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The pipe spool hit the right elbow of a welder resulted in pain and slight swelling
Date: 11-03-2021
Place: Area02, BMP - MEI

What happened?
During the leading of pipe spool (6 inch dia x 24m long) on the 930PR200, it accidently knocked a resting pipe (8 inch dia x 60m long) which shifted and then hit
the right elbow of a welder who was working nearby resulted pain and slight swelling. The IP after consulting with the doctor, transferred to hospital for further
analysis. X-ray done at the hospital found no fracture or injury were sustained and the IP reported back to site.

Why did it happen?

 Lack of supervision
 No wedges provided for the stacked pipe.
 Improper communication - Welder advised the crew to suspend the activities for few minutes to complete the welding of the
joint. The crew stopped, but they restart without the confirmation from the welder.
 The piping crew failed to identify the localized hazards
 The pipe leading activity was not covered in the START Card.

What needs to be differently?

 Stand down meeting to share the cause of incident
 100 % Supervision shall be provided during the pipe leading activities and ensure that the employees are not working by
positioning in line of fire.
 Provided wedges on both sides of the pipe to avoid rollover.
 The work sequences and the same shall be reflected in the START CARD and must be confirmed by Site Supervisors and Area HSE
prior to commence the work.

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