ·.v r.nr1 tho Air rorcc to mnke nll nccetu.mr;r pren~rntions \tlthout dolr;y

1•"1' the h~:>"'f'.irtc• occut1:-tion of the oil field rer,lon tu Cfl.@e the intr.rv~~n­

t.J.r··~ ''.r.:.lCCP.tU.n:;::. Fhich h~.·d bc~:n stnrtod, vere to fp,1l. lt "~>Jr.c 3tiru.\t>.t.u.·l
thl\t !or thb purpOMl, they D1eke uu prhw.r1l;y of tha mobtle unih of the

,.rnty which n.t the tb1o were dn.Uoned in the Zone ol Interior. Thue ·unite

con~1eted or f1Ye armored d1Y1s1onu nnd ~reo motorized d1v1s1ona, whleh,

with the ~xception of onu ftrmored And one c~torized division. ~ere nr~tn

fit !or eerY1oo beginning l September. In l\dd1t1on, they vet'e to m..,.lce

provhlona tor the oonnnitment of pnre.chuto nnd .drborns troOp@ for prompt

on-t,he-"pot protection of atrBtogio po1n\ s in }!umnnb.. If necenr.:r,ry,

perm1u1on Wfl!!t to be obtn1ned from the Hunt~nrinn G·overnment for the pauA.ge

of' our troopa end, rut fp.r B8 p<ledble, tor rollwfl)' trl'lnl!lportf'.tion through

Hungnry. It wae bel1•ved thnt thero would be nn dltficulty in Recuring

Rwnan.ie' 1 agrtf>DJent for the poanago of our troop•& she wo.e elso be charged

with the rtaponaib111ty for aupplying the Oermnn troops stationed in Rumania.
On the eYen1ng of ao Au~st. these 1netruot1ont vet'e tUpplemented to the
et.feot tba~ lU'.t'I...ii.'R mi{l)l.t order thue movemsntl .to bogln ae early ao l Sep-

tenmer, and that ooneeqijontly, provision• might have to bo ~~d~ for oome
el.ea1ente to be preno.red for operatione on thtt.t d.Rf. RoweTel", in thh eonneo•
ti'>n, U vae ordere·1 that no redhtribut lon ot troop• vas \o take plnoe
before l Sep'ember, whereas the eh1ft1ni from veet to enBt, which had been

ordered on 26 ~ugu~t. wsR to be put into effect with the utmost npe~d.

on the 1nomlng of 29 Au.~at the /\rmy lfig."t Com'DAnd reported that atepe

hAd been tnken in ~reparation for the occu~ntton of tha oil field region,

thllt the Moto'X'izec\ 13th tnff'.nt'l"'J 'nhidon hn~. atn.rterl lh morch to the area

around Vionnn, And thnt it ve.s that r plf'.t\ fo-r the pronent to plttce thie

d1v1e1on and·the tvo armored d1~1•1ona (24 and 9th) ~ready atat\oned there
kS Yl· c-066 1 -17-

und•r the com,M..nd of the XXXX Corp• Headquarter•. The operation• etaff"

of th• Alr Force ftl•o tent vord that ~e1 had taken prep~ratory mea~uree.

't;'hen a ruorn1n.v, comnunicatlon 'brougb\ the nev• that the f"lrat .Dr1t11h. .-1r
ahr1ck on llerl1n hllld been bunched the n1gbt before, Rl?.'Ljj;ll decided at

noon to return 1~edlately to !arlin in order \o dliCUit reprleal rolde

ag.tinot London v!th OOERUUJ. • HlTL.t:R, together vHh bia party and the

lo'iold .r;chelon ot .the Rational Detena;e Depflrtmont, Arrived 1n the ca:pl tal

on the morninr, of JO A~e\. In the att1rnoon a conference va• held at

the ChMceller1 1 predded over by General JODI., during vhich the me31Uree

tor the protection of the oil field ret:1on tnke·n thu• far ud tho .. oonter3-
plated for the ruture vera dhcuued. Thl• con!eronce v•·• aUcm.ded by
General liA:iU.ll<!Ol'.T aoco~~rp,nhd b¥ two otf"icer• ot the NaUonu Defenee

Depnrtmsnt1 the Chief" of tlle rore1~ Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence

0!!1ce, Admiral CANABIS; the Chief of Counter-Intelligence Branch li,

l.hutent'n\ Colonel von ll.i.h'TIVi.GJH t the rlnt aenoral Staff Of"f1cn of the

Operation• Hhhlon of the Cenorlll Staff of the Arrq, Colonel Hi..USU4(};i;R;

IUJd th'3 Chief of th.ct Operrlt1on• Dlvielon of the Air Force OptaratlonB Staff,

Otn$rl'llnll'\Jor HOll'F).~A.l'Hi Yon WALD.W.

GenerP.I.l JO!JL lJtgnn b7 dating thnt ehould the intarvent1on f~.tll, 1t

vould be naou&llry to protect the Germnn sphere of 1nt erest1.1 1n Rumr•n1A

flgpi.o.ttt n.ttecl: by other nowere, n.nd thftt to thh end it vou..ld b0 ea""antit•l

thAt the Wehrlllf:l.cht OOC..'\11')1 ttuJMnil'l in the qu1ckeet vny pou1ble. Fun:':''l'Y

• See Chnpter UI, Ul'.r,e 19 (Oermt'l.n or1?;;1nrl).

J.\3 f} C-Oti5 1 -18-

•nd Rumnnle. vould pruw:mblr ttgree to thh mo-ve. Although tho la.ta~t

report" indicAted th~t the V1~nn~ neP,9t1a~1ona vould re~ult tn ft con-

c111~t1on ot the contend1n~ pP.rtlee 1 prepnrat1ons should no-verthelcne be

oont1nuod for the preeont.

M.mlral CA.NA1U S thcD reported on mtu•.surell talten by him for the pro-

tection of t.ho oil field ro~lon. He etnted th,..\ the tolloving force" vere
8l'~1lo.bltt for thtt pr~Tentlon of eabohl',~t Mli ~urpriu l'lliO.!'II

( l) n.pproxJm~J.tolf ont~t hWldred and f1ft:r man led ey Bble otfiooru ft.nd
•tnt1onerl at Butcuk on the .Dvnube, About the u-...mo number ftt Buchprad,
and nround Ploent1; theee men, ~ho hftd untforme and vaopon• nc wall ns
heAY)' ll'IC•Chltle gun11, would be o.ble to ro8.oh the oil field region v1 thin

16- ao hours n!ter the alert had been &1vcn; (2) about a1x Vnnube cut-

tere and tvo motor bo~'• vhlch vors equipped vlth armaa (3) armed men
hidd~n on oll \nnkeru. Tho order for the comn11tm~nt ot these dotenee ele•

monta thou.ld. bu 1uu.ed twant)'-!our hourt in ttd.vnno~, lt pon1ble.

Oener~l YOn W.<\l.DAU pro:po~ed the au1gnment ot one reinforced pnrn.chute

ret~lmant connht1ng of three both.lions, one MtitMk compnn,y, tmd ono in-

tent r)' ho,.:ltzer comt'nn;r, on" pnra.ohute ant1A1roran, and one l11;ht beUeq.

He etRted thAt prov1~1one h~d bean mAde !or the Rsaembly ot 270 trAnsport
plo.nel!l, thd 230 ad.dU1oMl plttnn could be aupnUtd b;v the trRining 11choola

vlthin 72 houre, ~nd that the •toring ot fuel hnd begun in the nr~~ ot
lVli Air Force Adm1n1otr~t1ve Co~Jn~nd. Re Alro r~ported that 11x lnnd1nc
Ill tee Yere Wl(ler condd~rl'l.tion •round Ploosti a hoveTcr, their nrali'ant

condition !!till hP.d to bo inve!!tigoted. Thlil ::\unum\n.ns vould be Able to

MS f C-065 l -19-

h.ke onr the tt\r defeuae And, for thh purpose, hlld IUHfKli:l.. pureult pb.neR

And 04rm~~ nnt1~1roraft •' thelr dlwpo8&1. The wlthdrAwnl of tlghtAr

plene• fro0 the we~t w~w, ln hlt ovlnlon, undteirable ae well ~• unnecee-
flJ\l')'. ~hould f!l(\d1Uonfll •ntiaircran probation be reQuired., one mh:ed

b...tt"11on for protection ftgftln•t lov 1\Ultude attack• could then be

aui~nod. Afl¥ pnraohute troops \ha\ lfll1dtcl vould MYI to be conducted

to the obJectl..-• they were to protect ~ ~ldeft Who were ao~UAlnted with

the country.
l'lnuly, Colonel H]I;USINOER reported tha\, bed.nnlng l September, the

S'I\WI·lftl, ln conJuno\ion wi\h the ad and 9th Panser Dhhion• 11nd the 13th

Motorlsed lnfnntr,y Dll"ltlon, would be held ln rendlnees ln the area eround

Vhnnn. He adtlod, hovel"tr, tha~ tor the preunt the two armored dhhion,.
httd o.t their ditpoul onl7 one tonk b'AttAllon eech. Unleu lt. encountered

erwany ruhtEmoe, the Corpe vould be able \o reach the Hunt:;ar1an border

wlthin three d8yA and the oil t"ield re61on A.round Ploutl within fhe de¥•.
1'hh could. be aMomplhhed b7 wheeled nhiolet b)' road mnrch, uoine. tvo

or three rou't•sl!l, and by IJhlpping treck-lq1ng vehicles by roil, uflint~ tllo

rc.m.tu. In •ddltlon 1\ would be pculble to covw1t the following&

the raotorhed 14 0roudeuhchb.nd11 Inf11ntey Reat1mont nnd the motorized

11 Jl~lolf H1ll.~·:it11 • SS Lei bntllndtlrte both of vh loh were .At present •tt'lticnett

• 'The II A:!olf HIIL;·R" sc; Lalbtttr,ndnrte, formerly l:U'A'.kR' fll body 01:'\rJ, h~d
buen tml,rged to R br1(~nde ns p(lr ~·u,~hrer ti1rectiv<!l of l:G Au.r•l11t l~l<'\0
Prtd. now consio\ed of five bnttAlion# find one Prtilleq rfl.lrtimr~nt ,..hich
F.J.Po hRd nVf'ilAble 011•1 lir)lt #nd ona medium flak batteey.
lh i\.1' \te·l.·Jrl ~inu l>nd. col.l<"\ be prf:!rwrad to annrch vl thin 48 bouro, ....nd

oft«r £.11 l\01'\.1\tNlt•l <\8 hOUrll COI.\ld b• in 1\ POIIltlon to T80.!~h the IJermaJ1-

/,f , ,w,.·arl"' rl bordt~r. l:et !11 <itt•. \\;0 1n!ttnt r,y d1v1e1ona had been e~ rflll- rked

!Gr t'l.\tU•It relit!{ of the x:·.-cx lnfentr;y Corp•. wing to tho do ..neu of

~hot Lflfl1t•l•rinn railvey eyttem 1' wu.ld be nooeesa.q to #itive on• or t.wo

<f1<".J ,.., "''·' V1 ucu notice on r.-il'We~ trnnsport• pau1n« throut.b Hung...cy.

ln conclu~1on, o~neral JOUL atated th~t the1e ~eaeureo were AUffi•

dent !or the preeent 11nd that the prepar,.Uon• vere to be continued on

thllt ~"~•"'-nin. During the n•xt fev dll)'a, \hfl National Defenae DepartJilen\

CO!r'(lilt',l A 11
d1rectln g<>Yerning the 0CCil'Oilt10D of the Ru.mAn1nn Oil field

rer;lon'' which, hovever. """' 1 to be llt;ned and dlttr1buted. onl;y lt and wen

~'-""•'"L ..>•wtmtfl nf!ce'H•1 t,•t~:>d our t11k 1na "'liY action.

In the mel'lnt1me, the conference, which hn•1. b~ten CAlled at Vlenn8 tor
th~ l"'Jroofte of ecttling the HWl~arlan-HumMhn dlt~pute, hPil be.~n on 29

AucHt in the u,.,,..,~-r Jelyedcre C~>ttle, the former wur.unor rellidenctt of

Prine~ 1:u.c;~ne or 'Z'1:l-.o'J. ~he Dtf.;OUnti on" vere CArried on bt OerDl<lD :rorelp

f.llnhter von RIB ,.:_r..r.nOJ' And ItaliAn rorell§l Ninhter Collnt CIANO with the

hunr,,•rJFJn ~tnd Rumn.nit1n d.eleKrttiont, \lhlch were headed. by their rore1111

t-.1nh1;ers Count CS:\Y.'! and hl.l~OI1~SCU rupactlvely. ':'he oonterence ended

un 30 Au~et with a deoit1on rendered b7 the Ax1t powert, accordlnc \o

wnlcn I~W!IPJlh. hl'.d to cede to Hl.lngar)' 1101\ of TrnntylvM1a, en Area com-

prhl~ rou01l1 50,000 equnre k:1lometere. Conee11uently. Hungl\r.Y'• nev

eClutht~rn border Uno Vl'l.l eet to extend P-pr,rox1111B.te~ nt followu

M9 , c-o&6 t

Jrt11n O.yul.--Alud. • to Slghhot~~n n .-long the cour•t of the Oltul (AU)

Htnr north of Bre.MY (X:ront~h.dt), whereb7 Aiud V!tl C1Ttm \()Hungary \thU•

Ru!IIMira to flecept thlt dechlon ~thlr.h involnd IIUOh condderable terr.l-

torilll enoriftoet on her pPrt, nerm11Jl1' nnd Hdy, on 3(J ~u~ut, undertook

within lt1 n~v bord~r8. In ~~tt~ of thl~. Ylotent 4emonetrAtlone took

nbee in RUJIJMlla in .,ro,eet 1\ltf\ln'\ the d.tohlon rf'tched by th"' arbitra-

tor.. In nuch,reet thue demon1tr"Uone deYelonect into rloh ,..nd led to

the redgnlltioa ot the OlGUnru CAbinet on 4 ~ephmbtn·. The nt~v Pr1llle

Hinhter General ARTotu;scu eflb.bllehed, aw he onlled U ln hh proclaa-

Uon of 5 September, Ita new reglme" with ~rlc:ed \otRli\~rhn telldenoltt,

forced ling CAROL II \o ab~lc-te on 6 September tn favor ot hlt •on
klCHA.bJ., 11nd cultlT!thd the Ade povert in enn IJ'IAhr meeeure th&ll thl

-prntout gonrnment. Following thh, CAlRI preTttlled throughout the

coun\17. The mArch of lf.ungnrlftn troope into the torrUoq accorded. to

llungnrT """ Al M cArried out without lnoldenttt durln~J \he period troa
6 • 12 t::eptember. The Rum~.nbn-Bul~;~trhn ne«ethtlont held 8.\ CralO'f&

ended on 7 S~tember vith th~ etgnl~ of 8 trett\1 8CoordlnR to ~htob

Southern DobrudJ~ lncludtnc the D~nube Jortr••• 8iltetrl4 wat ceded to

Bulg.-rlsa thh vau 1"1' ln\o effect between 21 Me! 30 Rentelllbtr.

• J\lud h tho RUllln.Dinn DMJ9 for thle lOCRlUy, which h Cfuh<l JJAg>
.~tul 1n HUJl&ar1nn "nd Stnuttbur,; tn Oermnn.
... Sl6hl8oBrR, ~htch la s Rumanl~n name. it called s~geAVPr tn
Md Soheeubu.rg 1n Gei'IDI'.n.
"IS -;t C-Qu5 l

Althout:;h t.ne d.ecidon rer.tched ln Vienna hnd mtvle U poss1ble t.o con•

'f!ld•,r the dAngor of ttn "rmcd conflict betwrum Hunr.ney fl.nd. Ru.rnnnie. dhpelled,

thore ~uu e:doted tho mcnnce of further P.unl!1,1n Pdvt•ocer. in the lJalkMa.

"I·hh wu cles.rl)" lnd.icryted by MoPcov'" ~ttUtude durin~! those d~Y•~ .P'ore1gl'l

Comn:h~e.r HCl.OTOV fl.xprott,.ed to the (}ormnn Pl'll.bl\mF,..dor, Count von drJr SCrttJI.. Jm ..

DURO, hh attonhhlM·n t t.t.t the fhct thttt Ot!rmnll¥ had failed to nrornptlT

notify the t-~ovht Union of the decluton 11nd etAtGc\ thd .f!UI!II'Ih wou.ld con-

tinue to be tnterotted in probhm11 llfhcting tho :OA.lkrms. Thareu.Jlon

liULER, on 2 Sephmber, mentioned to Gener.rl JO!l. thtit ~r~!ter the Runenrlen-

.h'UJM.nio.n tendon hAd died down, he intended to rel'luent Rungsrr to pe:r:tH.~

ahould the need. erhe, pnel'lrtge of oern:nn troop11, thtJ uat of ltn rD.llroad•,

~md. permhdon for QerJill'..n pb.nes t.o fl;y over and m:tke 1ntorn:()d1ate landing•

1n Run~Jtrinn territory. Hl'Ii.ii;R aho !tate<l th.n.t he pbnned to nnk: llUJI.\Mifl' 1

connen t to the oee\\pntlon of 1 h oil fleld re,;ion, which mie;ht bGoome

nt7CetllHU'Y in order to r>roteet 1\ "k?innt f!ehure b¥ other ne.Uonc. He

e~ec1fied t~t the rnme hPGl WA8 to be achlevtd 1n the interim qy tending

1.1. mill tnry rnbdot1 to Thlmt,nin which wn!:t to cone1.at of nrmy nnd air foroe

offieere Pnd to which Germ~.n nntitrnk rJld ant1P.1rcrnft "instruction force'!!"

vera to be ntb.chet. '!'he f,rmy !tir)l Cc)rnln...,nd. Pnd the C!Kt (Air l'r;l'~e High

Co:n:r1t<nd.) •11e:re Mked to €<Ubm1t propoflnls in this connection.

'Ihe~(~ I:Y3rt.mJ.re!l contetnple.ted. by 11 I:'LEB. co1nc1d.ett with tho plAna of'

G~ntn·~l Al'1'0I1!~~CU ,i'hO on 7 :::m~t.ernber told the CPrm,:.n mil1tnr.y rttAcho in

l>uchnrel'lt, Colont?l ni·:\1"'-::'.: l.•.;:<o, thrt the :·L':J'If'ntr'l I"T~~y w:uJ.rl ll!<e to hi".V~

Gar.nPn off1Ct're rerve l"t- lt!!'tructors P.t tha •,•pr eollot:e rmrl the r:-.U.it.rt-y
l·:J .;; '.'-OGr; 1

t~1•rly d11te for the rurnore of conol\1.dlnr; a mlUtnry Mr.recment. He ftbtnd

r.JAt.hr of the I'IHUt\tlon flh!'\ thAt hh regi.me \lould bo lfutlnt-.. dthou:;h

t:~rm~rkfld for HumnniP~ 1

19 occ:unr.tlon, ",..,. ret~c1r.dod on 10 ~cptmabor. ·:-wo
h.' .. c-Cub 1

liJ ~ '' i1 h·.r. tl;i~.; f!HJ.JI! '~·G,.r, t,;1v~n to the &tirborne troopt l:llltl trv.U(ipo;~·tc.­

tl.vu ~u.itfl ""hh.h l•nl~ bt:•n r.t.:hvcu.lcd !or COI:s~~litwent. \l'.!:l.S nlMo cnnct!llc..d.

;.,u·ifl;,~ thv 1.1i~,ht c:r l.:s -~: ••pte:ahtr howt.Vhr, tho Gor~;~e.n luil1ti·r.Y t.ttn<.:he

i~o , 1>\:i•.r.:n~ut, ruportt:d 'c;y rNil.o hlCTI..nd.nf, tcr.llion bot\Joen t~uncrul Ml'J.'O~l.\:.X\.1

ll•l·. i.t ••• fwti~m.-.J.1stio, r·.uti-ZII'i:1t1e "Iron Guf:r<1,'1 Mid thett the lt,tt(i;r

,,J.~ r.nt>u to hold l'·l't:''-r:c1•l•t duu.onRtrPtion~ throu:;hout th6 cou.ntry on 13

::.:-~,t~"''wr. h•;rUn~~ th~J 1lh·thd~•J' of their le!H.'.t.n• CODHR/\hU \:1ho wnn shot 1n

, ov~;;H.btr•l' H':.m. In vic\: of thti f11t:t thnt the d tuntion hll<.l. ,g,·-in btJco:.lle

UUI;t.•ttled, he con$1dcrod tho i:ruol:.'d.1nto IUldgnmeut of a ~r111.11D hiliturf

~:hdon r n u.rgrmt n€1cet~n1 t;v. Since it \ru not nouible to e!f~ct the

u.;,ct~:IHI'A',Y pt'fll)n.rn.tion~ "'1th "uch cpe~d, HlT..ll.:;:R, on l4 $epte,~.ber, orelarud.

tl1d THY a firr.~t t>tcp, Gcnur<'llt!•.ltnunt von 'l'Ii'l'ial.gKI'KCU, thu Att\:htf.nt

Chief of :.ih.ff f<>r lntell1e.l'mce on tho l.l!narol StAff, vho until now hnd

bt:'<'H <tirecting the pr~Jlintinf•ry "'·ork in conMotion \:1th the td.l1tury :.:lndon,

't1t. .,,,u t t.o iillCht>.l'': lli. 'l'ha l'f-;:'JO rt u rece1 ved from thlirfl thl.) t t'ltllll(!l rir-..:t 1ndi-

~.:.tt,•.l th11t the diJluonstrt!tio.nll cf the Iron Ou.rn·d hP'l.d bean p~nceful r11d thnt

t.lttd.:r .L•:~Hi.c:r, hod,,. ;.1l:.A, 1md Geu~.;'ral .Al··~·cx.r.:r:~cu h(d.d rtcnched em tUlut.r";tt-nd-

tr.,,. '.L'hi F.' \.'(> ,,. (JVici.euced b;t th_, fr,ct tht~.t the 08-bi.net wns rcort;.1,nized Hid

•! ~·o~·r·l oecreu 1r:rued., on 1<\ :·~Eptf:)rr•ber, \.'hcruby }l.urr•t•n1f·l w.<tt\' proc:lc~.tmud A.

n~>tiv1wl J.o,~ir.u ~:tt,,te -'lnd. the lc.;1on ~r.ov~mcut rti'COf?:ni:~.ud. llfl tho ouly legal

p1 1·t.;v in tlH ne.; lltn.to. OtlMrnl }N~'CN -;scv bee~me tho let~\dor· of l:.hli: nc.tior~ul

lc.;i..:>u r.:L•tt- :•Jlti. d:iuf of th~ lc!;;lon r~;:,;;1me, rm.U. in tho nm; C.·•blnet, t.ltt;uwed

t;~ •.- : o··t ;Jl' i'L·il•·t;ur of ).~:--tirJwl 1'efcn:::c ln od(lition to tr1nt of (rilt'!lJ

~ inlf.'te.r, \/h1le tho cor·.Jn<~n<i~r of le,;Jonnr1es, Hor1o. SH\t~, \:<ns up~'o1nt~d.

... * c-065 l

Yloe-Pre•ldon\ of the cabinet. council, and Oenerel f~TnOOlC&SOU. who ha4

bteu propoeed bt the ltgionarlee, vat •ada Nlnieter of the Interior.
General Yon TIP~ELSKIHCH let' tor iucharett on the eYeftlng ot 14 Sep-
tembtr. IJD the next evening he had a conferenot vUh General .All'l'OlU.SC\1,
at wnich theJ dlecu•ned all detallt, •nd on vhlch oooaslon Otneral
AlfO"iSOU mnde the follo~lna t\a\emen\1
:S:Ume.niR tUll teele th:ree.hned to • ~~~arked decrte b7
her neiGhbora, particul~rly SOYiet nueela. Coneequently,
1\ le RumftDin'• ~1m to athleTe ou\wArdl7 vltlble eeeurlt7,
~nd, hence, her dentre thnt the Oerman BU&rantee of her
borden b• put into prActice. To t.hh end, Rumania re-
oueet~ 1peedy Oer~D, ~ld in the form ot plenea, ~tielr­
cr~tt, mo\orimed, A.Dd ermored unlt1 vhlch ere to be eent
to RWitnnh. undor eoTtr of the m1Hhey mlul.on. The unltt
ln oueetion ere to bt tent with complete ln•tructor per•
eonnel who nra to «1Yt the numanlAn troopa tect1cRl nnd
technical trntntng ln ~he uee of the materiel, whleh ehould
later on be turned oYeJ• to RuiDMlR.
ln dlecu!ting hit plan• for ~· reorsanlsatlon ot the Rumanian A:r.,,
Oen•rl'l AU'I'Olii<~SCU tttn.tid tM\ ·th4• future &J'2!11 Vl'lt t.o condat of roll#ll1
100,000 enlitttd men ~d 6~000 otticert end vat to be orgftnlled eimllar17
'o the former Oorn.en lOO,OOO-mM e.rlll)'. 1\ VIU to be eo.u1pptt1 vlth \he
la\ett type of arms, partlcularlJ b¥ antl\ank ~nd entlaltc:ratt v1apon1,
mo\l):rhed to e. brge extent, nnd ltd by 7oung oo~~~nandert. The combined
•r•• brigade wrs to con•tltute the nueleua, end wae to conelat ot a roln•
forced motorised brlgad& vlth two lnfP.ntrr regimen'• o! tvo battallont each,
one motor1re4 ertlllery regiment, and one armored regiment, nnd WR! to
combine 111 high degree of mobf.lh7 ~nd lnhnee tlre pover.
lollovlng General von TIPNJ.. SKlRCH • a report on th h conference vl\h
General ~l'Uli4.111SCU• whlch. continued. tor tvo more da¥•• HUL.tll, on 19 ~p­

\~wber, declde4 that, con•rar,r \o the R~enlan prupoaala, 1\ vas aboYI

all nece•••r.r \o tend German \roopt, approx1me\e11 one d1vla1on etronc,

to !t\liii.QAla. and that tbh lhould be done at aoon •• pOII1b1e. lie dh..

approved \he 'rantter of. Uerman war uhriel to R\UDt.\Jlla d\U'lnc til" war
but e\1~~1a\ed \hat during fu\ure Aegotialtona with \he Rua~1an OOYern•
aent, thlt question vat to re~ain ~)en tor \he ttae beln&. The Foretcn
Office wet in1\ructad to approach the Hun&arian Ooyernment concarn1nc the
\ran.-portaUon of theae 'roop1 ibro\l&b HWlpJ7 IUld to dull ia.fora t.he
SoYlet Union of \he fact that the Mllitart Mhlllon had been ..nt to Rwnaala.
Tb•reupon, the 13th .a\oriaed Infftntr.r D1v1•1on wa1 aaslgDed •• an
1Det.ructton un1\ and ordere vert lttued that thla division be reinforced
b7 the <&t.h PeAter Jtegl11cmt, one oorpt engineer baUalloa vl\h \wo brtd.p
colwn.n1, end one corp• llpal. battalion wl \b one S.n\ercep' plotoon. lle-
c~tnc on 10 Oo\ober, l\ vat \o be h•ld ln readin••• for eYacuatlon la
the area llOI'th of Vienna. Oeaaral.leutnnnt B.AiiS.d.B vat appointed chief of

the Mllltur1 MltlinD. He wa• a14e4 b7 Colonel BAUJTi ao\lD« at Chlet of

Staff, Lleutenaat Colonel SCHWAIZ 11nlng at Jil'at Oeural S\att Oftlaer,

ud MaJor Jtm aot!.n& at Suppll Officer. Thh higher echelon of the 1tatf

vat ordered 'o 11ee\ on 30 September, while the reat, tocetber with the
offloert who had been appointed lnt\ructore at the Ruaaaian war oollece
and terYlce aohoole, ¥81 to con•ene ta DreadeD on 10 October. on 30 Sep-
tember General HANSE! reported to nlTLEB tor lnet.ruotlone. BITLER em-
pM.daed the neceuUy for keepbJr~ t·,~ther the toroee at hb 41"l'o•al. tor
\he proteotloc ot the Ottman oll latert1t1 1D Juaaala, aad. la a44ltloa.
wl\h re~eot to BUtala. wa~e4 hia acataet a\trAottnc too MUch atteatloa.
Oeneral IIP.liXD.IL vat a-ppota\14 Chief of \ht Alr rorot Mhdon which
••• to bt eeat to Bumsala a\ tbt ta.. tt... It vat 9top01td. that tot tht
\lme bela<, the to-oalled. •tattruotloa uat•• bt otmpoae4 ot the tolloviDII
oat reinforced fighter croup oontlattac ot tour t~adrone and two reooa-
..ltt.not tquad.roa at well at a aumbtr ot lllht aDd atdlua anttalroratt
)atterltt. A\tacbtaa thlt Alr rorot Mlttloa to the llllta17 Mltlloa val
a 4lftlomlt talk. Slact OOJilRG tla\17 rttutt4 to haYt the Alr rorct
Mitaloa uadtr tht ooa\rol of OeDtral RAISII aa4 HITLii 71tl414 1 •• ht
..aall7 414• to OOIRIIO*t 4taaa4t no ..,,., how UDJuetlflad tht7 vere,
\here vat ao other alteraatlYe but to place bo\h alttloat oa AD equal
foottac. Ia oatt of dtaacreemeDte between the \wo alttloa ohleft, lt
vat up \o tht Chttt of orw ·(wehrmacht Rt,Ch Co•ud.) to tttUe their d.lt-
~tt, whtlt tt vat tacu.bta\ oa tht Chief of tbt Mllltar.r Mltaloa, •• \hi
tealor central, to eefeguar4 the latereetl ot the eatlrt Wthrmacht vi~

the Rumaalan OoYernaen\. fhtet 1tlpulatlon• vert incorporated ln the

d.lreotl'fl 0011plle4 b7 tht OJCW (Wehraob\ Rip Co•Aad.) • HovtYer, aecotl..
\lone vlth the rorelcn ottlct conceralnt the ••~l~eat of the Mlll\ar,r
Nlttioa were etlll peddle«. Thle Mlealoa had hl~ ~olltloal atcoltlcaaol
b1 retl.aD ot the tact that world opln1oza vat alreaq YUsl17 concerned
wlth lt. In order \hAt the ~rrlYal ot the Cermea troopt ln RumRDia •hou14
Dot Undul7 under.lne \he pre1tlge ot the RumaaleD OoYernment, And ttrala
relation• vlth the SoYlet Union. \he rorelga Ottlce eDdeaTored to obtata
Nl I C·06B l

for the German nmbaetador 1a Bucharett areater authority 1D all queetiont

eifAct1nc the Mll1tar,v Wltelon, and, la a4dl\1on, reque~ttd thAt the t1rtt
\ran!porte bt eftectod oDl7 with hll approYel.
JJ'ter thlt had beea eatablhb.ed end the l{u.npr1an Go'ftmanc • had taentcl

to permit the \ranBportKtlon ot German atofft and UD1te \hrou&b Huncar.r. \bl

Ohleta ot the Mlll\ar,r M1te1on and Alr Iaroe Mlaaloa, ta~ttbar wlth thalr
adY8nce par\taa, left tor Jucharea\ oa 10 Octob••· ~ere tht7 wert araete4
wU.h tnth\'Ltlt.ua. Tbt :eNlnlq atatft let\ oa 20 Oo\ober, u.cl, bt&lnnlnc

a• October, vera followed b7 the ar~ \roopa, alr toroe, aDd aa\la1roratt
uaita. If the end ot \ht month, \ht Alr rorct Mlttloa bad reachtcl lta
dtl\inatloa la full toraa, whereat onlJ abou\ ont-\blrcl of tAt re1Aforot4
13\h. •o\orlttd DlYldon hAd arrh·tdl \he tranaportaUoa of the reaalalq
elemenh draued on waUl nearl7 the mlcldle ot .ROYembel'. Du.rlllc \he eecoa4
b.lt of Oo\obar, one sdUta17 economic etaff nd one apeolal. OlW (Wehraaoht

Hl&h ComMnd) aaenor ot \he otnce ot lfeh!'lllacb\ Coi'IIIIIUJllca\loaa vert alto

d.hpatched to IUJIM1a. fhe enthud~sm ttra~ teU bt the IWDan1u pto'Pll

relaUYe to \he arrl1'8l ot \he German tro11p1 va1 eomnha\ claapenecl 'Qr Ult
blah ooeta ot the Hllltsr.r Mlatlon vhlch, acoordlng to a&reement, had to
b• bone by the llu.mealen OoYerncent. 1beee oo1tt comprhed almoet one-
•lx\b of \he en,lre JumanlAD badgtt, and, before long, thlo t1tua\lon ltd
to the 'Pl'ltllen\atloa ot Ylcorout proteet.1 to :Serlln 'bJ \he Rwlanlan Oo'fem-

aen\. 1he attitude ot the So1'1et Un1on toward& the aaaignmont of 'h•
Oermen )~illtttq Mlnlon h not kno\m. It nlrl\t be deduced, however, \ha\

thQJ viewed Oerman aima on the Dftlkane vlth ~spiclon ln view of the tac'
lUI f c-Q65 1

the.t, at the end ot <>ctober, four nuulu ottiaera arrlvtd. at the tlovlet
.nmhnuy ln Duah~treat to aot ae obtervert with the Oei'JIUU:\ foro••· In
llddit1on on as October, \he nuaelant oocupled three leland• looate4 ln
tho Pa~ube »elta betveen ltmA11 and Chllla Joua. The purpo11 ot tblt
~o•e va• not r~~dtly evident. In aDJ oaee, lt teemed a4vleable to obterve
proctedlnge at the northern border of DobrudJa with lncreaeed vlcllanoe,
On that •~ma. def, 26 October, a reorgnnleation of the Oerman ttel4
force• v~~ put into effect whlch might be reg~rded at the tlrt\ •'ep ia
the concentration of toroee o~inet SoYie\ nuael•. Thlt had been preoe4e4
by the tron1fer, orntred durlnc the lat\ ten date nt Au~•'• of the 1•'
PPnser Dlv1,1on to ~~•t Pruttla And ot ten dl•l•lone to Oou•ernement
Ocner•l. • Short11 thereAfter, on 6 Seotember, lnttruotlone vert lttue4
to thltt Army Ol'Oup ll under the oommnnd ot OeneralfeldmarachRll wn :BOCJC 1
tn conJunction with '.rwelf\h, J'ou.rth, fll.nd Eighteenth Ar~q llellciquar\ort 1

from vett to enat And to effect thlt trAntfer by 24 October. ln order to

Mke llYdlable the nace111at7 ~uarhrt 1n li:ad l'ruula for the field tore•••
the l4ltt and l6lat Dlv1•lont which vera 'tationed there end which con-
ttituted the replaoemen' troope for the I Corpt Area, vere thlt~ed to the
Pro tee tornte be~nning on 14 September. On 17 September, Amy Oroup J
H•~d~uar\er• move4 to Derlln tor a while and afttr 6 Oo\o~er, eetabllehe4
thernt!lelYet in thelr nev headquarter• at Poem. The Twelfth AJ'JA7 Headfluar-
tert (under Oenerolfeldmsr•chall ~lg,r) waa moved to Cr•kow, the rourth

• Su pAgee 10 11\.n(l 14 ( Oermnn original).

kS *c-oo& s. -ao-
&:rwy Hla~t.d.ou.ut.nt (ud.er Oeaehlftl4Mrtohall •oD IWGI) v•• eh1tted h
\fur·t'"• and the ligbteeatb A'nA7 Head.qwar\ert (uad.tr Qla.ora1o'berd TOa

k.U~lll.D) •o,e4 tiret to »roaberc e.ad later •o Jtouta•bttc. The heaclqual"-

\era ot the reintorce4 ~ ln Orakov uadar Otaeral of the Ar\lller.r ULOX,
the 111\b Alflf¥ Headquarter• laa X.ods uader General of \be llltatq Ll.DMAJIH,
aad. \he haadqUAr~trt of the reintoroecl a~ la loealaeberc uadar Otneral
ot the Oavalr1 J'rtiherr YOD G1JlaiAJTB vhlch, aiaoe the tall ot 1839, ba4
been la oom.aad of \he tore•• a\atlone' :I.D Oouve~ea\ General and la
Eat\ Prunb., vert d.lnolvecl, on 30 ootolter, \he aUUa17 ooMAAd :La
GouYerneaat Otatl'lll, with Ua a\\cus.aa' epeclal ~U•• aa4 prl•U•a••
wloh - la ao.,ord&Doe vith J'utbrtr 4lrtoU•• of lU Oo\olaer 1888, had. laeea
ul•aahcl \o ihe OJ lat\, oaaer&lo'bert\ ll.Ait10Wltl - ""' &IIWM4 lq'
General Yoa 1001, \ht CH~DDd.lf t.a Ohltt of A'laJ Group 1. It bad aov at

hh 4hpoMl iD the ead a total ot a• 4lYie1onl, ot vhlu ao 41Yllloat ...

tha\ h, .aas lr£faJl\17 aa4 3' anort4 cllrieloae, oat 110\orhed. t.afa\rt aa4
one oavalr.r d.lvietua •• vert t\a\lone4 la QoQYerataea\ Otaeral en4 la la1\
~ruetla, vhtle the reaatatnc to~ 41Ylttoat -- aaaelr \he 14 aa4 1\h Paa-
••r .Dl'Ylllcmt of Ute XXXX A:nq Corpa, Ult U\h PUIII' Dl•llloa vhlch ba4

Jut\ been tor.. 4 ou\ of the 11th llflt Jrlcacle, aa4 th1 10\h lafaatr,r Dl•l-
tloa ~lob had 'become a .atorltt4 4l•ltloa ... vert coaal\te4 la A~t\rta.

While Ulh recroap1nc la the ••••• whick va1 ooaalud.tcl OD !4 Octolter,

vat hkinc place, the &J'IDI toroftt ln 'hi " ' ' aacl ta \be zone of laterlor
were UD4ercolac reor~lsA\loa. the Coamandar la Chief ot Ar.r Group A,
i' S If· O.Ot>b l -:u-

OE!P~r,.lfGlc.lrllnrrollllll. vo11 MtJiW!l!'.!ili1r, ve.fl n~polnhli OB .~aet on 2o October.

}le "->PIt in C0/11Jllrtftd Of oll IU'n!T fi.)J'CU eh.\ioned ln J'.J'II.DCf!l, .Bel~"iWII, "Jl<l.

liollt:J>d. ccmpr1dng the tollow1nr.r !he Ninth ArmT (under Oenernloberat

O.C.HAUSS) "nd tho ~hte0nth Arrn'1 (undu nenerdob•r•' .taUCC"t-1) ot /..'1'10¥ Grou.p

A whioh rcwldned under hh control, rutd. the Fir•\ Anry ot vh1oh O~tnorAl

J:ll.-~\Jil:o·ll'~'Z eiii!'IUmed eollllMnd, the 9h:th A.rmy (under Oeneralfald!MJ'IIIChnll von

!H;l(;..H;~.r:.W) fl'lnd th.a Ooventh .~l"lllf (unller Oenerdoberlt D04l,t:A.!H~) ot the

nt~ly orr,nnl~ed Ar~ Oroap n vhioh vn• undar the comm~nd of o~n~rntfel4-

rlt'l r11chnll 'Mll 'HIT :'!J..i:BMl, the fomer Commnnder in Chlet of· htt flr1t Arrq.

'lhe rtecond Arll¥ (under Oener~loberet Freihor:l" ''Oft WA!:ICllS) ot Ann,' OrO\l'(')

o, whi.Cih ""~'~ under \he co!Ml~Jnd of Oenornlfeldm,lrlllchl'lll "Ritter von l.£c:.B,

wat tronntured to the Zon• ot Interior \1heraa the new17 AOtbn.tod i~leventh

M'lll3 of GlliDGrdoburet Iiltt&HI" 1'0ll GCHO:.h\.i\T Wall alr.o pboed. under 'he COI!lTli\&Ul
ot Anrl,)' Grou.p C. tlnnll;r, on 00 Octo\H,r, the Arttt1 Hlp)\ Oom~nd I!!Ol'Od trom
fontdnebhi!\U. to the ZOilfl~n troop tret n1nM; gr<)\lndt 11outh of ::terllD. which

YI!.R m1 obviOU.fll "~t:n thAt the tttrfl.hgic ttJtth~t1.- hrtd. been thU'ted from t.ho

"tll!it to the """t M\d eou.thtttu•t.

In orrl(lr to "d'-'qunhly prlt'pt:~re the A.rm1 for Un tutu.ro mr•Jor ta11!U•

it •.rf\111 dec1t\m1 th"t du.T.'lntt thtJ vtnter month11 tho /l.rrq vat to e~pl\nd uo to.

16o divi!!liOftllt 1nolud1n,~ 20 ~rmor~t\ di'Yhi.t}Dflt 4 I'.!'JIIO!'Ad. brir,tU\1!111, and. 12

IT\Otori:ted "\S.v1 don" "nd thnt ~. fourth 1!11)\0rhed £!~ dl'Ylflion "houl.d Rl80

be f•ctivflt.tl<\ 4 :'hh rMtt1re•1. t.n lncr~~~" 1.n :iehrwn<'ht fltrenr:th '<lhieh vna

"'tt,...ittcu th:rou.f1h the lnriu.etlon of the f".go clnsf'ea of l\119 (lr,r.t tll1rd) ~'tftcl

t.o 1), 'lli3,0UO aam. of which 4,900,000 JUen (72.6~·) were t~.uolgned to the

Al'DI¥ 1 298 1 000 Jlle~ (4.4~) tO tbe I\&VJ 1 lt4Ut5,000 IOEID (22%) \0 thtt Air i"OI'Ot

wd uo.ooo men (1.1:~;) to the •,t-~,f:teu.-sa.

4!ilhu.l tuueoutl¥ vi th the regrouping ot \he J..trq and 111 e.ocord.tlntt vi \h

the d.irectbe "Aufbe.u. Oe\ 11 (Dnelopmen\ ot ~.atern i'erritorlee), bra:•

drill crou.n.clt w•r-• cone~ructed eu.oh 111 the ~Ute frddng tenter 111t .Radoa,

w:ppl¥ center• tlltn'blhhtd And the ab dtt'en•• Ol'f.'AJlheda in •hort, all

zaeoue•u·, l)l'~plllratioat vere ro~d• tor the etrn.hc1o conoent.r... Uon of force•
agdnet f.!oTlt\ Huu1a. On the other bftnd, Hl'rl.O reJechd a -propot~tl. raadt
br the Armt H1~ CommAnd at tftrly 81 the 'beginning ot September, wh1eh
called for commitmeat ot a epeoinl Air Jorct enUMdron tor \he pu.rpott ot
lllAking ae.riel f'lhoto~raphl ot Bu.ubn hrrttoq, 'beceu•• he teared thd woh

.llle&R\lrefl mi~)lt pramdurely cauta " confUc' vi\h the Sovl•• Union. :Fu.r-

ilumuore. ,..,~ the bo(;'innlrlll ot (Jctober, he ordered Oenernl ot tile Infnnh7

• Th"' r&oltr.htrnt1 on of tho lnst third of ~ho tJge cle.flt ot 1919 ·prodded
~ll)6.500 nen wnlle \he rog1 ~\rP.tlon or the sgt oltnu• ot lt120 brt:1u~ht
•~ totL?.l ot ol3,2ti'~ men. rL'he reghttl\t.10u to td of tht'l £1£;8 cl~flo of
l9U1 wne roducnd 'br 16,424 11en. vith 1ndhpeneab1lh;y atatu.a nnd 124,300
volunhore ttlrondy inducted, vh1le 92, r.i2ti me.u t~1th 1ndhpenenb1l1 t.y
st~ttut~ find llOl,UUa volunteor11 Ytlra dsc.\uctod trom the tott~l reghtrAUoa
ros1.1Ut.1 t)f tho A#~e cl•1n or l~J;,;O, which left A tur:) total ot Z.Uu,L,::S3
flvm. Of th~tee ruen, 3~32,0ul were ead,~ned. to tho Arm:~, l4,GU7 to the
Akv;r, Jl:\J,tj?~:! to tho Air .r·o1•ce, ~nd 113 to tho 'i'nif'.nl-0;:\. l'ho ro~son
!or the l.'lmllll number of recrul h nllot.ted to the 1;n1'fen- c·.~ lie" in the
filet thflt the ~ll'lff€ln-:~·i hnd ~lrcl'tly lnduu~od 17, 1lB YOlUJ.ltaert~ of thue
1-l/'J llp,e cl,. uee. \'thlch w~• 9 1 8'7'1 men 111ore th~1n t.ho1r f'IU.Ota of l.l%
CAllE'd. for.
'l'·r:r:"·'~• the Chhf of the V.ebrtrseh~ 11... Co1m1111nd OffS.ee tor :r;.;conot,1c'-' 11nd

J.riJlnnr.·nh, \o gi'Ye hlf.J'\e1t production ~r~ '1\7 to ~1U:11hn ordtertr 'l.fh!r.h

h~d be~n p1Act4 ln ACCOr~DCe Y1th \he ~ltO•Gtrmtn tr~~· n~reementt of

19 A.Ugu.tt 1939 ~nd. 11 rebl"'l!U'Y 1940 retpt\CU'Ytl7. The 'Quuhn•. rrora the
tabrt, fll7thlnPtt1CA117 and punct\1"'111 ha& ,_een 11111ldng thelr deUYerlell

whl ch were ot •uch T1 t,.l brportuce tor ·t.hl Oer11~n Vttr econo1:11, end., thtre-
fon, U va•'HI!Ll'!J• .. de to effect our~:,-,'HlalnD.h to them with greH1~r

JtpCltiH\ th~tn l•r.. t.~· '"''"''•

.U the end of October Rl'fl.:tlt vat t•oe4 vl\h tn entt. rel.r new d tud toll

becii!UU or ttie Ih.Ut~~n 11tbck on Oreeee.. U lut.d been hh enden·or from

the Ytr,y beg!Mlntt \o .Prennt tht war ta.a ~~~preadlng h the llalkrnl!, -prt-

llnr117 beca••• or the 'Yltel Oermaa oll lDterettt ln ium~n1ft. Coneequen\ly,

he Wl\e now, lb Yin of tbt conhllpllltt4 f.empdp acn.b.tt Soviet lluub.,

all the.more oonce~ne4 that pesce ehoul4 preY~ll la \be 1outhee~t. Henoe

hh vexaUoa aboat the hlgh~nded. action oa the ~""' ut Ual.r, t.'hich 'n'l!l

apt to hi!\Vt eerlC\ll polltlcl!l.l 111\4 mUU•.I"f eon•eqllttJlCtt •nd llit,}\t ruin .-11

hh plf!,ne. ~he r.re~thet 4Rnger at }'rteat vat the pouiblllt7 that the
lirU hh :nl&ht gdn a foothold. on the Or.e:* .Malnlelnd and 'h• Aegefl.n hhndtt,
"'hlc.n vcul4 l&ptrll the Bu11Al111n oil field. r111on. ltltLiU ""'' determined

to t;u~rd Agjdnet thh by ha'Ylng etronc. Otrmllll torcte putth forwBrd ft•om

.Uulr,P-r1a up to the cool\ of the Aet;tN1 Sea. BoveTer, thh neoer~dt~~tc~

~ r,ren.t lllllrl¥ -poll UcAl meuuu. liulprh hlld. to 'be lnduce~ \o Join the

:r,i:t Ho q ~nd triendflb.l'f) Ptereement, tht IO•CI'\lled 'fbree-fo\~er Fret, v1d.rh

h1•tl b~en concluded on 2'1 Seotember betv.en QermnnJ'. tt.AlJ' Pnd .Jt•p"n.
~·u.l:;n.r1o r·l".>~wcd. llt.tle inolluAtlon to tnke tble atep. eapcclnH1 sinc.:o lt

•.:;~:- c~n.::orned. obo111! 'ILlr~lGI''.: attitude. l.u order \o rttli~H~ ~l.H.1lll of ~hit

;wxht,/ 1 !il'l'Lil.-:\ 1nteudac1 to U11~h;13 llll aUompt to comet to an tUldorttuuding

.:1 i~ll :11rker. It wne aleo neoeul!.r¥ to v1n over tugo&h.v1a or at lel'ld

ur.luf. ubout her frhndl.V .ae"\rnlH.Ye bect~.u.ee vithout such anellrMcs lii~Ll!.ll

<'-'JOI'!'ldf:lrtad. 1t lmf)onibla to rhk e.u,y operaUonl in the ilnlkAn~a. wo he.d

·.lVtH'¥ rof.lflOn to be convinced th1.1.\ Ilunpq end itWTlJJUlin. would shortly Join

u.e .i'hrea-PO\II!);t' r~c\ nnll thnt Hungar.v vo·uld allov the trenrrportf\tiOn through

ita t.orritory of lnrge GermAn unih• vh1le Rlllunia vould ag1·ee t.o t,he COil•

ccntr1~tion of n Gemf'ln ArPJ¥ ln ltt hrrl toq ira !'l'epcraUon tor a w.butquen'

111r~rch lnto JJulgnrie.. However, h vnt b,J no lllel.\111!1 certnin how tho u.s. tl.;a.
would reflct.. .F.uu1n, time and Rgain 1 hnd etreutd hor 11pec'1Al inhreet

in the nrlkrtna nnd. U vAe therefore hlghl,J dou bU'u.l whether U vo\llu lHt

por.dble to lnduco Jiua"'1" to t\lrn her am'b1t1ont to the Orient. .tn l!'ddi-

tion, O\f:ina to the 6tl06rl"ph1c nnd ol1me.Uc oond.i Uone ln the '.l}p,lkrtne, the

h.unchintt ot 1m at.hck Rll?'.in«1t Greece Wall nov O\lt ot the o.:u.wsUon until
next spring1 which lnt.ortered with O\lJ' pln.nt tor .1\re.\eglo c:oncentratlon

of :force~ e.gn1nat i\\ulda. ln M1 oo.oe it va• Aeceuaq to ett·ect. thh

opnn.Uon Ag&inst Greece with Bllch •peed that b7 the beginning ot !·illJ the

units eroplo1ed tor thtt pu.rpoae would ag~in be aYnilable for other commit•

mcnhl. .Hl1't.b.1l looked upon t.ha •etUlng ot the altuBtlon in the l~editerra­

nenn ne th~ prerequ1t1te tor the aemp~lgn Agninat Greece ond therefore con-

t~~idEJred it the moat uri,ont milltaJ7 h.tk for the com1nr, winter. 'l'o thh

end, H WAI hia t>.illl to convince Sp11ln to enter the var toon ~o tl.s \o 'be
c.bl• ln Joint Mtlon to lf\lhe Glbra.l ~~~~r l!\nr1 ~e~.l Off the WeAhrn e1tU of

thua gA.inlng f'fi dr b~Yto from 1<1hich t•. would be poeei 'bl.e for lhU.no e.nd

Germnrl Air torees to IP!tbck the Drltlth Hed.UerrnneR.n Yleet 11ih1ch wop.

etRtioneod tn .Alexondrh., t".nd to mine the ~e1 f:f!lnn.l. u

tn eonf'omtt1 with thelle Tllana RlTLE:lt, durinc the eonferenee which hf\a

d re~~.,. been montt onnd fttvertU. timee s.nd \lb 1cb vu held. at the :au rUn Relet.
Ch~.nedlery on 4 Novelllber u•. lnthucted the Comu:tnder in Chief of the

An~y e..nd. the Chief of the "enerd !':tert ot t:t:.e Armt to ml\ke prl'lonrntione

lr!l'!'ortnnt en.t1tern cr:tnm"1r;n wns refcrnd to in thh d1r~ot1vtt lfith JuP!t "

"PoU tiOi'\l ccmfe rencu. 'Which "1m nt clnrifying .Hun·h•"

pod Uon tor tbe ne"r fllture, h•.,• been lnUb. ted. Jler,rrt\-
leu of lrh.tt the outco·~e of the~~:e d.i~cu!1~1onn I!J~Y he. E>ll
prep('.r~ttone tor the est\ern cnmpdgn, vhlcll twve dre~ct;r
been ordered verbf'll~·. t•rc to ba conti:nt:.f:!d. Dire;ctivF:r. 1n
thi1 connection will be iiRUed as «oon ~• tho s~l1ent ~o!nt1
of th(' O'perP.t:ton~ plrm of the r,n·~7 h:•.vc be~n ~;11'LHi t. t.wl to
And fi.'!HlJ'OVed b7 me. •

.. SU! Chr:.pter 4 (German original)

•'~" Sme Chp-pter 5 ( (}ermnn originAl)
·-·....... See Chtttlhr 4, Cbnnter 5, Chn~ter 7,
See tha:ptsr 3 {Ce~n originAl).
~age 1 ( Oerw-n or1r:l w 1)
~· f 0.06& t

The contertucet 11eoU oned. abo•• begnn Oil that IRIJtJI dq. 12 Nonmb•:t•

behleen the neloh lorelp M1nllhr 'f'Oil B.lJ.BJJ;ltrllOP •net tb.t Sodet forelga

Corllllihtllr t-iO.LUIOV vho, upon our iavlh.Uon. bond come to Serlin accompule4

b¥ a lar«• •tett. ~he vehr~ch\ Oporatlont Start vn1 onl1 ftU~ertlC1ft11,

informed ot ~~ re~l~ of thett dlacutalonw. The main topic tecst4 \o

he~• -80D \be relation of the SoYle\ Union to the pnrtner• or the Three-

Pover Poe\ and 'b• ooordiaatloa ot mu\ual iDtereet1. Ru••la•c Jolnta«

~h• ~bree~r-ovtr Pact val ••14~\lJ aentloned but it le ~ueotionnble vht~er

lillthll ••rlou•lf detlre4 it. He probabl1 attsched crente•t iroport~ace to

'be "clt~ltloatloa ot R~•Pla'• poeltlon dur1na \bt coming mon\ha• ~·meA­

\loned ln 1 1Uehror Dlrectl•• I 10"• aamelr 'he vlnter monthi up to \ht

•t.•r' of the tflltern OIWJ)Allf,D, and to hla aim, Manvhile, to divel't .Rullla•e
amb1~lon• tP~erdt ~he Orlan\. 1\ 1• detinltt tha\ the aee1gnmen' ot \he
~UHaq ldu1on to :RwseLnia wae Ula lll:OJeot of dhcu.u1on and thn\ H.CLotOt

111oo alco informed of the contetaplahd commitment or an n.lrorntt vamtnc

comp.nDJ' iJl .DulgRda. • \rha SoYlt\ .rorelr,n Comluar ro1ae4. no obJecUoat
to this and requsa\ed onlJ ~n\ 200 mea &houl4 ~~ the mnxlcum number ••a'
M<i t.hnt the¥ thoulcl weat c1-.ll1an clothe• on11. At the lf'll4t Ume, hovenr,
he emphaelaed RuallA 1 1 ~peclal in\erea\ 1D ~ulcaria end, v1tb reference''
\he Gemn.n M1U tar,y Uhdon \o i\WIIOAla, 1nq_u.1red "hfl\ Uh'Lhli' t reaoUoa

~ould be 1f Ruula on her por\ lhoul4 undertake to send a lll1lHn17 alttlon

to .i,l.ll~rin. HlTl.I'Ji replled that there 1uu roe.ll;r no corupttrhon, btct'lUtt

the F.uDMlittn Ooverr.u.ttcn t ho.d. e~res£,17 requot\ed cor~ to "end. a m1lUa17

liS t C-065 1

a1t~1on, Wbereftt the Bulgarian OoYernmen~ had thue (RI' not r•t ~~proncbed

Moscow vlth 8ll7 pro-pouA.l ot \hh nature. Thle d.ld not deter the so,-l•t
Un1on from propottnc \o :Sul13ri& at the end of SovC!Imber th~t.t 11 P11U.tWal
&l!ld ttn.noe pAct be concluded. find a alllta.l'f mhdon !!tdr,ued. Howe'fer,

•• bAt bt~tn mm Uoned preYloutlt, • thh vaca ttlrned d.ovn bf the Satin


.tt h open to quett.lon whether durin« the Berlin conferenee JIO!,Ol'OV

actuall7 reqUeftted -- •• atterttd in the diplomatic note or the Foret~

Olf1oe to \he SoYiet Union vhlch Vftl publithed on aa June 1941 -- thst
Ueru.an1 and 1t817, ehould \be need ar11e, IU~por' a propotft.l to be mAde
bf flu•da, ·rrurkoT ghe up lftll.ih.Q' lift••• a\ \hfJ 11oaporu.s tmd \he Darda·
nell••· Thlt muoh, however, h certdna the quettlon 'W81 bro11ched M.d

liU\J;~.Nfl\CP. or e·un lUTJ.'f,Jt hlault, oa 'hat occ~lion called ~OLOiOV' a

attention \o the :E'rlnc~s hl1u1dt lo~hd at tbt eouthern entrl!llCt to \hi

.ioeporua. They ttho teem to han .ml':ouraced the SoTle\ Union' A deeidon

to re11uer.t Turkey to return the Anenbn torrl\orle• of Xetra ·and Ar~hAa

which h~d been ceded to Turke7 1D 1917. ln prec1tel7 \bte menner •n

attempt Wftl mnde to dtyert RUet1& 1 1 attention troa the Belkent ~nd it

poulble involve her ln a contllc\ .S.th 'furlce7. ll'urlhemore, FinlAnd

wae cUt~cuu•d ln gro11t 4ahll. ft.t which poin·k )tOl.CTOV prote"ttd flg~tlntt

the trfl.neporb.tlon of ~rmp.n \roope end tu.p}')l111 \o Jttl'kcnes 'fift. Northern

Tinland ftnd cm~h3tltnd the tee\ tha\ the SO?let Union vat 'fltAll7 lnter-
eeted 1D the .Petearoo nlckel-ore mtnee. .Re alto eoeme to have lntllllllhd

• see Clulpter 7, pttt:e 9 (Oenum orl~lnU.)

that SO'Yiet Runl• al~Vtt feel collll)ellecl to reeume her aUack ag.dne·t l1a-

lan4. tn4 would no\ vsnt Oermanr to a .. b\ rtaland. lD 07 war. tn r8!'17

!UTLEB etreued that he ha.d neither poUUc&l aor \errltorbl alm1 ln Jln-

lancl .. , vu onlJ concerned. \hAt there thoul.d aot 'be MJ aew Buuo-rtunhh.
war. With re~rd to the explotta\loa of \he nlctel-ore mlnet, an Agl'tt8•

sent vat flnall7 reached Wbereb7 60 purcent vat 'o be allotttd to Oermnnr

olv.4e4 on the eYI!tnln~ of 13 llo-.e•ber. ttC.LO'rOY an4 bh por\7 lett the next

moTDlnc. I\ 11 doubtful ~ether BlT.LER vs• Yer1 pleated vith the retultt

ot thh conference, tor U hlt4 not been poulbl.e to arrhe at u absolute

Olar1t1ca\lon ot Rut~1•'• tutura potl\lon and~~ lee• atlll to dlYer\ her
attention \o the Orient. lt wa• etlll nec••••r.r \o reckon wi'h the llkelt-
hood ot Rutela'• interference ln the »Alkane, vhlCb con~1derabl7 compllc~ted

our own plane, and b7 the Rame token there wan no protection a~alntt un-

Cn the afternoon of 14 Rove~~~ber Admlral .RAiD.&R repor\ed to the Fuehrer

on the tltua tl.oA sr. U !ll'P'Pifll'td to the Jaq General Staff. He called
RliLr~•e attention vtth even greater ••phaale \bAa ever before • to the

uttUAt1on. He polntdd out the tollow1n«l

lle!)Orh on hlmd cleul7 lndlcde that Oreat Dr1tdn h
well ftWP.re of the 4P»gert tb~at~nlng there ~nd te there-
fore determined to counteract thtw .wlth all pot,lble lnten•
dt7. ~he wtf!lte:nenh mAde b7BriUth ebterrnen Pnd hlfiJ'l.·
rankin~ mtUh.ey men concerning linglnnd' t fort.hcorl!ing ·

• P~rUcu.brl.r in hh re~ortl on 6 nnd as Septe111bor reupeet1vely.

MS f o-oa& l

otfendn operdlon•= the pOlltlcal. acU1'U7 in Waehington.

Jgp\, PaleaUne and t'urkt~l 'h• brp-tcfll.e mlllb17 pre-
par~tlont belnc made ln igyp\• Vett Africa and the •other
OOUD\J7 t i.Ditl&ncll e.1 Vtll &I \he cu.rr•\ COD1'07 IIO'fttnll\1
are all unm1etekablt eigne. To counteract all thlt tt 11
ot the utmott importance to retain the 1n1\1a\1Tt ln the
enUre •1ed1ttrra.nten nrea. To thte end U teem• euenUal.
\o ~peed up the attack on Olbrtl\ar end to ciTe creeter
lllpetue to the lhllu. otfenll'fa agalntt E,:ryp\ through ln•
created Oermaa ald. .&n~lud 11 and vUl ttlvaya remain the
ohlet oppontn\ and ell foroe1 thou14. be oonceo.trated for
her clefe•'· The tlmul\AntOUI alath vlth So'flet Rutala 11
lb.ble w 'be too nch of a t\ralD on the Wehmaaht vh1ch
algh\ rel\ll\ tn a lonc-clrawn-ou\ war. n VOill4, therefore,
be advl1ablt \o pott-pone t.hll contllc\ until mch "' Ume
at ~~and ehould be dtffated• all \he aore 10 elnce tor
\he preeeo.t, ~nd probabl7 elao for tome ttme to come there
vat ao rtlltoa to tear 'ha' \he So1'lt\ Unloa would enter
\he war on the tlde ot our ~aemlet.
Ira repl.T to the'' etahmentt HlTl.D •••11 :telllArlr:e4 that 1\ wne lm-
'POIIlble •o expadl\e the 'PlRBDed operatloat ira the Mtdl\errsnaan end \hat
\ht .. \hince take Ume. The .A.clmlral't nueeUoa to pottpona the campalCil
aaaia•' llun1a WlUl. a JaOrt propS.Uoue moment vat apparcm.tl7 lcnore4 auo-
pther. Be (lil!I'l.lm) wat at the\ \bat alreaq \oo ••1f-oplalata4 ud \oo
aaah labued with hit own tmpor\ance at a atatetaan and a111tar.r commander
to let b1mtalt be 1alluenca4 bf the •d'flce of blt. o1oeeat coll~boratort,

nea thoul4l U aidl\ be well-founded.

Oa 19 loTembezo General JOI.t had a dhcutdoll v1 th General S'iiDEt,

the Chlet ot the Oerm&n Air Force Mlttlon la Rumeala. ~he la\ter repor\ad
that of la\a oondUlont ln RWM.nla hnd become ••r1 cr1Ucal. ne mtJ.de the
followln~ etntementta
"Oenernl Ah~ODSSCU at&nda comrlotely ~lone end the !rmy
ae vell AI the Leg1onar1ee are a~tnat him. The Leglon
hAt ambltlouA pl~ns, tt cl~lme commPnd of the et~te At lte
Ml f c-<>6& 1

dlle, but lackt le•dtrt,. ContequenUJ, General AJITClUISCU

awaltt fUrther dtTelopmentt vltb tome spprehentlon but it
tlrml7 retolTed to mAln\ala peAce la the oountr.r vlth All
ae~n• at hle dl~otal. fht Attitude of the !oTlet Union
coa\lnuee 'o arou11 eerlout mltglTln«•· Therefore, during
hlt 41scuetlont vlth the \vo ~lttlon Chlefl ·- wblch are
'btlnc conduehd ln an at111oephere of 1111\ual tru.e\ -- Gener"l
ABTOI.UCll keept lnthUns on th• tpeeq tu.lftbon\ of the
acree..nh concluded v1 th Oenenl wa fiPPJl. . SURCH la Sep•
\uber. U h eonnU~al for the Hlllbl'f Hhdoa to knov
vha\ their llne of action lbould be in oat~ the Rutelant
~4tnl7 vert to aarch into Mol4AY1a.•

General JODL ,roaleed that lnttruo\lone oaYerln& ~ch a oon\lncano7

would eoon 'be luue4 ucl thAt tha problaa ot JhusanlM al'llt requlrtlltDtt

would ba clarltled Clurln1 t.he tortaco11lac YhU ot Oaaral AN~ON£00U.

The Rumaalen Chlat of Stste arr1Ttd ln Berlin oa aa JoYember and the

nest 417 retitled the treat7 ~ertbT Rumftala Jolntd ~· Three-Pover Pact.
vhich 1\ep ha4 been cttteohd b7 tha Hunprlu. OoY.rnllut at Vienna three

17 •, oonfldtd to AHtt~I.II!W hh plant for tht' JaUr:•n• u4 o'b\alnecl the

la\ttr'• content to the al8tmbl7 in RUaftDlA of Oeraan fllb~tnc force• vhlch

lut.d btea. tarurtr:ed tor Vlt aUact on aretoa, and to \ha con\tlll)late4 in-
oreatt tor thlt ~urpote ot tha ~llltarT Mlttlon vhtch vat 'o be tnlAr~d

br one armored dlYltlon end a4dltlonel alr tore• unite ••. ANTON~SOU.

. h 11 4t!lt8D4 I

•• During \he rntd.dle of JioToaber two aore tl,hhr ertuadron• were ~ddad
*o the four fighter ·~~Rdront end two reconna1e•~ce •quftdrone (tee
pege 35 - Germ111n orl,.;1nAl) or1glr..all7 esdtntd to Rullnnh.
MS ,.. c-<)65 l -41-

for tlloeAtlon ot ttnUtnnk eune, anUdrcr~f't gtUUI, truok11 And l'lflnet nnd

""' pro11hed aomplbn.c:e vl th hh requut ln the neu· future. An order

lt~ued during the tollovlng d"1t in conneotloa with \he oxp~n~lon of the
~illtll17 14hdoa on the eoale propo~ted lllto lncludtrl gu.ldin6 principles
goYtrning the ltne of aetlon the Oermnn torcet V8rt to tollov in c"'• ot
a Ruuhn lnYilliOft or Rwb,.nlll. ThtlfJ lnltructlon8 "UJ"ul.Ahd that border

inclden\t were ta be dlareg&rded but thAt 1tep1 thould be tPk4n to ~UArAntee

l)roteoUon a~tn•t buhn dtMkt la tht f'.l'tfl ot \he Uerm~n flr,hUng foro•'

on lAnd And in the •lr and \hAt mAJor enc8gemen\a thould. be put off until
int\ru.ctlone lutd been reothed frolft \he l'u.ehrer.

lmmedlatelr After General ANTON1SCU'• re\urn \o Buc~ree\ 1 eerloue

dl1turbnncet brokt out ln Rum~ls whlCb lndlosted how uneettled \ho ootlft•

\ry' • domet\lo Mffslr• 1Ull. were. DUring the nll)l.\ of 27 November. Le-

g1onnr1tt1 who hAd 41 dnterred. the bod¥ ot OomeUu1 COlJ~U • 1 the founder

of the Iron Gullrd 1 1\ormed \he prlton "·' JUA'f"a (south ot Duc.hnrut) Md
trhot P.bou\ tiO pollttcnl prhonen. DnpU• 1JJRedl"te e.pps.,.ll b7 Al'i'l:ON~OOU

~d Hori111 SIMA, ln whlch the Leglonarlet vert '•••eohtd. to retrnln from

all ille6nl 111c\tont 1 numer~11 poll\lcsl murdert and procromt ttill took

plAce durin~ the Jut.xt tn dlt)'e. ror all thftt, ovln~e \o ••••r• me~euree

bken by AtiTONESCU, 1\ vna tlnal17 uoulble to reutablhb order, .-.lthau&h

relation.- between .ANTON.!i;SCU A-nil the teclonarlet continued tG bt •trl'llne-d.

The nerm~tn MU1h.ry .Mhdon wat not atfeated b7 theu davelol'rnentw.
l(S I 0-065 1

On 3 Decenber, .Admiral BJU:D.l!;tl, whlle reportlng to ~he~ lu.ehrer oa the

lltuaUon at •••· agm.ln urcenU7 ttreued. the requlremenh for we.gln& val'
agalnat the ehter opponent, 1nglan4 •, and once more warned. bl• agnlns\
ud.•rtNcingtt vhlch ln'f'Oht4 too &rent a rhk, et \hq 1r1igh\ lud to lott

ot prettige ~loh lhould be a•o1ded at all aoet1. Horeo•er, the7 would

prolon« the .ar and, aboTt all, ~ro•oke the United Sta\et to an uafa•orable
attitude tovRr4t s~r~. HovaTer, tblt appeal, too, had no etfec\, tor
br that tt .. NlTLiR vae alrea~ too ua,leldlnc lD hlt 4eterm1natlon to
earr,r ou\ hit ,rea\ eaetern aampal«n to be dlttuaded ~ arca»ent• ot \hlt
n.e.tun. Hl1'LliJt contl4ere4 l\ qu.lte ua1Utll7 tha\ Amerloa vCNl.d enter \he
var on the tl4e or \be eualea vUhln aq aeatUl'flbl.t apace of time. .A.t

t.he be~DDlla& of loTember, Jut\ before \he .lmerlc"n pnddenUal elecUoa,

he had e~rened the opinion that ROO~VR.Tt • eleoUon would be more

fa•ora'ble tor Cer•nt than that ot hll oppotlDC Ct\lldld.ate WlLil.K, beeaue

1.\ 1111104 llkolr '""' \he latter would ~eod Ul) the Americna ar•men\
1n4ua\r,r t\111 more \han BOOSiV~T. lD a4dltton, he had pointed out tba\
both men had tpoken again•' America'• enter1nc \he var. Af\er S(~SAV£L!

ud been ellc\ed u4 l\ wo.a reporhd he had declAred \bat in the fUture

oue balt of AllerlCMl lnduttJ'f would work tor bsl.ancS and tha\, 1n ttddlUon
to the (() .lmerlcan dot\I'C)fera tra\ \o Orea\ ~rUe.in ln September 1940, he
planned to 8\lp-pl.y England vlth more tblpe or thh tTpe, lUU..:.R, nenrth•·
leet. re111ained convinced th~t.t .aocs~nl.~ voul4 continue hh efforh -- ln
\rh1ch he Wllff nllt((:odl7 nupported by \he Alnerlcnn Amb~UIM.dor to Loncton, Kun-

nedy. -- to keep the United St3tee out ot the ~ar. On 16 ~eptember, ihe

SehcUve Trdnlng nnd Serdce Act vat adopted 1n the Unlhd. Statu, vhich

pro'rldtd for the regl .. ~ratlon of all ::nen between the agn of 2l flll&\ 36• the

foArlr lnductlo~ of up to ~00 1 000 men tor one reRr'• tra!n1D&, Pnd the es-
pBntlon of \he Anq up to a tohl of 1,40o.ooo. 11n.• J!owenr, it wElt! the

opinion of \he G~rm~.m ~lllhr1 Atb.ohe ta wuh1ncton• Oeneral 'fOD DC'i'l'iiOfl:&B.

that it.- "oul4 DO\ 'be pout ble bttOJ'I \he begiiUliDI Of 194a to Jlnkt e:re.lla'blt
the mJor portlcn ot a rnodtrn llf'll\1• Hownar, b1 then, lilTl.iJi believed tha\
the cRilpelcn &.~hllt lloTl•' l<utda would h1l'Yt1 been .,Sohr1ou•l1 concluded
lODI •lnat ant tha\ perhnpl e.,en Gr~B\ DrltP~D vould be read¥ 'o come \o

Cn the Afhrnoon ot f: I;ecem·ber, \wo dqt afttr the ilboVe llltnUoned

tubm1th4 to the tuehrer lD the llerU.a Belch Chflncellery, h "h• prettnoe

of Centrnl li\.1!4 •n4 General ~CDL• the pblll or the AriA'/ Rlf,h CoiDIDen4 tor

the execution or the Opel'fttlona :ViLlX "nd .a.nnJ. r~tpeeUTel.J, r.nd. :put
before h11\ the concludcm• of \he o-pare.Uont erutl.Jtit vht.oh ht~.d 'been com-

piled, in c:onn.ectlnn vtth tbt contompldtd c•mp•~l&n •&nht~\ the Soviet

llnion, iD the O~eratlQDB Plvteton or the Cenernl ~t-rr ot \he Armr under

• Aecordib4~ to "' re~~crt ot thtt t~ftrllPn aUlhJ7 11\U,ehe tn W'•f'hhl~\on,

tt '111M -pbnned to br1ag tht ArrtT u-p h 25 41Thlont 1 ll1.1l111l1 13
~ct\Te ~nd 22 rafterve (c1v1llAn detente) 41T1A1on'• end to 1nerenae
the nrmy P.nd the navy dr roren u-p to " \otal of 4000 Jlbnn 1!\ch.
the dtrecUon of Oener~tl PAULUS •. the operatlont :plant ... which, tor the

'a"e .,urnoae. bad been dr~twn Ul) b7 the Depu\ment for l4at1onal Defon•e ·hed
been .ubmttted at e~trlJ •• 19 September to Qenerftl JOUL b7 Lieutennnt
Colonol ~n tOSS»EnO, \he flrt\ Oeneral Staff Officer of the Departmsnt.
Howner, \hie olna wae e-pparenU1 aot .,rettnhd to II'J.'Lili.R and certa1nl7

414 ao\ atteot the operatloat 'PlAD ot the Arm7 tn aa, va,a 1\ C8D there-
fore be lef\ ou\ ·Of accoUDt here.
The re~l\e of Rl~LKR'• coatereaoe vlth the two leading men or \be

Arm7, durlncwhtoh All ~ue•tlon• were 4ltcutte4 ln crea\ detail, haTe been
rectrded by GenerAl JOUL tn u offlclAl llllltOt.'AJ'Hlu.m, tt Jdnd of protocol,

vblch w•• 1Dcorporated Yerbntlll ln the war dla17 ot the Deportment tor

MatloDAl Defeneea lt reada •• !ollowtl •••

The CotrllluJnder ln Ch111' of the Arm7 Hlfeh commnnd a\atu 1111 follower

.U reanda Cperdlon l.ii:LlX, e10phadt uuUl Aov· h.At been plAced on c~mou­
fl•&•· On 6 Deoember, the tlr•t reconnnlatftnce atat! oom~rl•lng 15 ot-
tlctrt ln clTlllRD clothet te leMTlDC for ~~ln. lt the operation 1• \o
bt exacuttd la the beg1nn1n~ of Februer,r, 1\ vlll be neoeaear~. ln Tltv
ot thtt tact th$\ ywol)er preps.rst1on• take 38 c.l.nyt, to h11ue the ft?PI'O""
prlate lnetruotlon• ln the middle of Dece~ber. the Comm~der 1n Chief ot

• See pa~t 8 (Oerm8n original).
•• see ,age t (German orlglns.l).
••• the ~RBtnr.et in the off1c1el ~emornndum de&llng wlth Oper~tlon 7ELIX
Nld o-oe~Uon J.tAJll'U. es well at the coMUment of oer.111e.n dr torcet
1D the )\edUorrnnel.\n ~tlren4:r hn·e been quotod Yerbatim or tl1e ~11\
£l•en 1n the nreviout dh~pter• (Ch~pter 4, pftget 1a to l7a Chn~ter·
6, ~~get 2 to· 3; Chepter 7, pftgee 4 to 6). ~oTtrthele"'• ~~rte ot
lt nre quoted here A~ln Yerb~t1m, 10 nt to Mhov cl•arly tht ~1•ul·
taneoue ~lM!'l,.'l~ ot thua Of.lttrationa ~md the e!\ttern CJ\~dgn and
hov they ,,.,.r~ .·':;;Pr.ted in regard to the Ume oleqnt.
MS f c...OG5 1

the /l.rr.rr tUr,·h Commnnd p~op011111 thftt Oenerel TOD REICHUUlJ be clmried wUh.
the O?Pr-~11 ooma~Dd.

/o.ft fnr a11 OperD.tton ltAAI'l'A h concerned, 1t vill not be pouible to

put 1t into ettec\ untU the beglnnlag ot u-.rch, W.on the a.nov wlll bo ael'-
lng. In Tlew ot the tao\ that .the ttra••clo coDoentratlon ot torcew will
t8ke 7B dvye, order• for thlt opertttlon too thould be it•ued in the mi~dle
of :Oeoelllber.
ta the eut. the ArTrrT ltlgh Couand hopee to be finhhed with the con•
~tTUctlcn ot the rc~da nnd rallwnJt bf tprlnc•. ~rovided no more motor
••htelet fll'e withdrnwn. Pre,nrdlont tor the etorlnc ot euppl1u bi\TI been
co~?leted to the.exten\ that 1\ will be pcet.lble thor\lf to btgln thla
At tar •• tht duration of \he plenned actlont 11 concerned, Op,ratloa
litiX vlll be eoneluded bf the end of februarr ~nd the \roopt committed to
thh end will ngdn be r!l'fttlable ln the middle ot )lq. The hrm1na.t1on of
Operttt1on f.·,A.lUTA c•nnot be aueued vUh cerhlntya howanr, thh opira•
tton ~ill run ~t le•nt 3 to 4 wtek,, l.e. untll the middle or April. The
return trf'l.n·t·~orhtton ot the troop• wlll talce an 8.4d1t1onnl·tot.tr weeks end
their reh.a.blllb.tlon vlll then requ~re 10111 edra tilDe. Although theee
tore•• cannot be epare4 tor the eAatern campatcn, lt lt •••entlal tha\ thl•
operMt1on be.,~ne n\ the tPrlle•t pOeJJlble moment in order to be a.ble \o \u.-
~11 advnntnge ot the '•~•on which 11 tnYorable fOr tuch operation~.

Oomplyln~ with tht requeet ot

the Co~=~nder 1D Chief of An~ High Com-
m~nd for a remtme ot the oTer-ftll t1tunt1oa, ~~ FUehrer make• the follovin&
ttftte~entaa For the tlme beln~. German lnterTentlon ln LlbJa 1• out cf the
quut1on. n
h not yet pou1bll to obtn.iD a complete picture ot the dtu.e-
Uon ln Albmla. In CRee \he Uellue tt.J'e repulsed tUU. t\lrlher, the
dAnger exhh thfl.t all of Albttnb. will be loet. lugoeb.'f'1a mpyA.rentlJ wan.tt
tn WAit until the dtufttion in Albania h clarlfisd 'before ~1'lk1ng ~ decl-
tion ccncern1ng her politi on. The mod 1m;>orbn' factor ia the B,:~.lkonl 11
Ttu"d" trblcb h mBklng e.n Bttemp\ to cn.ln control ln BulpriB dnec Rumania
~~~ been tealed off. Thle mokes 1\ evident that eTef'7 weakneat pnywhere
in !'!!1rope help• the nuedenw to ~utah forw"rd.
At present, the onlJ ~e7 to hel~ Itnl7 it through the eommltm~t of
Germ~n ~lr tr.~k force• out of Stelly (two group• ct "Junker• 87") ~nd out
Of Southern l\df (\YO gl"OU~I Of Ill,•. ··~rR 88") •gBlAt\ the l)rithh fieet
in the 1-ted!hrrnneMt, "'" Yell M ·, '1 the Cltl-oture of <Hbrelt~r. The
latter stf!1) 1s Al"o necew!UU7 l-or;~'·"'''':;! other reAl!01ll, In coneeoU'lllCO of
the nev develoumentt, Yr~nce ill F-\lnr.tt.\nee refunt to cede .,nyth1ng to Ita.ly
tnd in th1e con~ect1on ueo8 a• on 3r~uent the uo~sib111t7 th~t rrench-
Afrlcn. mlght breok ·tli"Wf!JT from the P.l.I..(.UI! Government. Hovenr, thh eontin-
l!:.rjll"1 vill co~u to e:\:ht I'HI Mon ~s n few Gerrr-1\n d.1v1sion~ .-re str1tioned
M9 f C..O&IS 1

in Morocco or dhpl'.teh~td ther• proroptl;r. ~'hie vUl ml.'ktt 1\ pot~~dble to

fltt a dU'ferent tont 1n dtnllnP. Yith the P.i~'AlN Gover11ment.. MoreoTor, \he
pt7cholo~1cN. effect of the tnll of G1brAltn.r wUl be condd.nA.ble t~nd the
blockln£ of the ~estern cntrf.lnce of the Nedi terrrme(\J'l wlll bo Nl iwport11.nt
Our warninr.• th~t o.thcke l~unohed from Greece ttrJ.~.lnet Germt~n 1phe.re1
ot 1Ater•-t w-ould bt tollove4 b,.y reprhrlll httTt ruulted till now in no
woh attA.okt bttYln~ been effected. ln e.ll l)I'ObRblUty, thh vlll continue
to bt the C88t during \he ne~t tev montht. leTtrtheles•, Germ~n ectlon
81ftlnt\ Oreece lt e•~entl~l in order to aettle tht ~ltu~tlon once ~nd for
all, -- unltRI Oreoct of her ovn .-ccord would end the conflict with lbl7
sad toret the BrUhh to 8b~ndcn her ba.-ee in Greece. In th"t cau, our
lnhrYenUon will hlllYt b•come unneceUAI'fe beofi.Ute the hllue of M.lropeu
hecemorq vlll no\ bt decided ln thh territor¥.

Tht etrAtel)io eonomtr•Uon ot forcu for cmeretlon ~:IAIU'I'A h there-

tort ftbtolutel1 etuumthl. ETen lt itt uecu.Uon beeomea tu!'trtlutm~. the
AIUtllblJ Of \I'OO'J')t' Clnn ttlll be turned to ~tdVP.I1b(;l, becP..UI!e tho forcet
commUted !or thit l:'urpou f'rt then lmmedl11hl;r ftVdlA.blt for the ""-.tern
cu.pdgn. There h no doubt thRt. in c1ue of M est\ern c~mpt'!.letl, iltlm#!.nls
at well •u• flnblld wlU •lde with Oerm~ft1.

The pbnned opel!'ationt vHl b• tlfecuhd ln tha tollowl:a,; ordert

1) The dJ• P.ttftck on the Br1Unh :neet 1n th.e tf'\fttorn ttedlterre.-

ne8n vlll be bunched be~~1nfl1ng 15 l.lecernber:
2) the ~tt~ck on OlbrAlter 11 to ttlllrt the beginning of rebru~r,y
od tmd four weekt lP.tera

3) the cr.mpftli~ ngaln1t Greece ia to be leunched the be~lnnlnc

ot Herch• lf condition• Art f~Tor~ble it wlll be concluded
tnt end. ot ~nrch. however. U 111lght trke until the ond ot
April. ln tht latter on.u, howeYer, it wlll probnblJ not be
necea•nr.r to emplor all torcee until the end.
It 1• de"tr.Rble \o vin over Yugo•lnvi~ to the tide of the Axl! powore,tor
V'hlch there ueme to be A 'POtldbiUty if the lhllM forcu .-t the AlbPnl".n
front are brouGht to ~ 't~n~t~lll.
In •ns-ver to the fl\\t't~Uon of the CommnndP.r in Chlet ot thm /'.TI'i¥ )Ugh
ComJMDd "'hether the Fuehrer condoere th• Oerronn Air Foree ntront; enoUt.:h
to be ~ble to continue the ~lr vBr ~g~1ntt ~nglen4 in ~ddltlcn to th~
eettern c~m!""if.l', the 'f'ueh:rer 11tntu that in the t~nr1ng ot lfl·tU, ths :Rrl-
tl~h ~1r toree will not be 'tron~er th~n it is tod~y end conee~uently will
no' be able to conduct ~QJ d~¥t1me rA1de Ag~lne\ Germnny, Yheren~ the
a.~s 1 c-oon 1

OermAn Air foreo, 1n Tlev of ltt proPen\ mo~erate lo•~•'• vlll be etron«er
ln the wpr1nn of 1941 thnn it ie nov. Thue, the nuccewe of thn defenslTe
~1r vt•r P.C)"\ln•t ;:;n~Mii 1t auured., evan 11 tiOOd-dzed portion' of th11
flr;htor f'om'ltion• l'.nd ~mUnlrcrflft unU 1 t~re oommlt ted in the OA!Ct, nnd
1\ vtll be ~ottlble to continue ler~ccMle atgh\ nult~nce ~14• ag~lntt
l&ngb.nd durin« " thor\ eftlhl"D CftJrrpalgn.

Th• 3uat1nn Rnned force• are lntertor to the Oermnn wehrm,.cht ~ith
re•pec\ to r.nnMen~ end. per•ozmel, pl'rl1C'tlbrl7 aa tnr AU the OO.I'lll!U'lld net-
up it concerned. Contoquently, the ~retont mornen\ le c~ec1nllt fAYOr~blc
tor an ea!tera OnMpn1gn. I\ 11 \o be e~pected tha\ the Rut~lftn Army, once
1\ 11 ve&kened, vlll face ,~ eTcn r.reater coll~pee than v~w the onR& vlth
the ff)ll of i'rnnce in lNO. 'Ihe 1111lln thing to benr S.n aind h thA.t the
lluu1MI lhould not be drinn b~o.Jc in ~a bo~, bu\ tha\ on the contrPr)',
after the front hal bten penetrated, lnr«e portlont of the Rut1leA ArmT
thould be encircled. The eaftern c~pftign will coat to a cooclutlon wlth
the ettnbllahmon\ ot ft llnt npprox1mately on ~ 11ne vlth the Volgn, from
where rnld~ vtll hnvt to bt conduoted tor th9 deetructlon. ot nrm~ment
f11ctor111 vhlch flrt loc,,hd further ott. Following th"t• nev buffer ahttt
(U'ttrAint, Whlto :1\.ltrle, Llthurnln, Ldvla) v1ll be ettablhhod And RurnNlS.a,
OouvernEoment GenerAl n.nd flnlt~nd vUl be (J.'llargcdJ ftbou\ 60 d1Th1ona ha'Ye
to rem~1n ln the ena\.
ln oonclullon, the ::uahrer decreet t.h"t Optratlon J'11.1X h to· be e~e­
w.hd. AI IOOD f\1 p011lble IUld thl\t COillplete -prct'J)ftftl.tiCDI &rt tO be melle
for OptraUon ~·.ARl'A;A •~ well o1 the e1u\orn Cf\mp,.ign. The d1'Yh1ont on
le•Tt • thould be recAlled, but tf ~t all pot•ible, not before Febraar,r.
The eBdern Cmt~T>l\lti!:D vlll begin at the t3rUut in the aldclle ot ~tq, lt
\he winter it a noranl one. The Fuehrer no lonser con•ldtrt lt pottlblt
tor Operntlon S~::l.Cl.\fi to be carr1e4 out.
~he Comm~nder S.n Chltf of A~ Hlgh CommAnd tn~ulrtl vhtther ltndlDI
al4 to the lt~lt'~' ln AlbAnia lt altogsther out ot th• QUtwtlon, end the
fUehrer replltt that he e~n ••• no p011lbllit7 tor 1\. Tht Commender in
Chief ot Arm7 Hl&h Co11111nnd 11leo uka bow mru11 troope 11rt 'o bt eont to
Rorth Africa atter Otbr~ltar hfte been tnken. end ln replJ the FUehrer etetee
th~t one armored unit And one aotor1ted unit are to be e~rmark&d tor the'

• ln " deeree dnted 29 t-<rptet'lb!r 1910. HITL.~R hsd ordered thnt 300,000
111ehl \~rkou wra to b• v1. thdr111vn from th• field forcn Pnd the
rerl~eemf'nt .-rnr nnd p,hen " le111n ot ~abnence in ord~r to 'II'Ork in the
•r~n~~nt ln~~fttr,y dur\ng the vinter ~ontht.
J4S i C-065 1

B'ollottln~,~ \hnt. Ci'ilnarnl H.Al.!l~l prncmhd the plt-nt ot tho ,t..rmy Hi~

Comt\!'nd. for tho neeutlon of OpornUont r ..LIX ~nd f",AfUTA ruptet1TolJ.

quot.ed eheHhtu·e •. ~he oi'f1o1nl mttntOJ"I'Uld.W.:I than oont1nue11 e.e follOWII

'.f'he Chhf of the Oenert·•l StAft of \he Artn1 \ben report. on pbnl tor
the fJMhr11 cn,t-pdc;n. Flrd he enbrtn on the geo;;rn.ohlnAl ~Pilacte.
ih~m bt9 at~tt.tt the follo"'lntii The rto"t 1muor\nn\ 11\rmf\lnen\ ot.mtf"re t~re
loo11 teri in thB Ukrn1ne, 1n l·'Oflcov r.nd. in Len1n+:rnd. The Ukrn1nt turther-
M'lre M.l" , IBU1"'j'llUII or M~r1cul turnl produch. 'l'he Prlt')'fl.\ !wNap, cllv14t
t.ht) ent~ ro zone of Q]')ernt\.on• into ontt northarn nnd onf t:O\\~h0rn pnrt.
lo tho l"'tt'r the J'Of'd network h poor. 'rbe but Nttdl'l and rt>UwnyA •.rt
loc,ted in the ·,l,,'!'"tW-IlCirco., .-ren. rtonc.,, thtt north•m pr•rt of the zone
o£ o:lc.:rlltlonl!l provtd'Jfl more t'~t'forAblt oond1Uont tor b.rr,tt•I'IJ'fln. oper111.UOn1
th~r1 the Routh ern !"" t't.

:'ho Pr&n nort.h of the Prt:p7nt SWnrl:"" h tht>refore "Pl'~rer\tl1 accuphd.

'b1 A lPrger· n\l.'ll.bol' or trao;'t! thPn the f'O\I.thern 'PArt or \he 7ono of opertl•
Uon"· ln P..~dltlon, th~t d\l'lt.rlbu.H"n of HtH'11ll"n force" iildlcl'lh~ l,e~vy
conccntrr~tlr>n rccordtn~ to th1 confUotlnR '!l'~l!,.lnn rnd Ot!mnn 1ntt'!rfH'h•
lt h ruu•onll'bh to nfi~Ume thl'!b the eur.r">lY b~!!a of the Ruuir•n.-, \th1ch 1t
protected by fif'H.. rort.lfleFJUon~. 1« loc,.\ed Juwt Ul!t of tho formal"
T-tuuo-folhh bordc~r, :htJ f·nhpctr rnd l>Ylnn Rherf'l con~Utute t.he tDOII\
ltl!lhnJ Una ll'httrrt \he R·udM• ,.-Ul bl'\'fa to tl'\\ct " wtf'.nd.. U' the :Runb.n
forcu fAll bAck .nn,y 1'u.rth~tl', th~Jf will no lon-~or be nble to. Tll'Ohet thelr
lnrlul'ltrh.l "·u""· Con~~~t1ueraUy, U r;hould be our "1111 to nrncmt the Rufl-
tbnt, b,1 rr.eAn" of 1'\l."morb'd VIJdcu, from tu•hbl hh lnr. a clott,!d dofenu
Une· wut of thttl"!t two river"• One pl'rticnlnrl)' "trone """'ult.
ment h \o t,d,.PnCI'l froll' th., IU"Gn f'rl"\md lrlr-rMv f'or Pn !'ttf\c~ on l>\o1'\cow.
Tho thr,.., Army r.rou-pt Atrf11p,n4d fQr oper~>t1onw "r~ \o i3e emnloyed n1
/ollovf!l :rho one• on tho north h. to b~t comm1Uf'!d for tln ";,".:"'Ult on l.en1n-
grf\tl; thtJ Cltll ln t'htt ceonhr h to IH1nnce Yh Nlnr.lt for e11 ,.ttno.k on
~)n;.,lehelq \ihlle \ht.t rne on the ~outh h to concentrate ht.~r forcu for
e put~~. on K1••. ct the lflll!t nAmed. Atml r.roun, one r~rm1 h to ~tdY,.nee
from the I"I'U trnund Lubl1n, P. 1\tcon'l enuy from the .-res 11.bout Lembet"le
PJU1 " third one roh,ul~ r,rocer.:d from liuMnb. the VolRII Rinr l'nd the
ArchMgtl ftret. contttltute the f1n11l obJectlY8 of \'1\e onr-"ll oporl!ltion.
CD th~ vhol~, lC5 lnfpntr,r rt1T1•1cn• nnd 33 ~rmore~ tnd mo,orlred d1'f1•
dona ut to be ellmloy~td, of' ,.hlch ft br,;e number ( 1:l the e\remnth ot
two Armiu) will, 1n the be~\nnlng, follow in a ucond Une •

• see ChApter 4, n~R'' 12 to 17, end Chnpttr ?,

( Gtu•m,.n orl gln~>i) •
n~get 6 to 6
The }'o.ehrer f!~";>reuu hh l'']roroYnl ot the o\ltllned OJ')ttJ'dlon!ll ,lnnt
''nd. tn t.hh oonnactlon l'.ho 11tnhe ths follow1n~tl 'I'he JMln obJoct h to
PrtTr.'Ut the rUfl"'llllU fr'lm \11thdrP.win.tt 1n 0 body. ';he ~tdnnet to the
nnr.t tho\ll.d lle err,ctod t.o •uch ,,n extent thn\ the nunn\pn "1r forcft
~rlll no lon~or be n.blt to nt tl.\clc t.htt ;~one of Inhr1or, ''h1lo on the other
h,.nd, the Oc.rmr-n Alr Force wlll bB 1n ,. nod tlon \o ct~rry out :t•aB!II rnr
tht d~!ltructlon of the Hundr~n nrm·rn~nt indu&triell, Br thh 11eune wet
l'lrt bound to 'br!nR n'bo\lt the de!ont ot tho flut~ubn ar:nod !orcea r>.n1J pre-
Tent tho1r J'QV1v~l.

!hn ney tlrtt\ nUnc'• nhoulri be b.unched iD 1'\!Ch fll ,i;!AlWtJr 111 to moke
it p')ndbh to tmn1hUnte Bhnbh nu.mbert ot enemy forcu. :to thh 8nrl,
the moM 11 troont\ nhould btt co mal Ut1d nt tne inner vln&• of ~h~~ tvo
northern ArrriT Grou-p.-, on which the chief em;Jht.\1111 or Opeu.tlons wlll nlto
be 'fllnoed. tn th~ north, nttfJ;o.tr\• "hould be lllf:\dl to encircle the ene.tn¥
forcu t~t"UoMc\ in the Ddtlc st~tu. To thh enci. 1\ h .uocoi'!IH~rt to
rdn!Qree the Army Oroun Yhich h to ll'lmoh the attack on t·•ot~eow to mach
" ~.egro" th11t eonddnr,.tlle porUon11 vUl be abl.e to -pivot to thft north.
7.'h• l.rm.y Oro•tp ~1\.,.,.ne\nr, fiOU \h of th" Prl'!)7'A'\ ~lvl'i•1i)ll ahoult.'l. not lAunch tha
r,~ttA.c!t tlntH lntor, !I!Otl\1 of th elesmmh pose1bl;r rH1Vr~nc1na from RUiltP.nla,
,.n~\ fllhOnld endeRYOr tO rndrcle l"J'gtt nu•rborll Of tme!SQ' forcefll in t.he
Ukr,.tne by meft.IUI of 11n cnT~l.optng nttDck from the north. At t.hitt Jno10en\,
it 11 not ~et P~"'1bl• to d~c1d~ ~h~thwr ~- "!ter the bulk of the RuRainn
fore~tfl enei rchd 1n the north Nld. in tM r>outh hn11 been ~tnnihlb\ed --
ve v1ll 111d.Ynnce on l·ior~ow or to thtt r.,f;:lon 8Pd thr?reof. \>.liRt IM.\\erll
mo•t h to :t'lrevnnt th~ iitluSnnt from J'tellltl!lblhhlng \heL'ltelTtt hl \he reAr.
Tbt 130 • 140 dlY!tlon• earmftrked for \he oYer--ll oporation• Are con-
tidertd ~ff1c1tnl.

ln conelu11\on, the Chhf of tho Gemer"l St,.rt ot tbe Ar•rty r!aJ'Orh

th~tt e1dtt ve~tkt will be re'lu1red. for tho concentrAtion ot hoopA for
POtion, ~nd th~t from the be~lnnln~ or the ~1ddlG of April, lt ~ill no
lonfier bt11 ;'O"P1bl!!1 to k•f'l' the oncut1onJ 11eent. Y'irutll)', 'S1 dlYhloJHJ
"Ul .-tin rem~.ln \n occu,htl !r~tnoe ru:11\ belr.1um, vhile ons tlhhlon
eA•.::h "1'111 bP. lett in tTollP.nil, nenrnnrk t1nr'l thA Prot•ctornte, end ~ dlv1-
fll1ons vill •till b~ •tAttoned h.t Norv,~y; .-or4e nortlr.Jns or the httl!r
vill btt ut!Uud tc r thfl •~11tt~m cttmt'll'lit'O'l. In P.ad1Uon, th, Inttructioa
M.vhion 11.nd the Airborne !liddon nre 111U\l e.v"1lllble. 11
~a *o-ou5 1 -50-

On the d''Y followiup: thh contorenoe, Oene:rRl JO!Jl. p.YG ihe Chht ot

\he lJepartmnnt tor Nn.Uont~~l llt!tnu lnatruotlon11 tor the comptUng ot Ureo-
UYu of tht ~~prot COllli'And gonrn1ng tht alr VIU' in the ea.1torn Hed.Utr•

ronean, tbe OptrRUont f.JLIX Md MAill'rA rupeatlnl7, "nd \he eutern

OfAIDpnlp, On thh ocoAilon, ht alto atnhd the followingl

"The fuehrer h f1 r111l1 reaol. Yeti to a•.rr1 out tha eutern

vhloh, vUh rupee\ to the U.me element tmd
oalllpl-'l.lp -
loc~lUt h to a cerhin extant conneohd v1th OptraUoll
hARl~A -- becoute the A~ v111 never agaln attain the great
ttreo1th l\ bat a\ ~retent, In addltlon, Rultia only re-
cenUJ - by her fl.\ teurpt to 4htuA.dt I•ulgarla trom Jolnlnc
the Three-Power Pact •• bAa proYtn ft&Aln \hat ~lt v1ll
alveyt \r,r, vheneTtl' poa~lble, to atand in OermAD¥'• vAt.
Wt o~n dttlnltelT count on nu~la't and llnland't partl-
o.paUon t.n the •••ttrn Cft111pelp."
On 13 December, a flrtt draft ot the 4lrect1Ye coYerln~ Operation
JllTZ •• vh1ch 1 a\ tlret, v~• the coYer n~• tor the •••tern c~~~nlgn --
wae •ubmltted to the Chlet ot the Wehrmacht Operation• Staff, Lleutenan'
CODIIIt'nder JU.NOE, the kP.TIIIl Staff Officer f\UAched to the DepArtment tor

lft aft e8tlm8\e Of \ht titUAtlon preJtD\ed from the •t~Ddpolnt Of the ~8V7

~nd with a Tiew to a tvo-fron\ Vf\r a~lntt gngland and Ruta1a -- th~t

Germ.ny, in Tiov ot the t~ot that the h~mperln« ot nAYRl vartnre Agnlnet
li.oglnnd vould be the innlbble ruult, ehould not lm#,?tge in • "''r with
the nortet trnlon, "' lons ~'" ehe WMI compelled to put forth 1\ll her etrength

to defe~t OrePt BritAin. In Y1ev or HI~L~·· determination, lt WQI to be

e1peeted that th1R v~rn1nr,, the t.~mt ae r.ll ~reT1ouA onee, vmtld hnve no
effect nncl boddl!l~~t, Oenernl Jf.i.Ll4 did not Pr,ru v1 th the idene of the biAVY
a.!i ' Q-066 l

a.a•r•l Staff ~t, ea the coatrar,r, WAI labut4 vlth tbt ooaYlatton tb•'
klt 1or4 aa4 aae\tr ta \htt o~tt too, vttb \ht latuttloa of • cenlu•, b84

14~lft chOIID \ht OD11 rlth\ W.71 OODII~UtD\1Je t~t tltUt,lOD tttlma\t

""' ao\ •••• ~' "''''' IUTt.n.

On 1? lltatllbtr, Otntral. ..TUJJ., af\er ulda& to•• tll«h\ h•pron111~m\t 1

~~alt\t4 \bt draft for \ht tlrto~lYt t6ftrlac Optratloa lRITJ, •n4 a\

Ul•' otcallon, '"'' laforatt of aa b•porha\ oh.-np afftcUn" the •hdoa

el \ht ,,., Orou'P vlllah vat eohectult4 tor oo•l taeat north of tbt! rrtp1at

Marthtt. Durlna tht ooafcrtnct be14 oa e Dtc..btr, \ht Chief of the Oentral

1\atf of tht Anq, eoiDllleU.nft oa the t\rahcto pl~at, luul exprtne4. ht...

ttll \t the tlteot \ha\ u eepeol&llt larae araore4 ••4&• th.o\114 ad.Yil&Ct
lroa \he area arou4 lareav lor aa •'"'* oa Motcow an4 that of the thrtt
1111CQt4 Artq 0J'O"Cll)t 1 'ht ODI OR \bt aor\b tbn14 bt ao•Uhd a«ld.IUI\

L.ntn~ra4, \bt oat la \ht aen\tr ehou14 actYAAOt Yla Nlna~ for an •••~ult

ta Slloltn•tt• whllt tht ont oa \ht tou\b llaoul4 aUack XttY wl th cancen-

' " " ' forat, Rl1'l.ll ha4 ep.,roYt4 tbttt pbnt u4 hAd aertll polnte4 to
'h• aectttl\7 tor •tnc aD aUt~ap' to •ctrclt \ht tne., torott tt.Uone4
t.a the JalUo 1\a\tt u4 ba4 eucpah4 \hat ror thh J)Urpote, u 110uld be
aac•••el'1 tt ttre~hta \ht 1rMr nrou~ eche4ule4 to a\tadk Kotoow to .ueh
ID t~\en\ that lar1t ~or\loal ot tht AraJ Oroup voul4 bt able to 1wtn1 to
\he aonh. He hft4 a4dt4 that U w.t aot ' ' ' pon1blt to d.ftcldt wht\her
ve voul4 a4~at oa Moaoov or \ht area tat\ \hereof, after ve had nnnlhl·
ltlte4 \he 'bulle or "" httlan f.01'ott which vert tDalrclt4 ill \he n.or\b n4
1a \ht to~\h. At \he \lae \ht ~rtctlYt vas compllt4, thle tusge~tloa hAd
M9 f c-ooe t

aot bt@ll ''' fbr\h at clearlJ at HtTLI! vl1htdl lntteAd, lt had be~n baee4
.,rturl\r oa the o-peration• p1Nl of the ArlO" Blgb Co•m,.a4 vhteh HITLF..R, tt
lJt llUre, he.4 f'P"I'OTt4 aa4 •ecor4ln.c to wlch the Anq Gro'llJ' tn. the oenter,
an4 ,arUeub!'l)' one ttl'tfolAllJ' t\NDC ai'IIIOrt4 vedgw, VAt to .,u11'h ~~t'hto4

Tla Mlntk •nd ~oltntk towArdt Notcov. Ia tho •~~nt!Me, however, H11LtR
hAd become t\111 ~r• eonTlDotd \hkt the a4Ynnoe on Mo•oov ehould deflnltelr
be ~reoeded b)' th• ftnDlhilatloD of the ent~ torcet ttRtloned in the Dnltlo
8bht 111 vtll •• the C"Pture of Lenlllgl'tt4 a.nl1 Ironttad\, ln order to

tl.l11Snate the ltuubn Yltt\ the qulckeat WilT poulblt ud bring abo\1\ a

~peed,J rewmptlon of the tlov of tnfflo ln the :Baltla Se•• parUculArlt

\he ahlpmen\t of ore comla« froa Lulea. CoaeequentlJ. oa l?·Deoember,
when \ht dlreotlTt ••• wbtdUtd. b7 the Chltf o:r \he 'llth1"1118oht Opentlona
staff, Hl'!LD onot ~tpla tJl)lallled to the laUer vUh crea\ empluul• how

Tl\allJ leportan\ l\ Wftt for larct numbere of \he mobile \roopt of the

Arrq Oronl) 1a Ula eeDhr, after thq b1u1 penetrated tba enell\Y fron\ lD

WhUe Ruul"• \0 plwt h the north, la order \o dadro7 the ene1111 forcee
flgbttn~ la the Blltlo ~Atee nnd c~ture tanlngrAd, 1D Joint eper~tton

wUb tba Af"'JJT Croup lD the DOMb. Jot uUl thil molt Tltal mheion hAd
b•~n •eeompl18be4 thould otfen1lTt opernttont ag8lnet ~oscov be continued.
Ia thlt connactlon, he polnted out the great a4Y~nt~ge ot thea bein~ Able
to effect a coaTerdn« adTRDCe from the veet e!ld th·e northwe•t agdn1t tho
Juttlan enplt~l. OD17 ln cnea of en une~ectedlf rnpld coll~~e of the
Runte an~ed forcetr voul.d U be axpecUent tor the A't'G¥ Oroup 1n the center

to t1multeat~tl7 ptTOt to the north ADd adTaDCI on ~oscov. ln addition.

ICI f o-c>68 l

Hl!L&a t\lpulete4 \hat the to~r oo••r n••• tor \ht •••tern cam~atcn be
dben,ed to Operation BARBAROS!l.
•ruehrer Dlr•ctlTt f 21 1 vat reTlte4 aacor41D&l7 1 t1&ne4 \7 BITLER
oa 18 DeceMber and 4lt\rlbu\e4 to the Vthrmeoh\ 'ranohet \hat tame ta,.

Untonuutel.J. \he tu\ of the 4beoUTe It ao\ aftlla~l• la Ut orlclntl

torm bu\ onlJ la the tlul Ttrtlon whlah II ooq\tlnt4 ia a nppltMil\
publlahe4 la March 1941 1 vl\h vhlcb I vtll deal la\er. ~lt Terelon 4lt•
tert lro• \he ODI publltht4 bJ Pdtl' 41 MJIUlJLISOHI • wblch VAl obiiDCid

la p~r,. I u quo\lnc U Jaerevt\h onll' laeotar •• U oorreapon4t \o \he

one lt.u.d oa 18 Deaembera

• Peter clt MO~Dli:LSSOllla Dlt llluernb•rcer :Dolnlunh. Stuclhn 1ur

cleu,~chen lr1eg~o11\1k 193? - 45.
(The iUernberc Document•. Ana17••• ot Oer-.n ~111\ar,r PollOJ
1P3? • 40) •
.Publhhecl b7 wolt«"nfl ll'lleger, Jluburc 194?. Pll&e• 318 - 322.
MS ~ 0·068 1

" The l~threr Nnd SUnrtmt Commander l~ehrer Ht~dquArtere

of the l'iehi'IIAcht 18 December 1940

0111/Weh:rmftaht C-peraUona Stllff/Depenmeat for laUonal Dtfenet (Group I)

J.o. 13 408/ 4t() Top ltoret.

R!r•gtl•! Bo. 21
QRer~\ion BARBARQ!§l

T~eOerm.a Wthrmacht lt to make preparatlont tor sgnouer~ng ~ylel

~••1~ in ~ ranld CftmoR!ia (Operation »A~OSSA). tTtn before the war
ag~lnt\ iArlnnd h~•. come to • conolulloa.

To thh encl. l;he Aml, will •ploy all •••lla"blt torott. vUh the
exctpUoo ot \hoae required to pro\to' the ooc:'ll:!)lt4 \errHoritt ra.gdn.d
turp rhe aUaok:".

The A1r Fore§ vlll bATt \ht lmportan' teak ot aaklnc a.all~ble tor
the wpport ot the Af'fq b the uehra campdp. torc11 la web etrencth
•• to m~k• 1\ po•~lblt to count on a 8pte47 conclutlon of the croun~
oper... uon• en.t\ the h.ek: of MkiDg tu.rt \hilt ••1117 alr aUaclte v1ll inflict
•• llt\le dAma&t •• pottlble on the eatttrD Qerman *~"••• Thlt concentrA•
Uoa of torcet ln the tat\ vlll he UmUecl only lneotar •• U will. be
a.eceaflll'17 to auti;Jl wftiolen\ t:roopt to ade~:~utel7 protect the tntlre
oo11bd 1011t e.d l.li'BI•'P~"Octuclnl rctetion Wldtr our control l\plnt\ ntlQ' alr
atbokc, end •o aruce ture thet o~:hntht opentlont aplnt\ Itngl.8D4• ,,
ttp-cl•llJ her IQpplJ wht;mente, vtll not oome 'o a halt.
la•~l o~erntlon1 dtflnltelJ will continue to \t concentrated a~lntt
kn£1~n! •••n durlnc the •~•tern eampatsn.

1 wll btme the order for the !lntedo concmtp.Uor;. gt :toree!

aplnat So•ht Ruesb, tr t.he oocAtlOD arhn, el&)lt veek• 1:1:r1or to the
oonte~letecl etart ot ~ration•.

Tholl prepMatlone ~tch rtflUlre a loncer perlo4 to «•t under VAJ

&houlcl -- ,.,, fttr •• thh h•• not been done l'llnt.dJ •• \t lnltlated bee-
db.tel)' end be concl\lded 'b7 1~ ~07 1941.

Hove-rer. h h ot cleclehe illlporbnce to aakt 1\U'e that there h ao

lndloMtioD ot &n7 ~l~n to ottadt.
the -preJ'am.Uont ude 'b7 \he JUAh Comau•n~t .-.r• to be 'bued en the
tollowin« elez;nmha
NS Vi c-068 l

The bulk or the Soviet A!!l ttatloned in ve1tarn RuteiA lt to be anal-
h1l~ted ln bold operation• ~nd wi\h fnr-extendlng drlvte or armored apear-
ht•ub; the vlthdrPl-wal to tho re-.r ot elemenh a\ fighting lltrtn/tth h \0
be JU"eTmted.

Thereupon a lice vlll be renohed ln repld pur~it, bw,rond vhioh the

DUI81nn Alr force vlll no lon~r be Able to a\tae~ \he zone ot Interior.
The !lnnl obJect1Te of \he operetlon 1t the eetablllhment of • ceneral
Une fraa the Vol~;"' \o ArcbA.n~l which vlU conttUute a conrln.c line
•«alutt Atletlc ~Qttla. In \hlt var, the Alr force, lf necotaar,r, will
'be able to dedrQ1' the l.J,tt rgmft.inll\g 'Ruub.n 1nduttrbl ~trea• ln the

A• a rawult of the•• o~eratlont, the Ruttlan ~nltte lleet vlll be

Qttlekl:r deprived. of lh b3flttt, vhlch will render l\ unnt 1'or comb,.\.
lrom the "ferf bet;innlng of \he OJltl raUon, ,,. 111111\, 'Q)' aoano of povutul
blovt, 1'rnent the fhlt,hn tlr forse from \llt:b\g aDJ tffeo\ht aeanree.


1. Ve cNl COWlt on £!!!1)"'.nb'a nnd ~ aathe pl!l.rUolpAUon la
\he war aplnt\ Sovlo\ nuul" on the fi~J.nlu of our operfttlont.

'l'ht Wehrme.ch \ Righ Comr.wnd (OK;~), 1n acoord.MCt vUh current

requS.reliOntt, vlll arrange end dohrmlne the lllfllnner Yhertb1 the figb.Uq
torcet of thtne tvo countl"itt vlll ,. pbced Wlder German cor.mmnd.

D. l~nte'•
\atk will contit\ la plnnln~ down the ene~ troo~•
thtJ facinc ln Joint operation vlth the Ge~b force• •to\lone4 there,
end on the whole, in rendering atelttftnce in \he rear .r•••
3. ZlnlPpd'! ml11lon vlll be to cover \he •trAteglc concentration of
\he Oel"'lan northern Arlf1 orou'P (1\0l"Ut:l!ll ot :XXI Orou1l) vUhet.nw1Dg froa
norwl\l and \o C8l"J1' out Join\ 0)')6raUone vUh thh GrOU'\). ln addlUoD.
llnland vlll be "'"lgntd the task ot deprl'flag the ene~ of the uee of

4. ~· M.•e reat~roll to beUeve \be.\ .§!!edith l"llllvqe ond roacit vlll be

eYP~.lb.ble for the Atnmbl.)' urch of \he CtrmM Dorthern At'm¥ OnHap a\ the
l~t•Bt be~nn1D~ wltb the etar\ of operAtlona.
lotS ·I C-068 l

til. tlti: COToDUC'r 01 OJ'£BA'flOHS1

A. ArN. (RT>pro•al ot the pl11111 aubmUte4 to me) 1

In thf.t ~one of OJ>erationtl, ~ lch h dtdde4 bt the Prl-pyd ~rlhtt
into one Bouthera and one northern ~~rt, \ht emT>hAtlt will bt placed ta
the .!!.2.tlh• Two Artnf Oroupw will be ftul,ned hel"e.

Th~ Ar~ Group ln the eauthorn p~r' •• ln the cantar of the over-ftll
front -- vtll be chRrged with the mlttion to ~d'YADCt with pftrtioul~rlr
1\ron~ nrmortd ~nd •otorlr.ed unite from the nron around War•~w ~nd north
thereof ~nd to rou\ the enem7 forcet in White Rut,lA. Thia will perloroe
~k• it pottlble .tor lftr~e portion• of the mobile troope to plvot to \he
north ln order to be able io ~nnlhll&\t the enemr force• tl~tln& ln the
~nlilc Stnte&, 1n Joint operAtion with the north•rn Arro, Oroup ~dvnnolng
troa 'all\ Pruuh. in the ~enerd dlrcoUon of J..eniniSf't~d. Lnl.Y "!hr \he
.ucee•t or. th1t mo~t ur~ent m1eo1on hA! b~en eteured, which thould be
followed by tht occupnt lon of Ltnln&red and lronatadt, thould offend.,..
oper~t1on• tor the o~pture of the important communication snd ermBm~n\
c•nter Moscov be continued.

A eimult~neou' ~tteapt to necomplleh both obJectiYet could be Jat•ltle4

onl7 b7 a aurprla1~17 r~~ld coll~pee of Rut"i8A rtftlttance.

th.t...1ttt1!9J.\of)__ .9LJ....QN...t:l~b..t. rao!lt l!lmott~nt m1M!.S?U!..1hJ.

PI Q;rQU:Q.•enn__t.'luyi!!L!De enntor~.21\ll!~!l!n!.• Thou force~~ lfhlch nrt
AYI'Iih.ble beyond thefle renulremenh, will bt connitted. in •h• north (•loua-
tsin Coro")• !irftt ot All ·for the ~rotectlon ot the PetiAmo region ~nd ltt
ore mine• fl\nd "l8o of the Arctic .':'fl'l' Route. Followin~ thl!l.t, thef will.
puth font.!l.rd, in Joint cm"rftUon with J'lnnhh forcu, for a-n ttttftelc ese.ln•'
the tuU'mt"nttk RdhtD)' ~nd ill ord.er 'o prntJnt thft bnd. thlp111enh of r.u.p-ollet
de~tined for the MurmAD•k
ro~ion. Whether or not 1\ will be poetlble \o
con~ot -lch ~a Ope~tlon
vlth A~rger number• of Germnn fore•• (2- 3 4lv1•
lion~) AdVPnein~ from 'h• Arae of RoYnnlemi ftftd •~th thereof, denendw oa
Sw•dent-. Will1n~e~t to plftC8 her rtllwaye &t our dl'?Of&l for IUCh a
etrtt.hg1c concen-rdion.

The main body of \he llnnl•h A~7 will be char~ed wl~ tht mitftion,
la ket~lng with \he ~rogreet m~de b7 the o~rm~n northern •ing, to tie dowa
•• Mltl\1' Jb.tuh.n forcu "" 'I)Otdble bt Ath.eldnc vett of or on both llltdet
of Lndoge, Lnke, Nld to tn.k:e -pou1eedon of Hon,il.tO. •
14S I C-OG5 l

i~t two chnp\er• of the d1ract1Yt quoted below coYer the ~8~1gnmon\a

ot \ht aouthern A.rrllJ GrouJ' ud of the combined OertMn-Ruun bn Orou'J), vbloh

vat to be ••~~bled ln Hold8Tla, •' \ht rlgb\ Arm, Group win«. Th••• cbe~­

tert are aYallable onlJ ln the wording contained ln \he ~pplement publl~t4

in ~arch 1941, wl~ which l thPll deal •' \he sppro~rlete t1me. In the
ab .. not of thell' orl~lftal Yerdon, we 1111.1\ oonhnt ounelTea here vlth an

Pripyat Y.arthtl vnt to ~dYnnce !rna \ht area Rr~nd Lublin ~nd pu~n ahtRd
with eoncentrnhd !•,roe ln the ,enerN. d1 ractlon ot kleY, whlle t.hl'! oomblntd
Guruu~.-Rw.ae.nbn Grou-p, \lhloh wu to be formed a\ the J'lgb.t vine ot the
eouthern A1'1117 Grou:p, ""' abllrged with \he taP~lc ot ~ro tee tine tho H\.Ultl"nlan

ertR ~d, tollowln~ in the eour9e or the northern wing of tho Armt Oroup,
was \o adn.noe · f'roa Moldft.'fia 11nd pual\ northtllttward. The dlrecti'fe thea

conUnue1 •• follo11tt

• At toon tUI the bttttle• eouth 111111d north of the rrlprnt tt~r11hu haYe
bton four)lt, the follt,ving objectives ehould be nlmod nt ln the cour1e
or 1'ttrw1ta
ln the J~u~, the eRrl1 c~pture of the Uonett D~~ln Which
1t 1mporb.nt from tho Tiewpoint or mUitft.ry econom1c11:
in .the P.~r\~ 1 the tvlfl cspture of ~~•cov.

~he cn-pture ot thlt d\7 fM!I!!lU " deohlve dcto17 politlcnll-7 ~tnd 41conom1oally
And, Sn ndd1tt.on, IJ'«tlla the ell:dMUon of the llUIIIJ11!1J1 1 1 molt Titt\l. rail-
VII)" Junction.

J. A!r f2TC!l
~he Alr rorce will be o~rg~d wlth the reapone1b111ty to no far
"' poettlble 'P"ml7se the nc\hltlu ot the .P.uuiRn e.lr force rnd ·pu.t U
ou~ of commletion, nnd \o ~p~crt the operfttlona of \he A~'m7 ~t lte point•
MS I t-065 l

of MBin ettor\, ~artlcularlr a\ \ht Armr Oroup lD the ctnter nnd tht vlna
vhich conttltuttt the foenl point of the eouthtrn A~ Group. the BatalaD
rallva7t -- deptndl~ on their rtlatlYt Ynlut for the .ucceet of the opere~
tiona - nrt to be mupended or their JnOt\ tmpor\ant ne~trh¥ po1ntt ( tuch
at bridgetl) enpturtd tn bold o~tratlont b7 parachute and airborne troopt.
la ordtr to be able to oonc&ntratt ell ele.menh against the 11DtJV JJ1r
force end tor the dtrect aupnort ot the ArV'!T, the e.rJIIIllroent tnouetr1 lhoul4
not be attacked durlnc the m•Jor operattont. SUdb ~ttaoke, pnrtlcularlJ
a~lntt \ht Ural re~oa, art ftdTitablt onl7 at\tr \ht aobllt operation•
hlt.Yt beta concluded.

c. lim•
lD thlt cam~nl~, the lav, it ehar,ed vith the mission ot ~r..,.ent•
lnc tht e1ca~t of eno~ DAYnl torctt fro~ the Baltlo Sea, bes1det '~ft­
l':\11lrding Ollr OYD COlli\ • Ill Yltw of \ht faot thd After the Cl'tpturo of
~tninr.rad, the RQast~n !nltlc Fleet will b• deprlyed ot lts lest ttrong-
hold and thu1 be pl~e•d 1D a hopel••• potl\ton, maJor DAYal opernttont
thould be avo lded "trior to th~t.t. Athr the Ruuinn l'i'llttl hnt b•en put out
of c.ol'lllniulon, !\ vlll be etnentlal to .,.te~ut.rd the total Mr1t.ime
\rafiio in the Jaltto &e~. includln< the ~p~l7 Bhl~men\1 tor \ht northern
·~ w1n8 (mine tVttplng!).

All lltBNrtl W'lich vlll bt tAken b;r the Co~r~maudert ln Chief on the
'bade of thh dlrectlYt Dhould dlfinUelT conNr in one pointa they ue
to be referred to ~~ ~reenutiqnn~ me~turen, tn CRtl Rutsla ehould ehange
her l)J'eYlout o.ttttude tow~rde ut. Iht number ot cttlcert, who wlll be
udt;ned to preUm1nf.lJ7 dutlet d M earl7 date, h to be kept nt nell
•• ~OReible. Additional p8rt1c1pnntt art to be brlete4 It late at pottiblt
ud th&n onlr to the extent taunUitl for tht 1\lncUone ot aach lndi'ridua,l.
Ctherwlte the d~~er txlttt the\ lf our prepP.ra\lonl -- the exeautlon dAte
of vhiclt it wt1ll ~lto~ether indeflni\e -- beco~e knovn, Yery •erlout
poUUcnl and 111llh17 oompUc:e.Uont vlll be the rasuU.

l ~WA1\ the ro~ort! of the Comm~dert tn Chtet concerptng their ~tnre

plAnt ba~ed on thl~ directlY~.

All Wthrocht brnnehu vlll re:oorl to JMt "fla the liehrm~eht High CGm-
m~nd (OK'I) OJ1 the mt,.RU.ru thq eonhrlpl8.te, !.~eludln~ thdr chronolo~ical

tigneda Adolf HITLER •

M8 I C..OG~ t

AlthouP,h the wording or thle directive hP-rdly let\ room for ftn1 4oub'

BA.l.O.&R t\111 c:ondd.ered 1t lmoer~tthe to lllflkt one lRet Attempt to bring

abou\ a »oetnoneuJont ot the enstern CAmpPiign untU n!ter J£n,.,lnnd. htld been
4eteAte4. lit lll~o might Mve bun encrur!!l,.;ed to do eo by the concludlnl,l
e\atementt of the directive to the effect that ths execution dnte ot O?era-

Uon JlWAROS~JA vat n• ,ye\ ftlto,.ether lndeflnlto. On :a? December, vhlle

reporU.111 to Hl'I'Lli:R, ht tltreued. once more th.f!t atrlc\ conctn\rl\tlon ot

urgent necen1ty ot the hour. lie ftlto th.ted the follovin~et

the on& hAnd, Orent Br1tn1n Mt gnined 1n 1trength
owlD~,: to the Ul-ft~ ttld 1 talhm Cl'lmpd#!.U ln the (If!, stern
l<:Gd1hr:rnnfl~n fiDd <lue to lncrea"lnr. Ame:ricnn nid. On the
other hAnd, howeve~, it 11 potl~lble to denl her a tntAl
blow th~ou~~ ~1ttlng ot! her mr:rltlme t~f!lc, ~hieh 11
N.re"I}J producing rew1lh. Row~.anr, tar too lUtle h
being done to promote U-bo~t conetru.ction 1mrt the denlop-
ment ot \he D~val air Arm. Ger~ny'e entire ~~r potentlel
t!hould be .,mplo7ed to lntendfT the cr.rnpAit;n aRdnet arent
Brit'.\1n 1 llhleh mMnl to f!tren,.;then the J!J?.T1 f!ln\1 the Air
Force. Atry d1v1 dl n~ ot t orce, pro lon~~:w the war fl.nd en•
drmt~Arl the ultimAte ruccef\11 of the CI"~TlnAlgn. Como~enuentlr.
the J~AV1 Oene~l r.:h.tt, no" 'u' before. h~.~t1 tu:rlout mh-
«lvin~t ~tbout etfectint'I thh cf'lmnn.1gn before the detent
of ~nP,b.nd..

;u·ru;tt replied thnt U-bar.t construction thould be -promoted AI much ••

pnulble -.nd thAt tho T)revioue production of 12 to 18 bo~h ner t'lonth ahoul<\

be lnc:reated. Kouever. he et~tod th,.t, in vlcv of th~ ,re~ent l')OUUe!!.l

~s 4· c-osn t -oo-

thould therefore lie brou#1lt up to \bet roq11ired etrengtha on11 then voul4

1t lie poatlblt to tullT eonctn\rat• on the Air rorce an4 the N~T,J. ~hu••

u ~ell to bt t-xp•cttcl. tblt let\ aU111pt of the Chief of NaTcl Optratlout

\o etteot a ~ottponemtnt of the eaetertt cP.mpalgn vat alto doomed \o tatlure.

Dlrecth'o f 21 con1tUuted the be.dt tor ft4d1UoDN. prop"raUont tor
OperaUoA JWA:AO SSA on the pu•' of the Wthrma.rlh\ llrenchea. The Ar.q High

CommRnd (OKR) nov deoldtd they would not wAlt ~tll februar.v. ~• renuetted
b1 lUU.l!.rt clu.rln~t: the conforenee of 6 December. but would begin e.t e~.rlt e1

the mlddlt of J~~tnUAJ'1 \o recdl to a b.rge tshnt the field. toren vhlcb

hAd bten ~leo•d ~t the dltpoa~l of the armnment tn~str.r ~ring the.vlnter

end the tventr dh'hloni 'th1oh h,.cS. 'been 111tnt to vork 1a tht zone of luterlor
on a leave of ~btence, on the b~•1e of the 1nehrer decree of 28 September.
R0\18Ytr, the Chief of the WthrMc:ht Rl~ COiitt:\!lftd (OJtW) MnAt:ed to bring
U ebout thn.t the ll(;ft nre not rt1cdled ~11 at once bu\ o1111 ln teeUon~t,

ntt .. r being r~l~ced b7 clv1l1~'• ~n4 thnt the to-c~lled •tnrlough dlvl-

aionl1 too vert onllad b~ck only vhan ne~dtd r.nd nt cert~tn lnt~r,.~l• Rnd
for a wtile minun the ~rmAment vorkers. It VAt ettpulAted thot thoee
lnttnllnUol'u \rhlch were th.a 11011\ TUf\1 tor the cnmpnlgn fltl\\lnftt ~and

llhoultt. for \he time bflift8, not be nttec1;ed at All by thh and the \roopw

emplo~ed there Mhould bft or~nl1ed to tnrm an OKH ret~rTt.

~he taBk of ~rocur!ng the neae1aar~ fuel tor th~ contarnplated opera-
Hone lnv·olTed c:onddorll!.bla tUfflcul ties. On 28 llovember, Oenert\l. K.ibll'P:d.

• See footnote on pn.p,'lt 45 ( Oem~m orlgtnBl).

llS # C-Ou5 l -61-

h~.d. pointed out ·to tha ht~J)l eom1.1and.• of the ~Htbrit.ucht brnnchu thnt \!urine

the bst tew montlu, tho t1tthrmfl.cht 1 11 oonauiYl';ltlon ot fuel tor motor 'Yeh1cltl

hA-d been lncre ... dn~ steed1ly .. nd to a llll\rked degret .... in October, tor

1n~tftnce, to nbout 100,000 tona of ga~oline &nd 25,000 tonn of motor tuel
oil -- ~bile on the other hand, tho preeen\ eituatiou, and p»r~icula~lJ

the gren\ need tor aocumulnUnc durt~ the h.notht rJ.(.>n\ha w!fl.cient

~pplle8 for tutur• operationt, ~t ~hu moment only varrantGd & ~~lmum
monthly con~1.uttptlon of 65,000 tone of paolin" ud 20.000 tcms o£ motor

fuol oil. 'Iharefore, be ttro!!tu~d th11t, e!f~.~cuve imlllediatelte tho fu.d

mUon 111hould be .ednpted to thh oYer-1111 qU1Jte1. Cn 4 December, the Ati:O'

lUp)l CoDtron.nd, wMch in mRttera of thh kind. vnfJ the contpehnt authority

for the thrt~e 1iehrll!Acht brAnchu, reportod thRt the nevl7 ewhblhhecl

P.llows.noe vould not be ~Ltficient for the tns.'1:1 vh1ch hr>.d. to be aocom..

plhhed, but on the contrary, \hl'lt. \he monthly requ.iremanh nmol.lD.hd \o

ebout 90,000 toni' nt f,;I!\I!IOline .ant\ 27,0CO tone ot nio~or fuel oil ~tnd \hi\\
even theee ~uan\ltiea would be inadequate a1 aoon 81 Cperntione ~~~IX and

l.\ARI'l'A 8houl•l get t\J1dtr w·n1 and n coon "' the amount of wppl.1ee etort4
1n tlte eat\ ~hould be 1nort1Mtd, which probe.blJ vould be 1n Jt>.nU&q.

However. on 19 Dee&mber, the Chlo! ot the ~ehrl!Uicht. High Co11ar,~~•.nd (OKW)

vng compelled to reply t.hat a deciei'Ye curtailment or fuel <:onll\l.~Uon

wa• An ebfloluh nece11e1t1t leat in the 9prina ot 1941 we be facl)cl with a

N\orhge vhich would m#'lke U 1rupou1bl11 to effect the conhmplahd lar«tt-

"rea operR.Uont.
act 1 o-oss 1

Ia •lev ot tbt•• pl~•• lt vee abtolu\ely Atoeeaary to Mnke sure \hAt

\here vaa no 41arupt1on ot oll ahlpmenta from Ru~Aln. ~Gretor•• aov a1

b•tore, U ne- of the utJaOI\ bapor•anct to protect "'he Uumanb.n oll regloD

-calnt\ tthure 'b7 a \bird power. ln the .JIIeanUIIt• on tht bath of \ht

~thrJU.obt lUgh Colllllud (OK'it) 41rec\he iuud oa 26 lio•••ber • • the Cht.f

ot \he Oeraan Mllitar,r Ultaloa ln Bumanla had tuba1tte4 hit plana tor the

the pari of \he Sodet Ualoa. Bh repor\• wlch vat noeived on :ul Deou'ber,
1tated the tollowlnca
"~he tactical grouping ot Ruaelan troopa in41oa\tt • concentration
of fore .. lD Southern liauttrabla Nad lJl Jucoda"• COilttQ11&nU7, we auot
reokon wlth th• poatlb111\J ot a vettvard thruat Tla Galati aimed •'
CNU1nc ott the P.roTlllce of MoldaTle. 1uul • ad.Tru:ace fro• BllcoTina ill a
eoutheatterlt direction ln order to roll up \he i~\b Rl••r front.
·Iht R\1JMA1~tn plan of operation• proTldea tor the detenee ot .the Pna\h
Rl••r tron\ ln • line ruanlag troa Galati to JattT and \he withdrawal of
tha force• coRnlUed 1D l~orthern ~oldaTle. and Southern .»ucovina to a for-
\tfled t1e14 noeltlon extending trom JateJ Tl~ Tar~ Jeam\ \o \he Car-
pat.hlltn hountalne. 1n cat• of a .Ruuiftn break-\hrou.~ thh line or 'h•
Pruth niTer front Une, t~nd tn th• event of a thrutt •1• the Jtnatera CeJ'Iot
p•thinn Mountains on the p~rt ot Hunt~r.r. the Province ot Koldavla thoul4
lie glYen UJ' •nd a llne of detente ••• up ln a -prearranged R'!'port l)OdUon
extendlnc troa »ralla over roceanl to the Trotu.ul VAlleJ,
Hovever, lneh.ed ot the above. the German M111tn.%')' khdon hat .,,..
1)0184 to the Jhu11Anlrm O.neru Sb.ff that the '""•tern and aorthee.o\ern
bord.era or the HoldaTie l1 roY1Jlce, with the exception of the northeaeten
oomar, be defended to the ln.e\, ln order to -prtTant the ene~q troll break-
in& throue)l. at UB.laU l.'.nd to 11\op ene1111 troope fro11 pu1hlng forvftrd. troll
Juco•lns on both •14et of the Stre\h ll•er. The OermAA lu~'ructlon
tle~ente would uu~port the ~ume~1nn nrmad fore•• in the•e opernt1ona. Ia
c~t•• ot f.'.Jl 1~ending Rut dna a\ tat.ck, the1 Al't to bt mautut ln the Focwol -
M.rlnlcul SP..rAt • Duzn.u - Seret.h sea~or ior of!etuahe defenu n,.:;nln~t •n•MT

• 3oo pn;;e ZB ( Oerm~ or1g1nnl).

at\ftck!'l 't Odatl or e. Buubn thru.et froiD :r;ucoYlnfl. 'I'he eMemblr of
theee foroee v1ll be concluded v1th1n ~16hteen hourt ot receipt of
fllt~rch1nt ord.ere. The MUS or the Ott!'Plf'l!l Ur Jorce ltf'ttoned tn Fh111UJ.!lla
vill, in the lfmln, be charged vlth the mhdoa to prohct the Ploutl
oil region.

Ia order t.o ~void "·nf tnetdcnh "' the lhlt!O•lhlliiiii.Dbn bortler, the
Mllltar,r Hle•ton het deore~d thAt A sane, 6 kilometer• ln wldth, be
•~t~bll~hed nlong thl• border, Which member! or the Germrn r.ehrm~cht •re
torbldden to enter. On the other bend, ther haTe letued in•tru.ctionl to
thtt Oer~tf!.n \ieh!'lMcht to rcr>ulM M1 ,uf!ldnn "\tAck, ""d in tueh cuu to
laW'lch 1mmedbte counterattaoke vlth all me lUll at their dl ~~poa~.~l. The
16th Pnn~erDlvi,lan •. Vb1ch hn~ b~en on tho A~ro"oh route ~tnee l!
Dtoember, vlll tor a t~hort while 11r.e as reterYe of the Chief of the
).iili bey t1httlon, l:n order to bft rendy • 1t onlled UT'IOn, to bf9 ftllmlo;red
either 1ft Jorth ern 1140ld.AYb, after crotlllnc the u, ot Hu.ngf!.ry • or 1n
Southern ~~OldB'Irln, 11dYI·'Indnr. Yb Dr~fiOY IU'l.d l3ur..m."

At the end of !'~eP.nber, there b"fmll the tr!'lnenorbt.lon 'o .ru.mnnla ot

the adT11noe l!!chelcn of' the l'tt-.emblblr, Twelt'th Arm:r. In eontormlt,y vUh a

re~ue•t b7 B~lr.~rt~, the two ~rmored diTlt.ions vhlch srrlY~d f1rft\ (the
&'h ~.nd. lUh) \ff!re bUloted in 1md "'round Cernevo~, ~o &tl to m'lke 1\

:i)OUfble for thet~411 ..Uvl flliOJ\1 to nuht A Rut~l~tn ,.,enetr,.Uon ot DobrudJa

ttnd check e. J:11l!lh on Vnrn", which Hulr.nrlfl. tel\red mlf>)lt h'.'tppen.• u

On 9 Jl'.nUflll":1 1941, " meeting took place "t the Herghof' 'm lch alrellO,

hn 1 been ~~~~ntlon-..,. M'f~t"Al thuu. ••• 'rhh conference we." held 'br HlTL.iil

wlth Oenerd von ~~~AUCJUT ".;Crt, the n~,,lt,y Chief' of Opern.Uont~ ~tnd the Chief

of the 0per,.t1onft D1vh1.on of thB '}ener~t~l r.tf'ltt ot tha Arrn:r, the Chlot ot

• ~u ChA-ot '-'l" ? , .... n;;P. 4 ( G·erm:o:n or1~1.nl"l) •

•• •
See Ch~pter 7. ~n~• 10 etc. (Germnn originAl) •
••• See Chnpter 4, 'f)n~e l9a Chrnter 5, pN;t Z6 etc.; Ch~phr ·6,
-;tAge 8 etc.; Pnd CMI..,ter 7, 'P"'·r~e 11 etc. (GermAn orh:,1M~).
as f o-ose t

th• OperaUont J)lTltloa of \ht laTJ Oelltrel Staff u4 \M Chltl ot \h.

General start of \ht Air ,ore•• an4 ••• alto att~de4 b7 Geaeral III!IL
and oeneNl JODL. th• ala toplc1 of 4ltauedoa were \he aeaturet \o ttl

\uea la tuppor\ of \he Uallaa ca~~palpe ia Libra aDd Al'basal"• the &441•
\lonal prepara\losat tor Opera\loa MAIITA an4 the proc•~• to be tollove4
ln condu.oUnc Open.t1oa AftlLA •. fbt oDl.r \hltac ot tnhrta\ la thlt
oormeoUon h the remark a&dt 'b7 the ComiNlDder ln Chief of the Arrq Hl&tl
Command to the tfteot tha\ \be unl\1 oomml\te4 tor Opera\lon MAniT! woult
aot in aD¥ catt puUci'Pa\t 1n \ht eaetena oampalp. la \hit ooDAeoUoa
HlTLiR etated that tht torott t&r~~&rke4 foi' protection acalnt\ Tul"kq al

well aa eome ot the oth.r waUs could pro'bablr aooa bt vlth4raw for
commitment 1n the eaetern oampalcn.
Cllppltmen.Un, theet dhau111oa•• HITl..iR, addreatlac tht Mmbert It the
conference ln the preaenoe ot the German JortlCD Klnlattr, ••t tor\h hll
Tlevt concerning the OTtr-Rll mllUaQ'/pollUcal tUuaUoa. 1'ht cit\ of
hlt ata\ementt wna et followaa

At. the tl.me, ht T1wed \he chatneet tor lllCCett ot \he ce,mpaipt la
fc,lruu\ ud !n the wect vUh O])Uahll• becauet cool-btad.ecl rwtlecUoa lld

• Cv1ng to repor\a reee1Ted at the belinnln& of Dtotaber, ve hAd becoae

ll'p'fll'ehentlYt \h.\ Benenl VITGUD aa4 the lrtDoh Coloalte la Jorth
nnd iier.t Afrlcet might brettk ,..,,,, troll the Pi:1'Al'N Government. In tha'
nent. RI1'Ln plenned to llnnecUa,elT teht 1lllOOCUplt4 rranct and oa
ll J:ecember ht?d h~ued Y.uehr&r D1recUTe I lD. bl which he lnatructed
'be WehrmAcht bnnehet to bkt tht necettal'f aea.uret tor thh puroo••·
There pl"e).'~r~t.! ont~~ vere r~:f'erred to by the eoTer nl'trne"Oper~tlon
A1"' lLA 111 • See Chi!J'hl" 10 •
Ill f c-ose l

oonTlaoe4 hlm ~' tht e1Aiat MR4t br tht entar ~overt vlth rerptat te
their at&u\la lli'IMIIen\ procru eoulct not poulblf "'' •ru.•• ovt.na \o taO•
aoato n•uoae. ror lat~\lftof, OtruDJ' • prottuoUoft of lroa hilt beta cr••'••
thu that ot ln«lu4 an4 rrt.noe eo11binect. J,lktvitt, Otrma.nt ha• pto4uot4
tar ntOre alumlnWA thsn thttt tvo nation• an4, ln aMUloa. hat baA 1Ar~f

ilu.llbtre of vorkert •' twr 4ltpoall. Jed4ee, 4tmoaracht art no\ la •

poal\loa 'o lncreaat \helr toonomlo povtr to \he txtent poaelblt 1n Oer~.

It h~• arrlTt4 at tht tame eonc1v.alOD after t\u~ln1 the tln-ncla1 expea•
41\urtt of the tnemr na\lont. Ia ad4ltloa to all that, \he Otrmnn Wth,.
aaobt dttlb.l \elf hAt teke \ht ltacl la technlcal knowledse. Such aa aaalr-
tlt of eooaomto. ttaaaol•1 and mllltar,r attalrt can be 4•ptftdtd oa, ant
lhoul4 Alto be e~plle4 at thlt ttme Wbilt tYaluatln& the tltua\ioa.
Doaaz h wacltr our tt.r• coahol oct htr !)rohottoa h atlftlrt41 U
h ~aot ltkelr that ll'lUIIh toroe• wlll ~~Net anr bn.dina• \htt•• aa4 \he
oa11 pottlblllty \o bt aontl4ore4 lt \bat of ia~lth nutt~act tal4t.
Tht occupied weettrn \trrttorltt art threatened on17 br the Jrltl~

Air Ioree. Tht tollovlaa tl\tt•tloa txlttl la l£!9£11 8ht hat atumblt4

ln.to tht var 1nd tht ttret 4ltl1l•tlonmea' took ,laoe ln tht fall or l93ta
\ht aNih lnc deft~at tht ntfere4 la th• ~.,. of 1940 va• •U•r17 be,oa4
UJthlDC the J'rtach ha4 t~eote4 llll4 tht renlt vat tanUable. At the
prttea\ time. a oertala ohaact of attitude hat ••' la oviD& to the Ortet
Ylo\orltt la Al'beala. Ia \ht ooettplt4 terrUo17 1 tht ptCJl)le hft.Tt onlt
tAt deelnt to en4 the w..r •• 10oa at J)Oulblt. Ia unoocnapled Jl"dot.
aomt porUcme ot tllt poplll.atloa aD4 ot the A'f'IA7 \oo ttlll ea\enalned
kl f c-<>66 l

llD1)ttt tor a Ohaace ot tlw eUu.Uoaa tb111 people are aUll wUUnc to

nltl\ Gti'IIIU1. Ota tho whole, 'htrt ll • lro¥1111 tudeno1 ao\ to c0111lt
oneaelt. Thlt lt lrGt ot lorth Africa \o aa ••em crea\er 4oct••· Tho
entlro lt'tD.ch aaUoa \l.UJll•u.•lt opp0111 tilt aot1loa to ltalr of !U.oo,
Cordca 1114 'l'ult. the de GAULLI •••••at lt oer\alalJ trou'blttOM tot
tho lru.ch Ylait GOTI1'1U1118t 1 but Ul &110 plU4 IIAJ1J' follOVtl'l la l'l'aaee.
Pas-tlcular17 claaprout lt General VJ.'f«Wl». vho u4ou'btt417 hat \ol4 Marthal
l'.llf!tl he voal4 aeko lor~ Africa b4epa4tnt lt \he PitAlJ Oo'Ytnuata•
'aktt up \he tllb\ aplnt\ .bgLu4. Coa11quaU,J, ~~ Jrtncb GoYtrutAt
b la a 4Ue•A. .u \be aoaut, oppotUloa ~o GtrfWII I.e laertadac1
al\hou,)l retpfiatl\lt at.U.ta!7 IIU.\ho.rUltt are quite aware et tho tact \hat
Jranot le veatc and htlpltll. rho pHyMratlone tor OptraUoa A!ULA haft

aot rwadnt4 a ttcrot. which hat aacle tho J'raeh all the aoro bcltal4 to
Dl&H 4nelopmen\e. tJbct LAYAL' t 4lUhtal • 1 lti'UAJ la ao loapr ea4e•
ttA7 obllptioa, aa4 \hat l't all •• ';.leUel'.

tlptla'• a\Ut11u b oao ot hod\attoa. Al\b.ftl)l there it a]J})arell\lr

lUUe chuce tor n.cco11, aaother at\e~~pt vlll \e Melt \o ooad.aoe tho
Spanlth OoTttJ"D..Ieat to u\ti' tho war.

la tho J~t~lkeaa, Rw~Mla lhovt a frion417 attl\ucl•a 11lli*J'la lt 111a1

to the .Ute power•. llq JOIU1 1 hetUaUoa la Jolala-.r the Three-Power Jlaot
lui• 'beta aotln.to4 1»7 rear. 1.1 a Hnlt. bt hat 'Mea uur -prea111n b7
Rueda, whoao ala U lt to ' ' t.ble to v.ee JN.lprla •• a conotntraUoa uu

• Pitl'ft LAYAL, flce-Pret14ent ot tht rreaoh COWlcll ot Mtah\trt,

.,..,. 4llaltatcl troa hh poet lt7 Marwl PITAII Oli 11 Deotllber 1940.
See CbAp\tr 10.
... f 0...068 l

,., ao\1oa aastae\ \ht Jo~orua. ataot then !alcarta lt 4tttrmlat4 to Jola
\he 1'htt...Pover faot. Tucotla1'la aala\aiaa a oauU01tt atUtu4ea tbt vu••
\e wla vlth~\ aar ao\l1't la\ertanttoa o• her part, ea4 \htretort vl,hhol&t
her 4ltahloa.
Ja thtlt tenUorl••• • eht.D«t to \'llt 4th1ant ot OtrMIJ it out of
the Cl\UitUoa. 1-rta the lott of Jorth .A.frl~a vo\&14, fro• a ad.Ut.a17 'fin-
point, OalT nt\OI'tl \ht tUu.aUoa .,, u ftlate4 prier ,. a& Jue U~40.

Ooattqaeatl,, OtrmADJ'• OYir-all tltuatloa lt far aore fa•ora,lt thAa lt

tta1 •• 1 lepteabtr 1939.
A.a la•atloa ot lprlod lt 'POIIlbl.t tDll af'ter complete coa\rol ot \!at

air hat )eta aohl•••4 aD4 lbt hat ~ftere4 a dtflal\t lot• of povera ot'lle,_
whe U ...OU14 'be a orlH \o u4trblr:e u. The BrUllh, la tlabUflC the war,
\ilUQ\tl.T ala •• 4tttaUac OtZ"IlalJT oa the Qo&Uaeata hovt1'er, \belr .,.
reto"rotl are aot IQ.f'tlolen\ \o aooo.-pUah thll. The Jrl\hlL Jav, ovt.ac
to 1tt oo•U•nt oa two vld.tlJ tepenh4 \heater• ot ,..., h weaker \baa
ntr a.a.d lt not la a poaltloa to ttfeo\ aJor relatoroellG\t to bJ 4"ltlyt

tear••· The Jrl,ltb Altlorce hat '••• ••r.r a4Yer••lr att•o••4 b.r -~·
boUleneclu la the tu.J~PlJ of llrUt• l'av •'•rlala retl&l.Uac t;roa \he t\op-
,._. of btporl•• et,,eobll.y ot alwalnu, u4 aleo 'b7 the ef'tecta ot tht
Oemaa adr u4 nam atbcke oa .BrU11h ladua\d11. nes.r ow alrorat'
uuiutt 1'1 hat '••n t.mpat.re4 to nell liD at en\ that s.....a •t eJI illerl&tl
there hat been e. cu.rte.ll!H.Il\ ol proauoUoa. Theil daMdac at \acka b;r 'b•
Ger~ Air ror~• lhoul4 be oon\laue4 •••n more trttematlcally than hereto-
fore. rt.D&ll7, at tar •• \be JrUlc A'l!lltl 11 con.oerae4, there h no chance
Ml f G-OG6 l

ot tt.• twlot tonln1 t.e an bt'fa.eton u..,. the •At• thlaa whhh teept lna1aa4
aotn,c h the hope tor a.lcl troa tht Ualttd Ma\11 and !oTlet lN.ulat tof the
4tttruaUoa ttl ~· Jl~hh 1110'hv cou\17 h Ju.t a •U•r ot time. lov-
tTtP, lnglft.ad hopei to \t able to hold. nt aUl tht ftoceeclt ill etteott..,
a larce coa\tnental l>leek a&'flind on•DJ• 'fht 4lp1o~~aUo etepe taltell tot
~11 purpOit trt ~1All111 tTlden~.

lfALIJ, the. 1tft4~r ot Eat•la. lt a thrtv4 ,trtoaa he vlll aot ~talt

Clome out •S"hft ntrJIIfl.ftt, but ve mud reckon vt th the tao\ that Sa tU\Uibool
Uout 4it:f'loult tor Oerlllft!Q'* he ~11 COIIIJ)llca'• mattert \o aa b.onatb.a&
clear••• 1\ 1t !f.ALIJI' t 4eitrt to t~l hti1' to .-a liiJ)OTtrhhed J>.li'Optl
\tilde•• he ttMdt ta need of 'flatorltt An4 t • lmb\led with tht d.:ri'ft to the

•••'· Be tt elto 4ef1al\tlJ AVArt of the tnc\ thftt a tots! Ttotor, 'r
German, wott14 ,lftae !OTtet Rttt81a ta • .ar,r 4ltt1ault poe1tton.
!he »r1\leh are tuet~tned ~ the 1tkellhoo4 thA' Rutlla ~ enter the
war. they vlU. be ou.t or the nuualnr onlt vhtn thta lee\ hOpe lett on \ht
CeaU~n' l1 erutht4. U ll flO. hlt (IUTLJai t) belief tha' \he ln.IC].1th
art '•4 fool•' 1 lt they r•-"ltte there h no longer UT chfii.JlOe of wlmll.ac

~. VAl', they vlll ttop, lor tht7 Jmov that lt th.q lod the war the7 V01114
be 4epr1Te4 of the ~over to hold the Jmplre to1ether. KoweTer, lt th.,
coulA 1n1ceeect ta holcUng G\lt M4 aott "'"'' ta, .40 • PO 41Ti tl 0111 u4 lhO'Ill'
rectlYt a14 tro• th• Unlte4 sta\tt .n4 Rutt1a, OetanDJ'• eltuatlon woul4
be Ter7 crUlcAl. 'l'hlt mtt aot be aUove4. \o happea.
UaUl aow (H!fLU oonUme4) • he tw.e '••• plde4 'b7 tJ\e prlact:ple tt
,.}.vqt auu1h the • • • ' 1 1108\ lmponut -potttlon! ln ot"der \o adTnn.ee.
Ms f c-oee l

eonttquent1Ji it it ftew fttCe!~ftP.r \D 4tfta\ !Ut!la. fbea tht lrltttb Wl11

tl\her glYt ln or Germanr •ttl \t ablt to eoattaut tht tl•h\ •«alaat treat
!ri\ata Uftder tht •ott ta.orable ooa4ltlont. luteta•t 4etea' voul4 alte
liMe U pOttllalt tor Japan tt a\taok the UaUe4 fta\tt vUh .11 . . . . at
btr 4lepoul. vhloh would -prnen\ \he 1aUtr tro• am\erlq tbt war.
Tht Umt ele11tnt -plqt " ,s.1'Ueularl1 bpor\a' part la tht 4tleat ot
thteda, Al\houli'L \he lut~~tlu arllt4 toJ'Otl l'tttM'b1t a paJl\ ud.t of e1.,
aad vtthou\ a btad. tht aatur. ot \htlr fa~•• 4tYtlOpmtnt oanno\ bt ,,._
4le\t4 wlth otr\~t•"· llaoe l\ lt aeoetear.r to ooa~er Jnttla ln aQJ oa•••
U h preferable \o do •• aow whtll lullla' • anect toroee lack leadore aacl
ue J.u4equ,elr •t.tulppect, aa4 vhllt the httlaat ""• thuallq \o enr-
eome creat 4tttteult1tl ta tbelr a~nt ln4uatr,r. whtdb hat \tea 4eYilopt4
wt\h ~ttldt at&. loTer~ele••• 'he amttlant 8bon14 no\ \t un4erettlaatt4
~n nov, and U It therefore neoetMIT to lnnoh our aUaclr with the
<r•ateat poe•t~le ttr.n«'h. Under ao otrcua•\ancet 8hou1A the Ruttlent \t
4rlYen bllclt 1ft -. frontAl 11\0\'e. for thh re~.toa U h ttttft\lal. to effect

'ht me>tt IJII.T~ge 'J)nnetr."Uoft•· !he aoet lmnorbnt tatll: h the l'!ipld nUlac
ott ot the lhuUc 8tA .,.n«~.J to \hh en4 U lt neoetttal"J to e8J)t0~11

l'tinforce the rb:ht wtr1~ ot the GerJI!d •lement• adYAncln.c north of the
:JtriN'fl' Marlhet. DhtMcot ln lluub 1111'1 great, b\1\ ao\ II\Ore eo thAD thott
dreftdJ' b11nlf o\'eJOcOJIG by \he Otrm111n Vehrme.ch\. the ope ruUont are to be
aimed at the anntblla\1oa of the Butsl~n Ar~, the aelaure ot the most
l~or\ant ln~atriAl reg\oftt, end ~e deatruotloa of the reroalnlng indue-
trial ~1"8ftt, pArtlculflrl7 1A the IIC\01' Of Jek~t~rinburg, ln ~dd1\1on, VI
liS I t-065 t

t~4 \~1 ~011111l0D of \hi dlt\rlct Of ~-~.

The dated ot the !onet tJalon "Ul. llltllll a A't'l&i nl.let tor Oerttant.

l\ wuul4 \han be neottwar,v tor onlJ 40 • ~ dlYltloat to remala la \he •••••

wllU• U Wf)1ild ' ' pottlble \o rt4uot \he A't1/tl aa4 \o de'fO\t \he eaUrt
ai"'IIAIItD\ lad:at\1'7 \O produc\los:~ for \he All' forot aDd. tht Na-q • theA 1t
wlll bt aeo••••U':1 \0 tl\ "l' a tUllJ ''"lctablt 171\tli of auU&lroraft •
art ill try prohotloa a~.a4 to tl"rllltter the •o•t l~~porl,.at l.Aclul\rtet to tl•

alent vhlcb art no\ tn 4ADser. Otz-111.11.7 wlll then 'M uataaU•blt. lluttla• 11
bama&utt \err1to17 coa\al.D.t bound.ltU rlchtt. Gti'!IIUJ thoulcl eoabo1 \hlt

area tcoaoalaallt aa4 polltloalir. wl\bout ~••xtac lt, Otr~ wou14 \hll
collllltllad aU. poha\lallUti t.o. a1. 10 wac• l\l\UH vara a,ca.laU ooaUnen•••
tbu U ocm14 ao loa"'r be 4elta"4 bt aqet. wha •e ta•tirn CIUlpal-.
hat bttn carried ou\. Ji.uropt wl11 hold lltr bna\h.

Tht 1~th ot ~a7 hA4 beoa ttata\1Yel7 detlgDA~I4 •• \he 1\artlal 4a\e
ot ..,•r•Uaat. Ia the me-.nUu, the rallw¥t h--.4 \eAWl tprrpara\lOAI for

thtiJ tt<Mt•~e f!t)fleefttMUon aceordlag \c. ,1,... oa 17 Juuaq. Otneral

O~l"qCl\ N, th~ r.hlef ot the llehrMch \ \l'tUl.,ortaUoa etdtll, r_,orhd to \he
..,.,hrMAeh\ n,.,.,-"ttnn• ~'"'' th4.\ to '""• eut of the \oW ot 1,600 kilo•
~te~~ of r~tlwAY" ta th* ~~•'· which bad to be ~repera4 tor •ott lnttallYe
utilisation, 40 ~ercen\ 4oubla \r&ck and 30 nerotn\ tln~e tr•ok rallVAJI
Alre~t11 hlld been eor~"'lt!ted. Upon camecement of the "uemblr Mreh, 36
tr~lne ~t~d b~ runnln~ dA1lr on eACh of \he echeduled a•~e~bl7 routtt.
tn Yiev ot the :f'~ct th,..t.C'nftrt\tion JlARAA.RO!:~A vo\lld cont1derabl7 1.\ggrt\Tate
Ml 1 o-osa 1

th.e Al1'tAdt t<thUng lhortage of lllcillet u4 rallv.r CAre. U vat tttot11a17

to lnteull!Y accor4inglf the eoan\tucUoa prop011 ot the Reloh bllvq.

Tht prtparaUona tor tlt.t eadtn oampl!l.lt:'l vert qu.l\1 coad4tra'bl.F

han4lettppe4 'becau.ee or tht tac\ tha\ thor ha4 to 'be co.rr1t4 ou\ wl th the
let\ perteot cemoutla&o po••lble. It vat teaentlal to aYo14 an,thlna vhllh
alght llll.kt the Ruutane w~iclout e4 preatu~elJ oauae e\ralne4 rtlAtf.oat
vltlt. thtt lo•dt\ Union. 011 10 J$J1uary, a nav trade '"•'' •• well at a
'boundaJ7 an4 nteltltlllent act"ment ha4 betD ti&ned ln hoRaov, lUfL.U

eaphatlcallt txprttted h1t dltlre \hat \ht o\llaatlont opeclt1e4 la thett

qreementt fi!Ud UlldM'bkea b7 Ot:rmMJ lhoultt bl tlll.flllt4 promptl7. !hit

ec>mpl1cste4 MUert contd.4.ero.bl7, bCICimuG the llunlrul rtqlltth su.bmlUel

to \ht l)erlllftl\ tnd.\letrltt eontlletecl vltb \heir ehl-pmentt to the Wehruoht.
lnerthelttt, 1he lhtetb». 4e11nr·iet wre ciTen prlorl~7 eb.tu.e. .&Yea la
qU~ttlone of a putel7 poltttaal mat~re Hl!LII e~erctaod \he &reft\ta\ oau\lo• •
.U the be,lMlftg of JMUf.\l'J' 1 be had luu.ed iltltnctloluJ th•t tho SaYle'
t1n1cn ehoul4 ao\ bt tatonae4 of tht Oerwut 'roop moTtmtn\t to lluMilia. uU1
il'U!t herself 8httul4 mrutl tn1uirle1, However, tor tht Mke ot mtdntalnilll

Jllare. or le .. aormatl rela.Uoae, be deemtd U adTh&\bl~ to lU'ltio1pl!l\e a

ltut~h.n tteMrtht 'b7 d t~ltrLfltU.on on OtU1 pnr\. Conuquen\ly• on U Janaq,

the stete StcPe\art ot the Foreign Oftl~e, .oa W!IZ~\~CKtR, not1flt4 the
nuub.n AJII'bAnft<\or tn ,CU"Ua, DI.XANO!X'>!f, ot the concctntrnt1on of torcet lD
.'ltu.rMnitl, "ad ln thh eoJlDll!etlon the .roo.son :'.peelf1ed. pro~wnnbly wat the
preunoe of :&l"!thh t!'oopr. in O~ece. Ther~on, tho Soviet Union raht4
Tehement obJtotlona 1n Berlla, ~th the re~alt 'hat RITLJI l•~•d ordera
111 f c-oaa t

to t\op tor \ht ument all Thlblt 1JI'ft111ratlobt tor th• erottlng ot th•
. hnu'bt 'b7 \be twelfth Aftll. B:U'l.Jtl 4l4 *lot btUt'ft that the fveltth AriR7' 1

forthoomlDa e\!'J' lato Julprla vculd. brlac oa a war vhh lueda, but he
thoqbt U 1Utt17 that the lo'fiet tTDtoa voqlcl • • u aUeapt to taduce
'!t.u'lte7 to oo•U hotU1t aoh aplat\ Geraur.
At acUoatd. prerlwt17 u • the Ualle OO'ft1'1'1Mil\ u4 'h• Welu"acht
OperaUoat Slatt wtrt hatoraed abouil OperaUoa IWllf.l 4\U'tnc ool'lfenue•
whloh \ook place 'be\vtiD JU'tLD ad. WSSOLlJil a\ 'h• !erpot and which

lal\t4 hoa 11 \o 20 Ja~MWT. Oil \he lat\ a.,, Bl!LIR eal.•rctd. upoa hil
l4tat u4 ln\erpretatloat ot tht tUua.Uoa ltutere 'h• Due, C011.at CIAIO
ent \ht lblba OtDinll OUZZOlll, CWIDll oct MAUAI, la \ht prtttUI of tilt

ltleh JOI'tl&a Mialeter u4 hh pal'\71 ~~ Chlttl Of \be Vtbl"llach' It- Coa-

au4 (OlW) aa4 \hi Wthracht OptftUoat stt.ft, the atborlled. Oti'IIU Oluhl
la •••• aa4 tht Chtef AclJu,\u\•••ot \he Wehnac!lta oa \hit oooaaloa, hi
~- hia\14 a\ hh aUUu4t tovar4t tbt SO'fiet Ualoa, vUhout, llo••••••
41tolotlac hit truj 1ateaiiaat.
lU1'1.n etarte4 ..,, potaUac ou' that 11Dlaa4, owlac to Ut alokel-er•

depotUt, Vhlch tf'll"l the C)n17· IUCh 4epo~l tt la A&rope, vat ot creat laportaace

• see Chaphl' ?, PARI 13 ate. (GtJ'IIall origta.l).

•• s.e Chaptel' '1, p~tge 14 •'o• ( Clnan ort«trut.l) •
... Cht.t Ad.Jut&.nt to ntTL~J. The f\111 4etipatUoa wat •cbef A4Jutant
der Wthrmacht '•1m ~thror.• Hle l'ttpont1b1litlet wert much wider
tho ta .norl7'..al17 the CI!\Ft wUh u adJubn\. Tbq Included co-
ol'dtnAtlon ot \he work of \he A~. ~nY7 &a4 Air roroe adJutant•
(•ho were renllJ ~re or lQtl 11~ieoa otfioer•) a\t~ched to
!WlLJll • • l-..ettd(lUA1"tttre. &nd control or the Arrv Per~onn.tl Of !'ice.
111 f c-oea t

ror OttaADJ• !hea he vent on to polat out that al\hou&b \he J~e•iane haTe
"rollllltd \o .u:pplt Oer•anr vlth the recplred q'tUlDUUtt or ttloktl the7··wtl1

to \hit onlr at lone at \ht7 eon1lder tt 4ttlrable. Therefore. ao furthtt

lattrftrt~o• ta Jlnl~4 .net ~• allowed,
I'M at~t•bll' ot Oeran. troop I la l!l!lt2Dll hat l'ew.l ted bt • dttt~arche

oa the par\ ot thl to·dd Oo•emmen\, whlob vlll be dul7 reJected.. 1'ht
!u.ttlant alwqt becoH laeoleat tbtrlac \bon J)tl'lOdl whea \ht vht~ther llaktl

U btpotdblt b •Uack thea. '!he t\ratecte conctn\rAUon ln Rl.U~Wtnltt hat

a threeto14 ~ottl to conduct a o~al,a aaataet Greece, \o ,roteot

lulprla acAlntt e.ttackt oa \he pftrt of lh11da ucl Tvkq• ud to ful.ttll
the paranUtt ll•en to Jtwllulla, llloh of the .. •htlcnae re~ubet a .,eota1
toroea therefore, oa the vhole. U vlll be aeaeua17 to etOIIlt\1\ ••rr l&ra-
ll\lllbert ot troop• eel \helr aettmblJ v111 take a 11"111\ d.et.l of U11e.
It lt 4ttlrsble to effect tblt t\Jattglo eoncentra\toa vl\bou\ en8~

lat8rterenoe, CoaeeqUtlltlJ', our 'Plot thou14 ao\ 'be rneale4 preYllf'l.turelJ.

ll.ra4 U h therefore aeottefU'7 to clelq oroulrlc tht Dou'be as loaa "' ,...,.

tlblt aad then to launch \he a\tack •• earl7 •• pottlble. Jor thie reaeoa,
U i l alto lruubhable to tranttport • Gti"'W'l force •o Al.baala at thlt U••·
lf the•• \roo~• re~tn behind \he fron\, l\ will h••• aD undetlrable ~W,Jcho­

lo&ioal etfec'a on the other hand, lt th17 are con.lt\•4 tor aotloa. t\
~14 alto prematurtl1 tet off the ver ta the tou\heaat.
Ill all probab11U7• IlJ.rka vlll rem&ln ntulral. Thlnge could beco111
'fti'J' unplennnt for •• lf 'l'urkq would declllrt her tol1darU7 with inglan4
and pl~ce her A1rt1elde at En,)nncl•e d1epotal.
MS I C.066 t

HavtYer, (BI~L~ eontlnu•4) the OYtr-nll tltuatlon ln the •••' can bt

••~lu.ded oorredlt ontT bJ \ekillg •• a b~•h the dtv.atlon ~t••••Uinc ta
the !.U!· fht aUnck 011 \ht :BrlUth hltt h the tlul ala. OermM¥'1
tl\ua\lon ln thl• eonntctton tt!t~blet \he pre4t~~'"' or • a.n who hat
on11 one lho\ ltt\ in hlt !UAI lf he mltttt, hl1 tl\ttatSoa vtll be mu~h

1110re crl \leal thfln heretofore. Jr \he tlftllle. tolteJJ, U wu14 not \t pon1blt
to tffect another. 1ftY~tlon, bee~•• e failure wou14 tnYOlYe to~ ~rea\ a
lott ot ma\ertel. •~•n I\ would no lon~er be necttter.r tor f.ftt,land to
worJ7 abcut u hlYI!I.don ud -h• vou.14 be tn A 'J)OdUora to eoneentJ"dt hat

tore•• wher•••r tht Yithtd ~d At anr 4etlrt4 ~otnt of the ~·rtmeter. How-
••••• at lone flt tbt l~tncHn«• ha" 110' 7et aeterblht4 the !rittth will
alvt'.)"t M... to eofttU\er the UkeUhG04 of •• attack. !ht inYa.tlon. howrr•r,
oe.n be onrrhd ou' only under eet"tdD eoacU ttoae "lth repr4 to the vea\htr,
aa4 the•• ver• not ~r•••l•nt tn tht r-11.
Tht mt••lon tn the wee\ al~o tuclu4•• proteo\toa ef tbe front extendlftl
troa KlrlteDtt to the 8panhh 'border aCfdDI\ aUaclt1 froa JlDC).ancl. Ia ad.At•
\ion, 1\ ll neoeeear, t.o ~lVBJI ktep In re~4lnttl one torot ln Sou.thera
france ~hlch voul4 'be ablt to take AO\lon ln oatt lnglan4 ehoul4 eatn a
foothold in Portttglll. The blocking of 'he S\nl \ of Mtttlnl!l bJ \M Alr

Ioree 11 but a poor .ube\ltutt tor the pOt8tt,1oll of Olbral\ar. ~ht pl~a•

tor the attAck on Qlbi'Altar auaran\te oer\aln wucceta. vtth 01b~tar 1a

her pot~eeeton, Otrm~n¥ wou.ld elto be ln A poettton to •••ablteh hereelf

with •trong fol"Ceo tn Jorth Atrtea .nd thus J)11t aft end to ~.iillOAND• • bl"ck-

mailtng. Therefore, tf the ftallnn OoYer.nmen\ •bou.ld tucceed 1n.f1Aellf

MS f C.06& l

OOnYlBclng Jranco \O tft\tr \ht V&r 1 l\ VOUld ~~ 8 &rea\ Ylctor,r lftd Vlthl-
a thor\ \lmt vou1.4 rtnU la a tua4amenta1 chttnge ot \ht tlttutU.oll ill th•

A-.rtca 1 _.,ll lt tht pnrt1olptt\et Ill \ht wAr, 4oee aot r&prttent en,

ar••' dflqtr. Tht gton\ block ~.uetl.l if tmeh •on 4aD«erou"• Although
Otrmanr bat conc1ude4 Yer7 sd•~nteseout po1ltlae1 ••4 eoonoMto acre•••nlt
with the ~•tet vnton. tt it bt\\tr to relr on oar power. ~o \t •~re, \blt
voul4 tlt do~ a Ttrf contl4erablt aumbtr ot torcet at the !ueelan border.
whtoh wou.lcl matt l l lap~tdblt to proYtdt the ar~~~amtnl lnd.u.e\q vl \h the
1Qfttolea\ number ot vorkert aea••••rr to laertett &rasaeat pro4uct1oa to•
\ht Air JofOt aatl the MaTT \o •xlau.• eepaclt;r. .Ai loDC at STALtll, who lt

oltTtr and prudent, 11 tl1Tt 1 there Ia probablJ ao du.ttr ot aJlflhudu

attack& hoveTtr, when he lt ,one lt at&ht. be pott1blt tor tht Jevw, Vho
art nov kttplas in tht \Aek ground, to acftlft ~Ala control. On the whole.
the ~tAlant are couetMntlr endeaTorln& to read aev olal•• lato tht •ar••·
••nhs thAt 11 wh7 ther tlto Ol)pOee _, pracltt worcllq ot noh pacte. 1'
lt coneequtntlr nec••••r.r aot to lott tlCb' of tht latal•• taotor aa4 te
~rottet ourttlTee with ~ower ~n4 4lplomatlc lklll. la the pfltt• luatla
eonetttuted ao dancer WhattotTtr tor Otrmanta howeTer, to~. la thlt ace
ot aTl-...Uoa, lt l• :poul\lt to lauch air rlddt out ot .!uaeia an4 the
~ed1terraneAA area on tht ~~l8a otl tte14 re,Soa, vhlch eoul4 reduoe
tide terrttorr to a trmotlac htA'P of nlata u4 \hilt oll tle1de art ot
TUal ltr.!>ortanoe foP t'bt AJrh powtrt.
•• ' c-065 l

fhtlt tl~\tm~n\t vert follove4 ~ Rl!L!R't ltn~h7 •n4 •t&Actio clle-

eourttl eoaoernln« the de\e~atnln« tsctort 1a wodern v~rfPre. ~hiCk Ar• aot
tf tattred here. I' it Dl!tt kDOVD what l~tprtuloa HITLl&l 1 1 noltal ma4t

•• MUSSOI.IIt -~- hh p.-rt,. Bov•••~"• U te 4ttttG\ll t to lu«ine \hat thttt

'tlwe, 1110•• of whldl "~'' reall7 toiiJ)lt \tl7 ti"1'01ltOU.t aad toolhAI'dt, had a
YtfJ oonYlactna etfec,,

Tov"'r4 the encl ot Jeuarr. the laetarll J'orel&fl Anbt StoUon ot \ht
Ar.r Oener~l Stftft ooordtftft\t4 \ht lafot~tton thtt had obt~ined oonctralna
\ht ltd A'I'Wf ln a 1\1••17 vhtch val ttibmUte4 to the Wthnacht OptraUoAt

Starr oa at JADu17. In 'hh " " ' ' they tttlMttcl \he peace a•rencth of
the Red Al'lli' "-' 100 nne an4 33 an'ali'J 41'rldont •• well at 24 aotorht4

and aechnniwtcl \rl~cltt, ell la all to\ellln« a alttlaa aea, vhllt the war
atren,th of \ht Jhluba fltlcl torott vat ca1CU1fl.\t4 at 10 aJ'IIlte. 150 rltlt
dl•telont (18 of \he• aotorlae4), 33 oaY~lrt 41Yitloa• aa4 3& motor1ae4
sad meoh~nlte4 brlcadet, vl\h a ~• \otal ot rou~lJ 4 •llllon men. I'
wa• tnrtbermore an8nmtd 'hat ot \htet tormatlona, 39 rltle and ? oaYs1r1
4t~ltlone ~• ~•11 AI 8 motorlatd ~n4 aechan1tt4 brl~dtt were tied 4oWD lD
Atbtic Rullltb., •o thAt U "'' neotUAr.f to reclt'on vith 121 rlt'le end 85

c~tvdrr cUYi•lont tU well at !1 moto~:he4 A1ld. mechtnthtc! 'brlpde11 in iaro-

~·~n nu~~lft, ~~houf.h 1\ Vft' reA~01l8ble to ~e~~me thAt ot the1e, 15 rifle

d!vl~lon• wm\ld bt commltts4 tor protection ngRln~' rtnlAnd ~nd th~\ 6
m:'lu.ntt\in dl'rldon- would. be k.-pt 1n the CttUCI'IUI. OVinc to the sbunc" ot
Jiun<~,.nt! fl~·ure~, it h, for the pref!lent, not -po!'dbl~t to ft.r.el!rtr.!ln to ~.-h:t
c:,-:t."''lt t~1t>1e ed tlt'..R.te~t were correct.
IS f C..08& l

Oa 1 ft'bNaJ7 1 tbe Arrq It~ Cotaaud (OIH) wlnlll\\ed \o tht JuthNr

the 1 la1Ual •••••blr ozader" for Operation JWAIOS!l wblah hft4 'hten eo....

,llo4 ' ' 'h• Operation• DlTltloa of the O«Dtrftl ltatt. f.bl1 order too,
'h• taae ae •ruehrer Dlreo\lYt f 11•, ~• eot ~ublllhtd la ltt ortci~•l

torm bu' la tht later ftaa1 Teraion •, aooor4tac to ~loh ·- o~tng to new
lnt~\ruoUut tuued \7 lti'ltD lll ~uch 1941, vblch vlll \e (.hauut4 la\er
on - the aulpmente tor u-., Oroul' lou\h end the armlet under Ut eo,..
taU.4 vert ehuce4 throu.&h a tupplemen'. Tht earlltr wrtton. wUh wble'h

~• art aonoerned bert, lt ao\ ••~118blt. Coneequent1r. •• tar •• Ar-r

Group South lt concernefl. Vt 11111t coDf.lllt ou.:rte•l,.,. to ceatrttl ttattaeatt.
tho .. l)orU.Ont of the tal\lal euembl7 ordeJ' which •••• forlh the alllCD-

•nte tor \ht i.rrq Orou:p• and th• araltt ud vhlch 4tal wt \h \ht o.-r-.t1
mitelon, the line ot aotlon tht tnt~ lt ltkelr to follow, an4 our ova at•••
eu lit oalUtA here, 'heoau.lt vt art 1\l.reaq tolllar wl th the taU en.' y,otate
\llrO\lF 11 1\lehrtl' DS.noUTt f 21• end 1'1COf'41 of Hl'ltil' I GOllftf'tllCtl VUh
\ht Co-.Mer b1 Chltt of AN7 Rl&,b Coma.n4 end the Chlef ot tbt Qentral

the 4lreo\1Yt t\lpulated the followlnet
1 Tht relDfora• d let• vlDg ot Al'!X Gtottp §ou\h UDder Oetrd TOn
lt'!Jl!l'1lltl'.l will putb torvar4 troll '\he uea arouu4 LubUD ln the 41rea\loa
ot kitY, annthlla\t the J.uta1Nl tore•• 1a o.l1cla Nlel la Weettrn Uk:rf!l.ll'lt
While ttlll veat ot the Dnieper !iTer, end tftke pro~\ po••~••lon ot the
Dnlep•r bridget at and btlov llt't' ta order to be ablt \o contlnu~ oper~­
tione oa the o\htr tl~e of the Dnieper RlYer.

• Peter de ~~tu.:rmJ..t.SSOHN, ••• lllto 'P•&et :133 - 339 (Geri!Wl originu) •

II f 0..068 l -78-

J)!ll't ot tb.lt lllhnton, the rlgb.t wlng of Arm7 Group South, l.t.
the ~dfth l.!:.'!l. llhicb. l8 autmbllng in Uo14avta. will anftR,Unrd. tht
Jhta~nbn P.re&, 'Which 1t ot T1 h.l lmpor\Anot tor the OertDI.Ul conduc\ of
tht we.r, ~c.tinat a ntullf!ln dttt.clt and. rcllovtne in \be pl.th ot the
Mrthem win.: of tbt J..:rr!JY Group, t~lll adTenct, tuppot"\td bt armored
tltm~nte, aorott tht Pruth ~d Dni••t•r ~1Tert la a northtnt,erlr dlrto•

;rht bulk ar tht ftMOl"ftd elemonh •hlm httt been coU~bined to fora
the l~t't fnn1i,t'-:,.,A;:!!!Z ,.,111, ln conJunction 'tlth the SGTonte•nth Md tht
8l7.'th A'f'f'lrlt pRnatrnte the C!ntm;r defeJu,ee betveE!Jl x,ember« 1\nd r.o"el Nl4,
adT•no1n~~; yt,. \he :Ser".ltfilchcT - Ghito1111r aector. vtll ~eed1l7 reach
the Dntepor nlTtr. At llln~ below !ieV IID4 then l)U~b fOI'WI'.rd elong the
Dnieper !liTer in ~ touthn~~terlJ direction. tn order to preTent the
tnem, to~eet, ~lab ~re f1~t1nn tn 0~1cla ~d Western Okroine, rrc•
tleeplng AOrot8 the nntoru~r F.1ver Md to nnn1h1lete them throU#;h a real'
The J!!yenh~nth..J.!&. by Tl-.-orou&~l.r puo-hlnR; forvll.l'd lte left tl~
which h to be r"''·nt'erc@d, vlll drive bt1ch: tho fllel1'1y to the t~outheAt\
•n4, tlllkinc· ttclT1r.rttttge ot the auttttlt by thtt amore4 elAmontt, wUl qutotlr
n~t.ch the tJilftllhA .. Dt~rtllbehtY e.rfJI\ nn4 \h0n contlnuo the a.ttMlt elthtr
lft • 1outheaaterlr or ta8ttrly direction, dep"ncl1n~ on the •ltu~tlon.

Sbjh~, wllt ~onrlng the northun f.h.lllt of 'he Al1D7 Group

·~tnt\ attack• fro• the Prlrr~t ~Ar"het, w111 fend torw~rd the l8r&~•'
poulblt num'ber ot toroe1 to fellow tbe l~enur J.rm1 '-' qulcd)' •• poul'bll
la the dlreotloa of ~1tomtr. ln order to plTot to thl to~\htftt\ wee\ of
tbe · l>nl.,er J'i1Ter eatS, tn eolll'bor~Uon with the .P111nnr AJ:W¥, praYent \he
tnel'IR7 from e•cft!)tnc •eTol!t th• Dnltper Unr.

'fbt !!m_t.!fro:tm Qent&t, v.nrler the comw!U1d of GtJnerttl TOll BOCI<t It

cb~tl"&ttd "tth the tnu
of routtns th• eneq forces ln White 1tuu11!l fln4,
~ combining lt• mobilt tlementa. vhleh ~r• to bt moTed up aoutb an4
n~rth Of )~lntk, •111 f!'Gtd1ly 1'0Aeh the ?teOl&nl!k !U'I-Rt \ll\lt mn.ltin" 'J)Ot-
ftlblt tho coordinated 111.0tlon ot l11r4t1J pol'Uonfl ot Us mobile elnmentt
11nd thtt •nq Grou1' Worth tor th• pul'pots ot cm!hiDC the enem; tore••
fl~U~ lD the Bo!\lUc Stn~•• ~nd in Uta Lenlnpud rscion.

In tt~<U.tt(.tn, th~ .~e~ono! ?!\il!Z£..1' Al"!!!l• ln coMblnod. oporn.tlcJn vtth tht

hurt.h Any. ''ill -peaotmte tht1 cn.u;rrw lines At nn6. llOrth of i:obl'yn An4,
throur:h " mpld l'rlTnnee to1rn.rdt1 m.uzk and Hlnf.'lt \ogether \.'1 th th~ Third
.PAnur Arr:rr, which vUl pumb t'Ol'Vtu"d into the re~ion north of. t·'intk, wtll
'br!n~ t\bf''tl\ ~he d~ttMtCt\On Of tha enGl'\7' fore~~. stf'.tionad in the· hl"1'lt017
'bet~e&.n :B1nl7!-ttok And tl1.ntJk. Thon tbe !aeond Pnn:tl!r Arrq, ill clO@fl col•
l~borRtlon vi\h ~he Third P~naer Ar~. will ae epetdllJ ae ~O«tlble re&Ch
\be area ot ti'molentk M4 tw\h \hereof and l'reTent th! et!•embllng of en••
Ml f C.Ofl.e l ·'19-

\roopt tn \ht Up~er Dnieper rtglon, eo Aa to mAke ~r• thM\ tree4om ot

action for further m11t1onu be retR1ned bt tho Army Group.
rh4 thtrd.J:P.ntar~rm[, ln Joint ao\lon with the Ninth Army, will
bren.k throur:h the enem.v 11ntt north or Grodno, li'nd b1 rnoldly P.dV!'.nclnc
t" the r~~l on north or l41nek together w1 th the Soaond. PAtU:er A'l:rq, will
poadble the annihilaUon or the ea.emJ elem.ntt committed. between
11"171\ok oct Mlnek. Thereu-poa, tn cloee conh.ot vlth the Second Pflf1ttr
Ar~. lt will reACh tht are~ or Wltebtk And north thereof ne epeedlly al
po~eibla 1nd prtYent the concentr"tlon or ant~ torcee in the Upp~r DTlna
t&gion, to •• ~o mnkt .urt thA\ the Ar~ Grou~ will rot~in freedom of
1\ctlon tor atldltiond optrnUont.
The l'.ourtb Ml;t h ,.~dgned the ta-lt of "ttacldng with co:ncent:rfl.\ed
tftort on bo\h "idoa or »reet-Lltov•k and to torct a croe~t~ over the
lNc llher, \hut clo11ring the tmr tovArde t.\int\t tor the ~cond rnnur Al"lf1,
enabling the ~Jorttr ot lt~ unite to push forward acrote the Stctara
Jt1••r a\ nontm P.nd eouth thereota a.nd, h.klnc ll4YMte.ge of the fllUt~.ul'
launched b7 the Pnneer Ar.miea, lt vtll dettroJ the eno~ troope tt~t1ont4
ta. the area batwoen ll1n1Yttok ftnd Janik lD. cooperation vi th the 1Hnth
Ar~. Then~ tollovin~ the ~econd r~zer Arm7 end covarlnB itt southern
tlftn~ ftgatntt ~tt"ckn from the Prlnf8\ t~rthee, 1\ w111 force ft crot~lnc
O'Ytr the .Derednf\ ~lver botveen Jtobruhk end DorhttoY and re11ch the
Dnieper RiTer a\ Mogllev end north thereof.
The n&nth Ar&, ln Joint aoUon vl th the Thlrd Pe.nter Arrq, vlll
concent~t• 1\t forcet at \he northern wing And penetrate \he enemr ltn••
•• ,,. ~nd north ot Grodnoa lt vlll then preet torwnrd la the direction ot
LldA and Vlln~ And, explotttn& the ~dvnnoe ot the Panzer Armltn, wlll rout
\he enemf element• ttAt1oned between »lRlJetok nnd M1nak to"ther w1th \he
Fourth Arilfl ud thea, tollovln« the Thlr4 Panser ArJ111, vlll
DY1na Rl'Ytr at Polohlt 11nd touth thereof.
up to '"•

The ~rmz Qro~n W?£1h, under the command ot Oenornl von LE~~. lt
ch~rged with the mlte1on of ~ruehlng the enem, force& oomrnl\ted ln tht
~~lt1c ~t-tet, ~nd of ooeap7l:n& tht Belt1o harbor• aa vell At enpturlnc
Lenlnt;l'l!l.d fl\n4 Kron8tndt, thua deprhi.nc th.e Ruu1An Flee\ of l h b,.e ...
The Army :Klr,h Oont~~Md (ORlt) vlll \•ke stt!'lll in dut!t UJit to arrenco tor
the Joint action or Anr¥ Group North l.lD.d drons element. of' Army Grou:o
Center wlch wUl advflnce tovnrdf! Smolentk. tu ectc:U Uon, tl\a Arrrt Group
vUl t\Gntatrfllttt the enel!l¥ front b)' f:\ttac'ldn~ wUh concentrAted toroe in
the d1rsot1on of n~tn~bur« nnd, t&ndlng aheRd 1\t mobile eleMGntw. will
drl ~_, "ith lh rl r,.ht fiP.nk, lllh 1ch h to be r~tln!oroed, At I'P!)idly "'"
po1eible to tho r~gton ot Opot~ohk", in order to etop enern~ tron~t et
tl~tln~ 8trength. trom eec~1ng e~•twftrd rrom the neltlo S\~te" nnd to
~kt poeaible turth~r r~~id \hruate tn \he Airect1nn of Len1ngr~d.
•• f ~68 t -so-
fht 1ourth Pnnttr Armz, lD Joln\ action wlth the Slxtetnth and \ht
ilgh\ttntb ArmT 1 will penetrnte tht enem, front line between LAkt ~e\lt
( '"'' of OolcU.p) ucl the Tllll t.Sch~t.ulen roeda the7 vUl puth. tonMr4
tovarde the DYln~ RlYer at •nd below DTlnabur& end e•tftbllwh bridgehead•
a\ tht northern bAnkl of \he r1Yera thtJ wlll then reach tbt ~rtA north•
taet of O:oohch ,._., r.pudllT ftt poulblt Rnd trom there ~tdnnot either
aortheAttv,.rd or northwArd, deptn41nc on the tliuatlon.
Tht §bhogth AT'"Z• ln colbborAUon wHh tht .Penur .Ar1117, vlll attack
'h8 ene~ thoT ore fAcing ~lth concentrated .foro• on both tldtt ot the
O·,mblnnon • Kowno ro•.d. While vl~orou.t17 drldng with 1\t rl~h\ fienk: 1
which h to be reinforced, to toUow the Psnser AJ'1111, tht7 will •• IJpttdllJ
•• po ulbh re~ch the northern bP.nkll of the DYlne. lit 'fer at Md below Pflna-
burg And then follow the Pnnrer Arm, to the region ot Opottchka.
linallJ, the ~lfhtetnth Armt vlll ~ltrct the lint ot the ena~ l\ lt
lacing with concentrftted force a\ the Tiltt\ - Rlga ro•d end •••' thereof
and, b7 r~p1dl1 drl'flng tht mAJority of Itt tlementt A01011 \he DYina
llYer a\ And bolow OtockrnAnn•hof (17 kilometer• narthwett ot dakabetadt),
lt will out orr ~nd ~nnihllntt the ene~ troope ttAtloned eoutbwett ot
Jl&fl. In e.dd.lUon, it 1tlll, 'b7 np1dl7 purhing MtAd tow•rda the OltroY •·
Peko'f line, preYent the en!~ troopt troa eacPplng eouth ot LAke Peipu.t
and, follov1n~ the instruction• ot ArTJ.Tt Group Borth,. vlll - poulbl7 1a
oonJunction with mobile force• ~tattoned north ot Lake Ptl~ua -- clear
.ittonia of tmer117 ehmenh. The errl!.ngltmentt for the or.cupaUoa of th•
Baltic ltl~ndt Oetil (SA~rtm~~> •. D•BO• (Hliuma~) and Mooa (MUhu.) will be
m8dt in ~oh a m~nner th~t tt will be po-'iblt to carr,r them out wu.d4tDl71
•• loon e• the attu~tion vnrr•nt8 tt.
At the 1t•rt ot oper~tlont, the Arm, High Comm~nd (OIR) ~11 brlnc
up itt ~~orYot ni folloval One ttronR ~rou~ eaCh will be astlgned to
\he region or net.chthof (Runov) ud the area e111.tt ot \fart~tv, whllt one
tmalltr crou~ e~ch wlll be brouRht up to the terrttorita ot Zaaotc,
!b"IUki ~tnd ~dk"u (~dtlruhnen) ft.-pect1Ytl7."

The following tnatru.ottona were te,ued to the Arml HeP.dgg~rtett ftorwor

which ,,_ .. undnr 61reot COilll'l~nd of the wehrlllftch\ at~ Com~nd (OKW) • I
MS f c-ot:.5 l

•The moe\ 1mport~nt t~wk continue• \Q be the certft1n protection of

th• antlre Nor1tglan terr1tor7, n~t onlr A~inat ~rpritt rA14t bu\ •lao
ag.latt reeolute tnv~tion sttemptt on \he part ot the »rltllh, vlth which
, , 11u.et reckon dur1n.g the courtt of \he tWt'll1er.

Thlt mie1lon requira1

8) thAt tlrt\ ot ell, the b~tterlet •~raarke4 tor t\rengthenins
the eoa•tal 6etente be ''' un by the middle of ~~ wltb •11 pottlble ener«r
•n4 vUh the aid of 1111 tran-~orbUoa tacUtU•••
\) ~at the tormatlon• at prettA\ e\otloae4 la lorvar not bt
Vtaken4d to eny l~r~• extent through the oper•t1ont conducted ln conneo•
Uon with \bt li.UBA.R0!3ZA cnmpd#P} o11hlde of Norvq, bu.t that tJ\11 t'f'en
bt enlarged in thG Kirken•• - ~~rY1k neotor whiCh lt the aot\ ~lntrAbl•.
f!ttt't thoulct be h.lten bmt~<lh.hlr to effect thh reinforceaetlt v1\h the
aid of element• alreA~1 ttnt1onad in Norve1.
In ad.dltlon to thue defetalTe :tunoUo.uf!, the A'l'fll litadttwuotert
Rorv~ h charged with tlle following mhdone
a) A~ the boglnnt.n~ of' opflr,.tiont, nnd U ».totuart eTen tooner,
the7 wlll lllftroh into tht~t j"ehN!'IO re1:1on Pn<l, \ogethtro vttb Flnnhh torctt,
vUt protect !t n~ln~tt n.thok1 !Punohec\ by bnd Md tea ad from the air&
ln thh fJC'tnnect ion, tho nich:nl "l.ne~t, lih1ch 11:re tutn tial for OtrJMn AI"IIA-
..nh, I!!J"t p,t"tlcub.rly ir.:<J'!Orhnt.. (Operation .R&bl~~'UJIR) 1
b) they will teke ectl(lft to xoeduce 111 te.r at pout'blt the ti'.J'tA
ot the ~urmlilntk b~tllt for uu 111.1 '1n in•t.e.llaUou for ot'fenllYt OptrAUon•
b)' tnenr;r lt~.nd, uo. flJld d:r forctu.t N'ld., it tuf!ichn\ troopt 'beoo1111 a.Tall-
~blf, they vlll tAke po•~•••1on of thlt llron& po1n,. (Opera,lon SlLB&R-

ln any o~•e, 1\ 11 to b• expected t.ha\ SWed~ will hertel£ tafe~ar4

her northea•hrn border with .u:U'lchntl7 b.r,p aumb>~rl of \roopa. "

At tn.r •• the coo~eratlon ot other countrltl ~n• oonctl"btd, the lnl\lal

ateembl7 order mentioned tlul.t we ooul4 rtlT on the e.etl'ft 'P"rUoly.atlon of

RUJ~Jenla end Finland ta the cemp~lgn al(ftiDtt 'he Sovh\ Union, eel thflt the

m.thod of' their collaborating And tht placing of \he~r tlghttna forcee
undu Oernum comm"'nd vould b11 rugulfthd 1n due tlme.

It v~t 1tcted th~t Ru~~nte vould be chnrged •lth the tatk of kecpiag
ooeupted the enemy forcos th«Y were fAe1n~ 1n conJunction with the Gerrn~n
MS f C..06!5 t -ea-
fllt1114Ulh .-.uembltn,; therw, nnd on th8 whole would. be :rn!"ondble for ren4tr-

tng &t~i•tence tn the rtnr ~r•~. zjplnnd, after 4~prlvin~ tht en~mr ot \ht
aet ot H~ngo ft\ the tarlltt\ pottiblt moment, w~• to be retpon•iblt tor
oo•erln~ tht Alttmbly merch of the Oermnn \roopt ln Nor\hern Ftnlnnd. H••
\roope vert \o lAunch an a\tack -- a\ \he latta\ vhen Army Oroup North
would be orot,lnc the DY1ns Bl•er -- on \ht Rutt1an toroea oomm1tte4 before
\ht rtnnhh eouth9&ttern front, vlth thtlr main tffort tHher e.u\ or vtd
of Lnkt LA4o~. depen41ns on tht lntt~ctlont of the A~ Bleb co~mend (OKS),
~•4 were to atd the Army Grou~ ln routln~ tht ent~ \roOpt.

\ft vero informed thtt.t we oould -prtiWDOblJ no\ count on Sweden • 1 aoU'tt!

partlclpetlon, but \ha\ there vat A ch~nct \ba\ &wedea would ptrml\ the

u.Ulhatl()n ot htr r~t11V81t tor tht auemblJ IU14 the IUP'Pl7 of OerMn
tlementt tn lor\hern Finland.

On 3 Jebrunrr, -he Chlet or \he Army Oener~l OtAtf• on the bael! ot

thh1 t.nitinl aenrnblJ order, renorted to the J'uthrer •• tht ltrghot con-

cerntnc \h8 oonte~plbted mode ot procedure in conneotloa wlth Optra\lon

JIARB~ROS~A.. Thh conference VAt lllMo athncltd 'to' the CoiMIIlndtr ta Chltf
ot Arl!J Klleh COI!'.llloAd., the Chht ot the Opero..UODI DlT1don of tht Arrq

GenerAl Sta.tf, Colonol HilJ SINGU, "'' well •11 General lii'fKL ud General
JCIUI.. 'i'he war c1.1rtrJ of the WehrE~.n.cht Operation• Staff contain• the tol.lov-

inc entr.v concerning tbl• p~rle71

"the Chlet ot the Arm, General Staff stAtee "'' tollovtl

1\ lt to be txpeoted tha' the enem, hae a•~1lable approxtme.telJ 100 lnt&ntrT,
Ill f C-065 l

15 Cf!Tdrt 11.nd. 30 macMnhtd. dhldone •. 1\ h importAnt to note ttu.'

the :RutdAn lnr,.ntey dhh1onl!l too hl\ve n.t their dhJ)o .. ~l a reb.thely
brae numbor of hnktt however, the1 ANI oddt Pnd end• of inferior
qunllty. While the Pu.ul~n AriTfl poue~tuu more mech.-nlud dhhiont~,
the Oerlllll.n lllfJChdnud. dbidon• are eu.,erior in QUA.Uty. The 'RuniAIIII
baTe ttllnd.,.rd. @\rtilltry e~uipment, but hore too the m.-terhl h 1n!erlor.
A.111onn: the Ruubn lu.den, only Tl~OSCH.ill~KO •• h ouhh.nding. The 1\hll
of the Ruuhm comm.,nd are not pll'.inl7 evident. strong forcu nre
commUted d the border; A withd.ri!IWI'Jl h fe~.dble only to " UrnUecl
ct.gree, bfJCJAUte the llfll Uc stntu 111nd the Ukrdne, for re~Joonlt of eup-pl7,
are ot TUIII.l tmportnnce for the SoYle\ Union. 'I'he Ru·ub.nt ""e eon-
thucting torUflot~.Uon~ ••,.,peclftlly ln the northarn fl.nd eouthern pill'\
of the Rutt1tn ve•tarn border.

Tht lnttruct1otlt hnued to the three !rm7 Oroup" are P1med at

'bretddn,. Ul) the Ruubn front, wplUUng 1\ lnto tvo pArh, and prevent-
in~ the enemy from eee"uine ncromt the Dnieper ~nd DY1nn R1Tert. The
~rmore4 elemontR of the Army Groupe conter •nd North, vhlah haTe been
comblnotl into three lrmt.u, are chJ\rg~td vl th the mhdon to l.ld.YAnoe
northeattwttrd t\orou the Dvln"' Rher tcnm.rdft Smolen111k. '!he .r~.nmar Arrq
farthut to the north hu been ehrhd off tovude l.P.ke l'e1pua f!.nd from
tbne will ftd.Yr~.nce further '""tvf'.rd in conJunction with the two othi\IJ'
.flan11r Armlet which 11re on. the J!lfi!"Ch to Smolentk. .A.rrq Groll'!) South. wlll
pu1h forvt~rd eou.th of' tho rri~;yat Hnrehes tow1.•rdtt. the l1nieper River.
wh.lch 1\ will cro•t. 1he polnt or mn1n effort will be north of the
Frip)'ttt N~nhet; eonl!llquently, the ru1'1jOrity ot the OHct rttenet will
Al•o· be cons:dtted the:re. 'l:ht ho northtrn Army Grou.pB All tn dl hATe
at tb.dr dhpotPl 60 !lnf~ntry, 9 motorhed Pinel 1:! armored dhldon•,
vhllt the eouthern A.rruy Group Mil W intontry, 3 motorhed. ond IS armored
41Yl•lontJ end in ~4d1ttnn there Are the A.rmJ Hi~p Comm~nd (OY.H) re-
ttrYet. We are in need of the t1x errnored diYitiont which are ~nr\ ot
\he forcee nleigned tor ~'ernt1on KABITA; we partlcul~rll l'tQu1re \he

• In the 1UrYt7 comnlled b7 the i8ttern Jore1gn Armlet Dlvl110n ot ~~

Army Oener~l ~tftff (eee pDge 73 • Germ~n orl~1n~l), tho Bu!ei~n araore4
forr.~tlcns vera referred to ~~ brigade~. whleh probably waa more ln
ke~ing with their ''r•n~h end co~o~l\ion.

•• TU()SCHENKO ""' descended from Heuar,.bbn Pawll. holdertt, tough\ ln

the cidl ve.r "' " -pruothnn le@ld.er 8.11<\ then led a fl'1UA4ron in
!i1DJONNY 1 8 Cf'ITI\lrT •rlliT• .At 81t.rl7 lUI 1918, he 't"U!I 1\.):'l~Olnhcl dirt•
tlon commPndor. In 1939, he bec~me Comm~nder tn Chief of the N111tAr,r
Dhtrlct Of tleY, ADd on 9 MP7 1940, he AI!I'Uirlld tho pod of People' I
Oonun1u1oner 1n oh11rge of dflf'enn, blclng the ~bee of H~tl't'!h~l
~as f o-o&S 1

two lattructlOD d1T1t1ont •. Whether or aot l\ will be pottlble \O vl'h-

4rav all tb 41 Tl done, vUl depend. oa the tltu.Uoa. ln the Bal1t•n•,
••P•cllllT Turker'• po•ltioa, a\ \ht time Operation JARDAIOSSA v111 be
Ia thlt connection, the fuehrer axpreettl hlmaelf \o the effect that
lfurker v1U. hke no li.CtlO:D. "hon the die 1• Clll at. Conaaq_lltnt.lJ, no epeoial.
prottctloa. of the Bnlk"n• will ~~ neceta~ry. Dnncer will arlee 1f all ot
Libra fellt lato BrUhh hlt114t, btcl\lle tngltU:lcl would. then be able to
•plot all htr avdlablt foro11 againlt an4 in ~·rb.•

BlTtiR ttatee th•t ht ~pro•e• la principle \ht OperAtion• pl8D clrava

lJJ the Army Hi·l,h Com~n4 (OKH) tor the BAJmA.R.OSSA. OMI~Alp. Re 11110
-.ket \he following commtn\'1 The ton•• of oper•tion lnYolTecl are lmmtnet.
We mutt ala at enoirclin~ lnr&G~ porUon" or \he Thlltb.n Armn howner,
thla will come off WllCCtsetull¥ onlr lf ve will lJe able to ~ke ~~tn out-aacl-
out effort. We c~nnot expect the Rut8l~n• to im=tdiattl7 ~rrendtr the
l&.ltlo St.nht At well tut Leningrad and \he UkrdntJ hoveyer, \here h a
chance that, attar tht flrt\ rtYeratt end ln recognltlon of the aerm88
1\rateclc o~JectlTt,, the n~1tlPns vlll fall back on a l8rct tcAlt further
eaatvard ln order \o r•n•ttmblt ror detente behind eome barrier or other.
1a \hat c~•• lt will be neo•••~ry to first of ell oceup7 the BAttle ~A\ee
aa4 tiht .Leniat;rad Rrel\ reg8.r4lnt or the Ru.UlAA \J'OOpl l\at1ont4 fllrthtl'
eat\varcl, beee~.uee 1t v1ll t.h11t ba pou1blt to &dn the be·.t IIU-ppl7 batt
for future oper•tiont. ~he lmpor\ant thing h to AJtnlhlla\t brge nWII'btrt
or enemr fore•• ftnd no\ to put \hem to flight. Thlt can 'bt achieve~ onl7
lf the flanklnc •r•~• art occupied by the atrongeat potei'ble torete, vhllt
the center hiU.h dl 11.ct1on 1\\fl"- then, optraUn& from \he flankt, bt
a.A~fering \he enem, ou\ of tho center,

1ht Cb.ltt ot the A.rm1 Gentrr~l 5tatt conUnutt AI follow•• Ont an4 a
halt dlvleiont of the !orcee •t~tioned l:D. Norw~ are to adyanct ag3tne\
Petumo, vhllt •ntother one and A hel.f 41 •h1ont. 1ncl.ud1nc one as 'brl«adt,
vlll bt \rnn~oor\tcl to Northern llnl~nd on Swt4leh tralnt,proTldecl ve art
able to utllite them. ~htae troo~• vlll be chRrged vtth the alation to
proteot \be lndue\rlal area ot Northern Finland an4 to '1• 4ow.a and out. ott

e Thla refert \o the 24, 6th, 9th en4 llth PAnter D1Y1t1on• ot the
!veltth Arml and the tvo eo-c~lled 1nt\J'11etlon d1T1t10n8 ~tt~ehe~
to the ~;lU.hq ~!lttdo~ ln Ru"'"nlA, vhlch "ere the 13th motorhed
Dlvlolon, which hP.d bten relntoree4 through ~e 4th P~nt•~ Regiment,
And the lGth r~ter DlT1a1on.
(See Chapter 7. p~ge1 3 to 8- OerMnn orlr.lnel).
M! f C-068 l

tht ·auuhn tlemtnh eommlttt4 tn the area ot Vtu.rmlllntk. llnUn4 -,lue 'o
tWJtmblt ~noro~lm~tely 4 lnfnntry corpt in the 'OUth& ot thi.e, 6 41Ti•
ltont vtll bt eommltted tor ~n att~ek on Ltningrsd, 3 d1T1~lon' vlll
adnnc• l'tdnet Lake OnegA, nnd 2 dhhlon• vlll l~eul'.ioh on ttbok on Haqoa
howtTtr, tht7 are la need ot ttrong ~pport •. At the Rut~o-71nnl8h border,
18 Jtu.ubn dhhlonw AJ"t IDI'Ued., ~t.nc\ ta the arta ot l4U.I'IIlnJUtk ebou' one
dlTl•loa lt comm1\\e4.
fo tblt, \he luthrer renllet •• follovtt Ht attw••• \ha\ SWtdea vlll
be vlllln4 \o cooper~te ln return tor po••••~loa ot tbe Al~nd ltlandt. A
Svedi•h-flnnlth union lt ou\ ot the quettlon, bee~•• 1\ 4oet not fit tnto
the new &uroptl!l.ll ord8r. lorvq_ mud 'be tP.ftR~~rded aCflllut\ .BrlUeh aUaot1
111nd eetbackl aue\ aot be allowed to happen th .. rea lt lt \heretore ab-
tolutelT neoettfttJ to •\ren~thtn her trtlller¥ coat\ detenMe. In R~nla,
the protection ot the oll field reaion it the aoat important tatk, ~hloh
neceafi\e\tt ree4lnett tor r~~14 adTAnoe out ot B~nla.
The Chltf of the A~ Oentrftl Staff then dltouttlt HUDAai'J 1 t potl\loa.
He rttmf.rkt that •••n it HUft«AJ7 dott DO\ p~trUolp~tte 1a \he operation. Mht
thould 8\ le~~• -~et to the ~etrRlnln~ of Oer~an troopt ln her terr1tor.r.
lhuut.nlA fhoU.ld. be ttotcl fled lUI the dettlnaUon for thete foroet to 11srch
on, And onl7 ~• the lA•t moment vlll the1 pl•ot toverdt the BUtliAn \order.
The 1u8hrer r~llet the follovln~a Httn~r.y vlll "ocede to all Oeraaa
de~Andt ln t%dh~n~e tor ~p~ro~riAtt ~oll\lc~l at~rADOtl. Rowe.er, \ht
~•ow,•ary dltcuRtlon~ ~lth the n~tiont eoneerned lhoul4 not t•k• olaot until
the l"'' ~om~nt. vlth the •~oe~tlon of RumnnlA for whoa aotl•• pnr\lclpa•
\ton ln \he onerntion~ lt of Tltal importane•.
'Then the Cht.-t of A.rm7 Gener~tl ~tPI.ff reportw on a nua'btr of .,.,eolal
f-'I"'bbma. He aenUnn111 ttu..t the quuUon ot ttntblras-Aft artllle17 -protec-
tion 1• 1Ull undecideda the Alr Jorct lnhnlit. to proTide 00 bl\tb.lloat
end th.e Annr will 11et w 30 new ba• tert.w. The Jl_,.., 1Rh.oul4 OJ)G the IUT'P~
rou\et to the D~lt1c Se~ hArbort at wpeed111 AI PO"Ilblt. fht probl .. of
~~pll•• vill h~•e to be ~olTed by me~a• ot motor trAn~orte, eince the
Rua•1"n treek~ tlr~t h~•• to be ~~\ed to •t•nd~rd Suropenn gnuge. I\ tt
pbmnttd to tmploy lone dhtMce t.m.ctt1 wich would brine ~roThlont up \o
\he ~pplJ baete. We mu~t take etept, in collftbors\Son with the Alr rorct,
to ~eM.• aure tMt no tr,..n'J)orbUon fll.turl(tnte re•ln idle. A\ preeen\• vt

1 On 30 J"nUJ'1, GenerAl HA.t.Dit.R hAd t ditautdon vi th tbt flnnlth Chltl

ot starr, Oen•r~lleu\nnnt H~INRlCH, at ~lch time theJ co•ere4 tn
&Tttf\\ detaU the utter otm~tul!ll collttbor,.tlon 1n caue ot
a war "£P.1ntt
the SoTlet Union, f\nd the above 1nfor~tlon wat rectlTed on t~t oaca-
M8 f C-065 ~ -86-

are en,.q.ed tn d.ndaplnr, Rdvnnce tttr~:l)lf dhbioh in illthrn Pobndt

Ru.k111·'fn1n. 1t eU.ll beln,; reconnoittnd with regArd to the ellltablhhfllont ot
.uoh tup?lf di•trlott.
1Fbinll7, the Chief of Anny Genrtrnl Sb.ft • vlth tht at d. or m~.p1, e.leo

tubullh the 1)1Mt ff>r tbs conh.rnplntad tlme tchtt\ule ot the lnltbl t~uemblJ•
At pr11ent. the trflnwnor~ ot the flrtt lldYRIICtt tchtloa. art on the mo•e.
the tr~n•porte of the aecond ad.vnnce eohelone vhlch wtll begln to move lA
the 11idd.le of ~ll.l"ch, vUl dread)" t.rand'u hr~e number ot relntorctmentt
to the e~tt, although for the ti~• be1n~ Just to the r~ar arna. 1rom th&'
u~.~~. torvard, u v1U be poulblt Onlf with p~d d1tt1clllty. owing \o the
llhlp0enh fro'!tl the wut, to Cl!trrt out Opeu.t1on A'l'TUJA. 'l'ht economic
traneporh too will be condcltr~~t:blJ ra•tnoted by thete movemenh. ~' thl
beglnning ot April, U will be neceunr,y to ttpproach Hu.D,ery concernlna
\h• p111.uage ol ou.r troopt through her terrltor.r. l'he trantporh of the
third ~tdvence ech,•lon vUl bt ee\ 1n motion lu the mldc1lt of April and
with that the Dlltlmu'll Cl'l'pecH¥ 11chedule vlll go into effto\. In vlev of
\be f"'o\ tha\ \h• uu..jorU.;y of the OH~. 111.r\lllet7 vill be h8.nl!erred, t\
wlll than no longer be 90et!ble t~ effec\ Oper~~1on r~tx. At thA\ June•
turt tt will fill to no lon,.r be ponlble to keen ncre\ \he lnUlft.l e.11eaiblJ •
'l'be fourth advt~nce echelon. which will hke from 25 AnrU to 16 )lq, vlll
divert .uch ler~e number• of forces tram the vawt, t~\ O~eration Si~OEW»
too vill then no lon~r be t•~~lble. The •t~\eglo concen\r~\lon 1n the
ea•' vlll \hen be p1Alnl7 ovlden\. It vlll be " dtttlcult tAwk to ~ccom­
plhh the timely return of tht el,7)tt c.U•hlon• nl'tllt~rkeO. tor OptrAUou
MARITA •, vhtch will be u~gentlr needed. tor Operetton BAKBAROSSA.
The fuehrer 17pre11'-e~ hie ~p~rov~l of the Arm.v'• plRne. The world,
he ~eelaree, will hold 1te bronth, w.k3n OperAtion BAftiAAOSSA lt execute4.•

tollovlng thh, the &hcuulon, 1n "hich the Chief of Sb.ft of tht

Alr roroe Jot ned, turne~. \o lhl;r' t tl tur..tlon ht th111 Medl h:tJOf'lntten l!tnd the

atd vhlch vould be rent1ered her by normP-.n force@!, 111 h~e be'n "lrt~tt\7 re-

lated prev1ounl1 ••. Jmmedl11\elJ After the oonterenoe, HITL~ alto •a4t
the tollovlnc oommentt to the Chl~tt ot the Wehl"'l.\8ch\ Operation• statta
llnh.nd., Sweden, Bung&ry end Sl.ov~tkla ahou.lcl be ap-protoh~d oonoerDlD& \helr

• 1'hh :probably ret'ere to the six rnnaer divl don• tmd two lnfon\q
dtTltlont vhlch haTe been ••ntloned preYlouely.
•• 8•• Cbe.p\er 6, po&e 19 e\o. (o.rmen orlclw) •
par•toipa\loa or 41reo~ aid onl¥ ~hun 1' will no lon&er be pott1blt •o 4it-
iU1at ;uz obJttilYtt. Only the Ruwanl•n Chlef of stAtt tbould bo a4Yllt4

•arlltr tha\ tb• \1~e bat oome \o rtinforoe the iu~anian elwnentt ln Mol•

4.ATt•• U h Of •ta• Ut&aQit 1ntporhnC<J '0 Chi tht ill!prulion U lODC II

poni'bll tha\ the t\ratedflo ooncentr~ttlon 1&\ \be 111i h a lltS'&•·•oalt

dtct~Uve 11nneu.ver to dher' •thntlon froa Op•raUoa ~Cl'l~~·~. Tbt txt••

Uon ot CJperaUon· ~'''4'UA eboul~ alWAI¥1 rtmaln hal1'bl•• tvtn thou&f'a •o a

Uuiho e:rteu•. t;onttrtuo.nUy, tho •irborne eorpt thoul4 f.loC be a.adpt4

1" adtuot to O'gereUon .dA.llbAL11J:.i~A but thould 'b., l\el4 ln tt.iatiine .. 1.1

r•••r•• for all •vontuallt1aa ur •~•r,enoit••

'!A th1t llny toU.owll'l' th11 cunfel·enoo, Adwh·a.L HAV.o..a. whUt reporUnc

$o \he t'uehrer on \hi aUuetioll u\ ••a• •ubtU1 Utd \ht plant of \he lhtYJ

ln coruu•cU.oA wUn 1h tunct.ion• dUl'lng tbe ttlltet·n Cflllf.U~l,n. On ~hlt oooa-

•iou \oo, lUU•.rJt ftlliPhftlhud hnw necuaurt t.t •tl&t, llpiCiall¥ chltlA& the

aprlAie for th• tniJUI liB well at our own ilvh.rrtt•ch\ to bt under 'l\t lmprtl•

11oa tha\ \ht 'Preuar.Uor1n tor O)Jttlll\1on liA.RUMI.O$~A urol;y urved at a

prehn \a dher\ ''ttenUon fro&ll •n lmmlnent lnvadon of j,lll~b.nd..

Durlna turther a\udlet ot th• Ar1111' • OJ)tratlone pll'n, ltlTL&I bep.a \o

vondtr whtther \h• aonte~~~pbh4 fiank proteoUoo voul4 bt eutftchnt aplae'

aUactu from the u.et rtpoA of the PrlpJ&\ .Muabea. CD 6 i'ebru.aq, he

therefore 1'tt,tuttte4 the Arq Hl&h COIIU:18lld (OXR) to tubal\ tn •ul.uaUoa of

\hl1 \trrl\0!1 Vl\h l'l~lftt to thl llk1llho0d Of th• tt\RblllhmeB\ Of 11).8~

det~nslYt lnt\allatlona And the poR•lble coaml\mtn\ of P.uat1*D troope,

~ftr\lcglarlr oaTalr.r unlta, acalat\ tb• tl&Dk• ot \he Arer Gr~p• Vhloh
.. , f c-o&& l

would bt •.dT~notna on both lld.u of \he Pripf& t N~~nhA~t.

'rht llletnOrl'ndt.tm forve.rd.td by the Arl!lf ()enGral Sh:fi' an :dl )'~bmnry .,...

porte4 the followinl findtngtl

• .U though th• Prl py-At - Polnohn 'rf.!glon t" not !!11H~'l'l. ~

tor l~rgta-e:e~tle ~n1Uhry cper~tUont, vt noYer.thelulll hrt't'ft
to eondder the nrobfl.b1U ty thr~\ t~Oml Rut~1rm r,nbUft \ll'1ltl!l,
'Pf'rt1eulnrl1 CflTI'lrr t1iYh1on.-, . ..,per11t1ng chiefly on t.}Ht
ton~lel of l~n~ r.roJ9ctln~ into th~ "~AMp ro6ion weft of
P1nRk tl.n<1 M.rat or Kowel, in the hll 17 cou.ntr; ot Ovruch flntl
th8 ~ren ~outhen't of 9luttk, mt~t ~ttnck the flnrur.R of
the Otrt!IMl r\l!lf!IIUU troope 'Whleh t!.re ft!Olnlt the rrtpyl\\
ttArnhet~. Ap~rt troll thftt, it h )'lOUiblt AbtoRt ""fiY"'here
lllnd D.t lllnJr Ume ln Pri-pret - tabdan to oondtlci. o;.cr~t.iont
on a nm111l. nc.,l.f!, up to refj_;1menhl level. proYldtd. ,the
e:xht1ng ~.lfflculttee et.re bk~n into l\COOUf\t b;r Ol')rafu.l
reeonnf!l.bllf!nce Md. -prep"ratU ou. The nuuhnt, vho are
ttghtlnP,: on their ovn territory • d.er1 ve !'d.vl'nb.gt' frcm the
tao'\ th~.t th,.7 1n't Mt:u.atomed to eli t:f'lcu.l t hrrtd.n ~nd.
tre1'fic eolllc'tltiont pn" betid.u, enn rely oh the voluntaey
fllu,port of th• reddent populAtion \rhlch h f~mllbr with
the count!')'. Conntn.nt t~~urvnlll"nce from the Air will be
the btl't 111e1f'UI to n~cert,..ln tho ln()Yement and 't/herer.bou\1
ot lftr~t 8nemy force~."
Thereupon, nn a 1\!nrch, HlTt:r-.:R luued order• tMt tb.e lntU.e tlankt ot
the Anny Groupe r.~~th ~nd. Center, committed ~t th~ ton~oe ot l~n4 ~roJeo\­

lng into the rrlpynt M~rahet• 8houl4 be protected through tht lnt\alla\loa
or mine oba\~cl~•.

HlfLil deYoted epeelal ft\\entlon to the ~robl .. ot Norv8J'• ooaet

defenten, btCAUIG he, tPme •ft the A~l ~l~ CommAnd (OKH), expected \he
Jr1\1tb to •nk• rttolu\e at\emptt to inYedt the Norweslaa coat~ durlQI
tilt exeouUoa or \he eattera ce.~~pllip. The Art!t7 Hl«h Colll'llla.d (OM) hact
141 ' c-066 l

vert to bt under the oOillt'iAnd or the colllll10ndlnc ce.nerrl lrs cht~~.rp of eoaet
dtten•• ln Norwet and vhich were \o repl~toe tht dlfleloa 1!1.1'\llltrt ttta-
tionoA a~ the ooaet ftt the time. How•••r• BI~tiR eontl4trt4 thete mtftturtt
lntuf.f'1olent, ll!l'plchll.T nt.nce thh plAn mnde no pro•hlon to rdntoree ' "
defentlYe equipment, conwls\lng onl7 of teo mm gunt, of IArYlk, which •••
extreraelr important fer the e:rpor' ot s.te4hh ore to Oermn.nv. !htretoH.
on 15 :rebru.arr, he h.ued a bade 4lrtcUYe which coYere4 \ht tllfe~&ual"dlac

ot the OOL\t\ lb.o• from !lrkenet to the Sp~nhb 'border qalnet BrUhh
attackt ta oatt ot l~rce-ecAle operatlont at eau\era thea\ort of war. Ia
t.hlt order. \be Commnn4er ln Chief W••'• who hn.4 been a11lgned. 'bt the Ani

Rl&b Comma~d (OXH), VAl chnrce4 vlth the respontlbllttJ for th• tl,.
retlttADce asalne\ enemr a\tempte at 18ftdlnc on tbt coa1\1 ot the occupltl
wut.ra hrrUorltt, ,..nd. he vat lntt:ru.ottd 'o reinforce tht ,;Arrltoat a\
the Britlah Chennel lelandt to MACb a de&rtt \hat 1\ wou14 be pottlblt ' '
hold them eYeD vlt~ou' the 1\l)?l)Ort of bom'bar u.nlh of \ht Alr J'oroe. 'lht
dlreotlYt aleo atl~ul~ttd tht follovinca Tht atrencth&nlnc of NOI"Wftl't
OOfltt detentt h fnremoat ln 1mportftlloe. ta \hh connecUon, t' lt
pRrtteularlJ ftdYleablt to ooaoen,ratt oa larYSk, 'he Ato,1o co~•'• An4
nll thou polntt wl1tre lt mlch\ be -poed'ble for enemt llft'f'lll. toro11 or

.mllll b.ndln~; pt,~.rUet to 4ltrupt tht cotuhl rout... We haYt to reckoa

with the f!!Ot thd thl Brithh 1r111 ttlto t!ltplOJ bdtlt thll)t for thlt -pur-

p~te. Do~tdte, it t' neceaaa~ to~ dtYe bombtrt, ftchter eirplnnew ftD4

d.t:r;~troyers to be eonlr.i Ued ln Norttfl)" ~t dl Urnes for proheUon ng~J~1nd

~a~ ~tt~ck! et ee~ &nd from the eir. In order to ba 8ble to mnnego with
•• ' G-068 l

the aaalltt\ pottlb1t au.ber ot tore••• lt lt a4Yllft\1e to or~ltt ooablnt4

eohe1oa.e or to .. , U'p tahoo1t u4 eou.rtet of lnUNOUoa. Whea aulgnbla
Otraaa aa•al tore••• we mua' la the eprlnc alto take Into account the t1ot
\ha\ eneq operaUont at ••a wlll aot AiM at tht Jq or He1cob.n4 lnd at

lorw., aDd the coaatt ot the ocou~led weetern terrltorltt.

The aumn• adopted thereu.poa. bJ the three vthru.ch\ 'bruchet ha4
'beta put into etteot onlJ la. part, and the aaJorltJ ot \he ooaat 'batterlet
'ranepor\e4 ' ' Jorw.r -- e6 na•a1 'batterltt la. a441tloa to the 1& 'bat\trlll
proYl4e4 b7 the An'~- vert a.ot ,., react, for aoUoa, • • a u.Yel optra-
tlon ettec\e4 b7 the Drltleh oontl~t4 th• aeoettl\J tor etroa.cer proteotlea

of \he Norw·eclaa oo•-'· oa the morn111c ot 4 Meroh, BrUllh ll&ht DaYal

torcet - rt'f)OI'1t41J two orultert fiDel tour 4tttroyere - a~rrl.t4 out a

~a.ccettt\11 turprht rat c1. oa the urbor of trol Yaer ( oa the Lototea ltlall4••
approxlmatelr 110 kl1oMetert vest ot Jar.lk), lntllottd heaYJ damage oa
the tteNJer 1 JtAmburl" which vat 'berthed the1'8, tank a lar,p nwnber ot
flahing •••••1• aDd took ~th thea tlttetn OeraA& eo1c1.1trt and ten ~te­

llnc te11overt at vtll a1 thrte hundred Jfoi'Wqb.Dt W.o -.olunb.rl17 Jolu4

the .BrUtth ttuea .t\o had ln4t4. HinD vat creaU7 tnrflpd a'bwt thlt

tYtat, 4tmazultct aa laYttUp\loe of the ao~~~U~.a4 aetup aDd orc1ert4 the

luedlate ttrellc\huln« ot the eoat\ d.etenee qtt••• parUculllrl.7 b7 ••aat
ot artll1ti'J, tor whlch purpote the Arm, W&l to proTide add1tloftftl 160
bathr1ee. Ht f'liO eu.montd the wehrmftoh' Comander ta Chit£ in Norvq
~~nd the Admiral of the Arctic COlli\ to mF.'lct per tOnAl report • to hlm. The
eon.ferenoe vUh Generftlob~trd YOn J'.A.J..JCitNHO:Rsr eu1d Admlrd llOr.Jn~ took plad
Na 1 c-oes t

on 14 ~roh ln the ~ttlln Retch Chanoeller,r. ba thte ocoseton, HlTL£1

l'llph.athtd the fa.et the' the lfebrmacht Coml111Uldtr ln Chief Wl't tuU.r retrpon-
tlblt for the tnternsl ••~rtty ot lorwftT And l\1 dtfen•e •cnint\ en~

a\tackl troa the ~ttldt, and lt~t4 lnt\ructtont to oommlt the torctt
•••lcnt4 tar ooatt 4tftntt ln eup~ort of the eo&tt bftt\trltl and to 4lt-
lrlbuh tbta ln euoh •· •nntr thd tDti!IJ ni"J)rt tt rd4t '">Uld ln future bt

,Uo\htl' mbJect Of ltll'Lillt I ct1 IOUIIlOD v1 th OtDII'Illl YOn JA.IJC.ilalltOI!f

•• the ahtloa vhloh dnol'ncl on Jorwq Al'fll1 Htt.dquartert Ia Morthern llll•

lan4 •• par\ ot Operation JAR]AROSSA. In tblt conne~tton, ~ITLUB lalcl
particular ttrett on the well-tlme4 occupation of the Pt\eamo rtglon vhlah,
owln& to the &reat l•~ortanae of tta nlekel-ort min•• for tht German arma-
lltnt lnduttq, at all cod• had h bt tlllft!IA\llt.rdtd t~plnt\ a Jlutdan laYatloA.
ilfL&R remarked thAt only rtoentlJ, the Ruteo-rianltb ne«o\tatlont hel4 la
M01cov oonoerntn~ the explolt~\lon ot the •lnet, had acala 4eaonetra\e4
Jutda' t creat tn\erttt ta \hh terrUo17. Tht7 hacl COIIIt \o a 4eaclloct
almot\ immt4lattl7, bee~t• rtnland Wftl no' lnal1ned to recogai11 Dnttla'•
clala to the control ot the mtnet end to the ehftrehol4trt' maJority. On
8 7ebrutu')", Feldmar~chdl J.tANJI.1'"RHii:1J.1 ha4 potnto4 end to 'he Oemen tdUta17
Attache in naltlnkl th~\ compllanoe ~tth thlt re~uet\ woulcl meen tha\
IUp~,uu for the OerJDAn troop• In Northern llorvq gotn.g Yla thlt .-.roUo IJta
rou.h ~ould come under nuuh.n control,. 't·he Tlnnhh OoY•I'Nlent, tefLrinc
l'ln net or dol enee oa the pArt ot the IhlulAnl!l, ht~.d be!ln t1t rl rlng to tecure
Germ~ny'• wtrengthentng ot the renr. ior a ~bile, ther hRd even contempleted
Ml f c-ol& l

wlu.ati!ll'l17 oecllD.I the l't\tdO ooner to the loTh\ U.lo• tJt ordtr ,., lttl\1•
\hlhCti hovt'"t• 1l})Oa 0el'II8Jl7 1 I \U"I(tn.\ 4letbtf.01l, \htf bad Clftft U'p thlt
ldta. rlDalJ.r, tht OeriMD OOnn~~ttn\ ha4 \ttn ablt, throqh c.\lploatte
au•• to prtTen\ the lblulu• troa plnlDC too noh of a tootho14 oa thl
aloktl a1n.••• lllicl the lo'fie' UnloD hll4 acata raUfltct the trea\7 •tcnttt
ta loTem'btr • • eaoor4lac to wblch oeraau• • IMre tf th41 n\ptl\ vat to ••na•
to 60 percent. l.avne:r (SlTLD aoaUil\lt4) • tht~tte vat ao dou.b\ th8.t Rut do
4edpt oa the Pet1aao Naloa voul.4 ooatlmtt Wldlllbalthe4 and tb• the Jhlt-
tlAnt vou14 atall tbtattlTtt of thl tlrt\ epportwaltr to take potttttloa
of thh tenl\o17. It \htretort tttmt4 bperaU•• \bat thh area 'bt to-
aupltd b7 Otraaa troop•, at the latta\ vlth the tllrt of the eaatti'D o~al11,

~\, it need ''• e••• tar1le:r.

lll a44UlOilt H.!fl,U DOW l'tq\ltlhd that tlt.t :llUtllM batt M\U'JM.Iltk ehotlll

M\ oalr bt 0\l\ ott tro• l\t rear co•ualoe.tlont •• land \hroqh a thr111t

aplnd tbt Mttraetk lallwq, 'tNt \hat l\ lhoulcl bt 1&1)\uted tn order ' '

4eprl•• the ene111 ot •••1'1 oh~taoe to operate froa thtrt acalnet Bor\htn
r1Alan.4 aa4 lorthena loi'WII d4 lA order te plleTeil' tht Jr'Uhh tr• lucl-
tnc at Uat M\ltaaatk ooaet. 7'or thla JntrpOII ht tU'P\lla,tt that tht attaoJc
tohtl.oa, whlah vat to 1tt oo•Uttcl ecataat Ptt1aa0, 11101114 lt nlatorot4
b¥ • ao\orlttcl foro• w~loh ••• alto tCfllll'J)I4 wUh heav tuJte. llfl.ll ooa-
.S.4ere4 thh to ' ' pArUcnal•rlJ' l11porhnt, \eoautt tt vat hh epln.lon that
NUJ'JDI\au cou14 be aUacke4 oall' alone the roAdt 'blat not thrOU\fJJ. the '1\ua4n.
MD f C-066 t

In lldd1tton, he ordered. that the hRrbore of Nurmanek and Arche.ncel be allle4

at An eArly ct~••·

On 17 March, three dnyt alter thlt conference, Bl~Lil had a lone ooa-
Yereat1on v1th Oeeer~l TOn JRAUCHttSCK at the Berlin Jelob Chabceller,r,
~ring vhldb, at tlrt\• •o•• problem• relating to ~eratloa MARlfA vera
41teuete4. In thlt connection, HI~El 1•~•4 tnt\~c\lone, •• alreadl
aenttonea pre11ou~lT •. tha\ \he operatlont agslnt\ Greece be oont1aue4
utll the :arUlth had. \tea 41'lYo ou\ of there aa4 \hat euf'tloten\ foro••
be eo•1Ue4 for \hh -purpoae. Rt a\a\e4 ~la, •• he 414 4vlac \he
oonf'ereaoe helc!. oa I J&llUt\17 ••, that ve co1l14 rtokoa vltll \he tao\ tha'
l\ would be po~elble to w1thdrRw th~ coYerlnc torcea, eomml\ted for protec-
\lon asslnet attaekt from Turkey, &hor\11 after ~e •'ar' of operatloae 1
e4 tu.\ the" tltetenh ln)uld be uUlhed either tor Op•raUon llWA.ROSSA .._

tor "'h1ch the Xlf F!tnur Col')]• (f;tb and 11th P~t.urer DlY1tloa •••) vou14
h&Yt to be coMmitted ln ant on•• -- er f'or Operatloa MARITA lteelt. low-
e~er, l\ nov bec~m• ol•ar t~t. owln& to the 1ntenelt1c&t1oa ot opera\loat
ac-.lad Oreeee, the ArwT ti16h C011w.nl! (OlB) would be ttblt to utilhe tor
\he eaetern c~apB1£D oal7 ~ conelder~bl7 tmalltr ~ortloa of' \bt unl\t of
the 'r•eltth Ant7 than had \ten contemplde4 pre11ou.tl.T and tha\ the !vtlftll
Arm¥ Ho~dquart•r1 tao, ~lab orlglnR117 hAd ~••• ae~l&Dtd to command the

• Set Chfl!)ttr ? , 'J'Pf:t' 31 etc. (Oer:vlrJ ortgtn!d).

•• Sle 81. (OerMn original).
••• See Chrpter '· P•«•• a. 13, 39 -nd 31 ( OemiUi orlglnAl).
M8 f 0.06& l

AraJ Whloh ~•• to ~~ attembltd ln MoldAvia, would proba~r baye to remala

ta Greece. ln \hA\ a•••• l\ vat plftnntd to commlt tn Mold~Yla an ar,a,
headq~r\trt which vat to be aevlr org~Alttd and to place la command the
Chitt ot \he M111t•U'1 Mhdon lla BUmAnta, General HAlHll~N. vho \hen ••• to
\e rtpleotd ' ' Oenerol SPilDiL, \he Chlet ot \ht Alr rorct Mlttlon, who
would hftYt to \Akt oYer the aommBnd ot the tn\lrt Mllltar,r Hlttlan.
In edd1\lon, Blf~B rtqut•ted tha\ \ht Arm1't lnltlal atltmbl7 order
tor OperaUoa BA1W.UOS3A be chanced vl\h rt~peot to tu atalttftllent tor
A'rtq Orou-p South. Ia \he aeenUme, he h11.d become oon1'lnce4 \ba\ t \ wat
ao\ adYltablt tor the Tveltth A~ \p adYanot, at bad been orlglnall7 coa-
itmplated, fro• Nol'-Yi• in a nor\htae\erlr 4tr~ot1on 1 btcau•• the Dnlttttr
~lTer conetltuted too great an obttacle. Therefore, ht ordered thAt la

tTtn arealtr mtaturt thAD had beta enYltR~d, the aala tftort lhoul4 bt
aecuttd b7 \ht Sbth J.rrq, which vet tchtdu.ltd to bt atttmblecl lJl the area

arouncl Lublba. He ltcnatcl lnthucUont to u ..o OoiiiiDU all aoblle f'orott of

the A.rm7 Group at tu.t po1n,, to puah AheAd wUh thtll tovncle llev, en4. \t
brtach the Dnietter liYtr lint from \he re~r. Ht eptoltltd \hat at 'h•
Pruth Bher, the nuaber ot f'oro11 aweembUng there tb.oul4 Ao\ be b.rget
\hen would b~ required to tlt down tht enem, elementt \htT would bt tacla11
the7 were to purtue thott eAUIJ troop• lllho trlt4 to etcapt. thq ehoulcl,
hoveTer, be ttronc encu8h to be able to rttlet a ~teie.n lnvaelon of ~ol­

d.e.Yla. The prohcUon ot \ht RumnnlfJA oll Utl4 reclon, whleh eat of Yltel
lmport.nce for Oei'IIAq, vat to be IDIIW't4 At all coth aad vat to reuS.n
the reCtOonllb1llt7 of the Chlet of the M111ta1'7 ~i1ulon. Contequ.en\1.)", 1\
ItS f t-OG& l

Vftt necUitU'7 \o reinforce \he tlg'hUDIJ torott u4 the uUabcu•af\ "rlll•

ltt7 unl'• coaml\\ed \here. Hun~rt thould la ao war partlot~a\t la opera•

Uon DA.RllJJtOSSA& SloYaJda, oa the otbar bu4, ""' to bt u.\llhe4 tof \ht
aue•bltnc of troopt AUd proY1db.1 of w:ppUtt tor Anq Oro\lp Iouth.

The .. lltv int\l"tlCtti.oDI by lUTL.tll lil&4e l\ DICIIIAI'7 \o t.a..U IU'ppl ..

man\t for Fu.thrtr tllreothe f 21 1'114 tor the Anq• • bUlel •u••b17 ort••
OOTtrla1 Opel'ftUon J.WARCJSM. file fol'lltr nov IJ'tclttt4 tht follovlaaa

•fhe anla ettor\ of \ht Armr Oroup comm1\\t4 to~th of \ht PrlpJ•'
xarthtt will be placed tn the art~t. ot Lublin, lD \bt pneral. 4lrtoUoa
ot lltYI they wlll r•pi4ly ~4 with ttrona araortd el ..en\t a4..act
acalnd the 4ttp tlftDk end the rear ot the Rutnlan torott titloa Ulq ttl11
then roll Up along tn• DD1eper RlYtr.

!h• combined Oerman-llWlle.nlu foroll at th• r1C)at wlaa art ehar&e4

vl\b. the alttloa
a) •o protect tht Rumaali!A area u4 ooatequenUr ~e touthtn
vine of the OTer-tll operat~oa,
b) to contain tM ene1117 tor·oe• taobac \hell to11ovlaa tht
at the za.or\htrn. vine of Am.J Ql'()up aou.th end, ia \he couret ot tmhtJI
operation•• to purtNt the ene~ la conJunction vlth the Alr rorot, to
prevent entar,y troopt trora millc1na an oJ'der17 retreat aoro11 the J)nl.,\tr

ta the Armr'• lnttlAl ftRttmbl7 order, the chAnged pattaBt read ••

"AN Grouu ,'lquth h ohar«ed vltb the tarJc of dr!Tlnc l h reinforced
left tl~nk -- mobile elemen\1 leaclln& the VAJ •• lD the 4lrtot1oa ot IllY,
to Ann1h1bte the Ruulrtn toroee Ph.t1onec1 la. Oallcta. ud Vetttl1l Okralne
w 11~ eUll ve~t of the Dnlctt:~er lUTer, snd to take early pouauloa of
the Dn1cmer b:rldp,ett at f'r.u\ below lle·r, in order to eontlnue Ol)f.lrf!Uone
on \he other tide of the Dnlepe:r River. Operattone will be con~cte4 lD
wch • r:~~~nne:r thflllt the Mblle troo-pt ~tdTAncinr; fi'OII the ttru ot Lublla,
will be alfttlllblttl tor a brollk•tbrougb ln the d1rtaUoa ot KltY.

As pl'.r\ ot thh eittrion, tht A.rmlu &n4 PAnter Arlllet 1 aceor4ln& to

<'e-t,..,Ued 1nttru.ctiont hrn1ed br the High Comm~~tnd ot Anq Group South, are
MS f C-068 1

••~1«nt4 \he follo~ing t~8ktl

'l'hf ·~t.!!.'fl~.h....A.!3!!Z h re ..-pond ble for the proho tloa ot tbt .RUIINllNl
uo, t{h 1 ~h. l tt of "1 td ltnportanct for Otl'llell:f' 1 conduct of tht war, ..-lad
tnYn,.1tP~ hy RIH• .. \ftn forcu. WUhln the 100-pe ot 'ht e.Hack of At'fll¥ Croup
f.lout.h, lt. .. t 1 t, b;r ftlgrlln« creattr 11\reng\h of aeetmbled torotl, htlcl 'ht
tM!-"1 trooyf1 r""'•1g U, nod ln the couru of ruther operaUont, pureut
\he -.nt71'11 tn cnn,1nnoUoa vtt.h tht Ail" force, an4 wUl ,rntn\ tht Jbltdd
\roop• from m~ki.nv. tln ardtrll rttrtat aoro11 the Dnlttter Jh'er,

1\ v1ll be the JDAlll objeotl'ft of th• I'J.rt\ f~'D!IIt .Amz to penetratt

\he line• near the border, bttve~a Raw8 NuekA ~nd kovel, la Joint
opention vlth tht Seventeenth and Sbth Andu, "nd., ad"•ne1n4 da the
Jtrdi,tcht'f - 5hltomlr tto\or, to ~ttdll7 re~ch tht Dnieper Rl'ftr Pt aD4
bslov Kie'f, lrom there, they vill, v1thout lo•1n& &DJ tlme, continue \kt
a\tack, accordln~ to lnetruoticnt of tht Ar~ Oroup High Oowm~nd. in A
toutheAthrlt d1recUon e~lon1 ~he Dnieper Ri'rer, vi th the obJect he of
prt•entlnc tht enemr forott f1~t1ng 1n Wtttern UkrAine from •~cAnine
acrou the Dnleptr RiTer and annlhib.tlnc the• \hrO\lt;h aUacklDC thl!lll la
,h....... .
Tht ~evegt!antb Aim[ will Jenetrate the enemt border 4tftntet north-
vet\ of Lember,. ~1 T1G,9routlT driY1n< with l\t~e1nforce4 ltf\ flenk,
l\ ehou14 endeft'fOr to ~•h the enemr foroet tn ~ eoutbe~eterlr dlrectloa
and defeat them. ln addition, lt will bt the obJ•otlTt of the A~, b7
\Aklns ad'fantage cf \he ••~~ult of the renter ArmT, to ~'tedilr re~oh the
Wlnnisa- Derd1t,cheT nrea, in order to continue the a\t•Ck either eouth•
t8atward or •~•twArd, dependlnt. on tht '1tuation •
.tb.!...J!dh Ars.y; vlll pen•tntt the enen:v front ln thi area oft both
ddt• of Luc.ki, 1n conJunction vi th porUont of the flrt\ fe.nser Anq AA4,
vhlle eo"nrlng the northern fb.nk of the Arm¥ Oroup •~lnt\ ath.ckll troa
the .Pr1-p;ynt ~P.ramu, will au1~ the l.D.:rgea\ ponibl.t nwabar of foroea ' '
follow the Pan~•r A~r towArde Shltomlr at q~lekl7 At ~ottlble. I\ ehoU14
haYe rea1\y t~ronc forces vhlch v1ll plYot aoutheattvar4 wet\ of tht »Dleper
.B.her, f'coordin~t to lnetmctlont of the A.nrt Group High Comr~~P.nd, eo •• ' '
be t~ble, t.o1;e\her Yi th the i'lrft\ i'~n .. r A.rmy, to -prenn\ enerq \roapw
1'11/;hti~ ln We~&tArn UkrAine trom elellpln& aorotrt the Dnieper Jihtr, and.
\o ~.nnlhUf\h the111. I

Fln111l17. the cont~renos hel4 ora 17 JU•.rch alto touched u-pon tht Ol)lre-
Uon• to bt Oll!.rr1ed out br Armr Re8dquarttrt 5orwq tn 11.ncl ou' of '.Northtra

J1nlnnd. In thlt eonneetlon, howeter, the Comm~der in Chief of ArmJ Hl~

kl ' c-o6& 1

Co~Dd declared ~\ be left all arrance~tntt la \hit te*l~ to tht 4lt-

ttltlon ot \he Wthrmt'cht Jil&h COIMitU14, which hod beea h cownsn4 ln Jorvq

troa the tit•t. Rltl.k&1 a~eed to thh e.nd now 4altCAh4 Otnerd JOnL to
draw llp an 'lfthru.tlcht. Hil!,h Commond dlrectht h thh effect. \lhioh ws• \o

bt baaed oa tht following factorta

AI hAt bean mentioned prevlo~tlr, the plAn• call for a thrust trcm
\he AJ•oUo re~Ion tor the pu.rpou of oceu.pt'inH. fehllllo and l•unohing M
aUack Oil Mur~~tmlk et• Yell AI puthlnc f'oz;,uct troll Central .Hnbncl 1\Sf\lat\

tht ~umruaak .a.Uw")' III.Jld the Day ot iCtmd.alek •h•• The toroet requt re4 tor
the 11orthen OptrflU.(tn, vhicb h r•terrtd to 'b7 the oo•er o.tt•• .iE!Hii'lJR,
art to bt aa4t aYalleblt la lorthtrn lorvara the 24 Moun\ala Dlv1a1oa
bt beea tAJ'IUII.rktd for thlt under\llk1n.c •. Jor \he touthera proJect, whloh

it teterrtd to •• Optrat.lon SlLBEJ.U'VCHS, the A"'1 lUgh Colllle4 eonte~~pla\tt

auignlAs \ht 199\b JntM\J7 Dhhloa •• well •• another 1nfentry dlYhloa

fro• lte rtltrYtl. Jo~h dlvltlona art to be tranettrrt4 \o lorvftl nn4
troa thtrt lhtfte4 dtl Sweden to Hnlf:\nd. Ho"ever, it the Umt elemea\
Mkt1 U brpon1ble to ~e,rrr thh ou\, it h plAnned to 'rantport the 1634
InfAntry Dhhion, vhlob h eh.Uoned 1\round Ctlo. via he4ea \o J'lnltln4
~nd ~Yt a d1'Yift1on from thf GKQ reterYe• replace 1\ ln Jorw.,. while the
second d1Y1~ton. on tht other bAnd, lt to be •en\ fro• the Zone of Intttlo•
b)' vrhr to l1nlruu1. I\ h lnUnded \o cht S\ookhol.a the explana\lon \ha.\

th• troop• to be 'r~nttported through ttwedea aH replaoemen\t for the llOUD-

~1n corpt. Hovev8r, ln c~•• the Swedlab OOYtrnmen\ dote no\ agree to tbt
uiili1~tion of' lte re1lv~3•• wt will procure a 41Y1Aion br mtftDI of Ano\ber

MS f C-Qt\5 1

chlft to the north • ot tho force' sta\loned ln Norway. Furthermore, one

tomblnod hnk bA.\iiA.Uon of Arrrq UeA.dquArhrt Jlorvq 1t t.o Joln \ha !fouthtn

attAck echelon lntte~d ot the northern one, ~hloh HITLER'• order oalle4
for Juat A tev d~1• preTlOuA17. The two·Oerman Jftttls Group; ~r• to bt
aule;ned to the )"lnnhh Co11mnnder ln Chhf • General MA~l4UllilM, vhUt the

Dorthern one 1• to be led bT the ooDaandlnc ~neral of the Mountain Corpl

IOrvAJ, Genersl of the Infantry DILtL.

ln the ••~n\lms, the Chief of the W•hrmach' Hllb CommAnd had lt1Ut4
a decree on 13 Haroh, which vae enUUe4 "Generel .DlrecUont ~lth Dtpr4

\o Special Atelgnmen\t, SUpplementing fUehrer DlreatlYt I 21 (Operatloa

»ARDAROSSA)", and which regulA\td the admlnlttr~tlYt tttup of the auttlaa
hrrltorlta vhloh were to be connuered. On 3 Huoh, Hl'l'Li.R had e~rtllt4

'h' tollovlnc ideAl tn this connectlont

"The forthcomlne ca~Ai~~ 1• mora thnn Jutt A etruggle ot Rrmll

it h rtlt!O 1'1 elP.teb or h·o dif!orent idoolog1et. In order to brln~ 1 t
to a ~onclutlon, it it not wuftlclent, 1n view ot the tilt of the
t•rr1torr. to def'e~t the eneny $rr.;ed !orcea. Tht enUrt c"-ptured ter-
ritory "hanld be broken up into et~tes th~t would hAve their own govern-
menh ft.nd vi th whom Oerm~ny vould be Able to conclude a peAot \renty •
The tAtAbllDhmont of theqe government• re~1ret A great doel of polltlaal
~kill ~nd the applic~tion of well ve1~Gd goner~l princlplee.

;.~vert mn.Jor r!volutlon producu effeoh which are 1mpou1ble to

obU.hrA.te. The •nelnlhtlc idea CP'.nnot be turpo.rBted from the I\utda
or todny, nnd th1R ide~ •lone cnn constitute the baeit tor home politlot
when new eb.tes n.nd. ~tovernmenh Are arMted. The Jewhh-:eoi!heThUo
lntoll1r,ent8i&, Which hAt b~an the Op~reDIOr Of the people till A~,
mtt bo t~limine.ted. The ·rormtr mlddle-olau ft:nd arhtoeJ'III_\1', At tar AI
ther tt1ll e~1~t, nnrt1calnrl1 among emigrant•, are 11kew1ee oat of the
picture beoAust the7 b11ve been reJechd b7 th• Ruub.n people t\nd Are

• A~ mP~t1oned previouR11 (teo pBgG 11), the tire\ lhltt of th1e kind
\ook place ln the earl1 fAll.
Ml f Q-065 t: .. gg..

on tht ~holt 8n\l•Otrm~n. Thlt lt p~r\lcular11 true •l•o ot \he former

J«l\lc Stntte. ln ~~dition. lt mutt be AVoi~ed at all cottt thst a
a.tlon~llttlo nut,tn nov tr.ktt the pl§ct tho or bol•heYlt\lo regime.
btenu111e hhtoey hu tou,:a.ht ue till'lt tuoh M -.;overnmont vou.1d t~.pln be
Oppoeoc.\ \o Oerlft,..n,y. lntllteflld• U 11houlc\ 'be Oerm~n7' • mhtlon 'o e1h.'blhh
il.l tOOl\ .-.e ponlbll!, ~nd wl th k mlnlmum Of 1dlU11Z7 torott• IOOlalhUO
tta\tt ~lch vlll be dependent on tht ftelch.
Thlt it wueh ft 4lftlou1\ \~~k \h~\ \he Armr o~nnot \e expected \o
aocom:;>lhh U. Conte(tuen.Ur. the AJ'U11' 1 tone of opertttiont ttl f1u ttt
pouible ttb.ould be rettr1ch4 ln depth. 14o milt h.q Aalnhtre.\loa ehh.U.
be ••t~bllthed in the rearc lnetead, Belch commltsloAert thould be
•ttr:•olnhd to cert'ldn "Orourneume" • which fire to bt 4ehrmlned Oil tht
ba.eh of e\hnlc gJ'UU!>t. tuul thete Reich co111nhdoner1 are \o be rt'J)OD-
tlble tor the rApid 4eYel~,mont ot new polltlc•l ltftt••· Thet are to be
auhhd b7 11ll1hr7 dhblot comm-.ndore. who vUl be under the control
ot \ht COillllli!!Qd:•• • Uhtet of Al'lft¥ J:Ugh Comf\nd. Olll1 in purtl;r alll h.rJ
ra..Uert conn.oh:d! w•t-~ tll•· procru• ot op•raUont but S.n ftll other r•-
1\'tch vUl be untleP 'ft.e. com~r.nnd ot the lfehrm~cht Hid\ Oo•mutnd. Their
•t~f!t ehould nl~o tncorpo••'• th• Agencies for mllltar7 eaonomlct, coa-
wn1olf.\10ill ,.ne. ddente. ihe 11nJori tr or the pollee torceu vlll be
pb.c:ed f\t the dhpoe"l of the Pdah. colllnlttdone~rt. The qutedon of
vhethtr ar nG\ 1\ w111 be neoet~~~ 8~fGPd7 S.n the tOne of npe~tlont
to tmplot. ln -..ddlUon \o the Stc!ret Police •. f\Aenole• of tht :Reloh
fuehrer SS (Hl~~R), v1ll ~-•• to bt determined ln conJunction vl~
the let \or. 1\ h "n l"d:vh~.ble lt4Utmr~t, ln Ybv of the nooeed t7 \o
l.ftlt11ed.b.tel)' rmd.er hormlt!u ft:U. \oltithed.aUe le~tdert md. aoamdu"rt.
The 11UUer7 courts 11hould. N!.ve notbl.n~e \o do with theae p:roblema l:N.\
thoul4 devote themttlYet onlr to le'~ matter• Affeotln1 the foro••·•

Thl 4hc:utdont bald. th11reupon between the 14ohrmt~.cht Ml1th Oomm,ul4, thl

A'rflfl M.d the .Reich J'uehrer 83 retul tiel in the tttot tha\ the l!tlch Futhrer

SS V~l ohnrr,e4 wltb ~eolal attl~tntt b7 tht FUebrlr, which Yere to \e

etttoted nleo In th• Ar,mr tone of oper~t1ont •tn prepnrntlon tor the ,o-
UUed •4m1nhtr8Uon•, ud tn connecUon "Uh which the ~eld\ Tuehrtr II

va• to ftc\ with oo~lete 1ndtp8ndence ~n4 on hit own reepontlbllltt. Thett
• tped.-.1 AldKQ~nenh" • \lhlch, l'lll tt"ttd in the "ltntral. 4lreotlonl!." • arott

Tr~ntl. no\et • 1 Gro•trAeume" - \errl\orlet vhlch ~e\alll \heir

"ln~ependence" but which 8111o tnll under tho
"guid~noeH or the Retch.
MS f 0·068 l ·100·

from 1 \he clAeh between tvo Oppo~td politicAl •1~teme, Vbloh had to bt
tOUgh\ to the tlnleh•, prl~rll1 lnYOlTed polltlcal purgee, Which mean'
the edermlnoUon ot vhole ole.sttt ot people, vhlch JUTLU1 1 • doctrine oon•
ddtrtd. neoe11nry. In conrormitt wUh HITL.D 1 1 e4t1U tonal dlrecU••••
\ht •central 41rectlont1 etlpul~\ed. that tht Ruttlan \err1tor,v which vat
\o \e oooupltd. ln back ot ~e sone ot operation•" lhould for tho t!me belnt
'be eubd.iTlded, llccordln& to ethnic el.nment._ ll!lnd llppro:d.ml\t1n4 thtt d11'14tn.c
lb.tt of the Arm¥ OroU.pe, into a northern (:Uelt1o Stnteo) • centr.ml (uhUt

Bue•ia) Rnd southern (Ukraine) area.

Cn the mornln« ot 30 V.arch, Hl'll.~i htld a metUnc at the l!erllt\ 5.tlell

Chanctlltr.r with the to~leTel Commnndert ln Ch1et of the A~, the NaY,r
u4 \he Alr Force who vert hldng -part ln Operation liAlUl.UlOSSA, at vell ••

thelr chitta ot ttftff, in order to pertonallr brtet thom tor the ta1k1
autped to them, After pretenUna in minute detr.ll hit reAIOne tor wa«bc
war aaAinet the eovlet Union, he pointed to the follo~lng vith emphatltt
"Tht. 1 Vl\r Mould no\ be touAbt ~ccorcUn~,; to «enerd.
'IDlU te.r.r rule a; 1t 11 a clelh or two oppowed U.eolo£1••
which require• relontletl herd-henrtedneee, Oonetquently,
the Wthn1acht thould d1oc~r4 comvletel7 All the tradl-
tlon8l concep\lone snd etendard•. 1~e thing that MBttera
lt the ernd1catlon ot bolchevi•m. 1'he polS. tical tunc..
tlonnr1et ~nd the comml!tor• 1n the armed forces e.re \be
exponent1 of the bolchevletlc ldea. The latter cenno'
be re~r41.ed tu eoldlert P.nd coneecuent17, it the occf!ldon
ar1ee8, ~l~o c~nnot be treated •• prisoner• ot ve.r. Thace
commht~r.~rt, "rune n.e the poUtlCfll fUncUonariet, thould be
teparated from the other prlr.onert ot war l1Mledbtel1
u-pon c~ture Md obeed und.er the control of the fli'8Cbl
'''k detschments (~1nt~tr«~~pen) or the SD (Seourlt7
!Senice) who, under the command ot the !lelch luehrer ss,
vlll aecomp~n7 the Oerm~n troop• to EuaRlR. ~erever
the cor~bpt d tuatlon ~~~Aket 1t l~ouiblt to turn them
ner \o \ht ID ( SeavUr !enloe), \he tuoUoaarltt aa4
••l••u• 1hnlcl ' ' tho' bJ the troo,t.•
II!Liil, Ill e.-platalnc hlt 110\bet for \hlt order, vhloh •• etlrtlt
Ia keept.ac wl \h hh -•hvt exprette4 •• I Mara1l, ata\e4 that \h• !ode'
tal• W aot tlCM4 '"' One.a CoDTID\ loa aliA wv.14 oertalD17 aot trea'
a. Oet..a prhoaert of war ta aooor4uoe vl\h ltt ttlpulatloat, Be
,.a.,... to the ltehA•llr et the Jtuttb.A eolclleri uct parUnl.Arlf \he ....

t4tear• Ia Poluct, 4urlq the Jlullh "'D'V aupalp, la \hi JaUl1 Ita,••
II& Ia luuala •• a vanalac Udl)ll, •
U\11' a 'rllt luah, Hl'.rLAI ell •o••••• la C\etel1 the ooactue' of th•
••ten eupalp with \ht Co~SMD4.trt lD Chlet ot the Vth.rach\, Be 11t

'*"~ ''- tollowtaca

•At Arm;r Grou, Jlorth, \he rcnarth Paanr Anq ud.er General•
o'bert\ HC·APMi..tl vUl 'be eollldUt4 north of \he lllma Rlnr la
ordll" \o aYolct ha•lnc to orott lt. vhathar or ao\ l\ will ' '
aeo••••r.r-- 1D or4tr to eu\ ott \he 1Dt.V1 tretreat •' the
ooat\ -- tor •hea ' ' pho\ aor\hvercl elrta41 wea aclTilAOlDI
ac-t••' the 1a1 ot Jlca or l•tar, •loac the Ptlpua ~. wlll
4~11Ul Oil \ht tl tuaUoa. U 1t \o bt tauecl, however, \hat
the lutt1aae, aooorcJ lac \o thtlr e\ltto•rr proot4\lre, vUl,
partlcularlr la the Jalttc at~•••• tr.r to aYol4 a cltol•lYe
npseaut Sa the border al'tl'l we 11\ld tllk to fnt\ratt Ulll
attempt, "!bert lt 1\l.to a ohaace \ha' \he tDIIJ7 vlllllakt a
tlADk aUacka hoveYer, lD tl\a' oatt, \he LUI Arrq Group vlll
UVI to ltt C01lCIIl'llt4 ODlJ al)OU' l\1 l'l&}l' fiank. 'Ihe froa\ltf
C'l&r4 of \lw ~•ael ....,,. lt \o \e laereete4 vtth01l\ clelq to
two 4lvldo.ot. At t:ht Arrq Group Cater, \he ltath AI'IIT, la
oon.tunoUoa wUb the rfllllll3' ANJ of OetJ'Jtlobtrt\ ROTH, vlll

• Ia a441tloe to \hit eo-called 1

Commlet~r DtreotiYt •, whiCh ~1are4
nch aa btporbnt '"n
la the r-uerabtrl ver crh••• \rlalt, Hl'l'l.!Jl
ea 6 JUJle 8110 htwt4 recnbUont vUh re~ercJ to the method or
procedure, Vhteh eennot 'be di•euettd here 'bee~u1e the text lt not
••f wee t

bt oommt\tt4 at ·the 1•11• ac4 tht routtb Atlfe •o1ethet

vl\tl \ht J!tmtt1' AtiiJ Of Oatra1obtrt' 0\Jl)IIUI, a\ \ht
tllb\1 tht e.la effort of 'otb ~11 ' ' t1~c•4 at the
tou.thtra wta.~. Tht Otowbe • Orouo tor\Mtl fl'C)n\ h
' ' ~~ a\tackt4 oalr wlth oat 4l•ltlo~. !ht \wo Pnottr
.tntu thou14 wbtt~ttoUr p111h ahta4 lft \ht cUtecUoa
el LtDlntra4a hovtnr. aot btfon thq naobe4 Jdlltk.•

Ia \Jab eou .. Uoa, Otntral GUDilUI rtaarlttcl Uta\ u Jlo,e4. \1 .., ••

._. ~ .,.. la tl•• to tls 411••
IIILll eoa\ln~t4 b7 etatlaa tbt tollovtact
•tht Panttt Ar.lea• p•lb oa LjDlnara4 11 '• \t r•&D~6t4 ••
tht ldtal Molutloa ot ~~ t\rnttclc probltm. Tht ·~rla.-ttl
tveapt ot the itrttlna al••r will ~robabl7 ttrloutlJ hamper
\bt IIOTIIDell.l Of the \aDk Ul h. fht air fCI'OII art to 'M
ooatrollt4 •• flralt •• pottlblt vtthta tht a\taok teotor tf
the F~o1er Ar•lee. Tbt bulk Of the GUQ ret•rTtl lhou14
tollov aorth of •h• PripJa\ ~rthtt, iht ,otn\ ot mala
effort or AI'IIT orou.p 8ou\h rill 'bt placecl a\ the Sixth ,,.,.,
\ht latter •111 baTt the \atk to ~k• lt po••l\le tor \he
ftrd Paaa11r Arm7 ot Gentnlobertt Toa k'Llll ft, *lch for
\he \lat btln& le optra\lnc la cloet oontto\ vi\h the Sls\k
ArBr, to oroe" \he Bu, '44 \he 8t7r liTer•. lollowln~ tht••
\he tJI!IAiel' Arrq thoulcl l\4.'Yf\ACI 11CA1Aa\ JtltY, lll14 ill thh
oonoeotton l\ will be ntotttar.r -- owlna to the 11•lte4
number of ~~~ble road• •• 'o reckOa wltb \he taot thAt \he
aarch oolumat wlll be es\endt4 to leTtral 100 ktloaetert
la depth. The SeYenteenth Armr vlll adYance from the Art&
aorthveet or Lembera la a toutheaa\trll dlrtotloa lo the
Plch\ Gl the !b'l' Azll:l. HunprJ wlll be b7p~uttc:l,

ln MolaATla, \hi EltTeA\b Arm, Of 04nlt~ ll\\er TOa

SCUOBARt • will oarr7 cu.t l\1 eoTerlns operatlone la three
tepa"· at • ,sroapt la or4tr lo reader Ult nscttiiU., u4 te
tht !WUJlb.a hoopt. •

• fht IITtn,eenth an4 the lleTenth Ar.r lta4qu.artere had Jut\ '•ea
ao\lYa,e4 la the zone ot Interior. fbi plaa to "'polai \be Ohltf
ot tb1 M11l'•r.r Mtealoa la Ruaaata to \ht pot\ ot Qo~nder la
Cbiet of \be Amr vhtoh vae \o l11 allta'bl.e4 la Mol.AftYla ( ••• pace
13 • Ot!'!Wl origlnd) hll4 bttn clTIJl up iil \hi . .azt.\btt, appll1'tn\1J"
\101!\ltt 1\ Will 'belleYt4 that be enl4 aot bt ~pared Ia lu-.nla.
Mt f c-osa •
J'lullt. tht ,rao·ttott'blllt7 of a Otl"IWl a41'MOt troa Hunc~rt vat altt

4liettttt4. oneral yoa JIUWDUIM araue4 that ta hh ~lDloa U ••• ntott-

••1"7 \o at taolr the tb Ru.ttlu 4hhtoau t\aUoat4 at the lhltto-lful'l"arlaa
border. llTLU 414 aot 'btlltft U •u.14 bt J'OIIl'blt to ID4u.oe IUDgtti"J tt
asr•• to 'ht• t\tp, WA!ttl Vt ••4• otrtala \ttrllorlal eonotteioat tt tht
Carpa\hlaa bor4tra how••••• ht itA\t4 ht we~~ eoatlaut to •~41 tblt

tht tollovtae ~vo tlplflout poUUofll tYmh took pl•.o• J"'' prior
t• BlTLER't atttlnc with \ht \o~·ll'ftl Cosa~D4trt lD Chltf ef tht Wthfw
uchtt Oat ftl tht 'fi dt to Jtrlla If tht Japantll loret_,. lliab,t.r telldtt
MAT s.rou., *Act \he O\lllr \ht ooup &1 etat la Tll&Otla\'la. la er4er to ool'l'aotlt
u4tretea4 the tlpltloanee of the tol'lllr, l\ ••••• ftt to brtenr touch
upon tbt nlaUonw 'butvea Oei"UAA IIID4 Japu •• \btl ha4 4tvelope4 daot

\ht o0110lulloa of \ht !hrte-Povtr Pact.

Aocor4lac \o ar\lolt IT of \he 'l'brtt-Povtr Paot, vhlch va.a lllpt4 oa
a? leptta'btr 1940, three oom.l\\ttt vtre to 'be orlllftltt4 la !trlla, \hrtt
la lo.. aa4 'hree la ~otro, ~melT, la each of thett ol\tea oae eea\ral
oo•l the coathUq ot \he forel&n lllnb\er ot \he ooU.D\17 lD qu.etUon,

vho •ott4 •• ahatram, tm4 \he u'b•••a4ora of the '"' other countrlet who
'''"'' ta tho oapaol'y of ..a\eras oat comml\tee •• aa eooaoaio aitlloa
an4 ODt at • •l1U"., alltloa. the lat\81' vat \o \e oorapott4 of the
npneea\a\l'f'lt of \he 'ftll'loua ar•• of the eoU.Dti'J la t~Ut•UoD .-11cl the

at1UU7 1 uftl aa4 alr torot a\\l'cht• attlpe4 \o \M ea'batdtt of tht

tvo other oountrlee. Oa 24 Dtce•btr 1040, \ht Chief of \ht Bu.Ha\\ tor
~s 1 c-ose 1 ... 104-

lconoa1o WArtard, Vlctadmlral UROO!, vnt appo1nte4 chalrm~ bt the ~111\art

mhflloll lD lerlta. Aocordln« to an Wehrmf\eh\ Hlt,h Commt:Ui4 41ttoU•• h•\1t4

Oft e J•Jl'lUU7 • tht fo1lov1n~ COitlpthn\ teprtetllh.t htl Of th• t~t.J'10UI WthJI-
11!\oh\ bnnchu were ath.ched to htaa JT \ht .Al'UI¥ 1 Co1olltl W.1'1.lf, who
torm•rlr eene4 •• allttarr db.oht ln Tolqo and ••• nov •otiA& •• Auhtan\
Cl1!tf of etatt tor tnhlll4'tnce of the Ar1t1 Gentrfll St&tta JAYel Cal)tat.a
STANClt by \ht B&'ff an4 Colonel CLt:B:RW!rr bJ \hfll Air Ioree.
netort \htu oomtulone hft<l a ch•nae to Jo!n foroet .... t.ht JapAn•••
ttpto1allt attached «rta\ importance to havln~ th1• \!ke pl•ce ~ooa •• a
4elecntlon ot the J~p~n••• Arm,, ht~d•4 b7 Oenermlltutn~n\ YANAmtlTA ea4
conei1ting of 16 ~emb•rt, arrl.e4 lA ~trlln on 9 J~auar,r. Thlt 4ele~tloa

hAd been ten\ to Gtrmn:q ~n4 ltA17 u.poa the lDYlbtloa of the Uerman M4

l\alian OoYernmen\t tn order to atudJ ~roptAR ailttaf7 ••thode an4 e~ert­

encee on th• epot. At the •~me tl~e, the J•o~nete ~•'1 'oo, on lt• own
lnl Uathe had eeu\ a dole~t.loa of otf1cert to Otl'llt~,nr for the pur-pOle ot
etud1in1 lllld d.hcutdng problemt of erJMmen\. t;;he Chlet of thh clelepUOn,
V1oetu1Jdral )10J,lJ£!A •, renched ierlla. d\U'lnc tM middle of .1Anu~ey, \Jhlle
tht other merabert of \he 11hdon cUd no\ arrht until 24 ) eb~,..,.,.. Jelther
ot thete two dtle~.tione bad enr connection vttb \he Thrte-Power r~ota

however. t.he Jep~t.nue lia.V7 pb.nned to !1\)pOln\ Admlr.U NCMJRA •• thelr ohltf

repr•nentpt1Te ftt the allitar,r m1t•1on to be orgpn1sed ln fokfo.

Durin~ hi• tirtt eonverw~tlon with A~mlr81 onocs, which took pleoe
on 18 JnnuAI'f, A~ll1 ral IOta.Jn.l hr!l'ltd the follovtnc \he llollt l!lport,..nt po1nh

• Not to 'be 1dabltt!n for .Ad.mlrRl. KlCH ISA.'HUM NOl~URA who, 11'l Jt.t!lU!tJ7,
wnt apno1ntod J~pP.neme.Anbftt~~dor to w~rhlngton.
•• 'c-oif'
ot aecollatloa tot \he •tll\arJ alttlont of \he thr••·Pover Paota
1) 1\epe to \e true• bl \be .bh p.thttra lA otcler te ' ' " • ' tW
Valte4 ltaltt at 'he prtttal ,,._. fro• par,lolpallaa ta the war,.aa4 ti
tc~reataU the oulllreaa et a .lapaaett-Aatrlau war1
I) Jolat operaUoat 'P1MI ' ' lit vawn up ' ' o•....,, I \alt al4
.Japu ia preparauoa lor '~' ooaua,eoq ot ._.. loa• 1 ••••lnl the vara
I) tlllppor\ to \t readerecl .Jerpaa l17 OtfttUJ u4 I tal7 la orur "
•••••*•• \he .Japantll w.r po\aUal.
oa 11 t1uuaq, A4•1al OBOSS MlbtdUt4 • report oonatl'lllnl thh ..etlaa
h tile Ghltf of the WehriD&oht JU8b Co•u4 1 u.4 oa IV IAnuart. Oeural. JODI.•
oo•eaUac oa thte n••f7• t·JrPl'ttte4 hlaetlt \o Bl~LD •• follov11
"the propoetlt M4t b7 Adalral IOMURA ban rahtcl \ht lin•
ot Geru.DJ' 1 Yin• rtl"r41Dg ~oint allUaq ao\lone vUb Jap...
the ctonoludoD we oan 4nv fro• thttt rtc011Dta4at1onw lt that
Japaa 4telr•• \he oompllalloa of JolDt operation• plAat of the
~••• ~overt ~•4 ln,eodt to a~nro~Ch OtrmanT and Ita~ vlth
req•i•t• tor ao.terhl. Oa the oat haa4, Opentloa JAUAIOIIA
vlll relleve area\ Brltaln, pftrt1~1~rl7 la 1itv ot the fAO'
tha' oaly a tmall por\loa of her toraet lt eontalnt4 la the
Mtdlterrene•n areal oa tho othtr hand, hovever, l\ vtl1 altO
lighten Japan'• burcte~. Jttldee, at .,he ttme \ht eaa\era
oamp~tcn vlll be p~t lDto effec\, the Ualtect S\nt••• ovlaa
to the lDalltquao7 ot lt t war preparation•, will. her41J' rt•
preunt a MtlfllCt to .Te:p..n. It Jnpu, uDd.tr '"•" clrw••'u.••••
vou14 \1 readJ to enter the var and lauach all attack oa llap•
port, lt ~uld be of clechht lmporhnce troll a mUth.rt,
toozaomto aa.cl pqchologic.U poln\ of Yitv. Aocord.lac to lA•
to~\ion furftlthe4 b7 Oberet MA!ZKt, the former ld1ltar,r
attache la TokrO, the Ja~eattt armed toroet ha1't a at•
flr11e.t11'e attl,u4e lD connecUon wUh \ht atbck on !ltlppore.
OonteqUtDtl7 1 ve thoul4 contempldt tn\trlDI lnto dltcuttlODI
vlth 'he Jttp~nttt with the da of atum'bUnr, forcttt for w.oh
a aiadoD. Prior \o \hat, U will bt DICIIIaJ'7 to eoun4 out
tht 1DtlUe17 rdtdoae ot \he 'hree-Povtr Peota \hen arrance-
IDente 1hould be ~de b7 the Wehrmecht an~ the J~~~ne'-~ &rme4
force• to prepere the Join\ operatlont.~ ·
118 f ()..(\6& t

Oft • Febru8rfe Adalrftl RAEDta• !a hl1 repor\ on \ht ll\uAttoa a\ IIAt

tt:pr.. aed hlmaelf lllon~r tlilltl~~t.r llb11. On tha\ oce~~t•lon. he aubmUhc\ to
the FUehrer a mtmorAadum of \ht IAY.T Central st•tt aonotrntng JftpRa•t

•l•elon la ~Att her neu\ralltr •~• \o \t mAlntnlntd •n4 tor the eYan\uall\r
of ~trl~•• entering the wnr. Thereupon H1TL~R ~A•• hit approyll \ha'
flfl'~~tngemiJnh be ftltlde to ~~'~l"'"' for wllltn17 eolb.'bort,Uon v1th .1'1ltJM 1 ad
OD 1& ftb~r,r, ht in~tructed \ht Chltf ot tht ~ehr~eh\ OptratiODI staff
to oomplle A 4lnothe, ,.-hloh thould proddt thG llehrmacht btanoht~tt wltlh

,pl4lng prlnclpltt for handline tht Japknito requettt and eatt~ar4lBI oar
ova tnhrtlltt ta \ht alU.h.rr llltdont of tht 'l'hret-E'ovu l'e.ct. lD \hh
oonnto\lon• HIT~~B t1~re1wed hlm$t1f at followta
•tt thould bt GermMnr'• elm to 1nduot Je~an at toon ••
ponlb\t to hkt ttCtlYt me~~tmret 1D th• Far .&8tt. Tht
tarl ier Jfli'O.I\1\ vlll t\rlkt, the 11\dtr lllhe vlll nnd tht
11l1Uil77 1111 tudlon. JA-p!'lll tho1lld tf\ke poi1tnlon ot "l~­
port Alld nll. rtF';1on• which arG rich in rt~v mn.ttrio.l1 1 which
ehe ft'luirett in order •o conUnue the WAr ~tgdnd Orttl\
lritAiD nnd llpeo1all1 ln the 9YGDt the United st~tet tnttrl
the VAr. The lon~r JP.])nn bed btu the tbon~er vlll
~~ericn btcoroe ~.nd \he ll'lore difficult thelr own \au.
OermA.fl1 hat! neither poUtlot~l nor mllit~.ey nor even eco-
nomic ln\tru\t ln the Jar Efttt whloh might pro111pt her to
rettrlot J~nonete operatlon1. O~r~ny thould ~•olfy •11
the milltney aper•tion• which ehe ecnddere ct .. 1rab1e in
the lntertu\ t'f her VAr Agf'linet .itdl~;bnd .-nd. perhf'nt n·en
\ht Unl\ed Shtet. ln exchnnce. the .lAnflneet lho\lld bt
afforded oo~rehentiTe nnd ~enhe~rted lntifp\ lnto
Gtrm~nr'• mlllt~rr method• nnd comb~t eT.perienote nnd
«iTtn nerMl~~ton to reproduce modtrn ve~nont ~nd equipment.
they a,.n. be 'Nthd to keep tecreh more thfii.D llD.Y other
DA'ion. It eeeMB out of the ~ue~t1on thft\ the JB~ftft·~•
Oo<ternmtnt might etill ehtln,.;e 11dll."
of the TokJo Mlltt~FJ ~l••lon of the three-Power Pact, Admiral NOMURA
·~·••••4 \hi tolLGvlnc Yltvt, which, ~• bt tt•\t4, ht tnten4ed to adtOe•tt
vUhln \ht tiCOlJI of hh ,rtttnt •lttloa •• wtU •• la 'lok70t
11 sinot the tiltlllng ot the Thrtt•Power Pao\, tbt tUuatloll lD the
'"" ""·'t hP-19 tlovlr be~ome tncruelnr,ly cru.chl. Allllflc" h htllcUng btl'
a•.•d foroet ln re~tdlntttt ror var la the J••eitlo 11nd h relaforcl~Ur. htr
b~'"'" there,. vhllt tncre11dn~ economic ~ruwrt on J~tf.!lft ant\ ~J'!)porUn&
the Chung)tn,. OoYernment • In collAboratloa vlth O~•~• Brlteln. Ia
rreneh lntlo-Chtnn too, Ant1o-Mne~1onn tnfluen<Ht 111~ku thelf felt ftll4
in .Net.herhndt lndlu, Ando .. AmertcN. ~ftchln~tUont fJ'\tttr•h el~l'*"i t
eftorh \o ,.,rocure by T'tfteeful "''"""• th1'ou~h nfl~ott.AUonll wUh the
locAl ~YtrDmtn\ 1 tht oil vhlch it lDdltpeneftblt for homt detente.

Jan~n rea1l7 ctott not 4tdrt a var vUh the tinned £!\"''"'• 'btl\ h
tlrmlJ rotol•ed to m~~• lt ~~rfeotly ole~r thAt 1ht lw boldlng herttlf
1a re•dln•~• to meet AnT ~ro•oe~'lon oa the P""' ot Amerlo~ aa4 thA'
llt\le bt l~\tl8, hftr Attitude toward• the economlo pre~•ure t7tr,t4
bl Urea\ llrl\t\in Nld the tlnUtd Shttl wlll unclti"&O A COIIple\t Chlltt#tl.

~httl Yltvl deflnlteit nectiAltP-tt Join\ action bt the three Axll

-pot~ert. ContequenUJ, the ,J,.,p,neu Jia'f1 h of the oplnlon. th•t tht
oornmhdonl en'ft M~t:ed. 1u the ~hret-l'over h.a\ ahould Join forctts e\ \ht
t8rllett pot•lhl~ mo~ent. ~lnee the ~·ct h~• been conclude~, tbt
tle.pfl\nue NaY1 1 Ia requeeUnc aid, prlmnrl17 atktd tor tblDmentt ot
•~ehtne tool" ""'1 .,._"'='"n' fit V8ll , , hchntc~ .. l t~chtee. 'rhft ret'nec\lft
re11utth hMYe beMJ t'Ninttml UecL •h·
di~lomdle chAnnelt. l'uthtrlllOre,
'he J~p~net8 »P-, t• ~~tre~~11 tnt~r~~tt~ ln obt~lnin~ ~n t~~~ eon-
cernin8 the ~b!e~uent dtYelop~ent• or \be ml11\Pf7 tltuA,lon, the
(J.-J"lllfln Atr ~n-1 "'lbll'l'lrtne WPII'f~'re, the Ohi"FlC~fl tnr ~n 1n•ll!dOn of f.:lll(l1D4;
tht Jtnlbn operaUont ta the f4edi hJ'n.ntsn, and the exten\ of OIJ'W~A
ttt.ci ""'nd~l"e!\ t.n ftl'l1. ,U ttl.()up-)\ thny '-\:t'fl PWU'I!t of the fMct ,,,.., Oerm&Jll
11 b~rdl7 ln ~ po-1tton to la~lcnte the tl~• when the lnYAt1on of ~lll-
l,..n(t wil.l b" ef'f'~t.1hl1, tht?)" tmuld, hnv~t•or, "t le111tt.t like tlo know ·
whether or no' O•rm~nT ·~eah J"J)M to underbke anr OJ'traUon• ln
t,e J~,.e!fio :ht ~on.1llMUon "ltb ~u.eh l"n!\lnr. ~,l!ri\Uonl'l."

• Thh v"t the Ohlnue .N.tlonf'll OonrMen\ heA«If)d b1 H•rllt~l ClllAMl

Y...AI-std~K. vhich tlnoe 10 J)ecolllbar Hl37, whoa \he Jnoftneeu hAd
c~rtured Nenklng, bAd h~d lte ~ea\ la Chun~1ng.
Nl f o-Q65 l •lOti-

Tht Weh~cht r.ptrAtiont ~tntt erprtdte4 tht following oplnlan con-

cerntnc th••• t\Attm•n\et
"U teem• to 'be 111n ttbb1hh•4 tao' that Ja.-pall c!olt not
YMn\ • war with \he llnUect Shtet aDd. lnttndt \o leUI\ch
operAtion• tgotntt Oreat Britain onlr ln the evtn\ Oerm8nf
vlll •trike A d..eohl,.. blow ~tcslnet the 11'\tter. In the
uentlmt, Jlllt'f'!l vlll to evu)'thinl potdblt to lDoreue
her wer potenthl v1tb O~trmatn e.td, U h n~v necnuq to
aeatrtdn whether or not the 'fhvt ot ibt Jt~pnneu ll'.'f7 ·art
ln b.anllonJ 1rlth the generAl po11Ucf.'li outlook ln .Tept.n,
e.nc\ 1nYt4111t1t.@lltiont thou14 be conducttd to 4ehrt,ln8 to vh~t.\
tx\ent economic focllltitt ~ill enable ttl to oomplT with
Jtpifttl rt~UGI\t,M

A\ the end of rtbra,r.r, rorelan Minleter YOn II!BEHTROP 4lecuett4

tbttt qutetlone vlth the ftl¥17 8ppolntt4 Jnpaneae Aftbae•ador, Generell~'­

u.n\ BD.ON\l ·o.'i!UtA wo ha4 Jut\ arliYt4 tn )erlln and who, for a lone
\t.•• had beea s trlen4 ot GtrmaQT and an a4~ooa\t of ~lotet\ pottlbll
collaboration ot the Three-Power Pact natlono, He announctt 'hat lR •AI•
J•pt.n wo\114 bt ret~.ey \c attack Sl\~&port ~, b.n4 ro\lta. to bt """• thlt
P"' ao b.dlott.Uon ot the 4de "hea the vov.lcl enhr the war.. U vat es-
pecte4 that the fo~th~Mtnc t11l\ ln !erlta ot the Jnpen••• rortllft Mlnl•'''•
Yt~• MAl!UOKA, vottl4 ~ro't'lde •&4ltlonal ol8rlttcatlbn. On 7 ~~rch, thl
~fUehrer Dlrtctl'YI f a4 Concerntnc Collabora\lon vl~ JapAn'• Which, OR
the bath of the &Uldlnc l)l'lnclplte •nd Ult 111•ort.ndwa ht~\le4 'b7 tht llav
Gtntr81 Statt, ha4 ••en oomplle4 b7 \he Departm.a' for Rational Ueftntt,
vee 4btrtbu\t4 to the llthneoht bnnohet, at\tr the Chief of WohriMch'
Jll«h Cotu~~rn4 btl ~Pt4 U. Thh cUrecUTt btrAD b7 t\aUng \hal 'h•

oollaboratlon baud on the 'l'hnt-Powtr Paet &hou..l4 ala a\ indualft& Jo:pu.

to take act1Yt ~•a~r11 in the rar ~tt •• toon •• ,o,elblt, to \ha\ \ht
Nl f c-oe t

ooacen\PAtt4 tttortt aa4 interet' ot \ht Unl\~4 StAte• vou14 ba 4l.artt4

,. tht Peoltlo .,... Tht aa\ua1 all1\Af1 oontettDCII vitb Japaft _.,. aot
te \t eond~o\t4 b7 tht Otrm-D rtprtttnta'l~• attaeht4 to the Mllttar.r
Mlttlont ot \ht Thrtt-Povtr Pto\ ~u\ b7 \h8 ll1h Coam•n4 ot tht lAY.r ••
tht wehnaactlt \raneh vh!oh ""' the aott la\trttttd,
Oa 26 llaroh• the Japu••• loretcn Mlalsttr MATIUOXA arrl't'ecl la Jtrlla
troa Mo•oow, Whtr• Itt hn.4 ha4 'rl•f oontertneet •l ~ lr.U.Ilf an4 NOLOTOY.
tt w•• hlt tl• to tttAblhh pereoul ooatae\ vt \h the t.a4 lbllaa

ttattpea aDd to •t• a ptctu.tt ot tht tUuUoa throu81\ ptrtoul o~••,....

Uoa whtlt Yhltltte JerUa ucl lome. Oa 1'1 March ht VAl Hotl••4 \1 II!'LJll
u4 durin' the atJ:t tew dqt hfl4 eoaterenott wt th na 113BJaU:IOP u4 0011110.
It then weat \o ~o•• "''"• at\tr u awUa1u1t vUh the rtac, ht met vUll
MUSSOLllil e.ra4 Couat CIANO. Upon hlt rtturn to ltrlta. lle 11•4 aao\htr 1eaa
4teeu.. toa with KlTLtl f'.a4 the Rtich J'orelt:n Mbh\tr •. l>vllls thlt

pttrlt7. \he fl\ltttloa ot Jap~~' • aoUoa a~.rll.1Dt\ Ell~r1u4 \hrou.&b aa •••aok ttl
Slll(ttpore v~a tt~ktft tird into oond4eratloa.. MA! fliOU tultt4 ths\ the

requtate ot the Japan••• Mllltarr Ml1eloa bl complied vith •• ltberallr at

• lnfor.r11etlon concemillft thlt contereaot ha1 been tumhhec1 \h:rouah

the nottl ot the trb1 ot oh1tt war crirtln.U• held btfort •he
IntunaUon.-1 k1Uh.q Trlbu.ud ln 'uernbtrl• .Uulnc \he 1JI"Ocet4•
lngt on 26 JoTem~er 194~, \he ~mer1cAn ~rote~tor read \he maJor
portion of "n offlci&l •Jecord ot the Conference bttwefn \he
To.ehrer flnd the J~"'ft.neu :Ji'oretp Mlnhter MAT l!IJOKA• btlc1 lD .BerUa
OD 4 April 1941 in the pretence of \he Reich foreign Mlnlt\er ~4
the Mlnhter ot S\eh J.tEIS~R". on 1Hhlch the lnfonnatlon which
!ollovt h~~ boen bn@e~ (officiAl tex\ in German of the minutes
ot the meet1nR 1 publi~e~ 1D 1947 bf the t.~ore\Brie\ ot th~ ~~ibun~l
in Nuernber~, Tolum. It. ~·r.et 3~2- 336).
MS f 0.085 l

poulblt, 'btCAUtt J~~tpen, pRrtlcular11 la the field of tubmadne WA.rta.re,

wat la nee4 ot 1ntorm~\loa ab~'' the lfttt•\ Gtrmaa allltar,r ~•thodt and
\tohnlaftl 1~ro••u•nt•. Ut lt&\e4 thst tht JApanese OoYtrnmtn\ voul4 4&
•••r7~1n« ia ltw po~er to aYo14 a wnr Yith the United ttAt••• Wow•••~• la
tate \htT 414 dto14t to atrlke a blov ~alnat Slngepore, thaT woul4 alto
baYt to aakt preparAtion• tor tirptlnc ~alntt \ht Unlttd Stat••• btoa~••
tht ldter vou14 thea moll\ llictlt t:1de with Orta\ lirlb.ln, .U\hov.dl U
"'' blt ptrtond Opllllf)n that lt alltht 'bt poedblt, 'b7 aean1 ot 4lplo~~aUo

tndeAYort. to prtYtnt AmericA tro• tnterln& the war on the tldt ot Qreat
IZ"ltatn. U v•• neYerthtlelt neaetttl\17 to atiUilt the wort' u4 nckon vUh
• WAr ftptnd the Unl \14 state•• •..nd for thte JJ\U"pOit the .Tapulttt Jla'q
required bai'ormaUoa about the le\11\ \tcbaloel unlepaentt.
HITLIJ\ pt"CIIht4 tulttllmtnt ot tht Japo.nett requeth and cleolutd that
Oermanr, too, aontldered ~ contllot vtth the Un1tt4 Statee ae un4ttlrable

bu\ U1a\ ht ne tftldng tuoh a conUnlflllCT into •ocOW'l\. Itt ~\abet \bat h•

had made hh l'l"fJT'In.raUo1lt 111 INCh a annner thtl\ no Amtricuuu 1tw.U. 11lOCttA
ln tnYMcting Eurol!)e e!ll'l tb1.t, whh eublllRrlnll and 'b' Alr rorot, he vou14

con~ct " dgoroue Clltmpdgn Agalnlt AtBtrlca and. ovlnc to hh pedtr es-
ptrionee, he vo\lld "' tr\'t superior ll'l 'hit ttght. Should Jtpi!>A become

lnvolnd 1a a conflict. wUh \ht Unltt4 hate•• Gel"'l~ voul''l buntdlattl.J

enter the ""'" on htr t16.e, tor lht atrencth ot tho Three-Power PttO\ nation•
lltt ln Joint ~ctton.

)<I.A'.L SUOJCA repUed ~ba\ ill hh opinion "' vsr betwatn Jftpt.:n and the UnUt4

St~\18 VIti lntY1ttblt ~4 ~81 llkel7 \0 happtn rft\htr IOOD~r \hnn later.
acs 1 c-osa 1 -111-

Contequtn\17, \he JAp~~~~ GoTernment mutt tnkt rttolute ~o\ton At the

rl«b\ momon\ ~nd tftkt upon lteelf \ht rtwk ot a conflict v!t~ \he Unitfd
St~t••• HovaTer. ta Je~an the7 ht,1\A\t4 to follow ~eh o tr~in of though\.
He r•l~te4 thnt recently; the United ttatta hn4 Alto attempted one l~tt

t\rAt~geN b1 4eo1Ar1nc abe vould no' tlgn' Jgpftn for the tnke of China or

tht South St~ erea if J~RD would trtt17 allov·\ht e~portatlon tro• there
to America ot ru.lrber end Ua, bd tho\ the woultl bumed1ahl7 bke e.ctloa

a«dn•t J~q>aD tr th•t lathr ehould tnhr the v~tr ln order to atde\ ln the
defeat of or"'' :Britain. Ia Tlev of the fact tM.t lfti!Ulf Jllp!U\UI h•4 been

j!JlTtn a pro-tnglhh tducdlon, it ""' onlJ ndur.U that 111ch e.rgumentl 414

not t~ll to t~k• tfft~t.

To thlt, HlTt~~ replltd that the Amerloen mftneuTerlng meant no\hlnc

anore tN.n that the Ull\ited ftatet v1u creatl7 lntertl\e4 la the -pruen,Uon

of the DrUhh Empire, beo1utt 1ht hoped to 'be able one dq to hllte e.oUon

•l!'lntt JfllPilll together wUh Gnat nrt.tftln, Yhereat in Clltt ot e coll~tptt

of the Brltlth Empire, 1ht vould beTt to fact J~en completel7 l•olatt4 •nd

would bt hel~l••••

ltnell7 1 HA~SJCKA ·~o1nte4 out thet At Foreign Mlnltttr he vat not

lllble, not eTen under 13retent contUUons, to t~r••• en,thin& ln JtJil.:pltft obou.t
hit ~lftnl "' he hA4 ~r•••nttd them here ftnd t~t contequently, he vat alto
not ln • poeltion to ttAte hov toon he might be able to 81.lbm1\ to the
Jap~nue Prtmt 141nhhr or the Em-peror a report concerning the 11uuttone
which N\d been d1tU!\Uieed. lle thhd \bitt for thtt time beint; ho vould CflJ'e-

f\lll7 watch further ttevelopmonh in Jnpe.n ,_nd then, at 111 pro;olt1ous moment,·
Mlf c-068 l

hll the tru \h about hh actual plNu to the lmperor and Prince 10~01'1.

Upon hh return, lt queatloned b7 the cabinet membert an4. the ilapercr1 he

would ttate ~' the lt~ue ot Singapore had bten 4ltcutttd tn Btrltn bu'
oalr aa a hlpothe\losl OAte.
Oa the 4AT followln~ \hlt conference, the Japan••• Jorel~ Nlnltter
bt\ tor Hotaow tn ordll" to continue hh neeoUe.Uont vUh II'ALII ucl

~OLOTOY. l' lt 4oubttul ~ether he vat yer,r t~\lttltd with the resalt of
hit Jtrlln tAlkt, tor the ~ettlont ln whiCh he vat pPrtloulArlr ln\eret\e4•
namelr, whether or no\ Oermo01 vst ttlll plann1n~ an tnY•tlon of ~lAnd

and lntorm&tloa about relatione betveen Otrmant nnd !uttla, bad aot beta
clarltltcl ADd naturall7 1 mudb lett t\lll vat he a~ralttd ot the tort~

COllin& aUaclc on the Sodl\ linton. !to bt IQrt, he hlmttlf bad no• .raacle
AD¥ prom1tet concerning Japan'• per\lclp~tton in th• var and tha attack oa
Sln~ore ancl eTldtn\17 ht 414 not t\ate detlnltely how ter ht might pot-
tlbl7 go ln Motccw. Conttouentl)', \hty vera &l"edl7 •urprlte4 ln l3trlla.
vhen, on 13 April, t.t we111 reported tha\ MATSUOKA had conol\lded a neutralUr
pRot vlth the Sovltt t1nlan la Moeoow nnd h•4 tlgne4 • p:roc1amatlon whtrabJ

they ·~••d to mntnA117 honor their territorial 1nttcr1ty nnd the lnviola•
b111ty ot t,f~nchukuo and \ht Mongolian PeOplt 1 t lhrpubllo. While Jnpu
tltereb7 pined tree dona la the reu in Cfttt ot e.n atta.ck agnlnet :&r1t :hh
baue ln \he in.r .EI\11'\ 1 ilunlrt, nt the tllll11e Ume• 1 gn1ned the •rune ad-rntttftge.

in Cltet of a Germt'!n aU1.1.ck. The ldtar wea de:f'1n1hly forthcoming, vherefll.t

the former vat ttlll uncertntns conto~uently, ]$rl1a did not ••• any dlrec'
Advnntr:..~ tor Ger~ in the auuo-Jap!!.nue neutn.lltr -pact.
M!l I C-061) l

KA'lSIJOKA 1 e ttrrlnl lA \he c~lhl 011 27 M~troh eo1Dot4e4 with tht

Dtl£rada mlllt~ p~\teh, ~leh neoteelt~ted a tvl8plDC chBngt of pl~~•

for Operation MARI!A, ~e hAt betn expl~lntd tleiYbert •. It vat hOW

arren6')d that tht o~t.nrpa.lt,n e~dnd Orfltoe, vbloh ""' to haYt ttarhcl oa
1 Ap~ll, wou14 bt co•binect vlth a tlaultaneo~• a\t~ok oa Tueoal•Yla. whleh

l\ vat no' pottl,lt to put tnto tfteat before e Aprll, Thlt re~ltect ta
a -pol\ponnen\ ot. OperaU.on IARJADOS~A. Vbllt pH'floatlT, H bel bttll

4oulJttul vbtther thott unUe of the Twelfth Anq vhleh wen 11l4ltpflneablt
for the eauttm CI!Uil'pd#ill - thil reft:r:red aboYe dl to \ht Arllortlt 4ht-

ttont - vou14 be AY"Ut'ble tor new co•u~tUaenlt oa thte, "' aov h~t.cl to

rtalht U "" ou\ of the quetUon for ue to be abl.t bJ \he aU4U ot kq -

which hitherto bad beea the earllee\ 4att conteBpl~•ect for the et~t of

lht •••tern offenetYe -- \o trant~or\ the ~ortt7 of tbt 41Yltlone of ~~

Seeon4 Arrq unt\tr GenerAl rrelhtJ'I' YGD Wll CR S troll the Jelb.nt to the llfta

.or wareav. lfhh 1\nq, aeoord.lng \o the OptrBUon• plam tor \ht DAR»AROSSJ.
cupalcn, had been d.tdphct to tollow \he Armr Group Ceahr ., the Mlll
rtttrvt, but Vfte nov ~••1~•4 to flrt\ launCh 'he ai\&Ok on Y~elavla

together with portion• of the 'l'velfth A'l'fiT. iYen under t.ht aoe\ faYo:r•ble
eondlttont end the epee4tee\ exe~tton or. the c~~ftlgn A&nlntt lU«<tlavla
end Greece, 1\ 1eemed ft$CitRary to poet~one Cptra\1on J~lAROSSA tor about
t1Te "eeJu, vh1eh would be untll \he teeond h8lt of .June. In all. proba•

blllty, eYen lt the op•ra,lon l~t\e4 onl7 three monthe, \hls would ttlll
brl~ u1 into Rua~1a 1 t rainy tefttOD during vh1ch All moY.ments, pArtlcularlr

• Ste C~hr ?, 'J)I'gt 36 etc. (Gemen or1tlnsl).

Ml f c-o&s t

of \be ~bllt tore••• vould \e aontl~rablT hAD4la~pptcl ~~ \o the faot

tha' \ht t\rtth voulcl \um into 11n1d1 bovner, t\ vat uaTol4e'blt aad we
ha4 \o Make tht bte\ of lt, A a&v da\e ,,., ao\ ''' tor the time lttlna.
Uhr Ult tu.cotla't' Anq had oapUubhd oa 1? AprU aacl after \ht tnarrtac1tfl

of the Clrttk lpirut AI'IIIJ oa 21 Al)rile the Anl1 Hl• Co~a~..a4 reporh4 tht

D.ta\ de¥ \ha\ \ht \r&atltr \o ~~ tat\trll froa~ of \he bulk of the Jalk.a

foraet woW.4 probAbl7 bt oonolu4t4 1q' 13 iunt aD4 \hat ooattquentlJ, the

Mt\era OMpaip ooulcl \tala Oil .a& ~\&Ill, JlnallJ, dace U lttatcl pOtdbl•
to lptt4 U.p thh \ruepori IIOY-ID' ltT IIYII'al. 4qt 1 IU.Liii Ill 8) .A.prl1
4etlcnahd \ht 224 Of .ZUAt 1.1 \ht IO•U:Utcl J-J)q (l,e, the clq Oil vblall

Qptra\1oa JJBBABOSSA vat tchtdultcl to becln), HoweYer, at\er opera,lont

aplnd On\e hacl bt~ll (Ia 20 )tq), 1\ tenet acl1'ltablt \t apiA pottpOill

thlt 4ate by about \ta U,t, \to~nue we 414 aot bell••• we would ltt a'blt
to traaeter la Uat \o \he U'ta aor\Jl of Waraav the pt.rUolpaUna relA•
torcecl YUI Air loroe Corpt uader Alr Oaatnl. lrtlhtrl' 'fOil llC11THCi"D,

vhlch, la \he tsltera o•mpalcn, vat to lte ao•Uttcl wUh the lecon4 Air

fltt\ which vat ladrv.cted \o eo operate vi\ll lnrt Grou-p Cta\er. iJowtYtl',
the repl4 c~ture of Crete \hen ae?erthtlttt ca•• ~• a ohanot to etfec'
\he \raDtfel' ot \ht YI11 All' fOI'CI Corpt troa erato•~ to ~valkl 4urln,

the :per lot\ fro a 7 to 20 .TUAt, "hloh Melt U -potdblt to adhere \o the

~peo1fle4 dA\e tor J-D~7.

Af'ttr the BelgrPdt m.1Ut''I7' :ouhch, lU&Oillflldn 110~h\ clour colla.bor~~P­

UoA with the scvie' Union ~nil on 6 Aprll, concluded a non-ecgreuion elld

friendr-hip pr.~t vlth lhlel'liP', ill \shieh the tvo nation~ -pled.~;ed th .. rn~el·na
Nl I C-065 t

\o Jtalntain their friendly rolP..tiona eYen ln tho tTent one ot them \fM

attaakecl b7 !'!. third pow•r. HULtn re.prd.od. thh lUI rurther evidence ot
nu.uh.' 8 81111 \o interhre S.n hh DalkM pOUQT. RoweTer, durin~,; the

obuni~ a\r1et nt\ltraUt7 and tetmed to tndtaTOr .... wch .,., eYer \o cloetl3

coop~ra\e vl'b Otr~an1 in \he economic field. At a matter of t~ct, 'he

eTen increP.ted. her th1pmm,te etfectu4 oa th• bosi1 of the \r~de Agre~m•n\a,

1!hh Uat of conduo\ Oil \he pill'\ of Ruub. pt'OTt4 'ferl utetul tor the
German war econo•7• The oon•tnnt flow of rubber ebl~men\e from laet Atla
da Ruella vae perUcularlT lrtporb.n\. On 8 ftb1'1.1A17, \he Chief of th•

Otfloe of ~oonomiee .nd ~mente, General THOMAS, h•d r~or\ed to Oelleral

K.Wll.iil. \hat the 1'\lbber reeen11 Oil han1i Alld \he anUclpa\e4 quanUtr ot
rubber lmporhd d.w•iDg \he f'ir•\ qu.al'hr of llJ41 would mllkt i\ poeel'ble

onlf until the end or March to ~ohleve a 'folume of pro~o\lon cuch ~• wat
reqube4. bt the ~rucu.ren•n' a~enoht. lie po1Dh4 ou\ \hat, if a1'hr \ht

firet ot A~ril no ~rthtr lapor\atlon voul4 be pottlblt, wt woul4 haYt at

0\11' dhpoeel nothlr.g but a aull reaone or lldural rubber lthloh vou.14, a\
the Moat, allov tor • monthlJ production of 3500 tona of rubber for a
period or el&b\ month• •. A.ccor<ltnc \o \hh repor\, Qermo.Df vo\ll.4 haYe

• ln ecr.p~rl•on, 1 wioh to polnt out th~t in 1g4o the conwumptlon of

rubber ln the United St~tet c~me to 660,000 ton• ~nd durin& the
flret hAlt of 1941 amounted to 408,000 tont.
Ml I o-o65 l -us-
to dtpend entlrtl7 oa bunA • (~thout tht addition of nAtural rubber) vhloh,
tor lnnMote ••·• not mlltablt for the proctaoUoa ot t:ruck Urtt.
Thh rtpon induced the Chltf ot tht lfthl'llflcht High CommP~nd to hkt
a44l\loa~l mtaturtt to eeonomlrt oa ~bbtr aoa~mptloa ~nd to lnttruo\ tht
Chltf of tht D~r•~~ of %eonomlo Wartart to lnTtttl,.tt vht\her ln tu\~t

l\ wculcl bt ~Ottlblt to ~ort ~bbtr with the.ald ot b1ocka4t runner1.

The Retch H~rlh~l·too. la hlt cepactt7 •• Otntr8l Dtputt tor the Jour teAr
Plea. concerned himttlf vlth thtt tttremtlf importeD\ qutttloa and con•
wlhcl vUh tOOilOillO U'J)trlt. PlUI were IJUJ.dt vhlch CAlltcl for \ht \raffle
of block~d• runner•• contlsttnc a\ first of tour thlpt runntnc bttveen
Brull ~~t.D.d tht artat under Otrmsa control. .fUrthermore, we hol?ed thd ta
toturt ve vould be able, At 1•~•' to tomt extcn\, to oarr.r on b7 ••~• of
bloeltfld•.. runDtrt the lJit)ol"tlllUoa of JUllbtr fro• the rar ift.et, vhloh a.\
pruen\ ,., aUll ao'I11DIJ TlA the Traae-Slberlnn Batlvqa for thh purpott,

1\ Yal ~l~nfttd to em~l07 prlm~rilr ROtOr bo~tt biOAUII Of their (rtAttr

rwdiu• of ~etton. In order to waTt rubber, lnttruot1ont vere l•~~~d whleh

c.lled tor A n~ dealtlTe eurt~llment ot clTllt~ at well at militAry
truck t~rrte ftnd the ~ropr1ftt1on of the tlret ot the 'f'ahlolee which
vere out of comm18,lon. It v~~ hl~lT doubtfUl vhether 1t vould be ~owtlblt

in thh wq to )"!'Ocure rubber 1n tN.tficien\ ~.-nt1Uee tor future una.

HoweTer, 1D the m~.-ntim~, owl~ to the unlnterru,ted flow from .E:fl.tt Ada

't'la Eu,.~h, we recti'f'ed Nbber in tuoh l~rgft t::Unnt1thn thn.t the top-level

'l'r,._nflll. notet • bunP. - a 17nthet1e rubber m"de from but".diE>no.

11 f c-oaa t

h!lnt.aabt oo..a4 414 aot fear 1DJ aaft:e4 o\ttntoUoa of the tAtUn OJ.)era•
tloae cbte te Nbber ahoriapll. Ja Maroh, \ht 4al1F •••I'll&• of l~~portt4

,.,,,, u0Wltt4 to aoo kl••• aa4, acoor4lac to \he ttatut •• per 2a ttaroh•
UOO \oat YIH btlaC ti'Aiii'POI'\td f1'011 MucliChurlJa, the lfeacharl... Slberla

'or4er tb.UOD, to tht Reich 1tor4era lOCO toae •••• oa \he •a:t froa the
Ma1aoh\U'tu harbor DalHa to MudtcburtJ•I 4000 teat wrt lD Dalrea, vhllt
1100 \oat wre la Jtrpaa aacl 1700 \oat oa the vq then. The lar,ett oporUoa
If \~ttl q..atltltt ''111 reached Ot~ la tlmt btlort tht ••Ar\ of tbt
al\tra 111apalp, Ute latt \rata belac reotl'ft4 oa tht ..,, ot J-llq, tfhlch

- lat l't&U'4t4 •• a44l UoatJ. t'f14aoe \btl\ 'h• 80Ylt' \Jaloa at \ha\ U1111
414 not ea\tr\ala u:r hotUlt plaat apiatt Gtrunr. Ia MaJ. the l.mporta-
tloa ot rQbbtr oa ltloekadt-~lac lblpt Alto be~ to tunotloa, tbl tlrtt
ot 111hloh tailed lato a harbor la nttera lraaot arcnuacl the 20th ot .rune.
OD 6 Mq, 8\alla 'ook O'ftr the pot' ot Chdrua la the Couactl of the

People' 1 Coadt .. rt 1D -place of I~OLOTOY wbo coatlnu4 to tent •• Tlat-

Pretlcleat u4 rortlp Coshtar. !l'hh too IITtlill repr4t4 at u 1114loaUoa

tf ltu~tla't endta'f'OI' 'o Mln,lda aad. •••• e\reqthft tr1ea417 nla\lont

vltb Otl'lllllll'• Oa \ht o\her hr.nd, Rueda ot late vat tek1D& •ai\U"tt at
~~ German border vhleb wert ladubltablJ ot a alll\ar,r Datura, vblcb, hov-
ntr, wre nlclentlJ au:ppott4 to bt tor 4tftnltt purpottt oalJ. 'lbb wat

not tul"prhlDI la Yhv of tht tt\rategt.o concntraUoa la the "'''· vblch

it vat aot 'OODdble to conceal trom tht P.uub.ne. Ot the 121 rifle 41Y1-

Plons, 2" Ce""l1'7 dl'f'hlODI All4 31 MChaDhed brl.Cl"dtt, which 'he Eaeteftl

rordp An~itt Dlvldon of the Anrt7 Oene..,l St"tf took tnto •ocolm\ tn
M9 1 c-oas l

Jklrcpi~a htnla •, ve h-.4, d11rt.a.; 'h• ai441t of hreh, atotr\alat4 th••

14 rlt1t d.blttoat anA I ate't:umbt4 1trlp4tt vere 11oac the o.ru.a aa4
rt.ullh 'iordwt. Slaet , . , Umt, •he 1htu1&at wvt oeattaatlf 'brla&lnt
a44lUOIW.1 fo•o•• up to \ht \ord.trt. .At the '•ctblnc et Jut, pheto-
crllpl\14 Noeaaalttaaot u& rtutlo lntire.,uoa lhovt4 tbat thtH "''* abo•t
4100 ])leaet la \ht ' ' " " 4letrlett u4 &44Uloal 1100 1tlaMI tlttt 'thla&
thea. hrlna the •t441t If hat, the Oeraaa l•ftl •••••• ta Hotoov re-
~rit4 the •••eat of br~ee-eolllt ntlva7 traaeportt tre• then ' ' tt~•
Bal.Uo Stat•••
'!'hi lAP~td OOilo•tfllUOa If 'lbtulaa tlt'Oit fttat4 to 'it Ia Ute UJtralat
whtoh apla att1ltt4 Olr.a ~nh•doat vltil ,.,.,..,to the a.-taa ell
tltl4 Mcloa. vhtre the Alr rorot h&4 m•lUt4 eu tl&tdtl' ~. 18 utt•
drorat• 'a\ttt•ltt AA4 10 ttN-t!&httna ao~~pulet. the OIQ '"Dl'' oo.S.Ut4
t!!ert 40aeltte4 ot the U4 latoilrt (Al»~n•) Dl•ht.oa villeh ba4 'b..a
ttaUoDe4 aro\lll4 PlottU tlaoe the -.4 of the Ialka oAIIIr;'ull,aa clurla1 tilt
llt4dlt ot Jut thlf nt.teloa ""' to 'it l'ep1aot4 \1 aaothtP fonaUn ucl
'sueportt4 to Upper tlleda, .u the 'btcbalaa ot ~.. •tt.• Jllt'Hilth ANJ
'i•~• to atteable ta Mol&.•lat at \ht •••• tl••• tkt ta•tru4tloD 4l•twloa
('he 13th aotonttA Jatalltl7 Dhittoa) •tell, la the ataatlae, ha4 '•••
ctharsge4 \o u ~nort4 dhhloll ~tD4 • • ooalDI fro• !wlaab., ud the 18\h
p_.n .. r DlThloa which, ,!uJ'tac tbe lSI!llku O"lftJ'dp, had. 'lletll 4'tar4bt& tht

!urkhb bo'rder. 'Wtre \rt\l'lttsortecl to thtlr ~•••mblJ uta• b PolMcl. Ill

their place, portlont ot \he 8th ro .. r DlTi!ft oa, vhlch ""' •Ull. la ,._.._I'll
• Set 1'"CC 73 ( Ctt111M ortcln"1).
Ml f C..OGfi 1

Otttae, vert a\bche4 to tht ilnenth Al"Df1• A perUal JDObUhaUo1l of tht

hatulb.a A1'181' ~nil \he tatendtlcaUoa of 4tfenu lltA*'U'II at th• Ruutna
'order vert effected tlmultaneout17 vlth the atrnttclo ooncen,ra\lon ta
Mold"Tia. On 11 J\lnt, JllTL£1 collfi4t4 hh f)1Rt to Otlltl"ftl Alt1CNiSCU' 4urlDI

a meeUna held 1n )olu.nlch n4 4hCilttt4 vHh ht• tbt mhtloa wblah 4evo1Tt4

upoa tbe .Rumnnba .-nnt4 tore•• vUbla tht tcope ~f Optratloa IAUAJt.OSSA.
••glnnlnc with the al4dlt ot June. we vert, tor tht ~rtteat, Ppftrtd the
apprthtatloa conoernln1 a iuttlan lsratloa of Mol4a1ia ovlaa \o the faot
tha' \be DantAbt 1nd PlUth ll"ftrt vert 'both ill tloo4 •toh. "P to J••ll'• u.4t
a oroee~.tmpoawlblt.

11DlaA4'• perUalpaUon lD \ht OtlfPd'-a ac-tnet ,.,, loYle\ Untoa

elrea4J had been dltCt.\1114 la OOAftrtDOtl held a\ Salt~J'I fr.oa 28 ,. 21

Mq bttvttn General JODL ftD4 Oentnl H.illiiCil• \ht lluhh Cbitf of Oeatral

8\aft. On \hh oocadoa. U had ,, .. acr••4• la keep lac vl \Ia rllmhh alai • •

\hat the uJor forctt of the rtanhh A't1J7 would M ooaalUtd at the larellaa
Jethma.t •~~J~~ln•' I.enlalftt4, Vhllt uu!llltr ton••• oondeUnc of a'bou.' three
41v1tlone, would bt emplqred la JA'' kertllta, A4Yanola& ta \ht 41rto\ioa
ot .Pe•ro•a.vo4* M4 tout.h thtrtot, ud. t"o 4lvtlloat voul4 'bt ltumohl!ll aa
a\ tack on the Bu11ba uvd 'ball Han«<. '.rht tup-port of Otnaan elr tore••

hAd b..n oontttaplded tor •.11 thtll operdlont, Ia addUloa, tht Jlrmt ha4
pltd&td tht e.-rl.T oocu.p~ttloa of the Uen4 1tllln.4• la order \o block up. the

Gulf ot Bo\hnlft ~4 hft4 agre~d th~t the 1834 IntAD\~ Dtvleloa. e1 earlr

• Set pn.ge 83 (Oerman orl~nt~l)

we 1 c-o&e t -120-

•• the flret h"lf lA June. voulct be 'r~n•~rted •1a ••o-route from Oelo
to Turku (Abo) •nd trom there aoYtd Yla rAllv~ \o itt aetemb1t AreA •••'
of RoTnnlt~l •. hov•••r• they h~d expretetd tbt roque•' that the conttm•
~l•ted early lblt\ ot \ht as B~\tlt Oroup North fro~ Xlrktntt to Ro••nte•i
bt pott;noned unU1 B-uq. Du.rlng Ad,\Ulonnl eont•rtnott held bt Colonel
JUSCHAN~A.OU'1 1 tht Chitt of •h• Ara.y 1fudqWil'tlre J1orvq, w.Uh the Ylnnltb
General AtAff, 1\ VAt flnftllJ alto ~creed thA\ bt~lnnln« 10 Jane. \he
J'in.nhh ti"'nUtr i!,'\larct voulct bt relnforatd ttnd tbt\ tht mobU.h"'Uoll of

tht f Corpt, whloh VRI ttatloned la Northern rlDlftnd, vou1d 1•t under vat
on 1~ Junt. 'rhe h-1.1DtltorhUca1 b7 vfthr ot thtt 1634 lllfant17 Dhhha
\tpn on 5 or 8 Jv.ne t~nd "~" conclUded b¥ 16 June. Anl'bett•u.tor SCHMUau.

who, at the be~;ilmln,J of .tune, N!4 bton 11nt to Stockhol• in order to loud.
out tht S1111clhh Gonrnmen\, ruporhcl b.D tbt l5Ul U ,". hit hzprenlon tha\
•fter \ht lhrt of tht '"'tern Clllilpdf11 1 SVtd1m would conten' to the raUwq

"' Thu d.eoition to do thh hPd been m11dt recently, beot~u•t ~oother tblft
to the ~lgb\ ot the toroee ttatlonecl tn Rorv8f 1 rueb •• ,_, contemplatt4
l.n c~ne it beontu necurmry to procure one d1 v-h1on for <::r:>eratlon
Slt..B.&Jli'UCKS ( lllt4t 'P"~ 98 - ~r1Mn ort.c,ind) 1 vould. hM'Yt linD \oo 4lt-
f1 eult "nd tlmrJ•W., r t.1 n.,g. ln the rnn?tn Ur1e • tho .Army JU~;h Ccmunnnd. a1
cu,ntempbtecl, Mel trnntftrr•d tho MJ~th lnf"ntr,y Dhlt1on to 0110.
l'he ort~nnhBtloral 111trt1ct.u.ra or A.rrq Jil3'1dfiw.Jl'hre !lorvtty urta now the
tollowtn~t In the Otlo nr$~ 1 the l63d ln!Bntr,y DlYl1lon end the 40th
l1 nnur BtlUft.liOl\ (;n ~•cbl Aniroln:,!nt '-"Ore under 1 h dh'eeto cornrMn4.
The 69th, tht 199th end tho 214th JnfPntr,v Dlvltion were al•o comm1\\t4
in the Oalo ttrtn 111nd andgued to thft X~~:<vt t.u~erior OoM11nd. ~bt
lSlAt ~nd 196th tnfnn\17 nivltlon, ••tlgned td the XXXIll ~porlor
Coril:IIAnd ('llront.lhe1m), war• sht.1oned nt the \'ru\ com~t, vhlh tht 24
And 34 )oloUJ1tA1n t.hhton Md the !9 :Bd \lt Oroun ll or\h ( cou1et1n1
ot two re,;irll~nu vl th tilt bn\t.Alll)ntl nnd tcvorll\l b~\tariu) of the
f•ounb.1D COJ"'DI (NI!!.rYlk) ht the tttr north, were ebUoned tn Jtl!'ktnte.
At rtpl,..c•rnfln\ Cor the 16:!11 Infftnh7 Ubhian, the A"t''AY Jll.d\ Commancl
~ho conhmlllrtet1 tr~atthrr1n~ the ?lOth ~eourlt,y :1h1t1or1 to :W01"Yit7•
\rauftpor\a\loa ol Oern~n troopt throuah htr terrltor.r. Tht amb~•~~~Gr VA*
\htrtupon lni\ruottd \o ~pproPcb the 9wtdl'h Oo1ftnmen\ tn J-D~ or ehot'1r
there~ter vith • r~1u••t tG thl~ etreot.
Oil a Ju.nt, lti'I'LMt bnd 11e\ J4US~~OL1N1 a\ the Brtnntf' Pt.ttl hovever• 01l

thlt occAdon., too, ht ~t~tn.ln eet~at \o hevt eontlnt4 htat8lf \o •"4'·ut Allu-

tlcne to torthoomtn, •••nt~. J\ ~-~ 4eatded not to t~forM Huns~r.r untl1

thft lft~\ •omen\, \e~PUtt HlrtER 414 no\ \rut\ thee. A\ the end ot N~t.

the Oermen Amb•~tud.or tn l!ud•pett, Qentral H1f.fl1.t• heel <lhouue4 vl\h the

HWl&D.rbft CentrAl r.t.l8ft tht oprehoUon of the RUilprbn "·''" ln out ot

• lh.ltto-o.n.-D eonf'Uet a.ntl hA4 l,een gl•tn \ht laformAUoJ1 tha\ tt vouU.
bt potdblt to numblt !liD er1111 d the !iU~tRo-Hun~,n·bn border v.lthin 1.a

61171 lt there wn.- 4"nt;er of 1 Ruttb.D atbck. CD 115 June, Jieloh Joretp

tdnh ter "fOil RlBDi;t~itOP lnehuchd \bet Oerm..-11 Ul'buudot 1n !Ud(t~llt \0

inform the Pun~rt~n Oovern~~nt tbP.' l\ should reckon vl\h a tift between
Ger~~nr ~n4 '"' Sovlt~ Unlon end th~' 1\ voul4 thtrtfott be ft4TltP-blt lt
the1 v~ul~ tmmedlt\tlJ reinforce thtlr frontier dtttnett ac~lnet RuttlA.
'Lbh vu eetul'l'.ll7 dont 'urt.og the ne1r\ ftw 4"'11 1 bovtvtr, no ddl Uona1
«Jer.fltU'U wert trtu:n b.Y Huntt;nrr. beo .. un to the bt\• theJ vert lft the dark
conoernlnc Oermeu1 1 t ~l~nt. en the other h~nd, durln& \he ml4dle ot June,
~rr•m,;.amonh "ere m~t~• tr1 th SloTPkh coneemhls tbe P"U"«e of Germt~ft

troont tbrou~ her territor, ~nd th~ ~~rtlelpPtton of ~OTfkl~n forctl ta

the •~~tern er~p~lgn.

ke~>nllhlle. UtP. lat\ prepnrntioftt vera belDil lftllldt 1A eocoru.ace vUh

the ~ohroftolor.ie~l t~ble for Opar~tion BA~BAw~C~~~. ~hlch Blit~k h~4 ~ro~ed
N9 I C...OSIS t

on & June. Ill tndhu tuocntlon, tbt hnntporh of \he four\h ....nt\ lu\

••~•mblJ tchelon vert ro11ln« to~•rdt thttr poln\1 ct d••tinfttloD a\ the

bttrdu ltOftOrdlDR \o tht ~dmWl o~pacu, toht4\lll "'hlch b~td eon• Into
etf'tot ~l'l 2a ~1q. D••lnrtll'l~ vUh the 10th of JllDt, \ht t\rdegia ~OD•

c•ntr8tlon of tbt bomber unt\1 wa1 tfteo\ed ln the ••~t at tollov~a The
••••mblt of the rourth Atr force under Gentrplobttt' LOIHA toot pl~o• ln
the area ot .Arlll' Droun r.,c,uth. \hat of the t'Jtoond Air roroe Ulld.tr GentJ'flll•
tel4mnrtch~l1 lJSStLRJMn ~a• etreattd ln the artA of Arm, nro~~ Center,
~i1t tbt rtrft\ Air rorco under Oeneralobtr•t liLL~ w•• at~tmble4 ln \ht
erea ot ANJ Orou)) Jlor\h, The Jir force unlt' aonudUt4 ta flnlucl ~•r•

.ubordlnP.ted to the Comn,Mdttr ln Chltt of the 111\b Alr rorot ln Hontq•

Otner~lobera\ !tU)4l?Jf, On 10 June, tht pl~nninc ttafft of the thrtt

mllltar1 41ttr1ct commonder• ••rm~rked for attignmeu\ ln \ht ~\~r• Belch

ln the mt.dcllt of June, the &...,- 1!1114 two t\lb11uarln1 lllltte tleU.t tn \ht OUlf

ot 11nlfllnd, whtle fl•• tU.biN'Irlnu wert ordered to hkt u.p tbncl•b7 J)odUont
1A thtt llt\l tic lltM. A n~ued mn.de bT the NA'f1 Otner~l Statt f'or ptrmhtloa

to be nltrte~ for totten on the ••• ot 1-D~I w~t granted.

On the morntnc of 11 June, JUTL.El\ retuned to the O"J)ihl at\tr a
tt~7 of nearlJ fl•• weekt ~t tht Berr.~ot. fvo dRJt l8ter. ht tummone4 \ht
tou-hvel ComiiiAndert ln Chlet ot ths iiehrmMht And thtlr chUte of th.tt

to tha lfelch Ch,ncelhq tor e l~ttt ll!lddreu •• • Cn 1? .Ju.ne, ht h11ued the

• SfJo p,.g, 90 etc. ( Germ111n orl~n~) •

.. HPcordf! of Hl'i'LXR' • t!ptt@ch held et thit oecl'ldon are unfortunntely
no longor av~llf'b\0,
flnnl in•'ruetione tor st~r\lnc Operation ~AR»Alm~$A on 2?. June and, ordtrt4
ttmt. "' 0:330 A.M. • the Oermon-nuuhn bo.r4er v~t to be orouet1 'bt ltf114 ·l!l.nd
111 r, however, \ti th the rettarvPUon that •" htt 11\t 1300 on 21 June. HUtn
1dght ~till revoke the order Rt tht b ' ' moment, for vhlub conUngeno1 the

coda word Ynl!l "Alton"", vhilt "Dortlll11nd" VPI \o bt the •lanol ior baglnnlnc

th; attack.

en lB June, .HtTL!:Jl 1nttruohd tht Nalch rort1an .. lnhhr to ap!)tal

to h.1m not lAhr thr.n \ht enning ot the next clq 111.ru1, anking rtferenot

to the re:porh reoeind bt the Uehme.cht lil&h Conaan4, to plel\d thAt ira

vt.v ot the cl11ngar ot \he JIUI'Ib.n 1\r~te~c eoncentrP.tlon, further delq

vu no loager Jut!U:fhbh. At the ume Umo, HU:LJ.K elto t\o.hd ha vould

ex;ldn the t.th1ck on the Soviet Unlon bt uurUng the\ M All,\l.o-nuu1all

e.greoment hAd bean in effect tor • lo04 Ume, 11hertb7 the SoTie\ Union vat

1uppotted tG ath.ck t'Jermn111 ln order to cont11111n htr forctt ln the eut end

thua relieve Orttl\t l!r1 bin. ln the f~oe of thh thrtndbsre preted, U
thould 1\g~ln be emphnni2td that the Sovie\ Union did tYitJth1Di pot~iblt

to avoid a conf'lt.ct with O"'nnf\D¥, "t lenet at th~t Juncture.

On the l!tYttnlng of 20 June, litTLh.R pve the dr,n111l "Dortmund." to \he

~iehrml'lcht nnd thu• the colml<~~nd to launch thtJ ~thak ' ' the t-!')&Clfhd hour.

'rhe next dn¥ h• notified HU ~SCl.U;l ot hh deeh1on in a perMntal letter

t..r.d re,.ue"ted hh pnrtici-p.!lltion. 'lrlnnlly, durin,~ the night ot Zl .sunt.

1\Ib.b.J.i.i'.ri\CP trnnP!llltted to the Gel"!nlllln Amb•uMdor in Woacov the text ot the

deolnrAtion ~Jhioh Qref von der S~;HliLCll.bURO vae eurrpoeecl. to W..nd onr •~r11

Mrl JoJOrn1n~J to the ~.oY1et l:'ora1f.11 Comruhmr. lilr.L;.;.R refrf\1ned from Ct\ll1n&
NS f C-OGS l

f, IIU10D Of \he Rdohthl Oli 23 June tor the purpoet of htuln& a tbhllaa\
ot go'ftrnmeftt pollc7, beo•v. ... •• be tfllid, '100 Rtlohth& 4tltcdet woula
end the ttortt and \hut apoll tht ev.rprlte tltmtat. lntttad, he lte~t4 a
proclame\loll to tilt Otri!IN piOple vblch Oil the IIIOI'Illll& Ot 23 Junt \ht lttab
Prop~~Ad~ Hlnltt.tr announced OTtr tht r841o.
Du.rinft hla eo.nfutnctt vl th \ht ComNldtr lal Chltf of Arur St&h Co1111111taA

f!.nd the Chief of 'h• Gtntr~tl Staff ht14 on 9 JtU1WU7 -.n4 3 J'tbl'Wl.rf rttptca-
tl'ftl71 HITL~R had ttftttd t.hA\ Juropt, and t'ftD \ht worl~voul4 hold l\t
breath when Optrattoa JABBA!OSSA lhoul4 bt txtcu\t4. KavtYtr, ta reall\7
U vat probM.bl7 hue tlw\ t.ht world ttU rellt'ft4 vhea HlTLA.a, t.hrou.&h \ht
attack on the 3oYlet Union, unnecettarll7 burdened hlmttlf vl\h a new entar
11nd. thut, at. the "'mt, vUh a tw-trod ver, vhleh llt had oert.ab.lo~ alwq•
Vftnted to &'fold. De•l4et, thlt vat an enem, Wbott ~opulat.lon vee mort
thaa tvlce • 1 lnrge 111 that ot Gel'III\DI Md whoet ooUD.\17 ••• hqe in tbt
ud had mlntrel rettourctt la tno1'11l~U qwmU Ut •· !rbh oolOIIU.t 1 whlch
had ntYtr rtftllJ been conouered1 HitLiR tor1outl7 '•lltved he would bt
able to completelJ defeat snd mftke tubmlttlYe to hit v1ll ln a \ll\1 c~

pRlf;n lnfttlng threa 1 or at the utmoe,, tour montht. Ht vat 10 t1rmlJ coa-
Ylnc•d ot hlt euccett thll\ t'fen before \he et•rt ot the eeetern cnmpftlgn,
he h8tched 8dYenturoue pltnt Which ~lmed etlll higher. At earlr ao the
atiddle of rebrunr. Hl!Lr:ll h!!c1 delepted Oenere.l JODL to ht'ft the Depllr\•

ment for·tntlonPl Detente drAv up a ~lAn concerning the attemblr ot troope

tn Atghnnltt~n tor an attftok on lndls. ln thlt recneat \oo, ht follovtd
in tht toot,tept ot RAPOLlC~ 1. S\r~t to tft7 1 thlt \1••• the responwlble
MG f c-oG& l

..n la the Ar~ al~o teemed to haTe belltTt4 la a r.pld and deoltlTt TiC•

tlme. On the eontrPrft the ArmJ Hlgb Comm~nd, !8 t8rlr AI the btglttnlnl
of June, eugr,ea\ed th~t the Vehrmeoh\ Operation• $taft at ~n earlt date
fora an lde8 with regArd to the oper~\iont which would be con4ao\e4 af\e~

the deftA\ of the nus1lftn armed IOroet •, Which ~rel7 algh\ be oontt~e4

•• u i.ndlcd1on. of th•t.r cer\ain belief ln T1etoJ7. The foe\ thA\, 11lJ h

\he pn ..n\t th• erunpd,-,.t hltd been oonduohd raY,lcl~ and eucceufu117
de~plte and beyond expeotntlon, and H1T~Li 1 • pred1o\1ont hAd 10 t~r alW&fl
pro"Yen tr~.&e, notwUht~t,·,<\lng the scruple• ttnd acepUohm of t.ht aUUaq,

• AI a rosuU, taa UIJ'p..-rtrutut for
.l.~oUonAl Defenu con.'J)1ltd "
"DlrecUYt f 32" ,hloh w111 tubt1Ut41 ~tprellmln"rl' Arranpmente
for the Period following OperAtion BIJWA~!SA", in Vhich the
follovlnl fUture· W~hrmAcht mlt~lone vert en'fl••«•de
l) The contin~tion of the fl~t a~lne\ ?ri\lth poe1tlont
ln th• Me41terrnntPn end tn Aele Minor by ••~• ot oon••r«lDI
aUaclu l«unchad froa J..i'bya throu$ •mt. from JulgBrh o••r
Turker •nd, lf ne~d be, ~ltG from Tr~nte~ac~tlA \hrou~ Irena
~) the blockln« off or the veatorn entrance \o tht
ttedl'\orrRne~n throu~ thea 0111n ture of Olbrttl tftr&
a) the renumptloft or the -•lege of ~ngland" bt mer.nt of
nnTf!ll .-nd ttir f'orct• cmer•Uont, Md. f.ln11lly, the iuatlon of
~glAnd in order to del1••r the cou~ dt crftce to the coll~ptlnc
'Ihh d1rtot1Ye, which Vlll printed. n:rbetlll in Peter de MJIJI}ji:J... S..
OOIU3 1 • book "Tht l:iuornber·g Documentt" (T'ftMI :356 - 360) Vf't,
according to the latter•• etatam~nt, tigned by HlrLfR end i•wue4
on ll June. RoveTer, ln ~ ootn1on, thit lt eppnrentlr ~n error.
ht br ,.,, l reiM.lrnber, th h 4ocurntm t WRft nothing but a t\rl\ft, vhioh
VA' not enn tlubm1tted to GenerAl tii0!1L, muel\ len to JU·:n. ;;,:a, but
\ihich wr.!!! on ll Jv..ns probf'.bli' trAnwmitted to the l:.'ehrtnl!cht brMchell
for prel1rnin~ry pnnlrite, wh1ch hs~pP.ned frenuentlr, And ~hlch WAI
tb:u ~>llt M'!iu~ und•.r pra11e1Ure of cubeequent ov"nts.
M9 f c-065 t

tYldtntly atfeoted \ht power ot Jud&emebt ot the trll 1ta4trt AD4 o.nttl
\he• to un4erett1111Sh \ht obd~~l••• •oh •• the eaonUhll the of \h• .Rut-
dna \t:rrUoq. Ut \rattto anct ollaatlt ooa4Uloat, •b• ..1t.. d.tnl.tl,
enduntaot u4 \oupnttt of \llt l)Opuldloa• ul \ll• tner.v an4 Snt1•,l'bl1U7
ot the 'boltheYlt\le r•al••• Vblch t\oo4 in \kt ~ of HltL11 1 t ••'rava~at


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